They are reporting the Iraq currency will revalue and will take 2 to 3 years to totally complete the process....It alludes to the dinar revaluing to 1 dinar to 1 dollar (equivalent to 2 cans of cola).
The controversy is in the way he says, 1000 dinar will become 1 dinar...some interpret that to mean the value increase others think of it as a lop.
Guru Med says its impossible to revalue a currency and lop it at the same he feels this is GREAT news--he's not worried a bit.
Its strange because the newscaster mentions HYPER inflation in Iraq, but the gurus have been reporting (backed by articles from the CBI) that inflation has been held in check--and has risen in recent months to about 7% or so.
This is far from hyper inflation....So I'm not sure what to think at this point...I'll wait to hear what Guru Med and the other gurus think about this.