Is this the beginning of Iraq letting their citizens know their currency will have value soon? I sure hope so...Blanche
This comes from the currency newshound...
Dinar Guru |
Its also very interesting to see a US article translated into their language and not the other way around. (this article was an Arabic translation of a US article then translated back to!)
Is this the beginning of Iraq letting their citizens know their currency will have value soon? I sure hope so...Blanche This comes from the currency newshound... Hi Below is a chat from Guru Kaperoni...He dives deep into the progress Iraq is making toward independence as well as the progress being made toward the Dinar RV. He even touches on some hot button topics like LOP and lifting of the zeros... GREAT STUFF!! :) This chat takes place in late November 2011...the US troops are leaving shortly and the Iraqi GOI is debating the lifting of the zeros... Enjoy! Blanche 11-28-2011 Guru Kaperoni Chat "The Truth and Reality of the Iraqi Government Part III kaperoni: Today’s chat is… "The Truth and Reality of the Iraqi Government – Part 3" kaperoni: This chat will be an outline of the causes, reasons, and solutions for the delays pertaining to the revaluation of the New Iraqi Dinar. Today we will focus on "everything is now in motion" as it pertains to the pending revaluation. kaperoni: Though it may not be the “promise” you want to hear, it outlines the ineptness and bureaucracy that Parliament and the Government have played in the delay in the revaluation of the New Iraqi Dinar. kaperoni: Let’s get started… kaperoni: Ok, last chat was all about what to look for…This chat we will see if, in fact, we were right, and if the items we mention are now in motion. kaperoni: Article… kaperoni: Hundreds of international companies confirm their presence in the gallery of Basra International Oil and Gas - 27/11/2011 kaperoni: Quote… kaperoni: “475 global company specializing in oil and gas represents 37 countries, offers the latest techniques and modern technology for oil and gas, energy, He added: "This exhibition is the biggest event in the Middle East…” kaperoni: As we can see from this quote, Iraq is not slowing down drawing investors into Iraq. In fact, I would say over the last 3 months, Iraq has been more aggressive to line up these business dealing and contracts. ... Read More Link on Right Next article… kaperoni: Iraq: planning calls for the speedy adoption of the budget 2012 - 27/11/2011 kaperoni: Quote… kaperoni: “Iraqi cities and need money desperately to build its infrastructure destroyed by years of war, sanctions and violence.” kaperoni: Now we see from this quote, Iraq is broke. The RV will help them substantially when they do it. They cannot afford to wait much longer. kaperoni: Next article.... kaperoni: Parliament: the Iraqi economy is uncertain and needs to policy-making of the new - 27/11/2011 kaperoni: Quote.. kaperoni: “Iraq's economy is still not clearly defined "Is it an economy or market as a result of confusion of his policy," noting that the Federal Government is still working laws inclusiveness that operate in the former regime. And called Friday: to form a joint committee between the economic ministries such as the Ministry of Planning and Finance and Trade to draw economic policy of the country and to develop visions of the future has in order to promote it and develop it.” kaperoni: And this quote.. kaperoni: “stressing: the need develop visions of future economic of the country. and between a member of the Economic Commission representative: that any strategic plan draws to its economy will succeed the result of what Iraq possessed of the elements of great economic of all sectors, calling for: the need to promote agricultural and industrial production for the development of the Iraqi economy from a unilateral to a multi-faceted.” kaperoni: As we have stated, this is a bigger plan than just an RV of the dinar. And those two quotes show us again that there is progress, I am cautiously optimistic, as there are also still many issues of concern. Policy, laws, organization all are playing a roll. Yes, time is of the essence. kaperoni: Next article… kaperoni: Mass of free form committees to study the mechanisms of distribution of wealth to the people - 23/11/2011 kaperoni: We can see just by the title alone of the article, Iraq is moving forward. They are at a point where they are at the planning stages for the economic “revival” of Iraq. This is progress. This quote… kaperoni: “A member of the cluster's bright Naji (the people), "The Liberal cluster formed committees took it upon themselves to open up the political blocs to prepare reports and studies to find a mechanism or how to distribute wealth to the people." kaperoni: And this quote… kaperoni: He explained that "the Government to include the principles of the distribution of wealth to the people in the budget next year so that there is a legitimate legal to distribute the wealth, the fact that the process of political stability in the country require the lifting of the economic situation of the individual." kaperoni: Good quote here…”political stability in the country requires the lifting of the economic situation of the individual”... pretty strong words, and words that we have been