Guru BWM Sunday 1-22-12 Q & A |
[BWM] 1. blessedinohio we minute by minute now... we have a number of sources that are looking expectedly for something tomorrow morning... as far as timing goes, I have always had my ideas on when it would hit but it seems to be a consensus lately from a couple of sources that think this will not be an "expected" time... so we'll wait and see what usual
[tigers] What is the deal with the CBI being down today?
[BWM] 2. tigers we have an understanding this is not a server issue but it is down for maintenance... as always we want to read everything thru dinarvision and think this is it... could it be, yes, could it not be, yes... we just won't know until it comes back up.
[gunny] BWM What are your feeling regardint eh 24 hour cash in? TY!!
[BWM] 3. gunny there has been rampant speculation about the cash in timing and honestly until we see the rate we just don't know... I am operating under the premise that the higher the rate the quicker you need to make plans to cash in... if you have a plan this should not put into a sense of but rather security that you can accomplish this on schedule for yourself. again, the time period is a bit skewed... when you think 24 hours we immediately assume consecutive hours when it could be banking hours...
[joyjoyjoyjoy] did the announcements get made that were supposed to? Are we still on for the RV tonight? sure appreciate you!
[BWM] 4. joyjoyjoyjoy no announcements have been made that I am aware of at this time... does that mean anything is off or on... hardly think so since I wouldn't actually expect the hear the letter R and V out of anyone's mouth of importance...
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[BWM] 5. evadevad you rarely get the chance to make a decision and move of such importance as this has shaped up to be... with that said, to mess this up OR not include all the factors that need to be involved could be catastrophic for the global economy... some of the excuses have sounded truly lame but apparently my 5th grader isn't the only one that forgets her homework...
[electricman75] BWM if there is a delay tonight or tomorrow again, When would the next opportunity present itself???
[BWM] 6. electricman75 I hate to be negative and already go assuming there will be an issue... but I feel your pain there... at this point I don't hold it to any hour or day but rather look for the immediate opportunities... if not today then tomorrow... if not tomorrow... well ask me tomorrow...
[faithdinar] Any possibility of this going past February 1?
[BWM] 7. faithdinar I dont' think so... again, I can't pin it down but most of the discussions I've heard say this is done by then...
[eagle808] BWM When is jonny going to Texas? That will tell me when it is DONE. Thanks for all you do!
[BWM] 8. eagle808 jonny is going to texas when it's done... just talked to him a short time ago... he has tried to make that clear... when the rate is showing he will leave... not before
[sherrymio] BWM (I love me my B-dub)....... to be honest I have gotten to the point after 3yrs that I am at the end of my rope, partner losing his home, I'm under pressure with my home and 3 daughters to raise. I know we have never been this close, but why should I believe right now?
[BWM] 9. sherrymio I have seen more medical issues in the last week it seems than the last year... sadly to be this close and have traveled this far only to lose some true friends and wonderful dinarians... I understand completely the pressures that we deal with daily in the struggle not to just gather information but to pay bills, deal with illness and answer questions to loved ones... this is beyond difficult on some days but I know that when this finally happens soon we will be able to honor the memory of lost ones and uplift those around us to new heights and plans.
[boomer1110] Would it be accurate to suggest that there really won't be any announcement from any government official prior to or after the RV?
[BWM] 10. boomer1110 you might hear something from Iraq a few days later about "raising economic standards or such" but I seriously doubt you hear anything outside those borders other than someone trying to take credit for "economic stimulus" through some random program or newfound wealth
[imagine] With CBI site still down where do you expect the rate to show if this happens at the banks in the mornign
[BWM] 11. imagine well I'm hopeful that site comes up and shows the new rate BUT if the bank has it live on it's screens tomorrow that's good enough for me... run don't walk
[HEARTLANDLOCKED] Bwm if the revaluation goes into next week will the oil contracts not being moved ON.. Effect there ability to be thr leader of OPE...C
[BWM] 12. HEARTLANDLOCKED they are required to pump a certain amount of oil as the leader of OPEC from my understanding in addition to their current oil production... not happening with a couple of those oil companies expecting to be paid in revalued dinar
[Bigdog55] BWM Is it possible that all banks won't be open until 12 noon - 2pm that this may not show until then to avoid an unfair advantage for anyone
[BWM] 13. Bigdog55 yeah not seeing any banks giving up opening to "be fair" to everyone... they will open early and often when they have to the chance to take your dinar and make money of it... the way the whole "east to west" thing has been misinterpreted to me... in other words it will show all at once but as the business zone opens it will roll across the world
[misskitty] IYO, is there any truth to the suggestion that taxes will be withheld at cashout? Thank you!
[BWM] 14. misskitty it is my understanding that it is illegal for the IRS to operate within the confines of banks... could they set up wiring instructions for possible taxation options? possible, but to think there will be an IRS agent in the bank with their hand out.. unless something changes I just don't see it working out that way...
[Lion] BWM- will the squirrel site be open for a period of time after the RV to talk of other investment possiblities?
[BWM] 15. Lion I know that some have mentioned taking a break for a bit... I for one will be here to help as I can... relaying stories, both horrific and hilarious I'm sure to make sure everyone understands their options as best we can...
[Garlando] BWM; Are we waiting for Maliki and Allawi to sign off on the Erbil power sharing document which when activated the RV will follow? thanks...
[BWM] 16. Garlando there are those that have been crowing about that for months... everyone that I have talked to has specifically said this is NOT an issue in the release at this time... but I would expect that you would see simultaneous information come out as all this unfolds
[momoney] BMW are all bank screens still showing ooooooooooooo ???
[BWM] 17. momoney last update was this afternoon and yes... 0's
[xscash] sorry hit wrong buttton
[BWM] can I count this one.. nah guess not
[bluebabe44] Will this have to wait until the 1st to be activated again?
[BWM] 18. bluebabe44 I'm guessing you are referring to the UN operational rates published at the middle and end of the month.. NO these are merely placed there to allow a place to "control" the numbers but do not directly reflect the current day to day changes in pricing...
[zingping] bwm why did we go to this mode when there is no intel?
[BWM] I won't count this one... but I would assume you understand that everytime someone opens their mouth they don't ask directly for intel... sometimes there are planning questions that need to be addressed... hopefully with your thought process you have taken care of that...
[sandytob] When you say, "this will not be an "expected" time", and since we are all "expecting" it tonight, are you saying that it will probably not be tonight?
[BWM] sandytob 19. no I just mean the normal evening times would be prayer time about 8:30 central, then banks close at 10:ish central (operating hours), at cbi update or london open (2 am central for london, cbi when it occurs)... just meaning it might happen at 11:20something because no one would be looking at the time...
[TxinCa] Where are the intel providers getting their rate from $4 - $12 from since no one knows the time or rate??
[BWM] 20. TxinCa the "base" rate is calculated from the budget... the other numbers are numbers that have been speculated based on rates through contacts and "promises" but do not reflect the exact number as you have stated.. until it shows we won't know the rate... but the question is.. have you planned for all those numbers? where will you go? how much will you cash in? how long will it take you to cash in