Basic Fractional Banking...
Watch this video now....more to come! :) |
1/12/2012 10:32:30 am
oversimplfied has some numbers wrong
1/12/2012 10:01:05 pm
Benjamin Fulford confirms that Bush and Clinton are selling Iraqi dinars via Japanese Gang et al in Japan (and over the world)
8/7/2014 08:02:36 am
Really? I'll have to check this out.
8/7/2014 08:02:46 am
Really? I'll have to check this out.
8/7/2014 08:02:59 am
Really? I'll have to check this out.
Guru Richard
7/21/2012 07:10:59 pm
Listen, it's typical bull and bear trade, that's why you see a lot of sellers(beats) they think this RV could never happen, I'm a bull and pray this goes up. Their is a lot going on and what I see is for example: China revalues it's own currency by itself and that's what Iraq might do since the MP was just in China . Let's play and see who wins!
I have read some of the comments on this blog and I must tell you that I have not read any that seem to know what is happening.Most of it seems to be make believe or some "guru" that says he knows what he is talking about.Things are happining,but I am not at liberty to say.I will say this,that I have not read anything in this blog that is close to being on the right track. You may say what you want about this comment,but just think about the situation of things as a whole. :Look-you are with the doubt/no-knowledge: The Iraq-Dinar in the US is with fake currencies and are not being validated by the Iraq government there of are considered fake currency. It is a trap, the Clintons took the gold that was backing their currency. Do not go to Bank or you will suffer arrest. You want money: [email protected] I will show you how to, it is simpler than you think. Don't die waiting for Dinar
1/12/2012 01:33:40 pm
The problem is that this banking system is a scam, but all banks do it. See
1/12/2012 09:55:16 pm
The Fractional Reserve Banking System is not a scam!!! It along with the Criminal Uniform Commercial Codes are the systems you, I, and our Parents and Grandparents live UNDER....Notice UNDER!!!! We were not told the rules of the game. How do you play successfully without the rules? The video is a great start to seeing an overview of the rules of the game.
5/19/2012 08:40:42 am
You are wrong on so many levels.
3/5/2012 10:16:59 am
KISS (KEEP IT SUPER SIMPLE) I am enjoying it. Most kids of
5/14/2013 07:04:30 am
Early to bed, early to rise, work like hell and advertise...''
4/6/2012 03:28:20 am
Me To.
Woody Woodyard
4/6/2012 09:42:30 pm
If the dinar is so great why doesn't the news state something about it?
there is not a guru who has been right about anything yet!!!! I'm tired of hearing we are close, we have been close for the past 2 years.
5/5/2012 06:23:23 am
Okie is an Iraqi man who funds dinar dealers in the US. He uses social media,to create large demand for the dinar. He makes millions on the trade. He uses Christianity to tie a spiritual belief into this as well. Meanwhile he is using his followers to load up his wealth. He is no different than a cult leader and is using this event to personally prosper. All of his info is 100% BS and any educated in this subject sees right through his lies. I feel sorry for all the people that have invested o much money in the name of the Lord when really it is Okie and his thugs getting rich.
5/5/2012 06:45:10 am
First clue, go to his chat room and see the big banner to purchase Dinar. Can you say royalties and kickbacks plus the spread. Second clue, just look at the cats and see ll the blind fools following him and just watch their comments. You will think you entered the world of David Koresh<<spelling?
8/5/2012 07:42:42 am
what proof do you have that Okie is an Iraqi man? 9/3/2012 10:45:56 am
OKIE is not an Iraqi gentleman, you can see him and many of your favorite GURU's on this youtube video:
Allison Penn
11/12/2020 09:10:45 am
I was led to the Dinar and Dong all to quick. It had no time to research or understand anything. How do you sell your international monies? I want out. Thank you for you comment. I was trying to get direction from the Lord but have nothing. I sincerely thank you.
10/26/2013 02:18:54 am
I just invested in the dinar three months ago. I did it with the understanding it was more like gambling at a casino than investing. I cannot believe anyone who has been in this game erg long would believe any of the so called "gurus." They hVe been say ing much of the same for years. TNT Tony is one of the worst. Investigate these folks. You'll find many are involved or implicated in scam operations. Will the dinar RV? Probably. Unless Iraq prints new dinar. In that case a lot of us will be flying to Iraq if we want to exchange.
know the truth
12/23/2014 07:50:56 pm
Guys put your thinking cap on.Its a scam. They are making money every time they say RV this week. People go and reserve currency. Pay attention to DC comments if you can understand him. Most of the time he sound like a scam artist. His intell is false.