waiting to hear for a while. kaperoni: Now, I want to go back to a quote from the Assistant Dean of the college – Dr. Fadel I think this is very important to remember…He is taking in regard to the ‘Delete 3 zero” process… kaperoni: “responsibility lies with the Central Bank of Iraq in the case of the decision to move to the application of this procedure where it should be the process smoothly without any problems and that the new dinar will be announced to start a new era, not just the currency removed zeros but also gives hope to the end of the time of war, sanctions and inflation” kaperoni: Now that has bothered me. Because I wondered when is the end? Is there an official time or date? Is there some mechanism that we can look at to see if this would be the time for the RV? Let’s look at this article… kaperoni: Biden to Iraq at the end of this month to meet with political leaders -25/11/2011 kaperoni: Quote… kaperoni: “According to Iraqi government sources reliable that the U.S. Vice President Joseph Biden will arrive in Baghdad in the twenty-ninth of this month to meet with various political leaders in the country, which will have completed preparations to bid farewell to U.S. troops after nearly 9 years of invading Iraq and toppling Saddam Hussein.” kaperoni: Nice. So is there some finality to the war? This could very well be what Dr. Fadel was talking about. And if so, Nov 29th is just two days from now. Let’s look at this next quote… kaperoni: “And despite the fact that Biden's visit will not only be a protocol in terms of participating in the celebrations of departure of the last U.S. troops to Iraq, but Iraqi political leaders often make the meeting with the leaders of American and specifically with Biden in charge of handling the issue of Iraq at the White House is of great importance.” kaperoni: So we see here this will be a celebration. What better time to RV, right? This event seems very significant. Another article… kaperoni: Withdrawal day named "fidelity" day, Premier Maliki - 11/26/2011 kaperoni: Quote… kaperoni: “Premier Nouri al-Maliki decide to name the date of US forces withdrawal as "fidelity day". Kaperoni: Interesting choice of words. We seen on the 29th, it will be called “fidelity” day. kaperoni: What is the meaning of the this word “fidelity” What comes to mind is commitment and faithfulness. But I don’t know if there are alternative Arabic meanings. Here are few more definitions… kaperoni: Fidelity implies the unfailing fulfillment of one's duties and obligations kaperoni: fidelity in keeping promises kaperoni: I believe we can say, “things are in motion.” kaperoni: Next article… kaperoni: Baghdad operations: we started the implementation of our plan to lift concrete barriers and open roads 22/11/2011 kaperoni: Another quote… kaperoni: "as directed by the commander of the armed forces launched the Baghdad Operations Command to lift concrete barriers and the opening of all roads in all areas without exception , "adding that" the need to preclude the existence of these barriers and security forces able to maintain security. " kaperoni: Clearly we can see Iraq is starting to take some risks. They are opening up the Green Zone and removing concrete barriers. This is risky, IMO, if they do not satisfy the people very soon. Another quote.. kaperoni: “The Baghdad Operations Command, on Tuesday, it began implementing its plan to lift concrete barriers and the opening of roads in all areas of the capital as well as reducing the number of checkpoints,” kaperoni: And this one... kaperoni: "will lift these barriers within the specified period of her 45 days," noting that the process "will include all areas except for governmental institutions." kaperoni: It is pretty obvious, that Maliki is going to start the new year off with all these economic plans and, as well, opening the city. kaperoni: That being said, it is clear there still are issues within the GOI to work out. Let’s look at this article… kaperoni: MP calls for her coalition league and state law to sit on a round table for the last time to resolve outstanding issues - Sat 11/26/2011 kaperoni: Quote… kaperoni: “The league said in a statement (of the Agency news) on Saturday: that the differences between the coalition and Iraqi rule of law has occurred to the long patience of the Iraqi street, waiting for resolution of these differences that are supposed to be resolved before the U.S. withdrawal to be a message reassuring the Iraqi street.” kaperoni: Well this goes right along with everything above and what Shabibi has always asked for. Resolution of differences is nice to read. Another quote… kaperoni: “She added: "The State of Law coalition in Iraq and sit on a round table for the last time to resolve outstanding issues concerning the implementation of the terms of the Erbil and security ministries," kaperoni: And this one… kaperoni: "There are promises by state law to resolve the outstanding problems and the implementation of the remainder of the terms of the Arbilat the earliest opportunity particularly with regard to the ministries of security and the National Council for the strategic policies and the balance in the institutions of the state." kaperoni: We again see, though progress is being made…and it seems full steam ahead economically, that