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10-13-2021 Get Free Crypto Month-After-Month
Here's The Deal
Devices inside of cars, health trackers, dog trackers, appliances and all sorts of other gadgets need access to wifi to communicate. The problem is most wifi is private. There's little public wifi available for these gadgets to work properly. That's the need.
The Solution
This company is willing to pay you to place a small wifi router in your home or office in exchange for crypto currency. It's like the cell phone tower opportunity of the 90's - Cell companies leased small parcels of land in exchange for a portion of the profits. People who took this deal continue to make a killing month-after-month to this day. This new "gadget" network is being built the same way but you don't need land. You only need electricity, internet and a small table in the corner of a room.
Here's what you get.
They give you the equipment free. You're paid in the cryptocurrency Helium weekly. You can exchange it for dollars or hold for appreciation.
What's the catch?
They need a "hot-spot" on every street corner in the world. But they only need one per block. Whoever gets it first gets it. It's on a first come first serve basis. Once a spot is claimed - it's gone. Because it's essentially free money, there's a mad scramble to claim these spots. It's a modern day land grab.
Here's what to do next.
Claim your location now. It's free. They'll send you the equipment free too. Lock in your location before someone else does. Once your zone is taken it's gone so do it now.
If you have any questions use the contact me link at the top of this page... Talk soon Blanche P.S. Do your due diligence. Check them out. Watch the video on this page. We're an affiliate so I'll earn Helium for bringing you onboard. You can do the same if you like but you don't have to. P.P.S A hotspot is needed on every street corner in the world. They give you the device free. They pay you month-after-month to host it. Here's the catch. They only need one per block. It's first come first serve. Once a location is claimed, it's gone. Click here to lock in your location now. How To Get Free Passive Income
1. Sign up by clicking here.
2. ** IMPORTANT: On the right side of your dashboard click "Reserve Your FREE Hotspot" and enter your mailing address. 3. You'll get the hotspot in the mail with instructions. It takes only 3 minutes to set it up. Easy. Claim your location by clicking here now. P.P.P.S. Once someone signs up the #1 mistake people make is they forget to click the "Reserve Your FREE Hotspot" link on their dashboard. You must do this simple step to get the residual income!
10-1-2021 Newshound Guru BobTheTaxMan Cryptocurrencies are here to stay. There's no way around it. It is here to stay...the internet of things...if you haven't thought about or heard about it you're going to learn about it because it is the basis of everything in the future...getting yourself into the cryptocurrency world is just an absolute absolute... [NOTE: Want to dip your toe into crypto? Discover how to make passive crypto income month-after-month. The opportunity is simple and straightforward. All you need is Internet, electricity and a table. More information is on the crypto updates page. Click here to learn more.]
9-25-2021 Guest Guru BobTheTaxMan Self directed IRA cryptocurrency Roth IRA - Using a crypto Roth offers the ability to have TAX FREE gains for yourself and your heirs. What's really cool about this is this. You can buy-sell-buy-sell-buy-sell-buy-sell-buy-sell and it has not effect on your taxes inside the Roth. That's great. The only bad part is they're charging you 1% transaction fees so every time you do a buy-sell-buy-sell-buy-sell you're paying them more money. That's the hiccup to it. For some people that's not a big deal. They're going to buy a crypto, they're going to hang on to it and they want to leave it in a really is fairly simple and it give you that Roth or hat tax-free gain at the time it's done... 9-6-2021 Crypto Guru Lark Davis Mistake7: Don't get scammed...people make it their entire livelihoods [to scam you out of your coins]. Teams of people. Offices full of people sitting around day and night trying to steal your crypto. They're going to pretend to be influencers. They're going to pretend to offer some kind of magical investment opportunities, or mining opportunities, or try to get you to give over their private keys or any of the kind stuff. Don't do it. Don't get scammed. If it sounds too good to be true it usually is. Be very very careful. One mistake and all your crypto is gone. It's happened to so many people. Please don't let that be you. Take your time. Be very careful... 9-6-2021 Bitcoin Guru Dan Held Bitcoin will overtake the market cap of gold. When this happens, 1 Bitcoin will be worth $475K. Plan accordingly. 9-5-2021 Bitcoin Guru Michael Saylor If I had chosen Gold instead of Bitcoin last year, it would have been a multi-billion dollar mistake. It doesn't help to diagnose the problem if you don't choose the right solution. Gold Return vs BTC 12 Months -80% 1 Month -21% 3 Months -26% 5 years -98% 9-3-2021 Crypto Guru Lark Davis Mistake 6: Spreading themselves too thin. You're trading over here, you're flipping NFT's over here, you're yield farming in some high risk farms over here, you have a hundred different alt coins. It's too much. Not only is it a tax nightmare, been there done that, but you also can't keep an eye on all that're spread out too thin. You don't have to have a hundred alt have to play to your don't have to be everywhere doing everything. 9-3-2021 Bitcoin Guru Priced in Bitcoin YTD Used Toyota Corolla priced in Bitcoin index January: $12.9K | 0.44 ₿ Today: $16.2K | 0.33 ₿ Fiat: + 26% BTC - 25% Get caught up on yesterday's updates below...
