3-1-2018 Newshound Guru EHankins In my opinion...I see the many things coming to the surface...the HCL, The auctions losing value and heading to a suspension, the price of the IQD is rising to meet parity with the auctions. The CBI is speaking to the three-headed monster of the "time frame" that is plugged into the current timeline of events. We wait for the budget yet, it is finished actually in reality...we just can't see it. I believe all...these things mentioned are in place and quivers with energy waiting on one thing... . When this one thing happens, what we look for will not explode... there won't be a boom. When the RI takes it's first breath... then EVERYTHING mentioned will simply lean forward into the center where the RI sits and all of this will simply function as one well oiled purposeful Monetary Reform without hesitation. Only in my Opinion...
3-1-2018 Intel Guru Frank26 [So the budget was NOT passed.... And we are now into March. So what does that do to the contracts that were supposed to implemented March 1? ...i know many are frustrated...] ...AM NOT AT ALL FRUSTRATED...WS [GURU WALKINGSTICK] SAYS...RESPECT THE 1ST QT OF 2018. OK. WS SAYS...THE 1ST QT OF 2018 LOOKS VERY GOOD FOR THE RI. OK. TODAY IS THE 1ST OF MARCH. OK. IMO...LOGIC SAYS...WE ARE MARCH ING...IN THE CORRECT DIRECTION. OK...BUT WHY? BECAUSE IMO...THE CBI HAS GIVEN THE 3 HEADED MONSTER (UST, IMF?) A TIME FRAME OF WHEN THEY WILL DO THE RI. OK...BUT WHY? BECAUSE THE CBI SENT MANY...MEMOS LAST WEEK. SO IS THE BUDGET NEEDED FOR THE RI? ...NO...
3-1-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Article: "Abadi discusses with INTERPOL Secretary General the exchange of expertise on cyber crimes and money laundering" While they appear to be making headway on their “Official rate – Market rate” spread… it would do wonders for international investment if they would make some visible and public encroachments against their endemic corruption. Their bloated OR/MR spread is just a symptom – it is not the problem. The problem is the corruption that feeds the disparity.
3-1-2018 Newshound Guru chattels Quote: "The House of Representatives, Thursday, its meeting to next Saturday to complete the vote on the budget after the imbalance of the quorum and the exit of some members of the HaLL" To resume on Saturday according to one report...There it is...Parliament convened with the bare minimum of 165 in the afternoon after failing to make quorum this morning I read...
3-1-2018 Intel Guru Frank26 If Abadi is not going to show you the rate...and the budget comes out in Trillion's or Million's they can pass an amendment and change it just like that...The pressure is on Abadi and the greatest pressure is coming from the US... The Budget needs the RI... The Budget needs the rate to pass it. 1. The IMF in Dec approved this budget...if they pass this budget then the RI of Iraqi will open this budget...IMO we're in March, and we March into a new phase..we have received our marching orders to move forward into our legacy investment..
3-1-2018 Intel Guru Delta I'm on a Iraq FB…and 8 hrs ago this was posted: Trader Dave just told his friends GET RID OF YOUR DOLLARS!! CBI has the new exchange rates...
3-1-2018 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: "Weekly Conference Prime Minister Summary Dr. Haider al - Abadi /" Abadi says they are Sovereign, they are Unitied, they have maintained there currency pricing and have a mediation with Germany for to be transparent with money for reconstruction.. Exactly what the KW conference investors will want and got.. All just in time for the DDD. ~ IMO ~
3-1-2018 Intel Guru RayRen98 I am awaiting instructions on how to pursue the contract rate...it is going to be on the dinar only! Bank story 1: A WF employee stated that all essential employees are now trained on the update for foreign currency exchanges. Bank story 2: Banks received a bulletin instructing to get this done, and acknowledging "no tax" on exchange process. Bank story 3 - some bank staff are being called in at 7 am – two hours before regular opening hours – so that they can get things in order. ...This morning, the Kurds said they are deleting 50,000 fictitious names on the payroll. Also, we hear the three presidents are meeting to resolve issues concerning the Budget...
3-1-2018 Intel Guru Frank26 [So the budget was NOT passed.... And we are now into March. So what does that do to the contracts that were supposed to implemented March 1? ...i know many are frustrated...] ...AM NOT AT ALL FRUSTRATED...WS [GURU WALKINGSTICK] SAYS...RESPECT THE 1ST QT OF 2018. OK. WS SAYS...THE 1ST QT OF 2018 LOOKS VERY GOOD FOR THE RI. OK. TODAY IS THE 1ST OF MARCH. OK. IMO...LOGIC SAYS...WE ARE MARCH ING...IN THE CORRECT DIRECTION. OK...BUT WHY? BECAUSE IMO...THE CBI HAS GIVEN THE 3 HEADED MONSTER (UST, IMF?) A TIME FRAME OF WHEN THEY WILL DO THE RI. OK...BUT WHY? BECAUSE THE CBI SENT MANY...MEMOS LAST WEEK. SO IS THE BUDGET NEEDED FOR THE RI? ...NO...
3-1-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Article: "Abadi discusses with INTERPOL Secretary General the exchange of expertise on cyber crimes and money laundering" While they appear to be making headway on their “Official rate – Market rate” spread… it would do wonders for international investment if they would make some visible and public encroachments against their endemic corruption. Their bloated OR/MR spread is just a symptom – it is not the problem. The problem is the corruption that feeds the disparity.
3-1-2018 Newshound Guru chattels Quote: "The House of Representatives, Thursday, its meeting to next Saturday to complete the vote on the budget after the imbalance of the quorum and the exit of some members of the HaLL" To resume on Saturday according to one report...There it is...Parliament convened with the bare minimum of 165 in the afternoon after failing to make quorum this morning I read...
3-1-2018 Intel Guru Frank26 If Abadi is not going to show you the rate...and the budget comes out in Trillion's or Million's they can pass an amendment and change it just like that...The pressure is on Abadi and the greatest pressure is coming from the US... The Budget needs the RI... The Budget needs the rate to pass it. 1. The IMF in Dec approved this budget...if they pass this budget then the RI of Iraqi will open this budget...IMO we're in March, and we March into a new phase..we have received our marching orders to move forward into our legacy investment..
3-1-2018 Intel Guru Delta I'm on a Iraq FB…and 8 hrs ago this was posted: Trader Dave just told his friends GET RID OF YOUR DOLLARS!! CBI has the new exchange rates...
3-1-2018 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: "Weekly Conference Prime Minister Summary Dr. Haider al - Abadi /" Abadi says they are Sovereign, they are Unitied, they have maintained there currency pricing and have a mediation with Germany for to be transparent with money for reconstruction.. Exactly what the KW conference investors will want and got.. All just in time for the DDD. ~ IMO ~
3-1-2018 Intel Guru RayRen98 I am awaiting instructions on how to pursue the contract rate...it is going to be on the dinar only! Bank story 1: A WF employee stated that all essential employees are now trained on the update for foreign currency exchanges. Bank story 2: Banks received a bulletin instructing to get this done, and acknowledging "no tax" on exchange process. Bank story 3 - some bank staff are being called in at 7 am – two hours before regular opening hours – so that they can get things in order. ...This morning, the Kurds said they are deleting 50,000 fictitious names on the payroll. Also, we hear the three presidents are meeting to resolve issues concerning the Budget...
2-28-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni ...the momentum has changed in Dec 2015 when the IMF signed the deal with the CBI to help them with the banking system and market economy...yes, there are some against such success, but the IMF, WB etc. are pushing it forward.
2-28-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG "Jubouri calls on all members of parliament to attend tomorrow’s session to vote on the budget" So – as near as I can tell, it looks like they intend to have a meeting of the 3 Presidencies, hammer out some final details and then get Parliament together right afterward to vote on it the same afternoon. There is obviously some sense of urgency on their part. What is driving this surge? I do not know. It sounds like a long shot to me – but I’ll be glad if they pull it off.
2-28-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni [So many other problems in Iraq, but perhaps they are not obstacles to the completion of Iraq's banking / monetary reform project and some liquidity / profit for we speculators.] There are other issue yes, but I do not see them holding up the banking system. In fact, banking is the #1 priority... without it, nothing else happens.
2-28-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG [Doesn’t this mean it won’t move more than 2% after its revalued? What’s everyone’s concern? It’s that it can move from where it is no more than 2% which means nobody gets rich over night. It doesn’t even start until after they are an internationally traded currency. Much concern about nothing!] [reference BGG post 2-27-2018] That’s not at all what it means... 1) this refers the spread between the official rate and the market rate... NOT a 2% difference between today’s official rate and tomorrow’s official rate. Further – the 2% rule doesn’t care if the rate is .10 per Dinar or $10 per Dinar... or if it fluctuates across that whole range for 90 days (just an illustration – not possible). What matters is if the “Official rate” of ‘X’ and the “Market rate” (which is the number it is sold at, publicly) have a reflective DIFFERENCE of 2% or less. 2) Internationally trading and value should (or could) happen at the same time.
2-28-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni ...Banks don’t want to lose money. They want to know what the spread is from day to day. They want to know how much it’s going up and how much it’s going down and so on…this has always been an issue since I’ve been in this investment. The Central Bank had to reduce the spread…Shabibi actually did a wonderful job. He lowered the spread within the conditions set forth in their article IV consultations. He got it down to 1200 or so on the street and held it there for 10 months. In September of 2012 he announced he was going to begin currency reform so we assumed he was going to Article VIII at that point. Then of course PM Maliki at the time said No, we’re not ready. We don’t want this to occur…When Shabibi was out of the country for a conference Maliki put out a warrant for his arrest. Which in essence kept him out of the country and stopped the process in it’s tracks. [Post 2 of 2]
2-28-2018 Intel Guru Bruce What I am hearing the last couple of days...We know that Iraq’s rate is in their budget which we found was passed last Tuesday, a week ago... Also, we know at that time...all the companies that were in Kuwait for the Rebuilding Iraq Conference that was hosted by Kuwait...received invitation to come back to Iraq, to Baghdad starting tomorrow [Wednesday] for signing off those agreements they were putting together for their companies for Iraq. ...even though we heard rates for the dinar, we know what they are and what they are on the screens, fairly accurate rates, we still are not publicly seeing that, not universally internationally ...it is not public knowledge yet. Everything I am hearing right now is pointing toward something major happening this week...it should take place any day now, but you know how it is...We heard the 28th is a deadline of sorts. We will see if it is honored or see if it happens. Every indication is all the rates on all the currencies are at a very good level right now. I am excited ...
2-28-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni ...The market rate is in essence the rate on the street…the dinar is a little weaker than the actual value from the CBI which is pegged to the US dollar which is part of Article 14. In order to meet the stipulations of IMF Article VIII you [Iraq] need to simplify your foreign exchange and reduce the market rate spread which is the spread on the street…The rest of the world’s banking system for the most part is in Article VIII…they have expertise in managing their currency and meet the conditions. This is important because if you’re ever going to accept article VIII and make the dinar internationally convertible you need to maintain that exchange rate for international transactions... [Post 1 of 2 Stay tuned for the rest of the story]
2-28-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG "Jubouri calls on all members of parliament to attend tomorrow’s session to vote on the budget" So – as near as I can tell, it looks like they intend to have a meeting of the 3 Presidencies, hammer out some final details and then get Parliament together right afterward to vote on it the same afternoon. There is obviously some sense of urgency on their part. What is driving this surge? I do not know. It sounds like a long shot to me – but I’ll be glad if they pull it off.
2-28-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni [So many other problems in Iraq, but perhaps they are not obstacles to the completion of Iraq's banking / monetary reform project and some liquidity / profit for we speculators.] There are other issue yes, but I do not see them holding up the banking system. In fact, banking is the #1 priority... without it, nothing else happens.
2-28-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG [Doesn’t this mean it won’t move more than 2% after its revalued? What’s everyone’s concern? It’s that it can move from where it is no more than 2% which means nobody gets rich over night. It doesn’t even start until after they are an internationally traded currency. Much concern about nothing!] [reference BGG post 2-27-2018] That’s not at all what it means... 1) this refers the spread between the official rate and the market rate... NOT a 2% difference between today’s official rate and tomorrow’s official rate. Further – the 2% rule doesn’t care if the rate is .10 per Dinar or $10 per Dinar... or if it fluctuates across that whole range for 90 days (just an illustration – not possible). What matters is if the “Official rate” of ‘X’ and the “Market rate” (which is the number it is sold at, publicly) have a reflective DIFFERENCE of 2% or less. 2) Internationally trading and value should (or could) happen at the same time.
2-28-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni ...Banks don’t want to lose money. They want to know what the spread is from day to day. They want to know how much it’s going up and how much it’s going down and so on…this has always been an issue since I’ve been in this investment. The Central Bank had to reduce the spread…Shabibi actually did a wonderful job. He lowered the spread within the conditions set forth in their article IV consultations. He got it down to 1200 or so on the street and held it there for 10 months. In September of 2012 he announced he was going to begin currency reform so we assumed he was going to Article VIII at that point. Then of course PM Maliki at the time said No, we’re not ready. We don’t want this to occur…When Shabibi was out of the country for a conference Maliki put out a warrant for his arrest. Which in essence kept him out of the country and stopped the process in it’s tracks. [Post 2 of 2]
2-28-2018 Intel Guru Bruce What I am hearing the last couple of days...We know that Iraq’s rate is in their budget which we found was passed last Tuesday, a week ago... Also, we know at that time...all the companies that were in Kuwait for the Rebuilding Iraq Conference that was hosted by Kuwait...received invitation to come back to Iraq, to Baghdad starting tomorrow [Wednesday] for signing off those agreements they were putting together for their companies for Iraq. ...even though we heard rates for the dinar, we know what they are and what they are on the screens, fairly accurate rates, we still are not publicly seeing that, not universally internationally ...it is not public knowledge yet. Everything I am hearing right now is pointing toward something major happening this week...it should take place any day now, but you know how it is...We heard the 28th is a deadline of sorts. We will see if it is honored or see if it happens. Every indication is all the rates on all the currencies are at a very good level right now. I am excited ...
2-28-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni ...The market rate is in essence the rate on the street…the dinar is a little weaker than the actual value from the CBI which is pegged to the US dollar which is part of Article 14. In order to meet the stipulations of IMF Article VIII you [Iraq] need to simplify your foreign exchange and reduce the market rate spread which is the spread on the street…The rest of the world’s banking system for the most part is in Article VIII…they have expertise in managing their currency and meet the conditions. This is important because if you’re ever going to accept article VIII and make the dinar internationally convertible you need to maintain that exchange rate for international transactions... [Post 1 of 2 Stay tuned for the rest of the story]
2-27-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni ...IMF: "Although performance under the Stand-By Arrangement has been weak in some key areas, understandings on sufficient corrective actions have been reached to keep the program on track. Against this background, Directors encouraged resolute implementation of the authorities’ program including continued efforts toward fiscal consolidation, strengthening the financial sector, and implementing structural reforms to promote private sector activity and improve the business environment." Very key...That is about as stern as I have ever seen from the IMF. I just think were in a good place finally. With the help of the UST and IMF it looks like they got a plan to reduce the spread. And with at 1220 now we are only 7 dinars away from 2%. So by end of week maybe. Can they hold it? Well I think there is to much riding on it to not to.
جدول مبيعات البنك المركزي العراقي للعملة الاجنبية (المبالغ بالاف الدولارات) ليوم الاربعاء 2018/2/28 والمنفذ يوم الثلاثاء 2018/2/27
2-27-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG There are articles regularly touting the tightening of this gap...or the “Strengthening of the Dinar against the Dollar” or some other various titles along those same lines. Ask yourself why? Because they know what it means. Whichever side of the fence you are on here, this tightening of the OR/MR gap is the single most visible, interesting and encouraging “data point” we’ve seen in a very, very long time. Personally, as I have said many times, I don’t care if it is a fixed rate, a managed rate, a dirty float, a naked float or some weird combination. I DON’T CARE! My confidence in the future of Iraq is such that, I believe whichever it goes – in a reasonably short period of time, the value will wind up in the same place any way. The key for me? Just get STARTED! [post 2 of 2]
2-27-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG [What is this 90 day 2 % everyone talking about has it started and does it mean we have to have 2 % for 90 days before a rv?] If I recall correctly, the “IMF 2% rule” refers to the spread between the Official rate and Market rate of the currency on any given day. The rule is, basically – they must maintain this 2% (or less) gap for at least 90 days prior to accepting IMF Article 8 general obligations (as a member country) and concurrently from then on. Now – would the IMF allow them some latitude on the 90 day entry point? Possibly. However, the real issue everyone is stewing over is this… Does this recent closing of the gap between the “Official rate” and “Market rate” forecast some coming change or is it much ado about nothing? [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
2-27-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni From the IMF last Sept... "25. The government will gradually remove remaining exchange restrictions and a multiple currency practice (MCP) with a view to eliminating exchange rate distortions. Such a move towards acceptance of the obligations under Article VIII of the IMF’s Articles of Agreement will send a positive signal to the investor community that Iraq is committed to maintain an exchange system that is free of MCPs and restrictions for current international transactions and thus facilitate creation of a favorable business climate." So it's coming. That should perpetuate a new exchange rate regime as well causing the dinar to rise. ...I believe once it starts, it won't take more than a year to rise to a value we are comfortable with. [post 2 of 2]
2-27-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Funny how nobody cared what was in print from the IMF for years and finally now think they may be something to it. Despite the daily rv calls, the IMF is running the show. And until the CBI gets in compliance with them, there is no Article VIII. ...an IMF document states that once they get the spread within 2% they must hold that for at least 90 days. That is documented. The last Article IV had a comment about compliance...specifically that they did not recommend accession without meeting that criteria. I did state that i though they might wave the timeframe (90 days), but who knows. ...it was not recommended to wave the 2% ...which they have not...but since the world is waiting, maybe the IMF will wave the timeframe. [MAYBE ONE DAY soon.] Maybe...Hopefully yet this year. It's up to Iraq. We know the IMF wants them in. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
2-27-2018 Newshound Guru Enorrste ...Once the ball starts rolling it will proceed quickly to a value that we can all enjoy. The simple fact is that there are now a vast majority of factors in our favor versus the few left that seem to be holding this back. ISIS is decimated in Iraq; the banking structure is becoming more internationally connected; interest in investing has risen even if actual investment has not yet begun; the CBI has finally tackled the problem with the spread (this is really key); the CBI is officially on the record now for some time to move toward a floating currency; talk of ending the auctions has risen to the point that it will become a reality soon; the IMF is trustee over the CBI and is on record to move Iraq into the real world; etc. I will be surprised if we don't see the float begin sometime this year.
جدول مبيعات البنك المركزي العراقي للعملة الاجنبية (المبالغ بالاف الدولارات) ليوم الاربعاء 2018/2/28 والمنفذ يوم الثلاثاء 2018/2/27
2-27-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG There are articles regularly touting the tightening of this gap...or the “Strengthening of the Dinar against the Dollar” or some other various titles along those same lines. Ask yourself why? Because they know what it means. Whichever side of the fence you are on here, this tightening of the OR/MR gap is the single most visible, interesting and encouraging “data point” we’ve seen in a very, very long time. Personally, as I have said many times, I don’t care if it is a fixed rate, a managed rate, a dirty float, a naked float or some weird combination. I DON’T CARE! My confidence in the future of Iraq is such that, I believe whichever it goes – in a reasonably short period of time, the value will wind up in the same place any way. The key for me? Just get STARTED! [post 2 of 2]
2-27-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG [What is this 90 day 2 % everyone talking about has it started and does it mean we have to have 2 % for 90 days before a rv?] If I recall correctly, the “IMF 2% rule” refers to the spread between the Official rate and Market rate of the currency on any given day. The rule is, basically – they must maintain this 2% (or less) gap for at least 90 days prior to accepting IMF Article 8 general obligations (as a member country) and concurrently from then on. Now – would the IMF allow them some latitude on the 90 day entry point? Possibly. However, the real issue everyone is stewing over is this… Does this recent closing of the gap between the “Official rate” and “Market rate” forecast some coming change or is it much ado about nothing? [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
2-27-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni From the IMF last Sept... "25. The government will gradually remove remaining exchange restrictions and a multiple currency practice (MCP) with a view to eliminating exchange rate distortions. Such a move towards acceptance of the obligations under Article VIII of the IMF’s Articles of Agreement will send a positive signal to the investor community that Iraq is committed to maintain an exchange system that is free of MCPs and restrictions for current international transactions and thus facilitate creation of a favorable business climate." So it's coming. That should perpetuate a new exchange rate regime as well causing the dinar to rise. ...I believe once it starts, it won't take more than a year to rise to a value we are comfortable with. [post 2 of 2]
2-27-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Funny how nobody cared what was in print from the IMF for years and finally now think they may be something to it. Despite the daily rv calls, the IMF is running the show. And until the CBI gets in compliance with them, there is no Article VIII. ...an IMF document states that once they get the spread within 2% they must hold that for at least 90 days. That is documented. The last Article IV had a comment about compliance...specifically that they did not recommend accession without meeting that criteria. I did state that i though they might wave the timeframe (90 days), but who knows. ...it was not recommended to wave the 2% ...which they have not...but since the world is waiting, maybe the IMF will wave the timeframe. [MAYBE ONE DAY soon.] Maybe...Hopefully yet this year. It's up to Iraq. We know the IMF wants them in. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
2-27-2018 Newshound Guru Enorrste ...Once the ball starts rolling it will proceed quickly to a value that we can all enjoy. The simple fact is that there are now a vast majority of factors in our favor versus the few left that seem to be holding this back. ISIS is decimated in Iraq; the banking structure is becoming more internationally connected; interest in investing has risen even if actual investment has not yet begun; the CBI has finally tackled the problem with the spread (this is really key); the CBI is officially on the record now for some time to move toward a floating currency; talk of ending the auctions has risen to the point that it will become a reality soon; the IMF is trustee over the CBI and is on record to move Iraq into the real world; etc. I will be surprised if we don't see the float begin sometime this year.
2-26-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "A new drop for the dollar today in Iraq" Quote: "The exchange rate of the US dollar against the Iraqi dinar continues to decline for the second month in a row. The foreign exchange markets in Baghdad, on Monday morning, the decline in the dollar exchange rate against the Iraqi dinar. The market price in the Kifah Stock Exchange in Baghdad was 1220 dinars per dollar, or 122 thousand dinars for one hundred dollars." ...All we can do is wait and see each day what they report for the auction. 1220 is close...let's give it another week and see if they are in compliance.
2-26-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Alnasiri: Implementation of the Central Bank's strategy contributed to the improvement of the dinar's exchange rate against the dollar" They had a few months with the UST and IMF to figure out a plan to reduce the spread. It seems likely they are on track to compliance. We all know the investment won't come if they do not get the market economy going. Time is running out.
2-26-2018 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Quote: “...MEMO WAS SEND ON 02/18 TO BANKS REGARDING 02/25!!! DELTA” Well well well. The Final Notice was given to stop selling at the old rate, imo...
2-26-2018 Intel Guru RayRen98 [Do you think that the lack of a budget has anything to do with the lack of a RV? Has the budget been agreed upon as on this morning?] Our committee members say that the Budget has nothing to do with it, it’s just the Iraqi process. Our contractors say that this won’t happen until the rate comes out, and therefore the Budget is released. But the rate and Budget can both be adjusted, if necessary. This morning I talked to people at the bank, and they don’t care what the Budget does; it would be nice, but not essential for the banks to do what they need to do. They are testing the system today and they want it to go by the end of the week.
2-26-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni ...We need to see the spread (the official rate to the market rate) go down within 2%. When it’s within 2% then they are within compliance. Then it puts them into a position to accept the conditions of article VIII and launch their currency internationally. And more importantly exit the peg that they are on and go to some kind of float. Which would let the world set the exchange rate based on supply and demand…They need to be in compliance for 90 days…They might get an exception from that simply because Iraq is in dire consequences. The recent war. You have a lot of unemployed people…There is a certain amount of expedience needed in Iraq so therefor they may give them an exception. Maybe not and the IMF is going to hold them to a full 90 days of compliance. If they get in compliance in the next week it creates a window in March and the end of May which would be the 90 days where Iraq could accept Article VIII and begin it’s transition to engage with the world financial system. That is the step we want to see occur.
2-26-2018 Newshound Guru Walkingstick [There are approximately 7 state-owned banks, 9 Islamic banks, 23 commercial banks, 15 foreign branches of foreign banks, 34 money transfer companies, 2K exchange companies, 2 companies that provide electronic banking and smart card services with 800 branches throughout the provinces of Iraq. IMO, the CBI has a target date to LAUNCH once all financial institutions have successfully completed their conversion.] Memos, were received...by...diff entities, for...diff time slots/ allotted dates...for reason/s... Well done, Manaolana3... [post 2 of 2]
2-26-2018 Newshound Guru Walkingstick [via Manaolona3] [...Guru Walkingstick explained at length the metamorphosis of the currency auction suspension and the process to transition over. CBI suspended currency auction to enable them to complete conversion from "old" to "new" system...CBI sent formal notification (memo) to all financial institutions (entities) i.e., banks, money transfer companies, exchange companies about change banks, transfer companies, currency exchange companies must fully integrate their systems in accordance with and in compliance with new CBI systems requirements...all entities are given specific time-frames (different time slots) to complete the conversion to new CBI system requirements, and are given allotted dates to complete their tasks to test their systems with the new CBI system requirements to ensure all systems are "go" for successful implementation...(LIVE) interface.] [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
2-26-2018 Newshound Guru mike Article: "Kurdistan Alliance confirms the continuation of the boycott budget" Why are they stalling? They want 17%, if Iraq's political leadership would just take a peek at the Iraqi Constitution, it clearly states the Kurd's are to receive 17% of Iraq's budget, outside of sovereign responsibilities...They don't need to re-invent the wheel, just follow the legal and constitutional requirements of Iraq's existing laws and pay the Kurd's their 17%... after a while, they're going to say enough is enough and make another mess that takes three years and billions of dollars to correct.
2-26-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Alnasiri: Implementation of the Central Bank's strategy contributed to the improvement of the dinar's exchange rate against the dollar" They had a few months with the UST and IMF to figure out a plan to reduce the spread. It seems likely they are on track to compliance. We all know the investment won't come if they do not get the market economy going. Time is running out.
2-26-2018 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Quote: “...MEMO WAS SEND ON 02/18 TO BANKS REGARDING 02/25!!! DELTA” Well well well. The Final Notice was given to stop selling at the old rate, imo...
2-26-2018 Intel Guru RayRen98 [Do you think that the lack of a budget has anything to do with the lack of a RV? Has the budget been agreed upon as on this morning?] Our committee members say that the Budget has nothing to do with it, it’s just the Iraqi process. Our contractors say that this won’t happen until the rate comes out, and therefore the Budget is released. But the rate and Budget can both be adjusted, if necessary. This morning I talked to people at the bank, and they don’t care what the Budget does; it would be nice, but not essential for the banks to do what they need to do. They are testing the system today and they want it to go by the end of the week.
2-26-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni ...We need to see the spread (the official rate to the market rate) go down within 2%. When it’s within 2% then they are within compliance. Then it puts them into a position to accept the conditions of article VIII and launch their currency internationally. And more importantly exit the peg that they are on and go to some kind of float. Which would let the world set the exchange rate based on supply and demand…They need to be in compliance for 90 days…They might get an exception from that simply because Iraq is in dire consequences. The recent war. You have a lot of unemployed people…There is a certain amount of expedience needed in Iraq so therefor they may give them an exception. Maybe not and the IMF is going to hold them to a full 90 days of compliance. If they get in compliance in the next week it creates a window in March and the end of May which would be the 90 days where Iraq could accept Article VIII and begin it’s transition to engage with the world financial system. That is the step we want to see occur.
2-26-2018 Newshound Guru Walkingstick [There are approximately 7 state-owned banks, 9 Islamic banks, 23 commercial banks, 15 foreign branches of foreign banks, 34 money transfer companies, 2K exchange companies, 2 companies that provide electronic banking and smart card services with 800 branches throughout the provinces of Iraq. IMO, the CBI has a target date to LAUNCH once all financial institutions have successfully completed their conversion.] Memos, were received...by...diff entities, for...diff time slots/ allotted dates...for reason/s... Well done, Manaolana3... [post 2 of 2]
2-26-2018 Newshound Guru Walkingstick [via Manaolona3] [...Guru Walkingstick explained at length the metamorphosis of the currency auction suspension and the process to transition over. CBI suspended currency auction to enable them to complete conversion from "old" to "new" system...CBI sent formal notification (memo) to all financial institutions (entities) i.e., banks, money transfer companies, exchange companies about change banks, transfer companies, currency exchange companies must fully integrate their systems in accordance with and in compliance with new CBI systems requirements...all entities are given specific time-frames (different time slots) to complete the conversion to new CBI system requirements, and are given allotted dates to complete their tasks to test their systems with the new CBI system requirements to ensure all systems are "go" for successful implementation...(LIVE) interface.] [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
2-26-2018 Newshound Guru mike Article: "Kurdistan Alliance confirms the continuation of the boycott budget" Why are they stalling? They want 17%, if Iraq's political leadership would just take a peek at the Iraqi Constitution, it clearly states the Kurd's are to receive 17% of Iraq's budget, outside of sovereign responsibilities...They don't need to re-invent the wheel, just follow the legal and constitutional requirements of Iraq's existing laws and pay the Kurd's their 17%... after a while, they're going to say enough is enough and make another mess that takes three years and billions of dollars to correct.
2-25-2018 Newshound Guru mike Article: "The exchange rate of the dollar and gold in Iraq on Sunday" [I still have no idea what the rate is today... Is it 1247 or 1251 or 1252 or what?] Each individual exchange has their own market/street rate: Kifah Stock Exchange-1247; Basra Stock Exchange-1248; Arbil Stock Exchange-1252. I'm with Kap [Reference Guru Kaperoni post 2-25-2018], that's why I didn't get excited when it dropped for a couple days, the markets are cyclical. Supply and demand are the main control points for the value of a currency, as long as the government is stable, secure and free from corruptive manipulation. There's no reason I can think of that would create demand for a currency that's not internationally accepted as a form of payment for goods and services. There was an article out four or five days ago that spoke to why the street rate dropped and it was related to the politicians and their movement of funds outside the country in the event they were unable to win re-election...IMO.
2-25-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "The exchange rate of the dollar and gold in Iraq on Sunday" [So...what happened to the 1217 rate which last week was 1213 to the dollar.This is showing rate a lot higher what we saw before or is the rate 1217 on another market this is confusing.] Relax, lets wait a day or so and get some more information.
2-25-2018 Newshound Guru Stryker Article: "Urgent parliamentary financial unveils new economic disappointment in Iraq!" This one is important because Parliamentary Finance Committee, Masood Haider is saying Iraq will become 1000 times better than where it is today after cooperating with the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank on economic reforms...
2-25-2018 Newshound Guru chattels It is encouraging to watch the improvement in the market rate of the dinar in Iraq. Arguably a singular transparent progress available to us.
2-25-2018 Intel/Newshound Guru sandyf My opinion...article 8 is an absolute must...and they aint there yet...then when they are eligible...IMF can take up to 60 days for a yea or nay vote... so we got a while ...Art 8 is a major bullet point. But it should be remembered the onus is on Iraq, it is up to them to accept the obligations of Art 8, they could remove the IMF issues at any point with the stroke of a pen. It is not about the parallel market rate, it is about the settlement of international invoices at a rate that deviates from the official rate. Vietnam had exactly the same problem and they made it illegal for companies not to settle the transaction at the official rate. If companies made loss/profit on buying the dollars they must show it separately in the accounts. Personally I think that Iraq is holding on to Art 14 for a reason, hopefully as part of some other agenda.
2-25-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "The exchange rate of the dollar and gold in Iraq on Sunday" [So...what happened to the 1217 rate which last week was 1213 to the dollar.This is showing rate a lot higher what we saw before or is the rate 1217 on another market this is confusing.] Relax, lets wait a day or so and get some more information.
2-25-2018 Newshound Guru Stryker Article: "Urgent parliamentary financial unveils new economic disappointment in Iraq!" This one is important because Parliamentary Finance Committee, Masood Haider is saying Iraq will become 1000 times better than where it is today after cooperating with the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank on economic reforms...
2-25-2018 Newshound Guru chattels It is encouraging to watch the improvement in the market rate of the dinar in Iraq. Arguably a singular transparent progress available to us.
2-25-2018 Intel/Newshound Guru sandyf My opinion...article 8 is an absolute must...and they aint there yet...then when they are eligible...IMF can take up to 60 days for a yea or nay vote... so we got a while ...Art 8 is a major bullet point. But it should be remembered the onus is on Iraq, it is up to them to accept the obligations of Art 8, they could remove the IMF issues at any point with the stroke of a pen. It is not about the parallel market rate, it is about the settlement of international invoices at a rate that deviates from the official rate. Vietnam had exactly the same problem and they made it illegal for companies not to settle the transaction at the official rate. If companies made loss/profit on buying the dollars they must show it separately in the accounts. Personally I think that Iraq is holding on to Art 14 for a reason, hopefully as part of some other agenda.
2-24-2018 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke Keep in Mind, this DOES NOT, have to "START" on a Weekend...even though it seems popularly "Logical", in most circles. Week DAYS are also definitely in Play, given the Time Sensitivity and impact of this "Process". EVERYONE, at ALL LEVELS, wants this money to move as quickly as possible, and as EARLY as Possible, in the month of MARCH...in THIS Quarter. There is MUCH to Do. "THERE ARE NO GUARANTEES IN LIFE. NONE." [post 2 of 2]
2-24-2018 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke [ I'm going with no news is good news, and that we are still on track for starting in February...] According to what we just learned Early this Morning, our Today Hypothesis is: YES. We are Highly Expectant & believe that the Public "START" of the "Process...will begin anytime between this Wed. FEBRUARY 28 to Mon. MARCH 5, 2018. There is some possibility, that it could be extended to ANY DAY, after the 5th, up to March 12th, related to ONE big element of funding...but we really don't think so. There is some possibility, that it could be extended to ANY DAY, after the 5th, up to March 12th, related to ONE big element of funding...but we really don't think so. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
2-24-2018 Intel Guru Frank26 [URGENT FROM IRAQI TV: "Iraq is moving towards a market economy"] OR ...NO PROGRAM RATE...
2-24-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni ...The recent articles from the last 3 days are very very significant…where economists are putting out articles about the market rate in Iraq and how the market rate is coming down substantially. Titles, “The continuing decline of dollar in Iraq”, another one titled, “Hooray Iraqi Dinar”, another one titled, “The Recovery of the Iraqi Dinar”, another titled “What has causes the sudden price decline of the dollar against the dinar is there a relationship to the decline near the election”. these articles are very significant because now the citizens and economists are starting to notice that the dinar market rate which was well over 1250 is starting to fall in line with…the Central Bank of Iraq’s official rate. This is very very important toward the next step into the international financial system…We’re getting closer and it’s something you should be excited about…We’ve been here before in 2012 when we were close like this under Shabibi. Hopefully this time they will accept the conditions or Article VIII and begin to appreciate the currency…
2-24-2018 Newshounds Guru mike Article: "international rating reflects a look contrary to expectations and negative for the fiscal deficit and the economy in Iraq" Quote: "...The ratings agency Standard & Poor's said it affirmed Iraq's rating at B- / B with a stable outlook." The rating is unchanged.
2-24-2018 Intel Guru Delta URGENT FROM IRAQI TV: "Iraq is moving towards a market economy" (wink)
2-24-2018 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke [ I'm going with no news is good news, and that we are still on track for starting in February...] According to what we just learned Early this Morning, our Today Hypothesis is: YES. We are Highly Expectant & believe that the Public "START" of the "Process...will begin anytime between this Wed. FEBRUARY 28 to Mon. MARCH 5, 2018. There is some possibility, that it could be extended to ANY DAY, after the 5th, up to March 12th, related to ONE big element of funding...but we really don't think so. There is some possibility, that it could be extended to ANY DAY, after the 5th, up to March 12th, related to ONE big element of funding...but we really don't think so. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
2-24-2018 Intel Guru Frank26 [URGENT FROM IRAQI TV: "Iraq is moving towards a market economy"] OR ...NO PROGRAM RATE...
2-24-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni ...The recent articles from the last 3 days are very very significant…where economists are putting out articles about the market rate in Iraq and how the market rate is coming down substantially. Titles, “The continuing decline of dollar in Iraq”, another one titled, “Hooray Iraqi Dinar”, another one titled, “The Recovery of the Iraqi Dinar”, another titled “What has causes the sudden price decline of the dollar against the dinar is there a relationship to the decline near the election”. these articles are very significant because now the citizens and economists are starting to notice that the dinar market rate which was well over 1250 is starting to fall in line with…the Central Bank of Iraq’s official rate. This is very very important toward the next step into the international financial system…We’re getting closer and it’s something you should be excited about…We’ve been here before in 2012 when we were close like this under Shabibi. Hopefully this time they will accept the conditions or Article VIII and begin to appreciate the currency…
2-24-2018 Newshounds Guru mike Article: "international rating reflects a look contrary to expectations and negative for the fiscal deficit and the economy in Iraq" Quote: "...The ratings agency Standard & Poor's said it affirmed Iraq's rating at B- / B with a stable outlook." The rating is unchanged.
2-24-2018 Intel Guru Delta URGENT FROM IRAQI TV: "Iraq is moving towards a market economy" (wink)
2-23-2018 Intel Guru RayRen98 Abadi was on television saying that the Budget must be passed within the next week. By next month, investors need Iraq to have a rate that is visible and active. The bank updates should be in and ready by 27 February. Some banks have had problems with DDOS (denial of service) attacks, due to lack band-width. That seems to be the source of the problems the banking industry has had. But we are still in a good place... The last I heard dinar is $3.50+ and dong is $.150, more or less.
2-23-2018 Newshound Guru mike ...the current reality is that the dinar is pegged to the dollar and under Article XIV, there is just about zero demand for a currency you can't spend outside the country, pragmatically, why would anyone want it? To become a currency that's internationally recognized under Article VIII with the IMF they have to hold this rate for a minimum of 90 days, it's too easy to manipulate the rate for a short term and it doesn't prove that Iraq has it's act together and has the ability to maintain stability. There's no reason any other country would accept it for payment for imports, they want the dollar. Like always, time will tell us what's really going on, if Iraq can get the rate within the 2% band for minimum compliance with the IMF"s MCP requirements, all they have to do is hold it and hopefully they can accept the responsibilities Article VIII.
2-23-2018 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: "Association of Private Banks concludes the course «Accounting for financial institutions" I would think [Quote] "the stability of the dollar exchange rate against the dinar will encourage foreign companies to invest inside Iraq.", especially when it is 1:1 or better and not a program rate we currently have thus far today.
2-23-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Ya never know, maybe the CBI with the help of the IMF and US Treasure finally figured out a plan to succeed at reducing the spread. It would be nice to think so at least.
2-23-2018 Intel Guru Bruce I am hearing some really good things about this going pretty soon here. ...Maybe even before the weekend. I am not one to call it per se, but I am hearing some great stuff. ...I don’t even think Iraq matters at this point because I think they are completely done with what needs to have happened there. ...I am hearing very positive things from US Treasury sources about the next couple of days. I am going to just take that and run with that because they know all the variables. They know what is going on. That is a good sign for us. ...I think we are in great shape and I think we could be surprised here at any time.
2-23-2018 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Didn't Abadi just get back from Munich, didn't Tillerson have a recent visit? Haven't we heard there is a liquidity issue getting worse as each day goes by? Banks and Private ones not part of the auctions? Dollars are drying up at an accelerated pace? All these things imo are scaling the precipice at the same time and there is little to no room left for anyone to move out of line. The tops spot is an international rate for all to see and it sure looks good from my view! imo. [post 2 of 2]
2-23-2018 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: "Do you mean al-Maliki ... Abadi: secret agreements surround the issue of increasing the proportion of the Kurdistan region of the budget” Looks like Abadi is calling a spade a spade. Maliki, might be careful and be more distant and quiet now, as Abadi has been vocal on the matter of wealth being distributed fairly and proportionately to the province's population ( I read HCL.). ...Abadi is clearly pointing out that there are secret deals that can't be adhered to. ...Those in Parliament would be wise to not push the HCL card much further...the 2018 Budget should have been done and agreed on already. Lets see what happens from here, as in, haven't we heard a rate precedes the budget? [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
2-23-2018 Newshound Guru mike ...the current reality is that the dinar is pegged to the dollar and under Article XIV, there is just about zero demand for a currency you can't spend outside the country, pragmatically, why would anyone want it? To become a currency that's internationally recognized under Article VIII with the IMF they have to hold this rate for a minimum of 90 days, it's too easy to manipulate the rate for a short term and it doesn't prove that Iraq has it's act together and has the ability to maintain stability. There's no reason any other country would accept it for payment for imports, they want the dollar. Like always, time will tell us what's really going on, if Iraq can get the rate within the 2% band for minimum compliance with the IMF"s MCP requirements, all they have to do is hold it and hopefully they can accept the responsibilities Article VIII.
2-23-2018 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: "Association of Private Banks concludes the course «Accounting for financial institutions" I would think [Quote] "the stability of the dollar exchange rate against the dinar will encourage foreign companies to invest inside Iraq.", especially when it is 1:1 or better and not a program rate we currently have thus far today.
2-23-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Ya never know, maybe the CBI with the help of the IMF and US Treasure finally figured out a plan to succeed at reducing the spread. It would be nice to think so at least.
2-23-2018 Intel Guru Bruce I am hearing some really good things about this going pretty soon here. ...Maybe even before the weekend. I am not one to call it per se, but I am hearing some great stuff. ...I don’t even think Iraq matters at this point because I think they are completely done with what needs to have happened there. ...I am hearing very positive things from US Treasury sources about the next couple of days. I am going to just take that and run with that because they know all the variables. They know what is going on. That is a good sign for us. ...I think we are in great shape and I think we could be surprised here at any time.
2-23-2018 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Didn't Abadi just get back from Munich, didn't Tillerson have a recent visit? Haven't we heard there is a liquidity issue getting worse as each day goes by? Banks and Private ones not part of the auctions? Dollars are drying up at an accelerated pace? All these things imo are scaling the precipice at the same time and there is little to no room left for anyone to move out of line. The tops spot is an international rate for all to see and it sure looks good from my view! imo. [post 2 of 2]
2-23-2018 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: "Do you mean al-Maliki ... Abadi: secret agreements surround the issue of increasing the proportion of the Kurdistan region of the budget” Looks like Abadi is calling a spade a spade. Maliki, might be careful and be more distant and quiet now, as Abadi has been vocal on the matter of wealth being distributed fairly and proportionately to the province's population ( I read HCL.). ...Abadi is clearly pointing out that there are secret deals that can't be adhered to. ...Those in Parliament would be wise to not push the HCL card much further...the 2018 Budget should have been done and agreed on already. Lets see what happens from here, as in, haven't we heard a rate precedes the budget? [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
2-22-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Dollar exchange rate and gold in Iraq on Thursday prices" Quote: "According to figures received by the "Economy News", it has reached sales of $ 100 at the exchange rate in Baghdad struggle to 122,000 dinars, while the purchase was 121.750 dinars, after it was 122.250 yesterday, settled with the sale price of $ 100. In Erbil Stock Exchange 122.750 dinars, and when the purchase was 122.250 dinars." So pretty much the spread is 1220 to $1 They still got about 7 dinar to go to get in compliance.
2-22-2018 Intel Guru RayRen98 Abadi on Iraqi TV stating that the budget must be passed within one week, urging the Kurds to move forward. Investors are "supposed" to be returning to Iraq next month, the new rate is definitely "supposed" to be visible and active! The Bank Update was originally planned for February 15, then pushed to February 21 and is now moved to February 27. Some of the banks experienced system "time outs" due to over loads on the main banking system band width which created DOS attacks. We're still in a good time and place. Time Will Tell!
2-22-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni [I read that the Official Rate is 1180.] ...the CBI auction post under CBI news states the price at 1182. ... market forces (interbank) are minimal at this point plus the CBI has pegged to the dollar. ...that is why the CBI cannot stay pegged once in compliance. The CBI needs to move to a different exchange rate regime (some type of float) which would allow flexibility to adjust the value of the dinar based on economic pressure (this is known as discovery) created by investment. ...I think its key to understand why they CBI must move off the peg before investment begins... "Adopting a flexible exchange rate before liberalizing the capital account enables a country to absorb capital account shocks at lower cost to the real economy than under a fixed exchange rate. By contrast, liberalizing the capital account first can help offset temporary current account shocks, expand the range of instruments available for risk management, and deepen the foreign exchange market."
2-22-2018 Intel Guru Footforward So, eventually the currency is going to go back up. Why would they print this currency series and have all of these security features if they were just going to scrap it...it doesn't make any sense. If no one is going to counterfeit this currency on a a big scale, why would you have it the most secure currency on planet earth. That's what I keep going back to, nobody can refute this. I do believe this is going to happen. I do not hold any other currency...I do believe the dinar is going to be the big winner. ...Every bank in the country will be dealing with this. [Guru] Studley told me this and I trusted him because I know who he was and I know who he worked for and I knew his connections. [post 2 of 2]
2-22-2018 Intel Guru Footforward Iraq has this currency that is worthless...they printed a new series that is worthless, but they have these incredible security features on this currency. They say that the CBI just wants control of the money supply and that's why they are putting these security features on them. Iraqs currency used to be at a rate of $3.22 then suddenly overnight it was completely worthless. It didn't have a gradual devaluation, there wasn't inflation that was going out of control...it was $3.22 one night and literally worthless the next. It was planned, orchestrated. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
2-22-2018 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke It’s getting “REAL-ER” & CHANGING by the Hour...When it comes to TAXES, for God's Sake, get ALL YOUR FACTS from the IRS or Your Designated Country's Official Tax System DIRECTLY, seen or given in WRITING directly from the Up-To-Date Source, as shown to you, READ BY YOU, Validated & Confirmed by a Licensed Professional, such as a Licensed CPA TAX PROFESSIONAL, when you make ALL YOUR DECISIONS. BE SMART.
2-22-2018 Newshound Guru Don961 Article: "Merry of Iraqi dinar" ...another article touting what a terrific job the CBI has done holding and even increasing the value of the IQD...even with all the turmoil of ridding the country of Daesh...more and more articles now appearing talking about the dinar and its value...imo.
2-22-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Article: "URGENT The dollar is blowing in Iraq" Quotes "Foreign exchange markets in Baghdad, on Wednesday morning, a significant decline in the exchange rate of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar."; "The selling price of one dollar 1225 dinars, or 122 thousand and 500 dinars, for one hundred dollars. And the purchase price of the dollar is 1215 dinars, or 121 thousand and 500 dinars, for one hundred dollars." ...this is good news. The Dinar is getting stronger. It is harder to get (over here), the price is going up and the exchange rate is better over there (for us). None of this is bad. It is all good.
2-22-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Source: The increase in the depreciation of the dollar against the dinar due to the actions of the Central Bank " ...the Market Rate will never be less than the Official Rate at the CBI. And the CBI cannot stop the auctions until there is an alternative for international commerce. I believe I am correct, the 2% rule is calculated off the Official Rate plus CBI commissions (1182 + 8 dinar commissions X .02 = 23.8) which puts it at 1213 to $1. How long the CBI must wait may be subject to IMF review. We know they were not giving them an exception on the spread, but they may give them an exception on time (90 day rule) due to the urgency of maintaining stability and encouraging investment.
[Based on Guru Kaperoni's 8 dinar commission rule some gurus feel the Percentage Difference between the official rate and market rate needs to be 1214 to meet the IMF 2% stipulation...no one seems to be clear on how to calculate the number - guru 2% target rates range from 1203 to 1214]
2-22-2018 Intel Guru RayRen98 Abadi on Iraqi TV stating that the budget must be passed within one week, urging the Kurds to move forward. Investors are "supposed" to be returning to Iraq next month, the new rate is definitely "supposed" to be visible and active! The Bank Update was originally planned for February 15, then pushed to February 21 and is now moved to February 27. Some of the banks experienced system "time outs" due to over loads on the main banking system band width which created DOS attacks. We're still in a good time and place. Time Will Tell!
2-22-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni [I read that the Official Rate is 1180.] ...the CBI auction post under CBI news states the price at 1182. ... market forces (interbank) are minimal at this point plus the CBI has pegged to the dollar. ...that is why the CBI cannot stay pegged once in compliance. The CBI needs to move to a different exchange rate regime (some type of float) which would allow flexibility to adjust the value of the dinar based on economic pressure (this is known as discovery) created by investment. ...I think its key to understand why they CBI must move off the peg before investment begins... "Adopting a flexible exchange rate before liberalizing the capital account enables a country to absorb capital account shocks at lower cost to the real economy than under a fixed exchange rate. By contrast, liberalizing the capital account first can help offset temporary current account shocks, expand the range of instruments available for risk management, and deepen the foreign exchange market."
2-22-2018 Intel Guru Footforward So, eventually the currency is going to go back up. Why would they print this currency series and have all of these security features if they were just going to scrap it...it doesn't make any sense. If no one is going to counterfeit this currency on a a big scale, why would you have it the most secure currency on planet earth. That's what I keep going back to, nobody can refute this. I do believe this is going to happen. I do not hold any other currency...I do believe the dinar is going to be the big winner. ...Every bank in the country will be dealing with this. [Guru] Studley told me this and I trusted him because I know who he was and I know who he worked for and I knew his connections. [post 2 of 2]
2-22-2018 Intel Guru Footforward Iraq has this currency that is worthless...they printed a new series that is worthless, but they have these incredible security features on this currency. They say that the CBI just wants control of the money supply and that's why they are putting these security features on them. Iraqs currency used to be at a rate of $3.22 then suddenly overnight it was completely worthless. It didn't have a gradual devaluation, there wasn't inflation that was going out of control...it was $3.22 one night and literally worthless the next. It was planned, orchestrated. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
2-22-2018 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke It’s getting “REAL-ER” & CHANGING by the Hour...When it comes to TAXES, for God's Sake, get ALL YOUR FACTS from the IRS or Your Designated Country's Official Tax System DIRECTLY, seen or given in WRITING directly from the Up-To-Date Source, as shown to you, READ BY YOU, Validated & Confirmed by a Licensed Professional, such as a Licensed CPA TAX PROFESSIONAL, when you make ALL YOUR DECISIONS. BE SMART.
2-22-2018 Newshound Guru Don961 Article: "Merry of Iraqi dinar" ...another article touting what a terrific job the CBI has done holding and even increasing the value of the IQD...even with all the turmoil of ridding the country of Daesh...more and more articles now appearing talking about the dinar and its value...imo.
2-22-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Article: "URGENT The dollar is blowing in Iraq" Quotes "Foreign exchange markets in Baghdad, on Wednesday morning, a significant decline in the exchange rate of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar."; "The selling price of one dollar 1225 dinars, or 122 thousand and 500 dinars, for one hundred dollars. And the purchase price of the dollar is 1215 dinars, or 121 thousand and 500 dinars, for one hundred dollars." ...this is good news. The Dinar is getting stronger. It is harder to get (over here), the price is going up and the exchange rate is better over there (for us). None of this is bad. It is all good.
2-22-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Source: The increase in the depreciation of the dollar against the dinar due to the actions of the Central Bank " ...the Market Rate will never be less than the Official Rate at the CBI. And the CBI cannot stop the auctions until there is an alternative for international commerce. I believe I am correct, the 2% rule is calculated off the Official Rate plus CBI commissions (1182 + 8 dinar commissions X .02 = 23.8) which puts it at 1213 to $1. How long the CBI must wait may be subject to IMF review. We know they were not giving them an exception on the spread, but they may give them an exception on time (90 day rule) due to the urgency of maintaining stability and encouraging investment.
[Based on Guru Kaperoni's 8 dinar commission rule some gurus feel the Percentage Difference between the official rate and market rate needs to be 1214 to meet the IMF 2% stipulation...no one seems to be clear on how to calculate the number - guru 2% target rates range from 1203 to 1214]
2-21-2018 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke Let's look at the RATES. This is the way we "SEE" things. It's pretty Simple. Let's look at the "FACTS". FACTS, not Rumor. Not Hype. Not B.S. Not somebody's "Whatever". Let's Get sober for just a minute here. "IL-LOGICAL" Example: IRAQ in the 1990's Pre-War, the U.S. exchange rate was $3.00 plus. On average, over the past few years, you could exchange 1 Million Dinar at around $1,000 avg. What happens with Oil-Rich - Iraq, 15 yrs. later, given today's parameters, World economy & RELATIONSHIP WITH THE U.S.? At $3.00, your $1,000, suddenly exchanges for $3,000,000...."IL-LOGICAL"? - YES. "INSANE"? - YES. “NOBODY KNOWS FOR SURE, WHAT THE RATES WILL COME OUT AT, INITIALLY - NOBODY”...except the person sitting in front of the Computer Screen, at the time of Entry, the time of CHANGE, and the Person giving them the information to Input, based on the Committee’s Final Rate Decisions.
2-21-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "IFC is cooperating with the Iraqi Central Bank to strengthen corporate governance in the banking sector" Quote: "This initiative comes within the framework of IFC's strategy to stimulate private sector growth in Iraq..." ...the IFC is going to drive investment into Iraq and as a result capital through the CBI. Exactly what we want...
2-21-2018 Newshound Guru Adam Montana ...On a different subject, I saw a news clip about a confrontation in Iraq yesterday. It surprised me, because we’ve really seen almost NOTHING along those lines in the last year...major violence in Iraq has been almost non-existent lately when compared to 2013,14,15...as we all know here, Iraq certainly is not the same place it was 5 years ago! It makes one wonder...is Iraq finally to a point where they are “flying under the radar” for the most part, and therefore in a perfect place to surprise the world with something big? That could certainly be the case. Bring it on! They might catch the rest of the world by surprise, but not us. [post 2 of 2]
2-21-2018 Newshound Guru Adam Montana Dinar is getting interesting again, isn’t it? It’s about time! Major news is pretty simple - no HCL yet, but it’s gaining a lot of outside support in a quick way. Notably, the price of Crude has stabilized to around the same price it was back in early 2014. This is exactly what the recent OPEC agreement was intended to do, and the fact that it’s succeeding is VERY encouraging. Reports that it should get back up into the $80 range are everywhere. The important part here is that oil IS stable, and it IS going up, in a mostly predictable fashion. This is what Iraq needs to really move on the HCL...Also promising is reports that some dealers are showing a shortage of IQD notes for sale. This could be a strong indicator that the available supply is drying up, or it could mean that demand from investors like us is getting lower... Good for us, either way!... [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
2-21-2018 Newshound Guru G-Lin Articles "The recovery of the Iraqi dinar"; "Merry of Iraqi dinar" These arts. are by two leading economist from Iraq and they are heaping praise on the CBI for narrowing the spread in the market place. This is exactly what the IMF has been trying to get Iraq to do for years. This fights corruption and gives some prestige to the dinar. Higher value and stronger purchasing power. Hopefully this tread will continue and we will see them liberate the exchange rate in the open market internationally. We know Iraq is examining the example of Egypt pound... Egypt is a success story and their economy has improved since they started the float in 2016. I like this part of the above art. "restore the splendor in the currency market .. Financial stability and the strength of the Iraqi dinar aim to reduce the systemic risks that have emerged with the recurrence of financial crises."
2-21-2018 Intel Guru Bruce I think it is important to see that this redemption and we call it redemption is close and I know I have said it is close before, but I do mean that. I have heard (3) separate bankers say that we that shouldn’t get out of this week without being completely wealthy. Now am I calling it? No. I am just telling you what I have heard. We will see if it is true. We are at the point there are a few little things to be handled that I heard about, but the Intel we heard earlier said we shouldn’t get out of this week to be rich I believe is still true...there is not a lot we need to know except be ready. [post 2 of 2]
2-21-2018 Intel Guru Bruce ...We are sort of in that hour to hour phrase right now where something could change in hour or two that would either delay or move it forward. It has worked both ways...Some things moves quicker than we thought than some things take longer than we thought. We thought we would go today [Tuesday]. We thought we would go at lunch time. It didn’t happen. ...things change and this is a very moveable situation. It is flexible. I know what the rates are, and I know what I expect them to be, but the minute I put them out and do that, I will be wrong and then someone will be disappointed. Maybe they will be better than I think they are, and that will be a good thing. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
2-21-2018 Intel/Newshound Guru sandyf ...it is almost odds on certainty that the IQD will never float.
2-21-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Randy Koonce In addition, it is being rumored that Abadi has been trying to solicit money from various countries, in return for Dinar. But, some of that money would go to him, and not Iraq. If true, this may be the reason Abadi has been dragging his feet on 'pushing the button'. He could be wanting to make one last attempt to feather his own nest a little better. However, not only the Trump administration but these other countries as well, are putting tremendous pressure on Abadi to get this done...Or Else! ...In the event that we do not see this finished in the next 2 weeks - don't despair. They do not have to wait for another year. This will get gone - this year. ...the best thing we have going right now is a Very. Determined. President. We are close...Every large bank will exchange...RELAX the RV is coming...Check www.cbi.iq every day to see if it has changed...Breathe... [post 3 of 3]
2-21-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Randy Koonce ...there is a very real reason why the RV has not happened years ago. So, some history...One of the things that we learned was the fact that Obama was never going to let it happen as long as he was president. We learned that half of Obama's cabinet wanted to release the RV and the other half agreed with Valerie Jarrett, who did not want anyone in the US to participate in this blessing. ...So, between Maliki's regime and Valarie Jarrett's influence over Obama, the previous eight years were a total waste of time from the RV standpoint. Now that Trump is in office, he very much wants this done, but does not want Iran to benefit. President Trump is working hard to get this done, because he knows many of us are holding dinar, and wants to allow us to bless and grow the economy of the USA. You've probably heard the phrase...Make American Great Again? [post 2 of 3....stay tuned]
2-21-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Randy Koonce All the 'gurus' have watched since the first of the year for the RV to happen. What we have all learned is that the revaluation of the Iraqi Dinar has become the biggest political football in history. And that is why we are still waiting. However, it appears that the time has come for Abadi to finally step up to the plate. Based on information I am receiving, we believe that the RV will (should) take place within the next 2 weeks. Great pressure is being brought to bear to make this happen. Everyone - including the people who can make this happen - are tired of waiting for this to happen. And 'they' are pushing. So. We are in a 2 week window. Right now. [post 1 of 3....stay tuned]
2-21-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "IFC is cooperating with the Iraqi Central Bank to strengthen corporate governance in the banking sector" Quote: "This initiative comes within the framework of IFC's strategy to stimulate private sector growth in Iraq..." ...the IFC is going to drive investment into Iraq and as a result capital through the CBI. Exactly what we want...
2-21-2018 Newshound Guru Adam Montana ...On a different subject, I saw a news clip about a confrontation in Iraq yesterday. It surprised me, because we’ve really seen almost NOTHING along those lines in the last year...major violence in Iraq has been almost non-existent lately when compared to 2013,14,15...as we all know here, Iraq certainly is not the same place it was 5 years ago! It makes one wonder...is Iraq finally to a point where they are “flying under the radar” for the most part, and therefore in a perfect place to surprise the world with something big? That could certainly be the case. Bring it on! They might catch the rest of the world by surprise, but not us. [post 2 of 2]
2-21-2018 Newshound Guru Adam Montana Dinar is getting interesting again, isn’t it? It’s about time! Major news is pretty simple - no HCL yet, but it’s gaining a lot of outside support in a quick way. Notably, the price of Crude has stabilized to around the same price it was back in early 2014. This is exactly what the recent OPEC agreement was intended to do, and the fact that it’s succeeding is VERY encouraging. Reports that it should get back up into the $80 range are everywhere. The important part here is that oil IS stable, and it IS going up, in a mostly predictable fashion. This is what Iraq needs to really move on the HCL...Also promising is reports that some dealers are showing a shortage of IQD notes for sale. This could be a strong indicator that the available supply is drying up, or it could mean that demand from investors like us is getting lower... Good for us, either way!... [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
2-21-2018 Newshound Guru G-Lin Articles "The recovery of the Iraqi dinar"; "Merry of Iraqi dinar" These arts. are by two leading economist from Iraq and they are heaping praise on the CBI for narrowing the spread in the market place. This is exactly what the IMF has been trying to get Iraq to do for years. This fights corruption and gives some prestige to the dinar. Higher value and stronger purchasing power. Hopefully this tread will continue and we will see them liberate the exchange rate in the open market internationally. We know Iraq is examining the example of Egypt pound... Egypt is a success story and their economy has improved since they started the float in 2016. I like this part of the above art. "restore the splendor in the currency market .. Financial stability and the strength of the Iraqi dinar aim to reduce the systemic risks that have emerged with the recurrence of financial crises."
2-21-2018 Intel Guru Bruce I think it is important to see that this redemption and we call it redemption is close and I know I have said it is close before, but I do mean that. I have heard (3) separate bankers say that we that shouldn’t get out of this week without being completely wealthy. Now am I calling it? No. I am just telling you what I have heard. We will see if it is true. We are at the point there are a few little things to be handled that I heard about, but the Intel we heard earlier said we shouldn’t get out of this week to be rich I believe is still true...there is not a lot we need to know except be ready. [post 2 of 2]
2-21-2018 Intel Guru Bruce ...We are sort of in that hour to hour phrase right now where something could change in hour or two that would either delay or move it forward. It has worked both ways...Some things moves quicker than we thought than some things take longer than we thought. We thought we would go today [Tuesday]. We thought we would go at lunch time. It didn’t happen. ...things change and this is a very moveable situation. It is flexible. I know what the rates are, and I know what I expect them to be, but the minute I put them out and do that, I will be wrong and then someone will be disappointed. Maybe they will be better than I think they are, and that will be a good thing. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
2-21-2018 Intel/Newshound Guru sandyf ...it is almost odds on certainty that the IQD will never float.
2-21-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Randy Koonce In addition, it is being rumored that Abadi has been trying to solicit money from various countries, in return for Dinar. But, some of that money would go to him, and not Iraq. If true, this may be the reason Abadi has been dragging his feet on 'pushing the button'. He could be wanting to make one last attempt to feather his own nest a little better. However, not only the Trump administration but these other countries as well, are putting tremendous pressure on Abadi to get this done...Or Else! ...In the event that we do not see this finished in the next 2 weeks - don't despair. They do not have to wait for another year. This will get gone - this year. ...the best thing we have going right now is a Very. Determined. President. We are close...Every large bank will exchange...RELAX the RV is coming...Check www.cbi.iq every day to see if it has changed...Breathe... [post 3 of 3]
2-21-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Randy Koonce ...there is a very real reason why the RV has not happened years ago. So, some history...One of the things that we learned was the fact that Obama was never going to let it happen as long as he was president. We learned that half of Obama's cabinet wanted to release the RV and the other half agreed with Valerie Jarrett, who did not want anyone in the US to participate in this blessing. ...So, between Maliki's regime and Valarie Jarrett's influence over Obama, the previous eight years were a total waste of time from the RV standpoint. Now that Trump is in office, he very much wants this done, but does not want Iran to benefit. President Trump is working hard to get this done, because he knows many of us are holding dinar, and wants to allow us to bless and grow the economy of the USA. You've probably heard the phrase...Make American Great Again? [post 2 of 3....stay tuned]
2-21-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Randy Koonce All the 'gurus' have watched since the first of the year for the RV to happen. What we have all learned is that the revaluation of the Iraqi Dinar has become the biggest political football in history. And that is why we are still waiting. However, it appears that the time has come for Abadi to finally step up to the plate. Based on information I am receiving, we believe that the RV will (should) take place within the next 2 weeks. Great pressure is being brought to bear to make this happen. Everyone - including the people who can make this happen - are tired of waiting for this to happen. And 'they' are pushing. So. We are in a 2 week window. Right now. [post 1 of 3....stay tuned]
2-20-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "The recovery of the Iraqi dinar" ...Nasiri is giving props to the CBI for reducing the spread. The IMF continues to guide them towards the finish line ever so slowly...we all would love some sort of RV, but truthfully, it is just not possible. Both monetary policy wise and logistically. But I do agree, Iraq does need to raise the value soon and hopefully that will begin to occur this year.
2-20-2018 Newshound Guru mike Iraq has over 60 trillion in M0 money supply right now.
2-20-2018 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke ...The Media, will NOT give you the entire, True story. Governments will NOT, give you the entire, True story. Even most of your trusted personal comrades, will NOT, give you the True stories. This MASSIVE CURRENCY MOVE & every single piece of it (and there are many), will NOT be telegraphed ahead of time, exactly to the Day or Time or Hour. It WILL BE & IS BEING: Hinted about, Directed toward, Felt by, “In the Vicinity of”, and “Prepared For”...by many, who’s INTENTION is to “ASSIST THE PEOPLE”, in the Most Beneficial Ways possible, without HARM... AND TO THE EXTENT “ALLOWABLE”...IN ORDER TO WIN! There is a “Process” taking place, the finishing touches of which, are happening RIGHT NOW, despite all your “DOUBTS” or what you THINK you can “SEE”. This “Process”, has a few more DAYS, from what we just learned...and not too to many more. EACH DAY-BY-DAY CHANGES - MORE TO YOUR ADVANTAGE. MORE TO YOUR ADVANTAGE. [post 3 of 3]
2-20-2018 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke ...We felt like Preaching a little Today, even though it’s not Sunday Morning. But, we can FEEL the nervous DOUBT & TENSION Worldwide among the People, BUILDING. We’re just Following Orders, which we’ve learned to do, without hesitation or question. AND for those of you who say, “Dr. Clarke, please stop talking in Riddles, and speak Direct about things”. We give you Riddles when we HAVE TO, and Direct Information, when we can or Feel Like it. THERE ARE IMPORTANT REASONS FOR EVERYTHING. BE GRATEFUL, THANKFUL & APPRECIATIVE of Everything you get from ALL SOURCES, even though you may not agree with ALL of it. (God, Spirit, Source, Universe, Your Higher Power) speaks through ALL AVENUES, in Life. ALL AVENUES, with the Puzzle pieces you need to hear & know about, WHEN you Need It...NOT ACCORDING TO YOUR - YOUR TIMING or VALUE of such. EVERYTHING is Perfectly Timed. EVERYTHING... MOST of Which, you Cannot “SEE”... [post 2 of 3....stay tuned]
2-20-2018 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke We’re attempting to “ASSIST YOU”, in a Positive Way. TO ASSIST, in telling you where “Things” are at, right now. “IT WILL BE NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING... EVERYTHING!” YOU ALL have Come this Far. Are you a Quitter, because of this History from yesterday and beyond, thinking that tomorrow will just be the same? You can. That’s your Choice. There is no WRONG ANSWER, either way. TOMORROW is NOT and WILL NOT, be the Same. “Ye, of Little Faith. Little Faith” ...as the saying goes. This is about to get REAL! ...things were about to get “INSANE”. YOU haven’t “SEEN” anything YET! ONCE THIS BREAKS OUT...“INSANITY” will break out beyond your Imagination. TODAY IS THE CONFUSION phase. ...You will Re-Define what “INSANITY” means. [post 1 of 3....stay tuned]
2-20-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG
1) Fewer auctions?
2) Tightening borders (fewer exports)?
3) More demand? I sincerely doubt it.
4) IMHO and most likely, the supply here in the U.S. from disgruntled sellers, which is likely where the bulk of the U.S. supply really comes from, and current interested buyers has finally reached a point of parity where the “supply – demand” scales are more evenly balanced. Hence, the price goes up. [post 2 of 2]
2-20-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Article: "Central Bank of Iraq Auctions $189,834,222 on 20 February 2018" ...After recently asking around about the reasons for the “tightening” of the supply of Dinar in the U.S...one of the main reasons I got was the fewer and fewer auctions. Wait – what?!? They are still having fairly robust auctions. So, obviously, that’s not true...so what is it? Another possibility is this MASSIVE financial embargo on Kurdistan, provided this was where currency was coming from. I have also heard of a couple of major players talking about having money in – or being able to get money out of Kurdistan… all baloney. So… [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
2-20-2018 Newshound Guru Don961 I don't believe "After elections" has anything to do with timing of monetary reforms...just that elections come up in less than 3 months and fall into this time mentioned...it may just take that long to set everything up...to everyone's satisfaction... I would think an RI would go a long way to satisfying investors in the new process...as we have been told 1st hand was discussed heavily at the conference... I would think high transparency is in order...no matter how much they kick and scream about "interfering in Iraq's affairs" ...because of their history ( Maliki and others )...they have to prove themselves trustworthy. [post 2 of 2]
2-20-2018 Newshound Guru Don961 Article: "Abadi vowed to overthrow the corrupt .. These laws will protect investors" imo...the article and Abadi is stating they are getting the high commission in place to follow up on any possible corruption... reducing/removing bureaucracy...and the next few months will show the results of what they have in place...to assure potential investors that their money will be safe...and used only for its intended purposes... [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
2-20-2018 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke We still Love, FEBRUARY ...TONS, can happen in just ONE DAY. TONS...and MAJOR things are happening right now, QUICKLY. ...“WE’RE STILL very Bullish on FEBRUARY, even if it takes to the very last day of this month. We just learned this morning, that this is still VERY MUCH THE CASE. What we’re talking about, is the START, to this Foreign Currency Exchange “PROCESS”, PUBLICLY - as we said last week. This “Process”, is a PUBLIC START, to Exchange, which we expect to START BEFORE FEBRUARY ends, and will MOST DEFINITELY LEAK INTO THE MONTH OF MARCH…..AND into APRIL. It’s a “Process”. It can START, ANY DAY Now, this month...YOU WANT GUARANTEES? “THERE ARE NO GUARANTEES IN LIFE”. Grow Up. [post 3 of 3]
2-20-2018 Newshound Guru mike Iraq has over 60 trillion in M0 money supply right now.
2-20-2018 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke ...The Media, will NOT give you the entire, True story. Governments will NOT, give you the entire, True story. Even most of your trusted personal comrades, will NOT, give you the True stories. This MASSIVE CURRENCY MOVE & every single piece of it (and there are many), will NOT be telegraphed ahead of time, exactly to the Day or Time or Hour. It WILL BE & IS BEING: Hinted about, Directed toward, Felt by, “In the Vicinity of”, and “Prepared For”...by many, who’s INTENTION is to “ASSIST THE PEOPLE”, in the Most Beneficial Ways possible, without HARM... AND TO THE EXTENT “ALLOWABLE”...IN ORDER TO WIN! There is a “Process” taking place, the finishing touches of which, are happening RIGHT NOW, despite all your “DOUBTS” or what you THINK you can “SEE”. This “Process”, has a few more DAYS, from what we just learned...and not too to many more. EACH DAY-BY-DAY CHANGES - MORE TO YOUR ADVANTAGE. MORE TO YOUR ADVANTAGE. [post 3 of 3]
2-20-2018 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke ...We felt like Preaching a little Today, even though it’s not Sunday Morning. But, we can FEEL the nervous DOUBT & TENSION Worldwide among the People, BUILDING. We’re just Following Orders, which we’ve learned to do, without hesitation or question. AND for those of you who say, “Dr. Clarke, please stop talking in Riddles, and speak Direct about things”. We give you Riddles when we HAVE TO, and Direct Information, when we can or Feel Like it. THERE ARE IMPORTANT REASONS FOR EVERYTHING. BE GRATEFUL, THANKFUL & APPRECIATIVE of Everything you get from ALL SOURCES, even though you may not agree with ALL of it. (God, Spirit, Source, Universe, Your Higher Power) speaks through ALL AVENUES, in Life. ALL AVENUES, with the Puzzle pieces you need to hear & know about, WHEN you Need It...NOT ACCORDING TO YOUR - YOUR TIMING or VALUE of such. EVERYTHING is Perfectly Timed. EVERYTHING... MOST of Which, you Cannot “SEE”... [post 2 of 3....stay tuned]
2-20-2018 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke We’re attempting to “ASSIST YOU”, in a Positive Way. TO ASSIST, in telling you where “Things” are at, right now. “IT WILL BE NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING... EVERYTHING!” YOU ALL have Come this Far. Are you a Quitter, because of this History from yesterday and beyond, thinking that tomorrow will just be the same? You can. That’s your Choice. There is no WRONG ANSWER, either way. TOMORROW is NOT and WILL NOT, be the Same. “Ye, of Little Faith. Little Faith” ...as the saying goes. This is about to get REAL! ...things were about to get “INSANE”. YOU haven’t “SEEN” anything YET! ONCE THIS BREAKS OUT...“INSANITY” will break out beyond your Imagination. TODAY IS THE CONFUSION phase. ...You will Re-Define what “INSANITY” means. [post 1 of 3....stay tuned]
2-20-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG
1) Fewer auctions?
2) Tightening borders (fewer exports)?
3) More demand? I sincerely doubt it.
