A Simple Quiz by funny community member BNA13
- Do you find it difficult to disregard an intel post with which you may disagree?
- Have you been kicked, suspended or banned from any chatroom or website?
- Do posts from "Certain Gurus" make you froth at the mouth like a rabid squirrel?
- Does the very sight of the name a “Particular Guru” send you into uncontrollable convulsions?
- Have you ever posted the comment “no comment”?
If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, then through no fault of
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This condition is characterized by the inane, yet irresistable need to post critical, sometimes inflammatory responses to posts containing “Rumtel”. In some acute cases, the person reposting the information is also victimized.
There is Hope
In a landmark study conducted by the researchers at Dinar University, in conjunction with the Association of Un-Associated Dinar Websites, a break-through has been achieved. “Bashanistas” no longer have to suffer in anonymity. You can have your life back again.
The wonder treatment Lessbasharex is now available in tablet form. Used in a strictly controlled daily schedule, alongside an approved diet and exercise regimen**, the results can be nothing short of miraculous.
You can be happy once again, free to peruse all posts and chats with confidence. You can go back to those care free months when no post or chat of rumtel infringed upon your mental and emotional well being.
Disclaimer; Results may vary. Side effects may include, but are not limited to nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, blurred vision, shortness of breath, stiffness of joints, especially fingers. Cold sweats, night sweats, Some study participants reported listlessness, dizziness and intermittent cravings for escargot. Do not use if you are currently using any other medication, including Rum, Tequila or vitamins. Do not hold small children as you may experience weakness in arms and legs and loss of motor skills.
Some men experienced excessive hair growth in ears, nose and back.
Others reported a new understanding of articles translated by Google and Bing, some extreme cases even understood “watermelon” and “babysit”.
Some women experienced excessive water retention one week out of four. A larger percentage reported a deep disdain for Hybrid cars and elected Democrats.
*The study found 10% of cases were attributed to environment. 90% of cases were attributed to genetic makeup. (Commonly referred to as natural born BLEEP)
**Trips from the computer to the bathroom, to the fridge, back to the computer are not considered approved regimens
Ask a Site Moderator if Lessbasharex is right for you.
Yes. You CAN be you again!
If you suspect that a friend or loved one is suffering from this debilitating condition, call, 1-BASHANISTA (this is a silly joke...don't call! :)