More Guru Drama for you...
Checkmate seems to be obsessed with me and Dinar Guru...
He did a call today promoting his new website...BUT a big chunk of the call was focused on beating me up, calling me names and saying how worthless I am...(ouch!)
Definatly not the way to treat a lady!
I think I know why though, so don't hold it against Check too much.
He is a MASTER marketer after all...
He's just pulling the old "US vs. Them" marketing technique on us...
And he's using Dinar Daddy, Adam Montana, BondLady, Get Team, SteveI and me as the "Them"
You know the technique right? where he CREATES an enemy for everyone to hate so that their group has something to rally around and bond about...
Politicians are great at this...Nothing like "Us vs. Them" to get the vote!
This "old gal" has been around the block more than a few times you know...
I sure wish he'd find someone else to beat up on though...geez!
Below is the email he talks about on the call...I sent this email update out back on June 17th to the members.
Some wanted to read it in it's here it is.
When's Check going to learn the WORLD is not against him...PTR has a great following, he doesn't have to resort to negative techniques to keep them--
He's young, he'll learn (let's hope).
I enjoy PTR calls--Their VERY entertaining.
Oh, he also metions on the call that I said TonyTnT was my son? This was BIZARRE when he first said's even WEIRDER that he's still saying it... He's my open letter to TonyTnT from a while back...I sure hope Check uses better investigative reasoning when looking at the RV! :)
talk soon
Checkmate seems to be obsessed with me and Dinar Guru...
He did a call today promoting his new website...BUT a big chunk of the call was focused on beating me up, calling me names and saying how worthless I am...(ouch!)
Definatly not the way to treat a lady!
I think I know why though, so don't hold it against Check too much.
He is a MASTER marketer after all...
He's just pulling the old "US vs. Them" marketing technique on us...
And he's using Dinar Daddy, Adam Montana, BondLady, Get Team, SteveI and me as the "Them"
You know the technique right? where he CREATES an enemy for everyone to hate so that their group has something to rally around and bond about...
Politicians are great at this...Nothing like "Us vs. Them" to get the vote!
This "old gal" has been around the block more than a few times you know...
I sure wish he'd find someone else to beat up on though...geez!
Below is the email he talks about on the call...I sent this email update out back on June 17th to the members.
Some wanted to read it in it's here it is.
When's Check going to learn the WORLD is not against him...PTR has a great following, he doesn't have to resort to negative techniques to keep them--
He's young, he'll learn (let's hope).
I enjoy PTR calls--Their VERY entertaining.
Oh, he also metions on the call that I said TonyTnT was my son? This was BIZARRE when he first said's even WEIRDER that he's still saying it... He's my open letter to TonyTnT from a while back...I sure hope Check uses better investigative reasoning when looking at the RV! :)
talk soon
Member Email 6-17-2011
Well Friend, now I'm totally confused...
Where exactly do we stand with our investment? The Intel gurus have proclaimed All week , "TODAY" is the day. No one has touted this more than Checkmate's PTR TEAM... In fact for months Team Checkmate have been the poster children of the IMMINENT RV... But PTR did a 180 degree turn from their OWN intel this week... They dropped a Bomb shell announcement that sent shortwaves throughout the community... It left members scratching their heads in disbelief... From the beginning Check made it VERY VERY clear they created a socialist environment at "People's" Talk Radio... You see, they were FEVERISHLY proud the people had FREE access to their intel... the people didn't have to pay anything for their "hard work"... They EVEN took it a step further... ...and said shame on ANY site that charges. For months Check bullied sites for charging fees. He attacked Adam Montana, SteveI, Dinar Daddy, Get Team, and bondlady (not to mention the horrible things they said about me) (Don't worry about me I'm a tough cookie...Hurricane Katrina didn't blow me away and neither did big bad wolf Check :) It was as if providing a value added service was dirty and had cooties or something. On Wednesday PTR announced they launched their own paid member site. Now, only paying members will have access to their intel calls...members who share the intel will be BANNED... Not very "people's" is