4) IMHO and most likely, the supply here in the U.S. from disgruntled sellers, which is likely where the bulk of the U.S. supply really comes from, and current interested buyers has finally reached a point of parity where the “supply – demand” scales are more evenly balanced. Hence, the price goes up. [post 2 of 2]
2-20-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Article: "Central Bank of Iraq Auctions $189,834,222 on 20 February 2018" ...After recently asking around about the reasons for the “tightening” of the supply of Dinar in the U.S...one of the main reasons I got was the fewer and fewer auctions. Wait – what?!? They are still having fairly robust auctions. So, obviously, that’s not true...so what is it? Another possibility is this MASSIVE financial embargo on Kurdistan, provided this was where currency was coming from. I have also heard of a couple of major players talking about having money in – or being able to get money out of Kurdistan… all baloney. So… [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
2-20-2018 Newshound Guru Don961 I don't believe "After elections" has anything to do with timing of monetary reforms...just that elections come up in less than 3 months and fall into this time mentioned...it may just take that long to set everything up...to everyone's satisfaction... I would think an RI would go a long way to satisfying investors in the new process...as we have been told 1st hand was discussed heavily at the conference... I would think high transparency is in order...no matter how much they kick and scream about "interfering in Iraq's affairs" ...because of their history ( Maliki and others )...they have to prove themselves trustworthy. [post 2 of 2]
2-20-2018 Newshound Guru Don961 Article: "Abadi vowed to overthrow the corrupt .. These laws will protect investors" imo...the article and Abadi is stating they are getting the high commission in place to follow up on any possible corruption... reducing/removing bureaucracy...and the next few months will show the results of what they have in place...to assure potential investors that their money will be safe...and used only for its intended purposes... [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
2-20-2018 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke We still Love, FEBRUARY ...TONS, can happen in just ONE DAY. TONS...and MAJOR things are happening right now, QUICKLY. ...“WE’RE STILL very Bullish on FEBRUARY, even if it takes to the very last day of this month. We just learned this morning, that this is still VERY MUCH THE CASE. What we’re talking about, is the START, to this Foreign Currency Exchange “PROCESS”, PUBLICLY - as we said last week. This “Process”, is a PUBLIC START, to Exchange, which we expect to START BEFORE FEBRUARY ends, and will MOST DEFINITELY LEAK INTO THE MONTH OF MARCH…..AND into APRIL. It’s a “Process”. It can START, ANY DAY Now, this month...YOU WANT GUARANTEES? “THERE ARE NO GUARANTEES IN LIFE”. Grow Up. [post 3 of 3]
2-19-2018 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke ADD TO THIS, the amount of CURRENCY THE U.S. HOLDS FROM IRAQ - (Estimated at least 4 TRILLION) - AND the amount of CURRENCY THE U.S. HOLDS FROM VIETNAM - (estimated at least 18 TRILLION - unconfirmed rough estimate) - WHY Iraq & Vietnam? WAR & WAR! This all spells a BIG INCENTIVE IN BIG MONEY, to hurry up and get a SUBSTANTIAL RATE VALUE INCREASE DONE, not only in IRAQ, but with VIETNAM, and a handful of others, to Stabilize, Balance & INCREASE World Trade mechanisms, which continue to be out of Balance. [post 2 of 3....stay tuned]
2-19-2018 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke YOU HAVE TO UNDERSTAND SOMETHING. O - I - L controls the World. ...It controls the World, because it’s the LARGEST REVENUE GENERATOR, on the Planet...AND it exerts the LARGEST CONTROL FACTOR, over ANY COUNTRY. ...AND...OIL CONTROLS & FUNDS ALL OF YOUR INVESTMENT. PERIOD! People say, “Follow the Money”. We say NO! Follow the OIL. So, NOW there is an ASSURANCE of a Steady Flow of BIG OIL revenue, from Primarily IRAQ, and that is NOW IN PLACE, WHICH WASN’T THE CASE BACK IN JUNE 2017... [post 1 of 3....stay tuned]
2-19-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Dollar rates: a slight rise in Baghdad, Erbil and stability in Basra" 1221 to $1. I believe the 2% goal is 1213 to $1 (1184 + 6 dinar CBI commission =1190 x .02 = 1213)
2-19-2018 Newshound Guru chattels Difficult to know whether the "improvement" in the market rate for the dinar is the result of a decline in the value of the USD or betterment for the dinar? Likely the former some say.
2-19-2018 Intel/Newshound Guru sandyf According to the latest CBI financial statement (2016) there is over 45 trillion IQD in circulation, it should be noted that went up from 38 trillion in 2015, so anyone who claims the banknote count is decreasing should do some more homework. At around $4 that would value IQD in circulation at around 180 Trillion USD. If we were to assume that in the event of an RV that 50% was to be immediately redeemed then Iraq would be faced with a bill of around 90 trillion USD. You cannot redeem currency with oil in the ground so it is just not possible for any RV of the IQD without some financial backing from an outside entity. The answers lie with WHO is calling the shots. It has been stated many times over the years that the US holds a large amount of IQD and will benefit from the RV. How can that be the case if the US, as been said by some, were to fund the RV. Think about it.
2-19-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Article: "COMMITTEE OF ACCOUNTABILITY: ANNOUNCE THE NAMES OF 5,000 PEOPLE INCLUDED IN THE SEIZURE OF FUNDS THIS WEEK" Funny how that works...about one day after they realize the world isn’t going to “give them” anymore money, they go back and think about getting it back from the crooked politicians who’ve been stealing from the GOI and the people of Iraq. According to recent estimates, they could collect as much as 500 BILLION (USD) back to the state treasury by enacting and enforcing simple legislation they’ve had in the works for some time now. P.S. as reported in major OP ED’s in Baghdad recently, Maliki and his henchmen had better wind up on this list…It is critical to Iraq’s long term success to get a handle on the endemic corruption.
2-19-2018 Newshound Guru G-Lin "Economist shows the most important "problem" facing investment in Iraq" The news currently is scarce and most of it is propaganda...Being an election year in Iraq, it is hard to tell the honesty in most arts. It is time for Iraq to act on their economy however. And floating their dinar may be a life saver. I think it would give the investors a little bit of confidence that seems to be missing. They really need to do something at this stage. We shall see.
2-19-2018 Newshound Guru Don961 Seems like someone is in control of this total process ... in every aspect ... and things are falling into place all over in every way for Iraq's currency ...imo.
2-19-2018 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke YOU HAVE TO UNDERSTAND SOMETHING. O - I - L controls the World. ...It controls the World, because it’s the LARGEST REVENUE GENERATOR, on the Planet...AND it exerts the LARGEST CONTROL FACTOR, over ANY COUNTRY. ...AND...OIL CONTROLS & FUNDS ALL OF YOUR INVESTMENT. PERIOD! People say, “Follow the Money”. We say NO! Follow the OIL. So, NOW there is an ASSURANCE of a Steady Flow of BIG OIL revenue, from Primarily IRAQ, and that is NOW IN PLACE, WHICH WASN’T THE CASE BACK IN JUNE 2017... [post 1 of 3....stay tuned]
2-19-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Dollar rates: a slight rise in Baghdad, Erbil and stability in Basra" 1221 to $1. I believe the 2% goal is 1213 to $1 (1184 + 6 dinar CBI commission =1190 x .02 = 1213)
2-19-2018 Newshound Guru chattels Difficult to know whether the "improvement" in the market rate for the dinar is the result of a decline in the value of the USD or betterment for the dinar? Likely the former some say.
2-19-2018 Intel/Newshound Guru sandyf According to the latest CBI financial statement (2016) there is over 45 trillion IQD in circulation, it should be noted that went up from 38 trillion in 2015, so anyone who claims the banknote count is decreasing should do some more homework. At around $4 that would value IQD in circulation at around 180 Trillion USD. If we were to assume that in the event of an RV that 50% was to be immediately redeemed then Iraq would be faced with a bill of around 90 trillion USD. You cannot redeem currency with oil in the ground so it is just not possible for any RV of the IQD without some financial backing from an outside entity. The answers lie with WHO is calling the shots. It has been stated many times over the years that the US holds a large amount of IQD and will benefit from the RV. How can that be the case if the US, as been said by some, were to fund the RV. Think about it.
2-19-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Article: "COMMITTEE OF ACCOUNTABILITY: ANNOUNCE THE NAMES OF 5,000 PEOPLE INCLUDED IN THE SEIZURE OF FUNDS THIS WEEK" Funny how that works...about one day after they realize the world isn’t going to “give them” anymore money, they go back and think about getting it back from the crooked politicians who’ve been stealing from the GOI and the people of Iraq. According to recent estimates, they could collect as much as 500 BILLION (USD) back to the state treasury by enacting and enforcing simple legislation they’ve had in the works for some time now. P.S. as reported in major OP ED’s in Baghdad recently, Maliki and his henchmen had better wind up on this list…It is critical to Iraq’s long term success to get a handle on the endemic corruption.
2-19-2018 Newshound Guru G-Lin "Economist shows the most important "problem" facing investment in Iraq" The news currently is scarce and most of it is propaganda...Being an election year in Iraq, it is hard to tell the honesty in most arts. It is time for Iraq to act on their economy however. And floating their dinar may be a life saver. I think it would give the investors a little bit of confidence that seems to be missing. They really need to do something at this stage. We shall see.
2-19-2018 Newshound Guru Don961 Seems like someone is in control of this total process ... in every aspect ... and things are falling into place all over in every way for Iraq's currency ...imo.
2-18-2018 Newshound Guru chattels Article quote: "Foreign exchange markets in Baghdad, on Sunday morning, a significant decline in the exchange rate of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar. The market price in the Kifah Stock Exchange in Baghdad was 1225.5 dinars per dollar, ie 122 thousand and 550 dinars per hundred dollars." [... if the exchange declines...will that reduce the spread?] Yes, a 2% spread or variance requires that the Dinar market rate be about 1202. [NOTE: other gurus calculate the number needed for the 2% compliance to be 1207]
2-18-2018 Newshound Guru mike The math on this is super simple...they received roughly $1.5 billion in cash, that's it, a far cry from the minimum $88 billion estimated to rebuild Anbar Province. Many articles spoke to these businesses in Kuwait for the conference but were reluctant to jump in because of the rampant government corruption and difficulty to operate in Iraq. Abadi has got to get a grip on the corruption, pass the laws for economic growth and get his country's currency in line for international acceptance before anyone's putting real money into this country outside of the oil industry. Hoping for large contracts that may start at the beginning of 2019 isn't the answer we're looking for, Iraq needs help and action right now, today. 2.5 million people are displaced and have no home. [reference chattels post 2-18-2018] [post 2 of 2]
2-18-2018 Newshound Guru mike Article: "Invest Iraq conference" concludes in Kuwait" For sure, this conference did not live up to the expectations that folks were screaming about before the event. This was planned for months prior to the February 12th, Abadi was counting on this to aid his bid for a second term as PM, which is why these tepid articles about success are beginning to come out. He has to spin this in a way that serves his purpose. Pledges and contracts in the ME are not the same as cash in hand. Iraq won't manage any of the funds the Sunni countries put towards reconstruction, these will all be managed by the WB and IMF. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
2-18-2018 Intel Guru RayRen98 Jabouri is indicating that the budget will be complete in one week...While at the Security Council summit in Germany, Abadi being under pressure, agrees to getting it done...The Baghdad/Erbil crisis comes to an end at the National Conference! The Kurds are happy with the results of the Article 140 debacle and are agreeing to cast their vote. Now, let's bring on this budget and move on...to the public release of the new rates! Yeah!!
2-18-2018 Newshound Guru chattels Article: "Invest Iraq conference" concludes in Kuwait " Perhaps the conference was not the failure it appeared at first blush, but we may not know until 2019 + and how Iraq will make progress on the problem of corruption remains to be seen also.
2-18-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG ...I am assuming those opposed to corruption and the corrupt processes...are putting pressure on the first group to do something, other than just fish around for free money. Such is noted in the above article. On a side note, and relating to “fishing around” for free money...there did appear to be something of a start to rounding up corrupt political figures in an effort to reclaim “ill-gotten gains”. As an additional note: Reported in Baghdad recently, it is implied such a push must include Maliki and his henchmen if such a move is to be recognized by the world (and Iraqis) as a genuine effort. While a float may or may not be what they (or you and I) had envisioned, they just may well do something like this before they do nothing at all. ...I don’t really care how it starts...just that it does and they GET TO IT!! [post 2 of 2]
2-18-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG ...some interesting stuff out there right now...I kind of figured with the send-off Abadi got at Davos, I had figured this Kuwait Conference wouldn’t go quite the way everyone was thinking. ...There wasn’t much in the way of “hand-outs” directly to the government of Iraq. There were some commitments and some direct loans (if they want them). However, loans will weigh down their future budgets (is their concern)...I get the impression they were mainly after free money. On the other hand, I am still encouraged. In fact, this recent article: ”Float the Iraqi dinar and stop the auction currency is the only solution of the Iraqi economy”…shows us a couple of things: 1) While there seems to be some resistance – from somewhere in the GOI to a move with the currency, where that is or why it is, I am unsure…2) …there also appears those on the other side of the fence... [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
2-18-2018 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke Logic would have us Believe that everything must be Seen & Experienced, in order to justify it's existence. The Hugest, Biggest, Most Important things, in regard to this whole 15 year investment period.......are Happening, RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW, RIGHT AWAY, RIGHT UNDER YOUR NOSES, RIGHT OUT OF PLAIN SIGHT, SILENTLY ---"IL-LOGICALLY"...as it's meant to be. "SEE EVERYTHING" with your Eyes Closed. When you Open them - There it will Be. TRILLIONS are moving in thin air...un-SEE-able. MAJOR. All while the printing presses spit out the "Cloaking Device". It Stops. Then is STARTS. TIMING IS CRUCIAL. We Love February. Oh, how we Love FEBRUARY! That's how WE SEE things.
2-18-2018 Newshound Guru chattels Quote: "With these constitutional points, we can reform our economy" If we must await a constitutional amendment for the completion of economic / banking reform in Iraq then we could be here for quite awhile.
2-18-2018 Newshound Guru mike The math on this is super simple...they received roughly $1.5 billion in cash, that's it, a far cry from the minimum $88 billion estimated to rebuild Anbar Province. Many articles spoke to these businesses in Kuwait for the conference but were reluctant to jump in because of the rampant government corruption and difficulty to operate in Iraq. Abadi has got to get a grip on the corruption, pass the laws for economic growth and get his country's currency in line for international acceptance before anyone's putting real money into this country outside of the oil industry. Hoping for large contracts that may start at the beginning of 2019 isn't the answer we're looking for, Iraq needs help and action right now, today. 2.5 million people are displaced and have no home. [reference chattels post 2-18-2018] [post 2 of 2]
2-18-2018 Newshound Guru mike Article: "Invest Iraq conference" concludes in Kuwait" For sure, this conference did not live up to the expectations that folks were screaming about before the event. This was planned for months prior to the February 12th, Abadi was counting on this to aid his bid for a second term as PM, which is why these tepid articles about success are beginning to come out. He has to spin this in a way that serves his purpose. Pledges and contracts in the ME are not the same as cash in hand. Iraq won't manage any of the funds the Sunni countries put towards reconstruction, these will all be managed by the WB and IMF. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
2-18-2018 Intel Guru RayRen98 Jabouri is indicating that the budget will be complete in one week...While at the Security Council summit in Germany, Abadi being under pressure, agrees to getting it done...The Baghdad/Erbil crisis comes to an end at the National Conference! The Kurds are happy with the results of the Article 140 debacle and are agreeing to cast their vote. Now, let's bring on this budget and move on...to the public release of the new rates! Yeah!!
2-18-2018 Newshound Guru chattels Article: "Invest Iraq conference" concludes in Kuwait " Perhaps the conference was not the failure it appeared at first blush, but we may not know until 2019 + and how Iraq will make progress on the problem of corruption remains to be seen also.
2-18-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG ...I am assuming those opposed to corruption and the corrupt processes...are putting pressure on the first group to do something, other than just fish around for free money. Such is noted in the above article. On a side note, and relating to “fishing around” for free money...there did appear to be something of a start to rounding up corrupt political figures in an effort to reclaim “ill-gotten gains”. As an additional note: Reported in Baghdad recently, it is implied such a push must include Maliki and his henchmen if such a move is to be recognized by the world (and Iraqis) as a genuine effort. While a float may or may not be what they (or you and I) had envisioned, they just may well do something like this before they do nothing at all. ...I don’t really care how it starts...just that it does and they GET TO IT!! [post 2 of 2]
2-18-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG ...some interesting stuff out there right now...I kind of figured with the send-off Abadi got at Davos, I had figured this Kuwait Conference wouldn’t go quite the way everyone was thinking. ...There wasn’t much in the way of “hand-outs” directly to the government of Iraq. There were some commitments and some direct loans (if they want them). However, loans will weigh down their future budgets (is their concern)...I get the impression they were mainly after free money. On the other hand, I am still encouraged. In fact, this recent article: ”Float the Iraqi dinar and stop the auction currency is the only solution of the Iraqi economy”…shows us a couple of things: 1) While there seems to be some resistance – from somewhere in the GOI to a move with the currency, where that is or why it is, I am unsure…2) …there also appears those on the other side of the fence... [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
2-18-2018 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke Logic would have us Believe that everything must be Seen & Experienced, in order to justify it's existence. The Hugest, Biggest, Most Important things, in regard to this whole 15 year investment period.......are Happening, RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW, RIGHT AWAY, RIGHT UNDER YOUR NOSES, RIGHT OUT OF PLAIN SIGHT, SILENTLY ---"IL-LOGICALLY"...as it's meant to be. "SEE EVERYTHING" with your Eyes Closed. When you Open them - There it will Be. TRILLIONS are moving in thin air...un-SEE-able. MAJOR. All while the printing presses spit out the "Cloaking Device". It Stops. Then is STARTS. TIMING IS CRUCIAL. We Love February. Oh, how we Love FEBRUARY! That's how WE SEE things.
2-18-2018 Newshound Guru chattels Quote: "With these constitutional points, we can reform our economy" If we must await a constitutional amendment for the completion of economic / banking reform in Iraq then we could be here for quite awhile.
2-17-2018 Newshound Guru chattels Article: "Baghdad News - The exchange rate of the dollar fell in the Iraqi market against the dinar, and the general trend on demand was moderate. The exchange rate of the dollar in the Stock Exchange Baghdad purchase price $ 100 = 122.750 Iraqi dinars Selling price $ 100 = 122.800 Iraqi dinars." The market rate is improving for the Dinar against the dollar in Iraq. It was as high as 1,300 within the past year as I recall.
2-17-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Float the Iraqi dinar and stop the auction currency is the only solution of the Iraqi economy" [If they float, auctions cannot stop until the dinar is equal to dollar.] ...that is false. Accepting IMF Article VIII (making the dinar more internationally accepted and convertible) is the key. Doing so would allow the CBI to stop selling dollars to pay for imports. As well, the CBI then makes commissions off the conversion of currency. This is why the CBI is trying so hard to reduce the spread...so they are in compliance and can move to Article VIII.
2-17-2018 Newshound Guru G-Lin Article: "Flooding the Iraqi dinar and stopping the auction is the only solution for the Iraqi economy" This is yet another analyst opinion. But a good one. He is comparing two different outcomes of the economies of Egypt and Venezuela. One floated their currency and the other did not. He is saying Iraq needs to follow the example of Egypt. It has taken about a year or so to see the improvement in their economy, but it is starting to improve. Venezuela on the other hand is tanking quickly. If Iraq doesn't take action and start floating their currency they will end up like them. To be honest I think this is an urgent message to Iraq. Let's hope they are listening. It is time for a change. Stop the auctions, float their currency, and let Iraq prosper through supply and demand. It's their only option IMO.
2-17-2018 Intel Guru Footforward ...the RV is going to happen. I expect it sometime between now and March 21st...I don't have a specific date... that's the timeline I'm looking at and there are many reasons for that... I expect the rate to be over $3...between $3 and $5... I think we are entering into one of the most exciting times in history.
2-17-2018 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke Your currency's value, is only as good as what's PUBLIC & OFFICIAL, as a value given on a computer screen. However, it happens INSTANTLY...without Warning ahead of time, without Announcement ahead of time, without Telegraphing ahead of time, without anyone's Secret Knowledge, AND certainly without someone, ANYONE, printing articles telling you WHEN & HOW, it's going to happen...and ESPECIALLY coming from a Middle Eastern country like Iraq or a Far East country like Vietnam. IT...JUST...HAPPENS. [post 2 of 2]
2-17-2018 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke We want IRAQ to Substantially Raise the Value of their Currency, Publicly. Officially. PERIOD. They haven't done this yet, and neither has Vietnam. An International Currency Status, (like Vietnam for instance) is MEANINGLESS to you and everyone else, UNLESS they RAISE THE VALUE. Iraq could make it's currency Officially, Publicly International, and STILL keep the same rate value range it's had for the past 15 years, if they wanted to - just like Vietnam, for instance...AND you still have no gain on your investment. Public, Official INTERNATIONAL STATUS alone, still doesn't help you! ...UNTIL the Rate Value Rises. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
2-17-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Article: "Flooding (floating) the Iraqi dinar and stopping the auction is the only solution for the Iraqi economy" Relax folks…this is an OP – ED piece (which means Opinion Editorial – a writer’s opinion). It doesn’t mean they will do this. However, it does give us a peek into the current political climate. Very interesting… there has been much conversation over whether this meant “flood” or “float”… in context, based on the Egyptian references and Alak’s recent comments showing his averse position on this idea, I’m convinced this reference is to an actual “float” of some kind. Sounds like to me – this wasn’t their first choice but people are so tired of the corrupt process, some might be willing to try.
2-17-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Float the Iraqi dinar and stop the auction currency is the only solution of the Iraqi economy" [If they float, auctions cannot stop until the dinar is equal to dollar.] ...that is false. Accepting IMF Article VIII (making the dinar more internationally accepted and convertible) is the key. Doing so would allow the CBI to stop selling dollars to pay for imports. As well, the CBI then makes commissions off the conversion of currency. This is why the CBI is trying so hard to reduce the spread...so they are in compliance and can move to Article VIII.
2-17-2018 Newshound Guru G-Lin Article: "Flooding the Iraqi dinar and stopping the auction is the only solution for the Iraqi economy" This is yet another analyst opinion. But a good one. He is comparing two different outcomes of the economies of Egypt and Venezuela. One floated their currency and the other did not. He is saying Iraq needs to follow the example of Egypt. It has taken about a year or so to see the improvement in their economy, but it is starting to improve. Venezuela on the other hand is tanking quickly. If Iraq doesn't take action and start floating their currency they will end up like them. To be honest I think this is an urgent message to Iraq. Let's hope they are listening. It is time for a change. Stop the auctions, float their currency, and let Iraq prosper through supply and demand. It's their only option IMO.
2-17-2018 Intel Guru Footforward ...the RV is going to happen. I expect it sometime between now and March 21st...I don't have a specific date... that's the timeline I'm looking at and there are many reasons for that... I expect the rate to be over $3...between $3 and $5... I think we are entering into one of the most exciting times in history.
2-17-2018 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke Your currency's value, is only as good as what's PUBLIC & OFFICIAL, as a value given on a computer screen. However, it happens INSTANTLY...without Warning ahead of time, without Announcement ahead of time, without Telegraphing ahead of time, without anyone's Secret Knowledge, AND certainly without someone, ANYONE, printing articles telling you WHEN & HOW, it's going to happen...and ESPECIALLY coming from a Middle Eastern country like Iraq or a Far East country like Vietnam. IT...JUST...HAPPENS. [post 2 of 2]
2-17-2018 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke We want IRAQ to Substantially Raise the Value of their Currency, Publicly. Officially. PERIOD. They haven't done this yet, and neither has Vietnam. An International Currency Status, (like Vietnam for instance) is MEANINGLESS to you and everyone else, UNLESS they RAISE THE VALUE. Iraq could make it's currency Officially, Publicly International, and STILL keep the same rate value range it's had for the past 15 years, if they wanted to - just like Vietnam, for instance...AND you still have no gain on your investment. Public, Official INTERNATIONAL STATUS alone, still doesn't help you! ...UNTIL the Rate Value Rises. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
2-17-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Article: "Flooding (floating) the Iraqi dinar and stopping the auction is the only solution for the Iraqi economy" Relax folks…this is an OP – ED piece (which means Opinion Editorial – a writer’s opinion). It doesn’t mean they will do this. However, it does give us a peek into the current political climate. Very interesting… there has been much conversation over whether this meant “flood” or “float”… in context, based on the Egyptian references and Alak’s recent comments showing his averse position on this idea, I’m convinced this reference is to an actual “float” of some kind. Sounds like to me – this wasn’t their first choice but people are so tired of the corrupt process, some might be willing to try.
2-16-2018 Newshound Guru Breitling ..,And the Iraqi Dinar was becoming so popular they had to squash it. There has been a policy to keep the dinar artificially low. All we had to do was watch when the policy flipped…and what do we see? A huge huge decrease in dinar availability. That’s huge…the numbers don’t lie. The numbers are there and you see the result of it…you should right now be very very happy. There is still dinar out there…but it’s not sitting out there like it used to be. So that’s phenomenal news that’s coming out. We’re actually seeing the result of the reduction of the note count. And that means EVERYTHING. They just can’t add value to a currency. It has to physically equate and represent. Just like the U.S. dollar…and guess what? You’re seeing that. It’s here right in front of you. [Post 3 of 3 ]
2-16-2018 Intel Guru RayRen98 CURRENT WINDOW: Yes, we received a new window. Yes, it is over the course of this weekend. . .Friday to Tuesday morning it could go thru. New information coming in. This is just during the rush. Five big boys (banks) are increasing their reserves today.
2-16-2018 Newshound Guru Breitling ...Those numbers reflect…Do I have the exact number? No…I can tell you when I got into this investment they had about 9 billion notes. And that’s the information I got from the IMF when I researched this…so it went from 9 billion notes to 15 billion notes…I was like holy crap it’s not going to revalue when it gets this high. But guess what?…they said they were going to reduce the note count and they finally did. The last report was 4 billion notes. And I don’t know why they put that report out because you’re not supposed to do that….The reason why it got so high was coming from General Petraeus and these guys …they were saying they’re trying to keep the value down, cheap, so they could rebuild that country. [Post 2 of 3 stay tuned for the rest of the story]
2-16-2018 Newshound Guru Breitling …What’s the trend that’s coming out? I’ve been getting emails from people asking, “Hey can you recommend a place to buy currency because I went to this trader and they don’t have anymore?” …I started getting more and more emails…The reality is everyone is running out of dinar…I waited and waited to actually find out...from the guys who actually ship the currency over here. There are only three sources that ship the currency over here. And I found out they have no problem at all getting dinar…there’s no laws preventing them from getting dinar. No one has said anything to them. They have a shortage. Do you know what that means? That means they reduced the note count down that much. It means everything! [Post 1 of 3 stay tuned for the rest of the story]
2-16-2018 Newshound Guru Adam Montana Maliki - that's an interesting topic right now. I think he's backed off of the "old Maliki" style considerably, and Abadi is no fool. He's certainly wise to the posturing and politics. They say there's no such thing as an "honest politician", and even though I am a cheerleader for Abadi, the adage applies to him as well. I truly believe that Maliki has created enough past bad-will that he will never truly find himself in a position of power again, and Abadi can play the game well enough to ensure that stays true. If anything, Maliki's new approach will encourage positive progress for the country as a whole. Abadi should remain in his position, and any kind of peaceful and reasonable discourse between the parties will move us closer to an RV. Conclusion: As much as I loathe these words... I don't see Maliki as a hindrance to a ReValuation any more. In fact, he may be helping in a roundabout way.
2-16-2018 Intel Guru Bruce Iraq finished up their conference Rebuild Iraq hosted in Kuwait. The World Bank was backing all investment in that and so that was a way to make sure everybody knew they could invest confidently in Rebuilding Iraq. I think what makes it interesting is when it came to the Rebuilding Iraq Conference in Kuwait, we ended up saying we would not participate for the additional funding for Iraq ...as a country of the United States until we saw a rate put out... ...the dinar has been trading even last weekend Saturday morning almost at $5. We heard something in that effect again today from one of our Forex company it said that the dinar was on the move again or on the rise. That is a good sign for us. All the information we are hearing late this afternoon [Thursday] was pointing toward something happening any time now to by the weekend... we are in an any minute bases. That is what I am getting from several directions.
2-16-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Article: "$30bn Pledged to Iraq – Time to Act!" Quote: "While this is well short of the $88 billion in funding estimated to be needed..." They were actually talking about 100 Billion in “grants” (all along)… not 88 billion and not a single “grant” in sight. Looks like Iraq is gonna’ have to earn it. No one is giving it away today.
2-16-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Iraq awaits the outcome of the Declaration of the participants their contributions to the reconstruction conference" Quote: "...the bank has focused on monetary stability, which is a major objective of monetary policy, especially as it alone manages the money supply and thus affect the price system..." This is great! They are doing what the IMF stated they must do first. Article VIII will come once they meet compliance.
2-16-2018 Newshound Guru mike Article: "World Bank: Iraq is not able to afford the donor debt" So, the WB thinks that Iraq needs to address the corruption as well: Quote: "the World Bank had recommended the Iraqi government not to borrow more loans, including soft, but the participating countries of Iraq granted sovereign loans, threatening the country 's wealth in the event of failure to regulate the investment process ." There are no more free lunches for Iraq, pass the laws, punish the corrupt and engage the open market policies required for financial survival.
2-16-2018 Intel Guru RayRen98 CURRENT WINDOW: Yes, we received a new window. Yes, it is over the course of this weekend. . .Friday to Tuesday morning it could go thru. New information coming in. This is just during the rush. Five big boys (banks) are increasing their reserves today.
2-16-2018 Newshound Guru Breitling ...Those numbers reflect…Do I have the exact number? No…I can tell you when I got into this investment they had about 9 billion notes. And that’s the information I got from the IMF when I researched this…so it went from 9 billion notes to 15 billion notes…I was like holy crap it’s not going to revalue when it gets this high. But guess what?…they said they were going to reduce the note count and they finally did. The last report was 4 billion notes. And I don’t know why they put that report out because you’re not supposed to do that….The reason why it got so high was coming from General Petraeus and these guys …they were saying they’re trying to keep the value down, cheap, so they could rebuild that country. [Post 2 of 3 stay tuned for the rest of the story]
2-16-2018 Newshound Guru Breitling …What’s the trend that’s coming out? I’ve been getting emails from people asking, “Hey can you recommend a place to buy currency because I went to this trader and they don’t have anymore?” …I started getting more and more emails…The reality is everyone is running out of dinar…I waited and waited to actually find out...from the guys who actually ship the currency over here. There are only three sources that ship the currency over here. And I found out they have no problem at all getting dinar…there’s no laws preventing them from getting dinar. No one has said anything to them. They have a shortage. Do you know what that means? That means they reduced the note count down that much. It means everything! [Post 1 of 3 stay tuned for the rest of the story]
2-16-2018 Newshound Guru Adam Montana Maliki - that's an interesting topic right now. I think he's backed off of the "old Maliki" style considerably, and Abadi is no fool. He's certainly wise to the posturing and politics. They say there's no such thing as an "honest politician", and even though I am a cheerleader for Abadi, the adage applies to him as well. I truly believe that Maliki has created enough past bad-will that he will never truly find himself in a position of power again, and Abadi can play the game well enough to ensure that stays true. If anything, Maliki's new approach will encourage positive progress for the country as a whole. Abadi should remain in his position, and any kind of peaceful and reasonable discourse between the parties will move us closer to an RV. Conclusion: As much as I loathe these words... I don't see Maliki as a hindrance to a ReValuation any more. In fact, he may be helping in a roundabout way.
2-16-2018 Intel Guru Bruce Iraq finished up their conference Rebuild Iraq hosted in Kuwait. The World Bank was backing all investment in that and so that was a way to make sure everybody knew they could invest confidently in Rebuilding Iraq. I think what makes it interesting is when it came to the Rebuilding Iraq Conference in Kuwait, we ended up saying we would not participate for the additional funding for Iraq ...as a country of the United States until we saw a rate put out... ...the dinar has been trading even last weekend Saturday morning almost at $5. We heard something in that effect again today from one of our Forex company it said that the dinar was on the move again or on the rise. That is a good sign for us. All the information we are hearing late this afternoon [Thursday] was pointing toward something happening any time now to by the weekend... we are in an any minute bases. That is what I am getting from several directions.
2-16-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Article: "$30bn Pledged to Iraq – Time to Act!" Quote: "While this is well short of the $88 billion in funding estimated to be needed..." They were actually talking about 100 Billion in “grants” (all along)… not 88 billion and not a single “grant” in sight. Looks like Iraq is gonna’ have to earn it. No one is giving it away today.
2-16-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Iraq awaits the outcome of the Declaration of the participants their contributions to the reconstruction conference" Quote: "...the bank has focused on monetary stability, which is a major objective of monetary policy, especially as it alone manages the money supply and thus affect the price system..." This is great! They are doing what the IMF stated they must do first. Article VIII will come once they meet compliance.
2-16-2018 Newshound Guru mike Article: "World Bank: Iraq is not able to afford the donor debt" So, the WB thinks that Iraq needs to address the corruption as well: Quote: "the World Bank had recommended the Iraqi government not to borrow more loans, including soft, but the participating countries of Iraq granted sovereign loans, threatening the country 's wealth in the event of failure to regulate the investment process ." There are no more free lunches for Iraq, pass the laws, punish the corrupt and engage the open market policies required for financial survival.
2-15-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Abadi announced the start of the second phase of the reconstruction of Iraq plan" Quote: "...the current reconstruction phase will create thousands of jobs and improve economic development." More importantly it will create economic pressure forcing the CBI to begin to raise the value.
2-15-2018 Newshound Guru Adam Montana I challenge ANYONE to argue that Iraq has not made an incredible amount of headway in the last 7-10 years. ISIS - ISIS who? Almost non-existent in the news these days. Iraq the "war zone"? Not anymore. Iraq used to be a primitive medieval dinosaur in the technology department, which is an extremely important part of their advancement into the world banking system. That's no longer an issue. Could their infrastructure be a little better? Of course, but it's infinitely improved compared to 10 years ago, and fully capable of interacting with all the major world exchanges. My list goes on... 1. I like the current situation. 2. Iraq is in a position to move, and soon. 3. That's the end of the list. HCL incoming! It's not going to happen tomorrow, but it's coming. I'm HODLing my IQD and also my faith. [post 2 of 2]
2-15-2018 Newshound Guru Adam Montana The Iraqi Dinar situation has been pretty interesting lately...in fact, the longer things stay "quiet", the more attention I'm paying to it. Think back a couple years. Do you remember when news was fast and furious, with developments happening on almost a daily basis? There was tons of talk about how "close" and "soon" we were to an RV. And to be extremely blunt about it - I don't disagree that we *could* have been on the brink of an RV at any of those moments. The release of every new URGENT article was indeed a signal that things were about to POP. Now, we're looking at weeks or months between "major" events, and some might see that as discouraging. I disagree. The big picture is very encouraging. The situation in Iraq is very much like many other things in history, where it took time to lay a solid foundation before a major change. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
2-15-2018 Newshound Guru Breitling “...There’s supposedly 72 billion dinar out there.” Well if there’s 72 billion dinar you can’t revalue the dinar. You couldn’t even get it to a penny…There wasn’t 72 billion dinar out there. What it was is they didn’t know how to read the M0, M1, M2, M3 reports. Every country is different…the hidden note count was in the M1... So the other three reports that were attached to the country’s yearly report told you exactly what it was worth was everything added up. You take the real-estate, you take their assets, the currency is one little spot. And that’s what people are missing…That was the argument against the Iraqi dinar. And they were wrong from day 1. They got the math wrong one. And how they got the data to add up how much dinar was out there they simply got wrong.
2-15-2018 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke This is now Public, for the World to see. It is NOW Fact...since the official liberation of Mosul over 8 months ago, and Iraq's Officially PUBLIC Country Liberation & Celebration, a couple months ago at the end of the year. Thus, NOW, they can justify in the World's Viewpoint, a substantial currency increase in value, in order to move the country fully into the physical healing, it requires. So, when the rate jumps overnight (suddenly, so to speak), Iraq can now justify it Publicly, in every way possible...and it won't look to the World, like another "Insider Money Scam", coming out of a country with a history full of Political Monetary Corruption - at least not as much. They now have a Factual, Documented, Publicly Justifiable reason, to do what they're about to do. Keep Watching & Listening to the U.S. over the next few days. [post 3 of 3]
2-15-2018 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke Yes in Kuwait, they collected a few funds (chump change)...finalized and signed a few deals...FINALIZED... But: It's the type of deal, where they can NOW say, after they raise the value, "Hey, we did everything else that we could do up to this point, including calling the world in to invest & contribute, so out of desperation, we finally had to do the ONLY thing left to do - Raise our currency value, for the good of Iraq & it's people." - something to that affect. HOW? They can NOW SHOW PUBLICLY, that they've done EVERYTHING POSSIBLE, to get the necessary funding to rebuild and re-establish their country monetarily, from all OUTSIDE sources - and have come up way Short, in terms of what they need. [post 2 of 3....stay tuned]
2-15-2018 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke Have you figured out WHY we basically said nothing was going to happen BEFORE or DURING the Kuwait Conference...We'll tell you NOW, because now you'll see it, the way we "SEE" it, since we're Now Today, on the other side of it..."The Kuwait Conference was set up a long time ago, just to be used primarily as a "Worldwide Public Advertising Tool", to give Iraq a "Publicly Justified Reason", on a worldwide scale, to FINALLY substantially increase the value of their currency, the Dinar... soon afterward...& JUSTIFY IT. [post 1 of 3....stay tuned]
2-15-2018 Newshound Guru Adam Montana I challenge ANYONE to argue that Iraq has not made an incredible amount of headway in the last 7-10 years. ISIS - ISIS who? Almost non-existent in the news these days. Iraq the "war zone"? Not anymore. Iraq used to be a primitive medieval dinosaur in the technology department, which is an extremely important part of their advancement into the world banking system. That's no longer an issue. Could their infrastructure be a little better? Of course, but it's infinitely improved compared to 10 years ago, and fully capable of interacting with all the major world exchanges. My list goes on... 1. I like the current situation. 2. Iraq is in a position to move, and soon. 3. That's the end of the list. HCL incoming! It's not going to happen tomorrow, but it's coming. I'm HODLing my IQD and also my faith. [post 2 of 2]
2-15-2018 Newshound Guru Adam Montana The Iraqi Dinar situation has been pretty interesting lately...in fact, the longer things stay "quiet", the more attention I'm paying to it. Think back a couple years. Do you remember when news was fast and furious, with developments happening on almost a daily basis? There was tons of talk about how "close" and "soon" we were to an RV. And to be extremely blunt about it - I don't disagree that we *could* have been on the brink of an RV at any of those moments. The release of every new URGENT article was indeed a signal that things were about to POP. Now, we're looking at weeks or months between "major" events, and some might see that as discouraging. I disagree. The big picture is very encouraging. The situation in Iraq is very much like many other things in history, where it took time to lay a solid foundation before a major change. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
2-15-2018 Newshound Guru Breitling “...There’s supposedly 72 billion dinar out there.” Well if there’s 72 billion dinar you can’t revalue the dinar. You couldn’t even get it to a penny…There wasn’t 72 billion dinar out there. What it was is they didn’t know how to read the M0, M1, M2, M3 reports. Every country is different…the hidden note count was in the M1... So the other three reports that were attached to the country’s yearly report told you exactly what it was worth was everything added up. You take the real-estate, you take their assets, the currency is one little spot. And that’s what people are missing…That was the argument against the Iraqi dinar. And they were wrong from day 1. They got the math wrong one. And how they got the data to add up how much dinar was out there they simply got wrong.
2-15-2018 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke This is now Public, for the World to see. It is NOW Fact...since the official liberation of Mosul over 8 months ago, and Iraq's Officially PUBLIC Country Liberation & Celebration, a couple months ago at the end of the year. Thus, NOW, they can justify in the World's Viewpoint, a substantial currency increase in value, in order to move the country fully into the physical healing, it requires. So, when the rate jumps overnight (suddenly, so to speak), Iraq can now justify it Publicly, in every way possible...and it won't look to the World, like another "Insider Money Scam", coming out of a country with a history full of Political Monetary Corruption - at least not as much. They now have a Factual, Documented, Publicly Justifiable reason, to do what they're about to do. Keep Watching & Listening to the U.S. over the next few days. [post 3 of 3]
2-15-2018 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke Yes in Kuwait, they collected a few funds (chump change)...finalized and signed a few deals...FINALIZED... But: It's the type of deal, where they can NOW say, after they raise the value, "Hey, we did everything else that we could do up to this point, including calling the world in to invest & contribute, so out of desperation, we finally had to do the ONLY thing left to do - Raise our currency value, for the good of Iraq & it's people." - something to that affect. HOW? They can NOW SHOW PUBLICLY, that they've done EVERYTHING POSSIBLE, to get the necessary funding to rebuild and re-establish their country monetarily, from all OUTSIDE sources - and have come up way Short, in terms of what they need. [post 2 of 3....stay tuned]
2-15-2018 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke Have you figured out WHY we basically said nothing was going to happen BEFORE or DURING the Kuwait Conference...We'll tell you NOW, because now you'll see it, the way we "SEE" it, since we're Now Today, on the other side of it..."The Kuwait Conference was set up a long time ago, just to be used primarily as a "Worldwide Public Advertising Tool", to give Iraq a "Publicly Justified Reason", on a worldwide scale, to FINALLY substantially increase the value of their currency, the Dinar... soon afterward...& JUSTIFY IT. [post 1 of 3....stay tuned]
2-14-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "United Nations: Kuwait Conference stunning proof of the confidence in the government and the people of Iraq" Quote: "Iraq is on the right track and the international community has shown its confidence in Iraq, which is very important , a good news" A very good sign.
2-14-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Some believe they must first reconstruct the cities and allow businesses to come back in. I do not know the answer but if we THINK for a second, we can see that all they really need is to get to a point where they can guarantee that the launching of their new currency will not crash and they can maintain the rate. This is the extent they need. Personally, I believe that if they pulled the trigger today they would be just fine. I am saying this because their overall economy is now much better than prior to 1991 invasion. So could they technically trigger and survive? Yes, I believe they could. [post 3 of 3]
2-14-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Iraq has had many investment seminars over these 11 years since I have been in this investment. Why is this one so important? It is important due many reasons: 1) PM Abadi at the helm (political stability) 2) Honest intent to move forward (banking and financial reforms in place) 3) Investment laws in place allowing investors to come in The investment law and its amendments are yet more pieces to the puzzle and were the banking reforms. So you can see each step they make brings them yet closer and closer to an economy that can grow. But when will the economy take off?... [post 2 of 3....stay tuned]
2-14-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Today is the third day of the Donor Conference. So the RV did not happen by Sunday, as expected. The conference has started on Feb 12 and will run until Feb 14th. What next? I can see we can expect more of the same investment strategy for Iraq. The news now is all about investing in Iraq and part of that investment is the rebuilding of Iraq and moving it to a “market economy” driven by the private sector. We must think of the Donor Conference in Iraq as a piece to the puzzle for accomplishing these goals. [post 1 of 3....stay tuned]
2-14-2018 Intel Guru Bruce ...Kuwait TV...stated...all the investment opportunities (212) for...that...Rebuilding Iraq...conference...will be essentially backed by the World Bank. The reason that appears the case is because at the time of the start of the conference as far as we know, we hear the Iraqi dinar rate had not been made internationally known. Iraq who was given permission a few weeks ago to release that rate has not done it yet. We thought it would be done before the conference started. ...sources...stated that the budget would be put in the Gazette tomorrow [Wednesday]...which would include the rate for the dinar. We were getting contacts in the US Treasury talking about this going...We know it is in the hands of the banks now because it has been released by the Treasury to do it. I am encouraged because we are finally at the end of the ride. ...All the indicators are very positive...
2-14-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Some believe they must first reconstruct the cities and allow businesses to come back in. I do not know the answer but if we THINK for a second, we can see that all they really need is to get to a point where they can guarantee that the launching of their new currency will not crash and they can maintain the rate. This is the extent they need. Personally, I believe that if they pulled the trigger today they would be just fine. I am saying this because their overall economy is now much better than prior to 1991 invasion. So could they technically trigger and survive? Yes, I believe they could. [post 3 of 3]
2-14-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Iraq has had many investment seminars over these 11 years since I have been in this investment. Why is this one so important? It is important due many reasons: 1) PM Abadi at the helm (political stability) 2) Honest intent to move forward (banking and financial reforms in place) 3) Investment laws in place allowing investors to come in The investment law and its amendments are yet more pieces to the puzzle and were the banking reforms. So you can see each step they make brings them yet closer and closer to an economy that can grow. But when will the economy take off?... [post 2 of 3....stay tuned]
2-14-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Today is the third day of the Donor Conference. So the RV did not happen by Sunday, as expected. The conference has started on Feb 12 and will run until Feb 14th. What next? I can see we can expect more of the same investment strategy for Iraq. The news now is all about investing in Iraq and part of that investment is the rebuilding of Iraq and moving it to a “market economy” driven by the private sector. We must think of the Donor Conference in Iraq as a piece to the puzzle for accomplishing these goals. [post 1 of 3....stay tuned]
2-14-2018 Intel Guru Bruce ...Kuwait TV...stated...all the investment opportunities (212) for...that...Rebuilding Iraq...conference...will be essentially backed by the World Bank. The reason that appears the case is because at the time of the start of the conference as far as we know, we hear the Iraqi dinar rate had not been made internationally known. Iraq who was given permission a few weeks ago to release that rate has not done it yet. We thought it would be done before the conference started. ...sources...stated that the budget would be put in the Gazette tomorrow [Wednesday]...which would include the rate for the dinar. We were getting contacts in the US Treasury talking about this going...We know it is in the hands of the banks now because it has been released by the Treasury to do it. I am encouraged because we are finally at the end of the ride. ...All the indicators are very positive...
2-13-2018 Newshound Guru mike Article: "Corruption, bureaucracy and armed practices threaten 157 Iraqi projects at the donor conference" Parliament just passed a law protecting those in government from prosecution for corruption, their timing couldn't have been worse. I realize the west doesn't want to leave Iraq vulnerable to Iran's influence, but at this point, Iraq is in Iran's back pocket, losing them to Iran has already happened. These folks can't even agree on a 2018 budget, how can they expect the world to donate billions when they can't even balance their own checkbook? The world has stood up and done everything it can to help this country... These guys have got to put on their big boy pants and act like they care about the country and its citizens, if they don't, the world won't. IMO.
2-13-2018 Newshound Guru mike Article: "Corruption, bureaucracy and armed practices threaten 157 Iraqi projects at the donor conference" Parliament just passed a law protecting those in government from prosecution for corruption, their timing couldn't have been worse. I realize the west doesn't want to leave Iraq vulnerable to Iran's influence, but at this point, Iraq is in Iran's back pocket, losing them to Iran has already happened. These folks can't even agree on a 2018 budget, how can they expect the world to donate billions when they can't even balance their own checkbook? The world has stood up and done everything it can to help this country... These guys have got to put on their big boy pants and act like they care about the country and its citizens, if they don't, the world won't. IMO.
2-12-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Appears that a company...will sell you gold and silver and allow you to pay for it in dinar (much below market prices given). Really? To me this is WOW news and confirms to us all that the dinar is very valuable and is in demand or will be shortly in very high demand...
2-12-2018 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke ...We ARE telling you WHAT & WHEN - IS about to Happen... AND, we fully expect that NOBODY GETS OUT OF FEBRUARY, 2018, Without the Prize!...if they choose. ...we're fully engaged, focused, and pinpointing the activities between, FEB. 15 - 19th, 2018, as MAJOR...and the "Process" will spread throughout the END of February...and into March, with increasing benefit. We're very Optimistic & Expectant...& Direct. DID WE GIVE YOU AN RV DATE?...that's for you to decide, and it always has been. (RV is a questionable definition, and not ours) The Steps must happen in order...EVERYTHING WILL CHANGE, FROM WHAT'S IT'S BEEN FOR SOOOOO LONG!...in February. Are you watching the U.S - What is Said & Done...already? Pay Attention!
2-12-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Article: "Speaker Jabouri calls 2018 Iraqi budget bill ‘unconstitutional,’ rejects to pass it" Quote: "...Salim al-Jabouri said the parliament will not approve cutting the salaries of civil servants." IMHO, this has very little to do with the actual budget they are trying to get passed and much more about political alliances being developed for the upcoming elections. Seriously?!? Jabouri cares at all about the KRG share?? No. I think not. All part of the process – it will happen.
2-12-2018 Intel Guru Delta Article: "Businessmen seek guarantees and bureaucracy to invest in Iraq" Quote: “The existence of no restrictions (ARTILCE 8) on foreign currency transfers, in addition to linking the Iraqi dinar (1-1) to the US dollar." (wink) ...MY DIFINITION IS IN ( ). I'M DROPING ALL MICS...
2-12-2018 Intel Guru Frank26 ...THE MR ( monetary reform) IS...MAGMA CORE HOT.
2-12-2018 Intel/Newshound Guru sandyf I get the impression that many perceive currency coding as nothing more than window dressing, nothing could be further from the truth. Currency codes are the backbone of all financial systems. Every computerized accounting software operates on a base currency and once set that currency code cannot be altered. When a country needs to introduce a new currency, the code must first be issued by the ISO, accounting software needs to be amended and a new set of accounts created in the new currency. This is why I often remind people that a redenomination cannot happen overnight nor in secret. One thing you can be sure of is that Iraq, or any other country is not going to be introducing a new currency anytime soon. It should be noted that the introduction of alternative denominations is an addition to an existing currency and not a new currency.
2-12-2018 Intel Guru RayRen98 [...are We Really There this time?] WE'RE "SUPPOSED" TO BE!...TREASURY SAYS THIS IS "IT" THIS TIME... ...CAN'T GET CONFIRMATIONS JUST YET... WE'RE NOT WAITING ON IRAQ ANYMORE... [I thought its the budget thingy...] SMOKE SCREEN STUFF...
[ I am so glad this is soon to become a memory...] THAT MAY BE SOONER THAN YOU THINK!!! ...WE'RE JUST WAITING... TIME WILL TELL IT ALL...
2-12-2018 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77 He [Abadi] is an integrally smart man who is also learning new chess moves IMO from a MASTER...T...and he is about to put Iraq on the roadmap of the world in so many ways...the term "MECCA" won't even be able to fit in Iraq when he is done IMO...expansion like we've never seen before IMO...it is all good...and it is all coming...IMO in a way that you would least expect it to...there are major pieces in this this game that dance to their own rules and are not used to being told no or used to delays...I look for no more delays, no more excuses..."the time is now"...
2-12-2018 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke ...We ARE telling you WHAT & WHEN - IS about to Happen... AND, we fully expect that NOBODY GETS OUT OF FEBRUARY, 2018, Without the Prize!...if they choose. ...we're fully engaged, focused, and pinpointing the activities between, FEB. 15 - 19th, 2018, as MAJOR...and the "Process" will spread throughout the END of February...and into March, with increasing benefit. We're very Optimistic & Expectant...& Direct. DID WE GIVE YOU AN RV DATE?...that's for you to decide, and it always has been. (RV is a questionable definition, and not ours) The Steps must happen in order...EVERYTHING WILL CHANGE, FROM WHAT'S IT'S BEEN FOR SOOOOO LONG!...in February. Are you watching the U.S - What is Said & Done...already? Pay Attention!
2-12-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Article: "Speaker Jabouri calls 2018 Iraqi budget bill ‘unconstitutional,’ rejects to pass it" Quote: "...Salim al-Jabouri said the parliament will not approve cutting the salaries of civil servants." IMHO, this has very little to do with the actual budget they are trying to get passed and much more about political alliances being developed for the upcoming elections. Seriously?!? Jabouri cares at all about the KRG share?? No. I think not. All part of the process – it will happen.
2-12-2018 Intel Guru Delta Article: "Businessmen seek guarantees and bureaucracy to invest in Iraq" Quote: “The existence of no restrictions (ARTILCE 8) on foreign currency transfers, in addition to linking the Iraqi dinar (1-1) to the US dollar." (wink) ...MY DIFINITION IS IN ( ). I'M DROPING ALL MICS...
2-12-2018 Intel Guru Frank26 ...THE MR ( monetary reform) IS...MAGMA CORE HOT.
2-12-2018 Intel/Newshound Guru sandyf I get the impression that many perceive currency coding as nothing more than window dressing, nothing could be further from the truth. Currency codes are the backbone of all financial systems. Every computerized accounting software operates on a base currency and once set that currency code cannot be altered. When a country needs to introduce a new currency, the code must first be issued by the ISO, accounting software needs to be amended and a new set of accounts created in the new currency. This is why I often remind people that a redenomination cannot happen overnight nor in secret. One thing you can be sure of is that Iraq, or any other country is not going to be introducing a new currency anytime soon. It should be noted that the introduction of alternative denominations is an addition to an existing currency and not a new currency.
2-12-2018 Intel Guru RayRen98 [...are We Really There this time?] WE'RE "SUPPOSED" TO BE!...TREASURY SAYS THIS IS "IT" THIS TIME... ...CAN'T GET CONFIRMATIONS JUST YET... WE'RE NOT WAITING ON IRAQ ANYMORE... [I thought its the budget thingy...] SMOKE SCREEN STUFF...
[ I am so glad this is soon to become a memory...] THAT MAY BE SOONER THAN YOU THINK!!! ...WE'RE JUST WAITING... TIME WILL TELL IT ALL...
2-12-2018 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77 He [Abadi] is an integrally smart man who is also learning new chess moves IMO from a MASTER...T...and he is about to put Iraq on the roadmap of the world in so many ways...the term "MECCA" won't even be able to fit in Iraq when he is done IMO...expansion like we've never seen before IMO...it is all good...and it is all coming...IMO in a way that you would least expect it to...there are major pieces in this this game that dance to their own rules and are not used to being told no or used to delays...I look for no more delays, no more excuses..."the time is now"...
2-11-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Al-Nasiri: Central Bank aims to build a solid banking sector in 2018" Quote: "In addition to its results and the extent of its commitment to implement the monetary policy directions of the Central Bank and reflect on its actual contribution to GDP and its contribution to sustainable development and its transition from the role of banking to the developmental role." This is a very clear statement for those looking for an overnight RV, it ain't happening. This means they are sticking with sound monetary policies that will improve the value of the dinar as the GDP improves. In other words, as investment comes into Iraq, the dinar will rise in value. Which from everything else we have read, appears to be some kind of float.
2-11-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat I am positive there is some plan to do something and use some of this to pay off debt if nothing else in part to use it for the deficit negotiations... Can they balance the deficit? Trump will look like a hero if they can and do it without closing down the govt again. As the US is not doing all this work in Iraq to just fight terrorism. I do not know all the details nor will I pretend to know. We shall all find out after the fact. This is all information that, if you tie it all together, points to the near completion of the project to delete the zeros and eventual revaluation of the Iraqi dinar. This what we are looking for. This is our TARGET! [post 2 of 2]
2-11-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat So the BIG question is this – is there a new plan to stock the US Reserves with Iraqi dinar and use it to pay off the National Debt after its revaluation? Well one thing we do know for sure is the Iraqi dinar will have a very substantial revaluation unlike the initial re-instatement of the Kuwaiti dinar. We know this from knowing about the process to “delete the zeros”. In fact the Kuwaiti dinar never really did revalue, it only rose in rate (not value) due to the float on FOREX and pure speculation. It then came back to reality... [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
2-11-2018 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: "Al-Nasiri: Central Bank aims to build a solid banking sector in 2018" Quotes: "Central Bank's adoption of standards and controls conforms to the requirements of international standards and the basic and subsidiary objectives of its strategy until 2020 and to activate and consolidate new visions of monetary policy applications,,,"; "...the Central Bank has introduced new policies and visions and mechanisms of smooth implementation, but it is monitored and followed up on a daily and accurate basis inside and outside Iraq in order to achieve the above economic goals and strengthen international banking relations with the international banks in order to serve our national economy and the banking sector." YOU NEED TO READ THIS WITH THE HEART OF A STUDENT OF YOUR INVESTMENT...THIS IS THE MAIN SOURCE...DO NOT WALK BY THIS...''ARTICLE".
2-11-2018 Intel/Newshound Guru sandyf There seems to be some confusion between the availability of IQD at banks and forex, the two are not directly related. There are many levels of forex and all Art 14 currencies can be traded without being available at banks. International banks will normally only deal in Art 8 currencies but may do so at their own risk. It is Art 8 that guarantees redemption by the central bank. Around here there are a few local Art 14 currencies and they are all available at banks because the foreign nationals are present in the country.
2-11-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat I am positive there is some plan to do something and use some of this to pay off debt if nothing else in part to use it for the deficit negotiations... Can they balance the deficit? Trump will look like a hero if they can and do it without closing down the govt again. As the US is not doing all this work in Iraq to just fight terrorism. I do not know all the details nor will I pretend to know. We shall all find out after the fact. This is all information that, if you tie it all together, points to the near completion of the project to delete the zeros and eventual revaluation of the Iraqi dinar. This what we are looking for. This is our TARGET! [post 2 of 2]
2-11-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat So the BIG question is this – is there a new plan to stock the US Reserves with Iraqi dinar and use it to pay off the National Debt after its revaluation? Well one thing we do know for sure is the Iraqi dinar will have a very substantial revaluation unlike the initial re-instatement of the Kuwaiti dinar. We know this from knowing about the process to “delete the zeros”. In fact the Kuwaiti dinar never really did revalue, it only rose in rate (not value) due to the float on FOREX and pure speculation. It then came back to reality... [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
2-11-2018 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: "Al-Nasiri: Central Bank aims to build a solid banking sector in 2018" Quotes: "Central Bank's adoption of standards and controls conforms to the requirements of international standards and the basic and subsidiary objectives of its strategy until 2020 and to activate and consolidate new visions of monetary policy applications,,,"; "...the Central Bank has introduced new policies and visions and mechanisms of smooth implementation, but it is monitored and followed up on a daily and accurate basis inside and outside Iraq in order to achieve the above economic goals and strengthen international banking relations with the international banks in order to serve our national economy and the banking sector." YOU NEED TO READ THIS WITH THE HEART OF A STUDENT OF YOUR INVESTMENT...THIS IS THE MAIN SOURCE...DO NOT WALK BY THIS...''ARTICLE".
2-11-2018 Intel/Newshound Guru sandyf There seems to be some confusion between the availability of IQD at banks and forex, the two are not directly related. There are many levels of forex and all Art 14 currencies can be traded without being available at banks. International banks will normally only deal in Art 8 currencies but may do so at their own risk. It is Art 8 that guarantees redemption by the central bank. Around here there are a few local Art 14 currencies and they are all available at banks because the foreign nationals are present in the country.
2-10-2018 Intel Guru Frank26 IMO ON MONDAY IN KW...THE LL (long line) DOES NOT SEEK A BUDGET FROM A...BUT MORE SO AN EXPLANATION OF...IRAQ'S CURRENCY! [Of course they aren't going to talk about their budget, who cares about that! I would want to know about the laws that are going to protect me, how I am going to exchange my currency while doing business, the banking laws that will protect my company & my contracts, the transfers, payments, insurances ... the who, what, why and how about everything IQD.] YES...YOU ARE NOW...GETTING THE TRUE PICTURE OF...THE KW CONF!!!
2-10-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat So are they targeting to have the FOREX rates out before this Kuwaiti Donor Conference? I am being told they had targeted for this weeks ago and so this is why they are rushing the budget now before parliament. The conference runs from Feb 12th thru Feb 14th. If you look at the recent news and look at the date there is no way they are going to have this budget passed before the Donor Conference. So I do not believe this will have any impact on getting the RV any sooner...it is looking like maybe by the end of next week, at the earliest. [post 2 of 2]
2-10-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Okay so where are we now in the investment? ...I did dig deeper and found that the rollout is being stalled due to two items: First issue are the mandates to pay the salaries, retirees and pensions and to be all caught up in reoccurring debt. Second is budgetary issues. They need to resolve these issues including the Article 140 issues with Kurdistan. We know that the KRG is the main reason why the budget is not being passed. So they already had a reading of the budget. The Iraqi Euphrates reports that the legal committee confirmed that parliament will complete the second reading of the budget during the meeting on Sunday, while pointing out that the proposed vote will be after four days. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
2-10-2018 Intel Guru RayRen98 Iraq Happenin's: Salaries were paid this week at a "different, newer rate" but details were not shared. The Saturday/Sunday approval of the Budget may...or may not...be an issue anyway. Time Will Tell!
2-10-2018 Intel Guru Bruce Now who is the country who hasn’t already said they would support Iraq in this rebuilding Iraq conference hosted by Kuwait? What country is holding back? Yes you guess it, America. ... We are going, and we will be there, but we are waiting for Iraq to make that rate known. What about the Qi cards? ...People we know who have Qi cards still don’t have access to some of the money represented on their cards in those accounts. When that rate of the Iraqi dinar is put out and known internationally, that is when those cards will show the rate and the funds will be accessible on those cards to the people who have them. We are hearing from the banks those funds should be available...some time Saturday night Eastern time... By that time we should have everything established...The Iraqi dinar should be established, and maybe the US will even make some sort of comment about going to that Rebuild Iraq conference in Kuwait.
2-10-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat So are they targeting to have the FOREX rates out before this Kuwaiti Donor Conference? I am being told they had targeted for this weeks ago and so this is why they are rushing the budget now before parliament. The conference runs from Feb 12th thru Feb 14th. If you look at the recent news and look at the date there is no way they are going to have this budget passed before the Donor Conference. So I do not believe this will have any impact on getting the RV any sooner...it is looking like maybe by the end of next week, at the earliest. [post 2 of 2]
2-10-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Okay so where are we now in the investment? ...I did dig deeper and found that the rollout is being stalled due to two items: First issue are the mandates to pay the salaries, retirees and pensions and to be all caught up in reoccurring debt. Second is budgetary issues. They need to resolve these issues including the Article 140 issues with Kurdistan. We know that the KRG is the main reason why the budget is not being passed. So they already had a reading of the budget. The Iraqi Euphrates reports that the legal committee confirmed that parliament will complete the second reading of the budget during the meeting on Sunday, while pointing out that the proposed vote will be after four days. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
2-10-2018 Intel Guru RayRen98 Iraq Happenin's: Salaries were paid this week at a "different, newer rate" but details were not shared. The Saturday/Sunday approval of the Budget may...or may not...be an issue anyway. Time Will Tell!
2-10-2018 Intel Guru Bruce Now who is the country who hasn’t already said they would support Iraq in this rebuilding Iraq conference hosted by Kuwait? What country is holding back? Yes you guess it, America. ... We are going, and we will be there, but we are waiting for Iraq to make that rate known. What about the Qi cards? ...People we know who have Qi cards still don’t have access to some of the money represented on their cards in those accounts. When that rate of the Iraqi dinar is put out and known internationally, that is when those cards will show the rate and the funds will be accessible on those cards to the people who have them. We are hearing from the banks those funds should be available...some time Saturday night Eastern time... By that time we should have everything established...The Iraqi dinar should be established, and maybe the US will even make some sort of comment about going to that Rebuild Iraq conference in Kuwait.
2-9-2018 Newshound Guru mike Article quote: "the sale of amounts transferred to the accounts of banks abroad, as well as the sale of cash was the price of 1190 dinars per dollar." Supply is keeping up with demand which is lowering the spread on the street. The problem is, if they maintain that rate, it's $800 million out the door in a month.
2-9-2018 Newshound Guru chattels Article quote: "The Central Bank of Iraq concluded the auction of selling the currency for this week by selling more than 200 million dollars." It has been a long time since the auction exceeded 200 million dollars in sales as I recall.
2-9-2018 Intel Guru RayRen98 So where are we now? The biggest topic of discussion is the Iraqi Budget. We don't know if the budget has been passed and still to be put in the Gazette or needs to be passed...We will learn that. ...We have heard that dealers are no longer selling dinar, or have limited quantities; that is also a good sign of what is to come. IMF sent a memo to the CBI to return the rate back to pre-Saddam era and adjust for inflation. Our understanding that memo said immediately, not a week from now, a month from now, a year from now... ...The IMF has told the CBI what to do and we’re waiting for them to do it.
2-9-2018 Newshound Guru sandyf ...In the Saddam heyday there were approximately 20 billion IQD in circulation but when the CPA introduced the new IQD in 2003 it took 6.5 trillion of the new currency to replace the old currency. Is it any wonder the value had gone down, this "program rate" is nothing more than a dinarland myth. You only have to look at how much Kuwait dinar there is in circulation compared to Iraq to see why there is a difference in value.
2-9-2018 Intel Guru Delta Financial Situation Tables CBI:
2-9-2018 Intel Guru Bruce We got further confirmation that they passed their budget and voted thru and should be read into the Gazette on Saturday. Iraq has been rebuilding Iraq. They will have a Rebuild Iraq conference starting Monday hosted by Kuwait. We got thousands, about 1500 companies, to go over that conference coming to Kuwait with many countries represented starting Monday. What does Iraq need to do before this conference on Monday? They need to have their international recognized currency, their dinar, with the new international rate out. Visible and known. My inclination is since it has not occurred yet, it will occur sometime by or before Saturday or Saturday night our time...they are ready to be an international superpower.
2-9-2018 Newshound Guru Adam Montana [...it's been over 10 years plus dealing with Iraq Dinar and still we are NO closer to when Iraq will RV their currency. With that said: 1. ...Iraq and CBI is making tons of money from auctions and loans from other countries and IMF. Why should they RV if they don't have to... 2. Are we wasting our time in this investment?...] I completely disagree. You say we are "NO closer"??!! I'm not sure what you are basing that on, but I completely disagree. 1. Yes. Regarding their business model with the auctions, they will continue to make money on them after a revaluation of the currency. I see no reason to be pessimistic about it. 2. I don't think we are wasting our time at all...
2-9-2018 Newshound Guru chattels Article quote: "The Central Bank of Iraq concluded the auction of selling the currency for this week by selling more than 200 million dollars." It has been a long time since the auction exceeded 200 million dollars in sales as I recall.
2-9-2018 Intel Guru RayRen98 So where are we now? The biggest topic of discussion is the Iraqi Budget. We don't know if the budget has been passed and still to be put in the Gazette or needs to be passed...We will learn that. ...We have heard that dealers are no longer selling dinar, or have limited quantities; that is also a good sign of what is to come. IMF sent a memo to the CBI to return the rate back to pre-Saddam era and adjust for inflation. Our understanding that memo said immediately, not a week from now, a month from now, a year from now... ...The IMF has told the CBI what to do and we’re waiting for them to do it.
2-9-2018 Newshound Guru sandyf ...In the Saddam heyday there were approximately 20 billion IQD in circulation but when the CPA introduced the new IQD in 2003 it took 6.5 trillion of the new currency to replace the old currency. Is it any wonder the value had gone down, this "program rate" is nothing more than a dinarland myth. You only have to look at how much Kuwait dinar there is in circulation compared to Iraq to see why there is a difference in value.
2-9-2018 Intel Guru Delta Financial Situation Tables CBI:
2-9-2018 Intel Guru Bruce We got further confirmation that they passed their budget and voted thru and should be read into the Gazette on Saturday. Iraq has been rebuilding Iraq. They will have a Rebuild Iraq conference starting Monday hosted by Kuwait. We got thousands, about 1500 companies, to go over that conference coming to Kuwait with many countries represented starting Monday. What does Iraq need to do before this conference on Monday? They need to have their international recognized currency, their dinar, with the new international rate out. Visible and known. My inclination is since it has not occurred yet, it will occur sometime by or before Saturday or Saturday night our time...they are ready to be an international superpower.
2-9-2018 Newshound Guru Adam Montana [...it's been over 10 years plus dealing with Iraq Dinar and still we are NO closer to when Iraq will RV their currency. With that said: 1. ...Iraq and CBI is making tons of money from auctions and loans from other countries and IMF. Why should they RV if they don't have to... 2. Are we wasting our time in this investment?...] I completely disagree. You say we are "NO closer"??!! I'm not sure what you are basing that on, but I completely disagree. 1. Yes. Regarding their business model with the auctions, they will continue to make money on them after a revaluation of the currency. I see no reason to be pessimistic about it. 2. I don't think we are wasting our time at all...
2-8-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "...Kuwait conference will bring significant economic benefits to Iraq" Quotes: "Kuwait conference is a real starting point for the start of reviving Iraq 's economy and rebuild the country..."; "...the participation of 2300 global conference reconstruction of Iraq, adding that more than 70 countries conference reconstruction of Iraq in Kuwait..."; "...the conference to be held between 12 and 14 February..." ...it is this momentum that will raise the value of the dinar. Let's hope this conference is a success.
2-8-2018 Newshound Guru Don961 Article: "Parliament calls on the Kuwait Conference to provide infrastructure projects instead of funds" Now there's a good idea ! ...Have the donors come in and do the projects...oversee their funds in action...and keep the cash out of the hands of those who may feel inclined to steal it or reroute it...Iraq needs help and 1000's are willing to help...but the 1000's want to see some actual tangible results for their money and efforts... perhaps a money-making business partnership...not another suddenly, mysteriously wealthy politician or official buying 3 homes and Lambos for all his kids...imo.
2-8-2018 Newshound Guru Adam Montana [While I believe that an RV will be simultaneous world wide is their a possibility that some restrictions may be put in place for Dinar outside the country? ...I believe they still need to take back dinar that corruption has stolen and moved out of country.] The possibility of an "in country" RV is certainly there, but IMO they would be stepping on a LOT of the wrong toes if they did that, and ultimately it would prove unsuccessful for them, so I don't see it as a serious threat. Iraq really needs the support of the global financial markets and political figures in order to have a successful RV. They have done a lot to garner that support and gain that confidence, and an in-country RV would immediately diminish their outside support... I just don't see it happening.
2-8-2018 Guest Guru BobTheTaxMan There are a lot of great changes that have gone on in the tax world…So this whole new concept that Trump Administration has fathered and brought forth has a lot of benefits to it. You just need to understand what it is. And because it’s different, a lot of people are afraid of it. Don’t be afraid of it…cause it really is a great opportunity. Tremendous opportunity especially if you keep viewing the dinar. Somewhere down the road it is going to come to fruition. It is going to happen. These new rules and regulations for the IRS are phenomenal.
2-8-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Keep in mind, we all want this to start...but the reality is the CBI cannot float or for that matter do anything other than improve the banking environment at this time. Why? Because there is no upward pressure on the dinar. There is no investment in Iraq's private sector at this time. Until there is investment, or compliance with the IMF, the CBI's hands are sort of tied. Only after this conditions are met can the CBI consider moving to a float, ending the auctions, and have the dinar join the worlds currencies. [post 2 of 2]
2-8-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Monetary policy is not a simple thing to explain. I do not think the CBI is ready to float at this time. Mainly because the IMF does not want them to. They want them to stay pegged until they meet compliance with the IMF and can move to Article VIII. That being said, I do think the CBI wants to float once they move to Article VIII. My belief is they will pick a new floating exchange rate regime that they can use to raise the value gradually to counter inflationary pressure created by the influx of investment flowing through the Capital Account of the CBI (hopefully that will capital will begin to come into Iraq soon). This is well documented in several IMF articles discussing the transition. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
2-8-2018 Intel Guru RayRen98 From Monday...we shared about lower denominations being out in smaller numbers, with more being released in the coming days. We have not had an update on that yet, but think that they are only in some hands so far. We have also been told that prices have been adjusted slightly. The biggest changes there will happen when the change in value comes in...when they make the announcement. Budget due out tomorrow, Feb. 8th. We were getting confirmation that Kurdistan is getting 14%. CURRENT WINDOW: ...We were told the second and then the 15th. A few things needed to happen, but I think we are good. We are in the window.
2-8-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat So we can see that having the budget passed is also needed. Folks nobody has a checklist of items. It all just happens this way. It all just plays out. It is all an ongoing “RV Saga”. It is NOT about having the new RV rate in the budget that is so important, as to why they need to pass it... This RV is not driving anything. But rather prior agreements are driving the process and holding it up. ...the RV is just the end game and the end product. So do they want to have all these items completed prior to the upcoming Donor Conference in Kuwait? I would think so but I can not prove it. It makes total sense to me, but then again they are so late in getting everything done... [post 3 of 3]
2-8-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "...Kuwait conference will bring significant economic benefits to Iraq" Quotes: "Kuwait conference is a real starting point for the start of reviving Iraq 's economy and rebuild the country..."; "...the participation of 2300 global conference reconstruction of Iraq, adding that more than 70 countries conference reconstruction of Iraq in Kuwait..."; "...the conference to be held between 12 and 14 February..." ...it is this momentum that will raise the value of the dinar. Let's hope this conference is a success.
2-8-2018 Newshound Guru Don961 Article: "Parliament calls on the Kuwait Conference to provide infrastructure projects instead of funds" Now there's a good idea ! ...Have the donors come in and do the projects...oversee their funds in action...and keep the cash out of the hands of those who may feel inclined to steal it or reroute it...Iraq needs help and 1000's are willing to help...but the 1000's want to see some actual tangible results for their money and efforts... perhaps a money-making business partnership...not another suddenly, mysteriously wealthy politician or official buying 3 homes and Lambos for all his kids...imo.
2-8-2018 Newshound Guru Adam Montana [While I believe that an RV will be simultaneous world wide is their a possibility that some restrictions may be put in place for Dinar outside the country? ...I believe they still need to take back dinar that corruption has stolen and moved out of country.] The possibility of an "in country" RV is certainly there, but IMO they would be stepping on a LOT of the wrong toes if they did that, and ultimately it would prove unsuccessful for them, so I don't see it as a serious threat. Iraq really needs the support of the global financial markets and political figures in order to have a successful RV. They have done a lot to garner that support and gain that confidence, and an in-country RV would immediately diminish their outside support... I just don't see it happening.
2-8-2018 Guest Guru BobTheTaxMan There are a lot of great changes that have gone on in the tax world…So this whole new concept that Trump Administration has fathered and brought forth has a lot of benefits to it. You just need to understand what it is. And because it’s different, a lot of people are afraid of it. Don’t be afraid of it…cause it really is a great opportunity. Tremendous opportunity especially if you keep viewing the dinar. Somewhere down the road it is going to come to fruition. It is going to happen. These new rules and regulations for the IRS are phenomenal.