10-6-2021 Get Free Crypto Month-After-Month -
Here's the deal - Devices inside of cars, health trackers, dog trackers, appliances and all sorts of other gadgets need access to wifi to communicate. Here's the problem. Most wifi is private. There's little public wifi available for them to work properly. That's the need. The Solution, This company is willing to pay you to place a small wifi router in your home or office in exchange for crypto currency. It's like the cell phone tower opportunity of the 90's - small parcels of land were leased in exchange for a portion of the profits. People who took this deal continue to make a killing month after month to this day. This new network is being built the same way but you don't need land you only need electricity, internet and a small table in the corner of a room. What's the catch? They need these "hot-spots" on every street corner around the world. It's a mad scramble to get these locations done. But they only need one or two per zone. Once a zone is claimed - it's claimed. It's gone. It's a first come first serve basis. Here's What You Get. They give you the equipment free. You're paid in the cryptocurrency Helium. You can exchange it for dollars or hold for appreciation. Here's what to do next. Claim your location now. It's free. They'll send you the equipment free too. Lock in your location before someone else does. Once your zone is taken it's gone so do it now. P.S. Do your due diligence. Check them out. Watch the video on this page. We're an affiliate so I'll earn Helium for bringing you onboard. You can do the same if you like but you don't have to. If you have any questions use the contact me link at the top of this page. Click here to lock in your location now. 9-2-2021 Crypto Guru Lark Davis Let me give you an example. If you had started buying bitcoin at the previous all-time high $20,000 back in 2017. Put in $100 bucks a week every Friday right on through up till today you would have invested around $22,000 but you would currently have around a hundred thousand dollars worth of bitcoin just cost averaging over time. You don't need to go all in. It's very very important to realize that you can just average in over time...crypto is not going anywhere. You're not late so there's still plenty of opportunity [See Mistake 1 below] [Post 2 of 2]
9-2-2021 Crypto Guru Lark Davis Mistake 5 of 7: Going all in particularly when the greed is high and everybody's FOMOing in. I have to get all my money out of my saving account, sell the house, sell the car, sell the kids, put it all into crypto right now at the top and then the markets go down. So many investors are buying high - selling low. Buying when the greed is high and selling at capitulation when the fear is high - losing crazy amounts of money. You don't need to go all in at once. Dollar cost averaging is a very powerful tool. [Post 1 of 2] 9-2-2021 Bitcoin Guru Dan Held The Mayor of Cool Valley, Missouri wants to give each resident $1K in Bitcoin on the condition they HODL for 5 years. This guy would get my vote. 9-1-2021 Bitcoin Guru Will Clemente Article "BREAKING: Twitter is now beta testing a #Bitcoin lightning tipping Twitter lightning service will be Strike enabled and also support Square’s forthcoming hardware wallet." 9-1-2021 Crypto Guru Lark Davis Mistake 4: Being too stubborn to buy a coin that has gone up. This is a mistake I've made plenty of times. 'Oh, it's already up 2 or 3 hundred percent or 500%, 1000%. I'm not going to buy now. I've already missed the train. Not enough gains left to get on this train.' Then it goes on to do another 100x move. I'm sure any crypto investor who's been around for a while has fallen into this trap...some of these coins they're just relatively early still and ...there's still a lot of room to grow. It could still go up another 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, don't be too stubborn to buy a coin that has gone up a little could still be a good buy if it's a fundamentally strong coin with good investors and good token models and good technology and all that stuff. 8-31-2021 Bitcoin Guru Priced in Bitcoin