politically there are issues that still need resolution. This is concerning, especially when we read, “supposed to be resolved before the U.S. withdrawal”. kaperoni: Parliament is back from vacation. This has been something we were watching to see progress. To see if they are in motion… This article… kaperoni: Source: the agenda of the House of Representatives today includes first and second readings of the nine bills - 26/11/2011 PM kaperoni: Quote… kaperoni: “A source at the House of Representatives that the agenda for the meeting on Saturday will include the first reading and the second of nine draft laws.” kaperoni: That’s good. It’s a start anyway. And this next article… kaperoni: Council of Representatives vote on the 5 draft laws submitted by the parliamentary committees - 24/11/2011 kaperoni: Quote… kaperoni: “House of Representatives voted in the third regular session of the second legislative term of the second legislative year, which was held under the chairmanship of Osama Najafi, Chairman of the Board of Representatives and the presence of 225 deputies on Thursday, 11.24.2011 on five bills.” kaperoni: So we see they are starting to get back to work, ever so slow. 5 bills passed last week. From what we saw in previous weeks, they have 30-90 bills waiting to pass during the current session. Work to be done. NOVEMBER 28,2011 AT 12:00 AM kaperoni: In the last chat, we mention the Nov 4th roundtable discussion between the CBI and Parliament. To work with them to get past the obsticles that seems to hold back or be contentious in regard to the “delete 3 zeros” One of the requests that came from that event was to future educate the people prior to the RV. Let’s look at a few quick articles that have surfaced in recent days… kaperoni: Article… kaperoni: Najib calls to educate citizens changing money and use it before you delete the zeros of - 21/11/2011 kaperoni: Quote… kaperoni: “Member of the Finance Committee called on the parliamentary and MP for the Kurdistan Alliance bloc Najiba Najib, "not to rush the implementation of the process of switching the currency period of time a few, but should be taught in detail to determine the positive and negative aspects," emphasizing "the need to deploy awareness among citizens through the media on how the currency exchange and use. " kaperoni: And this quote… kaperoni: "the need to raise awareness among citizens through the media how to switch the currency and use it." kaperoni: And within a few days or a week of that meeting the articles started to come out. And to me that is very good news, though most of them are confusing, and reposts, and recycled, etc. Again, the fact that there is attention on the project seems more important than the content. Here is an article… kaperoni: CBI source denies issuance of a 50,000 IQD as it was an old plan; Says bank in process of switching - 11-21-2011 kaperoni: “Source: the new currency will contain 12 categories, including coins” kaperoni: This is pretty much the same news. But again, good to hear. Another quote… kaperoni: “the Iraqi currency is currently in the process of switching after lifting the three zeroes, and it is not possible to issue a new currency at the present time,” adding, “There was intent in the past to issue the currency of a large class to facilitate the deal, but the idea of lifting the zeros replaced this idea or intention of the Iraqi Central Bank to issue currency of a new category, “stressing that” the plans on the new version after the lifting of zeros take into account the issue of balance and the actual need for the trading currency (Cache), where there will be no less than 12 categories of including a number of mineral groups in addition to the paper, and certainly the last category will contain a large currency to facilitate the transactions as is the case in all countries of the world. “ kaperoni: Just stating 12 categories of lower denomination bills and coins (minerals)...I can guess maybe 7 bills and 5 coins? The key is they are confirming again they are putting out these items. Which requires a change of exchange rate to do so. Otherwise, they would be worthless. Next quote… kaperoni: “Saleh pointed out that “it will soon be through the issuance of new currency and the elimination of three zeros from the new currency.” kaperoni: This is exciting if true. He states… “it will soon…” implying they are close. Another article… kaperoni: Central Bank will issue new denomination bills - 24/11/2011 kaperoni: Quote… kaperoni: “the bank is working to issue this new money in addition to coins” kaperoni: And this one... kaperoni: "Iraq needs to support its economy and its currency through the issuance of a currency similar to foreign ones like the $100 bill," Saleh added.” kaperoni: Just more confirmation. Bills and coins and the new currency system will be similar to other foreign countries with a $100 bill. Nothing new, but more confirmation we're in close and following the plan. Another article… kaperoni: Central Bank of Iraq is planning to issue a new currency from the category of 50 dinars after deletion of zeros - Dubai - EasternNovember 24 kaperoni: This is a good quote… kaperoni: “The study of the Iraqi Central since June last deleting three zeros from the local currency in an attempt