2-8-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Keep in mind, we all want this to start...but the reality is the CBI cannot float or for that matter do anything other than improve the banking environment at this time. Why? Because there is no upward pressure on the dinar. There is no investment in Iraq's private sector at this time. Until there is investment, or compliance with the IMF, the CBI's hands are sort of tied. Only after this conditions are met can the CBI consider moving to a float, ending the auctions, and have the dinar join the worlds currencies. [post 2 of 2]
2-8-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Monetary policy is not a simple thing to explain. I do not think the CBI is ready to float at this time. Mainly because the IMF does not want them to. They want them to stay pegged until they meet compliance with the IMF and can move to Article VIII. That being said, I do think the CBI wants to float once they move to Article VIII. My belief is they will pick a new floating exchange rate regime that they can use to raise the value gradually to counter inflationary pressure created by the influx of investment flowing through the Capital Account of the CBI (hopefully that will capital will begin to come into Iraq soon). This is well documented in several IMF articles discussing the transition. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
2-8-2018 Intel Guru RayRen98 From Monday...we shared about lower denominations being out in smaller numbers, with more being released in the coming days. We have not had an update on that yet, but think that they are only in some hands so far. We have also been told that prices have been adjusted slightly. The biggest changes there will happen when the change in value comes in...when they make the announcement. Budget due out tomorrow, Feb. 8th. We were getting confirmation that Kurdistan is getting 14%. CURRENT WINDOW: ...We were told the second and then the 15th. A few things needed to happen, but I think we are good. We are in the window.
2-8-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat So we can see that having the budget passed is also needed. Folks nobody has a checklist of items. It all just happens this way. It all just plays out. It is all an ongoing “RV Saga”. It is NOT about having the new RV rate in the budget that is so important, as to why they need to pass it... This RV is not driving anything. But rather prior agreements are driving the process and holding it up. ...the RV is just the end game and the end product. So do they want to have all these items completed prior to the upcoming Donor Conference in Kuwait? I would think so but I can not prove it. It makes total sense to me, but then again they are so late in getting everything done... [post 3 of 3]
2-7-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Again another hold up because of arguments with the KRG on the getting the 17% (as guaranteed by the constitution. The GOI has no problems with giving them this amount but in auditing they have found so much corruption and that much of this money goes to fill the pockets of the politicians and not the salaries and planned projects. ...So the IMF steps in and mandates the GOI that they need to pay 14% and their loans are contingent upon obeying. They want this issue resolved. The GOI comes up with a suggestion. They will give the KRG 12% in the budget and the other 5% pay them in a “special emergency allocation”. This is now on the table and we wait to see what they do. [post 2 of 3....stay tuned]
2-7-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat So where do we stand today in the RV sage [saga?]? We are waiting for the GOI to pay all reoccurring monthly debts on time. One of the goals of the SBA between the IMF and the GOI was to finally get the finances turned around so that the government would be in a position to be able to do this and does do this. So in late December 2017, when they agreed it was time to re-instate the currency, part of the pre-conditions was to get current on all of these outstanding occurring routine debts. If we look at their payment schedule it certainly looks like they want to complete this by around mid February (next Monday). Part of this process is getting a workable budget passed in parliament that includes proper resources to fulfill these debts. [post 1 of 3....stay tuned]
2-7-2018 Newshound Guru Adam Montana [So now that the Kurds are throwing a hissy fit over losing almost 5% share of the budget, where does that leave the RV??? They keep boycotting meetings and know without them and their supporters, there is no quorum. So no budget, no HCL, no RV. ... What can Abadi and the Parliament do to fix the problem?] That's a very good point, and it's exactly what I believe is really holding up the process at this point. The good news for us, of course, is that they can throw all the tantrums they want... eventually we will get to a point where the budget is settled, their share of the revenue will be established, and it will be very apparent to all that it is in everyone's best interest to move forward with the HCL and then of course a revision of the exchange rate. I don't see it dragging out another 10 years. It might not happen "tomorrow" or even "this week", but the conclusion is inevitable. Hang in there, everyone.
2-7-2018 Newshound Guru chattels I was asked whether I thought that the rate, impliedly " new rate " was in the budget. I seriously doubt that any increase in the value of the dinar is going to be forecast in / by the budget. ...there is a discernable rate / value to the dinar evinced in the budget. That value in my time has always been the current value of the dinar. The budget is a months long process. Is Iraq going to announce an increase in the value of the dinar in their draft budget? I don't think so.
2-7-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Central banks needed five hours to submit their applications to buy foreign currency" [Here comes the RV at one to one.] There is no RV. Not to mention this article has nothing to do with implying such. This is an attempt to control the daily currency auctions and weed out corruption, but to me it is just another restriction which could have a negative effect on the spread. The CBI has a habit of implementing these types of controls rather than doing what it should be doing...arresting the crooks themselves. [...Kap no offense here but the CBI kills your theories when they say NO FLOAT.] ...the CBI did not say no float, just no float at this time. And this makes sense since there is no momentum through the Capital Account to create inflationary pressure and appreciate the currency.
2-7-2018 Newshound Guru Breitling …I have so much confidence in what is coming down the road with the dinar. In the past we’ve talked a little about what it could do…what the Iraqis are looking at market wise. None of that stuff is going to prevent the dinar from revaluing. None of it. Zero. It’s going to revalue. The question is. How fast? And at what rate? The future is determining that…So very confident in it…
2-7-2018 Intel Guru Bruce Other information we got today from Iraq...from our contact that...February 7, the new budget would be passed and read for the third time. ...there has been a lot of pressure exerted on Abadi to get that rate out... It looks like it finally reached consensus on the budget, and have it in the Gazette on the February 8, which is Thursday. I think we are just where we needed to be as far as that goes. You know the budget would contain the rate and the rate would be seen...by the 8th if not sooner. We know that the dinar is being traded again for about the last 3 days... ...This is a real interesting time. ...I am getting strong Intel pointing toward any moment now. We know we have been close before, but I think we are even closer than we [have] ever been. [post 2 of 2]
2-7-2018 Intel Guru Bruce We know Iraq has had to get things in order. We know they were released from our US Treasury to put out their rate for the Iraqi dinar a week and half ago, maybe longer...but somehow they haven’t...yet. There was some resistance in the Parliament as far as various factions in the government still. Then we find now...Everyone pretty much is on the same page. We understand couple days ago some announcements were made by Prime Minister Abadi and behind him standing was Maliki. Maliki had said they had some unity now and...He is not going to run for Prime Minister again. Also, that he was behind the RV going thru...where he was so resistant the entire time he was in power. That is one reason why it didn’t happen. Now he is no longer a factor. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
2-7-2018 Newshound Guru mike Article: "Corruption in Iraq file reaches the most dangerous stages" Quote: "The general amnesty issued by parliament earlier in an important outlet for corrupt law in Iraq, provides them with a cover legislative..." ...Abadi is Maliki-Lite, he just has better optics and represents hope for change. It's all smoke and mirrors, both are from the Dawa Party and answer to Iran. Going after the Kurd's and Sunni's for their corruption and ignoring the ruling Shia is typical but...hopefully the IMF sees it as well. You can bet those who attend the "donor" conference in Kuwait know what's going on, imagine putting money into a country that has laws on the books that protect the corrupt politicians. That's a pretty tough sell, it's throwing good money after bad. This conference starts in six days on Monday and Parliament isn't even going to meet again until Sunday, I don't think the odds of them completing a budget in time for the donor conference are very good.
2-7-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat So where do we stand today in the RV sage [saga?]? We are waiting for the GOI to pay all reoccurring monthly debts on time. One of the goals of the SBA between the IMF and the GOI was to finally get the finances turned around so that the government would be in a position to be able to do this and does do this. So in late December 2017, when they agreed it was time to re-instate the currency, part of the pre-conditions was to get current on all of these outstanding occurring routine debts. If we look at their payment schedule it certainly looks like they want to complete this by around mid February (next Monday). Part of this process is getting a workable budget passed in parliament that includes proper resources to fulfill these debts. [post 1 of 3....stay tuned]
2-7-2018 Newshound Guru Adam Montana [So now that the Kurds are throwing a hissy fit over losing almost 5% share of the budget, where does that leave the RV??? They keep boycotting meetings and know without them and their supporters, there is no quorum. So no budget, no HCL, no RV. ... What can Abadi and the Parliament do to fix the problem?] That's a very good point, and it's exactly what I believe is really holding up the process at this point. The good news for us, of course, is that they can throw all the tantrums they want... eventually we will get to a point where the budget is settled, their share of the revenue will be established, and it will be very apparent to all that it is in everyone's best interest to move forward with the HCL and then of course a revision of the exchange rate. I don't see it dragging out another 10 years. It might not happen "tomorrow" or even "this week", but the conclusion is inevitable. Hang in there, everyone.
2-7-2018 Newshound Guru chattels I was asked whether I thought that the rate, impliedly " new rate " was in the budget. I seriously doubt that any increase in the value of the dinar is going to be forecast in / by the budget. ...there is a discernable rate / value to the dinar evinced in the budget. That value in my time has always been the current value of the dinar. The budget is a months long process. Is Iraq going to announce an increase in the value of the dinar in their draft budget? I don't think so.
2-7-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Central banks needed five hours to submit their applications to buy foreign currency" [Here comes the RV at one to one.] There is no RV. Not to mention this article has nothing to do with implying such. This is an attempt to control the daily currency auctions and weed out corruption, but to me it is just another restriction which could have a negative effect on the spread. The CBI has a habit of implementing these types of controls rather than doing what it should be doing...arresting the crooks themselves. [...Kap no offense here but the CBI kills your theories when they say NO FLOAT.] ...the CBI did not say no float, just no float at this time. And this makes sense since there is no momentum through the Capital Account to create inflationary pressure and appreciate the currency.
2-7-2018 Newshound Guru Breitling …I have so much confidence in what is coming down the road with the dinar. In the past we’ve talked a little about what it could do…what the Iraqis are looking at market wise. None of that stuff is going to prevent the dinar from revaluing. None of it. Zero. It’s going to revalue. The question is. How fast? And at what rate? The future is determining that…So very confident in it…
2-7-2018 Intel Guru Bruce Other information we got today from Iraq...from our contact that...February 7, the new budget would be passed and read for the third time. ...there has been a lot of pressure exerted on Abadi to get that rate out... It looks like it finally reached consensus on the budget, and have it in the Gazette on the February 8, which is Thursday. I think we are just where we needed to be as far as that goes. You know the budget would contain the rate and the rate would be seen...by the 8th if not sooner. We know that the dinar is being traded again for about the last 3 days... ...This is a real interesting time. ...I am getting strong Intel pointing toward any moment now. We know we have been close before, but I think we are even closer than we [have] ever been. [post 2 of 2]
2-7-2018 Intel Guru Bruce We know Iraq has had to get things in order. We know they were released from our US Treasury to put out their rate for the Iraqi dinar a week and half ago, maybe longer...but somehow they haven’t...yet. There was some resistance in the Parliament as far as various factions in the government still. Then we find now...Everyone pretty much is on the same page. We understand couple days ago some announcements were made by Prime Minister Abadi and behind him standing was Maliki. Maliki had said they had some unity now and...He is not going to run for Prime Minister again. Also, that he was behind the RV going thru...where he was so resistant the entire time he was in power. That is one reason why it didn’t happen. Now he is no longer a factor. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
2-7-2018 Newshound Guru mike Article: "Corruption in Iraq file reaches the most dangerous stages" Quote: "The general amnesty issued by parliament earlier in an important outlet for corrupt law in Iraq, provides them with a cover legislative..." ...Abadi is Maliki-Lite, he just has better optics and represents hope for change. It's all smoke and mirrors, both are from the Dawa Party and answer to Iran. Going after the Kurd's and Sunni's for their corruption and ignoring the ruling Shia is typical but...hopefully the IMF sees it as well. You can bet those who attend the "donor" conference in Kuwait know what's going on, imagine putting money into a country that has laws on the books that protect the corrupt politicians. That's a pretty tough sell, it's throwing good money after bad. This conference starts in six days on Monday and Parliament isn't even going to meet again until Sunday, I don't think the odds of them completing a budget in time for the donor conference are very good.
2-6-2018 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke ‘Kuwait allotted 6 weeks to exchange their old Dinars.’ So, the old Kuwait Dinar was being phased out and people had 6 weeks in which to exchange the old for the new Kuwait currency. ...could February (this month) produce the same dynamics? ie could Iraq rv their Iraqi Dinar in a similar way to how Kuwait did in ‘91? ...the rv of the Iraqi Dinar is not happening in an obvious way, ie. as the Intel being shared around the internet is telling us it is. So I conclude, it is unfolding in an unobvious way, so not to get hung up on the details that are coming from ‘sources’. I hope this helps. To me it’s simple, it’s a trap to overthink and get in our own way with trying to figure it out. Relax and know it’s happening! "In Chess…..Who cares when you Sacrifice the Day of a Battle, if you’re Guaranteed to WIN THE WAR...IN FEBRUARY?" CHECKMATE.
2-6-2018 Intel/Newshound Guru tman23 ...The IMF is telling Iraq to get on the move otherwise the upcoming conference may be a bust...all this money raised this week might find itself in another coffer and Iraq on an island....I like the one statement/question ...Has Abadi overplayed his hand?
2-6-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article quote: "...continuous meetings between the parliamentary blocs to resolve differences on the financial budget for 2018, in the presence of Prime Minister Haider Abadi for two consecutive days to parliament to accelerate the adoption of the budget." I am convinced now that there is some connection with getting the budget passed and getting the re-instatement of the currency. This is noteworthy to pay attention to. Quote: "...the importance of Iraq does not lose the respect of the international community us, through demands do not lead to a result. For the Kuwait conference, HOW CAN IRAQ GO TO THE CONFERENCE AND UNDERSTAND WITH DONOR COUNTRIES AND HE WAS UNABLE TO APPROVE HIS BUDGET? This is a very negative signal, and therefore the budget must be approved before the Kuwait Conference."
2-6-2018 Newshound Guru Don961 Do they truly think no one knows what was done with all the money...or who was/is responsible? ...these same faces and political parties want to be in position to do it again...there are over 200 parties registered for the upcoming elections...is this to distance themselves from the parties who blew it before? Do they truly want to help...or is that also a ploy to fool the world into thinking things are really changing...only to have the same people join right back together again in their "alliances" to continue what they were doing under a different name? ...If they are sincere about helping the citizens, are peaceful, want to truly do business in a safe way in a safe environment...then there is a long line of people who want to do business and are chomping at the bit to help build a wealthy, prosperous nation... Now up to 1800 companies and businessmen!! ...they must love that pretty girl and her colorful currency! We see much progress...more than ever before...we'll see how it goes...imo. [post 2 of 2]
2-6-2018 Newshound Guru Don961 Article: "Kuwait announces hosting a new meeting of the International Alliance against Daqash and reveals the most prominent contents expected" Quote: "70 countries and 4 international organizations and bodies were participating in a ministerial meeting of the countries participating in the international alliance against Daqash, scheduled for February 13 in Kuwait." All these "leaders" want everyone to come in and help rebuild Iraq... the world has tried to help do that before...Poured billions upon billions in money, equipment, expertise, other resources into the country...and precious lives...enough to rebuild Iraq several times over...only to have it stolen, misappropriated...and countless other ways wealth was redirected to someone's personal bank account... [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
2-6-2018 Intel Guru Frank26 [Do you think they need a real RI/RV rate before the kuwait conference begins? IYO?] YES.
2-6-2018 Newshound Guru mike Article: "The House of Representatives completes reading the proposal of the second amendment law to the law of elections of the House of Representatives" ...this is a telling article. There are so many agenda's it boggles the mind, it seems most are happy to hold things up by keeping it in committee. The last thing I want to see is more seats added to the government, with the Sunni's displaced and the Kurd's infighting, this would only benefit the Shia, everyone else is disorganized. Hopefully they can get this deal sorted out quickly, Free and open elections are kind of important when building a Iraqi democracy; For better or worse, the quote [quota ?] system is still a big deal in Iraq "He pointed out that the quota is granted"
2-6-2018 Intel/Newshound Guru tman23 ...The IMF is telling Iraq to get on the move otherwise the upcoming conference may be a bust...all this money raised this week might find itself in another coffer and Iraq on an island....I like the one statement/question ...Has Abadi overplayed his hand?
2-6-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article quote: "...continuous meetings between the parliamentary blocs to resolve differences on the financial budget for 2018, in the presence of Prime Minister Haider Abadi for two consecutive days to parliament to accelerate the adoption of the budget." I am convinced now that there is some connection with getting the budget passed and getting the re-instatement of the currency. This is noteworthy to pay attention to. Quote: "...the importance of Iraq does not lose the respect of the international community us, through demands do not lead to a result. For the Kuwait conference, HOW CAN IRAQ GO TO THE CONFERENCE AND UNDERSTAND WITH DONOR COUNTRIES AND HE WAS UNABLE TO APPROVE HIS BUDGET? This is a very negative signal, and therefore the budget must be approved before the Kuwait Conference."
2-6-2018 Newshound Guru Don961 Do they truly think no one knows what was done with all the money...or who was/is responsible? ...these same faces and political parties want to be in position to do it again...there are over 200 parties registered for the upcoming elections...is this to distance themselves from the parties who blew it before? Do they truly want to help...or is that also a ploy to fool the world into thinking things are really changing...only to have the same people join right back together again in their "alliances" to continue what they were doing under a different name? ...If they are sincere about helping the citizens, are peaceful, want to truly do business in a safe way in a safe environment...then there is a long line of people who want to do business and are chomping at the bit to help build a wealthy, prosperous nation... Now up to 1800 companies and businessmen!! ...they must love that pretty girl and her colorful currency! We see much progress...more than ever before...we'll see how it goes...imo. [post 2 of 2]
2-6-2018 Newshound Guru Don961 Article: "Kuwait announces hosting a new meeting of the International Alliance against Daqash and reveals the most prominent contents expected" Quote: "70 countries and 4 international organizations and bodies were participating in a ministerial meeting of the countries participating in the international alliance against Daqash, scheduled for February 13 in Kuwait." All these "leaders" want everyone to come in and help rebuild Iraq... the world has tried to help do that before...Poured billions upon billions in money, equipment, expertise, other resources into the country...and precious lives...enough to rebuild Iraq several times over...only to have it stolen, misappropriated...and countless other ways wealth was redirected to someone's personal bank account... [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
2-6-2018 Intel Guru Frank26 [Do you think they need a real RI/RV rate before the kuwait conference begins? IYO?] YES.
2-6-2018 Newshound Guru mike Article: "The House of Representatives completes reading the proposal of the second amendment law to the law of elections of the House of Representatives" ...this is a telling article. There are so many agenda's it boggles the mind, it seems most are happy to hold things up by keeping it in committee. The last thing I want to see is more seats added to the government, with the Sunni's displaced and the Kurd's infighting, this would only benefit the Shia, everyone else is disorganized. Hopefully they can get this deal sorted out quickly, Free and open elections are kind of important when building a Iraqi democracy; For better or worse, the quote [quota ?] system is still a big deal in Iraq "He pointed out that the quota is granted"
2-5-2018 Newshound Guru G-Lin Article: "Deputy reveals the condition of the IMF to support the government for the allocation of 14% of the budget for Kurdistan" They better be quick. IMF told them they need to have the budget complete before the Kuwait Conf. That is next Monday. And they are not meeting again until next Sunday. Snap, snap Iraq.
2-5-2018 Newshound Guru chattels Article: " ...saw the parliament cafeteria several differences and reached the degree of engagement fistfights." parliament suspended its week amid a fight.
2-5-2018 Newshound Guru Don961 Article: "The central bank is required five hours to submit their applications for the purchase of currency" Quote: "The bank has set new conditions and instructions on banks and brokerage companies to enter the currency sale window to prevent corruption and trading in hard currency." Currency crackdown ... another step ... new conditions/rules ... imo.
2-5-2018 Intel Guru RayRen98 There was an update over the weekend...and no changes have been made from that plan so far as well know. [reference Guru RayRen98 post 2-4-2018] ...they are meeting again today and we may get more detailed information during the course of the day. The information I’m hearing from members and their dealers is that the price of dinar is going up, and the currency is harder to get now, especially uncirculated notes. To me, that is a great sign. We are also hearing more about the lower denoms being in some people’s hands, although there is still not public distribution. That is also a good sign of progress. Also exciting is hearing about there being a backlog in some vehicle purchases (in Iraq). There are issues getting enough of those vehicles into the country. That’s all good stuff.
2-5-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat "MASUM, STRESSED THE URGENT NEED OF IRAQ TO BUILD A SOLID ECONOMY" Quote: “TO BUILD A STRONG AND OPEN ECONOMY”. How can they do this when their currency is a temporary, war currency not meant to be taken outside of Iraq? They must go thru the currency reform process and complete it - RV.
2-5-2018 Newshound Guru chattels [...what do you think still needs to happen?] I would like to see a fully formed government and judiciary as provided for in the Constitution. I would like to see national reconciliation done. I would like to see Article 140 and an HCL. I would like to see resettlement of the displaced and security in Anbar / Nineveh / Kirkuk. I would like to see deposit guaranty insurance implemented with other business laws favoring investors and less corruption.
2-5-2018 Intel Guru Jester [...all that is happening with this memo business and draining the swamp, do you think has any thing to do with the timing the ust is waiting on?] IT HAS TO DO WITH THE US GETTING IT'S STUFF TOGETHER BUT IT IS NOT NECESSARILY ON THE SAME TIME FRAME...REMEMBER I TOLD YOU THEY HAD TO FEEL LIKE THEY COULD TRUST THE US... I THINK THAT MAY BE PART OF IT... THE OTHER GURUS THINK IT IS JUST IRAQ... IT IS A MUCH BIGGER PICTURE...
2-5-2018 Intel Guru Frank26 [Do you believe the rate is in the 2018 budget...?] IT IS 1 TO 1. [...you said the budget would be approved at the next session of parliament...Was it passed?] IT IS PASSED...NOTE...BUDGET HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE RI. [...when it ri. Will our government get 1to1 or wait for 3-4 rate?] 1 TO 1 IS FOR IRAQ...3 PLUS WILL EVENTUALLY BE FOR OUTSIDE. [...1:1 is for in country. Once that finally happens, will we be waiting the 72-78 days before we see it leave Iraqi borders at a higher rate?] NO LEAVES AT 1 TO 1...RV IS APPROX 72 PLUS. [IYO Once we see the rate on the CBI, will A see his target rate of 4.8 or higher (based on the pic he took with the old currency in it’s hay day) ON/BEFORE the 72-78 days or ON/AFTER 72-78 days.] IMO 3 PLUS WITH A POSSIBILITY TO GO 4 PLUS...CONTROL FLOAT WILL DETERMINE THAT.
2-5-2018 Newshound Guru chattels Article: " ...saw the parliament cafeteria several differences and reached the degree of engagement fistfights." parliament suspended its week amid a fight.
2-5-2018 Newshound Guru Don961 Article: "The central bank is required five hours to submit their applications for the purchase of currency" Quote: "The bank has set new conditions and instructions on banks and brokerage companies to enter the currency sale window to prevent corruption and trading in hard currency." Currency crackdown ... another step ... new conditions/rules ... imo.
2-5-2018 Intel Guru RayRen98 There was an update over the weekend...and no changes have been made from that plan so far as well know. [reference Guru RayRen98 post 2-4-2018] ...they are meeting again today and we may get more detailed information during the course of the day. The information I’m hearing from members and their dealers is that the price of dinar is going up, and the currency is harder to get now, especially uncirculated notes. To me, that is a great sign. We are also hearing more about the lower denoms being in some people’s hands, although there is still not public distribution. That is also a good sign of progress. Also exciting is hearing about there being a backlog in some vehicle purchases (in Iraq). There are issues getting enough of those vehicles into the country. That’s all good stuff.
2-5-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat "MASUM, STRESSED THE URGENT NEED OF IRAQ TO BUILD A SOLID ECONOMY" Quote: “TO BUILD A STRONG AND OPEN ECONOMY”. How can they do this when their currency is a temporary, war currency not meant to be taken outside of Iraq? They must go thru the currency reform process and complete it - RV.
2-5-2018 Newshound Guru chattels [...what do you think still needs to happen?] I would like to see a fully formed government and judiciary as provided for in the Constitution. I would like to see national reconciliation done. I would like to see Article 140 and an HCL. I would like to see resettlement of the displaced and security in Anbar / Nineveh / Kirkuk. I would like to see deposit guaranty insurance implemented with other business laws favoring investors and less corruption.
2-5-2018 Intel Guru Jester [...all that is happening with this memo business and draining the swamp, do you think has any thing to do with the timing the ust is waiting on?] IT HAS TO DO WITH THE US GETTING IT'S STUFF TOGETHER BUT IT IS NOT NECESSARILY ON THE SAME TIME FRAME...REMEMBER I TOLD YOU THEY HAD TO FEEL LIKE THEY COULD TRUST THE US... I THINK THAT MAY BE PART OF IT... THE OTHER GURUS THINK IT IS JUST IRAQ... IT IS A MUCH BIGGER PICTURE...
2-5-2018 Intel Guru Frank26 [Do you believe the rate is in the 2018 budget...?] IT IS 1 TO 1. [...you said the budget would be approved at the next session of parliament...Was it passed?] IT IS PASSED...NOTE...BUDGET HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE RI. [...when it ri. Will our government get 1to1 or wait for 3-4 rate?] 1 TO 1 IS FOR IRAQ...3 PLUS WILL EVENTUALLY BE FOR OUTSIDE. [...1:1 is for in country. Once that finally happens, will we be waiting the 72-78 days before we see it leave Iraqi borders at a higher rate?] NO LEAVES AT 1 TO 1...RV IS APPROX 72 PLUS. [IYO Once we see the rate on the CBI, will A see his target rate of 4.8 or higher (based on the pic he took with the old currency in it’s hay day) ON/BEFORE the 72-78 days or ON/AFTER 72-78 days.] IMO 3 PLUS WITH A POSSIBILITY TO GO 4 PLUS...CONTROL FLOAT WILL DETERMINE THAT.
2-4-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Article: "Maliki reveals his plans to become PM once again" Whether we like it or not – this is big news. Maliki plans on trying to retake the PMship in Iraq, even though he doesn’t qualify because of term limits, even though he is corrupt, even though he will destroy the country – he will try. Incredibly – they are letting him run. He should be under investigation…or in jail. BTW – this appears to be a well-timed announcement (on Maliki’s part). You think he doesn’t know the world is deathly afraid of him? I suspect this is a calculated move to scare off some of the donor countries coming to the Kuwait Conference. Maliki has NO USE for the Arabs and Sunnis. He could care less if they show up. He want’s Iranian influence to grow – at all costs.
2-4-2018 Intel Guru RayRen98 From Friday's meeting, we learned of a "plan" for a Slow Roll-Out, however, they are still in planning meetings and this information is very much subject-to-change come Monday. ...Iraq Happening: The IMF and the World Bank are reportedly demanding that the 2018 Budget must be approved before the Kuwait Conference on February 12. The payments for the Kurds (once again) is resolved. Article 140 should no longer be an issue. With 140 and the Budget approval being resolved, the coast will be clear for completion of the economic reforms. Bring on the rate change!!
2-4-2018 Newshound Guru G-Lin Article: "Revealed: Deal to oust Abadi, bring Hadi al-Ameri as PM" We just don't know what is truth or propaganda going into the elections, but I guess we need to see all. But Abadi isn't winning any popularity contest either. He has been brutal to the Kurds. And Hakim and Sadr are leaning towards Ameri. I'm a bit disappointed in Abadi too. He has had 4 years to clean up the corruption and all he does so far is talk. I think he may have good intentions but Iran still is the strongest influence in Iraq and they may be pushing Ameri.
2-4-2018 Newshound Guru chattels "The market price on the Kifah Stock Exchange in Baghdad was 1237.5 dinars per dollar, ie 123 thousand and 750 dinars per hundred dollars. The prices of selling and buying dollars in the banking companies were: the sale price of one dollar 1242.5 dinars, or 124 thousand and 250 dinars, for one hundred dollars. The purchase price of the dollar is 1232.5 dinars, or 123 thousand and 250 dinars, for one hundred dollars." The foregoing is somewhat remarkable due to the recent drop in oil prices / increase in the value of the dollar and the market price of the dinar appears to be holding at the same rate as two days ago.
2-4-2018 Intel Guru Delta [I wish the CBI would end the auctions any thoughts on when they may end?] THEY TOLD US BY THE FIRST Q OF 2018...SO ANYTIME...Q1 2018 -- January 1, 2018 to March 31, 2018...ANYTIME HERE.
2-4-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "The Ministry of Finance in the Kurdistan Regional Government announced a new schedule for the distribution of salaries." ...I did tell everyone this RV process might go past Jan 31st and so it has. I told you not to expect anything since they just announced that they won’t even begin to pay on the pensions and retirements until Feb 1st. We know these salaries must all get paid first. This...comes from a mandate on the SDA between Iraq and the IMF. ...The GOI recently came out with a new payroll schedule... What we need is for the prior cycle to be completed. The fact that they are already showing us the 2nd cycle is very significant and tells us they are at the end of the last.
2-4-2018 Intel Guru RayRen98 From Friday's meeting, we learned of a "plan" for a Slow Roll-Out, however, they are still in planning meetings and this information is very much subject-to-change come Monday. ...Iraq Happening: The IMF and the World Bank are reportedly demanding that the 2018 Budget must be approved before the Kuwait Conference on February 12. The payments for the Kurds (once again) is resolved. Article 140 should no longer be an issue. With 140 and the Budget approval being resolved, the coast will be clear for completion of the economic reforms. Bring on the rate change!!
2-4-2018 Newshound Guru G-Lin Article: "Revealed: Deal to oust Abadi, bring Hadi al-Ameri as PM" We just don't know what is truth or propaganda going into the elections, but I guess we need to see all. But Abadi isn't winning any popularity contest either. He has been brutal to the Kurds. And Hakim and Sadr are leaning towards Ameri. I'm a bit disappointed in Abadi too. He has had 4 years to clean up the corruption and all he does so far is talk. I think he may have good intentions but Iran still is the strongest influence in Iraq and they may be pushing Ameri.
2-4-2018 Newshound Guru chattels "The market price on the Kifah Stock Exchange in Baghdad was 1237.5 dinars per dollar, ie 123 thousand and 750 dinars per hundred dollars. The prices of selling and buying dollars in the banking companies were: the sale price of one dollar 1242.5 dinars, or 124 thousand and 250 dinars, for one hundred dollars. The purchase price of the dollar is 1232.5 dinars, or 123 thousand and 250 dinars, for one hundred dollars." The foregoing is somewhat remarkable due to the recent drop in oil prices / increase in the value of the dollar and the market price of the dinar appears to be holding at the same rate as two days ago.
2-4-2018 Intel Guru Delta [I wish the CBI would end the auctions any thoughts on when they may end?] THEY TOLD US BY THE FIRST Q OF 2018...SO ANYTIME...Q1 2018 -- January 1, 2018 to March 31, 2018...ANYTIME HERE.
2-4-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "The Ministry of Finance in the Kurdistan Regional Government announced a new schedule for the distribution of salaries." ...I did tell everyone this RV process might go past Jan 31st and so it has. I told you not to expect anything since they just announced that they won’t even begin to pay on the pensions and retirements until Feb 1st. We know these salaries must all get paid first. This...comes from a mandate on the SDA between Iraq and the IMF. ...The GOI recently came out with a new payroll schedule... What we need is for the prior cycle to be completed. The fact that they are already showing us the 2nd cycle is very significant and tells us they are at the end of the last.
2-3-2018 Intel Guru Frank26 [Shouldn't this be done before the big conference on February 13? The clock is ticking...] IMO...SO MUCH MORE THAN YOU HONESTLY REALIZE .
2-3-2018 Intel Guru Delta
USDIQD Spot Exchange Rate
IQD:CUR 1,184.5859
IQD 6.9812
64.3524 - 1,213.3339
[Frank26: FIRST TIME!!!...TY DELTA 1.]
2-3-2018 Newshound Guru G-Lin Article: "Financial Advisor-Abadi: the agreement with the IMF is forcing the Government to "observe" Quote: "Saleh noted...another important thing is the Conference Kuwait, how Iraq can go to a Of the Conference and communicate with the donor countries and is not able to adopt balanced? This is a very negative signal for this budget must be authenticated before Kuwait Conference»." Wow...So the IMF is still keeping their foot on Iraq's neck. Is this saying they need to get their budget in place before Kuwait Conderence? Iraq may very well walk away from this conference empty handed. The west wants assurances...
2-3-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Financial expert for "Economy News": Rising oil prices helped lower dollar exchange rates" Quote: "The witness exchange rates declined significantly, as the dollar exchange rate in local markets reached this day, to 123.750 dinars per $ 100." Sounds like the spread is going down. 1237 to $1." [...Needs to be around 1202 to begin 90 day IMF compliance, I think?] Once they are in compliance it will be interesting to see if the IMF makes them wait the 90 days. We may see a concession on the time.
2-3-2018 Newshound Guru Stryker Topics "Parliamentary Finance: Things are moving quickly towards the adoption of the budget"; "Masoum stresses Iraq's urgent need for a solid and open economy"; "Economist reveals the future of the dollar exchange rate in local markets" ...Things are starting to heat up for Iraq; it's time for action in the form of implementation and less talk!!!
2-3-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article quote: "Is was scheduled to meet the Kurdish blocs on Thursday with Prime Minister Haider Abadi to discuss the bill of financial budget for 2018." ...maybe the Kurds want Article 140 and this impact the budget? They are blocking the budget due to this issue? So maybe they need accomplish one to do the other? I really do not understand why the GOI does not want to just hold the referendum on Article 140 and get it over with. We know the referendum has been written and is now sitting in parliament.
2-3-2018 Intel Guru Frank26 [Shouldn't this be done before the big conference on February 13? The clock is ticking...] IMO...SO MUCH MORE THAN YOU HONESTLY REALIZE .
2-3-2018 Intel Guru Delta
USDIQD Spot Exchange Rate
IQD:CUR 1,184.5859
IQD 6.9812
64.3524 - 1,213.3339
[Frank26: FIRST TIME!!!...TY DELTA 1.]
2-3-2018 Newshound Guru G-Lin Article: "Financial Advisor-Abadi: the agreement with the IMF is forcing the Government to "observe" Quote: "Saleh noted...another important thing is the Conference Kuwait, how Iraq can go to a Of the Conference and communicate with the donor countries and is not able to adopt balanced? This is a very negative signal for this budget must be authenticated before Kuwait Conference»." Wow...So the IMF is still keeping their foot on Iraq's neck. Is this saying they need to get their budget in place before Kuwait Conderence? Iraq may very well walk away from this conference empty handed. The west wants assurances...
2-3-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Financial expert for "Economy News": Rising oil prices helped lower dollar exchange rates" Quote: "The witness exchange rates declined significantly, as the dollar exchange rate in local markets reached this day, to 123.750 dinars per $ 100." Sounds like the spread is going down. 1237 to $1." [...Needs to be around 1202 to begin 90 day IMF compliance, I think?] Once they are in compliance it will be interesting to see if the IMF makes them wait the 90 days. We may see a concession on the time.
2-3-2018 Newshound Guru Stryker Topics "Parliamentary Finance: Things are moving quickly towards the adoption of the budget"; "Masoum stresses Iraq's urgent need for a solid and open economy"; "Economist reveals the future of the dollar exchange rate in local markets" ...Things are starting to heat up for Iraq; it's time for action in the form of implementation and less talk!!!
2-3-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article quote: "Is was scheduled to meet the Kurdish blocs on Thursday with Prime Minister Haider Abadi to discuss the bill of financial budget for 2018." ...maybe the Kurds want Article 140 and this impact the budget? They are blocking the budget due to this issue? So maybe they need accomplish one to do the other? I really do not understand why the GOI does not want to just hold the referendum on Article 140 and get it over with. We know the referendum has been written and is now sitting in parliament.
2-2-2018 Intel Guru RayRen98 CBI said they would start paying on Feb 1 but then put out a schedule starting Feb. 4. There is now pressure on Parliament to publish the Budget. Also, the dong showed up on the screen various times, but no one could exchange. It was interesting that dong was shown $4.25, and it kept going on and off.
2-2-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat So this week once again they discussed controversial issues in the budget in preparation for the formulation of satisfactory parts to all parties to approve the budget, but not yet approved and passed. We have been told this many time before. They expect to pick it back up in tomorrow’s session. Again I want to emphasize to everyone that maybe there is a connection between getting this budget finalized and passed and the timing of the RV? ...I do not know for a fact but it does seem too coincidental that we know of timeframes when the RV should have gone and didn’t. These timeframes seem to coincide with the same times when the budget was supposed to go before parliament. ...could there be a connection? Coincidental? ...Then we also look at the paying out of the salaries. We know that all the salaries (and other re-occurring debts) must be caught up prior the RV happening. This is part of the agreement set forth to approve the process to move forward.
2-2-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Kuwait is considering converting Iraq's compensation to the projects and investments" [If they settle it this way it could be 1 step closer to article VIII.] Not related... Article VIII is based on monetary policy and the IMF. If Kuwait agrees to such a thing the benefit would be with the United Nations Security Council closing the reparations file and any subsequent resolutions.
2-2-2018 Intel Guru Bruce Iraq has been given the go ahead by our Treasury to release their rates for a well over a week now. So far there been some internal changes to the rate. There have been some things done at their banks like lower denominations, pictures put on their websites, the CBI website. They have the lower denominations in the ATMs ready to go. Why hasn’t the rate been put out...my understanding was this rate for Iraq was supposed to show up by last night [Wednesday] at 12 EST, or the United States might not be in position to do any more loans for Iraq or wouldn’t be able to work with the IMF or with the World Bank with future loans until that rate was put out. We were in the understanding last night that we would be ready to go today, February 1st. That just didn’t happen. I do believe from what we understand, there is nothing else in the way. Let’s see what happens.
2-2-2018 Newshound Guru mike Article: "Washington reaffirms its support for the Iraqi economy" Iraq's leadership just don't get it, the US is ready and chomping at the bit to get the TIFA side of the the project moving and all Iraq has to do is pass the legislation for the banks and the economy and get out of the way. But they don't and then complain about it. We're not going to: "give a signal to US companies that Iraq is open for business." It's not true, Iraq still has some heavy lifting to do before the country is open for outside investment. Property rights, business ownership, the currency, the banks and the economy are not attractive to US investment on a large scale if it doesn't pertain to oil, it's just too risky. Your move Abadi.
2-2-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat So this week once again they discussed controversial issues in the budget in preparation for the formulation of satisfactory parts to all parties to approve the budget, but not yet approved and passed. We have been told this many time before. They expect to pick it back up in tomorrow’s session. Again I want to emphasize to everyone that maybe there is a connection between getting this budget finalized and passed and the timing of the RV? ...I do not know for a fact but it does seem too coincidental that we know of timeframes when the RV should have gone and didn’t. These timeframes seem to coincide with the same times when the budget was supposed to go before parliament. ...could there be a connection? Coincidental? ...Then we also look at the paying out of the salaries. We know that all the salaries (and other re-occurring debts) must be caught up prior the RV happening. This is part of the agreement set forth to approve the process to move forward.
2-2-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Kuwait is considering converting Iraq's compensation to the projects and investments" [If they settle it this way it could be 1 step closer to article VIII.] Not related... Article VIII is based on monetary policy and the IMF. If Kuwait agrees to such a thing the benefit would be with the United Nations Security Council closing the reparations file and any subsequent resolutions.
2-2-2018 Intel Guru Bruce Iraq has been given the go ahead by our Treasury to release their rates for a well over a week now. So far there been some internal changes to the rate. There have been some things done at their banks like lower denominations, pictures put on their websites, the CBI website. They have the lower denominations in the ATMs ready to go. Why hasn’t the rate been put out...my understanding was this rate for Iraq was supposed to show up by last night [Wednesday] at 12 EST, or the United States might not be in position to do any more loans for Iraq or wouldn’t be able to work with the IMF or with the World Bank with future loans until that rate was put out. We were in the understanding last night that we would be ready to go today, February 1st. That just didn’t happen. I do believe from what we understand, there is nothing else in the way. Let’s see what happens.
2-2-2018 Newshound Guru mike Article: "Washington reaffirms its support for the Iraqi economy" Iraq's leadership just don't get it, the US is ready and chomping at the bit to get the TIFA side of the the project moving and all Iraq has to do is pass the legislation for the banks and the economy and get out of the way. But they don't and then complain about it. We're not going to: "give a signal to US companies that Iraq is open for business." It's not true, Iraq still has some heavy lifting to do before the country is open for outside investment. Property rights, business ownership, the currency, the banks and the economy are not attractive to US investment on a large scale if it doesn't pertain to oil, it's just too risky. Your move Abadi.
2-1-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Article quote: ”Those countries will not give Iraq a single dirham, because the government and the conservatives are accused of corruption,” he said…" This might explain the less-than-luke-warm response Abadi got while at Davos.
2-1-2018 Intel Guru RayRen98 The CBI announced retiree and pension payments will commence on February 1. A schedule of payments has been published for February 4 through February 8, 2018. PM Abadi was on Iraqi TV stating to Parliament that the international world would not be supportive without the approval of the 2018 Budget. There appears to be a sense of urgency to get this completed.
2-1-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG [...they are expecting somewhere around 100 in MPs to lose their job come elections because of corruption. Do you think the RV might happen after May because of this reason?] 1) I highly doubt MP’s lose their jobs at election time DUE TO corruption. That’s not how it works over there...It is unlikely voters will simply vote them out – or that they won’t be allowed to run. 2) This community – the Dinar community, has a bad habit of connecting every trend, article or piece of news directly to monetary reform (an RV, in other words). It doesn’t have to be so. We should be a little more observant and a little slower to make that LEAP in assumption. None of the items regularly discussed “have to be” dependent on one another. All can happen at any time, together, in parallel, before or after. ...If (and I am hopeful it won’t) this goes past the elections, it’s likely for a whole host of other reasons.
2-1-2018 Newshound Guru Enorrste Article: "Central Bank: Signing a contract to establish a deposit guarantee company with 44 banks" I sense that the IMF is still in the background pushing Iraq forward slowly. Like KAP [Guru Kaperoni] I'm reluctant to get too excited until we see this actually implemented and deposits start to flow into the banks.
2-1-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "AL-ABBADI RETURNED DISAPPOINTED WITH DAVOS AFTER HEARING HARSH WORDS" Quote: "ABADI FACES A GREAT CHALLENGE IN PERSUADING FOREIGN DONORS AND INVESTORS TO WORK IN IRAQ IN LIGHT OF THE SPREAD OF CORRUPTION AND LACK OF POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC GUARANTEES" Investors don’t want to lose their invest in Iraq by corruption. Maybe they need to move to the currency reform as this too might show sincerity in making progress in the reform direction? It is time to trigger this effort.
2-1-2018 Newshound Guru G-Lin Article: "CBI Signature of the deposit guarantee company" Quote: "In accordance with the duties of the Central Bank of Iraq provided for in its law and in order to ensure the stability of the banking sector and increase confidence in it, "the contract of establishment of the bank deposit guarantee company was signed with the founding body". This is CBI taking action on a law that was already in place. I have to assume that by the signing of this Doc between the banks and the company providing the insurance for the deposits, this was implemented today. Very much like our FDIC. This is huge news. Investors and the public will now feel safer with their money in the banks. Iraq needed to do this before the Kuwait extravaganza and also it will pull that mattress money out of hiding.
2-1-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Article: "Abadi of parliament: the international community will not help Iraq if the budget is not approved" Oh wow. We’ll this pretty much spells it out. However, keep in mind – this is likely Abadi talking TO his Parliament, urging them to adopt their budget. When I initially started down this line of reasoning, I had no idea international sentiment was as tough as it appears to be. WOW! The UN, IMF and WB all appear to want to support Iraq in the worst way – but it also very much appears there are results that are yet required. P.S. This might also explain this very direct, “hands on” push by Abadi to get the budget done. We wait and watch.
2-1-2018 Intel Guru RayRen98 It’s the end of the month at midnight [Wednesday], and anything could happen at any time, but the general expectation is that the sky would open up on the 31st. It hasn’t happened, but rates are being changed and progress is being made. Dealers are adjusting their prices on their currencies, slowly. Some of the things we anticipated would happen over night seem to be happening over time.
2-1-2018 Intel Guru RayRen98 The CBI announced retiree and pension payments will commence on February 1. A schedule of payments has been published for February 4 through February 8, 2018. PM Abadi was on Iraqi TV stating to Parliament that the international world would not be supportive without the approval of the 2018 Budget. There appears to be a sense of urgency to get this completed.
2-1-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG [...they are expecting somewhere around 100 in MPs to lose their job come elections because of corruption. Do you think the RV might happen after May because of this reason?] 1) I highly doubt MP’s lose their jobs at election time DUE TO corruption. That’s not how it works over there...It is unlikely voters will simply vote them out – or that they won’t be allowed to run. 2) This community – the Dinar community, has a bad habit of connecting every trend, article or piece of news directly to monetary reform (an RV, in other words). It doesn’t have to be so. We should be a little more observant and a little slower to make that LEAP in assumption. None of the items regularly discussed “have to be” dependent on one another. All can happen at any time, together, in parallel, before or after. ...If (and I am hopeful it won’t) this goes past the elections, it’s likely for a whole host of other reasons.
2-1-2018 Newshound Guru Enorrste Article: "Central Bank: Signing a contract to establish a deposit guarantee company with 44 banks" I sense that the IMF is still in the background pushing Iraq forward slowly. Like KAP [Guru Kaperoni] I'm reluctant to get too excited until we see this actually implemented and deposits start to flow into the banks.
2-1-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "AL-ABBADI RETURNED DISAPPOINTED WITH DAVOS AFTER HEARING HARSH WORDS" Quote: "ABADI FACES A GREAT CHALLENGE IN PERSUADING FOREIGN DONORS AND INVESTORS TO WORK IN IRAQ IN LIGHT OF THE SPREAD OF CORRUPTION AND LACK OF POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC GUARANTEES" Investors don’t want to lose their invest in Iraq by corruption. Maybe they need to move to the currency reform as this too might show sincerity in making progress in the reform direction? It is time to trigger this effort.
2-1-2018 Newshound Guru G-Lin Article: "CBI Signature of the deposit guarantee company" Quote: "In accordance with the duties of the Central Bank of Iraq provided for in its law and in order to ensure the stability of the banking sector and increase confidence in it, "the contract of establishment of the bank deposit guarantee company was signed with the founding body". This is CBI taking action on a law that was already in place. I have to assume that by the signing of this Doc between the banks and the company providing the insurance for the deposits, this was implemented today. Very much like our FDIC. This is huge news. Investors and the public will now feel safer with their money in the banks. Iraq needed to do this before the Kuwait extravaganza and also it will pull that mattress money out of hiding.
2-1-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Article: "Abadi of parliament: the international community will not help Iraq if the budget is not approved" Oh wow. We’ll this pretty much spells it out. However, keep in mind – this is likely Abadi talking TO his Parliament, urging them to adopt their budget. When I initially started down this line of reasoning, I had no idea international sentiment was as tough as it appears to be. WOW! The UN, IMF and WB all appear to want to support Iraq in the worst way – but it also very much appears there are results that are yet required. P.S. This might also explain this very direct, “hands on” push by Abadi to get the budget done. We wait and watch.
2-1-2018 Intel Guru RayRen98 It’s the end of the month at midnight [Wednesday], and anything could happen at any time, but the general expectation is that the sky would open up on the 31st. It hasn’t happened, but rates are being changed and progress is being made. Dealers are adjusting their prices on their currencies, slowly. Some of the things we anticipated would happen over night seem to be happening over time.
1-31-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat I am still being told we will see the RV maybe sometime today as the day is not yet over. Personally I don’t see how this may be possible since the CBI just told us the Rafidian bank has a target not even to begin to pay the January pensions and retirements until Feb 1st. So if I were you I would not expect it anything until at least next week. We know these debts must be all caught before the RV can be moved to the next level.
1-31-2018 Newshound Guru Adam Montana Not sure if anyone noticed, but this has been a great week for Dinar. I know, the price didn't move. We're not at our "Post RV" destination right now, and that's a bummer for some people. But let's get real... back to the basics. Did you see anything BAD about IQD this week? I didn't think so. How many weeks in a row is it possible that I can say that? More importantly... how many weeks in a row can that be said without something breaking?!! We're close. It's only a matter of time, a practice in patience, and some sweet sweet victory soon...It's going to happen, and no amount of analyzation or hypothesizing on my part will change it.
1-31-2018 Newshound Guru chattels A red letter day in Iraqi banking reform. Article: "Central Bank: Signing a contract to establish a deposit guarantee company with 44 banks" Quotes: "It is expected that this company will play a major role in protecting the banking sector..." "the company's capital is 100 billion dinars, of which 55 billion dinars from government and private banks where the proportion of government banks 25% and private banks 30% and the remaining 45 billion dinars will be put for public subscription." [This is good news. Am I reading this right that the Deposit Insurance program's funding is $84 million dollars, or 100 billion dollars?] My read on the text is that it is 100 billion dinar (or 84 million dollars ?), of which 55 billion or 55 % is from the government (30%) and private banks (25%) and the remaining 45 billion (45%) will be sold to the public.
1-31-2018 Intel Guru Bruce ...I am very pleased the community...and myself finally are seeing the rates coming together at about the same level... rates much higher in most cases...That took awhile for that to happen... ...our contact in Iraq, one of our contacts, is saying that he needs to be completely silent tomorrow [Wednesday]... I wonder if that might be or could be they may use that time of silence to put out the rate and actually make it publicly known. That is what I hope will take place. That is something that we heard about and we know will be the case, and we are excited about seeing that. [post 2 of 2]
1-31-2018 Intel Guru Bruce First of all we are very close. We are so close that the Intel that we normally get is very light. There have been some Table Top meetings that have gone on in major cities in Europe and the US... We know there is a lot to give us hope that this is the very end of the ride. We are almost at the end of the month. We could expect some great things here very shortly. I know when it comes to rates...We have bank sources and people that are seeing the screens. I am excited... [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
1-31-2018 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke Could the CBI actually print Publicly, on it’s website, a Dinar Rate of at least $1.00 - 1 Dinar, FEBRUARY 1, 2018? Did someone say, “This Will ALL Be Over, by FEBRUARY 28, 2018?” We don’t Know...We were just Asking? Maybe someone else knows?...“IL-LOGICALLY” of course.
1-31-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat We have to be mentally prepared for this possibly to extend out a few more days or even a week if Iraq does not rollout everything on time, as the process dictates. You know Iraq they hardly every complete anything on time… We also know the Finance Ministry wants this by the end of January in order to start the new fiscal year with the new rate and then move into the new accounting procedures that allow for periodic market adjustments. Yes- they have a brand new automated electronic computer based system for this purpose. It is all tied into tracking the budget expenditures – budgeted to actuals...I was told they are still on target.
1-31-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Financial expert for "Economy News": Rising oil prices helped lower dollar exchange rates " Sounds like the spread is going down. 1237 to $1.
1-31-2018 Newshound Guru Adam Montana Not sure if anyone noticed, but this has been a great week for Dinar. I know, the price didn't move. We're not at our "Post RV" destination right now, and that's a bummer for some people. But let's get real... back to the basics. Did you see anything BAD about IQD this week? I didn't think so. How many weeks in a row is it possible that I can say that? More importantly... how many weeks in a row can that be said without something breaking?!! We're close. It's only a matter of time, a practice in patience, and some sweet sweet victory soon...It's going to happen, and no amount of analyzation or hypothesizing on my part will change it.
1-31-2018 Newshound Guru chattels A red letter day in Iraqi banking reform. Article: "Central Bank: Signing a contract to establish a deposit guarantee company with 44 banks" Quotes: "It is expected that this company will play a major role in protecting the banking sector..." "the company's capital is 100 billion dinars, of which 55 billion dinars from government and private banks where the proportion of government banks 25% and private banks 30% and the remaining 45 billion dinars will be put for public subscription." [This is good news. Am I reading this right that the Deposit Insurance program's funding is $84 million dollars, or 100 billion dollars?] My read on the text is that it is 100 billion dinar (or 84 million dollars ?), of which 55 billion or 55 % is from the government (30%) and private banks (25%) and the remaining 45 billion (45%) will be sold to the public.
1-31-2018 Intel Guru Bruce ...I am very pleased the community...and myself finally are seeing the rates coming together at about the same level... rates much higher in most cases...That took awhile for that to happen... ...our contact in Iraq, one of our contacts, is saying that he needs to be completely silent tomorrow [Wednesday]... I wonder if that might be or could be they may use that time of silence to put out the rate and actually make it publicly known. That is what I hope will take place. That is something that we heard about and we know will be the case, and we are excited about seeing that. [post 2 of 2]
1-31-2018 Intel Guru Bruce First of all we are very close. We are so close that the Intel that we normally get is very light. There have been some Table Top meetings that have gone on in major cities in Europe and the US... We know there is a lot to give us hope that this is the very end of the ride. We are almost at the end of the month. We could expect some great things here very shortly. I know when it comes to rates...We have bank sources and people that are seeing the screens. I am excited... [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
1-31-2018 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke Could the CBI actually print Publicly, on it’s website, a Dinar Rate of at least $1.00 - 1 Dinar, FEBRUARY 1, 2018? Did someone say, “This Will ALL Be Over, by FEBRUARY 28, 2018?” We don’t Know...We were just Asking? Maybe someone else knows?...“IL-LOGICALLY” of course.
1-31-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat We have to be mentally prepared for this possibly to extend out a few more days or even a week if Iraq does not rollout everything on time, as the process dictates. You know Iraq they hardly every complete anything on time… We also know the Finance Ministry wants this by the end of January in order to start the new fiscal year with the new rate and then move into the new accounting procedures that allow for periodic market adjustments. Yes- they have a brand new automated electronic computer based system for this purpose. It is all tied into tracking the budget expenditures – budgeted to actuals...I was told they are still on target.
1-31-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Financial expert for "Economy News": Rising oil prices helped lower dollar exchange rates " Sounds like the spread is going down. 1237 to $1.
1-30-2018 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: "US Deputy Secretary of State: We are committed to Iraq with the strategic framework agreement" Quote: "Announced that the US State Department on Tuesday January 30, 2018, a summary of deputy Minister John Sullivan meetings in Iraq, as he stressed his country 's commitment to "strategic framework agreement" with Iraq, " Looks like they are sealing the deal for everyone to get the picture. They mean business. They didn't do all this work for nothing. They are doing it all for the Foreign investors. They will need a trade-able international rate a PROVEN one... eos.
1-30-2018 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: "Al-Abbadi returned disappointed with Davos after hearing harsh words" Quote: "...Abadi faces a great challenge in persuading foreign donors and investors to work in Iraq in light of the spread of corruption and lack of political and economic guarantees." [...could Abadi wait until after the Kuwait conference mid Feb to get more interest from those attending before they pull the trigger...in light of the recent article...on Abadi returning to Iraq disappointed by lack of interest from Davos in Iraq.] THE POSSIBILITY IS LOGICAL...BUT I GIVE NO DATE...WE TAKE ONE INCH...ONE DAY AT A TIME. BECAUSE ALL OF THE 3 HEADED MONSTER'S REQUIREMENTS ARE DONE...ALL UP TO ABADI WHEN TO... LAUNCH...HENCE WE WAIT.
1-30-2018 Intel Guru Blaino We're still getting rate updates and other news that gives us the strong impression that exchanges may be closer than ever. Rates across the board are on the rise if the rumors are to be believed and yet there is never any confirmation from any official source which can here be posted and stand up to any kind of vetting process.
1-30-2018 Intel Guru Delta Article: "The United States is preparing to activate the framework of the trade and investment agreement with Iraq" Quote: "The United States promised to activate the framework of the trade and investment agreement with Iraq, stressing its support for strengthening ties between the two countries to build a multi-dimensional relationship through trade, education...and others." US CAN'T ACTIVATE TRADE WITHOUT RATE...WOWWW...
1-30-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat [We were told they already determined the rate and a date.] Yes they do have a target date in mind to complete the process but the rate is yet not finalized. Yes, they do have a general ball park figure but until it comes out and they finish with this process, I don’t even think they know. ...We have to wait and see. The important part is this process is VERY, VERY near completion and we are very close to the conversion completion and the lower category notes being launched. Once they do this there is no turning back. It is now only a couple days remaining in January. I was told we would see this in January and I am still sticking to this until they tell me otherwise. [post 3 of 3]
1-30-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat ...in late December they requested the re-instatement and it was approved and began moving forward. However, this was conditional upon fulfilling mandates agreed to as part of the SDA (stand by agreement)...Part of the mandates was to pay all outstanding debts. This was completed last week for worker’s salaries but not for retirees and pensions. This is now the last piece to the puzzle. I suspect one of the major banks will be paying these out this week. So now we see the CBI is slowly adjusting to a new rate as they slowly complete the payrolls to the citizens. Note I did not say Iraq is rolling out a new rate. [So when will we see the rate on FOREX?] This is not now possible since thru this “adjustment” process they are determining the rate the economy can initially withstand. Once this is determined AND they completed all other mandatory tasks they will move the rate to FOREX. By they I mean the US Treasury who has control over this system. [post 2 of 3....stay tuned]
1-30-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat The process is moving so quickly. Sometimes I still think Iraq is trying to buy time, as we are seeing repeat articles once again on the paying of some salaries. These have fresh dates on them but we know they are old and this business is already taken care of. So this is one concern I have. The other concern is the passing of the 2018 budget and the Article 140. ...The budget is yet another one I am trying to figure out. I think perhaps the stalling for time is related to this issue. In the past
I told you that when the re-instatement occurs it will happen first in Iraq. Iraq will go to 1:1... ONLY within Iraq. They are not lopping the zeros off for currency outside of Iraq. We are living outside Iraq and will exchange our dinar for a global currency exchange rate such as on FOREX. [post 1 of 3....stay tuned]
1-30-2018 Intel/Newshound Guru Angelquest Article: "Did the international community in Davos abandon the reconstruction of Iraq?" Time to put your big boy pants on now Abadi, get the budget taken care of, get the bad guys put in jail, and know it is time for Iraq to stand on it's own 2 feet just like everyone else. The international community wants a stable government before they invest, not a maybe elections in May, maybe pass the budget, maybe prosecute the bad guys maybe not. I wouldn't want my money tied up in Iraq until there are major changes. I think this will be a major wake up call for Abadi and Iraq.
1-30-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Article: “Associated Press: Donor countries will ask Iraq guarantees not to go to corrupt money” This is EXACTLY the case I have been laying out. Abadi is on a roll – but he needs to keep rolling!! [reference Guru mike post 1-28-2018]
1-30-2018 Newshound Guru mike Article quote: "...confirmed that Iraq imports 99 percent of its needs, indicating it is estimated at 50 billion dollars." Iraq is relying on the Balassa-Samuelson effect in order to slowly raise the value of the dinar that exports create. There won't be any demand for the dinar if they don't stop importing everything they consume and start creating their own goods.
1-30-2018 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: "Al-Abbadi returned disappointed with Davos after hearing harsh words" Quote: "...Abadi faces a great challenge in persuading foreign donors and investors to work in Iraq in light of the spread of corruption and lack of political and economic guarantees." [...could Abadi wait until after the Kuwait conference mid Feb to get more interest from those attending before they pull the trigger...in light of the recent article...on Abadi returning to Iraq disappointed by lack of interest from Davos in Iraq.] THE POSSIBILITY IS LOGICAL...BUT I GIVE NO DATE...WE TAKE ONE INCH...ONE DAY AT A TIME. BECAUSE ALL OF THE 3 HEADED MONSTER'S REQUIREMENTS ARE DONE...ALL UP TO ABADI WHEN TO... LAUNCH...HENCE WE WAIT.
1-30-2018 Intel Guru Blaino We're still getting rate updates and other news that gives us the strong impression that exchanges may be closer than ever. Rates across the board are on the rise if the rumors are to be believed and yet there is never any confirmation from any official source which can here be posted and stand up to any kind of vetting process.
1-30-2018 Intel Guru Delta Article: "The United States is preparing to activate the framework of the trade and investment agreement with Iraq" Quote: "The United States promised to activate the framework of the trade and investment agreement with Iraq, stressing its support for strengthening ties between the two countries to build a multi-dimensional relationship through trade, education...and others." US CAN'T ACTIVATE TRADE WITHOUT RATE...WOWWW...
1-30-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat [We were told they already determined the rate and a date.] Yes they do have a target date in mind to complete the process but the rate is yet not finalized. Yes, they do have a general ball park figure but until it comes out and they finish with this process, I don’t even think they know. ...We have to wait and see. The important part is this process is VERY, VERY near completion and we are very close to the conversion completion and the lower category notes being launched. Once they do this there is no turning back. It is now only a couple days remaining in January. I was told we would see this in January and I am still sticking to this until they tell me otherwise. [post 3 of 3]
1-30-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat ...in late December they requested the re-instatement and it was approved and began moving forward. However, this was conditional upon fulfilling mandates agreed to as part of the SDA (stand by agreement)...Part of the mandates was to pay all outstanding debts. This was completed last week for worker’s salaries but not for retirees and pensions. This is now the last piece to the puzzle. I suspect one of the major banks will be paying these out this week. So now we see the CBI is slowly adjusting to a new rate as they slowly complete the payrolls to the citizens. Note I did not say Iraq is rolling out a new rate. [So when will we see the rate on FOREX?] This is not now possible since thru this “adjustment” process they are determining the rate the economy can initially withstand. Once this is determined AND they completed all other mandatory tasks they will move the rate to FOREX. By they I mean the US Treasury who has control over this system. [post 2 of 3....stay tuned]
1-30-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat The process is moving so quickly. Sometimes I still think Iraq is trying to buy time, as we are seeing repeat articles once again on the paying of some salaries. These have fresh dates on them but we know they are old and this business is already taken care of. So this is one concern I have. The other concern is the passing of the 2018 budget and the Article 140. ...The budget is yet another one I am trying to figure out. I think perhaps the stalling for time is related to this issue. In the past
I told you that when the re-instatement occurs it will happen first in Iraq. Iraq will go to 1:1... ONLY within Iraq. They are not lopping the zeros off for currency outside of Iraq. We are living outside Iraq and will exchange our dinar for a global currency exchange rate such as on FOREX. [post 1 of 3....stay tuned]
1-30-2018 Intel/Newshound Guru Angelquest Article: "Did the international community in Davos abandon the reconstruction of Iraq?" Time to put your big boy pants on now Abadi, get the budget taken care of, get the bad guys put in jail, and know it is time for Iraq to stand on it's own 2 feet just like everyone else. The international community wants a stable government before they invest, not a maybe elections in May, maybe pass the budget, maybe prosecute the bad guys maybe not. I wouldn't want my money tied up in Iraq until there are major changes. I think this will be a major wake up call for Abadi and Iraq.
1-30-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Article: “Associated Press: Donor countries will ask Iraq guarantees not to go to corrupt money” This is EXACTLY the case I have been laying out. Abadi is on a roll – but he needs to keep rolling!! [reference Guru mike post 1-28-2018]
1-30-2018 Newshound Guru mike Article quote: "...confirmed that Iraq imports 99 percent of its needs, indicating it is estimated at 50 billion dollars." Iraq is relying on the Balassa-Samuelson effect in order to slowly raise the value of the dinar that exports create. There won't be any demand for the dinar if they don't stop importing everything they consume and start creating their own goods.
1-29-2018 Intel/Newshound Guru Angelquest Article: "Deputy: The government has completed the file of participation in the donor conference and the budget must be passed before it is held. . the budget must be ready and voted before the conference" Abadi hasn't pushed the budget AT ALL - for Oct, Nov, Dec, Jan.. I think he's ready... and that's VERY VERY suspicious that he hasn't.. which makes me think the rate is in it...and...I'm thinking he lowered the Kurds to 12% months ago - intentionally, possibly, just knowing the hoopla it would cause - such as no quorum, etc.. makes sense to me - cuz - he didn't want that budget seen, or done, or voted yet.. so - tossed a wrench in it on purpose.
1-29-2018 Newshound Guru Breitling …If they can’t get it ladies and gentlemen, you’ll see this thing revalue overnight because they don’t have any other options. If they get the $100 billion they’ll still revalue their currency but it’s going to be a different revaluation…the way they stage it. It’s not going away so don’t panic… They need to see if they can get the $100 billion dollars. They need to see how low the oil prices are going to drop. There is no “weeks” or special language you need to know. They don’t even know…they don’t know what’s going to happen in the markets… [Post 2 of 2]
1-29-2018 Newshound Guru mike Article: "The House of Representatives ends the first reading of the federal budget" Quote: "The Board completed the first reading of the draft law on the federal budget for the year 2018 for approval, after which decided to resume the session on Wednesday." Good stuff, on to the second reading.
1-29-2018 Newshound Guru Breitling If you look at Iraq…remember they keep the value of the currency where it’s at. It’s one of the most manipulated currencies on the planet. They’re trying to build their infrastructure cheap. At the same time they’re trying to build up their production of oil…there’s 100 Billion dollars worth of infrastructure they have to rebuild…Iraq sees they need to raise 100 Billion dollars…it’s a test. They want to see if they can get it. [Post 1 of 2]
1-29-2018 Intel Guru RayRen98 It was reported that the rate is 1:1 in-country, and we had multiples of that so it’s pretty solid. Campaign on the billboards about lower denom's to "not discard them." Reports of some lower denom's actually slipping out. They are being trained to hold onto the lower denominations so that they can use them when the time is right. Information on bank screens going upwards, now going back down. Fluctuating. As long as they are on the screens, that is the most important thing. CURRENT WINDOW: Supposed to be the 30th -31st.
1-29-2018 Newshound Guru chattels Article: "The Central Bank of Iraq, announced its investment in the Chinese currency [Yuan]." Quote: "The bank is keen to diversify its foreign reserves and diversify the basket of currencies in the investment portfolios, as well as the geographical distribution of the investments of this bank." The Central Bank of Iraq, announced its investment in the Chinese currency [Yuan].
1-29-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Washington and Baghdad have a common political and SBI establishes economic interests" Quote: "The meeting also emphasized the importance of the US-Iraqi economic relations and attracting foreign investment to Iraq and create new jobs." Here is a great example of Iraq asking for something that they are not ready for. They need to get the banking system engaged with the world and get investors participating in the reconstruction. Then and only then will these agreements succeed.
1-29-2018 Newshound Guru mike Article: "Vice: Government Completes participating donor conference and the budget must be passed before the file held" Time is a commodity for these guys, they better get busy. The problem is there are deep cuts in the budget that will directly effect the common man in Iraq and no one wants to be a part of budget cuts this close to an election. Another problem is that Iraq has this Kuwaiti donor deal to get to next month and they need the budget to beg for money. They've painted themselves in a corner, from a corrupt official's point of view. Pass the budget and face the consequences at the polls or risk getting nothing from the donor conference. Let's see how they wriggle out of this one.
1-29-2018 Newshound Guru Breitling …If they can’t get it ladies and gentlemen, you’ll see this thing revalue overnight because they don’t have any other options. If they get the $100 billion they’ll still revalue their currency but it’s going to be a different revaluation…the way they stage it. It’s not going away so don’t panic… They need to see if they can get the $100 billion dollars. They need to see how low the oil prices are going to drop. There is no “weeks” or special language you need to know. They don’t even know…they don’t know what’s going to happen in the markets… [Post 2 of 2]
1-29-2018 Newshound Guru mike Article: "The House of Representatives ends the first reading of the federal budget" Quote: "The Board completed the first reading of the draft law on the federal budget for the year 2018 for approval, after which decided to resume the session on Wednesday." Good stuff, on to the second reading.
1-29-2018 Newshound Guru Breitling If you look at Iraq…remember they keep the value of the currency where it’s at. It’s one of the most manipulated currencies on the planet. They’re trying to build their infrastructure cheap. At the same time they’re trying to build up their production of oil…there’s 100 Billion dollars worth of infrastructure they have to rebuild…Iraq sees they need to raise 100 Billion dollars…it’s a test. They want to see if they can get it. [Post 1 of 2]
1-29-2018 Intel Guru RayRen98 It was reported that the rate is 1:1 in-country, and we had multiples of that so it’s pretty solid. Campaign on the billboards about lower denom's to "not discard them." Reports of some lower denom's actually slipping out. They are being trained to hold onto the lower denominations so that they can use them when the time is right. Information on bank screens going upwards, now going back down. Fluctuating. As long as they are on the screens, that is the most important thing. CURRENT WINDOW: Supposed to be the 30th -31st.
1-29-2018 Newshound Guru chattels Article: "The Central Bank of Iraq, announced its investment in the Chinese currency [Yuan]." Quote: "The bank is keen to diversify its foreign reserves and diversify the basket of currencies in the investment portfolios, as well as the geographical distribution of the investments of this bank." The Central Bank of Iraq, announced its investment in the Chinese currency [Yuan].
1-29-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Washington and Baghdad have a common political and SBI establishes economic interests" Quote: "The meeting also emphasized the importance of the US-Iraqi economic relations and attracting foreign investment to Iraq and create new jobs." Here is a great example of Iraq asking for something that they are not ready for. They need to get the banking system engaged with the world and get investors participating in the reconstruction. Then and only then will these agreements succeed.
1-29-2018 Newshound Guru mike Article: "Vice: Government Completes participating donor conference and the budget must be passed before the file held" Time is a commodity for these guys, they better get busy. The problem is there are deep cuts in the budget that will directly effect the common man in Iraq and no one wants to be a part of budget cuts this close to an election. Another problem is that Iraq has this Kuwaiti donor deal to get to next month and they need the budget to beg for money. They've painted themselves in a corner, from a corrupt official's point of view. Pass the budget and face the consequences at the polls or risk getting nothing from the donor conference. Let's see how they wriggle out of this one.
1-28-2018 Intel Guru Delta [If Iraq TV is saying 1-1 then why is the western media not picking up on this...?] UNTIL CBI ANNOUNCE IT OFFICIALLY...NO WESTERN MEDIA WILL REPORT IT... [If the CBI does it, but has not announced it, does that make it official enough to talk about?] NO...CBI HAS TO ANNOUNCE IT OFFICIALLY ON THEIR SITE!!!
1-28-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG I am hoping the hold-up isn’t that for Abadi to prosecute Malik he will have to implicate himself. In any case, with the somewhat tepid response Abadi got from world financial leaders at Davos, he may have to reconsider his previous positions on the timing for prosecuting the major corruption players in Iraqi. The world isn’t messing around. They have pledged their support. They want to bring Iraq fully into the world market “fold”. However, they don’t appear fooled by rhetoric, nor do I imagine they interested in allowing a thug like Maliki any further hand in damaging world affairs. Abadi needs to continue producing results. We wait and watch. [post 3 of 3]
1-28-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG ...one article from last week caused me a little concern, it mentioned Abadi might wait until after the elections to go after “the whales of corruption” (or something along those lines) so it didn’t look like he was doing it for “electoral purposes”. This troubles me some. It seems like a tidy excuse. The opinion article...today somewhat seeks to goad him into this fight. It might even be hitting on a key point – “Is this all for show”? As in, “election cycle propaganda”. One question I have long had is, “why has it taken this long”? ...If Maliki is as corrupt as he is rumored to be, evidence cannot be in short supply… [post 2 of 3....stay tuned]
1-28-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Article: "Abadi’s war against corruption must begin with Maliki and his henchmen" When I first started hearing these reports out of Baghdad about this grand “war on corruption” Abadi has planned I was hopeful. I still am. However, there is much to consider. Far more than meets the eye. This push has been going on since before the end of the fight for Mosul. Abadi started laying out his agenda then. However... [post 1 of 3....stay tuned]
1-28-2018 Newshound Guru mike Article: "Iraq’s parliament has approved Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi's proposal to hold legislative elections May 12." ...a couple things popped out to me: "Parliament Speaker Saleem al-Jubouri, leader of the Islamic Party, the Iraqi branch of the Muslim Brotherhood" and this: "Many Iraqis blame political Islam for the tragedies and corruption plaguing their country, as the Islamists have held the reins of power since 2005." These elections are going to be something completely different than what we've seen in the past.
1-28-2018 Intel Guru Delta CBI Document: "...January 28, 2018...To all licensed banks and brokerage companies for the sale and purchase of all foreign currencies (opening an account)" WOW VERY NICE... I WILL WAIT FOR FRANKIE [GURU FRANK26] BUT I WILL SAY THIS FOR NOW...IT LOOKS LIKE WE MIGHT HAVE A DATE BASED ON THIS INFO...
1-28-2018 Intel Guru Frank26 [...what do you think of Guru Deltas news. Pretty exciting...] I THINK IT IS...INVIGORATING!!! Email quote: "For the foreseeable future we are going to see a very volatile Iraqi Dinar market due to a system wide shortage." NOTE: EVEN THE BROKERS COPY AND STEAL FROM US...LAST WEEK WE TOLD YOU THE DINAR WOULD BE A... "VOLATILE MARKET"...TODAY THEY TOLD YOU...THE SAME!!! [reference Guru Delta post 1-27-2018]
1-28-2018 Newshound Guru mike Article: "Associated Press: Donor countries will ask Iraq guarantees not to go to corrupt money" Quote: "Iraq hopes to get billions of dollars during the donors' conference to be held next month to finance reconstruction after the war in charge against al-Daesh campaign, but many fear rampant corruption in the country, which would undermine the this appeal." ...Iraq has already been through this, in 2003 billions of dollars were needed and instead of it going towards infrastructure, it went into the corrupt politicians pockets, which is the point of the article. Corruption will be the main deterrent to investment in Iraq, it's not a level playing field and there's no open market economy. In the end, it's just my opinion, we'll wait and see what happens after the conference.