it...goes against their core values. And get this Check said they've been flirting with the paid member idea for MONTHS??? Do you see why members are totally confused? Mixed messages. The members feel they are building a site for an RV that is a long ways away? Check's a smart man, he taught us to... "Look at what they do and not at what they say..." when it comes to Iraq... Should we do the same thing here in this instance or ignore it? I am happy PTR has come out of the shadows and revealed their true plans... No Biggie there. After all we live in America where it is an honor to receive payment for a valued service...a job well done. But it begs the question... Do they believe the RV is DONE like they say or are they building the site because they feel the RV is MONTHS away?? I enjoy listening to PTR calls...let's hope the RV is closer rather than farther away. talk soon Blanche PS You're reading the free edition. If you want something like this everyday plus other guru stuff, then you may want the primo edition of this email. follow this link to learn more. You'll be happy you did. PPS Get 10 off (per million) on your next dinar order with Make sure you enter coupon code: *** DinarGuru *** When you use the code I get a small commission ...I'm saving up all my pennies for new flooring to cover the concrete...6 years is long enough (yuck!)....You know what I'm talking about if you've read My Dinar Story ================ Dinar Guru Updates ================ 6-17-2011 Honorary Philosopher Guru Trumpetman "It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning." -- Henry Ford 6-17-2011 Guru Juni the GOI isn't formed yet... the finished GOI is required for them to get out of Ch. VII. And until they get out of Ch. VII, they are not going to move to a tradeable currency (from IMF Art. XIV to IMF Art. VII)...The bottom line is that until they name the security ministries that represent a properly constituted government according to the power sharing agreements they signed last year (as well as the creation of the National Council for Strategic Policies), they will not have stability and security in the region-- and the UN does not have to release them from CH. VII....The point here is- NO GOI (ministries filled and NSCP created)....NO RV. 6-17-2011 Guru Med I AM NOT GOING TO JUMP SOMMERSAULTS YET FOR ONE REASON THEY ALWAYS SEEM TO WEASEL THEIR WAY OUT OF ANY AGREEMENTAND UNTIL THE IMF FORCES THEM TO DO SO...I WENT OVER ALL THE IMF DOCS...LAN Said WHEN YOU HEAR ABOUT HE SMALL DENOMSTHEN YOU ARE CLOSE AND WE HAVE...NOT BY RUMOR BUT BY CBI'S OWN ADMITTANCE...I BELIEVE THAT CBI IS READYAND ALL IS SET TO GO INTO MOTION...I DO BELIEVE I AM CORRECTTHE ENTIRE THING IS BEING HELD UPBY THESE TWO WORDS MALIKI AND ALLAWI...I'm sticking with .84TO 1.30...SOMETIME IN JULY 6-17-2011 Guru Bluwolf This thing will just appear, it (will) pop up at any instant ok so don't break your heads who is going to say what, be prudent, we must monitor all banks to see if its ok to start cashing in...All banks worldwide are ready 6-17-2011 Guru TonyTnT Today banks are training tellers...this has not happened before...before it was always at the higher levels...banking people are under blackout today...everything that is required was signed and sealed... 6-17-2011 Guru TonyTnT The hard part today was that we were not able to talk to a lot of it became a moving target...treasury said today, banking said today...embassy said look for it is the drop dread date...just heard that it must happen today and it is 8pm on the west coast...If not we will see it in the morning...$5.25 to $8.60 or could go up because found lost money in Iraq...lowest possible rate is $5.25 from the banking industry...Already in system...homeland security in the banks ============== Chat room scuttlebutt ============== upgrade to the Dinar Guru Secrets system now to get up to date... ============== Guru Prediction Recap ============== Want to know how the Guru's past predictions panned out? Click here now. ============= Guru spotlight ============= This is a Dinar Guru Secrets here to see what all the fuss is about... ============= Guru Drama ============= Which guru's are cat fighting with who? It's a jungle out there kiddies...the mud is slinging... This is a Dinar Guru Secrets here to learn more... _____________________ The Gurus are working on some juicy intel this week...stay tuned! Talk soon my friend Blanche B PS If you want the super duper primo version of this email and get all your Dinar guru dirt in on place you can check it out here... |