9/18/2017 12:33:07 pm
agreeing .. the only gurus that seem to be pretty honest are Kaperoni and guru mike .. their comments are very sobering and sensible ...
9/18/2017 01:33:12 pm
The dinars are authentic , so its not a scam ... however the globalist elites went to Iraq to destabilize the country like they did Lybia with a total of 11 countries that did not have a Rothschild bank , there is only 4 left ( Syria . Iran , North Korea and cuba . ) when the elites want Iraq to become successful they will make it happen .. something needs to be done soon .. it could be a new currency( re-denomination) , or a float ,it does not look like its going to be a right out RV overnight ... for sure its been a long ride .. and several gurus have lied to the people when giving dates .. that's where the scam is , lying to people so they rush and by more dinars ... or they have an ego problem wanting to look like they know something we don't TSK ! TSK ! not nice to fool poor people .... but lets keep praying for a beneficial outcome <3
6/16/2012 11:57:32 pm
The first Honest Post I have seen....I believe everything that is stated above....NOW...a little late for my pocketbook. All to do now is just sit back and wait. Something has to happen over in Iraq...but how it will affect their Dinar is to been seen.
Joseph Raley
6/18/2012 01:59:13 am
If this is a scam why should I join ????
7/4/2012 01:23:37 am
I agree. Enough bullshit. Just tell us when it's done. we're tired of the gurus and the guessing games. I call them idiots with wishful guessing. This has been going on for years and it's not any closer. people you're getting older. Find something that makes real money.
12/22/2012 05:29:17 pm
So what you are saying - we have all been taken for a ride?
Ron Wright
5/4/2013 04:50:00 pm
Seems I'm not the only one who has tended to "write it all off" and think "perhaps, perhaps not, maybe, maybe not." Sick of the date-setting antics. Give us a break.
Fast like 9
6/4/2013 08:56:28 pm
I've been saying the same thing about the so call gurus, their guess is about good as mine and I do not follow all of this as much. I put some money in to this but I'm going to go broke over this because my friends went out and got more dinars on the gurus word and now can't pay some of their bills. Now the Do Nothing's aka gurus say they will not give dates now. You can't give a date on something you don't know about
6/24/2013 10:05:54 pm
Sick of the false dates forst 2/23, then June 17 and now June 27 or the first four days of July...stop the madness...
Fast like 9
6/25/2013 07:04:37 pm
Iraq will take the 8.2 billion from China to pay back any debts owed or to pay their people and so their money will not go up and others will not make millions off them, they try to keep the rv from happening that way!
8/18/2013 08:42:54 am
When its all said and done Iraq will do what they are told to do.Does anyone really believe that all of the super powers have left this entire global reset and RV up to Iraq. A couple of the GURUs keep saying NO ONE CAN FORCE IRAQ TO RV OR DO THIS OR THAT. Sure they can they have been and will continue to do so as long as we have time, money, assets and the possibility of Iran getting control of Iraqs oil and resourses never happen wake up. I worked in Iraq for years they cant get together and dig a round hole with out fighting about it. There are way to many countries who have bought the dinar and took it for debts owed and believe me they will be PAID thats all of the uinder the table things going on most dont see. What the squabling is over is the amounts now people are greedy and we are paying the price the small folks.
8/31/2013 09:30:06 pm
its all bull shit.and knows it.making money from the site.the guru's are "pumping up the hype".tnt tony is under indictment in KANSAS CITY.okie,is a fraud.GURU LOECHIN is a asshole.end of story.if it happens .great.but im surprised all the people involved are not indicted,for false whatever you want to call.
Don Carlson
9/12/2013 07:07:55 am
It all comes down to politics and the CBI is in control. They will pick out
Sonny G.
10/7/2013 07:33:01 am
I have only been in the IQD RV hope for about 8 months. I am an Independent and Investment broker. I would have to say that these GURU's are full of bullshit. I can't comment on China giving Iraq 8.2 Billion, they are also going broke. The guy in Vegas "Ali" I think they call him, has anyone ever met him, I was told by 3, that have been in this IQD dream, that he is a big player in the CBI. I am sick and tired of hearing day in and day out, just around the corner. My gut tells me if there is an RV, it could be a float"whatever that is", or the removing the three 000's. I don't know what to believe, my opinion which means absolutely nothing and I am guessing the earliest it has a chance of dropping the three zero's is 2015. Just my two cents, I am a little concerned right now about a civil or Revolutionary War breaking out in America. 14 States have set up their militias, and the own state defense forces, and the Oathkeepers have been organizing which started a couple of weeks ago. I guess time will tell if we are still alive if and when it happens.
