She makes great points and talks to so good contacts. Sounds like her personal opinion is that this is a poor investment with little to no upside.
She bases most of her view on the thoughts and advice of "Currency expert John Jagerson"...
She shoots holes in the Kuwaiti Dinar and Global Reset story we've all heard...
I would have liked to see the report delve even deeper into what we see in print here in the US and in Iraq nearly everyday..
She doesn't touch on:
Unclassified: The Furture of Iraq Project report from 2003 I sent this to already but here it is again.
The 2012 official report to Congress that specifically mentions currency reform that was postponed at that time.
That's just two interesting documents...but here again this is a 3 minute segment for a local news station so this is a complex subject to cover in such a short amount of time.
I'm sure the gurus will address each of Michell's claims in the coming weeks...I'm looking forward to their response. Check out her video below and the report that follows.
Albertville resident Tim Jones is one of those who bought in, along with his pastor and several church members.
Years later, the payoff still hasn’t come. A WHNT News 19 investigation also uncovered warnings from state regulators, the Better Business Bureau and financial experts calling dinar investment a scam.