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Live Baghdad Time New to the Iraqi Dinar? Start Here: Biggest Dinar Myths & Secrets Exposed
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Official Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) Dinar Rate:1460 IQD to 1 USD Dinar Market Rate: (CBI last reported 4-14-2021) 1478.000 IQD to 1 USD - Rates Are Within IMF 2% Rule: YES Started Dec 20, 2020Dinar Guru "RV" Meters
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Dinar Gurus who feel Dinar will RV within days...
26% Dinar Gurus who feel the Dinar will NOT "Change" until certain "things" are accomplished...
74% Dinar Gurus who feel the Dinar will FLOAT "slowly" upward instead of RV...
31% Dinar Gurus' Official Master List of Possible Major " To Do's ":
"I find your emails to be fascinating they are filled with Life and energy. Just reading them gives me a boost. Peace and Blessings" -E Dinar Guru Member
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4-17-2021 Intel/Newshound Guru Holly RV News: There is a lot going on behind the curtain. Not only with the RV but globally. Both are related. This has been a war on epic levels. The release will happen when it is safe globally and all people will be safe as well. Do not get discouraged that another week went by, but be encouraged. Each week we get closer to the goal. Do not get frustrated, yet remain positive and strong and hold that energy to bring it to fruition. Nothing will happen this weekend. Enjoy your weekend. Our next window is Tuesday for the final release to happen.
4-17-2021 Newshound Guru Pimpy One of the articles says that Al-Kazemi is going to appeal the 2021 budget. What that has done is started all kinds of rumors in our nifty little arena of the Iraqi dinar. People are like 'oh yeah they're going to change the rate again.' Guys we don't know what they're going to do okay. Is it possible? Of course. Anything is possible. First things first...he wants to put in some amendments. Nobody knows what those amendment are...people are saying that in there is going to be the rate change. There's no proof of that anywhere. Does that mean it won't happen? No. Does that mean it will happen? NO. That's the point. We won't know until they do it...changes are coming. We'll see what they are shortly. 4-17-2021 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat We all need to relax and let this play out in Iraq. All the conversations now are about implementing the financial reforms, as listed in the “White Paper”. ...We know that the White Paper states that the project to delete the zeros will be completed. So, it’s now on the radar, its documented and they can’t avoid it much longer. Oh… we know the budget is passed and ratified. We are just waiting for the publishing in the gazette. But will we get the RV once it’s in the gazette...No one knows for sure but I will say the IMF does want Iraq to get its act together and follow a budgetary process. It is now done. But the CBI has said noting about an RV anytime soon. Is this just a coverup for what they might do? ...So far the CBI is not advertising any rate change in the next 2 years. Yes, two years. Will it take that long? Get caught up on last night's updates below and if you are not a dinarguru.com alert list yet now is a great time to do it...It's free as always and only takes a sec...If you invested in the dinar and spend time on the site you don't want to miss something very important because you're not on the list. Click here to get on the list now.
4-16-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 They will float it [the dinar]. And the reason why is because internally they have fixed it [fixed rate] and they will float it internationally...that float equals a middle eastern basket that the Iraqi dinar will be in there with the American dollar 1 to 1 and all of these other countries that are around the Middle East they're gonna pour into that basket...maybe 6,7,8 different countries...those other counties will also be 1 to 1 with the American dollar.
4-16-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 They will float it [the dinar]. And the reason why is because internally they have fixed it [fixed rate] and they will float it internationally...that float equals a middle eastern basket that the Iraqi dinar will be in there with the American dollar 1 to 1 and all of these other countries that are around the Middle East they're gonna pour into that basket...maybe 6,7,8 different countries...those other counties will also be 1 to 1 with the American dollar.
4-16-2021 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow ] ...so far we know things are - I think they are really ready to release – from what I’ve heard from several sources – this thing is ready to go down...So – this is a great time for us to know that we are very very close – we could be closer that we think – which might bring the weekend into play – or we could defer to a Monday/Tuesday start but as we’ve been told in the past that we were actually anticipating this past week - “This Week” ... 4-16-2021 Newshound Guru Pimpy Article: "Al-Kazemi: We have succeeded in stopping the waste and the great corruption in the Central Bank auction, and we will not stop" ...he seems to be doing what it takes to clean up Iraq and to get them back on their feet where they belong. They are a rich country...unfortunately the corruption is so bad and people are so greedy...these are the types of things [Cleaning up corruption] I like. It's a great reflection on the country when it comes to the international people...this is good. We want to see the corruption being taken care of. 4-16-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Its fantastic, fabulous, freaky Friday. There is a whole lot going on...We appear to be in a holding pattern…waiting for something. Everybody is still in place… 4-16-2021 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "MEANING OF CURRENCY REVALUATION AND WHAT WILL HAPPEN IF IRAQ TAKES THIS PATH" Quote: "The act of altering the value of a nation’s currency relative to other currencies is typically influenced by market pressures. The pressure is now." The pressure is not going to end until the CBI completes the project to delete the zeros and the revaluation of the dinar against the dollar. 4-16-2021 Intel Guru FootForward ...I personally am going to a bank to cash out my dinar. I would be a little wary personally of anywhere saying that there is no tax. For one the tax has not been determined yet on this exchange...I think people are so caught up in the highest rate or no tax that they lose perspective of the big picture. [I have never paid tax on converting usd to Canadian or Canadian to usd but that was under $200.] This is very different. It would be awesome to pay no tax...But this isn't just a currency exchange in the traditional sense... [NOTE: Be sure to consult your tax professional at the appropriate time.] 4-16-2021 Newshound/Intel Guru Walkingstick [via Guru Frank26] They're going to keep a tight band and watch the cap. The reason why is because supply and demand is going to shoot the Iraqi dinar into a crazy situation. Phase 3: Flotation is actually...a Middle East basket...in order for them to tell you the next step is flotation [it means] Step 1 and Step 2 are already done. You just have to wait for them to show you and tell you. |