12/5/2013 03:26:16 am
Lets cross over to bridges that take us to the root cause of the problems. We simply have a corrupt congress and senate. There's a quickening of thought as to why this present administration has been able to trespass upon so many trusted guide lines that have been the staple of this Democracy since its conception. Why hasn't there been a ethical uproar from the people. Hopefully there will be, hopefully this up coming election will bring people to revolt with their VOTES. This will only happen if they survey their hearts and elect individuals who truly want the laws of this land to stand for something. Do their duty for the people, change whats inside of yourself and your eyes will begin to see who is speaking with forked tongue. Clean your own house then clean the white house.Don't post this this could have to much shock effect. Before we look for the sliver in another's eye we must first remove the BEAM from our own.To talk heart to heart you must have one, not one that fondly remembers his pot smoking days, if this is your bed time story selection then you have your answer. Those who know what that means are angry and miss a responsible and collective individual and not one who just doesn't seem to know whats going on in his administration. However he certainly knows how to find the Golf Fields.
Lost 500 dollars
3/24/2014 02:19:34 pm
chill out bitch
12/13/2013 07:19:30 am
For years some of my friends had been trying to get me to buy the Dinar. I finally made the purchase in August 2013 without doing much homework. I immediately began to follow all the websites proclaiming our imminent wealth. I read what all the guru's had to say and remained hopeful. I soon began to see more and more negative reports on the Dinar on the internet. I became even more concerned after reading what a number of writers for Forbes magazine had to say about the Dinar. I immediately spoke to my friends and they managed to put me at ease for a while. I continue to struggle with the legitimacy of the Dinar and if we will ever see a pay day I have come to at least one conclusion so far; "If in fact the Dinar Thing, which we are all involved in was a SCAM, the Department of Justice would have slammed the door on these guys already". All of the companies would have been seized, all of the assets would have been confiscated, all the players involved would have been indicted, prosecuted and sentenced to long jail terms in Club Fed. Since I have yet to here that that has happened I can only assume that we are okay. When and if the DOJ does in fact move in then we can be assured that we have all been taken. Until that happens I will remain positive. If anyone out there has any contrary information please feel free to let me know. Personally I would like for this to all be over so I don't have to read about the Dinar on a daily basis. Best of luck to all and it is my fondest hope that the Lord will richly bless all of you. Have a great day, Jeff Spencer
Edward Wilus
6/1/2018 08:04:40 pm
2/2/2014 04:56:48 am
My brother and I purchased 1MM dinar in 2004. We bought it for $750 and decided that between us we could each stand to loose $375 and not have it devastate our lives. We haven't bought any since that date.
3/24/2014 02:16:25 pm
Will it revalue or not. That is the question. I have just started to purchase and all the posts I see are 2-4 years old. I believe that some currency have and will revalue such as the Kuwait money years ago. BUT...Iraq money is a different breed. Stop fooling yourself. Use the money and buy weed stocks. Hurry before that goes bust too
8/6/2014 10:59:27 pm
I'm with you Maryanne, I bought 1M in 2005 for a $824 w/SH.
Big Al
3/3/2014 10:35:18 pm
God said he would never leave us or forsake us.
John Woodfishy
4/15/2014 05:25:47 am
Its b.s. Till it happens(if and when)be optimistic, but don't try
9/28/2014 03:14:05 am
The way the Mechanics of Economy Based on Gold Back Currencies works like this:
11/13/2014 09:11:57 am
When is there going to be some CURRENT information here? All of the information is 2012.
