Some say the IMF...others say the CBI. Who's right? It's always been a mystery. This video with IMF head Lagarde sheds some serious light on the subject.
The Swiss National Bank (their CBI) decided to remove the "artificial" cap (also called a peg) to the Euro and allowing it to move freely with a float or semi freely with a managed float...
The dinar moving to a free float or managed float is what some gurus feel will happen to the dinar! Some say this CAN"T happen without the IMF.
Right now the Dinar is pegged to the dollar. Could the CBI simply move to a float without "permission" from the IMF too like the SNB has done???
You can see in the video Lagarde was taken completely by surprise by the SNB's move. The head of the IMF had NO idea this as gong to happen.
Pay close attention to what Lagarde says at the 1:10 mark...also pay close attention to her body language throughout the interview. (watch the short 3 minute video below.)
The Swiss Franc is a major currency...and the dinar obviously is do these "rules" hold true for developing currencies? Stay tuned to as the gurus chime in on this critical topic...
talk soon