1-23-2012 Guru Historian Kuwaiti Dinar - Did Poeple Make Money? |
[Historian] This is in response to the naysayers, who are frankly starting to annoy me.
[LRH1256] Historian ditto
[cjswest] Historian always there will be naysayers amongst us
[Historian] (Part 1 of 3) ::::: I think it is time that we apply to the naysayers of the dinar world the same standards that they apply to all other intel and intel providers. IMO, if the naysayers wish to disagree with the intel provided, they must prove it with documents and logic.
Opinion is not enough, since they do not consider that enough for anyone else. Let us start with this one, the Kuwaiti dinar RV. This is one reason why many people invest in the IQD. Following are 2 articles from mainstream news about the KWD RV.
The first has made the rounds before – the New York Times from March 1991. The second, from Inter Press News Agency reporting on Cairo in 2004, quotes an economics professor at Cairo University who recounts what happened with the KWD from 1990-1991.
IMO, naysayers DO NOT get to make negative claims without the burden of proof and logic. That is cowardice. A negative opinion is still a statement. The standard works both ways, and it is time that the dinar world applied it to everyone.
[Historian] (Part 2 of 3) ::::: Here is the article from the New York Times | March 25, 1991 | After the War; No Electricity but Kuwait Reopens Its Banks.
“Banks reopened for the first time since Iraqi occupation forces shut them down in December. Thousands of people lined up to exchange their old Kuwaiti dinars for crisp new ones and to withdraw a limited amount of money….
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