Steven Robertson
11/20/2014 05:45:33 am
I think it probably will eventually happen. Iraq was once the fourth largest oil producer. Can be again. Has the most fresh surface water in the middle east. And has known plutonium. I bought 10or 11 years ago knowing it was more of a gamble than investment but betting it would never go down and it has gone up a bit. At any time I could have doubled my money on e bay selling one note at a time so really not a bad investment. With what has happened in the past six months I feel it may go up soon. Maybe a little. Maybe a lot. Probably NOT a million times though that is about what G Bush ll and many others seemed to hope for. I agree many gurus are scammers trying to get rich. When the sales and auctions at 1166/1 are suspended look for profits. I thought this had happened a couple months ago but it was very short lived. All in all I believe this was better founded than most gambles but probably not a millionaire maker in the short term and if you believe the gurus once it does begin to float we may only have two to five years to cash out. Hey most gambles give NO return here you can get your money back with maybe a chance at more than the 1/2 percent interest banks and CUs will pay
1/11/15 the confusion is old comments pro or con ,it's a scam or you
gary g.-- = gray ,has all the anwsers using fiat dong for fiat dollars.this is
Les Young
7/12/2015 01:47:24 pm
Money is created by products or services (work). Money is merely a means of trading my services and/or products for services and products I desire. It is a system of barter that has a middle man we call "money". We convert it for convenience. If I have apples and I want bananas but the guy with bananas does not want apples, I must give him something so that he can buy what he wants, oranges. So we agree that we will make coins and establish values and trade products using the coins. The same applies to labor. I work so many hours for apples or oranges or bananas but get coins so I can exchange my labor for what I want. There is no limit to money except the limit of how much work or products are available. The government can and does foul the system when it prints money when no labor or product is involved. This devalues the money or inflates the money because nothing is exchanged and the total coinage increases without labor or product increasing. Interest also decreases the value of money for the same reason: no product or service is there to exchange...just more coinage is needed and created. We could barter all products and services but it is too awkward to trade for what we want so we put up with the government printing money without adding products or services and we pay interest to get money to use, hopefully to create more products and or give or get services. Inevitably the money supply will exceed the products and services and with cause a crash because the money devalues too much to be practical. We end up having to have a wheelbarrow to take enough money to the grocery store and buy a loaf of bread. This literally happened in Germany setting up the opportunity for Hitler to step in and create his own solution. We are about to see our money system collapse, but it won't because we are about to switch to a global currency which will, in a sense, start us over again with new values established by law rather than by labor or services. It will be interesting to see how long this system will be able to maintain itself
Howard Price
9/10/2015 07:12:09 am
I have been invested in this Revaluation of the IQD for 7 years. When I got in, I was told that Donald Trump had invested around $300,000.00 at that time. Does anyone know if that is true or false? If it is true, I think he would be in a position to have an affect on the RV, especially if he were to become President. For that reason, my money is on him for the nomination. What say you, Guru's?
10/31/2015 10:23:12 pm
Just wanted to make the statement that this video has nothing to do with the revaluation of the Iraqi Dinar.
12/28/2015 08:48:45 am
Over been playing this Dinar game since 2004 when I got a million for a present from a friend. I have gotten more since then.
Dammit Man
1/15/2016 07:18:54 pm
We all know that the RV will never happen! I brought it back in 2005! I pray that this brings you hope in your life. I pray that you can move on , TAP YOUR HEELS and go to dream world!!!! OZ is waiteeennn. The spelling of your gurus is as bad as predicchuns, IMO!
I just read today that we are looking at July they said someone had printed something about the middle of 2016 I read earlier it was going to be by the first quarter that means they have extended it what seems to be the holdup they are so far past the time 2 reevaluate their currency it doesn't take that long to do it if they are going to go at the same time Kuwait does the jumping-off point is next week but now they're talking about July all I can see is they keep dragging this on and on my frustration has got to be as much as others that are out there that have been waiting for this for so long
4/11/2016 08:15:44 am
7/28/2016 11:10:07 am
Dinar will go up between 2016 , 2017 , Iraq war will be end the end of 2016 in Mosul , please give time
10/21/2017 01:44:13 pm
Why are more people supporting this only when cryptocurrency is the future technology.
1/3/2018 01:12:23 am
Hi Dave,
12/16/2018 12:31:02 pm
I’ve clicked on link twice before and now so why can’t I see a video here no more.
Lina Davis
9/12/2020 07:39:52 am
Why I can’t get the video
The Profit Prophet
11/10/2020 01:37:10 pm
I am the supreme teller of truth here. ALL my prophecies have come true. I will yet make another one! The RV will not happen until after many false predictions, until after Jan 2021 and from then out, will continually be postponed and delayed after every so called guru make their coveted intel prediction. Tell me I am wrong
6/15/2021 05:44:03 pm
Where is the video?
Carol Holmes
4/8/2023 12:44:30 pm
Wow, it so sad I was always told what goes up must come down. Where is thy faith. God time is the right time, not man time. Smile
Roy Griffin
4/16/2023 05:29:47 pm
I couldn't find a link to the video????
11/5/2024 09:30:01 am
No link to the video
11/5/2024 11:48:47 pm
The expertise of the Black State to keep everyone confused with Fictional Grammar is coming to an End. With the cause and just Lien of $25,000 per Investor is in transition to cancel out this scandolous site. Stop making this conflict a mystery.
齋藤 武彦
1/6/2025 12:38:26 am
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