kaperoni: Let’s get started….
kaperoni: First article…
kaperoni: Interview with Dr. MP. Haider al-Abadi – Date: Tue 03/01/2012 2:12 http://www.qanon302.net/news/news.php?action=view&id=11250
kaperoni: Quote…
kaperoni: “ but it needs to legislation to liquidate the benefits of debt and the other between the dinar, the old and the new dinar and the project in the process of discussion with the Central Bank of Iraq because the process of substitution two-year Tbdoua in 2013 must also adopt the budget in 2013 dinar new,“
kaperoni: So we all been looking for parliament to address this issue. And so far no results….well until today…
kaperoni: Next article…
kaperoni: Dr. Ibrahim Al-Allaf, Director of the Center for regional studies at the University of Mosul: adopt two key deployment “objective scientific vision and national constants” – March 27, 2012, 6:14 pmhttp://www.iraqyoon.net/news_details.php?details=1017
kaperoni: Dr. Al-Allaf makes this statement in regard to the ‘delete 3 zeros” process….
kaperoni: Quote…
kaperoni: “…stressed that external debt is at acceptable levels, and completed a series of legal enactments which are associated with this process,”
kaperoni: Did you see that? Apparently, they have completed the legal enactments (laws) which were needed!
kaperoni: Ok, so we’re good to go…We are on the clock!
kaperoni: So this next quote by Dr. Al-Allaf reiterates the significance of this event…
kaperoni: Quote…
kaperoni: “Allaf said that the issue raised many debates response project will enhance researcher trust symbols of national sovereignty of the country and is the Iraqi dinar, and enhance confidence in the national currency to the citizen well it will help Iraqi dinar value high monetary reform…”
kaperoni: Three great points here…
kaperoni: 1. A countries “national sovereignty” is it’s currency..which is the Iraqi Dinar.
kaperoni: 2. This is event will bring confidence back to the dinar, and lastly
kaperoni: 3. This reform will help it gain “high value.”
kaperoni: Next article will clear up once again what “delete 3 zeros” or “lift 3 zeros” really means.
kaperoni: Article…
kaperoni: Iraq is to delete the zeros of the Danarh and raise its value against the dollar – Sunday, March 25, 2012http://international.daralhayat.com/internationalarticle/293681
kaperoni: We have always stated that this event was a collection of larger notes. That the CBI is using the banks to hold back the 1,000, 5,000, 10,000 and 25,000 dinars from circulation. That this process is “delete the 3 zeros.” Well look at this quote…
kaperoni: “Official sources in the Iraqi Central Bank to the project to delete three zeros from the Iraqi dinar actually began,”
kaperoni: You see what that says? That means we are correct.
kaperoni: That, in fact, the CBI is holding back the larger dinars. Why are we correct? Cause any other offering would be known. If a LOP had taken place, we would know. This little tidbit confirms what we already knew months ago based on other articles. But this recent statement clearly confirms that once again we are correct!
kaperoni: In recent days there has been some talk about a certain Iraqi citizen. That he went on a conference call and made statements that may have implied a LOP if you believed his understanding of the event.
kaperoni: Well, nobody knew that he also sent me an email with this little gem….
kaperoni: “they are paying all employees salaries with lower Denoms now.”
kaperoni: So what does that mean?
kaperoni: It means clearly that Iraqis for some time have been paid in 50, 250, and 500 dinars at the banks. We already knew that months ago…but this quote adds more factual support to what is happening. And this little piece of information goes a long way to support the theory that if the CBI was in fact removing the larger notes as we say, his statement supports that information and confirms we are accurate in “delete 3 zeros,” or now known as “lift 3 zeros”.
kaperoni: Quote…
kaperoni: “She explained that the budget next year will be the new dinar, which will serve the Central Bank to gradually raise its value against the dollar and equal access to price, any dinars per dollar.”
kaperoni: Need more proof? Another article…
kaperoni: Deleted 3 zeroes from the Iraqi dinar cost «Central» $ 150 million – Monday, March 26 http://www.iwffo.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=52101:2012-03-26-14-25-29&catid=5:2011-09-15-06-23-42&Itemid=6
kaperoni: Quote…
kaperoni: “the draft deleted three zeros from the Iraqi dinar began effectively”
kaperoni: More confirmation they have already began the process. Next quote…
kaperoni: “«Central» to raise its value gradually against the dollar up to be equal any dinars per dollar.”
kaperoni: We can take from this that the dinar will not LOP or redenominate. Clearly are the words directly stating…”gradually raise it’s value against the dollar to equal” or “raise its value gradually against the dollar up to be equal any dinars per dollar.”
kaperoni: Again sorry LOPsters, but you’re wrong. Eating crow must taste bad, come see me later, I will give you some pizza…lol Tick tock….
kaperoni: I like this next article…
kaperoni: (Citizen) reveal the intentions of raising the value of all Iraqi dinars to equal one dollar – On: Wednesday 03/21/2012 19:48http://www.alwathika.com/article/?t=9308
kaperoni: In the title along is a great quote…”intentions of raising the value of all Iraqi dinars to equal one dollar”
kaperoni: That is spectacular because LOPsters want you to think your large 3 zeros notes will only be worth $21. Clearly, this article holds no bias. All notes will appreciate in value. That is the reason for the collection now of the larger 3 zero notes. The shear danger of having them in circulation post RV.
kaperoni: Here is another great quote…
kaperoni: “A source in the Iraqi Central Bank about four companies currently competing to win the draft printing the new Iraqi dinar, which will generate graceful after deleting three zeros from it, as Samay central bank to raise the value of the dinar against the dollar gradually down to the day to start replacement where the value will be in the absence of a fluctuation Iraqi dinars, equivalent to one U.S. $ one.”