1-28-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG I am hoping the hold-up isn’t that for Abadi to prosecute Malik he will have to implicate himself. In any case, with the somewhat tepid response Abadi got from world financial leaders at Davos, he may have to reconsider his previous positions on the timing for prosecuting the major corruption players in Iraqi. The world isn’t messing around. They have pledged their support. They want to bring Iraq fully into the world market “fold”. However, they don’t appear fooled by rhetoric, nor do I imagine they interested in allowing a thug like Maliki any further hand in damaging world affairs. Abadi needs to continue producing results. We wait and watch. [post 3 of 3]
1-28-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG ...one article from last week caused me a little concern, it mentioned Abadi might wait until after the elections to go after “the whales of corruption” (or something along those lines) so it didn’t look like he was doing it for “electoral purposes”. This troubles me some. It seems like a tidy excuse. The opinion article...today somewhat seeks to goad him into this fight. It might even be hitting on a key point – “Is this all for show”? As in, “election cycle propaganda”. One question I have long had is, “why has it taken this long”? ...If Maliki is as corrupt as he is rumored to be, evidence cannot be in short supply… [post 2 of 3....stay tuned]
1-28-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Article: "Abadi’s war against corruption must begin with Maliki and his henchmen" When I first started hearing these reports out of Baghdad about this grand “war on corruption” Abadi has planned I was hopeful. I still am. However, there is much to consider. Far more than meets the eye. This push has been going on since before the end of the fight for Mosul. Abadi started laying out his agenda then. However... [post 1 of 3....stay tuned]
1-28-2018 Newshound Guru mike Article: "Iraq’s parliament has approved Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi's proposal to hold legislative elections May 12." ...a couple things popped out to me: "Parliament Speaker Saleem al-Jubouri, leader of the Islamic Party, the Iraqi branch of the Muslim Brotherhood" and this: "Many Iraqis blame political Islam for the tragedies and corruption plaguing their country, as the Islamists have held the reins of power since 2005." These elections are going to be something completely different than what we've seen in the past.
1-28-2018 Intel Guru Delta CBI Document: "...January 28, 2018...To all licensed banks and brokerage companies for the sale and purchase of all foreign currencies (opening an account)" WOW VERY NICE... I WILL WAIT FOR FRANKIE [GURU FRANK26] BUT I WILL SAY THIS FOR NOW...IT LOOKS LIKE WE MIGHT HAVE A DATE BASED ON THIS INFO...
1-28-2018 Intel Guru Frank26 [...what do you think of Guru Deltas news. Pretty exciting...] I THINK IT IS...INVIGORATING!!! Email quote: "For the foreseeable future we are going to see a very volatile Iraqi Dinar market due to a system wide shortage." NOTE: EVEN THE BROKERS COPY AND STEAL FROM US...LAST WEEK WE TOLD YOU THE DINAR WOULD BE A... "VOLATILE MARKET"...TODAY THEY TOLD YOU...THE SAME!!! [reference Guru Delta post 1-27-2018]
1-28-2018 Newshound Guru mike Article: "Associated Press: Donor countries will ask Iraq guarantees not to go to corrupt money" Quote: "Iraq hopes to get billions of dollars during the donors' conference to be held next month to finance reconstruction after the war in charge against al-Daesh campaign, but many fear rampant corruption in the country, which would undermine the this appeal." ...Iraq has already been through this, in 2003 billions of dollars were needed and instead of it going towards infrastructure, it went into the corrupt politicians pockets, which is the point of the article. Corruption will be the main deterrent to investment in Iraq, it's not a level playing field and there's no open market economy. In the end, it's just my opinion, we'll wait and see what happens after the conference.
1-27-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat [continued Q & A] ...with my contact in the Central Bank. Q: Doesn’t at some point the increase in value of the Iraqi dinar have to show up on the foreign exchanges (i.e. FOREX) in order to use the dinar internationally? A: Yes, you are correct. I believe this also is moving forward and there is a plan to implement this measure very soon. Some day soon it will just appear as there is a date already set for this measure to occur.
1-27-2018 Intel Guru RayRen98 Reports are coming in of a 1:1 rate in-country in Iraq. The citizens over there are being told NOT to discard the lower denoms, they will be of value when released and the purchasing power will gradually increase. I am awaiting more detailed reporting before considering this information confirmed and verified, but it sure sounds good, looks good and definitely feels good! IQD Rates on US bank screens are reportedly, gradually climbing!
1-27-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article quote: "Just out in the news. (Baghdad: al-Furat News) Prime Minister Haider al-Abbadi promised victory in the face of corrupt, while called on the House of Representatives to accelerate the passage of the budget." So what is the holdup on the budget? We know the corruption is part of it. They also need to “drain the swamp” in Iraq of certain corrupt entities prior to opening and releasing the budget money. Will the budget be based on a new rate to the dinar? Certainly we do know it is fluctuating and needs to be adjusted upwards since the price of oil has gone up almost 20 cents per barrel since the original draft was submitted to parliament for approval.
1-27-2018 Newshound Guru Breitling ...Look what’s coming up in taxes…you are going to make more money off the dinar at whatever it revalues at because of the way the taxes are set up…you get the benefits that much more. It’s a remarkable thing. [Consult your financial and tax professional at the appropriate time.]
1-27-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Arthur ...Everyone wondering what the hold up could be... GOI + HCL = RV. The Government of Iraq (GOI) needs an official Hydrocarbon Law ( HCL) in the official Gazette. Abadi has established a 5% reduction for the Kurdish region. Only now have the Kurds finally agreed to this stipulation with future secret guarantees I am not at liberty to divulge. Leading up to mid February all will start to come into focus. Just remember: HCL = Having Liqiuid Currency.
1-27-2018 Intel Guru Frank26 [Are you aware of a waiting period once citizens get rate before it goes international, i.e. kuwait took 10 days?] IMO 3 DAY...
1-27-2018 Intel Guru RayRen98 We did get some new information on rates. Now $4.87 is the dinar rate being seen on the screens.
1-27-2018 Intel Guru RayRen98 Reports are coming in of a 1:1 rate in-country in Iraq. The citizens over there are being told NOT to discard the lower denoms, they will be of value when released and the purchasing power will gradually increase. I am awaiting more detailed reporting before considering this information confirmed and verified, but it sure sounds good, looks good and definitely feels good! IQD Rates on US bank screens are reportedly, gradually climbing!
1-27-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article quote: "Just out in the news. (Baghdad: al-Furat News) Prime Minister Haider al-Abbadi promised victory in the face of corrupt, while called on the House of Representatives to accelerate the passage of the budget." So what is the holdup on the budget? We know the corruption is part of it. They also need to “drain the swamp” in Iraq of certain corrupt entities prior to opening and releasing the budget money. Will the budget be based on a new rate to the dinar? Certainly we do know it is fluctuating and needs to be adjusted upwards since the price of oil has gone up almost 20 cents per barrel since the original draft was submitted to parliament for approval.
1-27-2018 Newshound Guru Breitling ...Look what’s coming up in taxes…you are going to make more money off the dinar at whatever it revalues at because of the way the taxes are set up…you get the benefits that much more. It’s a remarkable thing. [Consult your financial and tax professional at the appropriate time.]
1-27-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Arthur ...Everyone wondering what the hold up could be... GOI + HCL = RV. The Government of Iraq (GOI) needs an official Hydrocarbon Law ( HCL) in the official Gazette. Abadi has established a 5% reduction for the Kurdish region. Only now have the Kurds finally agreed to this stipulation with future secret guarantees I am not at liberty to divulge. Leading up to mid February all will start to come into focus. Just remember: HCL = Having Liqiuid Currency.
1-27-2018 Intel Guru Frank26 [Are you aware of a waiting period once citizens get rate before it goes international, i.e. kuwait took 10 days?] IMO 3 DAY...
1-27-2018 Intel Guru RayRen98 We did get some new information on rates. Now $4.87 is the dinar rate being seen on the screens.
1-26-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG The Amnesty Law was originally devised to cover past political affiliations that were deemed to be illegal. Whatever it is now, or believed to be now, is another story. [reference Guru G-Lin post 1-24-2018]
1-26-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni "TRADE AND INVESTMENT FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND THE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF IRAQ CONCERNING THE DEVELOPMENT OF TRADE AND INVESTMENT RELATIONS" [This says we have a TIFA agreement with Iraq. Any thoughts?] ...the agreements were made years ago, just never implimented because the Iraqi banking system is not engaged with the world, IMF Article VIII etc. ...I am sure much of it was done in anticipation for currency reform under Shabibi 2012-2013.
1-26-2018 Intel Guru Frank26 [Do you think there will be a time limit to hold the 000 notes?] YES CBI SAYS FOR 2 YEARS I OPINIONATE MUCH MORE THAN THAT.
1-26-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat [continued Q & A] ...with my contact in the Central Bank. Q: So, are you saying then, that you anticipate using the dinar soon for paying foreign debts also? A: Yes, soon we will de-pegged from the de facto peg on the US dollar and move to a basket of global currencies for our valuation. This will allow a gradual float of the currency on the open trading markets. There are strict IMF guidelines for this effort and we are working closely with them and the World Bank to implement.
1-26-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Article: "Abadi: They are on the process of rising the Iraqi economy and create jobs" FYI – Abadi has been the best thing that’s happened to Iraq in the last 2 decades. Is he perfect? No. Are they on track? More than you know. So relax. Quote: "Abadi: “…we are in the process of raising the Iraqi economy and create(ing) jobs…” What exactly is this process he is speaking of? Does it include monetary and currency reform? I don’t see how it cannot – especially with the clear re-engagement of Iraq with the world markets. With any luck Abadi will get a lot of credit for their peace and prosperity – Maliki and Barzani will get shut out on May 12th.
1-26-2018 Intel Guru Bruce How close are we? We are very close. Before President Trump left for Davos yesterday [Wednesday] evening, he gave permission to Steven Mnuchin, the Secretary of the Treasury to release this for us to the banks prior to midnight tonight. ...That means the banks will have it...to release it when they are ready. When the banks are ready. Maybe ready quickly, maybe they won’t. We will see how quickly that will manifest. I think we are at a moment to moment basis. That is where we are and I am very excited about it. [post 2 of 2]
1-26-2018 Intel Guru Bruce When it comes to Iraq...We know those bonds that were being offered Wednesday morning...did not sell so well in Iraq because a lot of the people don’t trust the banks. They do not trust the CBI. They did make another attempt to sell more bonds. They were cut off after an hour or so of trading. They did some more selling of those today [Wednesday], and again more outside than inside of Iraq. I believe those bonds will sell. The only thing I know is the rate for the dinar that was attached essentially to the bonds is a very strong rate for the dinar and is the same rate as the opening rate will be on the CBI and on our bank screens here. I do know that. I do know that it is slightly under $5... ...some people tend to believe that the Dong is going to be at 47 cents. ...Just not true. The Dong is already close to $2 just the other night. ...I think the screen rate is going to be in that range or higher for the Dong. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
1-26-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat [continued Q & A] ...with my contact in the Central Bank. Question: So are you saying you now have an in-country revaluation of the Iraqi dinar? Answer: We are gradually rolling out an increase in rate on the dinar as we electronically pay the January govt payrolls and going forward... The marketplace must catch up slowly. We plan to gradually also roll out the newer category notes to match. This is a slow process but we hope to be successful. This process has taken many years to implement and we are within the final stages of completion.
1-26-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Complete system Vehicle Tracking (GPS) Banking Services " Quote: "The Ministry of Communications has completed vehicle tracking company for the benefit of the Iraqi banking project, while the light station installed in the hand Baghdadi in Anbar province to link security and service departments with the capital." I look at this as more good news. The CBI needs to track vehicles hauling currency to and from banks and this just provides more security. Especially when they start hauling dinar for destruction.
1-26-2018 Intel Guru Frank26 [Do you still like January?] YES...BUT...I LIKE EVERYDAY OF THIS MR [MONETARY REFORM] BECAUSE IT IS UNDER GREAT PRESSURE TO COME FORTH... [If we see the RI in January would it be possible we would see the RV within the first Quarter?] YES!!!
1-26-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni "TRADE AND INVESTMENT FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND THE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF IRAQ CONCERNING THE DEVELOPMENT OF TRADE AND INVESTMENT RELATIONS" [This says we have a TIFA agreement with Iraq. Any thoughts?] ...the agreements were made years ago, just never implimented because the Iraqi banking system is not engaged with the world, IMF Article VIII etc. ...I am sure much of it was done in anticipation for currency reform under Shabibi 2012-2013.
1-26-2018 Intel Guru Frank26 [Do you think there will be a time limit to hold the 000 notes?] YES CBI SAYS FOR 2 YEARS I OPINIONATE MUCH MORE THAN THAT.
1-26-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat [continued Q & A] ...with my contact in the Central Bank. Q: So, are you saying then, that you anticipate using the dinar soon for paying foreign debts also? A: Yes, soon we will de-pegged from the de facto peg on the US dollar and move to a basket of global currencies for our valuation. This will allow a gradual float of the currency on the open trading markets. There are strict IMF guidelines for this effort and we are working closely with them and the World Bank to implement.
1-26-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Article: "Abadi: They are on the process of rising the Iraqi economy and create jobs" FYI – Abadi has been the best thing that’s happened to Iraq in the last 2 decades. Is he perfect? No. Are they on track? More than you know. So relax. Quote: "Abadi: “…we are in the process of raising the Iraqi economy and create(ing) jobs…” What exactly is this process he is speaking of? Does it include monetary and currency reform? I don’t see how it cannot – especially with the clear re-engagement of Iraq with the world markets. With any luck Abadi will get a lot of credit for their peace and prosperity – Maliki and Barzani will get shut out on May 12th.
1-26-2018 Intel Guru Bruce How close are we? We are very close. Before President Trump left for Davos yesterday [Wednesday] evening, he gave permission to Steven Mnuchin, the Secretary of the Treasury to release this for us to the banks prior to midnight tonight. ...That means the banks will have it...to release it when they are ready. When the banks are ready. Maybe ready quickly, maybe they won’t. We will see how quickly that will manifest. I think we are at a moment to moment basis. That is where we are and I am very excited about it. [post 2 of 2]
1-26-2018 Intel Guru Bruce When it comes to Iraq...We know those bonds that were being offered Wednesday morning...did not sell so well in Iraq because a lot of the people don’t trust the banks. They do not trust the CBI. They did make another attempt to sell more bonds. They were cut off after an hour or so of trading. They did some more selling of those today [Wednesday], and again more outside than inside of Iraq. I believe those bonds will sell. The only thing I know is the rate for the dinar that was attached essentially to the bonds is a very strong rate for the dinar and is the same rate as the opening rate will be on the CBI and on our bank screens here. I do know that. I do know that it is slightly under $5... ...some people tend to believe that the Dong is going to be at 47 cents. ...Just not true. The Dong is already close to $2 just the other night. ...I think the screen rate is going to be in that range or higher for the Dong. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
1-26-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat [continued Q & A] ...with my contact in the Central Bank. Question: So are you saying you now have an in-country revaluation of the Iraqi dinar? Answer: We are gradually rolling out an increase in rate on the dinar as we electronically pay the January govt payrolls and going forward... The marketplace must catch up slowly. We plan to gradually also roll out the newer category notes to match. This is a slow process but we hope to be successful. This process has taken many years to implement and we are within the final stages of completion.
1-26-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Complete system Vehicle Tracking (GPS) Banking Services " Quote: "The Ministry of Communications has completed vehicle tracking company for the benefit of the Iraqi banking project, while the light station installed in the hand Baghdadi in Anbar province to link security and service departments with the capital." I look at this as more good news. The CBI needs to track vehicles hauling currency to and from banks and this just provides more security. Especially when they start hauling dinar for destruction.
1-26-2018 Intel Guru Frank26 [Do you still like January?] YES...BUT...I LIKE EVERYDAY OF THIS MR [MONETARY REFORM] BECAUSE IT IS UNDER GREAT PRESSURE TO COME FORTH... [If we see the RI in January would it be possible we would see the RV within the first Quarter?] YES!!!
1-25-2018 Newshound Guru mike Article: "National Investment: Kuwait conference will offer a strategic and 157 medium-sized projects" Quote: "The Conference Kuwait International is scheduled to be held for a period of 12-14 of next February will be dedicated...to offer investment opportunities in Iraq, will also allocate other days to raise $ 100 billion for the reconstruction of the liberated cities will participate in the conference 70 countries, in addition to organizations international including the World Bank." ...the whole point of investing is get a financial return, without an open market economy and a functioning banking system with convertible currency, there's no "investment" in Iraq. Handouts? Sure. Relief aid for the displaced? Check. Sovereign bonds can be secured by Iraq's oil revenue, there's no security investing in Iraq's infrastructure. Let's revisit this after the conference and see what happens.
1-25-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat [continued Q & A] ...with my contact in the Central Bank. Q: What about the UN charter. Don’t you have to be under Article 8 to operate out of monetary sanctions from the wars, meaning the movement to a different monetary regime? A: Yes, this is true and there are plans to move from Article 14 to operate “fully” under Article 8. The plan is to complete this within the first quarter of 2018. At this time we hope to have monetized to the new dinar categories. Question: Won’t you also have to stop the current practice of the currency auctions? Answer: yes, this is the plan within the first quarter of 2018 to stop these currency auctions.
1-25-2018 Newshound Guru Enorrste Article: "National Investment: Kuwait conference will offer a strategic and 157 medium-sized projects" Quote: "The Conference Kuwait International is scheduled to be held for a period of 12-14 of next February will be dedicated...to offer investment opportunities in Iraq, will also allocate other days to raise $ 100 billion for the reconstruction of the liberated cities will participate in the conference 70 countries, in addition to organizations international including the World Bank." Unless the currency is convertible nothing of any consequence will happen.
1-25-2018 Newshound Guru Adam Montana [...isn't Iraq election in February? If so if the rv is not do before the election what is Abadi's chances of being re-elected?] Election dates... actually, ANY event in Iraq... they tend to be confusing and subject to change. It seems to change from week to week more or less. It appears that the election process will start in February, but the actual vote will not happen till May.
1-25-2018 Intel Guru Frank26 IMO Iraq has an International Currency Now. IMO CBI has a strategy and are distributing the LD’s ( Lower Denominations) in the banks now. This week Dems asked President Trump how he would pay for the Wall...He said (IMO) to ask him next week! We told you...to wait until Davos was over...and soon President Trump will make his keynote Speech in Davos. President Trump will also say IMPORTANT THINGS in his State of the Union Speech! IMO..Something is planned for January...Don’t know for sure if it’s to raise the value? Next week my teams and I will know more. IMO At the end of all of this the USD will come back stronger just like it did in 1999 ( Kuwait RV? ). IMO Banks may have RI’d already and we just can’t see it posted yet….but, IMO they are sure acting like it in Davos...
1-25-2018 Newshound Guru Breitling Watching the Iraqi Dinar is not some special event. There’s not something special or secretive in the background going on. It’s simply an economy that’s in the market and has to compete and they have to watch what it is they are doing so they can balance out their currency with their economy in order to compete correctly…No body outside of a country has the right to manipulate somebody else’s currency. It just doesn’t happen…the reality is it has to do with markets.
1-25-2018 Newshound Guru Adam Montana [...on a scale from 0 - 10 how far or how close are we to thé HCL Rv?] ...a 10/10.
1-25-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "US Vice Foreign Minister in Baghdad next Sunday" Quote: "Visiting Deputy Foreign United States Secretary John Sullivan of Baghdad on Sunday for talks on activating the strategic framework between the two countries on the diplomatic, political and economic levels of the Convention." The economic side of the SFA is the TIFA agreement. Clearly that can not be activated until Iraq's banking system is engaged with the world.
1-25-2018 Intel Guru Frank26 [r u referring to collecting the 000s from inside iraq or outside or both?] BOTH FRIEND...HENCE THE VERY CONTROLLED FLOAT. [reference Guru Frank26 post 1-24-2018]
1-25-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Q: Has the rate of exchange (IQD vs USD) changed within Iraq? A: The rate of exchange should be transparent within Iraq except for merchants and businesses. When the CBI is paying out January salaries and pensions we are paying under a much higher rate. This rate is based on an early December agreement with the IMF. [post 3 of 3...more Q and A to follow.]
1-25-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Q: What are the new category notes? A: Iraq can expect to see 1, 2 dinar coins, along with 5,10,50,100, 200, 500 and 1,000 paper notes as common categories. Also ¼ and ½ dinar coins along with 5, 10,100 coins. This distribution however must be a slow and gradual distribution as the marketplace demands. As you may know we did launch the new secured 50 notes in 2015 but postponed the 100 and 200 category notes planned for 2016 distribution but are now ready. The 1,000 note is already in circulation but we are working on a newer polymer version with new security features to come out soon. [post 2 of 3....stay tuned]
1-25-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat ...update to a recent conversation with my contact in the Central Bank. Folks it does not get any better than this to confirm what I (and others) have been saying about a very good timeframe for the month of January to see this revaluation to occur. Q: In past news articles we read that some of the categories of the lower notes have been distributed to the banks within Iraq. Is this true? A: Yes, but not all the branches. ...This effort was a year long effort and is now completed. Q: When do you plan to turn on the ATMs with these new categories? A: These new notes will be loaded into the ATMs and the bank windows soon if not already at some banks. I can tell you this timing is on conjunction with paying the govt payouts (salaries, pensions, etc.) for the month of January. [post 1 of 3....stay tuned]
1-25-2018 Newshound Guru mike Article "National Investment: Kuwait conference will offer a strategic and 157 medium-sized projects" I'm really looking forward to seeing what comes out of this conference in Kuwait. Like most investors the whole point of investing is to allocate money with the expectation that I'll financially benefit in the future. I'm wondering how these guys are going to drum up this kind of money without the open market functionality to repay these investors...
1-25-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat [continued Q & A] ...with my contact in the Central Bank. Q: What about the UN charter. Don’t you have to be under Article 8 to operate out of monetary sanctions from the wars, meaning the movement to a different monetary regime? A: Yes, this is true and there are plans to move from Article 14 to operate “fully” under Article 8. The plan is to complete this within the first quarter of 2018. At this time we hope to have monetized to the new dinar categories. Question: Won’t you also have to stop the current practice of the currency auctions? Answer: yes, this is the plan within the first quarter of 2018 to stop these currency auctions.
1-25-2018 Newshound Guru Enorrste Article: "National Investment: Kuwait conference will offer a strategic and 157 medium-sized projects" Quote: "The Conference Kuwait International is scheduled to be held for a period of 12-14 of next February will be dedicated...to offer investment opportunities in Iraq, will also allocate other days to raise $ 100 billion for the reconstruction of the liberated cities will participate in the conference 70 countries, in addition to organizations international including the World Bank." Unless the currency is convertible nothing of any consequence will happen.
1-25-2018 Newshound Guru Adam Montana [...isn't Iraq election in February? If so if the rv is not do before the election what is Abadi's chances of being re-elected?] Election dates... actually, ANY event in Iraq... they tend to be confusing and subject to change. It seems to change from week to week more or less. It appears that the election process will start in February, but the actual vote will not happen till May.
1-25-2018 Intel Guru Frank26 IMO Iraq has an International Currency Now. IMO CBI has a strategy and are distributing the LD’s ( Lower Denominations) in the banks now. This week Dems asked President Trump how he would pay for the Wall...He said (IMO) to ask him next week! We told you...to wait until Davos was over...and soon President Trump will make his keynote Speech in Davos. President Trump will also say IMPORTANT THINGS in his State of the Union Speech! IMO..Something is planned for January...Don’t know for sure if it’s to raise the value? Next week my teams and I will know more. IMO At the end of all of this the USD will come back stronger just like it did in 1999 ( Kuwait RV? ). IMO Banks may have RI’d already and we just can’t see it posted yet….but, IMO they are sure acting like it in Davos...
1-25-2018 Newshound Guru Breitling Watching the Iraqi Dinar is not some special event. There’s not something special or secretive in the background going on. It’s simply an economy that’s in the market and has to compete and they have to watch what it is they are doing so they can balance out their currency with their economy in order to compete correctly…No body outside of a country has the right to manipulate somebody else’s currency. It just doesn’t happen…the reality is it has to do with markets.
1-25-2018 Newshound Guru Adam Montana [...on a scale from 0 - 10 how far or how close are we to thé HCL Rv?] ...a 10/10.
1-25-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "US Vice Foreign Minister in Baghdad next Sunday" Quote: "Visiting Deputy Foreign United States Secretary John Sullivan of Baghdad on Sunday for talks on activating the strategic framework between the two countries on the diplomatic, political and economic levels of the Convention." The economic side of the SFA is the TIFA agreement. Clearly that can not be activated until Iraq's banking system is engaged with the world.
1-25-2018 Intel Guru Frank26 [r u referring to collecting the 000s from inside iraq or outside or both?] BOTH FRIEND...HENCE THE VERY CONTROLLED FLOAT. [reference Guru Frank26 post 1-24-2018]
1-25-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Q: Has the rate of exchange (IQD vs USD) changed within Iraq? A: The rate of exchange should be transparent within Iraq except for merchants and businesses. When the CBI is paying out January salaries and pensions we are paying under a much higher rate. This rate is based on an early December agreement with the IMF. [post 3 of 3...more Q and A to follow.]
1-25-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Q: What are the new category notes? A: Iraq can expect to see 1, 2 dinar coins, along with 5,10,50,100, 200, 500 and 1,000 paper notes as common categories. Also ¼ and ½ dinar coins along with 5, 10,100 coins. This distribution however must be a slow and gradual distribution as the marketplace demands. As you may know we did launch the new secured 50 notes in 2015 but postponed the 100 and 200 category notes planned for 2016 distribution but are now ready. The 1,000 note is already in circulation but we are working on a newer polymer version with new security features to come out soon. [post 2 of 3....stay tuned]
1-25-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat ...update to a recent conversation with my contact in the Central Bank. Folks it does not get any better than this to confirm what I (and others) have been saying about a very good timeframe for the month of January to see this revaluation to occur. Q: In past news articles we read that some of the categories of the lower notes have been distributed to the banks within Iraq. Is this true? A: Yes, but not all the branches. ...This effort was a year long effort and is now completed. Q: When do you plan to turn on the ATMs with these new categories? A: These new notes will be loaded into the ATMs and the bank windows soon if not already at some banks. I can tell you this timing is on conjunction with paying the govt payouts (salaries, pensions, etc.) for the month of January. [post 1 of 3....stay tuned]
1-25-2018 Newshound Guru mike Article "National Investment: Kuwait conference will offer a strategic and 157 medium-sized projects" I'm really looking forward to seeing what comes out of this conference in Kuwait. Like most investors the whole point of investing is to allocate money with the expectation that I'll financially benefit in the future. I'm wondering how these guys are going to drum up this kind of money without the open market functionality to repay these investors...
1-24-2018 Intel Guru Frank26 [During the 72 -78 days, will the value stay at 1:1 or will it still be moved up in controlled steps before the free float?] STAY AT 1 TO 1 TO DRAW IN 000'S. IMO ABOUT 72 TO 78 DAYS POST RI THEY WILL ALLOW THE FLOAT TO BE FREE.
1-24-2018 Newshound Guru Adam Montana Dinar is in a good spot. ALL of the points I hit in my last 3 updates are still moving forward, and FINALLY I get to say something I rarely get to say: Not only are the things I mentioned in my last 3 weekly updates moving forward... they are moving forward with NO snags that I can see. ZERO. NONE. There's a VERY good chance that we're going to scoot on into February with solid ground under us, we should see a successful re-election of my man Abadi, and HCL simply can't be avoided forever. At SOME POINT they are going to be ready to pull the trigger on this damn thing, and the "perfect scenario" is so close we can almost TOUCH it. Hang in there, friends! We made it this far, there's no reason to jump ship now. [reference Guru Adam Montana's post between January 3rd and January 10th 2018.
1-24-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Quote: "Foreign exchange markets in Baghdad, on Wednesday morning, a decline in the dollar exchange rate against the Iraqi dinar. ...The selling price of the dollar is 1245 dinars, or 124 thousand and 500 dinars, for one hundred dollars." Spread has dropped to 1245.
1-24-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Now if we go to more recent announcements from the CBI they have told us they want to bring back the value of the dinar to this time period. Do you wonder why this Basra branch is highlighting this older note? The CBI is simply proud of what they are doing with the currency as they are showcasing their efforts for the citizens to see and read when they walk into the Basra bank. But this showcasing effort does not stop at the Basra branch. This is happening all over Iraq in all the banks. ...this is part of the education process. [post 2 of 2]
1-24-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat So this week much hype about a news article with the CBI governor at a Central bank branch in Basra. Pictures were included... I want to bring to your attention one picture in particular. This picture is of Alaq holding up a very large note. Many started to spread rumors that his was of the new one dinar note. This simply is not true. This is instead a 1947 era note from the past...in 1947 timeframe the Iraqi dinar was valued at $4.86 (USD)... [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
1-24-2018 Intel Guru Bruce There are some new Iraqi bonds that will be offered for sale to the Iraqi citizenry at 8:30 in the morning Baghdad time tomorrow [Wednesday]. That is half past midnight tonight EST. What is significant about that? To have a bond that is to be available or open for purchase tomorrow for Iraqi citizens you have to have a rate tied to it. Those same bonds are being traded tonight [Tuesday]. We have people doing that. There is a rate tied to those bonds already. That is amazing. That is another good indicator. That would be essentially another in-country rate, and higher than it was yesterday. It is indicating that things are happening there that we are very close. We don’t know the when, the day or hour exactly, but we have heard bankers talk about this week and we have heard others talk about before the end of the month. I think we are in a good place to get started. [post 2 of 2]
1-24-2018 Intel Guru Bruce When are they going to show publicly the value of their dinar either on their website or some other way? CBI site is probably where people would think it would have to be or just plain out and be on the Forex. I don’t think the Forex will come out until the public at large, not just us, is ready to begin exchanging. What is showing on the new Qi cards in Iraq, these are for Iraqi citizens or dual citizens if you happen to be one, there is an in-country Iraqi dinar rate already on that card as of yesterday [Monday]. We saw it...It is over $4 and it is a good rate for in-country Iraq. There is also the Iraqi dinar and the other currencies...on back screens at the bank, not the front teller screens but back screens. All the currencies were live yesterday [Monday] and showing real rates. Not tiny little rates, but real rates. I think that is a good indicator. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
1-24-2018 Newshound Guru G-Lin Article quote: "Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi has announced his intention to pursue the corrupt in the country after the expulsion of an organization calling for the end of last year, but the campaign is facing severe criticism." This pretty much tells us what we expected. Protection of the corruption for the wicked. And it seems Abadi is outnumbered. Time will time. This is NOT an example of a Democracy. I have been watching this develop ever since they amended the Amnesty Law. It doesn't surprise me. However, regardless of the political developments we still continue to see economic reform.
1-24-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "CENTRAL BANK THE ADEQUACY OF THE IRAQI RESERVE FINANCIAL REACHED 160% ACCORDING TO THE STANDARDS SET BY THE INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND" Quote: "The joint financial reform program with the IMF aims to improve financial management and fiscal discipline by controlling expenditures and increasing revenues, AND WE ARE KEEN TO IMPLEMENT REFORMS IN ALL OUR INSTITUTIONS AND MINISTRIES," AL-AALAK TOLD A NEWS CONFERENCE IN NAJAF." This is the CBI so I would guess he is talking about banking and currency reforms? ...the CBI reserves might have an impact on when they would RV. In other words in past attempts the reserves were high and now they are at levels just as high.
1-24-2018 Newshound Guru Adam Montana Dinar is in a good spot. ALL of the points I hit in my last 3 updates are still moving forward, and FINALLY I get to say something I rarely get to say: Not only are the things I mentioned in my last 3 weekly updates moving forward... they are moving forward with NO snags that I can see. ZERO. NONE. There's a VERY good chance that we're going to scoot on into February with solid ground under us, we should see a successful re-election of my man Abadi, and HCL simply can't be avoided forever. At SOME POINT they are going to be ready to pull the trigger on this damn thing, and the "perfect scenario" is so close we can almost TOUCH it. Hang in there, friends! We made it this far, there's no reason to jump ship now. [reference Guru Adam Montana's post between January 3rd and January 10th 2018.
1-24-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Quote: "Foreign exchange markets in Baghdad, on Wednesday morning, a decline in the dollar exchange rate against the Iraqi dinar. ...The selling price of the dollar is 1245 dinars, or 124 thousand and 500 dinars, for one hundred dollars." Spread has dropped to 1245.
1-24-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Now if we go to more recent announcements from the CBI they have told us they want to bring back the value of the dinar to this time period. Do you wonder why this Basra branch is highlighting this older note? The CBI is simply proud of what they are doing with the currency as they are showcasing their efforts for the citizens to see and read when they walk into the Basra bank. But this showcasing effort does not stop at the Basra branch. This is happening all over Iraq in all the banks. ...this is part of the education process. [post 2 of 2]
1-24-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat So this week much hype about a news article with the CBI governor at a Central bank branch in Basra. Pictures were included... I want to bring to your attention one picture in particular. This picture is of Alaq holding up a very large note. Many started to spread rumors that his was of the new one dinar note. This simply is not true. This is instead a 1947 era note from the past...in 1947 timeframe the Iraqi dinar was valued at $4.86 (USD)... [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
1-24-2018 Intel Guru Bruce There are some new Iraqi bonds that will be offered for sale to the Iraqi citizenry at 8:30 in the morning Baghdad time tomorrow [Wednesday]. That is half past midnight tonight EST. What is significant about that? To have a bond that is to be available or open for purchase tomorrow for Iraqi citizens you have to have a rate tied to it. Those same bonds are being traded tonight [Tuesday]. We have people doing that. There is a rate tied to those bonds already. That is amazing. That is another good indicator. That would be essentially another in-country rate, and higher than it was yesterday. It is indicating that things are happening there that we are very close. We don’t know the when, the day or hour exactly, but we have heard bankers talk about this week and we have heard others talk about before the end of the month. I think we are in a good place to get started. [post 2 of 2]
1-24-2018 Intel Guru Bruce When are they going to show publicly the value of their dinar either on their website or some other way? CBI site is probably where people would think it would have to be or just plain out and be on the Forex. I don’t think the Forex will come out until the public at large, not just us, is ready to begin exchanging. What is showing on the new Qi cards in Iraq, these are for Iraqi citizens or dual citizens if you happen to be one, there is an in-country Iraqi dinar rate already on that card as of yesterday [Monday]. We saw it...It is over $4 and it is a good rate for in-country Iraq. There is also the Iraqi dinar and the other currencies...on back screens at the bank, not the front teller screens but back screens. All the currencies were live yesterday [Monday] and showing real rates. Not tiny little rates, but real rates. I think that is a good indicator. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
1-24-2018 Newshound Guru G-Lin Article quote: "Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi has announced his intention to pursue the corrupt in the country after the expulsion of an organization calling for the end of last year, but the campaign is facing severe criticism." This pretty much tells us what we expected. Protection of the corruption for the wicked. And it seems Abadi is outnumbered. Time will time. This is NOT an example of a Democracy. I have been watching this develop ever since they amended the Amnesty Law. It doesn't surprise me. However, regardless of the political developments we still continue to see economic reform.
1-24-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "CENTRAL BANK THE ADEQUACY OF THE IRAQI RESERVE FINANCIAL REACHED 160% ACCORDING TO THE STANDARDS SET BY THE INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND" Quote: "The joint financial reform program with the IMF aims to improve financial management and fiscal discipline by controlling expenditures and increasing revenues, AND WE ARE KEEN TO IMPLEMENT REFORMS IN ALL OUR INSTITUTIONS AND MINISTRIES," AL-AALAK TOLD A NEWS CONFERENCE IN NAJAF." This is the CBI so I would guess he is talking about banking and currency reforms? ...the CBI reserves might have an impact on when they would RV. In other words in past attempts the reserves were high and now they are at levels just as high.
1-23-2019 Intel Guru Sergio ...I truly believe in this investment and...I do feel that things are showing progress in a direction that we are looking to increase our holdings. ...there are companies investing in Iraq with reruns as hi as 17% ...
1-23-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat ...we know the 2018 elections are forthcoming, probably in May. These always impact the political situation and so I believe this year will be no different. We are also still waiting to see Article 140 law in parliament and to get this law passed and enacted. This is a huge contention for the KRG. I feel this would resolve a lot of the conflict with GOI. It could solve much of their differences. Could the USA reject the argument that Iraq is ready to re-instate their currency because of this Article 140 issue? Well…I know the US govt agreed already to let the RV go almost three weeks ago.
1-23-2018 Newshound Guru G-Lin Article: "War: parliamentarians ' Union Act new authority to defend the House budget will cost burden" Quote: "Tariq Harb, jurist count Tuesday, approving House Parliamentarians Union law as creating new power system supervision and its mission to defend the rights of Parliament, while noting that the law governing Council members through subsequent parliamentary sessions, assured it would cost almoazanh New burdens." This looks like that protection law for the evil doers. I think it may give them permanent immunity. However, this may not effect ICC. Not sure. I wouldn't think there would be any protection from International Courts. BTW Tariq Harb is Maliki's personal legal council.
1-23-2018 Newshound Guru chattels Dollar exchange rate today... Release Date: 2018/1/23 Quote: "Foreign currency markets in Baghdad, on Tuesday morning, stabilized at the dollar exchange rate against the Iraqi dinar. The price of the market in the stock market in Baghdad, 1245 dinars per dollar, or 124 thousand and 500 dinars per hundred dollars after yesterday was 1249.5 dinars to the dollar." 1245 is the lowest market price observed by me since the CBI stopped reporting such on it's website.
1-23-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat ...We are still in a waiting mode by the US Treasury. The question is will they complete their side of the process so Iraq can continue the rest of their steps to re-instate the currency. We know they have the new category notes and they told us they are now distributed at the banks. We heard about the ATM machines and I presented proof to you that they are to be a large part of the Iraqi CBI side of the re-instatement rollout process. ...we are now in the very preliminary steps to release the re-instatement. I can not give you a date and don’t even want to go there. All I can say is let’s let it all play out until the end of January, as I have been told to do. Then when February rolls in we will see where we are and go from there. I will know much more at that time if we still have no RV.
1-23-2018 Intel Guru RayRen98 The most exciting news over the weekend was banking people seeing the lower denoms at their facility, although they have yet to be released. Just that they are there, ready… Also, the US banks were on high alert regarding forthcoming activity. We heard that the tier 1 banks were supposed to receive rates on Friday, so we really thought that those rates might be live. We’re still waiting for some of that information to come in. We also had some reports that banks could see rates on the front (retail) screens as well as the back screens, although they were not live yet.
1-23-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat ...we know the 2018 elections are forthcoming, probably in May. These always impact the political situation and so I believe this year will be no different. We are also still waiting to see Article 140 law in parliament and to get this law passed and enacted. This is a huge contention for the KRG. I feel this would resolve a lot of the conflict with GOI. It could solve much of their differences. Could the USA reject the argument that Iraq is ready to re-instate their currency because of this Article 140 issue? Well…I know the US govt agreed already to let the RV go almost three weeks ago.
1-23-2018 Newshound Guru G-Lin Article: "War: parliamentarians ' Union Act new authority to defend the House budget will cost burden" Quote: "Tariq Harb, jurist count Tuesday, approving House Parliamentarians Union law as creating new power system supervision and its mission to defend the rights of Parliament, while noting that the law governing Council members through subsequent parliamentary sessions, assured it would cost almoazanh New burdens." This looks like that protection law for the evil doers. I think it may give them permanent immunity. However, this may not effect ICC. Not sure. I wouldn't think there would be any protection from International Courts. BTW Tariq Harb is Maliki's personal legal council.
1-23-2018 Newshound Guru chattels Dollar exchange rate today... Release Date: 2018/1/23 Quote: "Foreign currency markets in Baghdad, on Tuesday morning, stabilized at the dollar exchange rate against the Iraqi dinar. The price of the market in the stock market in Baghdad, 1245 dinars per dollar, or 124 thousand and 500 dinars per hundred dollars after yesterday was 1249.5 dinars to the dollar." 1245 is the lowest market price observed by me since the CBI stopped reporting such on it's website.
1-23-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat ...We are still in a waiting mode by the US Treasury. The question is will they complete their side of the process so Iraq can continue the rest of their steps to re-instate the currency. We know they have the new category notes and they told us they are now distributed at the banks. We heard about the ATM machines and I presented proof to you that they are to be a large part of the Iraqi CBI side of the re-instatement rollout process. ...we are now in the very preliminary steps to release the re-instatement. I can not give you a date and don’t even want to go there. All I can say is let’s let it all play out until the end of January, as I have been told to do. Then when February rolls in we will see where we are and go from there. I will know much more at that time if we still have no RV.
1-23-2018 Intel Guru RayRen98 The most exciting news over the weekend was banking people seeing the lower denoms at their facility, although they have yet to be released. Just that they are there, ready… Also, the US banks were on high alert regarding forthcoming activity. We heard that the tier 1 banks were supposed to receive rates on Friday, so we really thought that those rates might be live. We’re still waiting for some of that information to come in. We also had some reports that banks could see rates on the front (retail) screens as well as the back screens, although they were not live yet.
1-22-2018 Intel Guru Frank26 [With these articles and change of pictures on CBI, I just feel something is going on…there's a lot talk of CBI and currency…are they ready to say something...no more confusions...] [[see Gurus Kaperoni, BGG and Delta's views below on the picture 1-22-2018] ...WE TOLD YOU SO WE TOLD YOU SO! AFTER NOTHING FROM CBI FOR SO LONG AND NOW...LOTS AND LOTS OF ALAK AND THE CBI... WAIT"...WE SAID...WAIT! GAVE YOU KEY WORD...AS WE SAID..."LAUNCH"! AM I YELLING? YES. WHAT YOU ARE SEEING IS BUT THE BEGINNING OF THE ENDING OF THE CITIZEN'S...EDUCATION.
1-22-2018 Newshound Guru G-Lin Article: "Three "corrupt" companies dominate Iraq's Internet and the Ministry of Communications is "stealing" a billion dollars a year" I have decided that all of Iraq is corrupt and it will probably stay that way. I'm just assuming that their greed will push the dinar to a greater value which I'm sure would add to their wealth. ...the outstanding growth in the Iraq economy has me excited. It is hard to stop a moving downhill train. There are more powerful influences in the world compared to Maliki, Barzani, and the rest of Iraq's corrupt. The IMF and World Bank seem to have control of Iraq's economic structure and they are moving it forward. Iraq's wealth in reserves and untapped riches is too important to the rest of the world to allow the corrupt to control it. Just remember Maliki and Barzani are not the "big boys" in this world.
1-22-2018 Newshound Guru mike I remember those old Kuwait stories, I thought it was just a myth? This is a whole different animal, Iraq has over 50 trillion dinars out in circulation, even if they raised the dinar to .10 that would be $5 trillion dollars in M0 money supply with a country that doesn't make more than $100 billion a year. That's almost twice as much as the US has out. Balasaa-Samuelson is the only way I can see that the dinar will rise in value, they got to start slowly adding value to get all that dinar out of circulation.
1-22-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Visit the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq branch of Basra " The one dinar note looks to me like an old 1dinar note converted to a clock. [referencing a picture that accompanies the article.] [see Gurus BGG and Delta's views on the picture 1-22-2018]
1-22-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Article: "Visit of the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq Branch Basra" I am a little curious as to what the bill is that is pictured in this last shot? [referencing a picture accompanying the article.] I have looked around some and can’t seem to come up with an ID on it.
(Update: according to Yahoo images, the note in question appears to be a 1947 10 Dinar note with King Faisal II on it. Probably some commemorative ceremony. Still interesting.)
1-22-2018 Newshound Guru Enorrste Article: "Alaq announces the opening of a new branch of the central bank in Najaf " [...how do you view Alaq saying "no condition other than banking reform" and no float? Does not match with what seems obvious that needs to happen.] Some Far Eastern country stated every day for several months that they were not going to change their exchange rate. Then, 24 hours after their last statement saying the same thing over and over again, they did it. I wouldn't put much credence in Allaq's statement.
1-22-2018 Intel/Newshound Guru sandyf IMF Article VIII is effectively a passport to international recognition of the countries currency. Art 8 is a one way street, once the obligations have been accepted there can be no return to Art 14 status. ...Iraq has never been an Article VIII currency so has never had international recognition. All previous rates have merely been an indicative rate rather than an official rate of exchange. As a non convertible currency, international transactions have only be done on a restricted basis.
1-22-2018 Newshound Guru G-Lin Article: "Three "corrupt" companies dominate Iraq's Internet and the Ministry of Communications is "stealing" a billion dollars a year" I have decided that all of Iraq is corrupt and it will probably stay that way. I'm just assuming that their greed will push the dinar to a greater value which I'm sure would add to their wealth. ...the outstanding growth in the Iraq economy has me excited. It is hard to stop a moving downhill train. There are more powerful influences in the world compared to Maliki, Barzani, and the rest of Iraq's corrupt. The IMF and World Bank seem to have control of Iraq's economic structure and they are moving it forward. Iraq's wealth in reserves and untapped riches is too important to the rest of the world to allow the corrupt to control it. Just remember Maliki and Barzani are not the "big boys" in this world.
1-22-2018 Newshound Guru mike I remember those old Kuwait stories, I thought it was just a myth? This is a whole different animal, Iraq has over 50 trillion dinars out in circulation, even if they raised the dinar to .10 that would be $5 trillion dollars in M0 money supply with a country that doesn't make more than $100 billion a year. That's almost twice as much as the US has out. Balasaa-Samuelson is the only way I can see that the dinar will rise in value, they got to start slowly adding value to get all that dinar out of circulation.
1-22-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Visit the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq branch of Basra " The one dinar note looks to me like an old 1dinar note converted to a clock. [referencing a picture that accompanies the article.] [see Gurus BGG and Delta's views on the picture 1-22-2018]
1-22-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Article: "Visit of the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq Branch Basra" I am a little curious as to what the bill is that is pictured in this last shot? [referencing a picture accompanying the article.] I have looked around some and can’t seem to come up with an ID on it.
(Update: according to Yahoo images, the note in question appears to be a 1947 10 Dinar note with King Faisal II on it. Probably some commemorative ceremony. Still interesting.)
1-22-2018 Newshound Guru Enorrste Article: "Alaq announces the opening of a new branch of the central bank in Najaf " [...how do you view Alaq saying "no condition other than banking reform" and no float? Does not match with what seems obvious that needs to happen.] Some Far Eastern country stated every day for several months that they were not going to change their exchange rate. Then, 24 hours after their last statement saying the same thing over and over again, they did it. I wouldn't put much credence in Allaq's statement.
1-22-2018 Intel/Newshound Guru sandyf IMF Article VIII is effectively a passport to international recognition of the countries currency. Art 8 is a one way street, once the obligations have been accepted there can be no return to Art 14 status. ...Iraq has never been an Article VIII currency so has never had international recognition. All previous rates have merely been an indicative rate rather than an official rate of exchange. As a non convertible currency, international transactions have only be done on a restricted basis.
1-21-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Officially .. the end of the "Daesh" militarily in Iraq" Quote: "Announced the Iraqi Interior Minister Qasim al-Araji, on Friday, the end of the terrorist organization Daesh militarily in Iraq, after the liberation of the city of Rawah, western Anbar province from the grip of the entire organization." This is big news. The Iraqi gov can now move forward with the economy.
1-21-2018 Intel/Newshound Guru tman23 [...is it your opinion that RV will NOT happen until KRG and GOI issues have been resolved?] YES IMO...THERE MUST BE AN AGREEMENT TO BE UNDER FEDERAL CONTROL...The CBI needs the GOI to control and enforce certain laws and the Kurd region is just as corrupt as anywhere in Iraq...[Newshound Guru Adam] Montana always claimed a HCL agreement must come first...What Abadi is proposing is signature to just that...BUT not so easy...remember the Kurds got 3 billion from Russia state oil company to prepay for oil...and there are a lot of these deals...this thing gets real messy...so Federal Control is most logical...
1-21-2018 Intel Guru RayRen98 Bankers in Iraq can see the lower denoms (1's, 5's, 10's), however, they are NOT released yet! US banks are on high alert (yes, once again) for rate changes coming soon.
1-21-2018 Newshound Guru chattels Articles: "Know the strategy of Maliki's coalition to achieve the political majority in the next session" "Rivals may team up to defeat Iraqi Prime Minister Abadi" Another reason that a political alliance between Maliki and Barzani is dubious is that if the "possibility for an alliance with all political parties, including Barzani’s [KDP], ..." depends upon a commitment to "the [will of the] political majority.", I doubt that the Kurds can / will so commit. The Kurds and other minorities value and depend upon the doctrine of consensus in government / legislation. Otherwise minorities will ultimately be overwhelmed by the Shia political majority, IMO.
1-21-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Strengthen international confidence in Iraq's economic capabilities" IMO, there is no external confidence in Iraq's banking system until the CBI is in Article VIII and dinar transactions are accepted worldwide through the global banking system. They can talk about all they want, but I don't think investors will come if they cannot get there profits out of Iraq. Iraq needs to understand this and begin currency reform.
1-21-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat ...they told us the Vietnam Dong was a “sleeper”... At least the Vietnam currency is still an active currency and being traded so this one does sound plausible and possible.
1-21-2018 Intel/Newshound Guru tman23 [...is it your opinion that RV will NOT happen until KRG and GOI issues have been resolved?] YES IMO...THERE MUST BE AN AGREEMENT TO BE UNDER FEDERAL CONTROL...The CBI needs the GOI to control and enforce certain laws and the Kurd region is just as corrupt as anywhere in Iraq...[Newshound Guru Adam] Montana always claimed a HCL agreement must come first...What Abadi is proposing is signature to just that...BUT not so easy...remember the Kurds got 3 billion from Russia state oil company to prepay for oil...and there are a lot of these deals...this thing gets real messy...so Federal Control is most logical...
1-21-2018 Intel Guru RayRen98 Bankers in Iraq can see the lower denoms (1's, 5's, 10's), however, they are NOT released yet! US banks are on high alert (yes, once again) for rate changes coming soon.
1-21-2018 Newshound Guru chattels Articles: "Know the strategy of Maliki's coalition to achieve the political majority in the next session" "Rivals may team up to defeat Iraqi Prime Minister Abadi" Another reason that a political alliance between Maliki and Barzani is dubious is that if the "possibility for an alliance with all political parties, including Barzani’s [KDP], ..." depends upon a commitment to "the [will of the] political majority.", I doubt that the Kurds can / will so commit. The Kurds and other minorities value and depend upon the doctrine of consensus in government / legislation. Otherwise minorities will ultimately be overwhelmed by the Shia political majority, IMO.
1-21-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Strengthen international confidence in Iraq's economic capabilities" IMO, there is no external confidence in Iraq's banking system until the CBI is in Article VIII and dinar transactions are accepted worldwide through the global banking system. They can talk about all they want, but I don't think investors will come if they cannot get there profits out of Iraq. Iraq needs to understand this and begin currency reform.
1-21-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat ...they told us the Vietnam Dong was a “sleeper”... At least the Vietnam currency is still an active currency and being traded so this one does sound plausible and possible.
1-20-2018 Intel Guru RayRen98 A direct contact shared a bank story on Friday...he was given a live rate on the IQD but did not have any currency at the time. Upon us checking back with that bank a little later, the rate wasn't on the screen. We attributed it to either it was the wrong currency quoted or there was a glitch and the rate appeared when it was not scheduled. Further investigation gave us information that Tier 1 banks involved in the exchange process were "supposed" to receive opening rates on Friday. Now, for Saturday, a "good source" report came in that some banks should see rates at the retail terminals of the teller windows sometime later today. Additional reports indicate that some banks are seeing rates on the front screen as well as the back screens today....just not LIVE yet! This weekend is anticipated to be one of significant importance, so far, so good...TIME WILL TELL.
1-20-2018 Newshound Guru G-Lin Article: "Central Bank reserve adequacy ratio financial Iraq reached 160 percent." Quote: "The governor of the Central Bank of Iraq Ali Alalak revealed, on Tuesday (December 26, 2017), that the bank reserves of foreign currency of 48 billion dollars, noting that Iraq will not resort to floating the currency." Looks like IMF is happy and once again they do not want to float the currency. That's o.k. by me.
1-20-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Alaq announces the opening of a new branch of the central bank in Najaf " Quote: "The governor of the Central Bank of Iraq Ali Alalak revealed, on Tuesday (December 26, 2017), that the bank reserves of foreign currency of 48 billion dollars, pointing out that Iraq will not resort to floating the currency." Until they get in compliance with the IMF and reduce the spread to 2% or less, I would assume any such discussion is a "stable dinar". Eventually they will have to float to compensate for the pressure created by the influx of investment capital.
1-20-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat I...had someone ask me lately – “what the dinar would be worth since I heard they are going to drop 6 zeros”. The Iraqi dinar is not going to drop any zeros. This would be a “lop” which is a long standing tool the IMF uses in time of great hyper- inflation. The CBI has told us so many times already they are NOT going to lop and the newer category notes (called lower denominations) will coincide with the older 3 zero notes for up to 10 years. The key to this process is that they want to use the older 3 zeros notes within the inter-banking system and don’t expect the average person to be carrying these around anyway post restructuring of the currency.
1-20-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "The House of Representatives is preparing to vote on a bill to create a "new Parliamentary Union" Quote: "Parliamentary sources revealed, for parliamentary efforts to enact a new law that includes the establishment of a new Parliamentary Union..." Any law must be approved by the Council of Ministers or the President prior to going to parliament for reading. Unlikely such a law would make it past that step. [reference Gurus mike and G-Lin posts 1-19-2018 below]
1-20-2018 Newshound Guru G-Lin Article: "Central Bank reserve adequacy ratio financial Iraq reached 160 percent." Quote: "The governor of the Central Bank of Iraq Ali Alalak revealed, on Tuesday (December 26, 2017), that the bank reserves of foreign currency of 48 billion dollars, noting that Iraq will not resort to floating the currency." Looks like IMF is happy and once again they do not want to float the currency. That's o.k. by me.
1-20-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Alaq announces the opening of a new branch of the central bank in Najaf " Quote: "The governor of the Central Bank of Iraq Ali Alalak revealed, on Tuesday (December 26, 2017), that the bank reserves of foreign currency of 48 billion dollars, pointing out that Iraq will not resort to floating the currency." Until they get in compliance with the IMF and reduce the spread to 2% or less, I would assume any such discussion is a "stable dinar". Eventually they will have to float to compensate for the pressure created by the influx of investment capital.
1-20-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat I...had someone ask me lately – “what the dinar would be worth since I heard they are going to drop 6 zeros”. The Iraqi dinar is not going to drop any zeros. This would be a “lop” which is a long standing tool the IMF uses in time of great hyper- inflation. The CBI has told us so many times already they are NOT going to lop and the newer category notes (called lower denominations) will coincide with the older 3 zero notes for up to 10 years. The key to this process is that they want to use the older 3 zeros notes within the inter-banking system and don’t expect the average person to be carrying these around anyway post restructuring of the currency.
1-20-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "The House of Representatives is preparing to vote on a bill to create a "new Parliamentary Union" Quote: "Parliamentary sources revealed, for parliamentary efforts to enact a new law that includes the establishment of a new Parliamentary Union..." Any law must be approved by the Council of Ministers or the President prior to going to parliament for reading. Unlikely such a law would make it past that step. [reference Gurus mike and G-Lin posts 1-19-2018 below]
1-19-2018 Newshound Guru mike Article: "The House of Representatives is preparing to vote on a bill to create a "new Parliamentary Union" Quote: "...seeks to defend the moral and material rights of members, reveals that this law opens a big door to protect any of the defendants in corruption cases and the form of legal stipulated in the Official Gazette, as well as for the protection of the rights of members mentioned and defend them if exposed..." Apparently Abadi's threats of going after those who are corrupt are spooking these guys, they're trying to pass a law that protects the "rights" of those accused. This is why things are moving so slowly in Iraq, the ruling elite are the most corrupt and now they're trying to legislate corruption...
1-19-2018 Intel Gurus Frank26 and Delta CREDIT BANK OF IRAQ: With Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) you have access to your funds from many convenient locations across Iraq and all over the world 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. (wink). GURU WALKINGSTICK TOLD YOU ALL ABOUT THIS TO COME...!!! FOR THE FOOTSTEPS...ARE SOUNDING LOUDER AND CLOSER.
1-19-2018 Newshound Guru G-Lin Article: "The House of Representatives is preparing to vote on a law to create a "new parliamentary union" Quote: "the parliament is in the process of enacting a new law that includes the establishment of a new union that includes members of the Governing Council, members of the Council, members of the National Assembly and members of the House of Representatives," Good grief. They wrote themselves a little "get out of jail free" law. This is a bit shocking. I hope ICC supercedes this b.s.
1-19-2018 Intel Guru Bruce ...we also understood today that the Forex is going through testing with US and Asia, with US and Africa, and I believe this has to do taking the Forex from the Swift system that it has been on and putting it on the new Fentech System which is tied to the Cipps System, the new super commuter satellite that system is on. That additional testing today...may continue for another day to day and half until that is complete. However, my understanding is we may be able to begin exchanges even if the Forex is not completely set and ready to go. Maybe this needs to occur before we have viable rates on the screens so we can exchange. This is ready to go. We just don’t have the exact day or hour. [post 3 of 3]
1-19-2018 Intel Guru Bruce The other thing we heard regarding Iraq was one of their banks, Rafidain bank, is working with a relationship with Citibank to issue new credit, debit cards or Qi cards. Some new Citibank cards were to be issued to dual citizens of Iraqi and America today. They were supposed to...reflect a much higher spending rate or to have the greater ability to spend based on 7 to 8 times than they were seeing before...and that is due to a rate increase. We are waiting to see in fact that has happened. We have not confirmed it. [post 2 of 3....stay tuned]
1-19-2018 Intel Guru Bruce ...we still have a blackout in Iraq right now...Information blackout. We know they had a rate tradable on the Forex. We know several traders who are working with certain exchanges trading that. First as futures and preloads, now it is as currencies. We know the rate was being trading up as of yesterday and was being traded up and all of a sudden it went on hold in that particular trading platform. I do not know why other than maybe they are getting ready to make a rate change or syncing some systems together, not really sure. [post 1 of 3....stay tuned]
1-19-2018 Intel Gurus Frank26 and Delta CREDIT BANK OF IRAQ: With Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) you have access to your funds from many convenient locations across Iraq and all over the world 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. (wink). GURU WALKINGSTICK TOLD YOU ALL ABOUT THIS TO COME...!!! FOR THE FOOTSTEPS...ARE SOUNDING LOUDER AND CLOSER.
1-19-2018 Newshound Guru G-Lin Article: "The House of Representatives is preparing to vote on a law to create a "new parliamentary union" Quote: "the parliament is in the process of enacting a new law that includes the establishment of a new union that includes members of the Governing Council, members of the Council, members of the National Assembly and members of the House of Representatives," Good grief. They wrote themselves a little "get out of jail free" law. This is a bit shocking. I hope ICC supercedes this b.s.
1-19-2018 Intel Guru Bruce ...we also understood today that the Forex is going through testing with US and Asia, with US and Africa, and I believe this has to do taking the Forex from the Swift system that it has been on and putting it on the new Fentech System which is tied to the Cipps System, the new super commuter satellite that system is on. That additional testing today...may continue for another day to day and half until that is complete. However, my understanding is we may be able to begin exchanges even if the Forex is not completely set and ready to go. Maybe this needs to occur before we have viable rates on the screens so we can exchange. This is ready to go. We just don’t have the exact day or hour. [post 3 of 3]
1-19-2018 Intel Guru Bruce The other thing we heard regarding Iraq was one of their banks, Rafidain bank, is working with a relationship with Citibank to issue new credit, debit cards or Qi cards. Some new Citibank cards were to be issued to dual citizens of Iraqi and America today. They were supposed to...reflect a much higher spending rate or to have the greater ability to spend based on 7 to 8 times than they were seeing before...and that is due to a rate increase. We are waiting to see in fact that has happened. We have not confirmed it. [post 2 of 3....stay tuned]
1-19-2018 Intel Guru Bruce ...we still have a blackout in Iraq right now...Information blackout. We know they had a rate tradable on the Forex. We know several traders who are working with certain exchanges trading that. First as futures and preloads, now it is as currencies. We know the rate was being trading up as of yesterday and was being traded up and all of a sudden it went on hold in that particular trading platform. I do not know why other than maybe they are getting ready to make a rate change or syncing some systems together, not really sure. [post 1 of 3....stay tuned]
1-18-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat I believe we have 13 days for the US Treasury to complete their part of the re-instatement process. This must be done in order for the CBI to go forward with their next step. There are so many...reasons we...have read about as to the need to re-instate the currency such as trading partner’s need to trade in middle eastern currencies and not US dollars. ...we are hearing rumblings from the US govt on the funneling of dollars to terrorist organizations thru the currency auctions. Well…there is a solution to the problem - it is to shut down the auctions. But if they do this they must re-instate the currency and thus allow them to pay the foreign debtors with dinars and not US dollars.
1-18-2018 Newshound Guru mike Articles: "Sunday .. the heads of blocs hold a meeting to discuss the budget and elections" "Kurdish blocs decide to boycott all parliamentary sessions related to the budget" Complete lack of cooperation, nothing's changed. The Shia want the election's held on time but the Sunni's are opposed, millions of their constituents are living in camps for the displaced. The budget's hang up is not with just the Kurd's, there are also concerns with how much the GOI is reducing pay for the government workers and other cost saving measures the IMF/WB have put on them for the loans they're receiving. Hopefully they get this sorted out quickly.
1-18-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Whenever the CBI targeted a re-instatement in the past (2011, 2013, 2016 and 2017) it was always in January, with a massive educational campaign just prior to the scheduled event. I have confirmation that the CBI fully intends to educate the citizens in Iraq prior to the re-instatement. I have just heard from the CBI on Jan 16th...That they have already written statements for the news media and are waiting on the US to go ahead with the next step of the re-instatement process. The CBI also told me on Jan 16th that a main news broadcast will give us an overview of the intended “next step” of the process and will be followed up with a deluge of other more detailed articles. In the articles they will tell the citizens what they need to know for this transition. Knowing all this information what would you think is about to happen? [post 2 of 2]
1-18-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat List of known FACTS: In late December Iraq was finally released “fully” from Chapter VII sanctions. Being released “fully” from sanctions enables Iraq to be a stand-alone sovereign nation once again. Being a sovereign nation allowed Iraq to request the re-instatement of the Iraqi dinar. In late December the CBI requested the re-instatement of the Iraqi dinar. In later December the CBI coordinated with the US Treasury to roll out the process to the international exchanges (and other files and needed data). We have read that the Iraqi fiscal year ends Dec 15th. Whenever the CBI initiated any rate change (to the program rate) it was always done in January. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
1-18-2018 Intel Guru RayRen98 [Among what we all seek what would you say brings you the highest confidence we will be exchanging soon...?] CBI, rumors from the UST and BIS, new rates showing up… all that gives me more confidence.
1-18-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Arab Monetary looking the role of the "exchange rate policy" in reducing inflation" Quote: "The course focuses on the basics of different exchange rates systems analysis, and how to read the international currency and exchange rates , market indices axes, as well as ways of determining the adequacy of foreign reserves for the states, as well as the relationship between the exchange rate policy and macroeconomic policies, and to discuss common problems in the exchange rate policies , the fundamental shift from a fixed exchange rate to the flexible data and indicators of currency crises within the framework of the early warning system." yes, time for a more flexible exchange rate policy.
1-18-2018 Newshound Guru mike Articles: "Sunday .. the heads of blocs hold a meeting to discuss the budget and elections" "Kurdish blocs decide to boycott all parliamentary sessions related to the budget" Complete lack of cooperation, nothing's changed. The Shia want the election's held on time but the Sunni's are opposed, millions of their constituents are living in camps for the displaced. The budget's hang up is not with just the Kurd's, there are also concerns with how much the GOI is reducing pay for the government workers and other cost saving measures the IMF/WB have put on them for the loans they're receiving. Hopefully they get this sorted out quickly.
1-18-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Whenever the CBI targeted a re-instatement in the past (2011, 2013, 2016 and 2017) it was always in January, with a massive educational campaign just prior to the scheduled event. I have confirmation that the CBI fully intends to educate the citizens in Iraq prior to the re-instatement. I have just heard from the CBI on Jan 16th...That they have already written statements for the news media and are waiting on the US to go ahead with the next step of the re-instatement process. The CBI also told me on Jan 16th that a main news broadcast will give us an overview of the intended “next step” of the process and will be followed up with a deluge of other more detailed articles. In the articles they will tell the citizens what they need to know for this transition. Knowing all this information what would you think is about to happen? [post 2 of 2]
1-18-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat List of known FACTS: In late December Iraq was finally released “fully” from Chapter VII sanctions. Being released “fully” from sanctions enables Iraq to be a stand-alone sovereign nation once again. Being a sovereign nation allowed Iraq to request the re-instatement of the Iraqi dinar. In late December the CBI requested the re-instatement of the Iraqi dinar. In later December the CBI coordinated with the US Treasury to roll out the process to the international exchanges (and other files and needed data). We have read that the Iraqi fiscal year ends Dec 15th. Whenever the CBI initiated any rate change (to the program rate) it was always done in January. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
1-18-2018 Intel Guru RayRen98 [Among what we all seek what would you say brings you the highest confidence we will be exchanging soon...?] CBI, rumors from the UST and BIS, new rates showing up… all that gives me more confidence.
1-18-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Arab Monetary looking the role of the "exchange rate policy" in reducing inflation" Quote: "The course focuses on the basics of different exchange rates systems analysis, and how to read the international currency and exchange rates , market indices axes, as well as ways of determining the adequacy of foreign reserves for the states, as well as the relationship between the exchange rate policy and macroeconomic policies, and to discuss common problems in the exchange rate policies , the fundamental shift from a fixed exchange rate to the flexible data and indicators of currency crises within the framework of the early warning system." yes, time for a more flexible exchange rate policy.
1-17-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat We are just under 2 weeks from the end of January. I still firmly believe we are nearing the re-instatement and it will occur in this month. But remember when I say we are about to see it that I mean there are still multiple steps to take prior to us going to the bank.
1-17-2018 Intel Guru RayRen98 We do have one source saying “this is it for this week”, and of course we are halfway through the week. Another source said that the rate was now at .25… but that was only at the CBI. At an airport somewhere in the Middle East, we tried to get people to confirm that, and then we got reports of that rate in the US, or rather what it amounts to here, which is $4. That was fluctuating, and not live, but it’s still a good indicator. If the rate is .25, that is $4 for us. The US Treasury and banking sources are all saying “any time now”, and both are saying $3.71 is the rate. Keep in mind that Forex will show a market rate, not the official international rate...We did hear that it was live for 20 minutes in the UK over the weekend. We also heard that the CBI sent a message to the BIS that the issues had been resolved around payments to Kurdistan. If the BIS and IMF are happy with what the CBI is doing, then they will get the green light.
1-17-2018 Intel Guru AdminBill There is a very strong possibility that you will be very busy with appointments starting very soon. No dates or rates but be sure to stay informed and stay ready.
1-17-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "In accordance with Security Council Resolution 2390 on 8/12/2017, Iraq has fulfilled all obligations related to its withdrawal from Chapter VII of the UN Charter." ...we heard many articles already on getting “fully” out of Chapter VII, but this is not the sole purpose of this article. In this article I believe they wanted so list out yet more benefits for Iraq in getting “fully” out of Chapter VII and where they are heading with the banking system now and in the future. ...they are telling us they are modernizing the banking system to keep pace with the rest of the world, something that is needed if they will be integrated with the “global” economy. A full integration is when they finally roll out the re-instatement of the currency. I would say based on all the banking reforms implemented so far this is all just about done.
1-17-2018 Newshound Guru Adam Montana I'll remind you that Iraq has a major share of one of the WORLD's most valuable resources. They aren't heavy into technology, but they are advanced enough that major international banking can be turned on with the flip of a switch. Over the last year, we've seen key institutions and organizations mention that Iraq is welcome to join the big boys...if they want. We've waited for them to do so, and IMO the key to this all is still the HCL. Could this media-crypto-frenzy be a perfect time to slip some action in while heads are turned? We will see. [post 2 of 2]
1-17-2018 Newshound Guru Adam Montana I'm pretty sure we can all agree that we don't expect Iraq to give us a warning that they will raise the value of their currency. This is just something we expect to see happen, based on their progress with Government, Banking, Stability, and Political situations. Since we don't expect them to give us a "heads up", it should be easy to understand that a major change in the value of the IQD would happen when the world is distracted... like, by a bloodbath in one of the hottest topics on the planet right now? In case you live under a rock, I'll explain - the cryptosphere is currently in meltdown mode. "Huge losses", "Major crash", "The End Of It All"! That's what the media is screaming right now... and nobody is even paying attention to Iraq. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
1-17-2018 Intel Guru Bruce Iraq is still under blackout. They did have a rate change already. People that have the so called Qi cards from Iraq that are citizens were paid on these cards. These people are getting paid at a real in country revalued rate on their Qi cards. That just changed for them 7 to 8 spending power than they had. We understand late last night [Monday] what had happened globally was there was a system reboot on all banking systems around the world. They were getting resynced on two things. 1) A new satellite that was coordinating everything under the new banking system. 2) They were being connected to new rates as was going to happen last night from the Forex. We got evidence the Forex is up and changed with new rates. You and I can’t see them and professional traders can see them. ...we know we are in good shape to begin pretty soon. I have heard the John Q Public will start in about a week or so. As far as I am aware, things are still on track....it appears is we are exactly where we need to be time wise.
1-17-2018 Intel Guru RayRen98 We do have one source saying “this is it for this week”, and of course we are halfway through the week. Another source said that the rate was now at .25… but that was only at the CBI. At an airport somewhere in the Middle East, we tried to get people to confirm that, and then we got reports of that rate in the US, or rather what it amounts to here, which is $4. That was fluctuating, and not live, but it’s still a good indicator. If the rate is .25, that is $4 for us. The US Treasury and banking sources are all saying “any time now”, and both are saying $3.71 is the rate. Keep in mind that Forex will show a market rate, not the official international rate...We did hear that it was live for 20 minutes in the UK over the weekend. We also heard that the CBI sent a message to the BIS that the issues had been resolved around payments to Kurdistan. If the BIS and IMF are happy with what the CBI is doing, then they will get the green light.
1-17-2018 Intel Guru AdminBill There is a very strong possibility that you will be very busy with appointments starting very soon. No dates or rates but be sure to stay informed and stay ready.
1-17-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "In accordance with Security Council Resolution 2390 on 8/12/2017, Iraq has fulfilled all obligations related to its withdrawal from Chapter VII of the UN Charter." ...we heard many articles already on getting “fully” out of Chapter VII, but this is not the sole purpose of this article. In this article I believe they wanted so list out yet more benefits for Iraq in getting “fully” out of Chapter VII and where they are heading with the banking system now and in the future. ...they are telling us they are modernizing the banking system to keep pace with the rest of the world, something that is needed if they will be integrated with the “global” economy. A full integration is when they finally roll out the re-instatement of the currency. I would say based on all the banking reforms implemented so far this is all just about done.
1-17-2018 Newshound Guru Adam Montana I'll remind you that Iraq has a major share of one of the WORLD's most valuable resources. They aren't heavy into technology, but they are advanced enough that major international banking can be turned on with the flip of a switch. Over the last year, we've seen key institutions and organizations mention that Iraq is welcome to join the big boys...if they want. We've waited for them to do so, and IMO the key to this all is still the HCL. Could this media-crypto-frenzy be a perfect time to slip some action in while heads are turned? We will see. [post 2 of 2]
1-17-2018 Newshound Guru Adam Montana I'm pretty sure we can all agree that we don't expect Iraq to give us a warning that they will raise the value of their currency. This is just something we expect to see happen, based on their progress with Government, Banking, Stability, and Political situations. Since we don't expect them to give us a "heads up", it should be easy to understand that a major change in the value of the IQD would happen when the world is distracted... like, by a bloodbath in one of the hottest topics on the planet right now? In case you live under a rock, I'll explain - the cryptosphere is currently in meltdown mode. "Huge losses", "Major crash", "The End Of It All"! That's what the media is screaming right now... and nobody is even paying attention to Iraq. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
1-17-2018 Intel Guru Bruce Iraq is still under blackout. They did have a rate change already. People that have the so called Qi cards from Iraq that are citizens were paid on these cards. These people are getting paid at a real in country revalued rate on their Qi cards. That just changed for them 7 to 8 spending power than they had. We understand late last night [Monday] what had happened globally was there was a system reboot on all banking systems around the world. They were getting resynced on two things. 1) A new satellite that was coordinating everything under the new banking system. 2) They were being connected to new rates as was going to happen last night from the Forex. We got evidence the Forex is up and changed with new rates. You and I can’t see them and professional traders can see them. ...we know we are in good shape to begin pretty soon. I have heard the John Q Public will start in about a week or so. As far as I am aware, things are still on track....it appears is we are exactly where we need to be time wise.
1-16-2018 Intel Guru Frank26 [Is the conference in Kuwait have any bearing on Timing?] NO...ALSO IMO... THEY BETTER BE DONE BEFORE THE KW CONFERENCE …OR RISK LOSING CONFIDENCE.
1-16-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Many are telling you that the new rate would show up on the CBI site on last Friday 1/12. I can assure you we will first see the it on FOREX rather than on the CBI site... At this point in time all I can tell everyone is to have patience. We are still within the month of January and over two weeks remain in January. I still fully expect it to come out in January but the clock is ticking.
1-16-2018 Intel/Newshound Guru sandyf [so you do not subscribe to the float theory?] Following the invasion of Kuwait there was no contact between the Saddam regime and the IMF so there was no recognized rate. It wasn't until around 1999 that the IMF recognised a rate of 1750, but how it got there is pure speculation. In Oct 2003 General Hugh Tant was responsible for the introduction of the new dinar ant that was done at a rate of 1955. ...and no to the float. Apart from it not doing anyone any favors, it is not something an emerging economy would do as they need a stable environment...
1-16-2018 Newshound Guru chattels Interesting historical information: Question: Mr. Tant, How does your office determine the correct rate of exchange for the new Iraqi currency, that for all intents and purposes, is virtually worthless in the world's markets? Hugh Tant III [Former Iraqi Currency Exchange Director]: The Central Bank of Iraq conducts a 'foreign exchange auction' process about 3 times per week to help ensure the new currency is stable. This process helps determine the exchange rate. At the moment, due to Iraqi exchange controls, the currency is not exchanged outside Iraq. This is likely to change in the future as Iraq continues to be welcomed back into the international financial community. As oil exports increase and more funds are invested in Iraqi goods and services from outside the country, it is expected that the new Iraqi Dinar will appreciate in value over the long-term.