YTD returns in Bitcoin: USD: -37% S&P 500: -28% Gold: -43% Silver: -46% UST Bonds: -43% 8-31-2021 Crypto Guru Lark Davis Mistake 3: A lot of newbies just can't let go. They're afraid to say goodbye to their coins especially when they're losers. Selling a coin in profit that feels good and some people are still afraid to do that...[See Mistake 2 below] ...on the other side is actually being at a loss and saying goodbye to that coin. You know what something changed. The developers didn't deliver on the technology. They're not getting users. Great idea - wrong time. Whatever it might be. It's okay to update your thesis on a coin and to actually cut a loser to protect whatever capital you still have in that might be able to right it off on your taxes. 8-30-2021 Crypto Guru Lark Davis Back in 2017-2018 so many people became paper millionaires...and they watched their portfolios with a couple million dollars of crypto currencies crashed down to being worth like $10 or $20,000 of the cryptocurrencies because they never clicked on the damn sell button. You've got to learn how to take profits. You can take profits and put into stocks. Take profits put in a Realestate. Take profits and put into bitcoin. Lots of ways to take profits. [Post 2 of 2]
8-30-2021 Crypto Guru Lark Davis Mistake 2: Not taking profits. This screws so many investors over it's just nuts. Many of these investments are super speculative. Now you have the more more safe investments like bitcoin and ethereum, some of the other top altcoins but realistically most of you are going to be chasing those much bigger gains in the altcoin jungle. If you're doing that you have got to get it into being a habit to take profits. You've got to click on the sell button at some point. [Post 1 of 2] 8-30-2021 Crypto Guru Pimpy Everybody's talking about polkadot. It seems like every person I talk to talks about polkadot. Every article I read somewhere in there talk s about polkadot. If you guys remember when I first mentioned polkadot I think we were around 9 to 12 cents...they went up pretty quick. They're still managed to hang up there. Now they're almost to their halfway mark of their 52 week average [$26}. 8-29-2021 Crypto Guru Rekt Capital BTC tends to enjoy an average positive monthly return of +32% in the month of October. Morale of the story? Strategically use any September downside to your advantage so as to position yourself favorably for a likely strong October. 8-29-2021 Crypto Guru Altcoin Daily Fidelity Investment, one of the largest financial institutions in North America with billions and billions in assets under management just put out a report, "Understanding Bitcoin: What history can teach us" Fidelity says 90% of their clients want bitcoin exposure. They Predict Bitcoin at: 2026: $1 Million 2030: $10 Million 2035: $100 Million They're realizing what bitcoin is. They're realizing that bitcoin isn't going away. They're realizing the implications of absolute scarcity. So bitcoin is looking bullish. Bitcoin is going through a supply shock. 8-29-2021 Crypto Guru Lark Davis Mistake 1: The 1st mistake investors are making in crypto is thinking that they're too late. Here's a news flash for you, you are not too late. You're not super early, people have been here before you. It's getting bigger all the time but you're not late either. I think a lot of people come in the markets they see how much some of these cryptocurrencies have got up by and they're like well there's no point in investing now. I'm too late. You're not too late. Zoom out a little bit. Think on a longer time frame. Where are we going to be in 10 years of the cryptocurrency market. Stop trying to get rich overnight and start investing. As an investor you're going to do very well over the next few years. 8-28-2021 Bitcoin Guru Jack Dorsey [CEO & founder of Twitter] We’ve determined @TDB54566975’s direction: help us build an open platform to create a decentralized exchange for Bitcoin...