kaperoni: More great information…The CBI states that the new lower denominations will be introduced slowly (graceful) once they have “delete 3 zeros” (collected larger notes), which is mostly done. Once again we see that the CBI will raise the value of the dinar “gradually” to the point they start giving out the new currency. A point at which the dinar is equivalent to $1 USD.
kaperoni: Now we have some information…and the clock is ticking…tick tock…
kaperoni: So now we need a new timeline….A timeline that make sense with these articles. Without posting a bunch of articles, we already all know we have seen many that state sometime from Sept –Dec this must be accomplished as they want to start the 2013 budget with this new rate. I think we can do better. I think we can move that up quite a bit. Here is the next article and quote…
kaperoni: Esawi: Today’s meeting unanimously adopted 5 resolutions – 27/03/2012 16:37:00http://www.ninanews.com/english/News_Details.asp?ar95_VQ=FKJFIJ
kaperoni: Finance Minister Rafi’ Al Esawi said this today….
kaperoni: Quote…
kaperoni: “Iraq will begin on June 1st, 2012, the implementation of the tariff customs,”
kaperoni: Ok, so we got some good news! They are not going to impliment tariffs with a .10 rate. They will have to get the rate to a acceptable level before these tariffs take effect. Will that be 1.17 to $1? That is yet to be seen. But clearly, if what was stated above, your currency is a symbol of national sovereignty, the rate will not be .10 in June.
kaperoni: We also have heard all this before. To be told Tariffs would be implemented, only to be delayed…Here is a new article…
kaperoni: Parliamentary Committee: customs tariff system will enter Iraq to WTO – 23/03/2012 14:18http://www.aknews.com/ar/aknews/2/297430/
kaperoni: Quote….
kaperoni: “the Parliamentary Commission on the economy and investment, on Friday, that the application of the tariff regime for Iraq will be entered within WTO, pointing out that the Government has an obligation to take action to protect the economy and rising prices.”
kaperoni: “Finance Minister Rafe Al-Issawi announced last week, to determine first of June as the date for the tariff regime in Iraq after having been postponed twice, “he said, adding that” this time cannot be deferred action. “
kaperoni: This is great news! They will not delay it again, which puts the RV on the clock…tick tock…
kaperoni: Two more supporting quotes…
kaperoni: “Iraq is ready to apply the special tariff system after modifications, and will be applied in June.”
kaperoni: “tariff will limit entry of goods of poor origin and would support the introduction of Iraq went into the WTO.”
kaperoni: Now we know Iraq wants into the WTO. Will that come soon? Well they need to accomplish these reforms before it will happen. There is no way to circumvent that. Here is a great article…
kaperoni: Terms complex to join the World Trade Organization – 25.03.2012 http://www.iraqhurr.org/content/article/24526583.html
kaperoni: House of Representatives Abdul- Hussein Abtan made these comments…..
kaperoni: Quote…
kaperoni: “(Iraq) in dire need to join the World Trade Organization,”
kaperoni: Quote…
kaperoni: “this need will be strengthened in the future when the Iraqi economy moving on the world map, pointing out that the WTO has a lot of tools that can benefit”
kaperoni: Iraqi economic analyst Bassem Jamil Antoine made these comments in the same article…
kaperoni: Quote…
kaperoni: “is not ready at the moment of accession to the WTO,”
kaperoni: And this quote…
kaperoni: “does not have a professional staff of professional that can manage the file by which to negotiate with the World Trade Organization.”
kaperoni: And this quote…
kaperoni: And this last quote…
kaperoni: “It is noted by observers that Iraq’s attempts to join the World Trade Organization seem a form of political and economic behavior is unrealistic, because it still imports most of its food basket from the outside, and suffers from high unemployment.”
kaperoni: So we see that from this information that Iraq has work to do.,,,,That doing nothing is getting them nowhere. And if their plan is to achieve this goal, they better start making strides soon. They better start the RV now.
kaperoni: This last article is good…
kaperoni: Trade Organization» requiring Iraq to accept sweeping reforms in its membership – Friday, March 23, 2012http://international.daralhayat.com/
kaperoni: Mohammed Saleh makes this great quote…
kaperoni: Taking in regard to accession into the WTO…. “He noted that the organization called for changing the labor laws, trade and investment, customs and laws of money, which is difficult, being the need for concerted legislative and executive branches.”
kaperoni: Here we see once again what is needed…but key in on… “laws of money”
kaperoni: We already know from previous articles that the condition Saleh is referring to is…
kaperoni: Quote… “He said the main duties of the task force are reducing the difference of value between Iraqi Dinar and US dollar and activating Iraq’s private sector.”
kaperoni: He makes one more very good quote…
kaperoni: “the majority of Arab and foreign investors reluctant to enter Iraq because of lack of confidence in the laws and conditions, but after joining we will send a full message of reassurance to them”
kaperoni: So let’s toss in a few more issues to consider…
kaperoni: Obligation to encourage state and private banking
kaperoni: The CBI has issues with hard currency leaving Iraq (USD)
kaperoni: The counterfeiting issue
kaperoni: De-dollarization
kaperoni: The need for an internationally tradable currency higher than the dollar
kaperoni: Reduce unemployment, stimulate economic growth
kaperoni: Reduce inflation
kaperoni: Shabibi has what he needs in place now…security, border control.
kaperoni: All he needs is unity.
kaperoni: I think that sums it up. The CBI is on the clock…time to get the RV in motion. Shabibi has 60 days to get this rate where it needs to be for the economic advancement of the country. He needs to make his move now.
kaperoni: Tick tock….
kaperoni: Done