to promote the value of currency in circulation outside and internal” kaperoni: Love it when we get a tidbit… “promote the value of currency in circulation outside and internal” Clearly, they are talking about the current notes (25,000, 10,000 etc.) and they want to promote the value “outside” meaning internationally. kaperoni: We know they have removed most of the 3 zero notes…drawing them in through banks. And that they have not implemented the project, it has caused monetary concerns within iraq. This article and statement is confirmation… Kaperoni: Iraq works to reduce mass cash via delete zeros - 16/11/2011 14:31 kaperoni: Quote… kaperoni: He said that "cash transactions in the Iraqi market requires a large amount of banknotes and consequently there is difficulty in the transfer of funds in the form of bags in case of large transactions." kaperoni: Love that quote. I am hoping that many Iraqi's have figured this out and have gotten bank accounts with ATM cards. Though we know that Iraq is a cash society for the most part, that statement is telling and more proof that the 3 zero notes are being or have been removed. All in anticipation of the RV event. kaperoni: And this telling statement…which says again, they are issuing new smaller notes “which eliminates three zeros.” This is key as to what they really mean. Again, as we have always said, this is a transition from larger 3 zero notes, to smaller notes. Once they are on the smaller notes, they will have “deleted the 3 zeros,” which has been done through the collection process. kaperoni: Quote... kaperoni: “He said "soon will be reduced the money supply through the issuance of new currency which eliminates three zeroes". kaperoni: And one more… kaperoni: “Saleh said that "this action is an important part of currency management reform process and facilitate payments system and eliminate the remnants of the previous inflation through monetary block dealing powerful and easy." kaperoni: Now today, a video surfaced. That had Saleh and discussion with the CBI. I had my Arabic translator friend look at it. Here are his views. kaperoni: Article/Videokaperoni: Iraq: Iraqi dinar is stronger currencies Arab region - November 25, 2011 kaperoni: My Arabic translator friend… kaperoni: “The whole segment centered around the announcement by the CBI that they have accumulated $60 billion US Dollars worth of foreign currency reserves and that, based on CBI's calculations, the 60 billion is enough to provide value backing to the Dinar 100%, and this is what make it the strongest currency in the region. “ kaperoni: “They claim that other countries assets and reserves are only enough to provide partial backing to their currency, but through their financial policies and restructuring, the CBI was able to accumulate enough foreign currency reserves through auctions and debt reduction to give the Dinar a 100% reserve backing and achieve a very stable exchange rate (1170).“ kaperoni: “We were all aware of these details before, but they are for some reason making it as an official announcement and had Saleh and an economic expert commenting on the benefits of the reserves and how it would attract foreign investment because people/companies would not have to worry about the strength of the Dinar, etc, because it has strong foreign currency reserve backing.” kaperoni: “The rest of the segment with the financial expert tried to translate what this massive reserve amount would mean for the everyday person, and they stated that it would strengthen the economy and eventually lead to higher and higher annual incomes for Iraq citizens, etc. But nothing about an RV anywhere in the news segment. “ kaperoni: Good stuff from my Arabic translator. kaperoni: Ok. Now let me put my view on this. ... kaperoni: They are telling the world that the New Iraqi Dinar is a going to be a very strong currency. They are setting the stage for the event! They are also telling the world about how successful their economic policies have been. Even going as far as comparing themselves to other countries. This, in my opinion, is a key before we see the new rate. kaperoni: I want to end this chat with final article and quotes… kaperoni: Central bank adviser: U.S. withdrawal will cooperate to build the Iraqi economy 24/11/2011 kaperoni: Quote… kaperoni: Mohammed Saleh said that "the withdrawal of U.S. forces this year signal the end of the shift to the economics of peace and economic development in Iraq." kaperoni: This is telling as the CBI is now confirming what we were talking about above in regard to the troops leaving, the event titled “fidelity” on 11/29/2011. It is my opinion that this event is that “signal” which then tells the CBI they can go forward with the project. And this quote… kaperoni: "there is a war economy and the economy of peace; and the withdrawal of U.S. troops is the signal to begin to reflect Iraq's image of the country supporting world peace and that the U.S. would leave civilians of Iraq," kaperoni: Another quote… kaperoni: "the completion of the withdrawal process that will drive the United States to move towards building the Iraqi economy and reducing Chapter VII, which is straining under the burden of the country two decades ago. " |
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