8-28-2021 Crypto Guru Altcoin Daily Ethereum is looking bullish and is going through a supply shock...for the first time ETH's daily issuance was lower then BTC's. ETH net inflation: 3574 ETH (1.11% annualized) BTC net inflation: 900 BTC (1.75% annualized) 8-28-2021 Bitcoin Guru Priced in Bitcoin Texas - Median House priced in Bitcoin 5 years ago: 1 House building = $275K 1 House building = 474 ₿ bitcoin Today: 1 House building = $350K 1 House building = 7 ₿bitcoin Change in 5 years (%): Fiat: +27% BTC: -98% 8-28-2021 Crypto Guru Pimpy If bitcoin goes, what does it do to the others? It drags them up as well...two of the three people I spoke to told me that they anticipate ethereum passing up bitcoin...within two years ethereum will be more valuable than bitcoin. I actually believe that believe it or not. I anticipate ehereum passing up bitcoin... [Post 2 of 2] 8-28-2021 Crypto Guru Pimpy Bitcoin is up above $49, can see both ethereum and bitcoin running neck and neck. They're up about 2/3 of the way to all time highs. I'm expecting a huge run on bitcoin...there's a huge anticipation that bitcoin is going to run up to around $250,000 mark by December. I'm saying that's the guesstimation based on all their analysis. That doesn't mean it's going to happen...Could it happen? I don't know. They made a pretty good damn argument If I may say so. [Post 1 of 2] 8-27-2021 Bitcoin Guru Price in Bitcoin Average Apartment Rent priced in Bitcoin:
2016: $1299 | 1.35 ₿ bitcoin 2021: $1593 | 0.03 ₿ bitcoin 5 year change (%): Fiat : + 23% BTC: - 98% 8-27-2021 Bitcoin Guru Pomp Bitcoin at some point will be worth millions if not tens of millions of dollars but eventually what happens is you stop pricing goods in dollars and instead priced in bitcoin. So you won't have to think about a U.S. dollar exchange price of bitcoin...John's selling that hat for 50 satoshi's [smaller unit of bitcoin] so I know that I can just buy the hat for 50 satoshi's. I don't think about an exchange price... 8-26-2021 Crypto Guru Crypto Michael We've had some rumors about the ETF coming up in October and November...we have a Canadian [Bitcoin & Etherium] ETF but this is an ETF in the U.S. These financial instruments are opening up for institutional investors to start allocated money towards bitcoin...When we get the F2 ETF in the markets I think it's going to be great for the markets and it's only going to accelerate the expansion of the entire market cap price wise...
8-26-2021 On-Chain Guru Willy Woo Here's the projected worldwide Bitcoin users expressed in Internet years: Internet 1997 = Bitcoin 2021 Internet 2005 = Bitcoin 2025 Internet 2010 = Bitcoin 2028 8-26-2021 Bitcoin Guru Dan Held The $1,200 stimulus checks sent in April 2020 would now be worth $9,000 if used to buy bitcoin. 8-26-2021 Bitcoin Guru Pomp Bitcoin is the apex predator of financial markets. Any asset that you put against bitcoin over a long period of time, bitcoin absolutely destroys it. If you denominate a financial asset in bitcoin, bitcoin ends up being the better asset and what you get is just price dropping. Put it againts dollars - the dollar has crashed against bitcoin. Put it in gold - gold literally fallen of a cliff against bitcoin. Stocks fallng off a cliff against bitcoin. Oil, lumber, pick your financial asset, every single one is down against bitcoin because bitcoin is the best performing asset over the last decade... 8-26-2021 Crypto Guru Lark Davis So many people get caught up and they can't see the forest for the trees. The big picture of what's going on in crypto is we're completely revolutionizing all financial markets. Digital ownership, digital transfer, savings, borrowing, lending, all this stuff is going to get revolutionized. Stocks, bonds, real estate, everything going on the blockchain. Everything run out of your wallet on your phone. It's exciting times. 8-25-2021 Crypto Guru Pomp Article El Salvador is rolling out 200 bitcoin ATMs across the country...that will allow citizens to convert bitcoin into U.S. dollars and withdraw it in cash as part of the governments plan to make bitcoin legal tender...this all goes into effect September 7th...adopting bitcoin is estimated to save citizens $400 million in remittance fees when receiving money from abroad...