1-16-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat But eventually the CBI must make its next move and act upon the process they wanted to go ahead with and then they will talk to us again more directly. They will do this in articles using the news media. Then we will have the solid proof we need and have been waiting for. However, this is only going to happen once the USA does it part in the agreement made just weeks ago to let the re-instatement occur. So far we wait for this next step by the USA. [post 2 of 2]
1-16-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Many people have different ways to bring the news. My approach is centered around the Central Bank. From this process with the CBI I am talking about is the “project to delete the zeros”. It is by this process and ONLY by this process that we will get close to any RV timeframe. I can tell you I know for the FACT that the official re-instatement of the Iraqi dinar has already happened on paper but I have no solid proof of it to give you, such as an article or something. I took a chance on telling you as I debated not to. I thought you should know. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
1-16-2018 Intel Guru Frank26 [Is the CBI satisfied there are adequate correspondent banking relationships to support the number of international transactions needed when the IQD is reinstated?] BY NOW I BELIEVE SO...IT WASN’T JUST THE CBI THAT ATTENDED THE CLASSES...MANY WERE THERE...SO I BELIEVE MANY BANKS LIKED WHAT THE CBI WAS DOING WITH THE UST AND IMF THAT THEY ARE ALREADY CORRESPONDING WITH AT AN INTERNATIONAL LEVEL NOW.
1-16-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Many are telling you that the new rate would show up on the CBI site on last Friday 1/12. I can assure you we will first see the it on FOREX rather than on the CBI site... At this point in time all I can tell everyone is to have patience. We are still within the month of January and over two weeks remain in January. I still fully expect it to come out in January but the clock is ticking.
1-16-2018 Intel/Newshound Guru sandyf [so you do not subscribe to the float theory?] Following the invasion of Kuwait there was no contact between the Saddam regime and the IMF so there was no recognized rate. It wasn't until around 1999 that the IMF recognised a rate of 1750, but how it got there is pure speculation. In Oct 2003 General Hugh Tant was responsible for the introduction of the new dinar ant that was done at a rate of 1955. ...and no to the float. Apart from it not doing anyone any favors, it is not something an emerging economy would do as they need a stable environment...
1-16-2018 Newshound Guru chattels Interesting historical information: Question: Mr. Tant, How does your office determine the correct rate of exchange for the new Iraqi currency, that for all intents and purposes, is virtually worthless in the world's markets? Hugh Tant III [Former Iraqi Currency Exchange Director]: The Central Bank of Iraq conducts a 'foreign exchange auction' process about 3 times per week to help ensure the new currency is stable. This process helps determine the exchange rate. At the moment, due to Iraqi exchange controls, the currency is not exchanged outside Iraq. This is likely to change in the future as Iraq continues to be welcomed back into the international financial community. As oil exports increase and more funds are invested in Iraqi goods and services from outside the country, it is expected that the new Iraqi Dinar will appreciate in value over the long-term.
1-16-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat But eventually the CBI must make its next move and act upon the process they wanted to go ahead with and then they will talk to us again more directly. They will do this in articles using the news media. Then we will have the solid proof we need and have been waiting for. However, this is only going to happen once the USA does it part in the agreement made just weeks ago to let the re-instatement occur. So far we wait for this next step by the USA. [post 2 of 2]
1-16-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Many people have different ways to bring the news. My approach is centered around the Central Bank. From this process with the CBI I am talking about is the “project to delete the zeros”. It is by this process and ONLY by this process that we will get close to any RV timeframe. I can tell you I know for the FACT that the official re-instatement of the Iraqi dinar has already happened on paper but I have no solid proof of it to give you, such as an article or something. I took a chance on telling you as I debated not to. I thought you should know. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
1-16-2018 Intel Guru Frank26 [Is the CBI satisfied there are adequate correspondent banking relationships to support the number of international transactions needed when the IQD is reinstated?] BY NOW I BELIEVE SO...IT WASN’T JUST THE CBI THAT ATTENDED THE CLASSES...MANY WERE THERE...SO I BELIEVE MANY BANKS LIKED WHAT THE CBI WAS DOING WITH THE UST AND IMF THAT THEY ARE ALREADY CORRESPONDING WITH AT AN INTERNATIONAL LEVEL NOW.
1-15-2018 Newshound Guru G-Lin Article: "Governor of the Central Bank: Iraq's financial situation continues to improve" ...I like this. "the bank's reserve remains at the level of adequacy and covers the local currency and more."
1-15-2018 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan ...it is not just in Iraq that is possible, Al-Rafidain is flat out telling us they can do it in Beirut, Amman and Abu Dhabi. They are internationally doing so. That suggests if they can turn on Baghdad and the Kurd's, then in Beirut, Amman and Abu Dhabi, they can probably pin point anyone they desire and anywhere. Digital is digital and with Block chain being in the loop, it is becoming easier to not only execute transactions, but, can be monitored with precision. Let that sink in with all it's implications. These two articles may not be the two we look for, but, boy are they full of Stars.. imo. [post 2 of 2]
1-15-2018 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Articles: "Haidar financial transactions between the banks of Baghdad and the Kurdistan region have returned to normal" "The MasterCard International has been issued at branches in Amman and Abu Dhabi for Iraqis living there to receive their financial dues,"..." ...the timing of the process is well underway to completion. Financial transactions between Baghdad and the Kurdistan region are back to normal. In other words are turned back on. Don't think for a moment "turned on" takes a lot of time to do so. It is instant now with the new Fintech in Iraq as noted by the CBIs capabilities. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
1-15-2018 Intel Guru Jester [...is there anything good, bad or indifferent you could tell us about the progress of the plan?] JUST THAT IT IS UNDERWAY... THEY ARE NOT GIVING ME THE DETAILS... [anything more from the Sandbox?] IF THERE WAS I WOULD TELL YOU... THINGS ARE COMING TOGETHER...BUT NOT QUITE THERE YET...
1-15-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 [IYO we were expecting the 72-78 to begin the countdown on the first day of the RV/MR…since events seem to be changing can you elaborate if this has begun already since we are in the RI or does it still begin with the CBI rate change?] NO I SAID ON THE FIRST DAY OF THE
1-15-2018 Newshound Guru mike Article: "Officially .. Morocco begins gradually float its currency this week" Quote: "The authorities have entered the final preparatory phase for the introduction of greater exchange rate flexibility in 2017" These are the types of articles we're looking for to come out of Iraq prior to a float. There are several parallels to what Iraq is trying to accomplish, Egypt and Morrocco are the latest. When we start seeing articles that talk about support for a transition as well the conditions are right for a move to a float, we'll know we're getting close. Morocco is already in Article VIII compliance, that's the first hurdle Iraq needs to get over before we'll see articles like the above. IMO.
1-15-2018 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan ...it is not just in Iraq that is possible, Al-Rafidain is flat out telling us they can do it in Beirut, Amman and Abu Dhabi. They are internationally doing so. That suggests if they can turn on Baghdad and the Kurd's, then in Beirut, Amman and Abu Dhabi, they can probably pin point anyone they desire and anywhere. Digital is digital and with Block chain being in the loop, it is becoming easier to not only execute transactions, but, can be monitored with precision. Let that sink in with all it's implications. These two articles may not be the two we look for, but, boy are they full of Stars.. imo. [post 2 of 2]
1-15-2018 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Articles: "Haidar financial transactions between the banks of Baghdad and the Kurdistan region have returned to normal" "The MasterCard International has been issued at branches in Amman and Abu Dhabi for Iraqis living there to receive their financial dues,"..." ...the timing of the process is well underway to completion. Financial transactions between Baghdad and the Kurdistan region are back to normal. In other words are turned back on. Don't think for a moment "turned on" takes a lot of time to do so. It is instant now with the new Fintech in Iraq as noted by the CBIs capabilities. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
1-15-2018 Intel Guru Jester [...is there anything good, bad or indifferent you could tell us about the progress of the plan?] JUST THAT IT IS UNDERWAY... THEY ARE NOT GIVING ME THE DETAILS... [anything more from the Sandbox?] IF THERE WAS I WOULD TELL YOU... THINGS ARE COMING TOGETHER...BUT NOT QUITE THERE YET...
1-15-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 [IYO we were expecting the 72-78 to begin the countdown on the first day of the RV/MR…since events seem to be changing can you elaborate if this has begun already since we are in the RI or does it still begin with the CBI rate change?] NO I SAID ON THE FIRST DAY OF THE
1-15-2018 Newshound Guru mike Article: "Officially .. Morocco begins gradually float its currency this week" Quote: "The authorities have entered the final preparatory phase for the introduction of greater exchange rate flexibility in 2017" These are the types of articles we're looking for to come out of Iraq prior to a float. There are several parallels to what Iraq is trying to accomplish, Egypt and Morrocco are the latest. When we start seeing articles that talk about support for a transition as well the conditions are right for a move to a float, we'll know we're getting close. Morocco is already in Article VIII compliance, that's the first hurdle Iraq needs to get over before we'll see articles like the above. IMO.
1-14-2018 Intel Guru Frank26 [What do you think is the trigger for the UST to release?] ...BE CAREFUL AS YOU READ THIS ANSWER FROM ME...IMO...THE TRIGGER HAS BEEN PULLED...IMO..IT JUST NEEDS TO BE OFFICIALLY ANNOUNCED... BY IRAQ...VIA THE UST.
1-14-2018 Newshound Guru mike Article: "Abadi: Iraq on the verge of building stage after the end of page terrorism" Abadi's whole strategy is based on the Kuwaiti conference and the handouts he's expecting from the world. I'm not booing or hissing, but I think his strategy is deeply flawed. I'm still waiting for Abadi to pass the long overdue related legislation for the open market economy, let alone the 2018 budget. I've been reading these fluffer articles from Iraq for years now, this sounds the same as when Maliki says he's going to use Iraq's constitution to resolve differences between the sects. Quit telling me how awesome it's going to be in Iraq and maybe pass the HCL or implement Article 140. Open up the country for investment... That's when you'll see me clapping.
1-14-2018 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: "Deputy: State financial administration caused the waste of Iraqi money" Quote: "...noting that "the oil sold for $76 and the amount of export three and a half million Barrel per day... " IOO WE EXPECTED BETWEEN 70 TO 100 AT START OF YEAR...IT’S GETTING THERE.
1-14-2018 Newshound Guru mike Article: "Abadi: Iraq on the verge of building stage after the end of page terrorism" Abadi's whole strategy is based on the Kuwaiti conference and the handouts he's expecting from the world. I'm not booing or hissing, but I think his strategy is deeply flawed. I'm still waiting for Abadi to pass the long overdue related legislation for the open market economy, let alone the 2018 budget. I've been reading these fluffer articles from Iraq for years now, this sounds the same as when Maliki says he's going to use Iraq's constitution to resolve differences between the sects. Quit telling me how awesome it's going to be in Iraq and maybe pass the HCL or implement Article 140. Open up the country for investment... That's when you'll see me clapping.
1-14-2018 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: "Deputy: State financial administration caused the waste of Iraqi money" Quote: "...noting that "the oil sold for $76 and the amount of export three and a half million Barrel per day... " IOO WE EXPECTED BETWEEN 70 TO 100 AT START OF YEAR...IT’S GETTING THERE.
1-13-2018 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77 Article: "Iraq calls on Europe to lift its air embargo" Quote: "Officials of the Ministry of Transport held a meeting with the Ambassador of the European Union Mission to Baghdad to discuss lifting the air embargo on Iraqi Airways." Watch as the green bird spreads its wings once again as well as shares the Mother Nest with other birds in the air...Who benefits...well Iraq of course...at a program rate IMO this effort would be fruitless...bring forth these behemoth birds and watch as Iraq rises to the air space once again into markets it has been kept from for a number of years...IMO...the Eagle has not only LANDED...but it once again will soon be SOARING...be READY...as it is LAUNCHED.
1-13-2018 Newshound Guru G-Lin Article: "Russia drops debts to three Arab countries worth $ 36 billion" Quotes: "Russia has decided to drop 21.5 billion dollars in sovereign debt to Iraq..." "Storchak noted that the $ 140 billion would be due to the re-calculation of current exchange rates and that the debts would result from the supply of weapons and defense equipment." My thinking was why even mention "current exchange rate" unless you intend to see a change in rate?
1-13-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "WASHINGTON ENCOURAGES BAGHDAD TO PAY THE SALARIES OF EMPLOYEES OF THE KURDISTAN REGION" this is important because the recent SBA with the IMF clearly states that Iraq must be able to pay all its debts both foreign and domestic. We suspect the SBA reforms is leading towards currency reform.
1-13-2018 Newshound Guru G-Lin Article: "Russia drops debts to three Arab countries worth $ 36 billion" Quotes: "Russia has decided to drop 21.5 billion dollars in sovereign debt to Iraq..." "Storchak noted that the $ 140 billion would be due to the re-calculation of current exchange rates and that the debts would result from the supply of weapons and defense equipment." My thinking was why even mention "current exchange rate" unless you intend to see a change in rate?
1-13-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "WASHINGTON ENCOURAGES BAGHDAD TO PAY THE SALARIES OF EMPLOYEES OF THE KURDISTAN REGION" this is important because the recent SBA with the IMF clearly states that Iraq must be able to pay all its debts both foreign and domestic. We suspect the SBA reforms is leading towards currency reform.
1-12-2018 Intel Guru RayRen98 ...there was information about the currencies going live on Forex yesterday; they have not gone live yet, on Friday. Our schedule still indicates the 15th or 16th that we should be looking to see the currencies on Forex, and that some of us should be exchanging prior to that. Right now could something pop out in the next 30 minutes? Sure... based on the things they've been telling us. The wheel is turning. Definitely a fire in the oven I believe. For all intents and purposes we are almost there. All the things we wanted to see done over there are done. We are in the final stretches still. We just have to wait and let it come on through.
1-12-2018 Newshound Guru G-Lin Article: "Mehdi Alaq discusses with the heads of business councils and economic unions the investment climate" Quote: "Discussed by the Secretary-General of the Council of Ministers d. Mahdi Al-Alak, the main recommendations to ensure an appropriate climate for investment, with a number of heads of councils, financial and economic unions and Iraqi businessmen and investors." This is big deal. This first quarter is shaping up.
1-12-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat It should be obvious to everyone that something is holding up the final stages of the re-instatement of the Iraqi dinar. I know for a FACT that agreements have been made and as far as Iraq is concerned they await the US to process the revaluation. So, we too wait.
1-12-2018 Newshound Guru Don961 Article: "Amendments to the new Central Bank Law" ...already passed and in the Official Gazette...or as our basketball announcer says..."This one is in the bank and drawing interest !!"... (wink)
1-12-2018 Intel Guru Bruce Iraq is basically under way. They have done everything we know of except having their rate posted for their Iraqi dinar on their CBI website. My understanding...is they intend to show that rate tomorrow [Friday]. Iraq is still under major information black out in or out of Iraq. The only way we know anything is by calling our direct contacts who have family in Iraq and we get a little bit by phone. For example we know some of the contacts that we have are Iraqi citizens that have dual citizenship and live in the United States were told they will be getting a major raise in their accounts through Rafidain Bank between today and January 13th. That is a good indicator when they are told they will have an increase to their pay due to retirement, or increase their profit sharing from their oil revenues. All those raises reflect due to a rate change as well. Things are moving it appears from east to west. We had a black out of information out of Iraq and also true in communication normally made by the large international banks. Their communications had a cease and desist order. That is a good sign that things are really happening.
1-12-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat This system has been tested and retested. We witnessed all this in mid to late 2012 and many got all excited when rates of $42 were showing up at the banks back then. Later we learned this was just the testing being conducted. Rates have come and gone at the banks as the sending them down to the banks in a timely manner is a major part of the new “secured” process. This is why we keep seeing rates changing over and over again at the banks. These rates mean nothing as to the final rates will come down just prior to the final launch. These rates have been giving us a general idea on the value expected. So, this is where we stand with this re-instatement and I can assure you the CBI will not take any further action over in Iraq until they have an assurance this process in USA is completed or near a certain stage. They have been caught with their “pants down” and embarrassed on many of the other attempts that were abruptly halted and so they are not going down this road again. [post 2 of 2]
1-12-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat ...let me first make sure everyone is clear on what I said about the re-instatement of the Iraqi dinar. I said that it did happen - meaning that a conference was held between all important decision-making parties. It was then agreed to pursue the final stages of the re-instatement of the currency. Paperwork was signed and hands shaken, etc. So now it is up to the US Treasury Dept to fulfill its role in this effort. They have a contract with the IMF to rollout a new software process that will send “secured” data files downstream to the exchanges and other places they need to go to overlay a set of existing currency rates with new rates. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
1-12-2018 Newshound Guru G-Lin Article: "Mehdi Alaq discusses with the heads of business councils and economic unions the investment climate" Quote: "Discussed by the Secretary-General of the Council of Ministers d. Mahdi Al-Alak, the main recommendations to ensure an appropriate climate for investment, with a number of heads of councils, financial and economic unions and Iraqi businessmen and investors." This is big deal. This first quarter is shaping up.
1-12-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat It should be obvious to everyone that something is holding up the final stages of the re-instatement of the Iraqi dinar. I know for a FACT that agreements have been made and as far as Iraq is concerned they await the US to process the revaluation. So, we too wait.
1-12-2018 Newshound Guru Don961 Article: "Amendments to the new Central Bank Law" ...already passed and in the Official Gazette...or as our basketball announcer says..."This one is in the bank and drawing interest !!"... (wink)
1-12-2018 Intel Guru Bruce Iraq is basically under way. They have done everything we know of except having their rate posted for their Iraqi dinar on their CBI website. My understanding...is they intend to show that rate tomorrow [Friday]. Iraq is still under major information black out in or out of Iraq. The only way we know anything is by calling our direct contacts who have family in Iraq and we get a little bit by phone. For example we know some of the contacts that we have are Iraqi citizens that have dual citizenship and live in the United States were told they will be getting a major raise in their accounts through Rafidain Bank between today and January 13th. That is a good indicator when they are told they will have an increase to their pay due to retirement, or increase their profit sharing from their oil revenues. All those raises reflect due to a rate change as well. Things are moving it appears from east to west. We had a black out of information out of Iraq and also true in communication normally made by the large international banks. Their communications had a cease and desist order. That is a good sign that things are really happening.
1-12-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat This system has been tested and retested. We witnessed all this in mid to late 2012 and many got all excited when rates of $42 were showing up at the banks back then. Later we learned this was just the testing being conducted. Rates have come and gone at the banks as the sending them down to the banks in a timely manner is a major part of the new “secured” process. This is why we keep seeing rates changing over and over again at the banks. These rates mean nothing as to the final rates will come down just prior to the final launch. These rates have been giving us a general idea on the value expected. So, this is where we stand with this re-instatement and I can assure you the CBI will not take any further action over in Iraq until they have an assurance this process in USA is completed or near a certain stage. They have been caught with their “pants down” and embarrassed on many of the other attempts that were abruptly halted and so they are not going down this road again. [post 2 of 2]
1-12-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat ...let me first make sure everyone is clear on what I said about the re-instatement of the Iraqi dinar. I said that it did happen - meaning that a conference was held between all important decision-making parties. It was then agreed to pursue the final stages of the re-instatement of the currency. Paperwork was signed and hands shaken, etc. So now it is up to the US Treasury Dept to fulfill its role in this effort. They have a contract with the IMF to rollout a new software process that will send “secured” data files downstream to the exchanges and other places they need to go to overlay a set of existing currency rates with new rates. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
[reference Guru RayRen98 1-10-2018]
1-11-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Article: "Abadi Gives Corrupt Individuals Two Options: Return Money or Face Prison" A quick look back to November of 2017 for those saying Abadi is as corrupt as all the rest and will do nothing about Maliki. I do not believe this to be the case.
1-11-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "PRESENTATION OF THE DRAFT BUDGET BILL FOR 2018 IN PARLIAMENT THIS WEEK" ...I do not believe this budget has much impact on the RV since the last couple years the budget was out of the DFI process already and the DFI fund is closed out, as we recently heard. However, this is the VERY FIRST budget for Iraq since being taken “fully” out of Chapter VII sanctions.
1-11-2018 Newshound Guru Don961 Article quote: "Nymex crude futures for February delivery rose 0.7 percent to $ 64.03 a barrel by 10:51 am GMT." Oil is rebounding and the Nymex is above $ 64 for the first time since 2014
11 January 2018 02:13 PM.
1-11-2018 Newshound Guru G-Lin Article: "Iraq and Saudi Arabia discuss the formation of a joint economic coordination council" Quote: "the ministry's approach to opening up to the private sector for the purpose of concluding partnership agreements under the Companies Law, which allowed government companies to contract with Arab and foreign companies..." The Companies Law was very important. It helps open Iraq up to foreign investors. And I love this statement: "Iraq's possession of minerals. The largest in the region".
1-11-2018 Newshound Guru mike I've been in this since 2011, the glory days of the dinar. ...I've sure learned a lot about ME politics since then...I'm convicted by the evidence on what Iraq needs to move forward economically and the pumper articles don't move the needle anymore...we'll all know when we're "close," it's when the street rate has held at 2% or less for 90 days and the exchange restrictions are removed.
1-11-2018 Newshound Guru Adam Montana [I am seeing that oil is up to 63 bucks...what do you think it will get to before they decides to pull the trigger?] I think the current price is just fine! More important is the HCL.
[reference Guru RayRen98 1-10-2018]
1-11-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Article: "Abadi Gives Corrupt Individuals Two Options: Return Money or Face Prison" A quick look back to November of 2017 for those saying Abadi is as corrupt as all the rest and will do nothing about Maliki. I do not believe this to be the case.
1-11-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "PRESENTATION OF THE DRAFT BUDGET BILL FOR 2018 IN PARLIAMENT THIS WEEK" ...I do not believe this budget has much impact on the RV since the last couple years the budget was out of the DFI process already and the DFI fund is closed out, as we recently heard. However, this is the VERY FIRST budget for Iraq since being taken “fully” out of Chapter VII sanctions.
1-11-2018 Newshound Guru Don961 Article quote: "Nymex crude futures for February delivery rose 0.7 percent to $ 64.03 a barrel by 10:51 am GMT." Oil is rebounding and the Nymex is above $ 64 for the first time since 2014
11 January 2018 02:13 PM.
1-11-2018 Newshound Guru G-Lin Article: "Iraq and Saudi Arabia discuss the formation of a joint economic coordination council" Quote: "the ministry's approach to opening up to the private sector for the purpose of concluding partnership agreements under the Companies Law, which allowed government companies to contract with Arab and foreign companies..." The Companies Law was very important. It helps open Iraq up to foreign investors. And I love this statement: "Iraq's possession of minerals. The largest in the region".
1-11-2018 Newshound Guru mike I've been in this since 2011, the glory days of the dinar. ...I've sure learned a lot about ME politics since then...I'm convicted by the evidence on what Iraq needs to move forward economically and the pumper articles don't move the needle anymore...we'll all know when we're "close," it's when the street rate has held at 2% or less for 90 days and the exchange restrictions are removed.
1-11-2018 Newshound Guru Adam Montana [I am seeing that oil is up to 63 bucks...what do you think it will get to before they decides to pull the trigger?] I think the current price is just fine! More important is the HCL.
1-10-2018 Newshound Guru Adam Montana Every morning I wake up and think to myself, "Is anything different or concerning about Iraq today?" As of this writing, the answer is NOPE! In fact, there is some positive news about Iraq's banking industry being accepted and even praised for being top notch. This is imperative for Iraq to move forward with a supported raise in the value of their currency. Another thing I look for is the HCL. Are there any new reports? As of this morning, it's been 6 months or so since we saw MAJOR movement on the HCL. With that said, it's pretty easy to understand why we're seeing such a lull in "things that indicate an RV"... What IS an issue right now is this - WHEN will we see some HCL news? Where is the progress?! Here's something that's a bit encouraging: I'm guessing that once that issue is resolved [Kurdish relations], we will see the HCL back on the table, and that's when the dinar will see some urgency again.
1-10-2018 Intel Guru RayRen98 Everything looks basically the same as on Monday. We did have some banks that communicated to members that we are in a 24-hour window. That came out yesterday, so they are expecting to do something sometime today, or at least they expected that yesterday...At least the banks had a special meeting on Monday, all hush-hush, and members have told us that their banks say they are expecting memos and such. Everyone is in a state of high expectation. So far as we know, the plan is still in place for exchanges to begin before the Forex release around the 15th, give or take a day because of the MLK holiday...We are waiting for updates on the progress of that plan. We expect the dinar to go up, riding the wave on Forex, and are hearing that other currencies may well do the same.
1-10-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Article: "How to recognize the counterfeit Iraqi currency" Here are a few obvious points…1) I find it a little curious all this recent “float vs. no-float” talk in the marketplace lately. 2) Dated today, the CBI decides to put a “how to spot fake currency” memo…3) Did anyone happen to notice the last 3 notes? [referencing picture] I had to go back to my currency and dig out these notes to figure out what they were. That is a 1k, a 500 Dinar and a 250 Dinar note. WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD THE CBI BOTHER TELLING ANYONE HOW TO SPOT A FAKE 1K, 500 Dinar and 250 Dinar note?? The 1k is worth less than $1 right now… the 500 is about .50 and the 250 is not even worth a quarter!!
1-10-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat I still believe we are in an unprecedented position to see the results of the re-instatement of the Iraqi dinar very soon. Know one will know the exact date or time. No one will know the exact rate until it finally shows up at the banks (and is tradable AT THAT RATE). ...I have to tell you that the news could not get any better and you know I verify everything. I am told there is a target within the next couple weeks for the FOREX (and other international currency exchanges) to show the rate. I told everyone what I knew was that Iraq would do an internal re-instatement then wait until the US Treasury rolls out the revaluation and to the global exchanges. I do not want to get into a count down because no one really knows just exactly how long this delay period will be. I was told to expect 2-3 weeks. This will bring us to the end of January, which is within the window the CBI just told me days ago, is still the target.
1-10-2018 Intel Guru Bruce As far as the rate, I can tell you we have people that are trading the dinar on preloads or futures. The last rates I heard yesterday during that situation of trading were approaching $6. That is a good sign as to where the dinar might roughly may come out initially. We think it might come out and go up, but we don’t know how far. Remember what Dr Shabi said from Iraq in December 2012 about Iraqi dinar being able support a rate of $16? Don’t know if that will be initially, but I can tell you they are very proud and happy. [post 3 of 3]
1-10-2018 Intel Guru Bruce What is interesting is this. 1) The fact they were there to resign new agreements and put new business deals together in Iraq based on a new rate. 2) The fact there is a total internet blackout worldwide from Iraq right now. 3) Tomorrow is supposed to be a major day of celebration in Iraq, a day of reconciliation, a freedom day. I don’t remember exactly what they are calling, but they have some of those words in it. That is something that we understand maybe the opportunity to actually finally put out their new rate or to make it internationally publicly known. Since that has not been the case, and that is why the internet in Iraq is completely blackened out because they are getting ready to do that. [post 2 of 3....stay tuned]
1-10-2018 Intel Guru Bruce It is interesting because we are getting a lot of good things pointing to the timing being now, meaning this week for us. Remember awhile back I had said we had 112 companies represented with 89 different countries in Iraq and they were doing business signing up and getting ready to get started? That has been a month or so. Guess what? They are back. They started coming in droves Saturday and Sunday into Iraq to sort of re-ink new agreements with Iraq’s new value rate on their dinar. [post 1 of 3....stay tuned]
1-10-2018 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan We all know by now they have introduced new ATMs in the country. They are going to need a medium of exchange of course, however, as here in the USA we use more and more debt cards than cash, no different for Iraq into the future and keep in mind this Marshal Plan they are going through is going to be in technical terms far more advanced in Finance than back in Germany and Japan. They have now have access to the best banking features in the world! Let us not forget that there is a mind by the CBI to use 50k and 100K notes in the future. Realize they are 3 Zero notes, however, they are not necessarily for the overall public. The public may want some if they can afford them, but, large transactions will be there utility. E-Dinar will be used for personal and commercial transactions. Very powerful information over the last 24 hours, imo!! [post 2 of 2]
1-10-2018 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Articles “Know Your Currency” The article showing security features of their currency at this time frame is if not one of the two articles we seek, it sure is a contender for one of them, imo.! For the 250, 500 and 1,000 note to be openly used by the CBI noted in the article for security features, is for a good reason that we all should see right out the gate...There is no reason to worry about those notes with present 1184 program rate, now add the international calculation into the mix and you have a very valid reason to make people aware for what they have and own... And if one is a veteran in this investment, one better have had that on ones mind a long time ago! imo. It clearly is now (imo) a signal to every one that may own or will be using the new notes we expect in the near (Let's hope immediate future.) future to be part of the quiver of currencies coming soon not to discard. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
1-10-2018 Intel Guru RayRen98 Everything looks basically the same as on Monday. We did have some banks that communicated to members that we are in a 24-hour window. That came out yesterday, so they are expecting to do something sometime today, or at least they expected that yesterday...At least the banks had a special meeting on Monday, all hush-hush, and members have told us that their banks say they are expecting memos and such. Everyone is in a state of high expectation. So far as we know, the plan is still in place for exchanges to begin before the Forex release around the 15th, give or take a day because of the MLK holiday...We are waiting for updates on the progress of that plan. We expect the dinar to go up, riding the wave on Forex, and are hearing that other currencies may well do the same.
1-10-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Article: "How to recognize the counterfeit Iraqi currency" Here are a few obvious points…1) I find it a little curious all this recent “float vs. no-float” talk in the marketplace lately. 2) Dated today, the CBI decides to put a “how to spot fake currency” memo…3) Did anyone happen to notice the last 3 notes? [referencing picture] I had to go back to my currency and dig out these notes to figure out what they were. That is a 1k, a 500 Dinar and a 250 Dinar note. WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD THE CBI BOTHER TELLING ANYONE HOW TO SPOT A FAKE 1K, 500 Dinar and 250 Dinar note?? The 1k is worth less than $1 right now… the 500 is about .50 and the 250 is not even worth a quarter!!
1-10-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat I still believe we are in an unprecedented position to see the results of the re-instatement of the Iraqi dinar very soon. Know one will know the exact date or time. No one will know the exact rate until it finally shows up at the banks (and is tradable AT THAT RATE). ...I have to tell you that the news could not get any better and you know I verify everything. I am told there is a target within the next couple weeks for the FOREX (and other international currency exchanges) to show the rate. I told everyone what I knew was that Iraq would do an internal re-instatement then wait until the US Treasury rolls out the revaluation and to the global exchanges. I do not want to get into a count down because no one really knows just exactly how long this delay period will be. I was told to expect 2-3 weeks. This will bring us to the end of January, which is within the window the CBI just told me days ago, is still the target.
1-10-2018 Intel Guru Bruce As far as the rate, I can tell you we have people that are trading the dinar on preloads or futures. The last rates I heard yesterday during that situation of trading were approaching $6. That is a good sign as to where the dinar might roughly may come out initially. We think it might come out and go up, but we don’t know how far. Remember what Dr Shabi said from Iraq in December 2012 about Iraqi dinar being able support a rate of $16? Don’t know if that will be initially, but I can tell you they are very proud and happy. [post 3 of 3]
1-10-2018 Intel Guru Bruce What is interesting is this. 1) The fact they were there to resign new agreements and put new business deals together in Iraq based on a new rate. 2) The fact there is a total internet blackout worldwide from Iraq right now. 3) Tomorrow is supposed to be a major day of celebration in Iraq, a day of reconciliation, a freedom day. I don’t remember exactly what they are calling, but they have some of those words in it. That is something that we understand maybe the opportunity to actually finally put out their new rate or to make it internationally publicly known. Since that has not been the case, and that is why the internet in Iraq is completely blackened out because they are getting ready to do that. [post 2 of 3....stay tuned]
1-10-2018 Intel Guru Bruce It is interesting because we are getting a lot of good things pointing to the timing being now, meaning this week for us. Remember awhile back I had said we had 112 companies represented with 89 different countries in Iraq and they were doing business signing up and getting ready to get started? That has been a month or so. Guess what? They are back. They started coming in droves Saturday and Sunday into Iraq to sort of re-ink new agreements with Iraq’s new value rate on their dinar. [post 1 of 3....stay tuned]
1-10-2018 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan We all know by now they have introduced new ATMs in the country. They are going to need a medium of exchange of course, however, as here in the USA we use more and more debt cards than cash, no different for Iraq into the future and keep in mind this Marshal Plan they are going through is going to be in technical terms far more advanced in Finance than back in Germany and Japan. They have now have access to the best banking features in the world! Let us not forget that there is a mind by the CBI to use 50k and 100K notes in the future. Realize they are 3 Zero notes, however, they are not necessarily for the overall public. The public may want some if they can afford them, but, large transactions will be there utility. E-Dinar will be used for personal and commercial transactions. Very powerful information over the last 24 hours, imo!! [post 2 of 2]
1-10-2018 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Articles “Know Your Currency” The article showing security features of their currency at this time frame is if not one of the two articles we seek, it sure is a contender for one of them, imo.! For the 250, 500 and 1,000 note to be openly used by the CBI noted in the article for security features, is for a good reason that we all should see right out the gate...There is no reason to worry about those notes with present 1184 program rate, now add the international calculation into the mix and you have a very valid reason to make people aware for what they have and own... And if one is a veteran in this investment, one better have had that on ones mind a long time ago! imo. It clearly is now (imo) a signal to every one that may own or will be using the new notes we expect in the near (Let's hope immediate future.) future to be part of the quiver of currencies coming soon not to discard. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
1-9-2018 Intel Guru Frank26 WANNA KNOW A SECRET? I GO TO READ AN ARTICLE THAT EXPLAINS ABOUT OOO'S CURRENCY COUNTERFEITING BECAUSE THEY WILL BE IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE NEW LD'S /CC'S FOR ABOUT 2 YEARS POST RI. [You said that it is possible...that we may 'not' see them, because the 'rate', possibly could come out first. I took that information to mean that we---'are that close' to this being over. Hope I got this right sir.] YES...FOR WHEN I PUT MY FAITH IN SOMETHING IT IS BECAUSE IT HAS BEEN WELL...STUDIED. IMO WE R AS CLOSE AS HEAT IS TO A FLAME.
1-9-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Articles: "Know your money," the central bank publishes security tags Iraqi currency" "How to recognize the Iraqi currency counterfeit?" "The central bank reveals security signs Iraqi currency to curb forgery" This is interesting...why now? In all the years I have been watching this I have only seen the CBI talk about note security maybe 2-3 times. In another article, we see the CBI talk about the "next period" going all electronic transactions, yet today they are telling citizens to make sure you are not using counterfeit currency. IMO, since this is all over the local media, it appears to be something almost from the World Bank (like the delete zeros articles were back in 2012) to inform as many as possible. Almost in anticipation of something. Maybe the CBI plans to activate the banking system (deposit insurance,etc) in the next few weeks luring citizens to bring their dinar into the banks. We just have to let it play out and see what happens.
1-9-2018 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke How Many More DAYS, can Iraq continue to go forward, with citizens INSIDE & OUTSIDE the country, quietly using cards, with an Increased Rate on them?
1-9-2018 Guest Intel Guru Sergio Here is a brief update. The word on the street in Iraq is, things are starting to break lose. Ma and papa stores are springing to life, with more and more startups. People are starting to put their money in the bank. It’s still ruff, but peeps are excited about the prospect of making a business. Oh a bit more, there are those small construction Iraqi owned who are bidding on contracts to do rebuilding...they are trying to get their foot in the door so to speak. Getting people working is a key to our investment... One of the keys. No word on the value of the Dinar going up but, people are using the Dinar more then the dollars in Baghdad.
1-9-2018 Intel Guru RayRen98 [It was an International entity that turned off Iraq's rate years ago and restricted it's currency. With all of the required sanctions removed and Iraq having completed all requirements; is it plausible the roll out has to come from that same international entity and Iraq is waiting like we are?] Iraq is in fact waiting like we are, but they have done their portion of this – they have reinstated the dinar as a sovereign nation. The US Treasury has released this, and the banks are getting all excited. Iraq is ready for this to be over yesterday. They are investing their money in infrastructure. Remember, they want everyone to be paid by the 12th, and they set that date for a reason.
1-9-2018 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: "Central: We aim to complete all financial transactions electronically" this is a very powerful... They start talking about sustainable development by using electronic payment systems. They are to be used by both Public and Private entities through Iraq's Banking System as a whole. They are telling us they have a system that is avoid of complexity issues, which appears to be the diminishing use of cash in Public and Private transactions and apparently large transactions to boot. They also LAUNCH or have launched the system to pay salaries...Which takes away the demand and or need for the use of cash, as much. The system is to be or is now from here on out to be more transparent and secure with out manipulation. A very good thing that fits Abadi's agenda! imo They go so far as to tell us they are able to do the aforementioned, all over the country now. They are also or the central bank is the guarantor of salaries! All huge indicators developing, if not already developed and being LAUNCHED... imo
1-9-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Articles: "Know your money," the central bank publishes security tags Iraqi currency" "How to recognize the Iraqi currency counterfeit?" "The central bank reveals security signs Iraqi currency to curb forgery" This is interesting...why now? In all the years I have been watching this I have only seen the CBI talk about note security maybe 2-3 times. In another article, we see the CBI talk about the "next period" going all electronic transactions, yet today they are telling citizens to make sure you are not using counterfeit currency. IMO, since this is all over the local media, it appears to be something almost from the World Bank (like the delete zeros articles were back in 2012) to inform as many as possible. Almost in anticipation of something. Maybe the CBI plans to activate the banking system (deposit insurance,etc) in the next few weeks luring citizens to bring their dinar into the banks. We just have to let it play out and see what happens.
1-9-2018 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke How Many More DAYS, can Iraq continue to go forward, with citizens INSIDE & OUTSIDE the country, quietly using cards, with an Increased Rate on them?
1-9-2018 Guest Intel Guru Sergio Here is a brief update. The word on the street in Iraq is, things are starting to break lose. Ma and papa stores are springing to life, with more and more startups. People are starting to put their money in the bank. It’s still ruff, but peeps are excited about the prospect of making a business. Oh a bit more, there are those small construction Iraqi owned who are bidding on contracts to do rebuilding...they are trying to get their foot in the door so to speak. Getting people working is a key to our investment... One of the keys. No word on the value of the Dinar going up but, people are using the Dinar more then the dollars in Baghdad.
1-9-2018 Intel Guru RayRen98 [It was an International entity that turned off Iraq's rate years ago and restricted it's currency. With all of the required sanctions removed and Iraq having completed all requirements; is it plausible the roll out has to come from that same international entity and Iraq is waiting like we are?] Iraq is in fact waiting like we are, but they have done their portion of this – they have reinstated the dinar as a sovereign nation. The US Treasury has released this, and the banks are getting all excited. Iraq is ready for this to be over yesterday. They are investing their money in infrastructure. Remember, they want everyone to be paid by the 12th, and they set that date for a reason.
1-9-2018 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: "Central: We aim to complete all financial transactions electronically" this is a very powerful... They start talking about sustainable development by using electronic payment systems. They are to be used by both Public and Private entities through Iraq's Banking System as a whole. They are telling us they have a system that is avoid of complexity issues, which appears to be the diminishing use of cash in Public and Private transactions and apparently large transactions to boot. They also LAUNCH or have launched the system to pay salaries...Which takes away the demand and or need for the use of cash, as much. The system is to be or is now from here on out to be more transparent and secure with out manipulation. A very good thing that fits Abadi's agenda! imo They go so far as to tell us they are able to do the aforementioned, all over the country now. They are also or the central bank is the guarantor of salaries! All huge indicators developing, if not already developed and being LAUNCHED... imo
1-8-2018 Newshound Guru G-Lin Article: "The President of the Republic, Fuad Masoum, on Thursday, the law of the second amendment to the law of the Central Bank of Iraq." [...if the CBI law is ratified does that mean it is law or does it have to be posted in the gazette for some time...?] It is now in the Gazette and is law. Quote: "The law was sent for publication in the Official Gazette," the statement said."
1-8-2018 Intel Guru RayRen98 According to the plan we were told, we are looking for something this week, and then it will come out on Forex on the 15th. That’s the plan – whether it happens that way is another question. Nobody knows exactly when it’s coming out. We do have windows from our bank people, but nobody knows for sure.
1-8-2018 Intel Guru Jester [Was nice to hear the cards are being used in Iraq. One more check mark in the column of things we're looking for, right? Would be interesting to find out what rate they are paying out at. Any idea?] KEEP IN MIND...WE DO NOT KNOW WHAT KIND OF CARDS THEY ARE OR IF THEY MEAN ANYTHING...ALL I CAN TELL YOU IS THEY ARE USING THEM...
1-8-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Businessmen, money, traders, industrialists and bankers calling for new criteria for the classification of banks in Iraq" Deposit insurance and currency reform are a must. Nobody is coming to invest until the CBI does these.
1-8-2017 Newshound Guru mike Article: "Saleh proposes to establish a fund to invest in Iraq" Instead of an investment fund why not just pass the HCL and let the citizens share in the oil wealth like Kuwati, Qatar and the UAE? The problem with this solution from Salih is: "while noting that Iraq has an opportunity through comprehensive solutions to put things right," The GOI can't fix this, their hubris is holding up progress. Establish the framework, empower the open market economy and get out of the way, that's the best thing Iraq's leaders can do right now. IMO.
1-8-2018 Intel Guru RayRen98 According to the plan we were told, we are looking for something this week, and then it will come out on Forex on the 15th. That’s the plan – whether it happens that way is another question. Nobody knows exactly when it’s coming out. We do have windows from our bank people, but nobody knows for sure.
1-8-2018 Intel Guru Jester [Was nice to hear the cards are being used in Iraq. One more check mark in the column of things we're looking for, right? Would be interesting to find out what rate they are paying out at. Any idea?] KEEP IN MIND...WE DO NOT KNOW WHAT KIND OF CARDS THEY ARE OR IF THEY MEAN ANYTHING...ALL I CAN TELL YOU IS THEY ARE USING THEM...
1-8-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Businessmen, money, traders, industrialists and bankers calling for new criteria for the classification of banks in Iraq" Deposit insurance and currency reform are a must. Nobody is coming to invest until the CBI does these.
1-8-2017 Newshound Guru mike Article: "Saleh proposes to establish a fund to invest in Iraq" Instead of an investment fund why not just pass the HCL and let the citizens share in the oil wealth like Kuwati, Qatar and the UAE? The problem with this solution from Salih is: "while noting that Iraq has an opportunity through comprehensive solutions to put things right," The GOI can't fix this, their hubris is holding up progress. Establish the framework, empower the open market economy and get out of the way, that's the best thing Iraq's leaders can do right now. IMO.
1-7-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "UN support .. Abadi is preparing to launch a comprehensive project for "reconciliation and Zeroing" Makes you wonder what it all entails..."the project in its final form must be completed within a short period,"...
1-7-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Some say the IQD is already back on the global exchanges, as the banks are willing to sell or buy the currency at the program rate. This is not correct. First, the IQD is NOT back on the global exchanges... Second, this means simply the banks are just selling and buying the currency. Other internet currency brokers too are still selling and buying IQD, so does this make it international again? What is the difference with the current sales of IQD with the brokers vs the banks? This is my point exactly! There is no difference! International is global, get it? ...it only means that the banks have a desire to trade the currency since, even with the very low program rate, it is still a legitimate, legal currency within Iraq and does have some value – and most importantly – there is demand and they can make money off a spread.
1-7-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Iraqi and US banks will meet in Washington" Love this..."the Iraqi financial sector needs to activate its development role is commensurate with the capabilities of the country 's economic that require banking services capable of dealing with large numbers" It continues to amaze me when someone posts "no float". Do you really think the CBI could RV the currency with 34+ trillion sitting in Iraqi homes? It is simply not possible. As stated in the IMF Article IV from 2012, I believe once the dinar is stable (within 2% spread) the IMF will give the green light to move to Article VIII and let the CBI move to a more flexible exchange rate (float). We need to wait this out, which could be several months. The good news is that until currency reform begins, there is no private investment.
1-7-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Some say the IQD is already back on the global exchanges, as the banks are willing to sell or buy the currency at the program rate. This is not correct. First, the IQD is NOT back on the global exchanges... Second, this means simply the banks are just selling and buying the currency. Other internet currency brokers too are still selling and buying IQD, so does this make it international again? What is the difference with the current sales of IQD with the brokers vs the banks? This is my point exactly! There is no difference! International is global, get it? ...it only means that the banks have a desire to trade the currency since, even with the very low program rate, it is still a legitimate, legal currency within Iraq and does have some value – and most importantly – there is demand and they can make money off a spread.
1-7-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Iraqi and US banks will meet in Washington" Love this..."the Iraqi financial sector needs to activate its development role is commensurate with the capabilities of the country 's economic that require banking services capable of dealing with large numbers" It continues to amaze me when someone posts "no float". Do you really think the CBI could RV the currency with 34+ trillion sitting in Iraqi homes? It is simply not possible. As stated in the IMF Article IV from 2012, I believe once the dinar is stable (within 2% spread) the IMF will give the green light to move to Article VIII and let the CBI move to a more flexible exchange rate (float). We need to wait this out, which could be several months. The good news is that until currency reform begins, there is no private investment.
1-6-2018 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan ...We have learned the new currency that will work in the ATMs will be of the lower denomination classes, all the while banks and their employees are now educated on the matter as of the present time…We now also understand there is a new Holiday that will go down on the 10th of January in perpetuity for all of Iraq…That is UNITY and UNITY is coming in the short period…wink…Zeroing is in my opinion the Delete the Zero project, Zeroing out from 20i7 into 2018… [Post 2 of 2]
1-6-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Folks there is nothing else I to tell in this saga. I was initially told earlier in January for a timeline for the exchange rollouts. This is why I was using the 12 days of Christmas as my mantra. So now we see this is extended out up to the end of January. All we can do is relax, keep our fingers crossed and wait all goes well. [post 3 of 3]
1-6-2018 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: "With the support of the United Nations .. Abadi is preparing to launch a comprehensive project for "reconciliation and zeroing"…National Reconciliation is (imo) a last step to becoming UNITED politically and culturally…Along with that is the UNITY of a countries National Currency and one that has no restrictions, no multi currency practices associated with it without acknowledgement and approval from the IMF. (imo) The National Currency once National Reconciliation is full achieved "may become" fully International and with both the Kurdistan and Iraq Language on it. [Post 1 of 2]
1-6-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Question: Is the new re-instatement rate now being used by the government in payrolls? Answer: No, the Finance Ministry is still paying on the existing program rates and will not change over until the global community rolls it out. This is the event we are waiting for. Question: What is the plan to rollout the re-instatement rate to the global exchanges? Answer: Both the CBI and the Finance Ministry would like to see the foreign currency exchanges updated as soon as possible but we realize there are formal protocols that must be followed. Question: Can you give me a tentative timeline? Answer: We are told this could happen sometime in mid to the end of the month of January. Our accounting systems would best be served if we begin the new fiscal year with this news process. This is anyhow the plan. [post 2 of 3....stay tuned]
1-6-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat I had to make connection with my CBI contact in Iraq with a series of questions for them. Question: Is everything still on path to re-instate the IQD? Answer: The IQD is already re-instated. There are no security or political problems in Iraq that interfere. The signed paperwork has been forwarded and was approved by all needed entities. Question: Have you already launched the new currency notes? Answer: We decided to re-do the lower category notes in polymer. These have not yet arrived from the vender. Question: Are the ATMs dispersing the new lower category notes? Answer: Not yet, as I just said not all these notes are ready. Some machines were activated and programmed for the 3 zero notes in order to prevent a cash shortage in circulation. Due to the electronic banking efforts we have created a shortage of notes beyond our planned limits. The plan is and always has been to load the ATM with only the newer notes and use the machines to launch these notes. This is still the plan. [post 1 of 3....stay tuned]
1-6-2018 Newshound Guru chattels Article: "Maliki stresses the importance of ending the Kurdish delegation problems between Baghdad and Erbil under the Constitution" [reference Guru mike 1-6-2018 "...pay them the 17%, all of this is written in Iraq's constitution."] My reading/understanding is that the 17% figure is not stated in the Constitution. That figure was agreed upon by the Constitutional Committee in 2003 until a census was conducted. It is arguably, as Abadi says, a political agreement. I do not believe that the Kurds have actually ever received the 17% although it has been budgeted as such in previous years.
1-6-2018 Newshound Guru mike Article: "Maliki stresses the importance of ending the Kurdish delegation problems between Baghdad and Erbil under the Constitution" I'm wondering who's he's meeting with when he say "Kurdish delegagtion." Hero Talabani and their crew? I can't imagine Barzani or anyone from their group meeting with Maliki of all people. I just wish Maliki meant what he said. Then, he could finish the HCL, enact Article 140 and pay them the 17%, all of this is written in Iraq's constitution.
1-6-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Folks there is nothing else I to tell in this saga. I was initially told earlier in January for a timeline for the exchange rollouts. This is why I was using the 12 days of Christmas as my mantra. So now we see this is extended out up to the end of January. All we can do is relax, keep our fingers crossed and wait all goes well. [post 3 of 3]
1-6-2018 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: "With the support of the United Nations .. Abadi is preparing to launch a comprehensive project for "reconciliation and zeroing"…National Reconciliation is (imo) a last step to becoming UNITED politically and culturally…Along with that is the UNITY of a countries National Currency and one that has no restrictions, no multi currency practices associated with it without acknowledgement and approval from the IMF. (imo) The National Currency once National Reconciliation is full achieved "may become" fully International and with both the Kurdistan and Iraq Language on it. [Post 1 of 2]
1-6-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Question: Is the new re-instatement rate now being used by the government in payrolls? Answer: No, the Finance Ministry is still paying on the existing program rates and will not change over until the global community rolls it out. This is the event we are waiting for. Question: What is the plan to rollout the re-instatement rate to the global exchanges? Answer: Both the CBI and the Finance Ministry would like to see the foreign currency exchanges updated as soon as possible but we realize there are formal protocols that must be followed. Question: Can you give me a tentative timeline? Answer: We are told this could happen sometime in mid to the end of the month of January. Our accounting systems would best be served if we begin the new fiscal year with this news process. This is anyhow the plan. [post 2 of 3....stay tuned]
1-6-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat I had to make connection with my CBI contact in Iraq with a series of questions for them. Question: Is everything still on path to re-instate the IQD? Answer: The IQD is already re-instated. There are no security or political problems in Iraq that interfere. The signed paperwork has been forwarded and was approved by all needed entities. Question: Have you already launched the new currency notes? Answer: We decided to re-do the lower category notes in polymer. These have not yet arrived from the vender. Question: Are the ATMs dispersing the new lower category notes? Answer: Not yet, as I just said not all these notes are ready. Some machines were activated and programmed for the 3 zero notes in order to prevent a cash shortage in circulation. Due to the electronic banking efforts we have created a shortage of notes beyond our planned limits. The plan is and always has been to load the ATM with only the newer notes and use the machines to launch these notes. This is still the plan. [post 1 of 3....stay tuned]
1-6-2018 Newshound Guru chattels Article: "Maliki stresses the importance of ending the Kurdish delegation problems between Baghdad and Erbil under the Constitution" [reference Guru mike 1-6-2018 "...pay them the 17%, all of this is written in Iraq's constitution."] My reading/understanding is that the 17% figure is not stated in the Constitution. That figure was agreed upon by the Constitutional Committee in 2003 until a census was conducted. It is arguably, as Abadi says, a political agreement. I do not believe that the Kurds have actually ever received the 17% although it has been budgeted as such in previous years.
1-6-2018 Newshound Guru mike Article: "Maliki stresses the importance of ending the Kurdish delegation problems between Baghdad and Erbil under the Constitution" I'm wondering who's he's meeting with when he say "Kurdish delegagtion." Hero Talabani and their crew? I can't imagine Barzani or anyone from their group meeting with Maliki of all people. I just wish Maliki meant what he said. Then, he could finish the HCL, enact Article 140 and pay them the 17%, all of this is written in Iraq's constitution.
1-5-2018 Guest Guru Dahl68 As stated in a recent article by Adnan Abu Zeed, Iraq is once again controlling their own economy. If we look at the amendment to 31CFR 576, section 526.206 "Protection granted to the Development Fund for Iraq, Iraqi Petroleum and Petroleum Products, and the Central Bank of Iraq" has been completely removed. If we look at the transitions of the EO's over the years, we go from all transactions being prohibited, to allowing outside entities to invest in the IQD, to now having almost all sanctions completely removed. The only sanctions that remain in effect are those that apply to specifically named individuals and entities as identified by OFAC. IMO this is a line of bread crumbs from the UST, to the IMF, and ultimately to the FOREX. [Post 3 of 3]
1-5-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Integrity: Adjust red-handed staff organized fake bills estimated at one billion dinars in Salah al-Din" As I said in the past. a lot of the opposition to currency reform was the tribal areas where counterfeiting is everyday practice. To go after these areas is a start and will hopefully create a better climate for the CBI to proceed with reforms.
1-5-2018 Guest Guru Dahl68 ...It was interesting to me that no one had mentioned this yet since this includes the IQD. Under EO 13303, all of these financial instruments (including the IQD) and execution thereof, were regulated as "null and void." Under EO 13668, these prohibitions and protections were removed. IMO, the federal regulations associated with Iraq are now caught up and current. Considering the recent lifting of UN Sanctions, and also the UST's connection to the IMF, it looks like a green light to the IMF and CBI to proceed, understanding that the UST has significant influence over the IMF. [Post 2 of 3]
1-3-2018 Newshound Guru Adam Montana [... it's been 12-13 years and Iraq seems to be dragging their feet!] Regarding them "dragging their feet", I care not one iota how long they have been building up to this... all that matters is the direction it's going and the final destination.
1-5-2018 Guest Guru Dahl68 Yesterday, I contacted the United States Treasury (UST), Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), Assistant Director for Sanctions Compliance & Evaluation. Essentially, the OFAC office responded that the amendment simply codified and implemented Executive Order (EO) 13668, which was signed back on May 27, 2014. Transactions with Iraq are allowed; …There were, and are, a number of EO's that have been promulgated since the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in the 1990's. These include EO 13303, 13315, 13350, 13364, 13438, and 13368. All of these EO's are codified and implemented by the UST at 31 CFR Part 576, The Iraq Stabilization and Insurgency Sanctions Regulations. The last EO signed by President Obama (13368) in 2014 removed the prohibitions put in place by EO 13303. Specifically, and of interest IMO, is 31CFR 576.206(a)(3), which refers to, "Any accounts, assets, investments, or any other property of any kind owned by, belonging to, or held by the Central Bank of Iraq, or held, maintained, or otherwise controlled by any financial institution of any kind in the name of, on behalf of, or otherwise for the Central Bank of Iraq."
[Post 1 of 3]
1-5-2018 Intel Guru Bruce We had information that was indicating we were pretty much there and ready to start yesterday [Wednesday]. I think there are several fractions that are involved in this. Subsequently, the timing for this is looking good for early next week. I hate to be somebody to put this off. I try to look at things day by day. Things do change. Our Treasury has released Iraq for them to post their new dinar Iraqi rate tomorrow [Friday] evening our time in the United States. That would be Saturday early am in Iraq. They should have the new rate posted. They need that posted by then because we have 17 different nations with companies representing those countries coming to Iraq to sign off on their contracts at the new rate for the dinar. The CBI website everything should show early Saturday morning Iraqi time.
1-5-2018 Newshound Guru tman23 They can't pass the budget because it is in violation of the constitution........AND THEY CAN'T GET OUT OF THEIR OWN WAY......IMF TOLD THEM KURDS 17% OF THE BUDGET........YOU WAITING ON SOMEBODY IT IS ABADI !!!!!!!!!! He right now is the delay to progress ............ BUT so many will praise him as being the good guy LOL...STILL WAITING ON THE GOING AFTER THE CORRUPT........BLA BLA BLAH .......ONLY IF THEY ARE NOT SHIITE....... Abadi is the problem !!
1-5-2018 Newshound Guru Breitling There is an article out there from one of the gurus talking about how the US Treasury in conjunction with Iraq and the reason there is a delay in the revaluation is because the UST is working with the CBI so they can put the Iraqi dinar on the FOREX. No. Unfortunately the UST has nothing to do with the FOREX and neither does the CBI. The FOREX is not regulated by the United States of America…There are only 8 currencies traded on the FOREX…I guess they can post the value on the FOREX, but you can pull up the value anywhere. So it’s kind of ridiculous…it doesn’t fit. It just doesn’t work this way. The UST has noting to do with it what so ever. The UST doesn’t even control the value of the US dollar…so that doesn’t make any sense.
1-5-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Integrity: Adjust red-handed staff organized fake bills estimated at one billion dinars in Salah al-Din" As I said in the past. a lot of the opposition to currency reform was the tribal areas where counterfeiting is everyday practice. To go after these areas is a start and will hopefully create a better climate for the CBI to proceed with reforms.
1-5-2018 Guest Guru Dahl68 ...It was interesting to me that no one had mentioned this yet since this includes the IQD. Under EO 13303, all of these financial instruments (including the IQD) and execution thereof, were regulated as "null and void." Under EO 13668, these prohibitions and protections were removed. IMO, the federal regulations associated with Iraq are now caught up and current. Considering the recent lifting of UN Sanctions, and also the UST's connection to the IMF, it looks like a green light to the IMF and CBI to proceed, understanding that the UST has significant influence over the IMF. [Post 2 of 3]
1-3-2018 Newshound Guru Adam Montana [... it's been 12-13 years and Iraq seems to be dragging their feet!] Regarding them "dragging their feet", I care not one iota how long they have been building up to this... all that matters is the direction it's going and the final destination.
1-5-2018 Guest Guru Dahl68 Yesterday, I contacted the United States Treasury (UST), Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), Assistant Director for Sanctions Compliance & Evaluation. Essentially, the OFAC office responded that the amendment simply codified and implemented Executive Order (EO) 13668, which was signed back on May 27, 2014. Transactions with Iraq are allowed; …There were, and are, a number of EO's that have been promulgated since the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in the 1990's. These include EO 13303, 13315, 13350, 13364, 13438, and 13368. All of these EO's are codified and implemented by the UST at 31 CFR Part 576, The Iraq Stabilization and Insurgency Sanctions Regulations. The last EO signed by President Obama (13368) in 2014 removed the prohibitions put in place by EO 13303. Specifically, and of interest IMO, is 31CFR 576.206(a)(3), which refers to, "Any accounts, assets, investments, or any other property of any kind owned by, belonging to, or held by the Central Bank of Iraq, or held, maintained, or otherwise controlled by any financial institution of any kind in the name of, on behalf of, or otherwise for the Central Bank of Iraq."
[Post 1 of 3]
1-5-2018 Intel Guru Bruce We had information that was indicating we were pretty much there and ready to start yesterday [Wednesday]. I think there are several fractions that are involved in this. Subsequently, the timing for this is looking good for early next week. I hate to be somebody to put this off. I try to look at things day by day. Things do change. Our Treasury has released Iraq for them to post their new dinar Iraqi rate tomorrow [Friday] evening our time in the United States. That would be Saturday early am in Iraq. They should have the new rate posted. They need that posted by then because we have 17 different nations with companies representing those countries coming to Iraq to sign off on their contracts at the new rate for the dinar. The CBI website everything should show early Saturday morning Iraqi time.
1-5-2018 Newshound Guru tman23 They can't pass the budget because it is in violation of the constitution........AND THEY CAN'T GET OUT OF THEIR OWN WAY......IMF TOLD THEM KURDS 17% OF THE BUDGET........YOU WAITING ON SOMEBODY IT IS ABADI !!!!!!!!!! He right now is the delay to progress ............ BUT so many will praise him as being the good guy LOL...STILL WAITING ON THE GOING AFTER THE CORRUPT........BLA BLA BLAH .......ONLY IF THEY ARE NOT SHIITE....... Abadi is the problem !!
1-5-2018 Newshound Guru Breitling There is an article out there from one of the gurus talking about how the US Treasury in conjunction with Iraq and the reason there is a delay in the revaluation is because the UST is working with the CBI so they can put the Iraqi dinar on the FOREX. No. Unfortunately the UST has nothing to do with the FOREX and neither does the CBI. The FOREX is not regulated by the United States of America…There are only 8 currencies traded on the FOREX…I guess they can post the value on the FOREX, but you can pull up the value anywhere. So it’s kind of ridiculous…it doesn’t fit. It just doesn’t work this way. The UST has noting to do with it what so ever. The UST doesn’t even control the value of the US dollar…so that doesn’t make any sense.
1-4-2018 Guest Guru BobTheTaxMan I just spent a lot of time looking at the new 2018 tax law changes. Although I’m not actively doing tax returns anymore, the stuff inside this is amazing…I have never seen the perfect (perfect storm) tax situation for the dinar to come to fruition. There are so many advantages inside of this particularly for those who are looking to have a huge windfall coming off of this particular event…
1-4-2018 Newshound Guru Don961 Pattern: at least 5+ different articles today speaking against/or for canceling altogether the currency auctions ... pointing out how only certain political parties benefit, ...private banks use auctions for easy profits and abandon traditional loan activities, ... drains away more currency reserves than what comes in ... can't wait to hear what the IMF has to say in the upcoming meetings slated right around the corner ...imo.
1-4-2018 Newshound Guru Breitling Iraq wanted to revalue the dinar in 2017. But what came up? Trump. You saw what was going on in the middle east and the war completely changed the day day Trump was inagurated…The world didn’t really know what to look for…The information we got is that they [Iraq] are going to wait until the end of summer and reevaluate what’s going on. that’s the best information I got. That’s coming from Iraq. If Iraq doesn’t revalue their currency by the end of 2019 they are going to run out of money. Then they are in deep trouble. Then the IMF takes over and they are going to revalue anyway…It might not be what we want…but that’s what’s coming up for Iraq. So phenomenal news…Wanted to see what Iraq thought and the schedule they have on when they are going to… start setting the pace for the revaluation and that’s exactly what they’ve been talking about.
1-4-2018 Newshound Guru Adam Montana [Does an “official “ HCL need to be in place before they can RV or do they have enough agreements etc. in place now?] ...it's my opinion that HCL first is the most clear path to RV, but... that's also a possible huge investing trigger from outside sources, so it's possible that a significant change in value will be timed to happen simultaneous with an RV in order to prevent mass speculation. The amount of money we little guys have in this is tiny, even counting some of the $ multi million USD investments that I personally know about. But they certainly wouldn't want to instigate more speculation, so I completely expect the change in value to be quick and certain, without any warning.
1-4-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat The CBI has put in a request to re-instate the IQD. The CBI does NOT have the power to run all the technical software to roll it out…This is under contract under the US Treasury. A delay - BECAUSE THE US TREASURY HAS NOT YET DONE IT’s PART IT THE ROLE OF RE-INSTATING THE IRAQ DINAR and rolling it out to the exchanges worldwide. But like I told everyone it could take weeks before this rollout occurs after the re-instatement is signed off. [Post 2 of 2]
1-4-2018 Intel Guru RayRen There is no push to get lower denominations out of ATMs because Iraq wants their people to use their cards rather than paper money. So they are working on getting the citizens more acclimated to using their cards, and making them aware that the ATMs are available for cash when they need it. Banking institutions here on excited, alert, and ready – or at least that’s what they are telling us…Iraq is done, although the CBI has yet to change its rate in public.
1-4-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “PARLIAMENTARY FINANCE PREPARES THE CURRENCY AUCTION FROM THE DOORS OF CORRUPTION” Quote: “THE SALE OF THE CURRENCY HAS BECOME A PLACE TO STEAL THE DOLLAR AND THE SMUGGLING OF CURRENCY ABROAD,” …so now we get an article advising the CBI to close the currency auctions down…How can they do this without a re-instatement of the currency? The auctions is the mechanism to which they use to convert dinars to dollars to pay foreign remittances. So, unless they can once again use dinar openly, there has to be some means to convert. FACT- we know that now that Chapter VII is “fully” gone and the CBI can do what it wants with its currency and does not have to stay under this auction program any longer. So further use of the auctions is purely the decision of the CBI. So why are they still using the process then? I will tell you… [Post 1 of 2]
1-4-2018 Newshound Guru Don961 Pattern: at least 5+ different articles today speaking against/or for canceling altogether the currency auctions ... pointing out how only certain political parties benefit, ...private banks use auctions for easy profits and abandon traditional loan activities, ... drains away more currency reserves than what comes in ... can't wait to hear what the IMF has to say in the upcoming meetings slated right around the corner ...imo.
1-4-2018 Newshound Guru Breitling Iraq wanted to revalue the dinar in 2017. But what came up? Trump. You saw what was going on in the middle east and the war completely changed the day day Trump was inagurated…The world didn’t really know what to look for…The information we got is that they [Iraq] are going to wait until the end of summer and reevaluate what’s going on. that’s the best information I got. That’s coming from Iraq. If Iraq doesn’t revalue their currency by the end of 2019 they are going to run out of money. Then they are in deep trouble. Then the IMF takes over and they are going to revalue anyway…It might not be what we want…but that’s what’s coming up for Iraq. So phenomenal news…Wanted to see what Iraq thought and the schedule they have on when they are going to… start setting the pace for the revaluation and that’s exactly what they’ve been talking about.
1-4-2018 Newshound Guru Adam Montana [Does an “official “ HCL need to be in place before they can RV or do they have enough agreements etc. in place now?] ...it's my opinion that HCL first is the most clear path to RV, but... that's also a possible huge investing trigger from outside sources, so it's possible that a significant change in value will be timed to happen simultaneous with an RV in order to prevent mass speculation. The amount of money we little guys have in this is tiny, even counting some of the $ multi million USD investments that I personally know about. But they certainly wouldn't want to instigate more speculation, so I completely expect the change in value to be quick and certain, without any warning.
1-4-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat The CBI has put in a request to re-instate the IQD. The CBI does NOT have the power to run all the technical software to roll it out…This is under contract under the US Treasury. A delay - BECAUSE THE US TREASURY HAS NOT YET DONE IT’s PART IT THE ROLE OF RE-INSTATING THE IRAQ DINAR and rolling it out to the exchanges worldwide. But like I told everyone it could take weeks before this rollout occurs after the re-instatement is signed off. [Post 2 of 2]
1-4-2018 Intel Guru RayRen There is no push to get lower denominations out of ATMs because Iraq wants their people to use their cards rather than paper money. So they are working on getting the citizens more acclimated to using their cards, and making them aware that the ATMs are available for cash when they need it. Banking institutions here on excited, alert, and ready – or at least that’s what they are telling us…Iraq is done, although the CBI has yet to change its rate in public.
1-4-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “PARLIAMENTARY FINANCE PREPARES THE CURRENCY AUCTION FROM THE DOORS OF CORRUPTION” Quote: “THE SALE OF THE CURRENCY HAS BECOME A PLACE TO STEAL THE DOLLAR AND THE SMUGGLING OF CURRENCY ABROAD,” …so now we get an article advising the CBI to close the currency auctions down…How can they do this without a re-instatement of the currency? The auctions is the mechanism to which they use to convert dinars to dollars to pay foreign remittances. So, unless they can once again use dinar openly, there has to be some means to convert. FACT- we know that now that Chapter VII is “fully” gone and the CBI can do what it wants with its currency and does not have to stay under this auction program any longer. So further use of the auctions is purely the decision of the CBI. So why are they still using the process then? I will tell you… [Post 1 of 2]
1-3-2018 Intel Guru Bruce Their CBI website sort of changed hands about December 31, 2017 from the US based in Houston. That website shifted back to the control of Iraq in Baghdad. They have the control of it now. The website is in Arabic, but without the English version or translation with that. That is a little different. We are kind of looking for that to come up in English. We weren’t able to get our Arabic speaking helpers to check that out to get us a heads up whether the rate was on the website or not. My inclination is to think maybe not.
1-3-2018 Intel Guru RayRen ..,we had a natural expectation of a rate change when the markets opened yesterday morning. I don’t know exactly where we are with that…The next optimal time for that is this coming weekend, when the markets close on the 5th and open again on the 7th…They can change the rates during the week, if they so choose; the weekends are just the optimal times to do so, with larger windows in which to change the numbers. So far as we’re concerned, it’s done.
1-3-2018 Newshound Guru Adam Montana Going into 2018, perhaps this is a good opportunity to remind everyone WHY we are interested in the Dinar at all... some...have been here more than a couple years, and the "wait" can be taxing. Iraq has overcome incredible difficulties, rebuilt a decimated region, solidified a government, and STILL has a majority of the available reserves of OIL. That itself should be enough to give us confidence that even though we don't know *when* the value will go up, it is certainly an undervalued instrument of exchange, and the low price will not stay there forever. Oil is finally on an uptick, which will work in Iraq's favor. In order to take advantage of that momentum, Iraq will need to get moving on HCL . There is no significant news out on the HCL as I write this today, but this is a matter that WILL come to the table, and when it does... snowball effect. ...Going into 2018, I'm excited to see what pops up... either way, I'm happy HODLing my dinar and waiting for some HCL news. It can't be too far off now!
1-3-2018 Newshound Guru Mnt Goat Quote: “Said the director of the Rafidain Bank…the introduction of ATM in the markets and banks ARE SUBJECT TO THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE DECISION TO DELETE ZEROS FROM THE IRAQI CURRENCY…” So why are there these 3 zero notes being dispensed?…This is not official CBI policy but rather banks taking advantage of the situation and wanting the ATM fees. They has a large investment in the machines and want a payback. Some of them have been waiting a very long time to active their machines. While at the same time the CBI is telling them to hold up. I know for a FACT the CBI applied to re-instatethe IQD and it was accepted and approved. Why the delay? This is the BIG question but not yet we still have some time before we get worried again. Let is all shake out! [Post 2 of 2]
1-3-2018 Newshound Guru Mnt Goat …The plan is and always will be to use the ATMs as a way to dispense the lower denominations once the re-instatement occurred. People will also need some amount of cash once electronic banking kicks in country-wide. Remember they are no longer to the payroll window at the banks and getting wads of cash…So what pops out in the news yesterday. Low and behold an article explaining just what I have been telling everyone. Article “RAFIDAIN BANK IN DHI QAR CONFIRMS THAT THE INTRODUCTION OF ATM DEPENDS ON THE CURRENCY” [Post 1 of 2]
1-3-2018 Intel Guru Bruce I do believe it is close and we have indications we might be just where we need to be. We said Iraq is basically is done and operating with a new rate. They haven’t yet put out to the world what that rate is…I know our US Treasury is working closely with the CBI in Iraq. It maybe the CBI changeover or revealing of the new rate on the Iraqi dinar maybe controlled or somehow indicated by our US Treasury…The rates are solid, all good…
1-3-2018 Intel Guru RayRen ..,we had a natural expectation of a rate change when the markets opened yesterday morning. I don’t know exactly where we are with that…The next optimal time for that is this coming weekend, when the markets close on the 5th and open again on the 7th…They can change the rates during the week, if they so choose; the weekends are just the optimal times to do so, with larger windows in which to change the numbers. So far as we’re concerned, it’s done.
1-3-2018 Newshound Guru Adam Montana Going into 2018, perhaps this is a good opportunity to remind everyone WHY we are interested in the Dinar at all... some...have been here more than a couple years, and the "wait" can be taxing. Iraq has overcome incredible difficulties, rebuilt a decimated region, solidified a government, and STILL has a majority of the available reserves of OIL. That itself should be enough to give us confidence that even though we don't know *when* the value will go up, it is certainly an undervalued instrument of exchange, and the low price will not stay there forever. Oil is finally on an uptick, which will work in Iraq's favor. In order to take advantage of that momentum, Iraq will need to get moving on HCL . There is no significant news out on the HCL as I write this today, but this is a matter that WILL come to the table, and when it does... snowball effect. ...Going into 2018, I'm excited to see what pops up... either way, I'm happy HODLing my dinar and waiting for some HCL news. It can't be too far off now!
1-3-2018 Newshound Guru Mnt Goat Quote: “Said the director of the Rafidain Bank…the introduction of ATM in the markets and banks ARE SUBJECT TO THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE DECISION TO DELETE ZEROS FROM THE IRAQI CURRENCY…” So why are there these 3 zero notes being dispensed?…This is not official CBI policy but rather banks taking advantage of the situation and wanting the ATM fees. They has a large investment in the machines and want a payback. Some of them have been waiting a very long time to active their machines. While at the same time the CBI is telling them to hold up. I know for a FACT the CBI applied to re-instatethe IQD and it was accepted and approved. Why the delay? This is the BIG question but not yet we still have some time before we get worried again. Let is all shake out! [Post 2 of 2]
1-3-2018 Newshound Guru Mnt Goat …The plan is and always will be to use the ATMs as a way to dispense the lower denominations once the re-instatement occurred. People will also need some amount of cash once electronic banking kicks in country-wide. Remember they are no longer to the payroll window at the banks and getting wads of cash…So what pops out in the news yesterday. Low and behold an article explaining just what I have been telling everyone. Article “RAFIDAIN BANK IN DHI QAR CONFIRMS THAT THE INTRODUCTION OF ATM DEPENDS ON THE CURRENCY” [Post 1 of 2]
1-3-2018 Intel Guru Bruce I do believe it is close and we have indications we might be just where we need to be. We said Iraq is basically is done and operating with a new rate. They haven’t yet put out to the world what that rate is…I know our US Treasury is working closely with the CBI in Iraq. It maybe the CBI changeover or revealing of the new rate on the Iraqi dinar maybe controlled or somehow indicated by our US Treasury…The rates are solid, all good…
1-2-2018 Newshound Guru G-Lin News release: "To all banks licensed to practice money exchange and all authorized financial transfer companies (filing applications on 2018/1/7)". The pdf is in Arabic, but it mentions {RTGS} [Real-time gross settlement]. I think this may be big… It looks like it is opening Iraq up to International banking which is something we have only dreamed about. I think it is all about digital banking. It may affect the auctions. Less cash required. The imports and exports could become an instant electronic transaction. I would like to think this would require a true valued currency. It just tells me that the banking industry has really come a long way. Iraq is coming out of the dark ages since the Chap. 7 restrictions were removed. This also clamps down on the corruption in the black market imports. The whales have had a field day. Transparency and accountability will be key moving forward.
