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Here's the Extra Special Offer I Promised You!
I convinced son to give you something extra special when you purchase the Behind the Guru Curtain Special Report featuring TonyTNT.
He Hemmed and Hawed...BUT I am HIS mother after all! :-) I was able to get you the 1st month of Dinar Guru Secrets for only $1 (Save over $46.00) Get 1 month of the Dinar Guru Secrets system for only $1... if you like it, keep it at the regular monthly investment...if not that's ok too...cancel but keep all the included bonuses and we part as friends! Yes, Blanche, I want to take advantage of this offer...add Dinar Guru Secrets to my order for only $1. I understand I save over $ here now No thank you Blanche, I'm going to let this one time offer pass me by...I understand I may never see it again...I'd like to continue with only the Behind The Guru Curtain Special Report...cleick here now |
Do You Want The Inside Scoop On When Your Dinars Will Skyrocket in Value?
Do you want to know the day and rate the gurus are predicting you will be rich beyond your wildest dreams...?
Do you want all the rumors, facts and scuttlebutt in easy to read bite size chunks sent right to you so you don't have to do any work? You invested in the Iraqi Dinar...your dream is to one day wake up and learn that your little stack of nearly worthless funny money is worth hundreds of thousands...maybe even millions of dollars. Imagine the moment of being able to look into your spouse's eyes, your children's eyes or your mom or dad's eyes and telling them that its true...your dinars're rich...all your worries are last you're free... Wow... The gurus are predicting this day is coming...very soon. But here's the thing... If you don't keep up with frantic pace of intel, rumors and facts coming if from everywhere, you are going to be misled into making poor decisions and looking VERY silly to the people you care about. Your family and friend are going to think you are crazy for investing in the Dinar and you are going to loose your money by making poor emotional "investments". If you keep up will all the info coming in you'll see the complete'll have the power to make sound decisions with your'll get the MOST out of your investments. Your family and friends will respect your knowledge and insight...and you'll be part of a dinar community of people just like you. The New Iraqi Dinar has been around for almost 10 years. Dinar legend has it there is a plan in place to return the dinar to its rightful place as one of the worlds strongest currencies. On paper, Iraq is one of the worlds wealthiest countries with vast amounts of oil, natural gas and mineral deposits along with millions of acres of the most fertile soil in the world. Its only a matter of time before their economy EXPLODES... Intel about the dinar's increase in value is flowing out of Iraq at break neck speed...faster and faster...more and more every day...too much for any one person to collect and get a clear picture on what's happening right this moment. Things are happening so fast. I got involved in the Dinar last June. Back then there were only a couple of dinar websites to glean information from. The community had a ton of questions and just a few resources. Slowly but surely the community grew and we pieced together a picture of "the plan". Problem was (and still is), no one has the total picture of what's going on...some have banking contacts, others have politicians, some contractors, some have family living in Iraq, others are soldiers on the front line, others are article hounds, others Iraq TV watchers...etc etc etc. Its hard to grasp whats really going on because each website or guru has just a piece...none of them have the whole RV puzzle. Totally frustrating. Some members of the dinar community spend HOURS each day combing through the different sites, listening to conference calls and anxiously watch chat rooms looking for scraps of information. Many have done this for months and months...many for YEARS! Despite all their effort, lost time, and neglected family a lot of times they still miss the most exciting posts...and still feel lost on what's really going on. Sad to say, but I was one of these poor souls. I'd go from site to site, conference call to conference call trying to piece it all together...I felt like an addict...dinar info was like a drug. This dinar thing took over my life...I was neglecting too much and spending WAY too much time on the sites and cc's. It had to stop or I was going to go crazy (and broke). What I did was create a system for myself that brought the best most relevant information, scattered between all the dinar sites, chat boards and gurus, and bring it to one easy spot. This saved me a TON of time and frustration. I was very happy. I showed it to my good friends and they loved it too...they enjoyed the information and the time it saved them so much they suggested that I share it with the whole dinar community. At first I was reluctant. I'm just a regular person after all. I didn't think anyone else would want everything in one spot. I thought most everyone was dedicated to their GURU or favorite site and didn't want to hear what all the others had to say. Boy was I WRONG. Word got out about my little site and people loved it! They loved getting the emails about all the drama going on in the different chat rooms, they loved getting all the guru rumors, predictions and intel AT ONE TIME. They said it saved them so much time and they enjoyed their investment so much more...they said they really looked forward to the fresh updates more than anything in their day. Their families loved it too! I decided to bring my system to everyone so you can benefit too. It was clear to me a lot of Dinarians wanted an easy clear way to get top of the minute info about the dinar investment. I refined my system even more so that you can get the benefits too. Here is just a few of the benefits the Dinar Guru Secrets system will give you:
You won't be lost in the dark anymore. Just think of all the hours you put into researching up to the minute news about your dinars...if you put in a couple of hours a day (not hard to do between sites, conference calls, and chat)...and If you value your time at say, only $10/hour (BTW Lawyers value their time over $200/hour). Most people value their time much more than a mere $10/hour especially relaxation time, money making time and family time...but for fun let's just say $10/hour... That's over $600/month worth of you time spent "researching"...gone forever, Poof. Most do this because they don't know what else to do? They want to know what's going on. The Dinar Guru Secrets system automatically does all the work of keeping you up to date on ALL the intel about the dinar for only {Special Offer First Month only $1...$47.95/month after that if you like it } (Get locked in now, once the word gets out I'll be forced to raise this to $57.95/month). Imagine having all the latest news delivered right to you...You'd have your life back! Your husband or wife and kids would love that, you'd love that wouldn't you? I know I did. Get these 3 bonuses just for trying out my system... Date and Rate Sepecial Report: In this report you'll know when each of the top Gurus expect the dinar to RV...this is updated as the gurus picture of the RV becomes clearer and clearer...this is a very popular report. Bonus 2: Top 10 Dinar Gurus List--This report ranks all the top gurus and gives you a little background info about each they got involved, how well their predictions pan out etc. Bonus 3: Top 5 RV Moments in Dinar history--there have been several times when the community has collectivly held it's breath...relieve the moments and you'll learn something too... BONUS 4: POST RV RECAP/Dinar Guru Time Capsule Archives-- We are all curious about what is the REAL truth...Which Gurus are real, which are misinformation informants...Everyone is going to want to how did this really go down? Who was telling the truth--who was NOT and who was a unwitting puppet. Every Dinar Guru Secrets member will get the complete RV debriefing post RV...who was right and who was wrong? I THINK WE ARE ALL IN FOR A SURPRISE WITH THIS ONE!! You will not want to miss it. You have a choice, you can continue to do things the way you do them now...or you can get the Dinar Guru Secrets system and have all the info you need delivered right to you and make your investment so much more fun, exciting and rewarding. You can sit back and relax and let the RV come to you. Dinar Guru Secrets 100% Guarantee Oh, one more thing...Since this is going through PayPal, you can cancel anytime you want...100% guaranteed. Easy. Keep all the bonuses as my gift for trying out the system and we'll part as biggie. Also, If you don't like the system or if the Dinar RV's in your first month with the Dinar Guru Secrets system, I will refund your money 100% no questions asked. You really have nothing to loose and every thing to gain. Here's What To Do Now. If you want to get all this and watch the dinar excitement delivered right to you, click the link below and get started today.... After you click the button go ahead and enter your Paypal'll instantly get access to The top 10 Dinar Gurus List and TOP 5 RV Moments list and other Bonuses FREE! Go ahead and click the link below to discover what all the fuss is about and get started now. ©Copyright 2011, Dinar Guru, All Rights Reserved. All
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