8-25-2021 Crypto Guru Lark Davis Article "Crypto assets could replace fiat currencies within as little as 5 years, financial execs tell Deloitte" This is very very interesting information...these guys are looking at all the printing that's going on with fiat currencies. These guys are running big companies. They're facing real negative rates in Europe where you put 10 million euros in the bank and every year they're taking out 1% of that. Gone. These guys know what's up...they see the writing on the wall. That's why you see so many financial institutions rush to make their crypto plays...we are seeing a massive fundamental shift here...this is the next big's going freaking crazy. 8-25-2021 Crypto Guru Rekt Capital BTC is experiencing its first down-week in six weeks. Perspective. 8-25-2021 On-chain Guru Will Clemente Coins have started moving onto exchanges. On Friday we noted exchange flows were flat, but since ...22,803 BTC have moved onto exchanges. A lot of those inflows have come into Binance...we also got a decent size downtick in illiquid supply shock ratio. This is showing coins have been turning liquid. Not unexpected to see some profits taken after such an aggressive move up, but don’t want to see this become a trend. 8-25-2021 On-Chain Guru Willy Woo Short term: New data that came in today shows long term investors are in the process of a medium sized sell off. Our demand and supply model is in a bearish divergence, suggesting price now needs to correct to lower levels to find balance. 8-25-2021 Crypto Guru Price Alert Guru consensus shows ~$46,500 to $47,000 is a crtical level to hold. A possible several thousand dollar pull back if broken. 8-25-2021 Crypto Davincij15 Question “Can you please explain the super cycle again and the possible BTC target of $1.2 million?” As you know bitcoin has gone deflationary at the same time the U.S. dollar has gone super inflationary. At 25% right now and maintaining that growth in money supply annually…we’re seeing bitcoin go higher and the dollar go lower…it seems like a really far-fetched number but heck when bitcoin was $200 I saw a $20,000 target for bitcoin and was like ‘No, I’m not even gonna mention that.’ It seemed ridiculous. And did we hit it? Yeah. That was a 100x from 200 bucks…I can see how you’re skeptical but the problem is they’re printing too much money…that’s why you’ve got to own bitcoin. It’s here to stay. 8-24-2021 Bitcoin Guru PlanB Article “JUST IN – Adam Back's Bitcoin company raises $210 million to expand mining and launch its own ASICs." Blockstream is now valued at over $1 billion.
8-24-2021 Bitcoin Guru Pomp We’ve seen it from $30 to $50,000 in a very short period of time. My guess is we will definitely hit $100,000 by the end of the year as I’ve been saying since 2019. On top of that we will likely blow through that and see a much much higher price point. How high can we go? I don’t know. But I don’t think $100K will be the top this year. Again, past performance does not equal future performance. I don’t know the future better than anybody else. But from a probability standpoint I like our chances…. [Post 2 of 2] 8-24-2021 Bitcoin Guru Pomp Our favorite young wizard [Guru] Will Clemente tweeted over the weekend “83% of bitcoin supply hasn’t moved in at least 3 months. 70% hasn’t moved in at least 6 months.” What we are seeing the long term strong hands of bitcoin. They have been buying up as much bitcoin as they could at these discounted prices over the last couple of months and they are holding. They are not going to sell. This is a set up for a massive supply squeeze. [Post 1 of 2] 8-24-2021 On-chain Guru Will Clemente 29,696 BTC moved onto exchanges in the last week. Not a trend we want to see continue…A lot of people were mad at me for posting this and the other tweet suggesting caution yesterday, but when I post something bullish no one questions it. Price can’t go up in a straight line, I just want to help everyone be prepared as possible. 8-24-2021 Bitcoin Guru Michael Saylor MicroStrategy has purchased an additional 3,907 bitcoins for ~$177 million in cash at an average price of ~$45,294 per #bitcoin. As of 8/23/21 we #hodl ~108,992 bitcoins acquired for ~$2.918 billion at an average price of ~$26,769 per bitcoin. [NOTE: Micro Staragety is a publicly traded company.] 8-24-2021 Crypto Guru Davincij15 Article “You are not too late to become wildly wealthy with Bitcoin” Yes, you’re not too late. You just need a small bit of bitcoin…about .28 bitcoin will get you in the top 1%. .28 BTC is right now priced at almost $14,000. I know that’s a lot of money but that amount of money in 10 years will make you the top …wealthiest people on the planet. Why is that? Because bitcoin is so limited…you’ll … probably/maybe bet in the top .5% on the planet. There it is. Kind of scary. So make sure you got some bitcoin… Monday 8-23-2021 Bitcoin $50,350 Etherium $3,375