1-2-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru tman23 …STILL POINTING FINGERS WHY OUR NOT EXCHANGING…YES NO ZEROS WERE LIFTED…NO CHANGES MADE…I’m sure everyone is disappointed and will hang on until next month or maybe until after the elections or maybe after the reappointment of a new CBI governor…There are a million reasons or excuse that can be made… I said NOW or Never and seen good reason for the event…start of the new year…opening day…LOOKS like a BUST…time to let the ludicrous idea DIE !!…it's been on life support for to long…
1-2-2018 Newshound Guru Mnt Goat …This information I am hearing is real this time and I am hearing great things from the CBI. I am hearing from my CBI contact they are going forward this time and can not afford to stall it again. However here is the problem: The CBI is now working closely with the US Treasury to release it. This is the ONLY holdup right now….My advice is to just wait and watch….its coming folks…..!!!!!! Tic Toc, Tic Toc we are on a clock! [Post 2 of 2]
1-2-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Wow! January 2018 has arrived. HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone! Seems like we have been waiting for this timeframe for a VERY long time. It is here now and we are witnessing history being made. I want everyone to know I am not predicting a date for an RV. What I am attempting to do is to give you my BEST possible evaluation of the situation now at hand according to the data presented to us…I know for a fact the new ATM machines are programmed only to handle the newer lower denomination category notes… I know for a fact that some banks still don’t have the software tested and worked out for their machines to be online yet. This is an ongoing project. They hoped to have them all up and running by the end of 2017… [Post 1 of 2]
1-2-2018 Newshound Guru Enorrste Article: "Iraq launches ATM mail service (ATM)" The import of the article seems to be that the user of the ATM will not get cash back at all but instead will get a credit on a plastic card. This will allow the CBI to destroy the larger bills as the value rises. In other words these ATM machines aren't going to be like the ones in the US, where you put in a plastic card and get paper cash back. It is just the opposite (that's my take, anyway) where you put in the cash and get credit onto your plastic card.
1-2-2018 Intel/Newshound Guru Frank26 ...IOO...THEY WILL COME OUT AT 1 TO1…OR LESS NOW... THEY WILL FLOAT…THEN CAP...
1-2-2018 Intel Guru DR. CLARKE In our very last Opinion Today, we believe what you seek, will happen Very Soon. Is that vague enough, yet direct enough for you? Regardless, this all will soon pass, in utter happiness & celebration, dwarfing any frustration, disappointment, anger, resentment, blame and confusion. It will just be a memory. Exactly When? We don’t know…Today, will be the last time we ever share our Opinions…for it’s now time to go on to New Things..Good Luck, and have a Very Exciting & Eventful January & 2018. THANK YOU. The Best is Yet to Come!
1-2-2018 Intel/Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Has there been an auction within the last 24 - 48 - 72 hours? I don't think so. With this suggesting it is time to stop... Ceasing them is huge and that is what it appears happening and directly... imo
1-2-2018 Newshound Guru tman23 "I expect to be " short " from the holidays and making a deposit if I can find money to do so :)" ... In the past Iraq held markets closed up to the 6th after the new year...... I wait until tomorrow [Today]...not next week or next month........ NOW or NEVER....Tomorrow [Today] is opening day.........lets see how they lift the zeros...
1-2-2018 Newshound Guru Enorrste Article: "The damaged cash currency is a problem for the Iraqi citizen" The fact that a large number of notes are damaged gives the CBI an excuse to draw them in so that they can be destroyed. The way to do this is to convince people to deposit their old notes into a bank. By doing so the people still have the value of the money without having the actual notes, which could then be destroyed by the CBI, thus lowering the money supply and putting upward pressure on the value. Whether this is the plan or not remains to be seen but it is clearly not in the CBI's best interest to just reprint more large notes at this time.
1-2-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru tman23 …STILL POINTING FINGERS WHY OUR NOT EXCHANGING…YES NO ZEROS WERE LIFTED…NO CHANGES MADE…I’m sure everyone is disappointed and will hang on until next month or maybe until after the elections or maybe after the reappointment of a new CBI governor…There are a million reasons or excuse that can be made… I said NOW or Never and seen good reason for the event…start of the new year…opening day…LOOKS like a BUST…time to let the ludicrous idea DIE !!…it's been on life support for to long…
1-2-2018 Newshound Guru Mnt Goat …This information I am hearing is real this time and I am hearing great things from the CBI. I am hearing from my CBI contact they are going forward this time and can not afford to stall it again. However here is the problem: The CBI is now working closely with the US Treasury to release it. This is the ONLY holdup right now….My advice is to just wait and watch….its coming folks…..!!!!!! Tic Toc, Tic Toc we are on a clock! [Post 2 of 2]
1-2-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Wow! January 2018 has arrived. HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone! Seems like we have been waiting for this timeframe for a VERY long time. It is here now and we are witnessing history being made. I want everyone to know I am not predicting a date for an RV. What I am attempting to do is to give you my BEST possible evaluation of the situation now at hand according to the data presented to us…I know for a fact the new ATM machines are programmed only to handle the newer lower denomination category notes… I know for a fact that some banks still don’t have the software tested and worked out for their machines to be online yet. This is an ongoing project. They hoped to have them all up and running by the end of 2017… [Post 1 of 2]
1-2-2018 Newshound Guru Enorrste Article: "Iraq launches ATM mail service (ATM)" The import of the article seems to be that the user of the ATM will not get cash back at all but instead will get a credit on a plastic card. This will allow the CBI to destroy the larger bills as the value rises. In other words these ATM machines aren't going to be like the ones in the US, where you put in a plastic card and get paper cash back. It is just the opposite (that's my take, anyway) where you put in the cash and get credit onto your plastic card.
1-2-2018 Intel/Newshound Guru Frank26 ...IOO...THEY WILL COME OUT AT 1 TO1…OR LESS NOW... THEY WILL FLOAT…THEN CAP...
1-2-2018 Intel Guru DR. CLARKE In our very last Opinion Today, we believe what you seek, will happen Very Soon. Is that vague enough, yet direct enough for you? Regardless, this all will soon pass, in utter happiness & celebration, dwarfing any frustration, disappointment, anger, resentment, blame and confusion. It will just be a memory. Exactly When? We don’t know…Today, will be the last time we ever share our Opinions…for it’s now time to go on to New Things..Good Luck, and have a Very Exciting & Eventful January & 2018. THANK YOU. The Best is Yet to Come!
1-2-2018 Intel/Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Has there been an auction within the last 24 - 48 - 72 hours? I don't think so. With this suggesting it is time to stop... Ceasing them is huge and that is what it appears happening and directly... imo
1-2-2018 Newshound Guru tman23 "I expect to be " short " from the holidays and making a deposit if I can find money to do so :)" ... In the past Iraq held markets closed up to the 6th after the new year...... I wait until tomorrow [Today]...not next week or next month........ NOW or NEVER....Tomorrow [Today] is opening day.........lets see how they lift the zeros...
1-2-2018 Newshound Guru Enorrste Article: "The damaged cash currency is a problem for the Iraqi citizen" The fact that a large number of notes are damaged gives the CBI an excuse to draw them in so that they can be destroyed. The way to do this is to convince people to deposit their old notes into a bank. By doing so the people still have the value of the money without having the actual notes, which could then be destroyed by the CBI, thus lowering the money supply and putting upward pressure on the value. Whether this is the plan or not remains to be seen but it is clearly not in the CBI's best interest to just reprint more large notes at this time.
1-1-2018 Newshound Guru Mnt Goat ...The zeros will NOT be “deleted” from the IQD currency when we exchange! The zeros will NOT be “deleted” from the IQD currency when we exchange! The zeros will NOT be “deleted” from the IQD currency when we exchange! Get it now? If they did drop the zeros it would be called a “lop”. This not just a slang word I am using. It is in fact a technical term used by the IMF. It means to drop zeroes off “hyper-inflated” currency. I can assure you I would not be here today...if the IQD was going to “lop”. The fact is, they told us many times that some of the 3 zero notes would remain in circulation and coincide for up to 10 years with the newer, lower category notes (about to be issued). [Post 2 of 2]
1-1-2018 Newshound Guru Mnt Goat …When we do exchange the dinar will be exchanged only for the currency of our own country. For instance, dinar for dollars (USA) or dinar for euros (Europe), dinars for Canadian dollars (Canada), etc. The zeros will NOT be “deleted” from the currency when we exchange. Let me say this a couple more times since…This is being confused…The zeros will NOT be “deleted” from the IQD currency when we exchange! The zeros will NOT be “deleted” from the IQD currency when we exchange! The zeros will NOT be “deleted” from the IQD currency when we exchange! [Post 1 of 2]
1-1-2018 Intel/Newshound Guru Frank26 "Wow things are really heating up!…i perceived a strong feeling about the first few days coming out of the bank software update” VERY GOOD…NO ONE !!! ON THE NET HAD EVER MENTIONED / STUDIED / CONSIDERED THE ANNUAL SOFTWARE UPDATE EVENT OF ALL WORLD BANKS ON THE 8TH…IMO…A POWERFUL STEP…BASED ON "DECEMBER" IN IRAQ.
1-1-2018 Newshound Guru Mnt Goat ...FACT…We know that the CBI wants to float the dinar but can’t under the program rate and here is why. The CBI has told us that floating the dinar is difficult to apply in Iraq because the government monopolizes the dollar. The economy relies on a fixed exchange rate, or fixed with flexibility, and do not resort to the float method. In a very recent article the CBI notes that floating is difficult to apply in Iraq, considering that the government monopolies the currency and it is on a de facto peg to the dollar. The offer of the dollar and used as the only currency to deal in foreign trade. Remember this is all on the program rate and so they know they must get off the program rate, launch the currencies on the global exchanges and that way it can be allowed to float. [Post 2 of 2]
1-1-2018 Newshound Guru Mnt Goat FACT…The last four (4) targeted RV timeframes (2011, 2013, 2016 and 2017) were all in EARLY January. Our guess is the CBI will go do the same in the next attempt. Evidence is showing an EARLY 2018 timeframe, however the CBI has NOT “officially” told us this is the case, as in the other attempts…FACT…We know the Finance Committee of the GOI wants to start a new fiscal year fresh when they do re-instate the currency. We know that the Finance Ministry has hired consultants to model RV 1:1, 1:2 and a 1:3 (IQD:USD) scenarios. Why would they do this? It was very expensive to do…FACT…We know the basic process of how the CBI intends to roll out the re-instatement of the currency. It includes a slow rollout of the new lower category notes as the rate increases. This must coincide with a new rate of some kind to kick off the process... [Post 1 of 2]
1-1-2018 Newshound Guru Mnt Goat …When we do exchange the dinar will be exchanged only for the currency of our own country. For instance, dinar for dollars (USA) or dinar for euros (Europe), dinars for Canadian dollars (Canada), etc. The zeros will NOT be “deleted” from the currency when we exchange. Let me say this a couple more times since…This is being confused…The zeros will NOT be “deleted” from the IQD currency when we exchange! The zeros will NOT be “deleted” from the IQD currency when we exchange! The zeros will NOT be “deleted” from the IQD currency when we exchange! [Post 1 of 2]
1-1-2018 Intel/Newshound Guru Frank26 "Wow things are really heating up!…i perceived a strong feeling about the first few days coming out of the bank software update” VERY GOOD…NO ONE !!! ON THE NET HAD EVER MENTIONED / STUDIED / CONSIDERED THE ANNUAL SOFTWARE UPDATE EVENT OF ALL WORLD BANKS ON THE 8TH…IMO…A POWERFUL STEP…BASED ON "DECEMBER" IN IRAQ.
1-1-2018 Newshound Guru Mnt Goat ...FACT…We know that the CBI wants to float the dinar but can’t under the program rate and here is why. The CBI has told us that floating the dinar is difficult to apply in Iraq because the government monopolizes the dollar. The economy relies on a fixed exchange rate, or fixed with flexibility, and do not resort to the float method. In a very recent article the CBI notes that floating is difficult to apply in Iraq, considering that the government monopolies the currency and it is on a de facto peg to the dollar. The offer of the dollar and used as the only currency to deal in foreign trade. Remember this is all on the program rate and so they know they must get off the program rate, launch the currencies on the global exchanges and that way it can be allowed to float. [Post 2 of 2]
1-1-2018 Newshound Guru Mnt Goat FACT…The last four (4) targeted RV timeframes (2011, 2013, 2016 and 2017) were all in EARLY January. Our guess is the CBI will go do the same in the next attempt. Evidence is showing an EARLY 2018 timeframe, however the CBI has NOT “officially” told us this is the case, as in the other attempts…FACT…We know the Finance Committee of the GOI wants to start a new fiscal year fresh when they do re-instate the currency. We know that the Finance Ministry has hired consultants to model RV 1:1, 1:2 and a 1:3 (IQD:USD) scenarios. Why would they do this? It was very expensive to do…FACT…We know the basic process of how the CBI intends to roll out the re-instatement of the currency. It includes a slow rollout of the new lower category notes as the rate increases. This must coincide with a new rate of some kind to kick off the process... [Post 1 of 2]
12-31-2017 Newshound Guru Mnt Goat ...This does not mean the currency auctions automatically ended on Dec 8th as some are telling you. In fact, just this week the CBI published yet another currency auction results…FACT…We know thru hundreds of articles that these currency auctions were the basis for ramped corruption, money laundering, terrorist funding. We know the frustration of the CBI and how it can't seem to eliminate this corruption to satisfactory levels, thus the only alternative is to eliminate the auctions. But when and what then? [Post 2 of 2]
12-31-2017 Newshound Guru Mnt Goat Tic Toc, Tic Toc we are on a clock! We must believe this RV is coming soon. There is just way too much evidence in all areas to think otherwise. FACT…We know that the UN security council voted on Dec 8th to "fully' release Iraq from Chapter VII. This means they can do whatever they want with their currency (within certain boundaries of the IMF, including the re-instatement back to a normal status). In other words, they technically do not have to conduct the currency auctions any longer or trade using only US dollars... [Post 1 of 2]
12-31-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Association of private banks: 3 million Iraqis will create a bank account during the next two Amyin" This article is a great reminder of the facts... There is 34 trillion dinar outside the banks in mattresses that must begin to be drawn in through deposits before anything can happen. And the article is clear, they expect 3 million Iraqi's to open accounts over the next two years. There is no overnight RV (not even a dime), a float or gradual appreciation is the only realistic option which has also been stated numerous times in the IMF reports.
12-31-2017 Newshound Guru BGG There is a lot of news about this major private bank offering major ATM services. This is very interesting. There are lots of people talking about that there are lower denominations, this that and the other thing. We don’t know that. We have no facts to back that up. We have no proof. We’d like to see some proof. I know it as fact that there was an article that kind of alluded to lower denoms but it’s not like that…they talked about the 500 notes and the 1000 notes. I have no idea why they would do that it they didn’t have a value associated with that but they did talk about it and it is in an article…so that is the extent of lower denominations…there is no shred of proof that those ATMs are loaded with lower denoms. When there is proof we will post it but right now there is no proof.
12-31-2017 Intel Guru Rayon98 I tried to get solid confirmation that lower denom's are being dispensed from the ATM's. We see the ATM's are active. Some sources say they are dispensing US dollars and not lower denom's. So, they are trying to ascertain which ones or if both are being dispensed through the ATM's that are set up…Things have been real quiet over there. It's possible, it's the quiet before the storm, if you will…I think we should see some realization of what we are looking forward to, with the expectation that Jan 2nd you should be in a position of going to the bank if you want to exchange or not…
12-31-2017 Newshound Guru Mnt Goat Tic Toc, Tic Toc we are on a clock! We must believe this RV is coming soon. There is just way too much evidence in all areas to think otherwise. FACT…We know that the UN security council voted on Dec 8th to "fully' release Iraq from Chapter VII. This means they can do whatever they want with their currency (within certain boundaries of the IMF, including the re-instatement back to a normal status). In other words, they technically do not have to conduct the currency auctions any longer or trade using only US dollars... [Post 1 of 2]
12-31-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Association of private banks: 3 million Iraqis will create a bank account during the next two Amyin" This article is a great reminder of the facts... There is 34 trillion dinar outside the banks in mattresses that must begin to be drawn in through deposits before anything can happen. And the article is clear, they expect 3 million Iraqi's to open accounts over the next two years. There is no overnight RV (not even a dime), a float or gradual appreciation is the only realistic option which has also been stated numerous times in the IMF reports.
12-31-2017 Newshound Guru BGG There is a lot of news about this major private bank offering major ATM services. This is very interesting. There are lots of people talking about that there are lower denominations, this that and the other thing. We don’t know that. We have no facts to back that up. We have no proof. We’d like to see some proof. I know it as fact that there was an article that kind of alluded to lower denoms but it’s not like that…they talked about the 500 notes and the 1000 notes. I have no idea why they would do that it they didn’t have a value associated with that but they did talk about it and it is in an article…so that is the extent of lower denominations…there is no shred of proof that those ATMs are loaded with lower denoms. When there is proof we will post it but right now there is no proof.
12-31-2017 Intel Guru Rayon98 I tried to get solid confirmation that lower denom's are being dispensed from the ATM's. We see the ATM's are active. Some sources say they are dispensing US dollars and not lower denom's. So, they are trying to ascertain which ones or if both are being dispensed through the ATM's that are set up…Things have been real quiet over there. It's possible, it's the quiet before the storm, if you will…I think we should see some realization of what we are looking forward to, with the expectation that Jan 2nd you should be in a position of going to the bank if you want to exchange or not…
12-30-2017 *** Dinar Guru NewsUpdate *** The gurus are reporting...effective YESTERDAY (maybe as early as Thursday) E.O. 13303 has been terminated and replaced with E.O. 13668. As you recall, each spring the dinar community would watch with bated breath as EO 13303 was set to expire...each year (usually last minute) the president would extend the EO another year. Now, somewhat out of the blue, BOOM, it's done. EO 13303 appears to be terminated. "OFAC is amending the regulations to implement EO 13668 by removing the regulatory provisions that implemented the protections granted under amended EO 13303." Stay tuned as the gurus chime in to discuss the difference between 13303 and 13668, the implications of this potentially MAJOR change on Iraq and the dinar and the interesting timing of it's termination since it would have expired in a few months on it's own (if not renewed by the president). [The latest Guru updates will continue below...]
12-30-2017 Newshound Guru Mnt Goat ...So what happens when the dinar rate does change to something very substantial, like a 1:1? The banks will launch the lower categories by loading them in the ATMs such as some or all of the 1,5,10,25,100 notes. This will be done as needed to meet the demand. However, having said all this, I have to tell you we have known the ATMs were an integral part of the plan of the “project to delete the zeros” all along. We have known this since 2011, if you paid attention to the news back then from the CBI and the Finance Ministry. Yes, we have been waiting now for over 6 years for these ATM machines. Now that the ATMs are “launched” (meaning online) when will they load the new notes? [Part II: Post 2 of 2 See below for Part I]
12-30-2017 Newshound Guru Mnt Goat The ATM machines are NOT now dispensing any currency. They are live but dormant. The Rafidian bank did a ceremonial ribbon cutting on their part the other day. The three zero notes like the 5k, 10k or 25k notes (or higher) are not designated for these ATMSs. These are the notes being deleted and the banks do not want to infuse more of them back into circulation. So that leaves only the newer lower category notes. Right? And we know what must happen when they launch these notes. Right? [Part II: Post 1 of 2]
12-30-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: “The damaged cash currency is a problem for the Iraqi citizen“. It appears Iraq is getting to a point of damaged currency again. They either have to reprint replacements or begin the transition to delete zeros.. I am hopeful the later is coming. I think we in a good position. Reprinting and using the same notes does nothing to encourage investment or facilitate the banking system.
12-30-2017 Newshound Guru Mnt Goat FACT…We know that on Dec 27th we have four (4) articles about the launching of the ATM services in Iraq. One more just came in today and so that makes five (5)…Is this a BIG deal? These machines are NOT yet in service dispensing currency but they are telling us they are ready now…That is all they are telling us. So relax. Many of the other banks have already signaled to the CBI that they are also ready. So what are they waiting for to load them? Will they fill then with cash and begin dispensing soon? [Part I: Post 2 of 2 Stay tuned for the rest of the story in Part II]
12-30-2017 Newshound Guru Mnt Goat FACT…We know the plan was NOT to use the ATM machines until the new lower category notes are to be launched. We have read multiple articles about the banks complaining to the CBI about their investment in these machines, yet they can’t use them. What is taking so long? FACT…The CBI has told us as far back as 2011 the plan to “delete the zeros” and these ATM machines were connected and would be part of this process as they would be used to launch the new notes (lower denomination categories) FACT…We know these new category notes can't be launched without a new rate since - why would they put a note out that is worthless under the program rate? For example: a 1 dinar note is worth only .001 of a cent USD. Totally meaningless and worthless to the Iraqi people... [Part I: Post 1 of 2]
12-30-2017 Newshound Guru BGG There is a ton of news…the news for the last 3 or 4 weeks has been absolutely spectacular…It is just huge. There’s 3 main veins of news lately. 1. It’s about the Kurdish situation. The whole thing seems to be coming to a head both politically, international pressure wise on the ground…i doubt this goes on much longer…and that’s going to be good for everybody. 2. Investment and economic climate in Iraq. this is the Key and is really really good stuff. We are getting this in waves lately and we’re getting avalanched with this stuff. I’ve never seen this before. It’s very exciting for the future of Iraq. 3. Fight against corruption. There seems to be a very direct, immediate and through push to deal with their corruption issues. Huge amounts of progress lately. There is lots yet to be done but this is good news...
12-30-2017 Newshound Guru Mnt Goat The ATM machines are NOT now dispensing any currency. They are live but dormant. The Rafidian bank did a ceremonial ribbon cutting on their part the other day. The three zero notes like the 5k, 10k or 25k notes (or higher) are not designated for these ATMSs. These are the notes being deleted and the banks do not want to infuse more of them back into circulation. So that leaves only the newer lower category notes. Right? And we know what must happen when they launch these notes. Right? [Part II: Post 1 of 2]
12-30-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: “The damaged cash currency is a problem for the Iraqi citizen“. It appears Iraq is getting to a point of damaged currency again. They either have to reprint replacements or begin the transition to delete zeros.. I am hopeful the later is coming. I think we in a good position. Reprinting and using the same notes does nothing to encourage investment or facilitate the banking system.
12-30-2017 Newshound Guru Mnt Goat FACT…We know that on Dec 27th we have four (4) articles about the launching of the ATM services in Iraq. One more just came in today and so that makes five (5)…Is this a BIG deal? These machines are NOT yet in service dispensing currency but they are telling us they are ready now…That is all they are telling us. So relax. Many of the other banks have already signaled to the CBI that they are also ready. So what are they waiting for to load them? Will they fill then with cash and begin dispensing soon? [Part I: Post 2 of 2 Stay tuned for the rest of the story in Part II]
12-30-2017 Newshound Guru Mnt Goat FACT…We know the plan was NOT to use the ATM machines until the new lower category notes are to be launched. We have read multiple articles about the banks complaining to the CBI about their investment in these machines, yet they can’t use them. What is taking so long? FACT…The CBI has told us as far back as 2011 the plan to “delete the zeros” and these ATM machines were connected and would be part of this process as they would be used to launch the new notes (lower denomination categories) FACT…We know these new category notes can't be launched without a new rate since - why would they put a note out that is worthless under the program rate? For example: a 1 dinar note is worth only .001 of a cent USD. Totally meaningless and worthless to the Iraqi people... [Part I: Post 1 of 2]
12-30-2017 Newshound Guru BGG There is a ton of news…the news for the last 3 or 4 weeks has been absolutely spectacular…It is just huge. There’s 3 main veins of news lately. 1. It’s about the Kurdish situation. The whole thing seems to be coming to a head both politically, international pressure wise on the ground…i doubt this goes on much longer…and that’s going to be good for everybody. 2. Investment and economic climate in Iraq. this is the Key and is really really good stuff. We are getting this in waves lately and we’re getting avalanched with this stuff. I’ve never seen this before. It’s very exciting for the future of Iraq. 3. Fight against corruption. There seems to be a very direct, immediate and through push to deal with their corruption issues. Huge amounts of progress lately. There is lots yet to be done but this is good news...
12-29-2017 Intel Guru Randy Koonce …I say that because being in this so long I know what you are going to do - Everyone is going to stop breathing and move to panic mode. Don't do that. Breathe. When it happens - everyone should know about it shortly. Because everyone is looking for it…2018 should be a pretty amazing year for all of us. It will be life changing for many. Because of that fact, I would encourage everyone to take the upcoming week end and make some really serious New Year Resolutions…Number One on everyone's list should be: Don't Be Stupid and react without Thinking…Plan out what you want to do. Carefully. Breathe. Pray. Breathe some more. Pray again. And again. I wish you all the very best in your new endeavors. Make this ride worthwhile. It's been a long one. We are close.. Every large bank will exchange.. RELAX the RV is coming...Breathe,,,Do not let your emotions get to you. [Post 2 of 2]
12-29-2017 Intel Guru Randy Koonce One more update to all citizens of Dinar Land. And it is my deepest hope - this will be the last one. It really should be The Last One. If you have been keeping up with posts from other renowned Dinar Land Gurus (which everyone does!!) you should know that the news from Iraq right now is Phenomenal. Stupendous. Amazing…For what it may be worth to you, I wanted to let you know that my sources are echoing very positive news along with everyone else. It looks like the window for a rate change should be wide open during the 1st two weeks of January. And, that might even include this weekend. Maybe…However - everyone who has been in this for a while knows the Dinar Land mantra: It's Iraq!!! [Post 1 of 2]
12-29-2017 Newshound Guru Mr. White ...The auctions have been like the IV stuck inside the arm of the patient lying in bed since 2003. Now they’re going to pull that IV out. How in the world can they do that? Unless that patient of Iraq can bring this stuff in…Do international commerce with something other than the auctions. And the auctions only do one thing…puts dollars back into the street. Back into the merchant. Back into the banks. Now they’re going to stop it. I am excited about this. I’ve been sitting on this stuff for the past 2, 3 or four months satisfied because I know what’s happening and now this… [Post 3 of 3 All of this pertains to Guru BGG's "cataclysmic" post below...]
12-29-2017 Newshound Guru tman23 Article: Abadi to disrupt the official working day next Sunday...let's just pray this favors us and our long time speculation!!
12-29-2017 Newshound Guru Mr. White …He then in turn gave the equivalent amount of IQD to the bank. The bank went to the auction window with CBI. The CBI sold dollars and the dollars were returned to the merchant. The CBI turned around and sold IQD to the Government of Iraq, they had US dollars because they sold oil and it was this circle…the corruption just kept getting bigger and bigger. But now for the first time in 14 years…Never never have they talked about ending the auctions... [Post 2 of 3 All of this pertains to Guru BGG's "cataclysmic" post below...]
12-29-2017 Newshound Guru Mr. White ...I think there is something within the last couple days that speaks volumes as to what’s coming down the road…there is something that came out in the news…that has not been spoken about at all since 2003. In 2003 the provisional government set up the auction as we know it today for the purpose of giving the government of Iraq as well as it’s economy [the ability] to import goods from the outside. And the way they did that was they had to pay for goods with U.S. Dollars to bring this stuff in. When a merchant paid in US dollars, say $500,000 to import rice or sugar, that guy went to the bank immediately and said I just used $500,000 of my US dollars I want it returned to me… [Post 1 of 3 All of this pertains to Guru BGG's "cataclysmic" post below...]
12-29-2017 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan The CBI openly showing the ATMs in training, tells the world that the new currency is coming and we all know that the CBI is fully ready to activate all MRs.(Moetary Reforms) By having all banks now Globally ready for the IQD per yesterdays articles referencing EO13303 and EO13668 by our or POTUS and the OFAC list by the UST. All timed for the end game, imo
12-29-2017 Newshound Guru BGG This is the #1 piece of information being overlooked right now. When they stop those auctions and they don’t say particularly when they’re going to do it next year. I’d assume it happens fairly early in the new year…right after the first of the year. Something cataclysmic is going to happen. I’d assume they have some sort of a plan for that… [Stay tuned for Guru Mr. White's explanation of what the auctions are, why they're so significant and what had Guru Mr. White so excited...]
12-29-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: [Central Bank: float the dinar is difficult to apply in Iraq] We just need to wait and see. I would not be so quick to assume they won't float..because that is the option. They want to end the auctions, the CBI needs revenue, and needs to provide a currency for international transactions. Floating and Article VIII are those solutions. Allaq himself stated he wanted the dinar included in the global basket of currencies in the vital world stock markets.
12-29-2017 Newshound Guru G-Lin Article quote: "Al-Rafidain Bank announced on Wednesday the launch of the ATM service in Iraq through the adoption of the electronic payment card (master card and other payment card) held by the citizen to withdraw his money anywhere." [The only part that concerns me about the new ATMs is that they obviously rolled them out with the large denoms. It doesn't seem like they would do that and then have to switch them over to lower denom models in Q1, but maybe the conversion isn't that difficult...] I don't think they would put L.D.s in the ATMs until after a currency change. It wouldn't do them much good. They also want the peeps to come into the banks to exchange currency I'm sure. I know I'm ready to exchange mine.
12-29-2017 Intel Guru Randy Koonce One more update to all citizens of Dinar Land. And it is my deepest hope - this will be the last one. It really should be The Last One. If you have been keeping up with posts from other renowned Dinar Land Gurus (which everyone does!!) you should know that the news from Iraq right now is Phenomenal. Stupendous. Amazing…For what it may be worth to you, I wanted to let you know that my sources are echoing very positive news along with everyone else. It looks like the window for a rate change should be wide open during the 1st two weeks of January. And, that might even include this weekend. Maybe…However - everyone who has been in this for a while knows the Dinar Land mantra: It's Iraq!!! [Post 1 of 2]
12-29-2017 Newshound Guru Mr. White ...The auctions have been like the IV stuck inside the arm of the patient lying in bed since 2003. Now they’re going to pull that IV out. How in the world can they do that? Unless that patient of Iraq can bring this stuff in…Do international commerce with something other than the auctions. And the auctions only do one thing…puts dollars back into the street. Back into the merchant. Back into the banks. Now they’re going to stop it. I am excited about this. I’ve been sitting on this stuff for the past 2, 3 or four months satisfied because I know what’s happening and now this… [Post 3 of 3 All of this pertains to Guru BGG's "cataclysmic" post below...]
12-29-2017 Newshound Guru tman23 Article: Abadi to disrupt the official working day next Sunday...let's just pray this favors us and our long time speculation!!
12-29-2017 Newshound Guru Mr. White …He then in turn gave the equivalent amount of IQD to the bank. The bank went to the auction window with CBI. The CBI sold dollars and the dollars were returned to the merchant. The CBI turned around and sold IQD to the Government of Iraq, they had US dollars because they sold oil and it was this circle…the corruption just kept getting bigger and bigger. But now for the first time in 14 years…Never never have they talked about ending the auctions... [Post 2 of 3 All of this pertains to Guru BGG's "cataclysmic" post below...]
12-29-2017 Newshound Guru Mr. White ...I think there is something within the last couple days that speaks volumes as to what’s coming down the road…there is something that came out in the news…that has not been spoken about at all since 2003. In 2003 the provisional government set up the auction as we know it today for the purpose of giving the government of Iraq as well as it’s economy [the ability] to import goods from the outside. And the way they did that was they had to pay for goods with U.S. Dollars to bring this stuff in. When a merchant paid in US dollars, say $500,000 to import rice or sugar, that guy went to the bank immediately and said I just used $500,000 of my US dollars I want it returned to me… [Post 1 of 3 All of this pertains to Guru BGG's "cataclysmic" post below...]
12-29-2017 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan The CBI openly showing the ATMs in training, tells the world that the new currency is coming and we all know that the CBI is fully ready to activate all MRs.(Moetary Reforms) By having all banks now Globally ready for the IQD per yesterdays articles referencing EO13303 and EO13668 by our or POTUS and the OFAC list by the UST. All timed for the end game, imo
12-29-2017 Newshound Guru BGG This is the #1 piece of information being overlooked right now. When they stop those auctions and they don’t say particularly when they’re going to do it next year. I’d assume it happens fairly early in the new year…right after the first of the year. Something cataclysmic is going to happen. I’d assume they have some sort of a plan for that… [Stay tuned for Guru Mr. White's explanation of what the auctions are, why they're so significant and what had Guru Mr. White so excited...]
12-29-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: [Central Bank: float the dinar is difficult to apply in Iraq] We just need to wait and see. I would not be so quick to assume they won't float..because that is the option. They want to end the auctions, the CBI needs revenue, and needs to provide a currency for international transactions. Floating and Article VIII are those solutions. Allaq himself stated he wanted the dinar included in the global basket of currencies in the vital world stock markets.
12-29-2017 Newshound Guru G-Lin Article quote: "Al-Rafidain Bank announced on Wednesday the launch of the ATM service in Iraq through the adoption of the electronic payment card (master card and other payment card) held by the citizen to withdraw his money anywhere." [The only part that concerns me about the new ATMs is that they obviously rolled them out with the large denoms. It doesn't seem like they would do that and then have to switch them over to lower denom models in Q1, but maybe the conversion isn't that difficult...] I don't think they would put L.D.s in the ATMs until after a currency change. It wouldn't do them much good. They also want the peeps to come into the banks to exchange currency I'm sure. I know I'm ready to exchange mine.
12-28-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru Mnt Goat the new rate is NOW at the banks but the banks are now reorganizing and strategizing how to roll out the exchange process but only after the Feds release it to the global currency exchanges and then have to put it on a float (off the de facto peg with the US dollar). We have been told it is then planned to be pegged with an SDR basket of five other currencies each with different weights. This will all come shortly so relax and let’s watch it play out. I have a feeling this is going to be the longest 12 days of Christmas we ever experienced …. lol ….lol ……
12-28-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana ...Today [yesterday], 3 OFAC is making amendments to the Regulations to implement E.O. 13668 (79 FR 31019, May 29, 2014) (E.O. 13668)…support of the orderly reconstruction of Iraq, the restoration and maintenance of peace and security in Iraq, and the development of political, administrative, and economic institutions in Iraq, E.O. 13303, as amended by E.O. 13364...In Abadi's address following today's Parliament session in Iraq, he used these words at one part: Quote " ...(Abadi) added that "the Council also agreed to assign the ministries and provinces concerned to take the necessary executive procedures and according to the framework document of the National Plan for Reconstruction and Development of the provinces affected by terrorist operations and the war.”…Anyone else find it intriguing that these statements come on the same day from major leaders on opposite sides of the planet? Stay tuned! I could continue, but I prefer to let Iraq do that for now. [Post 2 of 2]
12-28-2017 Newshound Guru Mnt Goat ...According to my source in the CBI, the CBI released the new polymer notes these past few days and along with it re-instated the currency. They are doing this via the ATM machines. As I said to everyone this would probably happen first in Iraq and we would not yet see it on FOREX. However, they can’t wait to long for FOREX since exchanging thru the ATM in a foreign country relies on FOREX thru the banks to get the new rate to convert the dinar to whatever currency of that international country. So I still do not believe anyone is using these cards outside of Iraq right now... [Post 2 of 2]
12-28-2017 Newshound Guru Mnt Goat Are the ATMs in Iraq really turned on? Yes…How many times must we hear this stupid rumor but now it is TRUE….Iraq really made their next move and so we wait. We know the ATM machines have been set up to go for a very long time and when they are turned they are designed to launch the new lower denomination notes. Also, they couldn’t turn them on until they launch a new rate to coincide with the newer notes. Also the citizens needed to have money in their bank accounts to use the ATM. This could not be done until the government paid them electronically and forced them to use and trust the banks. So, you can conclude for yourself what must have just happened. It now official and no more stupid rumors... [Post 1 of 2]
12-28-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana HOLY MOLY could we actually be making some progress again? I THINK WE MIGHT BE!!! Most of us "old timers" in the investment are well aware of "EO 13303". It's a number that's burned into our brains, and most of us can tell you without looking it up exactly which order and which US President signed it into being that got us involved in anything "Iraq" in the first place... and it looks like we're finally coming "full circle"...This is slated to be posted TOMORROW, 28 DECEMBER… [Post 1 of 2]
12-28-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana ...Today [yesterday], 3 OFAC is making amendments to the Regulations to implement E.O. 13668 (79 FR 31019, May 29, 2014) (E.O. 13668)…support of the orderly reconstruction of Iraq, the restoration and maintenance of peace and security in Iraq, and the development of political, administrative, and economic institutions in Iraq, E.O. 13303, as amended by E.O. 13364...In Abadi's address following today's Parliament session in Iraq, he used these words at one part: Quote " ...(Abadi) added that "the Council also agreed to assign the ministries and provinces concerned to take the necessary executive procedures and according to the framework document of the National Plan for Reconstruction and Development of the provinces affected by terrorist operations and the war.”…Anyone else find it intriguing that these statements come on the same day from major leaders on opposite sides of the planet? Stay tuned! I could continue, but I prefer to let Iraq do that for now. [Post 2 of 2]
12-28-2017 Newshound Guru Mnt Goat ...According to my source in the CBI, the CBI released the new polymer notes these past few days and along with it re-instated the currency. They are doing this via the ATM machines. As I said to everyone this would probably happen first in Iraq and we would not yet see it on FOREX. However, they can’t wait to long for FOREX since exchanging thru the ATM in a foreign country relies on FOREX thru the banks to get the new rate to convert the dinar to whatever currency of that international country. So I still do not believe anyone is using these cards outside of Iraq right now... [Post 2 of 2]
12-28-2017 Newshound Guru Mnt Goat Are the ATMs in Iraq really turned on? Yes…How many times must we hear this stupid rumor but now it is TRUE….Iraq really made their next move and so we wait. We know the ATM machines have been set up to go for a very long time and when they are turned they are designed to launch the new lower denomination notes. Also, they couldn’t turn them on until they launch a new rate to coincide with the newer notes. Also the citizens needed to have money in their bank accounts to use the ATM. This could not be done until the government paid them electronically and forced them to use and trust the banks. So, you can conclude for yourself what must have just happened. It now official and no more stupid rumors... [Post 1 of 2]
12-28-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana HOLY MOLY could we actually be making some progress again? I THINK WE MIGHT BE!!! Most of us "old timers" in the investment are well aware of "EO 13303". It's a number that's burned into our brains, and most of us can tell you without looking it up exactly which order and which US President signed it into being that got us involved in anything "Iraq" in the first place... and it looks like we're finally coming "full circle"...This is slated to be posted TOMORROW, 28 DECEMBER… [Post 1 of 2]
12-27-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat The Financial Ministry wants the RV prior to the beginning of the new financial fiscal year for Iraq. In fact, I am still celebrating and jumping up and down over the news from the last couple weeks, as I believed it will lead to the RV very, very soon…There were multiple articles about this past week on Floating the dinar with the program rate. The CBI told us this simply would not work and explained why. So this was great news to us and showed us something was up. The CBI and the Finance committee knew they had to do something and do it soon. So they made their move and now it’s up to the Feds in the USA to complete the process. But how long will it take, you might ask? Yes – the timing is the big question. Who knows for sure?
12-27-2017 Newshound Guru Chattels Article “foreign currency markets in Baghdad, on Tuesday morning, a decline in the dollar exchange rate against the Iraqi dinar. The price of the market on the Stock Exchange in Baghdad 1248.0 dinars per dollar, or 124 thousand and 800 dinars for one hundred dollars, and the exchange rate yesterday at 1252 dinars to the dollar” 1248 is as strong a dinar vs. the dollar as we have seen in recent memory.
12-27-2017 Newshound Guru tman23 Abadi appears to be doing more of what Tehran would want then what the coalition wants…That being said there are articles showing the US and other coalition members may step in and support Kurdistan even more…The USA has plans to build a large embassy in Erbil…Abadi would tell them no no if he takes more power in the region…Barzani held a referendum and Abadi is punishing them…Kurds may just end up with their own state after all…
12-27-2017 Intel Guru Bruce ...I am excited because I think we are finally where Iraq has finished and completed and nothing else to do. Their lower denominations are already coming out of the ATM machines over there. I know people that are Iraqi citizens have money on their cards that they have actually used already… We are really are just about there. I don’t know the timing, but I do know they want to bring the value of the dinar up a little higher to get to a certain point…Yes, we didn’t get this for Christmas as we all thought...It didn’t happen. I don’t know that if there was anything nefarious about it…If we made it this far, we can make it all the way to the end of the year. I don’t think we will have to wait that long...It looks like we should go by the end of the year…really it is about the timing. They will release this when they feel they have the currencies at the highest level to support whatever they need when we come in for public exchange.
12-27-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 We understand from Iraqi television that the Kurdistan crisis is about to come to an end… which means it’s probably already resolved. They will continue to talk to each other; I don’t personally feel it’s affecting what we are waiting for. Our people in Iraq are saying the cards are activating, it’s a done deal, and there is no turning back. I think we are sitting well between now and next Monday. The banks say they have the authorizations and assurances – what else do they need? I don’t know, but I’ll just give them room, sit back and wait. I’ll also make sure some other things are in place for this celebrated day that is upon us.
12-27-2017 Newshound Guru G-Lin This says it all to me…”The floating currency is to make the exchange rate of this currency fully liberalized so that the government or central bank does not intervene in determining it directly, but it is automatically released in the currency market through the mechanism of supply and demand, which allows to determine the exchange rate of the national currency against foreign currencies.”…The question we all want to know is WHEN? LOL.. Now that they will not tell us IMO. It will just happen and they will tell the world after the fact. [Post 3 of 3]
12-27-2017 Newshound Guru G-Lin ...They also need to de-dollarize and they are going to deposit employees checks directly into the banks to try and bring in some of their currency. When they say they have a monopoly in dollars and other currency, this says to me that they need an equal or slightly higher rate to pull all of that currency into the banks. This art. also tells me that they will not let the Gov. interfere with their plans. Whenever they decide to do this it will just hit the market. Article quote: ”…unless the reserves are controlled to a level below the adequacy, which did not happen either in Iraq or other oil countries." They are almost bragging about their reserves it sounds like. It is not below adequacy. [Post 2 of 3]
12-27-2017 Newshound Guru G-Lin Article: “The Central Bank of Iraq reserves of foreign currency amounting to 48 billion dollars: Iraq's central bank governor Ali al-Alaq said on Tuesday that the bank's reserves of foreign currency amounted to 48 billion dollars, pointing out that Iraq will not resort to floating the currency.”…No smoke coming from the CBI. And I think that applies to this art. They do not intend to float their currency. They will come out with a fixed rate. At least that is how I interpret this art…They have been cancelling many imports for the last 6 months or so because they have become self sufficient. Products like wheat and corn and many more. Iraq should be able to increase their exports and with a true value currency IMO... [Post 1 of 3]
12-27-2017 Intel Guru Bruce …on Thursday this past week, Iraq started and made a new active rate on their dinar. It was put out so we have an active rate, so call international rate...I don’t know where it needs to go before this is released. I heard a couple of numbers where it needs to go, but based on the current progress we should be ready for the release in a matter of a day or so…I don’t know if we are going immediately in the next day. We got some information that is indicating it should start in a few days and we should have all this complete around January 2nd. By that I mean the Redemption Centers. The Redemption Centers are on high alert. They have been told to be ready at a moment’s notice…The so called Redemption Centers or exchange locations will be operating 24/7 for a period of about a week, maybe a little bit longer depending on when they decide to shut it all down…
12-27-2017 Newshound Guru G-Lin Having Iraq released from the restrictions of Chap. 7 was just HUGE!! And Parl. should be back on the 3rd of Jan. and we might see the added amendments to the budget that the Council of Ministers have been busy with. [See Ch7 Article below: 12-26-2017 Guru American Contractor]
12-27-2017 Newshound Guru Chattels Article “foreign currency markets in Baghdad, on Tuesday morning, a decline in the dollar exchange rate against the Iraqi dinar. The price of the market on the Stock Exchange in Baghdad 1248.0 dinars per dollar, or 124 thousand and 800 dinars for one hundred dollars, and the exchange rate yesterday at 1252 dinars to the dollar” 1248 is as strong a dinar vs. the dollar as we have seen in recent memory.
12-27-2017 Newshound Guru tman23 Abadi appears to be doing more of what Tehran would want then what the coalition wants…That being said there are articles showing the US and other coalition members may step in and support Kurdistan even more…The USA has plans to build a large embassy in Erbil…Abadi would tell them no no if he takes more power in the region…Barzani held a referendum and Abadi is punishing them…Kurds may just end up with their own state after all…
12-27-2017 Intel Guru Bruce ...I am excited because I think we are finally where Iraq has finished and completed and nothing else to do. Their lower denominations are already coming out of the ATM machines over there. I know people that are Iraqi citizens have money on their cards that they have actually used already… We are really are just about there. I don’t know the timing, but I do know they want to bring the value of the dinar up a little higher to get to a certain point…Yes, we didn’t get this for Christmas as we all thought...It didn’t happen. I don’t know that if there was anything nefarious about it…If we made it this far, we can make it all the way to the end of the year. I don’t think we will have to wait that long...It looks like we should go by the end of the year…really it is about the timing. They will release this when they feel they have the currencies at the highest level to support whatever they need when we come in for public exchange.
12-27-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 We understand from Iraqi television that the Kurdistan crisis is about to come to an end… which means it’s probably already resolved. They will continue to talk to each other; I don’t personally feel it’s affecting what we are waiting for. Our people in Iraq are saying the cards are activating, it’s a done deal, and there is no turning back. I think we are sitting well between now and next Monday. The banks say they have the authorizations and assurances – what else do they need? I don’t know, but I’ll just give them room, sit back and wait. I’ll also make sure some other things are in place for this celebrated day that is upon us.
12-27-2017 Newshound Guru G-Lin This says it all to me…”The floating currency is to make the exchange rate of this currency fully liberalized so that the government or central bank does not intervene in determining it directly, but it is automatically released in the currency market through the mechanism of supply and demand, which allows to determine the exchange rate of the national currency against foreign currencies.”…The question we all want to know is WHEN? LOL.. Now that they will not tell us IMO. It will just happen and they will tell the world after the fact. [Post 3 of 3]
12-27-2017 Newshound Guru G-Lin ...They also need to de-dollarize and they are going to deposit employees checks directly into the banks to try and bring in some of their currency. When they say they have a monopoly in dollars and other currency, this says to me that they need an equal or slightly higher rate to pull all of that currency into the banks. This art. also tells me that they will not let the Gov. interfere with their plans. Whenever they decide to do this it will just hit the market. Article quote: ”…unless the reserves are controlled to a level below the adequacy, which did not happen either in Iraq or other oil countries." They are almost bragging about their reserves it sounds like. It is not below adequacy. [Post 2 of 3]
12-27-2017 Newshound Guru G-Lin Article: “The Central Bank of Iraq reserves of foreign currency amounting to 48 billion dollars: Iraq's central bank governor Ali al-Alaq said on Tuesday that the bank's reserves of foreign currency amounted to 48 billion dollars, pointing out that Iraq will not resort to floating the currency.”…No smoke coming from the CBI. And I think that applies to this art. They do not intend to float their currency. They will come out with a fixed rate. At least that is how I interpret this art…They have been cancelling many imports for the last 6 months or so because they have become self sufficient. Products like wheat and corn and many more. Iraq should be able to increase their exports and with a true value currency IMO... [Post 1 of 3]
12-27-2017 Intel Guru Bruce …on Thursday this past week, Iraq started and made a new active rate on their dinar. It was put out so we have an active rate, so call international rate...I don’t know where it needs to go before this is released. I heard a couple of numbers where it needs to go, but based on the current progress we should be ready for the release in a matter of a day or so…I don’t know if we are going immediately in the next day. We got some information that is indicating it should start in a few days and we should have all this complete around January 2nd. By that I mean the Redemption Centers. The Redemption Centers are on high alert. They have been told to be ready at a moment’s notice…The so called Redemption Centers or exchange locations will be operating 24/7 for a period of about a week, maybe a little bit longer depending on when they decide to shut it all down…
12-27-2017 Newshound Guru G-Lin Having Iraq released from the restrictions of Chap. 7 was just HUGE!! And Parl. should be back on the 3rd of Jan. and we might see the added amendments to the budget that the Council of Ministers have been busy with. [See Ch7 Article below: 12-26-2017 Guru American Contractor]
12-26-2017 Newshound Guru tman23 …Iraqi forces and the Kurdish Peshmerga are in a standoff near the town of Kalar in northern Diyala Province…If we take the news…and… believe a RV is imminent start of 2018…then we have to believe that all this is just media optics and there is no problems between Kurdistan and Baghdad…although President Massum says Abadi is refusing dialogue right now…which I wonder how do you make a monetary change and who internationally supports it when the optics are the place is ready to blow…yet articles of Japan loaning billions for reconstruction… Not making much sense…eg ? Hopefully Jan 2 we see a rate change and much of this is equal to US intelligence reports of a Russian dossier…
12-26-2017 Newshound Guru American Contractor “…From now on, Iraq can manage the legal and technical aspects of its financial resources itself - along with everything relating to deposits and foreign real estate holding…All efforts to freeze Iraqi funds in International banks has ended, which will enhance Iraq’s financial standing and it’s creditworthiness…The decision to lift sanctions coincided with Abadi’s announcement Dec 9 that the fight against the Islamic State was over and security and stability had returned to Iraq.” This is great news. It’s a good article. Now Iraq can reach out to foreign banks and maybe get some foreign banking expertise…Chase Bank or Citi Bank and have them opening up in Iraq…It’s going to cost them 200 Billion dollars to rebuild all of northern Iraq…this is a great thing and hopefully a betterment of Iraq and they’ll get out of this cloud they’re under. They are now the number 1 seller of oil to India. [Post 2 of 2] [See the Dinar video here]
12-26-2017 Newshound Guru American Contractor Article “Iraq once again controls own economy, free of UN sanctions.” According to this article Iraq has free from all UN sanctions. Previously until this article was written Iraq has always been under Ch. 7 sanctions. Quote: “The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) has agreed to lift sanctions imposed on Iraq when the country invited Kuwait 26 years ago. The Iraqi Foreign Minsister said Dec 9 the country had completed it’s obligations under the sanctions…Kuwaiti Oil Minister Essan Al-Marzouq said Dec. 10 that the 10 year deal with Iraq provides for imports of 50 million cubic feet of natural gas a day…later rising to 200 million. The deal appears to have been the key factor that persuaded Kuwait to call for the UN to life the sanctions…Iraqi Parliament member Jassem Mohammad…’Before sanctions were lifted, Iraq was not even able to open foreign bank account in the name of the government…that cost the Iraqi Treasury enormously…” [Post 1 of 2]
12-26-2017 Currency365 [Article] Big news, new ATMs designed with visa logos. The new ATMs are out…these international standard ATMs will be deployed in the safe zones to get started….these are supposed to hold lower notes…[See Video Here]
12-26-2017 Intel Guru TNT Tony Today [Yesterday] Allak introduced the ATMs and the rate is in the ATMs as of today…Whether it’s this week, by January 2, or the 12th, the CBI will be posting their new rate…the rate is $3.37…and I was told today that the bank screen rate was $3.68…There is a plan and we will make the best of it…The rates will not be public until the CBI reopens on January 2 but I just wanted to tell you Merry Christmas with this extra news…
12-26-2017 Newshound Guru American Contractor “…From now on, Iraq can manage the legal and technical aspects of its financial resources itself - along with everything relating to deposits and foreign real estate holding…All efforts to freeze Iraqi funds in International banks has ended, which will enhance Iraq’s financial standing and it’s creditworthiness…The decision to lift sanctions coincided with Abadi’s announcement Dec 9 that the fight against the Islamic State was over and security and stability had returned to Iraq.” This is great news. It’s a good article. Now Iraq can reach out to foreign banks and maybe get some foreign banking expertise…Chase Bank or Citi Bank and have them opening up in Iraq…It’s going to cost them 200 Billion dollars to rebuild all of northern Iraq…this is a great thing and hopefully a betterment of Iraq and they’ll get out of this cloud they’re under. They are now the number 1 seller of oil to India. [Post 2 of 2] [See the Dinar video here]
12-26-2017 Newshound Guru American Contractor Article “Iraq once again controls own economy, free of UN sanctions.” According to this article Iraq has free from all UN sanctions. Previously until this article was written Iraq has always been under Ch. 7 sanctions. Quote: “The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) has agreed to lift sanctions imposed on Iraq when the country invited Kuwait 26 years ago. The Iraqi Foreign Minsister said Dec 9 the country had completed it’s obligations under the sanctions…Kuwaiti Oil Minister Essan Al-Marzouq said Dec. 10 that the 10 year deal with Iraq provides for imports of 50 million cubic feet of natural gas a day…later rising to 200 million. The deal appears to have been the key factor that persuaded Kuwait to call for the UN to life the sanctions…Iraqi Parliament member Jassem Mohammad…’Before sanctions were lifted, Iraq was not even able to open foreign bank account in the name of the government…that cost the Iraqi Treasury enormously…” [Post 1 of 2]
12-26-2017 Currency365 [Article] Big news, new ATMs designed with visa logos. The new ATMs are out…these international standard ATMs will be deployed in the safe zones to get started….these are supposed to hold lower notes…[See Video Here]
12-26-2017 Intel Guru TNT Tony Today [Yesterday] Allak introduced the ATMs and the rate is in the ATMs as of today…Whether it’s this week, by January 2, or the 12th, the CBI will be posting their new rate…the rate is $3.37…and I was told today that the bank screen rate was $3.68…There is a plan and we will make the best of it…The rates will not be public until the CBI reopens on January 2 but I just wanted to tell you Merry Christmas with this extra news…
12-25-2017 *** Dinar Guru News UPDATE *** All month there has been rumblings that the UNSC had removed Iraq from Ch 7...and that Iraq was downgraded to CH 6. The gurus feel this is a big improvement for international relations, trade and investment and a huge step toward dinar acceptance in international banks...This appears to be more an more official as GOI officials and representatives mention the importance of the step to Ch 6 and it's impact. The Dinar Gurus' Master List of Possible To-Dos in the left column of this page has been officially updated to reflect this exciting news! {The Latest Guru Posts will continue below...}
12-25-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 Al Rasheed Bank announces it will be closed from December 25, 2017, until January 2, 2018, to be able to prepare "and implement" annual budgets. [Hmmmmm, could the banks' annual budget coincide with the countrys' annual budget which could possibly include a new rate????] CBI governor Alaq was interviewed stating that the Dinar would not float and must be a fixed rate.
12-25-2017 Newshound Guru Enorrste The reason for the delay, in my view, is this last item. Unless and until the CBI can get the dinars out from the mattresses they are cautious to begin the float. In short, there are just too many dinars in circulation. However, as they get people to move to banking they can remove the large notes from circulation and begin the float. Therefore, I see this article as positive. It is a report card only but points to a goal (the float) that is imminent. I get to this conclusion because...it specifically is mentioned that Egypt moved to a float, but "too late." This would imply to me that the CBI is not going to be "too late" in moving forward, unlike Egypt. [post 2 of 2]
12-25-2017 Newshound Guru Enorrste Article: "Central Bank: float the dinar is difficult to apply in Iraq" Alaq is giving a progress report on the plans to open the currency to a float. They have taken "a package of measures" to bring them to the point where a float will work. ...Then he goes on to state that they are making efforts to achieve "financial inclusion" which I take to mean international acceptance of the dinar, now that the security and financial stability have been dealt with. Finally, he concludes by stating that paying federal employees through bank deposits is working to get people to use the banks. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
12-25-2017 Newshound Guru Enorrste The reason for the delay, in my view, is this last item. Unless and until the CBI can get the dinars out from the mattresses they are cautious to begin the float. In short, there are just too many dinars in circulation. However, as they get people to move to banking they can remove the large notes from circulation and begin the float. Therefore, I see this article as positive. It is a report card only but points to a goal (the float) that is imminent. I get to this conclusion because...it specifically is mentioned that Egypt moved to a float, but "too late." This would imply to me that the CBI is not going to be "too late" in moving forward, unlike Egypt. [post 2 of 2]
12-25-2017 Newshound Guru Enorrste Article: "Central Bank: float the dinar is difficult to apply in Iraq" Alaq is giving a progress report on the plans to open the currency to a float. They have taken "a package of measures" to bring them to the point where a float will work. ...Then he goes on to state that they are making efforts to achieve "financial inclusion" which I take to mean international acceptance of the dinar, now that the security and financial stability have been dealt with. Finally, he concludes by stating that paying federal employees through bank deposits is working to get people to use the banks. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
12-24-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Central Bank: float the dinar is difficult to apply in Iraq" ...it seems like at this time they are more focused on opening accounts and withdrawing the dinar from the market then floating. Which may mean currency reform comes before any attempt to float. I also want to point out he is stating it is "difficult," nothing more.
12-24-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 It has been reported to me that... 1. PM Abadi gave a speech in the Mosque informing the citizens that he has relinquished control of the economic reforms regarding the currency to the CBI. 2. Citizens cards are starting to show a new rate...slowly, but surely. Since the markets are closed until December 26, all focus and attention rests on that date for the earliest indication of the RV, but it could be a few days past that. Either way, your 2018 should begin with a big bang and lots of memories to share with future generations. Time Will Still Tell All!
12-24-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article quote: "The financial adviser to the Prime Minister, the appearance of Mohammed Saleh, on Wednesday, that the exit of Iraq from the seventh item (UN Chapter VII) will provide an environment conducive to foreign investment." ...this statement concludes any questions of whether or not Iraq is “fully’ out of Chapter VII. Iraq is now under Chapter 6 of the UN Charter. Being down graded to Chapter 6 is very good news...So Iraq now operating under Chapter 6 just rejoined the club or normalcy. Quote: "Saleh said in a statement to “Economy News” that “THE CLIMATE OF INVESTMENT AND CREDIT RATING FOR IRAQ WILL RISE because many of the funds frozen by the United Nations of the oil-for-food programs and inspection teams and others will return their money to the state treasury.” [Ch.7 updated in the "Official Master List Of Possible To-Dos" in the Dinar Guru Resource Bar in the left column of this page.]
12-24-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 It has been reported to me that... 1. PM Abadi gave a speech in the Mosque informing the citizens that he has relinquished control of the economic reforms regarding the currency to the CBI. 2. Citizens cards are starting to show a new rate...slowly, but surely. Since the markets are closed until December 26, all focus and attention rests on that date for the earliest indication of the RV, but it could be a few days past that. Either way, your 2018 should begin with a big bang and lots of memories to share with future generations. Time Will Still Tell All!
12-24-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article quote: "The financial adviser to the Prime Minister, the appearance of Mohammed Saleh, on Wednesday, that the exit of Iraq from the seventh item (UN Chapter VII) will provide an environment conducive to foreign investment." ...this statement concludes any questions of whether or not Iraq is “fully’ out of Chapter VII. Iraq is now under Chapter 6 of the UN Charter. Being down graded to Chapter 6 is very good news...So Iraq now operating under Chapter 6 just rejoined the club or normalcy. Quote: "Saleh said in a statement to “Economy News” that “THE CLIMATE OF INVESTMENT AND CREDIT RATING FOR IRAQ WILL RISE because many of the funds frozen by the United Nations of the oil-for-food programs and inspection teams and others will return their money to the state treasury.” [Ch.7 updated in the "Official Master List Of Possible To-Dos" in the Dinar Guru Resource Bar in the left column of this page.]
12-23-2017 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article quote: "The General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers announced the disruption of the official time in the departments, ministries and government institutions for Sunday and Monday on the occasion of the birth of Christ." This is now putting us on a level playing field (think banking) and sets the stage for the Final 2 Articles. The timing of it allows them to Align tonight into Sunday..
12-23-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 RIGHT NOW ABADI IS A...METRONOME. HE KNOWS HOW MANY BEAT ARE NEEDED FOR A PERFECT RATE ... IMO. HE HAS BECOME A MASTER OF...TIME. Impeccable timing. Article: "Trump signs a tax reduction law" Article: "Including the Arab .. Know the highest value currencies in the world for 2018" THE TIMING OF TWO...ONLY TWO THINGS WE WAIT FOR. THIS IS NOT EITHER OF THEM BUT I ASK TWO QUESTIONS: 1.) WHY SHOW THIS DATA NOW? 2.) WHY IS ONLY IRAQ MISSING FROM THESE RANKS? BECAUSE IT'S ABOUT TIME? NO...BECAUSE IT'S ABOUT...TIMING. Article: "Oil climbs before the Christmas holiday" ...OIL PRICES AT 60+ IN JANUARY OF 2018...TIMING.
12-23-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 [...are there any nuances or clues you can share about timing...like why you have been thinking this will go before 2017 ends...and what might be factors in delays?] I think that because that’s what people are telling me from Iraq, in the US, information in the news… Everything points that way, with Iraq wanting to get things wrapped up before the end of the year. The CBI Governor has given instructions to get debts settled before the end of the month, and banks are talking about rate changes in the next day or so.
12-23-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat No one and I mean no one, has the business of saying that this Sept 25th referendum was “just a hick-up” or does not matter. Doesn’t everyone see the significance that this event - the beginning of the end of the Kurdistan “Regional” Government? We will never really know for sure if Barzani was in on the plot to “blend” and “homogenize” the KRG into the rest of the Republic of Iraq. This is the plan. The Iraqi constitution calls for it. The entire Iraqi constitution is soley based on one (1) central government (not “centralized” but central govt). Folks – you have to keep asking why these events happen. Does this hold up the RV? Maybe and maybe this is the event they are waiting for? Folks – I have been in the intelligence arena for many years of my life career and I gotta tell you this is like a well-rehearsed play that is playing out. It may seem coincidental to you unknowing of the plot of the events now unfolding as a result, but they are all planned out only they gotta play out. The ball is now rolling…
12-23-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 RIGHT NOW ABADI IS A...METRONOME. HE KNOWS HOW MANY BEAT ARE NEEDED FOR A PERFECT RATE ... IMO. HE HAS BECOME A MASTER OF...TIME. Impeccable timing. Article: "Trump signs a tax reduction law" Article: "Including the Arab .. Know the highest value currencies in the world for 2018" THE TIMING OF TWO...ONLY TWO THINGS WE WAIT FOR. THIS IS NOT EITHER OF THEM BUT I ASK TWO QUESTIONS: 1.) WHY SHOW THIS DATA NOW? 2.) WHY IS ONLY IRAQ MISSING FROM THESE RANKS? BECAUSE IT'S ABOUT TIME? NO...BECAUSE IT'S ABOUT...TIMING. Article: "Oil climbs before the Christmas holiday" ...OIL PRICES AT 60+ IN JANUARY OF 2018...TIMING.
12-23-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 [...are there any nuances or clues you can share about timing...like why you have been thinking this will go before 2017 ends...and what might be factors in delays?] I think that because that’s what people are telling me from Iraq, in the US, information in the news… Everything points that way, with Iraq wanting to get things wrapped up before the end of the year. The CBI Governor has given instructions to get debts settled before the end of the month, and banks are talking about rate changes in the next day or so.
12-23-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat No one and I mean no one, has the business of saying that this Sept 25th referendum was “just a hick-up” or does not matter. Doesn’t everyone see the significance that this event - the beginning of the end of the Kurdistan “Regional” Government? We will never really know for sure if Barzani was in on the plot to “blend” and “homogenize” the KRG into the rest of the Republic of Iraq. This is the plan. The Iraqi constitution calls for it. The entire Iraqi constitution is soley based on one (1) central government (not “centralized” but central govt). Folks – you have to keep asking why these events happen. Does this hold up the RV? Maybe and maybe this is the event they are waiting for? Folks – I have been in the intelligence arena for many years of my life career and I gotta tell you this is like a well-rehearsed play that is playing out. It may seem coincidental to you unknowing of the plot of the events now unfolding as a result, but they are all planned out only they gotta play out. The ball is now rolling…
12-22-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 Some predicted that when the tax bill was signed, the RV would happen and we would see it on Friday. The tax bill was supposed to be signed in January, but lo and behold it was signed today – so that might come true. We have half of Friday still to come. Others predicted that the rates would go live on Friday because they are seen on the screens, so we’ll see. What rates reported on the screen? Dinar = $3.40-50, dong = 47 cents... Everything looks great and I’m super-excited. If you don’t go before Christmas, you should be going after Christmas – either way, this should be your last broke Christmas. That’s as much as I can tell you without telling you…
12-22-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni [So, the spread is about 7% and the reserves are down about 50% since Alaq took over.] I don't buy into it that Alaq is corrupt. With the IMF and UST having people there working with the CBI to reduce the spread, it would be stupid for him to participate in some sort of illegal activities. Has he not done the things he said he would? Did he not follow the IMF SBA? Has he not launched the e-banking in Iraq? He has signed agreements with IFC and several other countries to perpetuate investor activities. He has held several events over the last few years regarding the banking sector and reforms apparently to unite the government, economists and the CBI's policies. The only thing that we can question is the daily auctions and a spread remaining around 1252 to $1 (6 to 7 %). But with the IMF and UST there, if it was a matter of expertise to reduce it, you would think they would have done so.
12-22-2017 Newshound Guru Enorrste In particular, and probably when he realized that this was way bigger than he could handle himself, he signed an agreement with the IMF to allow them to help him through this mess. For that I believe he (or Abadi and he) deserve great credit. Had the IMF not stepped in I would suspect that the corruption would have exacerbated, the drain on the budget would have deteriorated, and the reserves would have fallen even faster than they have. In any case, I personally see light at the end of the tunnel. Keywords met with a delegation of the World Bank and outlined a roadmap to economic growth. That's a first, I believe, and he should be credited for seeking out support wherever he can to keep the ball in the air. [post 2 of 2]
12-22-2017 Newshound Guru Enorrste There are very good reasons why the reserves have fallen since Keywords took his position, primary among them the low cost of oil and the rise of ISIS. These put an enormous squeeze on the budget of Iraq with $15 billion deficits per year, or more (I don't recall the specifics). The cost of fighting ISIS has never been produced from the Iraqi point of view but if it is anything like our efforts in Iraq or Afganistan one can only imagine the drain on resources. Neither of these factors were within Keyword's control. He inherited a hemorraging situation and has done the best possible to keep it from total collapse. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
12-22-2017 Intel Guru Bruce We thought we would have had this by today...but I am encouraged with the information I got today [Thursday]... Iraq is basically compete...They have done everything they need to get done. We have heard they would have a live rate they could trade with last night by people who do that for a living. It was not there last night [Wednesday]. This is interesting. We do have the impression tonight however; it could be a very different scenario where not only the Dinar but also the Dong would be available to be traded as actual currencies not futures. We will see if that is the case. I have every reason to believe we still can exchange thru the holidays. Maybe not on Christmas Day, which is Monday, but I think a real possibility we could have this before Christmas. I got Intel that sort of is leaning that way. It is not definite. I am not calling it, but I would stay positive the possibility of this going any day now... I do believe the information we are getting is pointing to the immediacy of this going thru.
12-22-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 Various good sources have shared the following with me...
1. Iraq's Finance Minister wants all departments and banks to have all of their financial transactions completed no later than Saturday, December 23. [Could it be so that all debts are cleared so a new rate can emerge? Hmmmm]
2. Some US banks have received memos indicating a rate change ... supposedly on Friday with exchange activity for sometime next week ... Time Will Tell !!
3. Some US banks are expecting to be in "Standby Mode" starting sometime next week. [Maybe they are anticipating something?]
4. The CBI has officially become a separate entity from the Government of Iraq. It was voted earlier last week and signed into law today.
12-22-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni [So, the spread is about 7% and the reserves are down about 50% since Alaq took over.] I don't buy into it that Alaq is corrupt. With the IMF and UST having people there working with the CBI to reduce the spread, it would be stupid for him to participate in some sort of illegal activities. Has he not done the things he said he would? Did he not follow the IMF SBA? Has he not launched the e-banking in Iraq? He has signed agreements with IFC and several other countries to perpetuate investor activities. He has held several events over the last few years regarding the banking sector and reforms apparently to unite the government, economists and the CBI's policies. The only thing that we can question is the daily auctions and a spread remaining around 1252 to $1 (6 to 7 %). But with the IMF and UST there, if it was a matter of expertise to reduce it, you would think they would have done so.
12-22-2017 Newshound Guru Enorrste In particular, and probably when he realized that this was way bigger than he could handle himself, he signed an agreement with the IMF to allow them to help him through this mess. For that I believe he (or Abadi and he) deserve great credit. Had the IMF not stepped in I would suspect that the corruption would have exacerbated, the drain on the budget would have deteriorated, and the reserves would have fallen even faster than they have. In any case, I personally see light at the end of the tunnel. Keywords met with a delegation of the World Bank and outlined a roadmap to economic growth. That's a first, I believe, and he should be credited for seeking out support wherever he can to keep the ball in the air. [post 2 of 2]
12-22-2017 Newshound Guru Enorrste There are very good reasons why the reserves have fallen since Keywords took his position, primary among them the low cost of oil and the rise of ISIS. These put an enormous squeeze on the budget of Iraq with $15 billion deficits per year, or more (I don't recall the specifics). The cost of fighting ISIS has never been produced from the Iraqi point of view but if it is anything like our efforts in Iraq or Afganistan one can only imagine the drain on resources. Neither of these factors were within Keyword's control. He inherited a hemorraging situation and has done the best possible to keep it from total collapse. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
12-22-2017 Intel Guru Bruce We thought we would have had this by today...but I am encouraged with the information I got today [Thursday]... Iraq is basically compete...They have done everything they need to get done. We have heard they would have a live rate they could trade with last night by people who do that for a living. It was not there last night [Wednesday]. This is interesting. We do have the impression tonight however; it could be a very different scenario where not only the Dinar but also the Dong would be available to be traded as actual currencies not futures. We will see if that is the case. I have every reason to believe we still can exchange thru the holidays. Maybe not on Christmas Day, which is Monday, but I think a real possibility we could have this before Christmas. I got Intel that sort of is leaning that way. It is not definite. I am not calling it, but I would stay positive the possibility of this going any day now... I do believe the information we are getting is pointing to the immediacy of this going thru.
12-22-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 Various good sources have shared the following with me...
1. Iraq's Finance Minister wants all departments and banks to have all of their financial transactions completed no later than Saturday, December 23. [Could it be so that all debts are cleared so a new rate can emerge? Hmmmm]
2. Some US banks have received memos indicating a rate change ... supposedly on Friday with exchange activity for sometime next week ... Time Will Tell !!
3. Some US banks are expecting to be in "Standby Mode" starting sometime next week. [Maybe they are anticipating something?]
4. The CBI has officially become a separate entity from the Government of Iraq. It was voted earlier last week and signed into law today.
12-21-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Keywords looking with the World Bank operational procedures to facilitate the investment process" Quote: "Iraq is moving in the direction of opening the door to foreign investors, and give them high degrees of credibility. For his part, the World Bank team stressed the need to develop new instruments for the investor, and show flexibility by the Iraqi government, and facilitate the process of preparing investment papers for those wishing." Time to get the show on the road...currency reform should be right on top of the list...we all know its has to be done.
12-21-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 [It seems like everyday, or at least several times a week, we see reports of countries or international agencies giving significant monies or loans to Iraq...do we need the various entities to stop with the giving and lending...it seems as long as Iraq continues receiving the monies, they have no desire or need to revalue their currency.] I do believe they desire and need to revalue their currency. In certain situations, I believe that they have revalued their currency. We’re just waiting for something we can participate in. It’s a waiting game.
12-21-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat So where do we now stand? Many say that we will get the RV prior to Christmas. Really? I have to tell you I do not see a bit of real SOLID proof or evidence of this becoming a reality until sometime in 2018. I used to feel that very EARLY 2018 could be a good timeframe however, I have to decline any further analysis at this time since I am not seeing certain indicators we have been looking for such as kicking off the program to re-educate the citizens and Article 140 (HCL). Also I am being told that their must be a legal law passed in parliament to meet the referendum requirement of Article 140, as stated in the constitution, to “fully” fulfill this mandated requirement. So I doubt it may even be EARLY 2018 since in 2011, 2013 and 2015 the CBI took at least a few months to educate the citizens on the process of deleting the 3 zeros.
12-21-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Article: "Anti-Government protest continue for third day in some Kurdish cities" These unfolding events are BIG NEWS... Barzani’s “Old Guard” regime is on the verge of collapse. Abadi has been plain in his efforts to protect and help ALL the people of Iraq.
12-21-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "A new term Atdoual Iraqi banks and earns "millions" during hours without paying one penny" Quote: "the daily speculation carried out by traders across the volatile instruments affect the stability of the currency rate and the size of the cash reserves of foreign currency because the bank will cover the needs of Iraq Foreign trade, but these speculators use these reserves for the purpose of profit." So they either reduce the spread to 2% or less as required by the IMF or start the currency reform and float the currency so they can eliminate the dollar auctions.
12-21-2017 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke LISTEN CLOSELY! There’s MUCH MORE WINNING TO COME! “RATE gods PARTY” We Approached the throne of the “RATE gods” and besieged them One Last Time, to divulge exactly what rates are going to do. They rolled their eyes at us, pointed up to the Sun, and said, “Look to the Heavens, and you’ll know what to do”. We said, “That doesn’t help us much right now, because we still don’t know anything”. They said, “Exactly. But you Will. This is just a START.”
