1-21-2012 Guru Poppy3 Can It happen anytime or is it a ways off? |
[poppy3] got a call at 2am this morning from ne iraq contact. Contract worker on air port security and he stated the meeting that had been scheduled for today will not take place till monday and it involves the contract buy several countries that are trying to join in efforts to stablize the euro and the effects of the rv on their individual currencies and how stable they will become to help guarantee their efforts in assisting euro?? This guy knows his stuff and has served in our military three tours before leaving the service and is now a independent security consultant. He says he will only be there a short stay but got this information from a high up security officer he has known for 7 years. Sounds solid and very reliable to me. And makes perfect since but also tells me the rv is still a ways off. Poppy3
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[poppy3] i have some good contacts in solid positions and they have been right and have been wrong but i give what i get and try to confirm when possible ?? This men is a former col. And i just happened to meet him in the lobby of the weston hotel in la 5 years ago at a convention where i was speaking and i always go shake the hand and thank every military uniformed person i can get to. When i thanked him he had just finished his second tour in iraq and was headed back. I prayed with him and then lead him to the lord. Strange when i sent him a email 3 months ago and ask if he could give any intel about the dinar that i could pass on to the public that i try to keep informed. Lol, lol last night i mean this morning he calls from bagdad airport to give me this update. Now thats my god . Poppy3