8-23-2021 Crypto Guru Rekt Capital People who bought bitcoin at $20,000 and held are in profit. People who bought bitcoin at $60,000+ will also be in profit. It’s always been a matter of time and patience. If you have a broad time horizon for you BTC investment, you’ll outperform most of the market…. 8-22-2021 Crypto Guru Pimpy Bitcoin up above $48,500. I told you I”m expecting a much much bigger run according to how it was explained to me…when I say a much bigger run - the record is $64,000. That’ the highest so if my little genius of a friend who’s been studying this mathematically…swears up and down…that bitcoin is gonna be way up there. I’m almost reluctant to tell you this but you know he’s made a case for why you could be looking at easily 3x times the highest amount before the end of the year…I still don’t trust cryptocurrencies…it’s the government I don’t trust… 8-22-2021 Crypto Guru Lark Davis Bitcoin could be getting ready for a double bubble kind of scenario. We had one big market booya earlier this year and later this year we’re going to get a second bigger crazier pump in the cryptocurrency markets. Bitcoin could see another 2 or 3 hundred percent gains during that time….if bitcoin goes up 2 or 3 times…your big cap alt coins they’re gonna go like 5-10X. Your low cap alt coins they’re gonna do like 50-100x moves. Good times will be had for all. It’ll be great. 8-22-2021 Crypto Guru Pimpy Article “The IMF’s Self-Serving Case Against Bitcoin” Are they attacking cryptocurrencies? Maybe. Let’s think about this, yeah, they want their own central bank digital currency. They don’t want anything to compete against it. That’s one of the things I’m concerned about when it comes to cryptocurrencies… 8-22-2021 Crypto Guru Bob Loukas I hold some altcoins, ethereum being easily my second largest position. But you know in general bitcoin is the sun and the alt coins are the satellites and they revolve around the bitcoin cycle, at least they do for now and for this time and where we are today. That may not be the case in the future. I don’t know but for now if the [bitcoin] 4 year cycle is on then good luck picking a [altcoin] winner… 8-22-2021 Crypto Guru Pimpy Cryptos back on a run. Not surprising at all. I told you they were going to run again and sure enough they are. I don’t want people to misunderstand…I support the purpose of cryptocurrencies. I don’t trust cryptocurrencies. What I mean by that is I don’t trust the government, the bankers, to not find a way to screw people over that’s in cryptocurrencies. It’s already happening. Because of that it’s a huge turn off to me although I’ve been playing around with cryptocurrencies… 8-21-2021 Bitcoin Guru Michael Saylor Article “Wells Fargo Launches Passive Bitcoin Fund for Wealthy Clients”. Bitcoin is a monetary network growing stronger day by day. Adoption that was optional is becoming essential.
8-21-2021 Crypto Guru Lark Big news today for bitcoin in terms of adoption. We have corporate adoption for bitcoin. We have banking adoption for bitcoin. We have a big new company accepting bitcoin. We even have a mortgage adoption which is kind of weird but kind of cool at the same time… Article “Second-Largest Mortgage Lender in US expects to Accept Bitcoin by Year’s End: CEO” That’s really really freaking cool. I feel like this is a massive massive story because essentially what this is saying you can pay off your mortgage using bitcoin. That’s a big deal…. 8-20-2021 Crypto Guru Brian Armstrong [CEO of Coinbase]. We recently received board approval to purchase over $500M of crypto on our balance sheet to add to our existing holdings. And we'll be investing 10% of all profit going forward in crypto. I expect this percentage to keep growing over time as the cryptoeconomy matures. 8-19-2021 New Crypto Guru Wendy O I was watching an episode with her and when these people came to the west there was a couple…they spoke English but they weren’t able to read. They purchased a piece of property but they were never given a deed because they couldn’t read so they had to get the sheriff involved…the sheriff was like you don’t have a deed and [the couple] are like we can’t read why would I get a deed. That goes to show you how important documents are…proof of ownership for things…even though it’s like way back in the Wild Wild West if you have an NFT to prove ownership that you own this land or property it would be yours forever. [Post 2 of 2] 8-19-2021 Crypto Guru Wendy O Question: [What do you see the future of crypto and the NFT [Non-Fungible Token] sector being like in the next five years? How active do you think that will become in your day-to-day life?] It’s going to be insane. I mean NFT is going to be a game changer in healthcare, real estate, for artists, for musicians. Think of anything that you need to prove ownership of…like a will, legal documents…it provides real ownership…I think that’s a very powerful tool for people…My daughter is so cool she loves this show called Gunsmoke…it’s an old cowboy western… [Post 1 of 2....stay tuned] 8-19-2021 Bitcoin $44,000 Etherium $3,034 |