12-21-2017 Newshound Guru mike Iraq still hasn't grasped the basic concepts of an open market economy, at every turn they try to control and manipulate the investment environment and fail at every attempt. We need the GOI to empower the open market economy through legislation and quit trying to control every aspect because they think they know better. They don't. ...How many times is the GOI going to try and "fix" the Iraqi economy before they figure out they can't? Enforce the tariff's and empower the local manufacturers and farmers and the markets will settle themselves out based on supply and demand. Anything less is futile. Only then will demand for Iraqi products and services allow the dinar to float via the Balasaa-Samuelson effect. IMO.
12-21-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 [It seems like everyday, or at least several times a week, we see reports of countries or international agencies giving significant monies or loans to Iraq...do we need the various entities to stop with the giving and lending...it seems as long as Iraq continues receiving the monies, they have no desire or need to revalue their currency.] I do believe they desire and need to revalue their currency. In certain situations, I believe that they have revalued their currency. We’re just waiting for something we can participate in. It’s a waiting game.
12-21-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat So where do we now stand? Many say that we will get the RV prior to Christmas. Really? I have to tell you I do not see a bit of real SOLID proof or evidence of this becoming a reality until sometime in 2018. I used to feel that very EARLY 2018 could be a good timeframe however, I have to decline any further analysis at this time since I am not seeing certain indicators we have been looking for such as kicking off the program to re-educate the citizens and Article 140 (HCL). Also I am being told that their must be a legal law passed in parliament to meet the referendum requirement of Article 140, as stated in the constitution, to “fully” fulfill this mandated requirement. So I doubt it may even be EARLY 2018 since in 2011, 2013 and 2015 the CBI took at least a few months to educate the citizens on the process of deleting the 3 zeros.
12-21-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Article: "Anti-Government protest continue for third day in some Kurdish cities" These unfolding events are BIG NEWS... Barzani’s “Old Guard” regime is on the verge of collapse. Abadi has been plain in his efforts to protect and help ALL the people of Iraq.
12-21-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "A new term Atdoual Iraqi banks and earns "millions" during hours without paying one penny" Quote: "the daily speculation carried out by traders across the volatile instruments affect the stability of the currency rate and the size of the cash reserves of foreign currency because the bank will cover the needs of Iraq Foreign trade, but these speculators use these reserves for the purpose of profit." So they either reduce the spread to 2% or less as required by the IMF or start the currency reform and float the currency so they can eliminate the dollar auctions.
12-21-2017 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke LISTEN CLOSELY! There’s MUCH MORE WINNING TO COME! “RATE gods PARTY” We Approached the throne of the “RATE gods” and besieged them One Last Time, to divulge exactly what rates are going to do. They rolled their eyes at us, pointed up to the Sun, and said, “Look to the Heavens, and you’ll know what to do”. We said, “That doesn’t help us much right now, because we still don’t know anything”. They said, “Exactly. But you Will. This is just a START.”
12-21-2017 Newshound Guru mike Iraq still hasn't grasped the basic concepts of an open market economy, at every turn they try to control and manipulate the investment environment and fail at every attempt. We need the GOI to empower the open market economy through legislation and quit trying to control every aspect because they think they know better. They don't. ...How many times is the GOI going to try and "fix" the Iraqi economy before they figure out they can't? Enforce the tariff's and empower the local manufacturers and farmers and the markets will settle themselves out based on supply and demand. Anything less is futile. Only then will demand for Iraqi products and services allow the dinar to float via the Balasaa-Samuelson effect. IMO.
12-20-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 We know about issues with the Kurds, the infighting and corruption there; how much is that affecting the RV? I don’t know. I’m sure it’s probably having some effect, but it hasn’t stopped it. This game is definitely ON and real, although maybe not where we can take advantage of it yet. ...I continue to receive information that a rate change is evident. It IS coming; I just can’t tell you when.
12-20-2017 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke OPINION: “Houston...we have LIFT OFF!” ...WHAT YOU’VE BEEN WAITING FOR, Soooooooo Loooooooong – is about to become “PUBLIC & OFFICIAL”. You’ll soon “SEE”, what we “SEE”, and know “The Rest of the Story”. SANTA IS & HAS been, making his List for a Long Time, and Checking it Twice...to “SEE” who’s been Naughty & Nice. He KNOWS Who’s Who (in Dinarland). SANTA “SEES” ALL. (Sometimes he likes a little “Naughty”...“Nice Naughty, that is”.) Make NO MISTAKE! This will happen “VERY SUDDENLY”...BY NOW, you should have “ALL YOUR AFFAIRS IN ORDER”. ...AND Yes, all you Vietnam Ding Donger’s... “Get All Your Affairs in Order!” What were those DATES again, that we Love so much?: DECEMBER 23, 2017 – JANUARY 1, 2018.
12-20-2017 Intel Guru Bruce Let’s talk about Iraq. What they had to do was they had to get everything set with World Bank because there is a loan coming to Iraq from World Bank. They were granted the loan from the World Bank and they sufficiently met the requirements the World Bank had for Iraq. We know this will allow the lower denominations finally be put out. That is their new currency these lower denominations. They line up with the ones we have. The other thing Iraq is doing is they are currently for at least a day, because they stopped trading over the weekend, and they resumed trading the dinar as a future meaning as a future currency that is really there now. They started trading those again last night [Monday] and continued to 3am to 4am in the morning then it was shut off. I believe it was resumed again for tonight [Tuesday]. During that time we know the value of those futures have gone up more than double almost 3 times since they were cut off this morning at 3:00 to 3:30am. There is a lot of movement of these futures moving the value of the dinar to its true rate which could come out any day now.
12-20-2017 Newshound Guru mike Article: "Identify obstacles to sustainable development and demand overcome them" Quote: "This conference aims to intensify and coordinate efforts between the Iraqi private sector on the one hand, and between the decision - makers in the House of Representatives and the executive representative of the government of the other side and the support and sponsorship of the International Project Center" I like this guy and he seems to be headed in the right direction, let's hope the GOI is listening and picks one task and fully accomplishes it and moves on to the next one. ...Revamp the investment law. Provide guarantee's on bank deposits. Move the dinar into Article VIII. Empower the open market economy. Before you know it, the west is investing in Iraq instead of handouts.
12-20-2017 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke OPINION: “Houston...we have LIFT OFF!” ...WHAT YOU’VE BEEN WAITING FOR, Soooooooo Loooooooong – is about to become “PUBLIC & OFFICIAL”. You’ll soon “SEE”, what we “SEE”, and know “The Rest of the Story”. SANTA IS & HAS been, making his List for a Long Time, and Checking it Twice...to “SEE” who’s been Naughty & Nice. He KNOWS Who’s Who (in Dinarland). SANTA “SEES” ALL. (Sometimes he likes a little “Naughty”...“Nice Naughty, that is”.) Make NO MISTAKE! This will happen “VERY SUDDENLY”...BY NOW, you should have “ALL YOUR AFFAIRS IN ORDER”. ...AND Yes, all you Vietnam Ding Donger’s... “Get All Your Affairs in Order!” What were those DATES again, that we Love so much?: DECEMBER 23, 2017 – JANUARY 1, 2018.
12-20-2017 Intel Guru Bruce Let’s talk about Iraq. What they had to do was they had to get everything set with World Bank because there is a loan coming to Iraq from World Bank. They were granted the loan from the World Bank and they sufficiently met the requirements the World Bank had for Iraq. We know this will allow the lower denominations finally be put out. That is their new currency these lower denominations. They line up with the ones we have. The other thing Iraq is doing is they are currently for at least a day, because they stopped trading over the weekend, and they resumed trading the dinar as a future meaning as a future currency that is really there now. They started trading those again last night [Monday] and continued to 3am to 4am in the morning then it was shut off. I believe it was resumed again for tonight [Tuesday]. During that time we know the value of those futures have gone up more than double almost 3 times since they were cut off this morning at 3:00 to 3:30am. There is a lot of movement of these futures moving the value of the dinar to its true rate which could come out any day now.
12-20-2017 Newshound Guru mike Article: "Identify obstacles to sustainable development and demand overcome them" Quote: "This conference aims to intensify and coordinate efforts between the Iraqi private sector on the one hand, and between the decision - makers in the House of Representatives and the executive representative of the government of the other side and the support and sponsorship of the International Project Center" I like this guy and he seems to be headed in the right direction, let's hope the GOI is listening and picks one task and fully accomplishes it and moves on to the next one. ...Revamp the investment law. Provide guarantee's on bank deposits. Move the dinar into Article VIII. Empower the open market economy. Before you know it, the west is investing in Iraq instead of handouts.
12-19-2017 Intel Guru Footforward Exciting time that we are looking at. Like many I'm expecting the RV to happen shortly. We're not waiting on tax reform in the United States, but that is what i'm looking at in a sense of a trigger...a sign. When that happens I'll be expecting something any day...IMO.
12-19-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat ...the CBI’s next move is to set the program rate to 1000 : 1 (dinars to US dollars) in early January. But this is not the kind of huge change we are waiting for. We need the 1:1. But this change in January will be a sign for us that the 1:1 is coming soon.
12-19-2017 Newshound Guru Stryker Breaking News: Parliamentary finance raises the draft budget to the Presidency and we are waiting to set a date for approval...Ever Closer To The Finishline.
12-19-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "External: one file and out of Iraq from the provisions of Chapter VII" Whether its UN Chapter VI or VII, it's pretty clear that the UN has some control over Iraq until the final balance to Kuwait is paid in full. The good news is that they agreed to start paying again in 2018.
12-19-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 As far as over in Iraq, it's been very quiet other than the little bit of information that has come out. . . Clearly other information is still being suppressed for whatever reason. It’s a timing thing. I don’t have any information that says to me, not until 2018. ...we have a few days into this week to see if it may materialize before this week is over.
12-19-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat ...the CBI’s next move is to set the program rate to 1000 : 1 (dinars to US dollars) in early January. But this is not the kind of huge change we are waiting for. We need the 1:1. But this change in January will be a sign for us that the 1:1 is coming soon.
12-19-2017 Newshound Guru Stryker Breaking News: Parliamentary finance raises the draft budget to the Presidency and we are waiting to set a date for approval...Ever Closer To The Finishline.
12-19-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "External: one file and out of Iraq from the provisions of Chapter VII" Whether its UN Chapter VI or VII, it's pretty clear that the UN has some control over Iraq until the final balance to Kuwait is paid in full. The good news is that they agreed to start paying again in 2018.
12-19-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 As far as over in Iraq, it's been very quiet other than the little bit of information that has come out. . . Clearly other information is still being suppressed for whatever reason. It’s a timing thing. I don’t have any information that says to me, not until 2018. ...we have a few days into this week to see if it may materialize before this week is over.
12-18-2017 Newshound Guru mike Article: "External: one file and out of Iraq from the provisions of Chapter VII" I remember in 2013 Iraq was "removed from Chapter VII" The articles we've been reading related to Chapter VII was focused on the remaining funds in the oil for food program, they're still on the hook for the $4.7 billion they owe the Kuwati's. ...they're not going to just forgo the money they're rightfully owed with promises of economic opportunities. The Iraqi's need the Kuwaiti's, it's not the other way around. The last paragraph was the best part of the article: "complete liberation of isolation means opens the door of development and investment without the need for an international mediator on all levels, and the decomposition of the restrictions on goods entering international supervision to Iraq." Come on Abadi, you can do this.
12-18-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 We've had a ball of confusion this weekend. ...where are we exactly in the grand scheme of things? The wheels are so ever slowly turning. But, it's almost impossible to pinpoint an exact time frame. So we have to play it out as we wait it out. ...there also was the announcements of salaries being paid today...And some were of the expectation that these could of or should have been at the new rate. That remains to be seen. ...there was an article that came out about ...the deficit being cut over there from 27 Trillion down to 13 trillion. And that made some eyebrows come up of the thought process...could this be the elusive RV raising it's head? That remains to be seen as well. We did have some banking folks highly expectant of things happening over the weekend and of course they have moved that excitement into the first part of the week, still excited that something is about to happen. And that is where we are right now... Waiting for more information that pinpoints where we are in the grand scheme of things...or even a full scale release. That remains to be seen.
12-18-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat ...no one and I mean no one, has enough information or evidence to justify proof of saying that the RV will happen prior to Christmas. I want everyone to...remember that the reason we have had so many past Christmases come and go with news of the process to delete the zeros (thus RV) is that it was in fact planned RVs for the following timeframes in January 2011, 2013, 2016 and told about an EARLY 2017. ...at these times we had evidence from the CBI...This all is factual information told to us in retrospect by Dr Shabibi himself in the years following these timeframes. ...no one had any idea we would be disappointed again as they told us later it was postponed. If we get some good news of going forward once again now that we are nearing the end of 2017 with the “project to delete the zeros” and the re-education articles in the next 15 days there may still be hope for EARLY January 2018. Then and only then we should get excited.
12-18-2017 Newshound Guru mike Article: "World Bank: ready for the advancement of the Iraqi economy" Great article, but we have over 60 pages of articles where the World Bank has showed support for the advancement of the Iraqi economy and the dinar. These guys helped orchestrate the new dinar and move it from 3000-$1 to where it is today and a score of other things to move this country forward economically for the past 12 years. What's missing is political will. As an investor, I want more than speeches from the WB/IMF, Abadi and Iraq's leadership. I want a passed 2018 budget before 2018. I want a capped, 100% deposit insurance. I want the dinar in Article VIII. I want foreign investment to have the ability to own property in Iraq without having to have an Iraqi partner. I want government protections on the money I invest in Iraq. So far, we don't have this stuff...Pass the laws and show the world Iraq is ready for investment rather than telling me.
12-18-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 We've had a ball of confusion this weekend. ...where are we exactly in the grand scheme of things? The wheels are so ever slowly turning. But, it's almost impossible to pinpoint an exact time frame. So we have to play it out as we wait it out. ...there also was the announcements of salaries being paid today...And some were of the expectation that these could of or should have been at the new rate. That remains to be seen. ...there was an article that came out about ...the deficit being cut over there from 27 Trillion down to 13 trillion. And that made some eyebrows come up of the thought process...could this be the elusive RV raising it's head? That remains to be seen as well. We did have some banking folks highly expectant of things happening over the weekend and of course they have moved that excitement into the first part of the week, still excited that something is about to happen. And that is where we are right now... Waiting for more information that pinpoints where we are in the grand scheme of things...or even a full scale release. That remains to be seen.
12-18-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat ...no one and I mean no one, has enough information or evidence to justify proof of saying that the RV will happen prior to Christmas. I want everyone to...remember that the reason we have had so many past Christmases come and go with news of the process to delete the zeros (thus RV) is that it was in fact planned RVs for the following timeframes in January 2011, 2013, 2016 and told about an EARLY 2017. ...at these times we had evidence from the CBI...This all is factual information told to us in retrospect by Dr Shabibi himself in the years following these timeframes. ...no one had any idea we would be disappointed again as they told us later it was postponed. If we get some good news of going forward once again now that we are nearing the end of 2017 with the “project to delete the zeros” and the re-education articles in the next 15 days there may still be hope for EARLY January 2018. Then and only then we should get excited.
12-18-2017 Newshound Guru mike Article: "World Bank: ready for the advancement of the Iraqi economy" Great article, but we have over 60 pages of articles where the World Bank has showed support for the advancement of the Iraqi economy and the dinar. These guys helped orchestrate the new dinar and move it from 3000-$1 to where it is today and a score of other things to move this country forward economically for the past 12 years. What's missing is political will. As an investor, I want more than speeches from the WB/IMF, Abadi and Iraq's leadership. I want a passed 2018 budget before 2018. I want a capped, 100% deposit insurance. I want the dinar in Article VIII. I want foreign investment to have the ability to own property in Iraq without having to have an Iraqi partner. I want government protections on the money I invest in Iraq. So far, we don't have this stuff...Pass the laws and show the world Iraq is ready for investment rather than telling me.
12-17-2017 Newshound Guru mike [...what laws are we still looking to get passed to get to get this economy going...] ...here's what I'm looking for. The first big deal is the acceptance of Article VIII. The political will to end the auctions and allow the dinar to float requires a ton of legislation, or the removal of restrictive legislation. ...The government controls almost everything. 95% of the countries revenue is derived from oil, controlled by the government. Iraq's leadership won't pass the laws necessary to empower the people to create an open market economy. Passing the HCL will help eliminate the massive corruption surrounding the oil money. ...the key is to empower the banks, protect Iraqi deposits, have the currency internationally recognized and remove the red tape and investment obstacles so that western money does come into Iraq. Capitalism is a powerful tool, if there's money to be made and it's safe to do it, Iraq will have all the investment they can handle...
12-17-2017 Newshound Guru mike [...what laws are we still looking to get passed to get to get this economy going...] ...here's what I'm looking for. The first big deal is the acceptance of Article VIII. The political will to end the auctions and allow the dinar to float requires a ton of legislation, or the removal of restrictive legislation. ...The government controls almost everything. 95% of the countries revenue is derived from oil, controlled by the government. Iraq's leadership won't pass the laws necessary to empower the people to create an open market economy. Passing the HCL will help eliminate the massive corruption surrounding the oil money. ...the key is to empower the banks, protect Iraqi deposits, have the currency internationally recognized and remove the red tape and investment obstacles so that western money does come into Iraq. Capitalism is a powerful tool, if there's money to be made and it's safe to do it, Iraq will have all the investment they can handle...
12-16-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "The document: a political entity address the Prime Minister officially .. and demanding the dismissal of the Governor of the Central Bank" The one key thing with Alaq as he seems to have united his plans with the GOI. Something that never would have occurred with Shabibi. And I would think if those plans were not in the best interest of Iraq the IMF would have said something as they are present at the meeting, conferences and consultations.
12-16-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 [It has been reported by the Government of Iraq that a new minimum wage of 350K dinar per month will go into effect 1/1/2018. What are your thoughts on this as it pertains to the RV?] Don’t be surprised if another report comes out before then that they adjusted the minimum wage because the currency has a new value.
12-16-2017 Newshound Guru Enorrste Article: "Iraq replaces the confidence of the world economically" It appears that Abadi is more positive about the banking situation in Iraq than he should be. We have seen over the years that the banking system in Iraq was woefully deficient. There have certainly been improvements made, but one factor that has not yet occurred is the movement of dinars from mattresses to banks. Unless and until that occurs I fear that the economy will not take off and, more importantly, the CBI won't be able to reduce the money supply allowing the value to rise. Foreign investment will help but I doublt that it will be as aggressive initially as Abadi would like to believe. This is like trying to move an ocean liner. It starts out slowly and, as KAP [Guru Kaperoni] has noted, gains momentum. But this is not a 100 yard dash. It will take time, months at least, to see any significant change in the investment climate. That's my 2 cents worth. I wish I were wrong, but I've been in this over 11 years and I can't help but believe that Abadi's hype is overstated.
12-16-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 ...looking for possibly some...TELLING information over the weekend. Now, as far as everything being down for the weekend: markets closing in a few hours [Friday]; Forex shutting down - this weekend could be an interesting turn of events that happen over the weekend taking us into open of business on Monday. Could be rather exciting! Right now I just have to patiently wait for the information to trickle in and lets see where we wind up between now and sunrise on Monday morning. Time will tell and all we can do is patiently wait on it...
12-16-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana [...do you have some good news about thé HCL? RV?] I wish I did right now! We're in a little bit of a lull with the HCL, and I'm not sure when that lull will be over, but I AM certain that it will end soon. All we can do right now is wait to hear some news. My guess is we should get HCL news within the next 6 weeks. It's a topic that cannot be ignored forever, it's something they NEED regardless of their currency value, and it is only going to benefit them. I get torn on this next statement... I want to say "the sooner, the better!" But then I also like the sound of "The HIGHER, the better!" With those words in mind, I usually decide it's best if I exercise some of that virtue called "patience", and I'm ok with letting it take a little longer if it's going to be done right.
12-16-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 [It has been reported by the Government of Iraq that a new minimum wage of 350K dinar per month will go into effect 1/1/2018. What are your thoughts on this as it pertains to the RV?] Don’t be surprised if another report comes out before then that they adjusted the minimum wage because the currency has a new value.
12-16-2017 Newshound Guru Enorrste Article: "Iraq replaces the confidence of the world economically" It appears that Abadi is more positive about the banking situation in Iraq than he should be. We have seen over the years that the banking system in Iraq was woefully deficient. There have certainly been improvements made, but one factor that has not yet occurred is the movement of dinars from mattresses to banks. Unless and until that occurs I fear that the economy will not take off and, more importantly, the CBI won't be able to reduce the money supply allowing the value to rise. Foreign investment will help but I doublt that it will be as aggressive initially as Abadi would like to believe. This is like trying to move an ocean liner. It starts out slowly and, as KAP [Guru Kaperoni] has noted, gains momentum. But this is not a 100 yard dash. It will take time, months at least, to see any significant change in the investment climate. That's my 2 cents worth. I wish I were wrong, but I've been in this over 11 years and I can't help but believe that Abadi's hype is overstated.
12-16-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 ...looking for possibly some...TELLING information over the weekend. Now, as far as everything being down for the weekend: markets closing in a few hours [Friday]; Forex shutting down - this weekend could be an interesting turn of events that happen over the weekend taking us into open of business on Monday. Could be rather exciting! Right now I just have to patiently wait for the information to trickle in and lets see where we wind up between now and sunrise on Monday morning. Time will tell and all we can do is patiently wait on it...
12-16-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana [...do you have some good news about thé HCL? RV?] I wish I did right now! We're in a little bit of a lull with the HCL, and I'm not sure when that lull will be over, but I AM certain that it will end soon. All we can do right now is wait to hear some news. My guess is we should get HCL news within the next 6 weeks. It's a topic that cannot be ignored forever, it's something they NEED regardless of their currency value, and it is only going to benefit them. I get torn on this next statement... I want to say "the sooner, the better!" But then I also like the sound of "The HIGHER, the better!" With those words in mind, I usually decide it's best if I exercise some of that virtue called "patience", and I'm ok with letting it take a little longer if it's going to be done right.
12-15-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 The information that I have received suggests that this will still be released by Christmas, and that’s where I’m staying, pending new information. That is it: we’re just basically waiting. There are things going on that cannot be shared; they will come to light in due time. They do sound good and we are moving forward, we’re just not quite ready to go to the bank and do our exchange.
12-15-2017 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: "Iraqi bank receives international award" Another indicator of significant progress or coming about international if you will. Setting up for to the final outcome imo.
12-15-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat We know ...currency auctions are killing the CBI reserves and must be halted due to corruption. These auctions limit the ability to trade and pay in Iraqi dinars... We know last month that Iraq made trade agreements with boarding countries (Iran, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Iran) and to pay debts in their own currencies. Meaning Iraq is to pay in Dinars, Iran in Riyal, etc. Oh – but how can Iraq when they are restricted in these currency auctions to convert Iraqi IQD to USD and pay in US dollars? We now know (from a previous article this week) that the financial fiscal year for Iraq ends today Dec 15th. I am not going to give you any promises of an RV. I am only trying to bring out the possibilities with EVIDENCE, PROOF and FACTS that this RV ride may soon be over. ...There is just so much evidence pointing in the direction of the end of the year. [post 2 of 2]
12-15-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat If you are paying attention to all the news...You should, and now be aware Iraq is on a very strong position to the final phases of the “project to delete the zeros”. The news could not get any better. Last week Iraq delivered to us some amazing news. It was all news that we have been waiting for many years to receive. It is here now and we are moving forward at a faster pace. We heard from the IMF, after the release from Chapter VII, that Iraq is now truly a “fully” sovereign nation...and can now freely deal with the international community... ...Iraq can now handle all its oil sales revenues directly. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
12-15-2017 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Quote: "We would like to inform you that RTL transfers has been activated MSG via electronic services via the Internet" This is telling us Iraq just went Digital... imo... if this is true, then our time is near! imo
12-15-2017 Intel Guru Bruce We told you Iraq...completed everything they needed to do concerning the speech PM Abadi made last Saturday. He actually did mention the rate of the dinar at the time and it was covered by CNN Internationally. What is amazing is the only thing we are looking for from Iraq is the rate of the dinar, the new rate, the value posted on the CBI website, and the CBI rate to find its way to the Forex. The same thing is true for the UN Operational rates...they occur on the 1st and the 15th of every month. I feel we are right there. It could happen at any moment, over night tonight, or tomorrow [Friday]. We will see what happens. All I can tell you is tomorrow [Friday] could be an important day as far as UN Operational rates, as far as Forex goes. It should be before Christmas. This should be our Christmas gift to the world, and be able to enjoy it as never before.
12-15-2017 Newshound Guru Enorrste Article: "World Bank: ready for the advancement of the Iraqi economy" I agree with KAP that the fact that this is being driven by the World Bank is very significant. [Reference Guru Kaperoni post 12-14-2017] In the past we have heard many times that "in the coming period" something may happen, but these were all from within the GOI or CBI. The politics intervened and delays occurred. However, with the World Bank behind this move it seems that we may finally begin to see some real economic growth in the country. Obviously with that growth there will be a strengthening of the currency which should allow for the float to begin. It could take several months, but at least we have one of the "big boys" behind this, finally.
12-15-2017 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: "Iraqi bank receives international award" Another indicator of significant progress or coming about international if you will. Setting up for to the final outcome imo.
12-15-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat We know ...currency auctions are killing the CBI reserves and must be halted due to corruption. These auctions limit the ability to trade and pay in Iraqi dinars... We know last month that Iraq made trade agreements with boarding countries (Iran, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Iran) and to pay debts in their own currencies. Meaning Iraq is to pay in Dinars, Iran in Riyal, etc. Oh – but how can Iraq when they are restricted in these currency auctions to convert Iraqi IQD to USD and pay in US dollars? We now know (from a previous article this week) that the financial fiscal year for Iraq ends today Dec 15th. I am not going to give you any promises of an RV. I am only trying to bring out the possibilities with EVIDENCE, PROOF and FACTS that this RV ride may soon be over. ...There is just so much evidence pointing in the direction of the end of the year. [post 2 of 2]
12-15-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat If you are paying attention to all the news...You should, and now be aware Iraq is on a very strong position to the final phases of the “project to delete the zeros”. The news could not get any better. Last week Iraq delivered to us some amazing news. It was all news that we have been waiting for many years to receive. It is here now and we are moving forward at a faster pace. We heard from the IMF, after the release from Chapter VII, that Iraq is now truly a “fully” sovereign nation...and can now freely deal with the international community... ...Iraq can now handle all its oil sales revenues directly. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
12-15-2017 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Quote: "We would like to inform you that RTL transfers has been activated MSG via electronic services via the Internet" This is telling us Iraq just went Digital... imo... if this is true, then our time is near! imo
12-15-2017 Intel Guru Bruce We told you Iraq...completed everything they needed to do concerning the speech PM Abadi made last Saturday. He actually did mention the rate of the dinar at the time and it was covered by CNN Internationally. What is amazing is the only thing we are looking for from Iraq is the rate of the dinar, the new rate, the value posted on the CBI website, and the CBI rate to find its way to the Forex. The same thing is true for the UN Operational rates...they occur on the 1st and the 15th of every month. I feel we are right there. It could happen at any moment, over night tonight, or tomorrow [Friday]. We will see what happens. All I can tell you is tomorrow [Friday] could be an important day as far as UN Operational rates, as far as Forex goes. It should be before Christmas. This should be our Christmas gift to the world, and be able to enjoy it as never before.
12-15-2017 Newshound Guru Enorrste Article: "World Bank: ready for the advancement of the Iraqi economy" I agree with KAP that the fact that this is being driven by the World Bank is very significant. [Reference Guru Kaperoni post 12-14-2017] In the past we have heard many times that "in the coming period" something may happen, but these were all from within the GOI or CBI. The politics intervened and delays occurred. However, with the World Bank behind this move it seems that we may finally begin to see some real economic growth in the country. Obviously with that growth there will be a strengthening of the currency which should allow for the float to begin. It could take several months, but at least we have one of the "big boys" behind this, finally.
12-14-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article quote: "TO FINANCE IMPORTS MUST BE A CONVERSION IN FOREIGN CURRENCY," noting that "THERE IS A QUESTION MARK ON THE CURRENCY SIGN CAUSED BY CONFUSION BETWEEN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF MONETARY POLICY OF THE CENTRAL BANK to control the levels of liquidity and at the same time trade finance, to create this ambiguity." ...sounds like Saleh is saying that Iraq needs to stop these currency auctions and use dinar in foreign trade and not go through this conversion process. The only way they can this is to use the dinar and to use the dinar they have to revalue the currency or they will have hyper-inflation. He is also criticizing the CBI for its currency practices in this regard.
12-14-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "World Bank: ready for the advancement of the Iraqi economy" This is another very important article. Since the World Bank is who was helping the CBI with currency reform, it appears they are on board now to get it done. If you read previous delete zeros articles the World Bank was clear on the benefits and reason to restructor the currency. Seeing this article gives me hope that with the help of the WB, the project may start within a month or two. Keep in mind, those same articles stated that it takes a long time ( I am speculating at a few years) to delete the zeros.
12-14-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat A lot of readers asked me if Iraq was “fully” out of Chapter VII sanctions of the UN Charter for member nations. Here is my answer: Iraq is “fully” out of the part of sanctions that took them into the oil for food program, thus for the period mid April 1995 – Dec 2017 all oil revenues (petro dollars) had to be deposited first into the DFI fund (Development Fund for Iraq). This protected the funds from predator debt collectors and also corrupted officials. BUT NOW THIS IS NO LONGER MANDATED! Iraq can now receive oil revenues directly and the DFI fund is closed. This is just like before the first gulf war. This is what we want. This is said to mean “full” sovereignty... This is what Iraq wanted and needed prior to the RV. However technically there are still minor Chapter VII issues but they will have little to no impact on the re-instatement of the currency.
12-13-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 [From your sources, are we still looking at hopefully exchanging this week?] Yes.
12-14-2017 Newshound Guru Walkingstick When, the program rate is lifted... one, will not... have, to seek out the Forex. It will be no less, Headline/ Worldwide news then Abadi declaring complete liberation.
12-14-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana [What impact does everything that happened over the weekend have on the RV? How close are they to passing the HCL? Do you think they will ever flip the switch and RV?] I do believe they will RV. I don't know if it's tomorrow or next month, but the value IS going back up.
12-14-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 Our banking community is alert, ready and waiting to move at the appropriate time. Nothing has changed since Monday, but this thing IS moving. Someone is squeezing the hose, and I can’t tell you how long it will take. I’m still optimistic that this thing will come to an end before Christmas or immediately thereafter. The status quo is the same. There is a lot of excitement. Our limited information is good...We expect to hear some things today and tomorrow. The best is yet to come... We should have an exciting Christmas, either with spending money or with the prospect of money we will be able to spend, even if we carry over into 2018.
12-14-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "World Bank: ready for the advancement of the Iraqi economy" This is another very important article. Since the World Bank is who was helping the CBI with currency reform, it appears they are on board now to get it done. If you read previous delete zeros articles the World Bank was clear on the benefits and reason to restructor the currency. Seeing this article gives me hope that with the help of the WB, the project may start within a month or two. Keep in mind, those same articles stated that it takes a long time ( I am speculating at a few years) to delete the zeros.
12-14-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat A lot of readers asked me if Iraq was “fully” out of Chapter VII sanctions of the UN Charter for member nations. Here is my answer: Iraq is “fully” out of the part of sanctions that took them into the oil for food program, thus for the period mid April 1995 – Dec 2017 all oil revenues (petro dollars) had to be deposited first into the DFI fund (Development Fund for Iraq). This protected the funds from predator debt collectors and also corrupted officials. BUT NOW THIS IS NO LONGER MANDATED! Iraq can now receive oil revenues directly and the DFI fund is closed. This is just like before the first gulf war. This is what we want. This is said to mean “full” sovereignty... This is what Iraq wanted and needed prior to the RV. However technically there are still minor Chapter VII issues but they will have little to no impact on the re-instatement of the currency.
12-13-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 [From your sources, are we still looking at hopefully exchanging this week?] Yes.
12-14-2017 Newshound Guru Walkingstick When, the program rate is lifted... one, will not... have, to seek out the Forex. It will be no less, Headline/ Worldwide news then Abadi declaring complete liberation.
12-14-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana [What impact does everything that happened over the weekend have on the RV? How close are they to passing the HCL? Do you think they will ever flip the switch and RV?] I do believe they will RV. I don't know if it's tomorrow or next month, but the value IS going back up.
12-14-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 Our banking community is alert, ready and waiting to move at the appropriate time. Nothing has changed since Monday, but this thing IS moving. Someone is squeezing the hose, and I can’t tell you how long it will take. I’m still optimistic that this thing will come to an end before Christmas or immediately thereafter. The status quo is the same. There is a lot of excitement. Our limited information is good...We expect to hear some things today and tomorrow. The best is yet to come... We should have an exciting Christmas, either with spending money or with the prospect of money we will be able to spend, even if we carry over into 2018.
12-13-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana I know many of you have been in this for a long time, but some of you are actually new to it, so I’m going to give a bit of a “newbie” explanation as to why we’re here right now. First, Iraq has a VERY large part of something that the entire world NEEDS - OIL. Iraq’s currency was at one time one of the highest in the world. Then war broke the country and the value of the Iraqi dinar plummeted to far less than it is now, but even farther from where it was in the past. Since that plummet, some things have changed. Iraq has cleaned up it’s government, is VERY stable to this day, and they have eliminated at least 98% of anything standing in the way of raising the value on their currency again. And most importantly...they still have their OIL. Let’s not ever forget about that! OIL is currently at the highest it’s been for the entire year, and that is going to play a huge positive role in how Iraq moves forward.
12-13-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Iraq replaces the confidence of the world economically" Quote: "Iraq has become has international confidence and freedom in financial transactions after the force of the provisions of Chapter VII completely, with the lifting of all restrictions that were imposed" [That is some great juice... Now we need the currency articles to start going with all this great release from Chapter Seven news.] I still think we are a few months out at best. The CBI still needs to get in compliance with the IMF before we see them move to a float. But this momentum is good and will begin to bring capital into Iraq.
12-13-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG I have said repeatedly – I’m not sure they will release Iraq from their UNSC Ch 7 oversight anytime in the near future. This would greatly limit the UN’s ability to come and go (within Iraq’s borders) as they see fit. Though the UN appears to be pushing Iraq forward rapidly, I am dubious they give up a big tool in their fight against terrorism in the region. Does Iraq have to be fully released from the UN Ch 7 charter (the protection portion) to progress to where we would like them to? I believe not. JMHO. I am going to be somewhat reserved until a official U.N. announcement of a full release from CH 7. It’s also curious how they managed to hold an international bond offering without this previously and were successful? Relax – wait for the facts. [post 2 of 2]
12-13-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Article: "Iraq emerges from Chapter VII and the “oil for food” Obviously, this is very big news, however...Is Iraq being FULLY removed from the UN Ch 7 Charter (as in – all UNSC oversight)? (BTW – the sanctions and “the UNSC Charter” may well be two related but different functions.) The wording is still a bit murky for me...There are some “tensing”, translation and direct reference issues I would like to see cleared up. It’s not entirely clear they are officially clear of Ch 7 entirely. In many of the articles and interviews, it appears (to me) as though this is referring to the Oil-for-Food program as an individual issue...apart from the UNSC overall function. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
12-13-2017 Intel Guru Bruce Also, we have heard since then the Iraqi dinar has been and as well as the other main currencies, were pulled off the Forex on Friday... Our understanding was they were to go back on Forex. I do not know for sure if they went back on for trading yet. I believe that everything that we are hearing right now is pointing toward this happening here in very short order. I am very excited for the information I have received. [post 2 of 2]
12-13-2017 Intel Guru Bruce We are right in the moment, an any moment now state. I have every reason to believe that is the case from who I am hearing it from. Five days ago what happened over the weekend in Iraq was a major deal with the major corporations represented by113 companies showing up to sign contracts with Iraq to do business in Iraq, and some wanted to become investors in the Iraqi stock exchange. Prime Minister Abadi did make his final necessary speech about the liberation of Iraq, the elimination of ISIS from Iraq, their sovereignty, and about their new gold back currency. New is referring to the new Iraqi dinar. That...captured on CNN International, and they had a rate that was very substantial that was also mentioned on that broadcast. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
12-13-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "CENTRAL BANK OF IRAQ PRESENTED ITS FINANCIAL AND ECONOMIC VISIONS AND ACHIEVEMENTS LEFT WITH JOYFUL IMPRESSION" ...they are “buttering” everyone up to accepting the future policies of the CBI...One of which we know is monetary reform (includes getting back their real currency true value. Remember the article I presented a month ago? It talked about how neighboring countries namely Iran, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia want to conduct trade in their own currencies. How can Iraq do this when they have these currency auctions which mandate the conversion of dinar IQD to USD for payment. Oh -wait one second...we now know technically this is no longer mandated since Iraq is now “fully” out of Un Chapter VII sanctions. It is just a matter of a short while before Iraq makes this long awaited change over.
12-13-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Iraq replaces the confidence of the world economically" Quote: "Iraq has become has international confidence and freedom in financial transactions after the force of the provisions of Chapter VII completely, with the lifting of all restrictions that were imposed" [That is some great juice... Now we need the currency articles to start going with all this great release from Chapter Seven news.] I still think we are a few months out at best. The CBI still needs to get in compliance with the IMF before we see them move to a float. But this momentum is good and will begin to bring capital into Iraq.
12-13-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG I have said repeatedly – I’m not sure they will release Iraq from their UNSC Ch 7 oversight anytime in the near future. This would greatly limit the UN’s ability to come and go (within Iraq’s borders) as they see fit. Though the UN appears to be pushing Iraq forward rapidly, I am dubious they give up a big tool in their fight against terrorism in the region. Does Iraq have to be fully released from the UN Ch 7 charter (the protection portion) to progress to where we would like them to? I believe not. JMHO. I am going to be somewhat reserved until a official U.N. announcement of a full release from CH 7. It’s also curious how they managed to hold an international bond offering without this previously and were successful? Relax – wait for the facts. [post 2 of 2]
12-13-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Article: "Iraq emerges from Chapter VII and the “oil for food” Obviously, this is very big news, however...Is Iraq being FULLY removed from the UN Ch 7 Charter (as in – all UNSC oversight)? (BTW – the sanctions and “the UNSC Charter” may well be two related but different functions.) The wording is still a bit murky for me...There are some “tensing”, translation and direct reference issues I would like to see cleared up. It’s not entirely clear they are officially clear of Ch 7 entirely. In many of the articles and interviews, it appears (to me) as though this is referring to the Oil-for-Food program as an individual issue...apart from the UNSC overall function. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
12-13-2017 Intel Guru Bruce Also, we have heard since then the Iraqi dinar has been and as well as the other main currencies, were pulled off the Forex on Friday... Our understanding was they were to go back on Forex. I do not know for sure if they went back on for trading yet. I believe that everything that we are hearing right now is pointing toward this happening here in very short order. I am very excited for the information I have received. [post 2 of 2]
12-13-2017 Intel Guru Bruce We are right in the moment, an any moment now state. I have every reason to believe that is the case from who I am hearing it from. Five days ago what happened over the weekend in Iraq was a major deal with the major corporations represented by113 companies showing up to sign contracts with Iraq to do business in Iraq, and some wanted to become investors in the Iraqi stock exchange. Prime Minister Abadi did make his final necessary speech about the liberation of Iraq, the elimination of ISIS from Iraq, their sovereignty, and about their new gold back currency. New is referring to the new Iraqi dinar. That...captured on CNN International, and they had a rate that was very substantial that was also mentioned on that broadcast. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
12-13-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "CENTRAL BANK OF IRAQ PRESENTED ITS FINANCIAL AND ECONOMIC VISIONS AND ACHIEVEMENTS LEFT WITH JOYFUL IMPRESSION" ...they are “buttering” everyone up to accepting the future policies of the CBI...One of which we know is monetary reform (includes getting back their real currency true value. Remember the article I presented a month ago? It talked about how neighboring countries namely Iran, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia want to conduct trade in their own currencies. How can Iraq do this when they have these currency auctions which mandate the conversion of dinar IQD to USD for payment. Oh -wait one second...we now know technically this is no longer mandated since Iraq is now “fully” out of Un Chapter VII sanctions. It is just a matter of a short while before Iraq makes this long awaited change over.
12-12-2017 Newshound Guru Don961 Article: "Rafidain decides to activate the transfer of financial services to citizens electronically between all branches " There will no longer be the need to carry huge stacks of currency for such transactions...transfers will happen without delay...or risk of thievery...imo.
12-12-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "morning: we were able to stop the waste and recover large sums of money" Sounds like some progress is being made weeding out overspending, wasted funds, etc. It's a start and hopefully enough to keep reforms moving forward.
12-12-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article quote: “We can say that IRAQ’S SOVEREIGNTY HAS BEEN FULLY REALIZED and that IRAQ HAS A REAL OPPORTUNITY TO ADVANCE AND REGAIN ITS STATUS AFTER IT HAS RETURNED ITS CONFIDENCE TO THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY,” Okay folks if this...statement ...does not rock you, I don’t know what will. These are almost the exact words used in a past statement made by the PM Abadi and Saleh when they said they wanted Iraq to return to the international stage and regain their former glory of their currency. ...Folks this is WOW! news.
12-12-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 Fasten your seatbelts. I feel these studies are coming to an end. We don't offer date or rate, the evidence is there...We Told you on Wednesday 2 article's will come out after speech...and 1 CBI article...Nano seconds after that speech was done Chapter V11 was released...Like a wormhole at the speed of light! What was in that speech...IMO WE WON! Iraq can now bring in investors...the Long line...CBI says "we have confidence of a Financial Victory". IOO...Will be an RI at 1-1...as it goes to the RV stage...will climb, then a free float...WE HAVE WON!
12-12-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 [Didn’t Abadi say that ‘economic reforms will be complete within 24 hours’?] No, he did not say that. But just because we don’t know what’s going on, it doesn’t mean the Iraqis don’t know what’s going on. Apparently it doesn’t have to be on the CBI site for them to be enjoying a new rate, according to intel I’m receiving. They’ve made all the international references they can make, and now Abadi is moving on to the next piece of business. To me, it all says “no more excuses”. There is intel that I cannot share, but it indicates a few more hours or days, maybe by Wednesday.
12-12-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "morning: we were able to stop the waste and recover large sums of money" Sounds like some progress is being made weeding out overspending, wasted funds, etc. It's a start and hopefully enough to keep reforms moving forward.
12-12-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article quote: “We can say that IRAQ’S SOVEREIGNTY HAS BEEN FULLY REALIZED and that IRAQ HAS A REAL OPPORTUNITY TO ADVANCE AND REGAIN ITS STATUS AFTER IT HAS RETURNED ITS CONFIDENCE TO THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY,” Okay folks if this...statement ...does not rock you, I don’t know what will. These are almost the exact words used in a past statement made by the PM Abadi and Saleh when they said they wanted Iraq to return to the international stage and regain their former glory of their currency. ...Folks this is WOW! news.
12-12-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 Fasten your seatbelts. I feel these studies are coming to an end. We don't offer date or rate, the evidence is there...We Told you on Wednesday 2 article's will come out after speech...and 1 CBI article...Nano seconds after that speech was done Chapter V11 was released...Like a wormhole at the speed of light! What was in that speech...IMO WE WON! Iraq can now bring in investors...the Long line...CBI says "we have confidence of a Financial Victory". IOO...Will be an RI at 1-1...as it goes to the RV stage...will climb, then a free float...WE HAVE WON!
12-12-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 [Didn’t Abadi say that ‘economic reforms will be complete within 24 hours’?] No, he did not say that. But just because we don’t know what’s going on, it doesn’t mean the Iraqis don’t know what’s going on. Apparently it doesn’t have to be on the CBI site for them to be enjoying a new rate, according to intel I’m receiving. They’ve made all the international references they can make, and now Abadi is moving on to the next piece of business. To me, it all says “no more excuses”. There is intel that I cannot share, but it indicates a few more hours or days, maybe by Wednesday.
12-11-2017 *** Dinar Guru NewsFLASH *** Intel AND Newshound Gurus expected a liberation celebration and/or announcement today in Iraq...and it finally happened Saturday and Sunday! PM Abadi announced it...Iraq is now liberated from ISIS. It appears he delayed this official announcement until desert regions and all borders were secure (and perhaps some other loose ends). This is a HUGE step and victory for Iraq in more ways than one...stay tuned as the gurus uncover what impact this will have on the exchange rate of the dinar.... [The latest guru updates will continue below...]
12-11-2017 Newshound Guru mike Article: "The document: a political entity address the Prime Minister officially .. and demanding the dismissal of the Governor of the Central Bank" My mind drifts back to Dr. Shabibi, now there was a guy who didn't take orders from the GOI and did what was best for Iraq's monetary policy. He was independent and educated in oil based economies. Keywords is none of those things and so far, we're stuck in a rut. I have no confidence in this guy anymore and if he can't get it done, I'd rather start with a new Governor than sit, wait and hope that Keywords will finally move the ball past the goal line. I just don't think he'll do it.
12-11-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 We had an exciting weekend of celebrations and other activities. Victory Week ends today, although Abadi has already left town, as it were. If I knew things were taken care of, I’d just leave town. Liberation was announced, and Chapter 7, and the Budget, even though Parliament hasn’t voted on it. The only thing still to be announced is the official new rate of the Iraqi dinar. All the currencies we’re interested in have been greyed out on the bank screens, expecting rate changes. Some expected those changes to kick on Sunday evening…that’s in US banks. Over there, the CBI is now in charge, so we anticipate a rate change after the speeches both there and here. This should be it! We don’t have public information of a rate change over there, yet; however… Still the wheel turning forward as far as I'm concerned. Did not wake up this morning to a whole new rate on the IWD at the banks or the rates not being grayed out but that does not mean its not right around the corner. Let's see what happens between now and Wednesday.
12-11-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat ...the security part is taken care of...the CBI and GOI will not no longer hold back the RV due to SECURITY reasons. So now Iraq is moving in the right direction again and after the announcements this past weekend I believe that Iraq is actually in a much better situation than even in 2012. [post 3 of 3]
12-11-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat On Saturday we have some incredible news. Is all this recent news really all lining up exactly what we would expect at this time for an EARLY 2018 RV? No! We are still missing important pieces. One of these pieces is the re-education of the citizens in what they are about to do with currency reform. ...I am optimistic as I am told we will get it and to be patient. ...on Saturday Dec 8th was the announcement that Iraq “fully” exited out of Chapter VII for the oil and food program. I will tell you now this does not release Iraq dinar’s ability to trade freely internationally. Iraq is still under currency restrictions. ...the currency restrictions will not be lifted until the IMF deems Iraq fit resulting from the ongoing Article IV Consultation Reviews under the current Stand-By Arrangement. Can this happen anytime? Yes – but there is still work to be done by Iraq. [post 2 of 3....stay tuned]
12-11-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat I want to say the news could not possibly get any better than today’s news. Many are hoping for a “triggered” RV in January and some even believe there will suddenly be a new rate of $3.00+ on FOREX thus this is how their perception it and expectations. ...let me set everyone straight and set an honest expectation here on how all this is going to work... Remember what I am about to tell you is now the current plan of the CBI and nothing but a plan. They have targeted January 2018 for a major rate change. Having said this, we know they also targeted Jan 2011, Jan 2013 and Jan 2015 and in all instances, it was postponed for some reason. We are just 23 days until 2018 and there is no targeted RV prior to this time. [post 1 of 3....stay tuned]
12-11-2017 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan "The documentary credit is one of the most secure payment methods in international trade, offering the exporter a conditional payment guarantee from the importer’s bank. Documentary credits usually require the presentation of certain documents, which must be complied with before payment can take place. You must be aware that banks examine the documents only with respect to the documentary credit and do not look at contracts, agreements or the condition of the goods." [post 2 of 2]
12-11-2017 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: "Saleh: There are question marks on mechanisms to convert foreign currency to Iraq" When Saleh talks about the safest way to secure payment methods at this juncture in time, is serious information. The documentary credit [reference post 2] is looking to be the way he is going to protect that long line. It is an assurance that the importer has complied with standards that are acceptable for international trade. This is setting the stage for what is expected and that is a level playing field in an international setting that requires transparency and a stable currency at a stable price. Bye bye program rate! imo~ Chapter 7 was lifted on the 8th of December from the article I read.. Imo That was a go time! wink wink wink The twins were born.. lol ~ [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
12-11-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 We had an exciting weekend of celebrations and other activities. Victory Week ends today, although Abadi has already left town, as it were. If I knew things were taken care of, I’d just leave town. Liberation was announced, and Chapter 7, and the Budget, even though Parliament hasn’t voted on it. The only thing still to be announced is the official new rate of the Iraqi dinar. All the currencies we’re interested in have been greyed out on the bank screens, expecting rate changes. Some expected those changes to kick on Sunday evening…that’s in US banks. Over there, the CBI is now in charge, so we anticipate a rate change after the speeches both there and here. This should be it! We don’t have public information of a rate change over there, yet; however… Still the wheel turning forward as far as I'm concerned. Did not wake up this morning to a whole new rate on the IWD at the banks or the rates not being grayed out but that does not mean its not right around the corner. Let's see what happens between now and Wednesday.
12-11-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat ...the security part is taken care of...the CBI and GOI will not no longer hold back the RV due to SECURITY reasons. So now Iraq is moving in the right direction again and after the announcements this past weekend I believe that Iraq is actually in a much better situation than even in 2012. [post 3 of 3]
12-11-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat On Saturday we have some incredible news. Is all this recent news really all lining up exactly what we would expect at this time for an EARLY 2018 RV? No! We are still missing important pieces. One of these pieces is the re-education of the citizens in what they are about to do with currency reform. ...I am optimistic as I am told we will get it and to be patient. ...on Saturday Dec 8th was the announcement that Iraq “fully” exited out of Chapter VII for the oil and food program. I will tell you now this does not release Iraq dinar’s ability to trade freely internationally. Iraq is still under currency restrictions. ...the currency restrictions will not be lifted until the IMF deems Iraq fit resulting from the ongoing Article IV Consultation Reviews under the current Stand-By Arrangement. Can this happen anytime? Yes – but there is still work to be done by Iraq. [post 2 of 3....stay tuned]
12-11-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat I want to say the news could not possibly get any better than today’s news. Many are hoping for a “triggered” RV in January and some even believe there will suddenly be a new rate of $3.00+ on FOREX thus this is how their perception it and expectations. ...let me set everyone straight and set an honest expectation here on how all this is going to work... Remember what I am about to tell you is now the current plan of the CBI and nothing but a plan. They have targeted January 2018 for a major rate change. Having said this, we know they also targeted Jan 2011, Jan 2013 and Jan 2015 and in all instances, it was postponed for some reason. We are just 23 days until 2018 and there is no targeted RV prior to this time. [post 1 of 3....stay tuned]
12-11-2017 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan "The documentary credit is one of the most secure payment methods in international trade, offering the exporter a conditional payment guarantee from the importer’s bank. Documentary credits usually require the presentation of certain documents, which must be complied with before payment can take place. You must be aware that banks examine the documents only with respect to the documentary credit and do not look at contracts, agreements or the condition of the goods." [post 2 of 2]
12-11-2017 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: "Saleh: There are question marks on mechanisms to convert foreign currency to Iraq" When Saleh talks about the safest way to secure payment methods at this juncture in time, is serious information. The documentary credit [reference post 2] is looking to be the way he is going to protect that long line. It is an assurance that the importer has complied with standards that are acceptable for international trade. This is setting the stage for what is expected and that is a level playing field in an international setting that requires transparency and a stable currency at a stable price. Bye bye program rate! imo~ Chapter 7 was lifted on the 8th of December from the article I read.. Imo That was a go time! wink wink wink The twins were born.. lol ~ [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
12-10-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Security Council eases oil-for-food sanctions against Iraq" So they appear to still have sanctions on Iraq only now under UN Chapter 6. So they still have obligations to the UNSC.
12-10-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 [With your understanding and what you know right now, does this look like the week to you?] ...All the things we thought had to happen have happened. The significant ones. There are some irons in the fire right now. We are just waiting for them to open the door to the stove so we can see the flames. We know there is a fire in there. Does that have a distinct meaning. Yes, it does! We have reasons to feel good right now. It could come out at a different rate than in the budget. (indication was it could come out higher). If everything unfolds, the way I was told, I’m anticipating seeing a rate change on Monday [12-11-17].
12-10-2017 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke Wait For It. You have the Timeline, from our 12-4-17 Post. [reference Dr. Clarke post 12-4-2017] Santa Says Hello and He's Coming to Town Soon! Ignore all the Factual, Fluffy, Flurry, Fanatical, Froggy, Fictitious, Fog.
12-10-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni [What other laws are we waiting on? I believe I read something a while back from Kap [Guru Kaperoni] saying the cbi law was what was needed and there was no specific law needed for the deposit insurance.] Both are done... CBI law passed last month and deposit insurance was passed months ago, never implemented...yet the CBI stated just a day or so ago insurance was imminent.
12-10-2017 Newshound Guru Don961 Some are confused and have asked: Chapter VII, Chapter VI are UN sanctions...having to do with Kuwait war reparations from Sadaam's attack on them... Article VIII compliance has to do with the IMF...Dotting all the i's , crossing all the t's to comply with IMF rules and regulations.
12-10-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 [...I'm so nervous.] IT'S OKAY TO BE NERVOUS GETTING ON A RIDE...BUT WE'RE ABOUT TO EXIT THIS ONE!
12-10-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Specialist: Iraq's exit from Chapter VII paving the way for a safe area for business and investment" [I don't see them getting out of Chapter VII until they satisfy their debts to the Kuwaiti's...] ...a deal is done to pay the balance with Kuiwait. Today's press release concludes Oil for Food program under Chapter VII moving Iraq to Chapter VI. I think the references to the assets and banking accounts is significant. This could effect the dinar.
12-10-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 [With your understanding and what you know right now, does this look like the week to you?] ...All the things we thought had to happen have happened. The significant ones. There are some irons in the fire right now. We are just waiting for them to open the door to the stove so we can see the flames. We know there is a fire in there. Does that have a distinct meaning. Yes, it does! We have reasons to feel good right now. It could come out at a different rate than in the budget. (indication was it could come out higher). If everything unfolds, the way I was told, I’m anticipating seeing a rate change on Monday [12-11-17].
12-10-2017 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke Wait For It. You have the Timeline, from our 12-4-17 Post. [reference Dr. Clarke post 12-4-2017] Santa Says Hello and He's Coming to Town Soon! Ignore all the Factual, Fluffy, Flurry, Fanatical, Froggy, Fictitious, Fog.
12-10-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni [What other laws are we waiting on? I believe I read something a while back from Kap [Guru Kaperoni] saying the cbi law was what was needed and there was no specific law needed for the deposit insurance.] Both are done... CBI law passed last month and deposit insurance was passed months ago, never implemented...yet the CBI stated just a day or so ago insurance was imminent.
12-10-2017 Newshound Guru Don961 Some are confused and have asked: Chapter VII, Chapter VI are UN sanctions...having to do with Kuwait war reparations from Sadaam's attack on them... Article VIII compliance has to do with the IMF...Dotting all the i's , crossing all the t's to comply with IMF rules and regulations.
12-10-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 [...I'm so nervous.] IT'S OKAY TO BE NERVOUS GETTING ON A RIDE...BUT WE'RE ABOUT TO EXIT THIS ONE!
12-10-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Specialist: Iraq's exit from Chapter VII paving the way for a safe area for business and investment" [I don't see them getting out of Chapter VII until they satisfy their debts to the Kuwaiti's...] ...a deal is done to pay the balance with Kuiwait. Today's press release concludes Oil for Food program under Chapter VII moving Iraq to Chapter VI. I think the references to the assets and banking accounts is significant. This could effect the dinar.
12-9-2017 Newshound Guru G-Lin Article: "The UN Security Council issued a decision to exit Iraq from Chapter VII" Quote: "After the series of diplomatic successes achieved by the Iraqi Foreign Ministry, its efforts culminated in the issuance of a Security Council resolution to remove Iraq from Chapter VII in the oil-for-food program," Foreign Ministry spokesman Ahmed Mahjoub said in a press release. After completing all the commitments of the program ". I find it very interesting that this is occurring out of nowhere here at the end of the year. This is pretty huge.
12-9-2017 Intel Guru Rayren98 PM ABADI ANNOUNCES COMPLETE LIBERATION OF IRAQ. The coming hours should bring promising information.
12-9-2017 Newshound Guru Walkingstick Like, I said...a sequence of events...Liberation, CH VII, Kuwait...Art VIII compliance...we await...1. [reference Apmcrx and Delta posts below...12-9-2017]
12-9-2017 Newshound Guru Apmcrx Article: "The Central Bank holds its third annual conference with an Arab and international presence" Quote: "the conference will witness a large Arab and international presence, including Kuwait, Lebanon, Egypt, Jordan and Tunisia as well as representatives of the Bank and the International Monetary Fund." This article smells like our next announcement from IMF article 8 to Iraq is coming too...!!! IMO.
12-9-2017 Intel Guru Delta Article: “France is looking to expand investment cooperation with Iraq” Quote: "I can assure investors that the Central Bank has been able to remove the last restrictions related to the external transfer of the amounts that represent the proceeds of the investment.” VERY HUGE AND GOOD JOB...ARTICLE 8 RIGHT THERE... FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT OF CAPITOL.
12-9-2017 Newshound Guru Apmcrx Article: "Security Council issues a decision to exit Iraq from Chapter VII" Quote: "...remove Iraq from Chapter VII of the oil-for-food program and restore it to its natural status and international status..." Official announcement!!! Natural and International rate is coming!!! Imo.
12-9-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru tman23 [now we see is ISIS is/was the hold up, or if it was just more hopeful spec!] ...the CBI did say no monetary reform until the GOI has control over all provinces...which is why I believe the move by Iraq troops on Kurd borders was done...quite aggressive but no resistance from Erbil...and the CBI never dropped the opening of the branches in Kurdistan...so now we shall find out what lifting 3 zeros does... [post 2 of 2]
12-9-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru tman23 "Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi on Saturday announced that the army forces had liberated the entire country from the Islamic State (IS)" ...SHOW US THE MONEY!!! "The Iraqi Prime Minister is expected to declare victory in an exclusive statement to the public later." [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
12-9-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat The banks also invested large amounts of capital in the new ATM machines and they too sit there out of use. We know the banks have been complaining to the CBI for taking so long with this redenomination process for these very reasons. But on the flip side the CBI, thru the mandated electronic banking practices, have done the banks a huge favor too since they are infusing large amounts of capital directly into the banks for meeting mandatory liquidity guidelines. The banks are going to make ton of money off this money on housing and auto loans. The banks are also assured they will manage a part of the reconstruction money once it becomes available... The bottom line is we hear all these complaints from the banking industry but the Iraqi banks are about to become FILTHY RICH! [post 2 of 2]
12-9-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "UPGRADING OF IRAQI CURRENCY TO POLYMER" We...know that in 2013 the CBI conducted a study to determine the best and most secure banknotes. So we know by this article they had to trash all the newer banknotes already printed by the DR Shabibi era and print newer ones. Could this be one of the holdups to the RV? We also know by an article in 2015, that they decided on a German company to print the newer polymer banknotes. ...these banknotes were ready and delivered to the CBI in 2016 and in November of 2016 the CBI began selling them to the banks throughout Iraq and stockpiling them. Of course they did not just give the banks FREE money and the banks had to pay for the newer notes, thus the banks have all this capital tied up in these newer banknotes and can’t do a thing with them until allowed to. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
12-9-2017 Intel Guru Rayren98 PM ABADI ANNOUNCES COMPLETE LIBERATION OF IRAQ. The coming hours should bring promising information.
12-9-2017 Newshound Guru Walkingstick Like, I said...a sequence of events...Liberation, CH VII, Kuwait...Art VIII compliance...we await...1. [reference Apmcrx and Delta posts below...12-9-2017]
12-9-2017 Newshound Guru Apmcrx Article: "The Central Bank holds its third annual conference with an Arab and international presence" Quote: "the conference will witness a large Arab and international presence, including Kuwait, Lebanon, Egypt, Jordan and Tunisia as well as representatives of the Bank and the International Monetary Fund." This article smells like our next announcement from IMF article 8 to Iraq is coming too...!!! IMO.
12-9-2017 Intel Guru Delta Article: “France is looking to expand investment cooperation with Iraq” Quote: "I can assure investors that the Central Bank has been able to remove the last restrictions related to the external transfer of the amounts that represent the proceeds of the investment.” VERY HUGE AND GOOD JOB...ARTICLE 8 RIGHT THERE... FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT OF CAPITOL.
12-9-2017 Newshound Guru Apmcrx Article: "Security Council issues a decision to exit Iraq from Chapter VII" Quote: "...remove Iraq from Chapter VII of the oil-for-food program and restore it to its natural status and international status..." Official announcement!!! Natural and International rate is coming!!! Imo.
12-9-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru tman23 [now we see is ISIS is/was the hold up, or if it was just more hopeful spec!] ...the CBI did say no monetary reform until the GOI has control over all provinces...which is why I believe the move by Iraq troops on Kurd borders was done...quite aggressive but no resistance from Erbil...and the CBI never dropped the opening of the branches in Kurdistan...so now we shall find out what lifting 3 zeros does... [post 2 of 2]
12-9-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru tman23 "Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi on Saturday announced that the army forces had liberated the entire country from the Islamic State (IS)" ...SHOW US THE MONEY!!! "The Iraqi Prime Minister is expected to declare victory in an exclusive statement to the public later." [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
12-9-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat The banks also invested large amounts of capital in the new ATM machines and they too sit there out of use. We know the banks have been complaining to the CBI for taking so long with this redenomination process for these very reasons. But on the flip side the CBI, thru the mandated electronic banking practices, have done the banks a huge favor too since they are infusing large amounts of capital directly into the banks for meeting mandatory liquidity guidelines. The banks are going to make ton of money off this money on housing and auto loans. The banks are also assured they will manage a part of the reconstruction money once it becomes available... The bottom line is we hear all these complaints from the banking industry but the Iraqi banks are about to become FILTHY RICH! [post 2 of 2]
12-9-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "UPGRADING OF IRAQI CURRENCY TO POLYMER" We...know that in 2013 the CBI conducted a study to determine the best and most secure banknotes. So we know by this article they had to trash all the newer banknotes already printed by the DR Shabibi era and print newer ones. Could this be one of the holdups to the RV? We also know by an article in 2015, that they decided on a German company to print the newer polymer banknotes. ...these banknotes were ready and delivered to the CBI in 2016 and in November of 2016 the CBI began selling them to the banks throughout Iraq and stockpiling them. Of course they did not just give the banks FREE money and the banks had to pay for the newer notes, thus the banks have all this capital tied up in these newer banknotes and can’t do a thing with them until allowed to. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
12-8-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 This should be an exciting weekend. The CBI is talking about the ‘international alliance’ and that all bank trainings are complete. Iraqi television says that the celebrations are starting up, with the first speeches to be at 2am EST for us. Also, the Iraqi television says “economic reforms coming within 24 hours.” The US banks are at an all-time high in terms of excitement; more than one source says that currency rates are blacked out because they expect a change. Tomorrow should be the day for us to determine what is going on, when, and who is going to go it. Our focus is on December 9 for the big speeches/ announcements, with celebrations for the next few days.
12-8-2017 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article Quotes: "The official ceremony will be held on Saturday at 11:00 am at the Al Rasheed Hotel" "The meetings of the symposiums and intellectual and research sessions will begin to discuss the future of security in the world and the role of the media in adhering to extremist ideology on Sunday" So it looks as though Saturday and or Sunday, may be good either way and it is Saturday now in Iraq.. imo
12-8-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat So what do the people then use for currency? First – they lessening the need for any currency by the implementation of the new electronic banking practices we have been reading about; Second – they are launching other notes to use as they told us in this article namely the 1,000, 500 and 250 dinar categories. Third – We know from past articles new currency will be issued in denominations of 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, and 200 dinars for banknotes and 25, 50, 100, 250, and 500 fils, plus 1 and 2 dinars for coins. The designs have been already chosen...and they are printed and minted...All of these categories, mentioned...are denominations that are in the final set of currencies that will REMAIN as permanent currency post RV. ...the CBI also told us that the older 3 zero notes will coincide and be in circulation with the newer 2017 notes for up to 10 years, but these notes will be mainly for inter-banking transactions and not intended for the general public use. ...if you read the history of the dinar since the invasion of 2003, you can see that the plan was never to go very long without replacing the currency and value. This is evident and proof by the 50 and 1000 banknotes and 250 and 500 fils already in circulation. [post 2 of 2]
12-8-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "THE CENTRAL BANK HAS ANNOUNCED A TENDER FOR THE PRINTING OF NEW BANKNOTES (SMALL CATEGORIES) AT THE INTERNATIONAL PRINTING COMPANIES." ...those that do not know that to “tender an offer” means an offer to purchase. But we know they made this offer in 2015 and so the newly printed notes were delivered and they are now telling they distributed them to the banks (in exchange for banks assets) from Nov 2016 thru Nov 2017 and this effort has now concluded. I quote from article: “HAVE BEEN DISTRIBUTED AMOUNTS given to banks during the month of November last year." This is a WOW article. Amazing...! They are telling us they are launching these new notes to the banks now and have been loading the banks with them since last November. They even gave us the amounts they sold to the banks. Note they did not distribute any 10,000 (10K) or 25,000 (25k) three zero notes (the ones they want to delete) and this is very significant...they are slowly phasing them out. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
12-8-2017 Intel Guru Bruce What it amounts to is certain 3 letter agencies are giving Iraq the opportunity to go ahead to get that new rate out. We understand our exchanges are contingent on that happening. Once that occurs we should be able to go ahead and do the exchange for our currencies. That is very important to the timing for us. The stage is being set for Abadi’s finale announcement to be made again. We will have a final announcement coming over the weekend. AT that point we believe the new rate for the Iraqi dinar would be visible to the world internationally. Rates are good and continue to trade up. You are going to be happy. [post 2 of 2]
12-8-2017 Intel Guru Bruce Why would 92 countries represented with 113 companies have delegations from all those countries and companies represented to do business in Iraq and all arrived this afternoon in Iraq? Because...They wanted to do business in Iraq and they want to be invested in Iraq’s stock exchange for some of them. Maybe some of them want to be on the Iraqi stock exchange. Why are these representatives in Iraq for the next 3 days? They are there to sign contracts and engage in business with Iraq. Why would all of these countries and companies be represented in Iraq at this time? They might be there to witness to see what is happening for National Wedding Day on Saturday in Iraq and there to see if Iraq puts out a new rate for the Iraqi dinar over the weekend. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
12-8-2017 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article Quotes: "The official ceremony will be held on Saturday at 11:00 am at the Al Rasheed Hotel" "The meetings of the symposiums and intellectual and research sessions will begin to discuss the future of security in the world and the role of the media in adhering to extremist ideology on Sunday" So it looks as though Saturday and or Sunday, may be good either way and it is Saturday now in Iraq.. imo
12-8-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat So what do the people then use for currency? First – they lessening the need for any currency by the implementation of the new electronic banking practices we have been reading about; Second – they are launching other notes to use as they told us in this article namely the 1,000, 500 and 250 dinar categories. Third – We know from past articles new currency will be issued in denominations of 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, and 200 dinars for banknotes and 25, 50, 100, 250, and 500 fils, plus 1 and 2 dinars for coins. The designs have been already chosen...and they are printed and minted...All of these categories, mentioned...are denominations that are in the final set of currencies that will REMAIN as permanent currency post RV. ...the CBI also told us that the older 3 zero notes will coincide and be in circulation with the newer 2017 notes for up to 10 years, but these notes will be mainly for inter-banking transactions and not intended for the general public use. ...if you read the history of the dinar since the invasion of 2003, you can see that the plan was never to go very long without replacing the currency and value. This is evident and proof by the 50 and 1000 banknotes and 250 and 500 fils already in circulation. [post 2 of 2]
12-8-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "THE CENTRAL BANK HAS ANNOUNCED A TENDER FOR THE PRINTING OF NEW BANKNOTES (SMALL CATEGORIES) AT THE INTERNATIONAL PRINTING COMPANIES." ...those that do not know that to “tender an offer” means an offer to purchase. But we know they made this offer in 2015 and so the newly printed notes were delivered and they are now telling they distributed them to the banks (in exchange for banks assets) from Nov 2016 thru Nov 2017 and this effort has now concluded. I quote from article: “HAVE BEEN DISTRIBUTED AMOUNTS given to banks during the month of November last year." This is a WOW article. Amazing...! They are telling us they are launching these new notes to the banks now and have been loading the banks with them since last November. They even gave us the amounts they sold to the banks. Note they did not distribute any 10,000 (10K) or 25,000 (25k) three zero notes (the ones they want to delete) and this is very significant...they are slowly phasing them out. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
12-8-2017 Intel Guru Bruce What it amounts to is certain 3 letter agencies are giving Iraq the opportunity to go ahead to get that new rate out. We understand our exchanges are contingent on that happening. Once that occurs we should be able to go ahead and do the exchange for our currencies. That is very important to the timing for us. The stage is being set for Abadi’s finale announcement to be made again. We will have a final announcement coming over the weekend. AT that point we believe the new rate for the Iraqi dinar would be visible to the world internationally. Rates are good and continue to trade up. You are going to be happy. [post 2 of 2]
12-8-2017 Intel Guru Bruce Why would 92 countries represented with 113 companies have delegations from all those countries and companies represented to do business in Iraq and all arrived this afternoon in Iraq? Because...They wanted to do business in Iraq and they want to be invested in Iraq’s stock exchange for some of them. Maybe some of them want to be on the Iraqi stock exchange. Why are these representatives in Iraq for the next 3 days? They are there to sign contracts and engage in business with Iraq. Why would all of these countries and companies be represented in Iraq at this time? They might be there to witness to see what is happening for National Wedding Day on Saturday in Iraq and there to see if Iraq puts out a new rate for the Iraqi dinar over the weekend. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
12-7-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni "Novosti: Iraq will announce the final victory on Saturday Daesh" Saturday is the day of celebration. The Syria Iraqi border is now secure.
12-7-2017 Newshound Guru Don961 Article: "Conditions of international criticism embarrass Abadi and expectations of passing the budget within a month" Quote: "The justification for the delayed arrival of the budget to the House of Representatives is due to the conditions of the International Monetary Fund, which may put the Prime Minister in a critical predicament if revealed," imo...is this not another incentive to get their economy in order...give international value to their currency...to follow the rules to facilitate International trade...for Iraq to get to their goal of International and regional prestige...and pride in their own independent, sovereign country...without the need for conditions being put on them by international agencies...and avoid these "embarrassing" situations...
12-7-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Articles: "Infallible calls to unify the Iraqi banking system to promote the economic reality" "The central bank expands its activities in the Kurdistan Region" "Keywords shall notify the infallible of "special attention" to the work of the Central Bank of Kurdistan" What I like about these articles is that the GOI (infallible) is pushing for currency reform. This is a good sign.
12-7-2017 Intel Guru Delta Right now you think about it everybody is expecting that the valuation that the monetary reform is going to take place after the celebration but it could happen before too! Again, they are running out of time...
12-7-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 The economic reforms and the monetary reforms are about to explode. And I believe that Article VIII would be well accepted because that’s the only way these companies can do business with Iraq. And remember…what’s going to happen after this speech? What did he tell us? That as soon as he’s done with the speech, all heck will break loose. It seems like it’s already breaking loose.
12-7-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 Iraqi TV was broadcasting...
1. "Welcome to all American companies coming to Iraq"
2. The IMF was reportedly stating that the Kurds will receive more than the 12% previously discussed in the upcoming budget. [As if we didn't already know that...LOL]
3. The Kurds have reportedly relinquished possession of all of the border areas that were in dispute.
Dinar rates are being reported from various bank sources ranging from $3.50 - $3.80 plus/minus awaiting final release authorization. Time Will Tell MORE and eventually tell it ALL.
12-7-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni I still believe the float,
and beginning of the removal of the larger notes will start soon (it has to if they are planning 2 years for this entire process). As the last economist wrote in his delete zeros article..."Today , we find it easy in front of the Central Bank of Iraq to work to the principle of reducing the exchange rate gradually to the extent that it can be equivalent to the dinar against the dollar," I do not think we can put a prediction on how fast it will rise. But it does appear they want to equal $1. [post 2 of 2]
12-7-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Association of private banks: 3 million Iraqis will create a bank account during the next two Amyin" So they expect it to take up to 2 years to withdrawl 34 trillion dinars from the market. This to me would also include the delete zeros project. To clarify, I believe the process which is activation of the electronic banking, the float or deletion of zeros and the removal of chunky money 34 trillion will take 2 years. Previous articles on deleting zeros also mentioned a timeframe of 2 years (this to me is what Dr. Bakri was talking about in my interview when he referred to "treatment" on the dinar... So to me this is not a delay, but a schedule of sorts to complete the whole process. [post 1` of 2....stay tuned]
12-7-2017 Intel Guru Delta ...it looks like for some reason they moved that celebration date we were all interested in last week at that time...It looks like they had stuff to finish and make sure everything was good...And moved it to this coming week...all these different countries are going to come down and...the big celebration is on Saturday...about 100 countries, other nations coming down so this is not only the liberation I do believe it’s all about timing...he makes that announcement that they are fully liberated then he is going to go into the economic and monetary reforms. Abadi...wants to show to the world...we’re done. And the nations are waiting for that...because remember the Prime Minister...the leader of a nation comes out internationally and gives basically that speech that will give more confidence for investors. ...we don’t see any negative things...from the CBI...he said all the preparations are underway so when they make the decision it’s going to be easy to flip the switch and the numbers are right there internationally. So it’s all great and good information.
12-7-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 All the things we are seeing right now, they are long done! The only thing is the one on Saturday on the 9th when he is going to make the full announcement. But...they’re all done—all these steps everything that he’s [Guru Walkingstick] told us all of these last 4. 5 or 6 months.
12-7-2017 Newshound Guru Don961 Article: "Conditions of international criticism embarrass Abadi and expectations of passing the budget within a month" Quote: "The justification for the delayed arrival of the budget to the House of Representatives is due to the conditions of the International Monetary Fund, which may put the Prime Minister in a critical predicament if revealed," imo...is this not another incentive to get their economy in order...give international value to their currency...to follow the rules to facilitate International trade...for Iraq to get to their goal of International and regional prestige...and pride in their own independent, sovereign country...without the need for conditions being put on them by international agencies...and avoid these "embarrassing" situations...
12-7-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Articles: "Infallible calls to unify the Iraqi banking system to promote the economic reality" "The central bank expands its activities in the Kurdistan Region" "Keywords shall notify the infallible of "special attention" to the work of the Central Bank of Kurdistan" What I like about these articles is that the GOI (infallible) is pushing for currency reform. This is a good sign.
12-7-2017 Intel Guru Delta Right now you think about it everybody is expecting that the valuation that the monetary reform is going to take place after the celebration but it could happen before too! Again, they are running out of time...
12-7-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 The economic reforms and the monetary reforms are about to explode. And I believe that Article VIII would be well accepted because that’s the only way these companies can do business with Iraq. And remember…what’s going to happen after this speech? What did he tell us? That as soon as he’s done with the speech, all heck will break loose. It seems like it’s already breaking loose.
12-7-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 Iraqi TV was broadcasting...
1. "Welcome to all American companies coming to Iraq"
2. The IMF was reportedly stating that the Kurds will receive more than the 12% previously discussed in the upcoming budget. [As if we didn't already know that...LOL]
3. The Kurds have reportedly relinquished possession of all of the border areas that were in dispute.
Dinar rates are being reported from various bank sources ranging from $3.50 - $3.80 plus/minus awaiting final release authorization. Time Will Tell MORE and eventually tell it ALL.
12-7-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni I still believe the float,
and beginning of the removal of the larger notes will start soon (it has to if they are planning 2 years for this entire process). As the last economist wrote in his delete zeros article..."Today , we find it easy in front of the Central Bank of Iraq to work to the principle of reducing the exchange rate gradually to the extent that it can be equivalent to the dinar against the dollar," I do not think we can put a prediction on how fast it will rise. But it does appear they want to equal $1. [post 2 of 2]
12-7-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Association of private banks: 3 million Iraqis will create a bank account during the next two Amyin" So they expect it to take up to 2 years to withdrawl 34 trillion dinars from the market. This to me would also include the delete zeros project. To clarify, I believe the process which is activation of the electronic banking, the float or deletion of zeros and the removal of chunky money 34 trillion will take 2 years. Previous articles on deleting zeros also mentioned a timeframe of 2 years (this to me is what Dr. Bakri was talking about in my interview when he referred to "treatment" on the dinar... So to me this is not a delay, but a schedule of sorts to complete the whole process. [post 1` of 2....stay tuned]
12-7-2017 Intel Guru Delta ...it looks like for some reason they moved that celebration date we were all interested in last week at that time...It looks like they had stuff to finish and make sure everything was good...And moved it to this coming week...all these different countries are going to come down and...the big celebration is on Saturday...about 100 countries, other nations coming down so this is not only the liberation I do believe it’s all about timing...he makes that announcement that they are fully liberated then he is going to go into the economic and monetary reforms. Abadi...wants to show to the world...we’re done. And the nations are waiting for that...because remember the Prime Minister...the leader of a nation comes out internationally and gives basically that speech that will give more confidence for investors. ...we don’t see any negative things...from the CBI...he said all the preparations are underway so when they make the decision it’s going to be easy to flip the switch and the numbers are right there internationally. So it’s all great and good information.
12-7-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 All the things we are seeing right now, they are long done! The only thing is the one on Saturday on the 9th when he is going to make the full announcement. But...they’re all done—all these steps everything that he’s [Guru Walkingstick] told us all of these last 4. 5 or 6 months.
12-6-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 Citizens are getting additional information letting them know when to expect a rate change on the consumer level. So we are looking forward to the big event this weekend about the liberation of Iraq and a bit more than that, with hundreds of visitors, etc. It was suppose to be last weekend, but it now happening this week, with Saturday as the big event with announcements and so on. There might be a rate change even before this event kicks off, and also speculation about a rate change in the midst of this celebration, and also anticipation of the rate change immediately after Victory Week. The information I’ve received privately and what’s been put out publicly all seems to indicate that this should be an exciting weekend. We don’t know if we will be in the bank just yet, but there will be no doubt where we’re headed by Monday… [post 3 of 3]
12-6-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 There are rates fluctuating in the system as we speak, plus another television report: the CBI Governor was talking about economic activity, and announcements on the 9th and 11th. This is Victory Week, with the big celebration on Saturday the 9th, starting at 11am Iraqi time. Abadi has referred to these celebrations, and said, “It is time to launch economic reforms” and said that Iraq is going to have an impact on the world. He said Iraq is also invoking Section 140 as part of the economic reforms. [post 2 of 3....stay tuned]
12-6-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 It’s one thing to have one canary singing, or two, but when there are more canaries singing, then we really feel blessed. We did an update early this morning: PM Abadi on Iraqi TV stating the time has come to activate Article 140 and referenced things that need to take place for economic reforms to complete. The Central Bank has announced a tender for the printing of new banknotes...particularly SMALL NOTES [Either this is a new batch of lower denoms or maybe they are making it seem as if this is the first time printing such notes? When will they be released?] Basically this about the lower denominations, getting them into circulation and/or accounting for those that have already been printed. [post 1 of 3....stay tuned]
12-6-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana ...over in Iraq, we have a little more news than usual this week! It’s being rumored (some confirmed sources, some… not so confirmed) that there is a legitimate push to introduce new currency notes, presumably in smaller denominations. That’s not something you do unless you can establish a need for those smaller notes, which of course requires a stronger exchange rate. The Budget is likely to be finalized in February. I know that’s an eternity for some of us, but that’s the buzz. Unfortunately, I have nothing to report on the HCL. I’m hearing rumors, but nothing confirmed...
12-6-2017 Intel Guru Bruce Saturday, December 9th is for Iraq National Wedding day. It is a day of unity in the Middle East...my understanding is 100 or more delegates from the Middle Eastern countries have been invited to come to Iraq in Baghdad for some form of get-to-gather. PM Abadi invited these people to be part of the Iraqi stock exchange ISX. The Iraqi dinar should be part of the parcel of the ISX tradability. They should be at a point now or any day now, maybe Thursday, when that rate is internationally known. ...They are done. They have completed everything they needed to be complete. When they got admitted into the World Trade Organization, when the United Nations released them from Chapter 7 and put them into Chapter 8 all these things. When the ISX opened last week sometime, all these things are signs Iraq’s sovereignty is there. Iraq is going to do something major on Saturday if they don’t do it sooner. [post 2 of 2]
12-6-2017 Intel Guru Bruce ...I was disappointed today because I was under the understanding we would start today with our exchanges. All the Intel was pointing to it today [Tuesday]. ...we started to get the reasons why it didn’t go as we thought. I am back in a positive mood and looking forward to everything coming thru for us. Iraq last week has made announcements. Prime Minister Abadi made announcements about their sovereignty, liberation, removal of ISIS, etc...We are not waiting on those announcements. They have some dates. They had the date December 2nd or 3rd for Iraq...the 5th was another point of intention. Then the 7th and then Saturday is another point of intention. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
12-6-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni [do you believe this is gonna happen?] well, it may not...in 4 months Iraq is hold elections...have you all read about Iran's influence in Iraq? They want to use the elections to get more control...the PM position and we all know Maliki is tight with Iran...so no, i am not sure we will see this happen. Iran needs to be booted. Ababi has a small window of opportunity to get this going. I have seen Maliki stop progress before. We would be fools to think we will see Abadi succeed without some resistance. The good news is the IMF is still pushing reforms forward.
12-6-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 There are rates fluctuating in the system as we speak, plus another television report: the CBI Governor was talking about economic activity, and announcements on the 9th and 11th. This is Victory Week, with the big celebration on Saturday the 9th, starting at 11am Iraqi time. Abadi has referred to these celebrations, and said, “It is time to launch economic reforms” and said that Iraq is going to have an impact on the world. He said Iraq is also invoking Section 140 as part of the economic reforms. [post 2 of 3....stay tuned]
12-6-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 It’s one thing to have one canary singing, or two, but when there are more canaries singing, then we really feel blessed. We did an update early this morning: PM Abadi on Iraqi TV stating the time has come to activate Article 140 and referenced things that need to take place for economic reforms to complete. The Central Bank has announced a tender for the printing of new banknotes...particularly SMALL NOTES [Either this is a new batch of lower denoms or maybe they are making it seem as if this is the first time printing such notes? When will they be released?] Basically this about the lower denominations, getting them into circulation and/or accounting for those that have already been printed. [post 1 of 3....stay tuned]
12-6-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana ...over in Iraq, we have a little more news than usual this week! It’s being rumored (some confirmed sources, some… not so confirmed) that there is a legitimate push to introduce new currency notes, presumably in smaller denominations. That’s not something you do unless you can establish a need for those smaller notes, which of course requires a stronger exchange rate. The Budget is likely to be finalized in February. I know that’s an eternity for some of us, but that’s the buzz. Unfortunately, I have nothing to report on the HCL. I’m hearing rumors, but nothing confirmed...
12-6-2017 Intel Guru Bruce Saturday, December 9th is for Iraq National Wedding day. It is a day of unity in the Middle East...my understanding is 100 or more delegates from the Middle Eastern countries have been invited to come to Iraq in Baghdad for some form of get-to-gather. PM Abadi invited these people to be part of the Iraqi stock exchange ISX. The Iraqi dinar should be part of the parcel of the ISX tradability. They should be at a point now or any day now, maybe Thursday, when that rate is internationally known. ...They are done. They have completed everything they needed to be complete. When they got admitted into the World Trade Organization, when the United Nations released them from Chapter 7 and put them into Chapter 8 all these things. When the ISX opened last week sometime, all these things are signs Iraq’s sovereignty is there. Iraq is going to do something major on Saturday if they don’t do it sooner. [post 2 of 2]
12-6-2017 Intel Guru Bruce ...I was disappointed today because I was under the understanding we would start today with our exchanges. All the Intel was pointing to it today [Tuesday]. ...we started to get the reasons why it didn’t go as we thought. I am back in a positive mood and looking forward to everything coming thru for us. Iraq last week has made announcements. Prime Minister Abadi made announcements about their sovereignty, liberation, removal of ISIS, etc...We are not waiting on those announcements. They have some dates. They had the date December 2nd or 3rd for Iraq...the 5th was another point of intention. Then the 7th and then Saturday is another point of intention. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
12-6-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni [do you believe this is gonna happen?] well, it may not...in 4 months Iraq is hold elections...have you all read about Iran's influence in Iraq? They want to use the elections to get more control...the PM position and we all know Maliki is tight with Iran...so no, i am not sure we will see this happen. Iran needs to be booted. Ababi has a small window of opportunity to get this going. I have seen Maliki stop progress before. We would be fools to think we will see Abadi succeed without some resistance. The good news is the IMF is still pushing reforms forward.
12-5-2017 Intel Guru Delta Urgent from Iraqi TV: The Cenral bank has announced a tender for the printing of new banknotes (small categories) at the international companies. These were already printed but now they are informing the citizens of the lower denominations they will see shortly. THEY ARE PRINTING NEW NOTE...500, 1000 IS NOT NEW NOTE...Shhhhhhh
12-5-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "The central bank boosts banks local currencies from small groups" Quotes: "the printing of the Iraqi currency and replace it with cost amounts", calling on citizens to keen and maintain banknotes in circulation." "the central bank has to declare a tender for the printing of new cash papers (small groups) with the global printing companies." Small groups are fine to begin to float, get the big one's off the street. Replacement is common. Currency gets worn out and it is the job of the CBI to replace to maintain integrity. Especially when you are trying to build confidence. 250, 500 etc are low enough the CBI probably thinks it also supports the transition as well.
12-5-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru tman23 ...don't know why anyone would be down...they always said 3 zero must be lifted start of new year this is when all banks begin new books...
12-5-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 [...Have they had the grand finale celebration for Victory Week?] That is this week: December 7-11, with the grand celebration falling on Saturday, I assume.
12-5-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni ...it is published both on the CBI and in IMF docs that 44 trillon is in circulation. There is only one solution...Reduce the physical paper and gradually raise the value via float...the dinar will float with a plan to equal $1. Its in print. You remove the larger 3 zero notes and introduce new smaller notes over time. This process deletes the zeros and raises the value. Latest economist article: "Today, we find it easy in front of the Central Bank of Iraq to work to the principle of reducing the exchange rate gradually to the extent that it can be equivalent to the dinar against the dollar..." Iraq is not a candidate to LOP the Dinar... they have less than 2% inflation... maintained the peg. LOPs happen when monetary policy fails.
12-5-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru sandyf RV is taken to mean revaluation, there is no revaluation of a floating currency, it is appreciation. Revaluation is applied to a fixed exchange rate currency. [The value has been removed, it needs to be reinstated] The IQD has always been the national currency of Iraq, you cannot reinstate something that has not been removed. The value was not removed, it was altered and you cannot reinstate value, that would be a revaluation. ...the IQD is a fixed exchange rate currency regime so the options are revaluation and devaluation. People should bear in mind that devaluations are very much easier to apply than revaluation. This is why there has been some very large devaluations but only minor revaluations.
12-5-2017 Newshound Guru G-Lin Article: "The Central Bank strengthens banks in local currencies of small groups" Quotes: "...the printing of the Iraqi currency and replace them cost amounts," calling on citizens to maintain and maintain Bank notes when trading." "the Central Bank has announced a tender for the printing of new banknotes (small categories) in the printing companies of the world." Is this the beginning of distribution of L.D.'s? If so, they did it last month. It just doesn't make sense to me for CBI to go to the expense of printing 1000's and 500's based on today's value unless they intend to give them a higher value. It cost more to print them than they are worth. Of course they wouldn't tell us if they distributed anything smaller. That would tell us too much.
12-5-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 IMO this next speech coming up will fill in the gaps...IMO This speech will say, or had better say that they are completely liberated from ISIS. WS said to me “I told you that Abadi has to say it this Saturday ...Dec.9th”. IOO the USD and the IQD will depeg and enter a basket, then they will release the convertible currency which is a polymer note with the tower of Babylon on it. I think this Sat you will see the photo finish. IMO The lifting of the 3 zero's is all around us. Alak said they confirmed the FDIC Insurance is coming in... Remember that I told you after Mosul we will see the MR at the speed of light. IOO Pay attention to Alak. We are now seeing leaks, and these leaks have a purpose. IMO we are as close as water to water! [post 2 of 2]
12-5-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 Remember that speech from the University on Nov. 25th? ...[Guru] Walking Stick called me on the 26th and he gave me a report... We told you about that speech that is going to be called the National Wedding at Rasheed Hotel... It will be a five day event. There will be a military parade... and IOO ( in our opinion) we will see the second part of the speech on Dec 9th...They are expecting over 100 countries to this celebration ...It is called the Final victory speech...and as soon as Abadi makes that speech [Guru] Walkingstick will disappear because in his words… “all hell will break loose”. IOO - right after the speech they will announce the Economic Reform and Monetary Reform of their country...and they will tell the 100 countries attending to invest in the ISX. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
12-5-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni [where do you think the float will start at?] I expect it to start right where it is at 1184...may go up fast who knows. The CBI would be foolish to RV, to much money to be made off commission. The IMF wants currencies to float. [...could you please explain how this will work.] ...hard to know for sure but we will learn when it happens. I have my own guess...That the CBI will get in compliance with the IMF and accept Article VIII. Move to a float...and gradually remove the 3 zeros notes and the dinar rises in value. People dont realize the CBI needs a new exchange regime... choosing to float is a good thing...the CBI makes money...remember, if the CBI stops the auctions, they need to have an alternative. A float allows for the CBI to buy/sell and make commissions and its all about the money. Lets put it another way, you cannnot revalue 44 trillion dinar...thats 4 times the worlds money supply...no such event will ever occur.
12-5-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 [Do YOU think it’s going to go this month? Or next month?] These people are manipulating this whole process to unfold the way THEY want it to unfold. The celebrations should have happened last week; now it’s this week. So I don’t have a gut feeling on any of this. I do believe it’s real, and it is happening, but as for when? That’s anyone’s guess.
12-5-2017 Newshound Guru Enorrste Article: "2018 will see a renaissance by making {in Iraq}" ["The Donald" doesn't strike me as a patient man and getting Iraq fully back in the game of money seems to be on the priority list.] I personally doubt that Trump has anything to do with this. The key player appears to be the IMF. Ever since they took over trusteeship of the CBI things have moved more quickly. At the same time, this article is referring to a process rather than an event, so I tend to agree with KAP [Guru Kaperoni] that it could take several months before we see much change in the structure of the economy in Iraq. Even the author of this piece refers only to a "hope" that the ball will get moving in the coming year. [reference Guru Kaperoni 12-3-2017 post...Article: "Expert for {morning}: 2018 will see a renaissance by making {in Iraq}"]
12-5-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "The central bank boosts banks local currencies from small groups" Quotes: "the printing of the Iraqi currency and replace it with cost amounts", calling on citizens to keen and maintain banknotes in circulation." "the central bank has to declare a tender for the printing of new cash papers (small groups) with the global printing companies." Small groups are fine to begin to float, get the big one's off the street. Replacement is common. Currency gets worn out and it is the job of the CBI to replace to maintain integrity. Especially when you are trying to build confidence. 250, 500 etc are low enough the CBI probably thinks it also supports the transition as well.
12-5-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru tman23 ...don't know why anyone would be down...they always said 3 zero must be lifted start of new year this is when all banks begin new books...
12-5-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 [...Have they had the grand finale celebration for Victory Week?] That is this week: December 7-11, with the grand celebration falling on Saturday, I assume.
12-5-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni ...it is published both on the CBI and in IMF docs that 44 trillon is in circulation. There is only one solution...Reduce the physical paper and gradually raise the value via float...the dinar will float with a plan to equal $1. Its in print. You remove the larger 3 zero notes and introduce new smaller notes over time. This process deletes the zeros and raises the value. Latest economist article: "Today, we find it easy in front of the Central Bank of Iraq to work to the principle of reducing the exchange rate gradually to the extent that it can be equivalent to the dinar against the dollar..." Iraq is not a candidate to LOP the Dinar... they have less than 2% inflation... maintained the peg. LOPs happen when monetary policy fails.
12-5-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru sandyf RV is taken to mean revaluation, there is no revaluation of a floating currency, it is appreciation. Revaluation is applied to a fixed exchange rate currency. [The value has been removed, it needs to be reinstated] The IQD has always been the national currency of Iraq, you cannot reinstate something that has not been removed. The value was not removed, it was altered and you cannot reinstate value, that would be a revaluation. ...the IQD is a fixed exchange rate currency regime so the options are revaluation and devaluation. People should bear in mind that devaluations are very much easier to apply than revaluation. This is why there has been some very large devaluations but only minor revaluations.
12-5-2017 Newshound Guru G-Lin Article: "The Central Bank strengthens banks in local currencies of small groups" Quotes: "...the printing of the Iraqi currency and replace them cost amounts," calling on citizens to maintain and maintain Bank notes when trading." "the Central Bank has announced a tender for the printing of new banknotes (small categories) in the printing companies of the world." Is this the beginning of distribution of L.D.'s? If so, they did it last month. It just doesn't make sense to me for CBI to go to the expense of printing 1000's and 500's based on today's value unless they intend to give them a higher value. It cost more to print them than they are worth. Of course they wouldn't tell us if they distributed anything smaller. That would tell us too much.
12-5-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 IMO this next speech coming up will fill in the gaps...IMO This speech will say, or had better say that they are completely liberated from ISIS. WS said to me “I told you that Abadi has to say it this Saturday ...Dec.9th”. IOO the USD and the IQD will depeg and enter a basket, then they will release the convertible currency which is a polymer note with the tower of Babylon on it. I think this Sat you will see the photo finish. IMO The lifting of the 3 zero's is all around us. Alak said they confirmed the FDIC Insurance is coming in... Remember that I told you after Mosul we will see the MR at the speed of light. IOO Pay attention to Alak. We are now seeing leaks, and these leaks have a purpose. IMO we are as close as water to water! [post 2 of 2]
12-5-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 Remember that speech from the University on Nov. 25th? ...[Guru] Walking Stick called me on the 26th and he gave me a report... We told you about that speech that is going to be called the National Wedding at Rasheed Hotel... It will be a five day event. There will be a military parade... and IOO ( in our opinion) we will see the second part of the speech on Dec 9th...They are expecting over 100 countries to this celebration ...It is called the Final victory speech...and as soon as Abadi makes that speech [Guru] Walkingstick will disappear because in his words… “all hell will break loose”. IOO - right after the speech they will announce the Economic Reform and Monetary Reform of their country...and they will tell the 100 countries attending to invest in the ISX. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
12-5-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni [where do you think the float will start at?] I expect it to start right where it is at 1184...may go up fast who knows. The CBI would be foolish to RV, to much money to be made off commission. The IMF wants currencies to float. [...could you please explain how this will work.] ...hard to know for sure but we will learn when it happens. I have my own guess...That the CBI will get in compliance with the IMF and accept Article VIII. Move to a float...and gradually remove the 3 zeros notes and the dinar rises in value. People dont realize the CBI needs a new exchange regime... choosing to float is a good thing...the CBI makes money...remember, if the CBI stops the auctions, they need to have an alternative. A float allows for the CBI to buy/sell and make commissions and its all about the money. Lets put it another way, you cannnot revalue 44 trillion dinar...thats 4 times the worlds money supply...no such event will ever occur.
12-5-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 [Do YOU think it’s going to go this month? Or next month?] These people are manipulating this whole process to unfold the way THEY want it to unfold. The celebrations should have happened last week; now it’s this week. So I don’t have a gut feeling on any of this. I do believe it’s real, and it is happening, but as for when? That’s anyone’s guess.
12-5-2017 Newshound Guru Enorrste Article: "2018 will see a renaissance by making {in Iraq}" ["The Donald" doesn't strike me as a patient man and getting Iraq fully back in the game of money seems to be on the priority list.] I personally doubt that Trump has anything to do with this. The key player appears to be the IMF. Ever since they took over trusteeship of the CBI things have moved more quickly. At the same time, this article is referring to a process rather than an event, so I tend to agree with KAP [Guru Kaperoni] that it could take several months before we see much change in the structure of the economy in Iraq. Even the author of this piece refers only to a "hope" that the ball will get moving in the coming year. [reference Guru Kaperoni 12-3-2017 post...Article: "Expert for {morning}: 2018 will see a renaissance by making {in Iraq}"]
12-4-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat 3. Two more ministries “bite the dust” and are now electronically paid thus not by cash (3 zero notes). ...they are telling us there is more confidence in the banks and at the same article they are talking about the citizens TRUSTING the banks. ...This is wonderful news, as we know they need to get all the ministries on the electronic banking in order to collect the amount of dinars needed out of circulation and keep them out of circulation forever. This reduces the money supply and we are told they need to reduce it by 2/3 prior to any RV (part of the “project of delete the zeros”... [post 2 of 2]
12-4-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "THE RESETTLEMENT OF SALARIES OF STATE MINISTRIES EMPLOYEES" Quote: "...THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROJECT TO SETTLE SALARIES FOR THE FIRST TWO MINISTRIES IN IRAQ, NAMELY ELECTRICITY AND OIL with the participation of a number of government and private banks." so only the electric and oil ministries were paid (or added to the ministry list of ministries now being paid). Why else is this article important? 1. It shows confidence in the banks. As Salem said. They need this for Economic STABILITY; 2. It is telling us Iraq can pay its bills on time as mandated by the IMF in their last SBA; [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
12-4-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni I do like yesterdays signing with the IFC corp...that should help get investment going. ...a true private sector requires a banking system, dinar convertibility, article VIII etc. so you can get your profits out of Iraq if your an investor...freedom of movement of capital is a term that means money can flow in and out of Iraq and the worlds banking system...that is what IFC is for. [...the IMF, UN and World bank are in charge and nothing will happen until they say so.] i agree.
12-4-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 Would they really have all these foreign visitors and hoopla to let people know that the country has been liberated? We already know that. The big celebration won’t just be about the liberation of Iraq; we already knew that. So they want to get that done and focus on corruption.The banks are saying that the salaries are being paid this week (in Iraq) with the amounts being changed from 30 million dinar to five million dinar. Did that many take a pay cut? Or has the value changed? Even though we don’t have hot smoking intel, we definitely have questions about things that don’t quite add up. I don’t know the rate and date. Sure, they say this date or that, and then that date comes along and it still hasn’t popped. However, I do know that it’s going to happen, although what day/week remains to be seen. [post 2 of 2]
12-4-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 Some information came in over the weekend but we are waiting for confirmation. It was exciting, but not the RV announcement. The Iraqi Budget still has not been approved because there hasn’t been a quorum; there must be some aspect they want to have cleared up. Victory Week has now been announced at December 7—11, with special announcements on the 9th. Those should be about the liberation of the country and defeat of Da’esh, with nothing about the RV. From the information out there, they would have us believe that the RV will not happen until the first of the year. In spite of that, we still have banking folks telling us they are looking for something to happen possibly this week. So it’s a mixture of positions; we are definitely in wait-and-see mode, with the public sources saying one thing and the private ones something quite different. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
12-4-2017 Newshound Guru Enorrste Article: "Central Bank announces the launch of a deposit guarantee company soon" This is a key development in moving toward a float. Of course we are back to the word "soon" which is very similar to "in the coming days" which we have read over and over for years now. Let's just hope that "soon" means what WE understand by that word and that it isn't just more "Iraqi Speak".
12-4-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Financial Advisor of the Association of Private Banks: capital of banks grew by 98% during the current year" One of the concerns of the IMF in the Article IV was that Iraq banks were undercapitalized. Another good sign they are preparing for international banking.
12-4-2017 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke ...maybe because it’s a SATURDAY, 2 days before the Big Day, and SANTA will be flying high, at RECORD SPEED, dropping Lower Denoms, turning off currency auctions and currency dealers, magically in RECORD TIME?...IL-Logically Speaking. [YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW HAPPY I WOULD BE WITH $.50 RV Figure.] you like .50 cents? Great...Santa likes FAR NORTH of that, due to OIL & GOLD Futures Skyrocketing up now, and into 2018 & beyond...thus, $1.00, $2.00, $3.00, $4.00+...what was that silly rate way back in 2002, 15 years ago? - $3.00+. P.S. SANTA says, “Hello”...he’s coming to Town...SOON! [post 2 of 2]
12-4-2017 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke We like DECEMBER 23, 2017 @ a probability rate of 99.999999% (because Everything in Life is a Probability. EVERYTHING)...and thus mainly why we wrote...in our JULY 7-27-17 Post: DECEMBER: “You’re Santa Clause" (or something similar). HOWEVER, it wouldn’t surprise us at all now, if they waited until 11:59 pm, on DECEMBER 31, 2017 (Iraq Time)...thus, WHY we wrote about January 1st, a few days ago, in our...Post...that’s “WHY”. [reference Dr. Clarke post 11-27-2017] IN ANY EVENT, that VERY LAST WEEK of DECEMBER 2017, is what we’re talking about, but we Really Really Really...like the 23rd for some reason. DECEMBER 23rd. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
12-4-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat ...the CBI and the prime minister have BOTH told us that Iraq needs BOTH SECURITY and STABILITY to get these currency reform done. The hard part is we don’t have their definitive checklist on what THEY are calling secure and stable. ...the CBI has told us the SECURITY means fighting ISIS, getting rid of the unlawful militias and securing the Iraqi borders. So we can sense what they mean by this one. For STABILITY we were also told they need to fully implement their new constitution, get a functional government in place and most importantly CLEAN UP THE CORRUPTION. Don’t we now see all of these issues being taken care of even now with the start of the campaign against corruption? Yes – the news now is all about the new war in Iraq – the war on corruption. We have waited so long to see this.
12-4-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "THE RESETTLEMENT OF SALARIES OF STATE MINISTRIES EMPLOYEES" Quote: "...THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROJECT TO SETTLE SALARIES FOR THE FIRST TWO MINISTRIES IN IRAQ, NAMELY ELECTRICITY AND OIL with the participation of a number of government and private banks." so only the electric and oil ministries were paid (or added to the ministry list of ministries now being paid). Why else is this article important? 1. It shows confidence in the banks. As Salem said. They need this for Economic STABILITY; 2. It is telling us Iraq can pay its bills on time as mandated by the IMF in their last SBA; [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
12-4-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni I do like yesterdays signing with the IFC corp...that should help get investment going. ...a true private sector requires a banking system, dinar convertibility, article VIII etc. so you can get your profits out of Iraq if your an investor...freedom of movement of capital is a term that means money can flow in and out of Iraq and the worlds banking system...that is what IFC is for. [...the IMF, UN and World bank are in charge and nothing will happen until they say so.] i agree.
12-4-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 Would they really have all these foreign visitors and hoopla to let people know that the country has been liberated? We already know that. The big celebration won’t just be about the liberation of Iraq; we already knew that. So they want to get that done and focus on corruption.The banks are saying that the salaries are being paid this week (in Iraq) with the amounts being changed from 30 million dinar to five million dinar. Did that many take a pay cut? Or has the value changed? Even though we don’t have hot smoking intel, we definitely have questions about things that don’t quite add up. I don’t know the rate and date. Sure, they say this date or that, and then that date comes along and it still hasn’t popped. However, I do know that it’s going to happen, although what day/week remains to be seen. [post 2 of 2]
12-4-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 Some information came in over the weekend but we are waiting for confirmation. It was exciting, but not the RV announcement. The Iraqi Budget still has not been approved because there hasn’t been a quorum; there must be some aspect they want to have cleared up. Victory Week has now been announced at December 7—11, with special announcements on the 9th. Those should be about the liberation of the country and defeat of Da’esh, with nothing about the RV. From the information out there, they would have us believe that the RV will not happen until the first of the year. In spite of that, we still have banking folks telling us they are looking for something to happen possibly this week. So it’s a mixture of positions; we are definitely in wait-and-see mode, with the public sources saying one thing and the private ones something quite different. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
12-4-2017 Newshound Guru Enorrste Article: "Central Bank announces the launch of a deposit guarantee company soon" This is a key development in moving toward a float. Of course we are back to the word "soon" which is very similar to "in the coming days" which we have read over and over for years now. Let's just hope that "soon" means what WE understand by that word and that it isn't just more "Iraqi Speak".
12-4-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Financial Advisor of the Association of Private Banks: capital of banks grew by 98% during the current year" One of the concerns of the IMF in the Article IV was that Iraq banks were undercapitalized. Another good sign they are preparing for international banking.
12-4-2017 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke ...maybe because it’s a SATURDAY, 2 days before the Big Day, and SANTA will be flying high, at RECORD SPEED, dropping Lower Denoms, turning off currency auctions and currency dealers, magically in RECORD TIME?...IL-Logically Speaking. [YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW HAPPY I WOULD BE WITH $.50 RV Figure.] you like .50 cents? Great...Santa likes FAR NORTH of that, due to OIL & GOLD Futures Skyrocketing up now, and into 2018 & beyond...thus, $1.00, $2.00, $3.00, $4.00+...what was that silly rate way back in 2002, 15 years ago? - $3.00+. P.S. SANTA says, “Hello”...he’s coming to Town...SOON! [post 2 of 2]
12-4-2017 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke We like DECEMBER 23, 2017 @ a probability rate of 99.999999% (because Everything in Life is a Probability. EVERYTHING)...and thus mainly why we wrote...in our JULY 7-27-17 Post: DECEMBER: “You’re Santa Clause" (or something similar). HOWEVER, it wouldn’t surprise us at all now, if they waited until 11:59 pm, on DECEMBER 31, 2017 (Iraq Time)...thus, WHY we wrote about January 1st, a few days ago, in our...Post...that’s “WHY”. [reference Dr. Clarke post 11-27-2017] IN ANY EVENT, that VERY LAST WEEK of DECEMBER 2017, is what we’re talking about, but we Really Really Really...like the 23rd for some reason. DECEMBER 23rd. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
12-4-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat ...the CBI and the prime minister have BOTH told us that Iraq needs BOTH SECURITY and STABILITY to get these currency reform done. The hard part is we don’t have their definitive checklist on what THEY are calling secure and stable. ...the CBI has told us the SECURITY means fighting ISIS, getting rid of the unlawful militias and securing the Iraqi borders. So we can sense what they mean by this one. For STABILITY we were also told they need to fully implement their new constitution, get a functional government in place and most importantly CLEAN UP THE CORRUPTION. Don’t we now see all of these issues being taken care of even now with the start of the campaign against corruption? Yes – the news now is all about the new war in Iraq – the war on corruption. We have waited so long to see this.
12-3-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "The Central Bank signs a governance services agreement with the International Finance Corporation (IFC)" Quote: "IFC provides investment, advice, and asset management. Our investment and advice can be tailored to a client’s specific needs, and in ways that add value. Our ability to attract other investors brings additional benefits, introducing our clients to new sources of capital and better ways of doing business." This is huge. Partnering with IFC will help them launch the banking system, and encourage investment.
12-3-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat So, some asked questions on the repayment end date of the $4.6 billion in war reparations to Kuwait. Many asked if we have to wait then to 2021 to see the RV. Folks $4.6 billion is a drop in a bucket for Iraq to repay. They already paid nearly 2/3 of the amount owed. I sincerely believe we will not have to wait that long for them to complete these payments. Does the CBI want go until 2021 without an international currency and get those ...3 zero notes off the streets? Absolutely not! This is not part of their plan. ...let’s wait and see if the CBI does, in fact, begin the campaign to re-educate the citizens on their next move in the “project to delete the zeros”.
12-3-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Activities are beginning to pick up at the central bank as banking and investment events happen. CBI announces the imminent launch of deposit insurance. One thing the CBI has stated is they want to use this deposit insurance as a means to reduce the money supply. If true, I cannot see the CBI activating deposit insurance and letting the currency collected recirculate. So we may see the float begin soon. The next few weeks will be telling as to the plans CBI and currency reform.
12-3-2017 Newshound Guru G-Lin A well-informed political source reveals the "identity" of the two companies that the Abadi government contracted with to help fill corruption files... Article quote: "A source familiar with the political, on Sunday, that two companies are conducting the verification of files of corruption in Iraq since 2003. The source said in a press statement that 'two companies, one American and one British are conducting the audit files corruption in Iraq since 2003 so far, and its task to detect corruption and identify the identities of those involved." The investigation into the corruption cases is due to start on the basis of a memorandum of understanding signed by the Iraqi government with the United Nations. International investigators will assist the Iraqi government in uncovering the fate of Iraq's $ 361 billion budget deficit between 2004 and 2014.
12-3-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Expert for {morning}: 2018 will see a renaissance by making {in Iraq}" Quote: "the government has worked during the last term on the advancement of the industry through a partnership with the private sector, but the move has seen a delay because of the war on terror, but we hope to be activated during the next year" [2018 it is.] I dont like to get overly excited. This could take another 3-6 months before they get into Article VIII and begin to float. Nothing moves fast in Iraq. But we can hope.
12-3-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat So, some asked questions on the repayment end date of the $4.6 billion in war reparations to Kuwait. Many asked if we have to wait then to 2021 to see the RV. Folks $4.6 billion is a drop in a bucket for Iraq to repay. They already paid nearly 2/3 of the amount owed. I sincerely believe we will not have to wait that long for them to complete these payments. Does the CBI want go until 2021 without an international currency and get those ...3 zero notes off the streets? Absolutely not! This is not part of their plan. ...let’s wait and see if the CBI does, in fact, begin the campaign to re-educate the citizens on their next move in the “project to delete the zeros”.
12-3-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Activities are beginning to pick up at the central bank as banking and investment events happen. CBI announces the imminent launch of deposit insurance. One thing the CBI has stated is they want to use this deposit insurance as a means to reduce the money supply. If true, I cannot see the CBI activating deposit insurance and letting the currency collected recirculate. So we may see the float begin soon. The next few weeks will be telling as to the plans CBI and currency reform.
12-3-2017 Newshound Guru G-Lin A well-informed political source reveals the "identity" of the two companies that the Abadi government contracted with to help fill corruption files... Article quote: "A source familiar with the political, on Sunday, that two companies are conducting the verification of files of corruption in Iraq since 2003. The source said in a press statement that 'two companies, one American and one British are conducting the audit files corruption in Iraq since 2003 so far, and its task to detect corruption and identify the identities of those involved." The investigation into the corruption cases is due to start on the basis of a memorandum of understanding signed by the Iraqi government with the United Nations. International investigators will assist the Iraqi government in uncovering the fate of Iraq's $ 361 billion budget deficit between 2004 and 2014.
12-3-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Expert for {morning}: 2018 will see a renaissance by making {in Iraq}" Quote: "the government has worked during the last term on the advancement of the industry through a partnership with the private sector, but the move has seen a delay because of the war on terror, but we hope to be activated during the next year" [2018 it is.] I dont like to get overly excited. This could take another 3-6 months before they get into Article VIII and begin to float. Nothing moves fast in Iraq. But we can hope.
12-2-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Central Bank announces the launch of a deposit guarantee company soon" Quote: "The Central Bank of Iraq announced the imminent launch of a deposit insurance company after its establishment." imminent launch! This is significant, I cannot see the CBI drawing in all these physical notes and letting them just go back into circulation. We may see the float begin soon. "has been completed to establish a deposit insurance company, which will be launched very soon , " I like this! Meaning it is done!
12-2-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 [After they vote on the Budget, do they have to publish it in the Gazette before it’s official?] That’s a confirmation, but they don’t have to publish something to initiate it. The Gazette is just proof that it exists, but Parliament can start a process at any time after they vote. All the Budget is doing is to confirm the rate we heard. It doesn’t prevent the revaluation from happening. We’re looking extremely good.
12-2-2017 Newshound Guru My Ladies Currently the dinar is trading on Forex with no price change, and has been for a long time. The situation remains that it is not accepted by most central banks as currency due to the volatility in the area. I am simply waiting for the ECB or the Fed to accept it and then there will be opportunities for dinar holders that are not still under the fairy dust spell and expecting to become millionaires overnight. I do not see any price increase in the dinar until their gdp begins to grow at which point the price of their currency will gradually increase fractionally slow by slow.
12-2-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru tman23 [Seems to me the big(gest) question may be from what point of value does the float start? The fractional "negative" value of 1,250 or a " positive " value of say, .10 cents...?] ...no float with 3 zero notes in circulation...unless they lift the 3 zeros from the notes at exchange...with lower denoms out they are worthless at 1,250...and a 10 cent starting point is pointless...so $1 makes sense and the lifting of 3 zeros... [What if the lower denoms are not circulated. What makes .10 a pointless beginning?] Giving change in the market place... they are ready to riot over 10 cents price change in market goods...the cbi has had a making change issue for last couple years
12-2-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "A global institution classified as the governor of the Iraqi Central Bank Governor of the worst in the Middle East" I saw a post today...that that the CBI reserves were up to 49 billion. If so, he has improved them 6 billion in the last month or so. At this point, we have to hope that the IMF, WB are in to this Stand by Agreement enough to know if Allaq is going to follow the guidence or not. It's been 2 years under their toolage so we should wait and see if currency reform is going to happen. One thing is for sure, if they don't open the banking system and have currency reform, there is no investment for the private sector. If Abadi wants to get re-elected, he better show progress to the people.
12-2-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Today I...took the time to call Iraq and talk to my CBI contact. They assured me they do not plan to revalue this year 2017 anytime. They also said they DO HAVE A TARGET DATE in mind and are working towards it. So this in itself was VERY GOOD NEWS to my ears. In fact, I am very excited now! What is the target date? All I can get from them was they said “wait for the re-education of the general public to take place and you may get an idea of when”. They do not want any speculation on their currency and are being very, very cautious at this time.
12-2-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 We are getting reports of a rate of 2:1, eventually shifting to 3:1; we don’t know the timing on that, but I’m okay with the source even though we cannot confirm that publicly, yet. Other information says that emails have gone out to the banking community with instructions to commence exchanging IQD. It doesn’t say exactly when, and I assume it meant ‘upon receipt’, but banks have not started exchanging yet, apparently. I think they are waiting for the December 2 announcement to fall in line, so we might be seeing that tomorrow [Saturday], with everything clicking out on December 2. [post 2 of 2]
12-2-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 The canary is still singing, and other canaries have joined the group. We’re still waiting for the Fat Lady, but so long as the canaries are singing, I’m happy. There are a few things that should have been made public by now, but we’ll go with what we have, information-wise. The 2018 Budget I talked about on Wednesday was submitted to Parliament for a vote, but they didn’t have the quorum necessary to have a productive session. That may have possibly changed today [Friday]. As far as the speeches from last Saturday and Sunday by Abadi, one was given and it seemed like an RI was generated from that, and then another one was given to clarify that this is an RV. However, they don’t seem to be out there publicly for people to read and review. My sources have told me that, and these announcements are supposedly saying that everything is targeted to happen on or before December 2... [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
12-2-2017 Newshound Guru G-Lin Abadi has a ridiculously tough job and I don't think he can do it alone. Amal Clooney has appeared before the U.N. several times begging Abadi to sign a simple doc. that would open Iraq up to the I.C.C. and to my knowledge he has not cooperated yet. Parl. probably has him handcuffed. So frustrating. The I.C.C. has all of the docs. on Maliki and many more and interpol could issue arrest warrants immediately. Maliki and Barzani are too powerful and charges must be brought up in the international courts. Curtailing Iran's influence is no easy task. I did read yesterday where Russia is giving some resistance to Iran and the Gulf summit will be held in Kuwait next week. Results of that summit may be fruitful
12-2-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 [After they vote on the Budget, do they have to publish it in the Gazette before it’s official?] That’s a confirmation, but they don’t have to publish something to initiate it. The Gazette is just proof that it exists, but Parliament can start a process at any time after they vote. All the Budget is doing is to confirm the rate we heard. It doesn’t prevent the revaluation from happening. We’re looking extremely good.
12-2-2017 Newshound Guru My Ladies Currently the dinar is trading on Forex with no price change, and has been for a long time. The situation remains that it is not accepted by most central banks as currency due to the volatility in the area. I am simply waiting for the ECB or the Fed to accept it and then there will be opportunities for dinar holders that are not still under the fairy dust spell and expecting to become millionaires overnight. I do not see any price increase in the dinar until their gdp begins to grow at which point the price of their currency will gradually increase fractionally slow by slow.
12-2-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru tman23 [Seems to me the big(gest) question may be from what point of value does the float start? The fractional "negative" value of 1,250 or a " positive " value of say, .10 cents...?] ...no float with 3 zero notes in circulation...unless they lift the 3 zeros from the notes at exchange...with lower denoms out they are worthless at 1,250...and a 10 cent starting point is pointless...so $1 makes sense and the lifting of 3 zeros... [What if the lower denoms are not circulated. What makes .10 a pointless beginning?] Giving change in the market place... they are ready to riot over 10 cents price change in market goods...the cbi has had a making change issue for last couple years
12-2-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "A global institution classified as the governor of the Iraqi Central Bank Governor of the worst in the Middle East" I saw a post today...that that the CBI reserves were up to 49 billion. If so, he has improved them 6 billion in the last month or so. At this point, we have to hope that the IMF, WB are in to this Stand by Agreement enough to know if Allaq is going to follow the guidence or not. It's been 2 years under their toolage so we should wait and see if currency reform is going to happen. One thing is for sure, if they don't open the banking system and have currency reform, there is no investment for the private sector. If Abadi wants to get re-elected, he better show progress to the people.
12-2-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Today I...took the time to call Iraq and talk to my CBI contact. They assured me they do not plan to revalue this year 2017 anytime. They also said they DO HAVE A TARGET DATE in mind and are working towards it. So this in itself was VERY GOOD NEWS to my ears. In fact, I am very excited now! What is the target date? All I can get from them was they said “wait for the re-education of the general public to take place and you may get an idea of when”. They do not want any speculation on their currency and are being very, very cautious at this time.
12-2-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 We are getting reports of a rate of 2:1, eventually shifting to 3:1; we don’t know the timing on that, but I’m okay with the source even though we cannot confirm that publicly, yet. Other information says that emails have gone out to the banking community with instructions to commence exchanging IQD. It doesn’t say exactly when, and I assume it meant ‘upon receipt’, but banks have not started exchanging yet, apparently. I think they are waiting for the December 2 announcement to fall in line, so we might be seeing that tomorrow [Saturday], with everything clicking out on December 2. [post 2 of 2]
12-2-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 The canary is still singing, and other canaries have joined the group. We’re still waiting for the Fat Lady, but so long as the canaries are singing, I’m happy. There are a few things that should have been made public by now, but we’ll go with what we have, information-wise. The 2018 Budget I talked about on Wednesday was submitted to Parliament for a vote, but they didn’t have the quorum necessary to have a productive session. That may have possibly changed today [Friday]. As far as the speeches from last Saturday and Sunday by Abadi, one was given and it seemed like an RI was generated from that, and then another one was given to clarify that this is an RV. However, they don’t seem to be out there publicly for people to read and review. My sources have told me that, and these announcements are supposedly saying that everything is targeted to happen on or before December 2... [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
12-2-2017 Newshound Guru G-Lin Abadi has a ridiculously tough job and I don't think he can do it alone. Amal Clooney has appeared before the U.N. several times begging Abadi to sign a simple doc. that would open Iraq up to the I.C.C. and to my knowledge he has not cooperated yet. Parl. probably has him handcuffed. So frustrating. The I.C.C. has all of the docs. on Maliki and many more and interpol could issue arrest warrants immediately. Maliki and Barzani are too powerful and charges must be brought up in the international courts. Curtailing Iran's influence is no easy task. I did read yesterday where Russia is giving some resistance to Iran and the Gulf summit will be held in Kuwait next week. Results of that summit may be fruitful
12-1-2017 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke DECEMBER 2017...Remember what we wrote, way back this Summer, in our 7-27-17 Post...about DECEMBER. "DECEMBER - You’re “Santa Claus” (or something similar)" We have Not, and will Not Change.
12-1-2017 Newshound Guru mike Article: "Tigris channel reveal details of the World Bank negotiations with Iraq on the corruption of the currency auction" You can't turn off the auction's...the dollar is the gas in the engine. If they stopped the auction's now without the benefit of Article VIII, how would they pay for their imports? Iraq produces almost nothing right now outside of oil, there's no demand for the dinar and Egypt, Turkey, Jordan and Iran won't take it, they want greenbacks for the goods they import into Iraq. There's no easy solution, it's going to cause some pain. Stop the corruption, legislate deposit security with the private banks, empower the open market economy and then, before we know it, they'll create an economy where the world wants something other than oil from the Iraqi people. Or not. And they'll burn through their reserves and the economy will collapse. As always, it's just an opinion. Who knows, with political will, they could turn this around pretty quickly.
12-1-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat This is all an Article 140 issue and as I said many times will all come out and a law has to be passed in parliament to end this dispute. But my point is you have to see the connection as to why the budget is delayed when you read these articles. You must remember the news from the past. I also want to remind everyone that this is the reason for the delay in the budget... [post 2 of 2]
12-1-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat "THE REASONS FOR DELAYING THE ADOPTION OF THE BUDGET AND ITS RETURN TO THE NEW GOVERNMENT RELATED TO THE EXISTENCE OF ERRORS AND VOLATILITY OF OIL PRICES BETWEEN THE RISE AND DECLINE DURING THE PAST PERIOD, AS WELL AS ERRORS IN THE COLLECTION PROCESS." I hope everyone makes the connection to the delay in getting the budget out and the Sept 25th referendum of Kurdistan? We also know that 36 oil wells were under the direct control of Barzani and he and Maliki (at one point) were stealing oil wealth from Iraq out of these wells. These wells had to be taken back. This oil is now under the control of the GOI as this area is now secured by the GOI. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
12-1-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 THINGS ARE LOOKING "VERY" GOOD FOR NEXT WEEK!!!!$$$$$$$$$
12-1-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni We all should know by now currency reform is a process. Currency reform like we want to see requires stability, implementation of technology, and planning. From what I am reading, progress has been made in recent weeks with the new CBI law, anti money laundering, electronic banking. But this takes time to implement and activate. Not to mention the CBI still has work to do to be in compliance with the IMF. The good news is the CBI is pushing forward on reforms, have banking events scheduled next month, next year. With all this known, hopefully we will see changes in the next few months to perpetuate the banking system and encourage investment
12-1-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 When [Guru] Walkingstick told me what they were thinking about I was shocked. Walkingstick told me how bad it has been negotiating with the Iraqi officials (it is just their style). Now, everybody needs to thank Walkingstick for this next part...All accounting has been figured at $2.00 to 1 dinar and next week they are to do the accounting at 3:1 (as in $3.00 to 1 dinar). The only reason I could give out this rate information is because this is now public information in Iraq.
12-1-2017 Intel Guru Bruce I was advised Intel wise to lay low... Don’t say a whole lot because where we are and we are so close. A lot is going on behind the scenes. I will just say this, when it comes to Iraq, Iraq is the lead dog on this. Let’s release this. Iraqi stock exchange, ISX, closed for about 6 days. They are opening up their ISX tomorrow [Friday] approximately 9am Iraqi time. Do you realize they suppose to have their new rate showing? That program rate we have seen for so long is gone and the new rate is in. That allows a lot more people to see it and trade on it and bring the value of the dinar up even higher. I am just going to say there are a number of things happening today [Thursday] are moving this thing to fruition...we should have a good holiday season this year. I am not saying we will have to wait till then, but we are on an hour to hour time frame right now.
12-1-2017 Newshound Guru Walkingstick I told Frank [Guru Frank26] over a month ago that part of the delay is that they have been arguing over the rate that they are wanting to come out. IMO They are planning or wanting to come out above $1.
12-1-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni So what is the Balassa-Samuelson effect hypothesis? We will get into this…as this little nugget is very important to us as dinar investors. We already know the plan is to float dinar based on the IMF statement...(gradual appreciation) [reference Guru Kaperoni post 11-30-2017]. When you search Wikipedia, you get an explanation for this as…”Balassa–Samuelson (BS) hypothesis implies that countries with rapidly expanding economies should tend to have more rapidly appreciating exchange rates.” In other words, the IMF themselves are acknowledging (by saying Balassa–Samuelson effect in this Article IV document) the dinar will rise rapidly.
12-1-2017 Newshound Guru mike Article: "Tigris channel reveal details of the World Bank negotiations with Iraq on the corruption of the currency auction" You can't turn off the auction's...the dollar is the gas in the engine. If they stopped the auction's now without the benefit of Article VIII, how would they pay for their imports? Iraq produces almost nothing right now outside of oil, there's no demand for the dinar and Egypt, Turkey, Jordan and Iran won't take it, they want greenbacks for the goods they import into Iraq. There's no easy solution, it's going to cause some pain. Stop the corruption, legislate deposit security with the private banks, empower the open market economy and then, before we know it, they'll create an economy where the world wants something other than oil from the Iraqi people. Or not. And they'll burn through their reserves and the economy will collapse. As always, it's just an opinion. Who knows, with political will, they could turn this around pretty quickly.
12-1-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat This is all an Article 140 issue and as I said many times will all come out and a law has to be passed in parliament to end this dispute. But my point is you have to see the connection as to why the budget is delayed when you read these articles. You must remember the news from the past. I also want to remind everyone that this is the reason for the delay in the budget... [post 2 of 2]
12-1-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat "THE REASONS FOR DELAYING THE ADOPTION OF THE BUDGET AND ITS RETURN TO THE NEW GOVERNMENT RELATED TO THE EXISTENCE OF ERRORS AND VOLATILITY OF OIL PRICES BETWEEN THE RISE AND DECLINE DURING THE PAST PERIOD, AS WELL AS ERRORS IN THE COLLECTION PROCESS." I hope everyone makes the connection to the delay in getting the budget out and the Sept 25th referendum of Kurdistan? We also know that 36 oil wells were under the direct control of Barzani and he and Maliki (at one point) were stealing oil wealth from Iraq out of these wells. These wells had to be taken back. This oil is now under the control of the GOI as this area is now secured by the GOI. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
12-1-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 THINGS ARE LOOKING "VERY" GOOD FOR NEXT WEEK!!!!$$$$$$$$$
12-1-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni We all should know by now currency reform is a process. Currency reform like we want to see requires stability, implementation of technology, and planning. From what I am reading, progress has been made in recent weeks with the new CBI law, anti money laundering, electronic banking. But this takes time to implement and activate. Not to mention the CBI still has work to do to be in compliance with the IMF. The good news is the CBI is pushing forward on reforms, have banking events scheduled next month, next year. With all this known, hopefully we will see changes in the next few months to perpetuate the banking system and encourage investment
12-1-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 When [Guru] Walkingstick told me what they were thinking about I was shocked. Walkingstick told me how bad it has been negotiating with the Iraqi officials (it is just their style). Now, everybody needs to thank Walkingstick for this next part...All accounting has been figured at $2.00 to 1 dinar and next week they are to do the accounting at 3:1 (as in $3.00 to 1 dinar). The only reason I could give out this rate information is because this is now public information in Iraq.
12-1-2017 Intel Guru Bruce I was advised Intel wise to lay low... Don’t say a whole lot because where we are and we are so close. A lot is going on behind the scenes. I will just say this, when it comes to Iraq, Iraq is the lead dog on this. Let’s release this. Iraqi stock exchange, ISX, closed for about 6 days. They are opening up their ISX tomorrow [Friday] approximately 9am Iraqi time. Do you realize they suppose to have their new rate showing? That program rate we have seen for so long is gone and the new rate is in. That allows a lot more people to see it and trade on it and bring the value of the dinar up even higher. I am just going to say there are a number of things happening today [Thursday] are moving this thing to fruition...we should have a good holiday season this year. I am not saying we will have to wait till then, but we are on an hour to hour time frame right now.
12-1-2017 Newshound Guru Walkingstick I told Frank [Guru Frank26] over a month ago that part of the delay is that they have been arguing over the rate that they are wanting to come out. IMO They are planning or wanting to come out above $1.
12-1-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni So what is the Balassa-Samuelson effect hypothesis? We will get into this…as this little nugget is very important to us as dinar investors. We already know the plan is to float dinar based on the IMF statement...(gradual appreciation) [reference Guru Kaperoni post 11-30-2017]. When you search Wikipedia, you get an explanation for this as…”Balassa–Samuelson (BS) hypothesis implies that countries with rapidly expanding economies should tend to have more rapidly appreciating exchange rates.” In other words, the IMF themselves are acknowledging (by saying Balassa–Samuelson effect in this Article IV document) the dinar will rise rapidly.
11-30-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru sandyf Guru Kaperoni quote: "Once they float, it may take 6 months to a year to get to $1" With appreciation at 5% a week it would take about 140 weeks to reach parity. No economy could tolerate that level of appreciation it would be more like 0.5% a month. In reality a float would be more like 6 years to a lifetime.
11-30-2017 Intel Guru Delta I have no idea what they are still waiting for because even Allak has shown the IMF they have completed everything. They are running out of reserves and Abadi is not going to let this fall apart, no way no how. Abadi is an economist so he knows what is going on...he was at one time the Minister of Finance.
11-30-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Here is a quote from a 2007 article... "A source at the Central Bank of Iraq for four companies currently competing to win a draft print the new Iraqi dinar, which will generate graceful after deleting three zeros from him, while Samay central bank to raise the value of the dinar against the dollar gradually down to the day to start replacement where the value will be in the absence of a fluctuating one Iraqi dinars equivalent to U.S. dollars one." And this from a recent delete zeros article: "Today , we find it easy in front of the Central Bank of Iraq to work to the principle of reducing the exchange rate gradually to the extent that it can be equivalent to the dinar against the dollar...". There is no mention of anything overnight. [...assuming these articles are correct and not trying to mislead, you feel it will reach 1-1 in a years time?] yes. [post 3 of 3]
11-30-2017 Newshound Guru Breitling ...2018 is going to be a good year so stick around…If this goes “sideways”, I have no problem telling you this is going sideways. I don’t have an ego to where I don’t want to be wrong. It has nothing to do with that. If it doesn’t come up I’m going to take my dinar and convert it into something else. If I need to get out I’ll get out and I’ll tell everyone I’m getting out of it when I do…I’m all about reality. So have confidence, what’s coming down the road is phenomenal… [Post 3 of 3]
11-30-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni The CBI could never RV the dinar. If the CBI wants international commerce, they need to float the dinar and let the world set the rate. You need to understand that Iraq is in a closed monetary system at the time being. Until they meet the conditions set forth by the IMF for Article VIII compliance they will not move from that. And currently they have at least 2 condition keeping them in Article XIV. They owe money to Jordan and they are well over 8% out of compliance on managing the spread which is the difference between the official rate and market rate. Going back several years the plan has always been to gradual raise the value to equal $1. [post 2 of 3....stay tuned]
11-30-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni ...there is no RV its a hoax...currencies do not work that way. [SO NO RV? WE HAVE BEEN SCAMMED?] if you been told the dinar will RV, then yes you been scammed. I've been in this way too long. There is no such thing as a "program rate"... Yes, the IMF has ask the CBI to lower the rate in 2015, but there was a specific reason for that documented in the Article IV consultation. More importantly, if you read the most recent delete zeros article, they confirm the dinar will rise "gradually". If you read the IMF docs, and other news reports you would know the dinar is going to leave the Peg at some point and float. In doing so, the value will rise based on supply and demand. The value will rise, just not overnight...there will be no running to banks to cash out...thats all bs. Once they float, it may take 6 months to a year to get to $1...they never said that would happen overnight! [post 1 of 3....stay tuned]
11-30-2017 Newshound Guru Breiting ...They told everybody what they want to do. So the next question for you is, “alright how do you believe them?” It’s because they’ve hit every benchmark that they need to hit. The markets haven’t cooperated with them very much but they’ve done everything they need to do. It’s remarkable what they’ve done. That’s what gives me so much confidence…So I understand what they want to do. I understand the policy that gets them there. And I understand the principles and why they want to do it and the timeframe in which they want to do it and what they CAN do… [Post 2 of 3 Stay tuned for the rest of the story]
11-30-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 [You said $3.63 is the rate in the Budget; is that also the rate that the dinar will revalue? Or will it float? Also, what is the difference between an RI and an RV?] Yes, that is the rate Iraq is calculating to operate their country at, so that is the rate. Yes, it can still go higher, as the markets kick in. An RI is a re-instatement; the RV is a re-value. The RI takes it back to where it was, and the RV could take it to a totally different rate. [reference RayRen98 post 11-30-2017]
11-30-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 The IMF and the World Bank are warning Iraq that they need to stop the currency auctions and raise the rate. The IMF know the greatest point of corruption is occurring in the auctions. Based on their reserves, [Guru] Delta calculates they need to do this ASAP. They have about $43 billion in reserves, but if it drops to $36 billion the IMF says they are in trouble because $7 billion is not enough of a pad, especially since their burn rate is several billion USD/month. IMO They were worried about leakage of bank secrets from the third meeting and they are seeing that now. IOO The bank openings in neighboring countries indicates they are done. Everything is all set to go but they just now need to show it to us.
11-30-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat So what happened to this “speech” Abadi was supposed to give, that would kick off a series of events to begin the RV? Since Saturday Abadi has actually given four speeches to the news media. I keep telling you there is no single event that is going to trigger the RV. The RV is not managed by the Government of Iraq (GOI) meaning the prime minister Abadi has little control over it other than for the Finance Ministry to give it final approval, when ready. The GOI also has the responsibility to initiate the reforms, fund them and implement them. That is it. The GOI does not set monetary policy for Iraq. ...it is the Central Bank of Iraq (an independent organization) that manages the monetary policy of Iraq.
11-30-2017 Newshound Guru Breiting [What are you looking at that makes you KNOW they want to revalue?] The parliament, The Ministry of Finance, The Ministry of Planning, The Central Bank of Iraq and they’ve been yelling at the top of their lungs. They even told the IMF what they wanted to do within a certain timeframe and the IMF said fine…as long as you pay the bills you guys are going to be fine…none of this is opinion…As far as the investment in the Iraqi Dinar on a timeframe I’m speculating 100% for sure. But that’s a timeframe. As far as it gaining value to what I think? No, it’s not speculation. [Post 1 of 3 Stay tuned for the rest of the story]
11-30-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 In addition to that, the elusive speeches from last weekend are now public. The first one was given, and there was some confusion about whether the RI was actually being put out there for public consumption, so there was a subsequent announcement. Probably the transcripts will be available after we no longer need to see them! But that is darned good information especially with the other parts we cannot bring out at this moment. I have two dates that I’m very interested in: November 30 and December 2. I am waiting for further confirmations and details on those dates. Do whatever you need to do to be ready because this is not a dress rehearsal, this is the real deal. [post 2 of 2]
11-30-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 "The canary is starting to sing… next should be the Fat Lady?” You all know the phrase, “It ain’t over til the Fat Lady sings”, and then it’s all over bar the shouting. There is some intel I cannot share with you at this time, but in due time all will come to light. The 2018 Budget has been sent to Parliament, and probably been approved with the rate of $3.63 cents in it. Numbers have been modified from billions down to millions because of the rate adjustment. We are waiting for it to be represented in the CBI now. I believe there are some public articles referring to that rate of $3.63 re: the Budget in Parliament. We’ve been talking about a rate of $3.71, but they are working with $3.63, and it could bounce up. We know the market will probably push it up... [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
11-30-2017 Newshound Guru G-Lin One thing seems obvious to me and that is an involvement with W.B. and IMF like I've never seen before. And it is also obvious that Iraq is trying to move to an open economy. They must stop that insane auction in order to do that and have a currency change. That should be done for the investors. They are just chomping at the bit to enter Iraq with a vengeance. They want protection for their money from the corrupt. Iraq is moving at a pretty good pace here at the end of the year. All we can do is watch and see what Parl. and CBI will be able to accomplish. I think the corruption is the biggest enemy of Iraq, but IMF and W.B. are on it. That's encouraging. [post 3 of 3]
11-30-2017 Newshound Guru G-Lin There are many parts to this budget and they are trying to tie it all together which is not easy. The Kurdistan share is difficult to agree on. Abadi seems to be more interested in getting Barzani instead of the Maliki. Actually they both need to be brought to justice. I think the month of Dec. may be interesting. The budget may not make it parl. before Feb. I'm not sure yet. Remember the budget is retroactive so it really doesn't matter when they bring it out. Of course, we would like to see it open up on the first of the year, and it might. [post 2 of 3....stay tuned]
11-30-2017 Intel Guru Delta I have no idea what they are still waiting for because even Allak has shown the IMF they have completed everything. They are running out of reserves and Abadi is not going to let this fall apart, no way no how. Abadi is an economist so he knows what is going on...he was at one time the Minister of Finance.
11-30-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Here is a quote from a 2007 article... "A source at the Central Bank of Iraq for four companies currently competing to win a draft print the new Iraqi dinar, which will generate graceful after deleting three zeros from him, while Samay central bank to raise the value of the dinar against the dollar gradually down to the day to start replacement where the value will be in the absence of a fluctuating one Iraqi dinars equivalent to U.S. dollars one." And this from a recent delete zeros article: "Today , we find it easy in front of the Central Bank of Iraq to work to the principle of reducing the exchange rate gradually to the extent that it can be equivalent to the dinar against the dollar...". There is no mention of anything overnight. [...assuming these articles are correct and not trying to mislead, you feel it will reach 1-1 in a years time?] yes. [post 3 of 3]
11-30-2017 Newshound Guru Breitling ...2018 is going to be a good year so stick around…If this goes “sideways”, I have no problem telling you this is going sideways. I don’t have an ego to where I don’t want to be wrong. It has nothing to do with that. If it doesn’t come up I’m going to take my dinar and convert it into something else. If I need to get out I’ll get out and I’ll tell everyone I’m getting out of it when I do…I’m all about reality. So have confidence, what’s coming down the road is phenomenal… [Post 3 of 3]
11-30-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni The CBI could never RV the dinar. If the CBI wants international commerce, they need to float the dinar and let the world set the rate. You need to understand that Iraq is in a closed monetary system at the time being. Until they meet the conditions set forth by the IMF for Article VIII compliance they will not move from that. And currently they have at least 2 condition keeping them in Article XIV. They owe money to Jordan and they are well over 8% out of compliance on managing the spread which is the difference between the official rate and market rate. Going back several years the plan has always been to gradual raise the value to equal $1. [post 2 of 3....stay tuned]
11-30-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni ...there is no RV its a hoax...currencies do not work that way. [SO NO RV? WE HAVE BEEN SCAMMED?] if you been told the dinar will RV, then yes you been scammed. I've been in this way too long. There is no such thing as a "program rate"... Yes, the IMF has ask the CBI to lower the rate in 2015, but there was a specific reason for that documented in the Article IV consultation. More importantly, if you read the most recent delete zeros article, they confirm the dinar will rise "gradually". If you read the IMF docs, and other news reports you would know the dinar is going to leave the Peg at some point and float. In doing so, the value will rise based on supply and demand. The value will rise, just not overnight...there will be no running to banks to cash out...thats all bs. Once they float, it may take 6 months to a year to get to $1...they never said that would happen overnight! [post 1 of 3....stay tuned]
11-30-2017 Newshound Guru Breiting ...They told everybody what they want to do. So the next question for you is, “alright how do you believe them?” It’s because they’ve hit every benchmark that they need to hit. The markets haven’t cooperated with them very much but they’ve done everything they need to do. It’s remarkable what they’ve done. That’s what gives me so much confidence…So I understand what they want to do. I understand the policy that gets them there. And I understand the principles and why they want to do it and the timeframe in which they want to do it and what they CAN do… [Post 2 of 3 Stay tuned for the rest of the story]
11-30-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 [You said $3.63 is the rate in the Budget; is that also the rate that the dinar will revalue? Or will it float? Also, what is the difference between an RI and an RV?] Yes, that is the rate Iraq is calculating to operate their country at, so that is the rate. Yes, it can still go higher, as the markets kick in. An RI is a re-instatement; the RV is a re-value. The RI takes it back to where it was, and the RV could take it to a totally different rate. [reference RayRen98 post 11-30-2017]
11-30-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 The IMF and the World Bank are warning Iraq that they need to stop the currency auctions and raise the rate. The IMF know the greatest point of corruption is occurring in the auctions. Based on their reserves, [Guru] Delta calculates they need to do this ASAP. They have about $43 billion in reserves, but if it drops to $36 billion the IMF says they are in trouble because $7 billion is not enough of a pad, especially since their burn rate is several billion USD/month. IMO They were worried about leakage of bank secrets from the third meeting and they are seeing that now. IOO The bank openings in neighboring countries indicates they are done. Everything is all set to go but they just now need to show it to us.
11-30-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat So what happened to this “speech” Abadi was supposed to give, that would kick off a series of events to begin the RV? Since Saturday Abadi has actually given four speeches to the news media. I keep telling you there is no single event that is going to trigger the RV. The RV is not managed by the Government of Iraq (GOI) meaning the prime minister Abadi has little control over it other than for the Finance Ministry to give it final approval, when ready. The GOI also has the responsibility to initiate the reforms, fund them and implement them. That is it. The GOI does not set monetary policy for Iraq. ...it is the Central Bank of Iraq (an independent organization) that manages the monetary policy of Iraq.
11-30-2017 Newshound Guru Breiting [What are you looking at that makes you KNOW they want to revalue?] The parliament, The Ministry of Finance, The Ministry of Planning, The Central Bank of Iraq and they’ve been yelling at the top of their lungs. They even told the IMF what they wanted to do within a certain timeframe and the IMF said fine…as long as you pay the bills you guys are going to be fine…none of this is opinion…As far as the investment in the Iraqi Dinar on a timeframe I’m speculating 100% for sure. But that’s a timeframe. As far as it gaining value to what I think? No, it’s not speculation. [Post 1 of 3 Stay tuned for the rest of the story]
11-30-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 In addition to that, the elusive speeches from last weekend are now public. The first one was given, and there was some confusion about whether the RI was actually being put out there for public consumption, so there was a subsequent announcement. Probably the transcripts will be available after we no longer need to see them! But that is darned good information especially with the other parts we cannot bring out at this moment. I have two dates that I’m very interested in: November 30 and December 2. I am waiting for further confirmations and details on those dates. Do whatever you need to do to be ready because this is not a dress rehearsal, this is the real deal. [post 2 of 2]
11-30-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 "The canary is starting to sing… next should be the Fat Lady?” You all know the phrase, “It ain’t over til the Fat Lady sings”, and then it’s all over bar the shouting. There is some intel I cannot share with you at this time, but in due time all will come to light. The 2018 Budget has been sent to Parliament, and probably been approved with the rate of $3.63 cents in it. Numbers have been modified from billions down to millions because of the rate adjustment. We are waiting for it to be represented in the CBI now. I believe there are some public articles referring to that rate of $3.63 re: the Budget in Parliament. We’ve been talking about a rate of $3.71, but they are working with $3.63, and it could bounce up. We know the market will probably push it up... [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
11-30-2017 Newshound Guru G-Lin One thing seems obvious to me and that is an involvement with W.B. and IMF like I've never seen before. And it is also obvious that Iraq is trying to move to an open economy. They must stop that insane auction in order to do that and have a currency change. That should be done for the investors. They are just chomping at the bit to enter Iraq with a vengeance. They want protection for their money from the corrupt. Iraq is moving at a pretty good pace here at the end of the year. All we can do is watch and see what Parl. and CBI will be able to accomplish. I think the corruption is the biggest enemy of Iraq, but IMF and W.B. are on it. That's encouraging. [post 3 of 3]
11-30-2017 Newshound Guru G-Lin There are many parts to this budget and they are trying to tie it all together which is not easy. The Kurdistan share is difficult to agree on. Abadi seems to be more interested in getting Barzani instead of the Maliki. Actually they both need to be brought to justice. I think the month of Dec. may be interesting. The budget may not make it parl. before Feb. I'm not sure yet. Remember the budget is retroactive so it really doesn't matter when they bring it out. Of course, we would like to see it open up on the first of the year, and it might. [post 2 of 3....stay tuned]
11-29-2017 Newshound Guru G-Lin Article: "Tigris channel reveal details of the World Bank negotiations with Iraq on the corruption of the currency auction" IMO the World Bank and IMF are very much involved with the preparation of this [2018] budget. It seems they are telling the Central Bank and the Gov. to stop the auctions. This contributes to the majority of the corruption in Iraq. It always has been an avenue for the whales {Maliki and Co.} among others, to control the black market through imports. I think the corruption is a target for W.B. and IMF. They are pushing Abadi to open up "Made in Iraq" legislature to move to an open market which will increase exports and contribute additional income for non-oil profits. This is mandatory for an increase in value of their currency imo. [post 1 of 3....stay tuned]
11-29-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana There is some positive news to be discussed regarding the Dinar...I'm confident that I've done all I can do to prepare for a huge increase in the dinar, I'm very excited for it to happen...There is still a great opportunity for massive gains on the IQD...I know, it's crazy to think that the Dinar could ever go from it's current level to .10, $1, or higher... but...We need HCL news. Period.
11-29-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 Abadi said he is ready to stop the auctions.
11-29-2017 Intel Guru Bruce What else has happened with Iraqi’s CBI? They have put in their new Swift Codes. The Swift System was sort of integrated into the Cips System. The bankers call it the new Swift System...that makes all these transfers of funds, wire transfers happen so quickly now. ...they have been testing it for months now and have been sending tranches of funds daily. We heard 2 to 3 more tranches of funds have been sent to the banks to be there for our exchanges. ...Iraq’s new Swift Codes are in place and they are ready to do wires in CBI starting tonight [Tuesday]. That is super positive. If you can do a wire transfer from CBI, that is about as international as you can get. You have a new rate, CBI rate, and the ability to send and receive bank wires transfers through the CBI new as of midnight Iraqi time today. There you have it. I would say Iraq is ready to go. I know it didn’t happen before Thanksgiving and cyber Monday. All I can say we are at a defining moment... and we are understanding it is a go very shortly. [post 2 of 2]
11-29-2017 Intel Guru Bruce This is why I am very excited. We are looking very, very good... You guys remember we talked about 4 days of celebration that suppose to go from Saturday to Tuesday? They actually started Friday evening with fireworks. As far as I know they are complete now. They may extend those beyond the 4 days and have every reason to do that. They call it Iraq’s victory week. Why they call it a victory? It is because they are done. Prime Minister Abadi made his speech last Wednesday before Thanksgiving about the liberation of Iraq, etc. He made another live speech yesterday [Monday]. I understand the speech will be posted in Iraq’s official publication, the Gazette, tomorrow. The new rate for the Iraqi dinar, which I understand what it is now, maybe they will put that in tomorrow. I don’t know that. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
11-29-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru sandyf There is no Global Currency reset as currencies reset daily thru currency trading. - That is not strictly true. 50 years ago this month the UK government devalued the GBP by 14% and initiated a partial global reset. At that point in time the GBP was still the primary reserve currency and all countries with GBP reserves had to reset their exchange rates. If the US today devalued the $ by 14% there would be virtually a full global reset. Any significant change in a reserve currency has a widespread knock on effect.
11-29-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat 7) I quote – “The bottom line is that it is necessary to adopt the Central Bank of Iraq for the project to delete the zeros and work on its implementation from now in order to achieve the objectives of reducing the size of the monetary mass” So we know they MUST do this project to delete the zeros now and continue on it until it is completed. 8) I quote... – “AND REQUIRED A MEDIA PROGRAM TO DEVOTE CONVICTIONS TO THE IMPORTANCE OF THIS PROJECT”. NO re-education yet thus NO RV! ...the CBI MUST RE-EDUCATE THE GENERAL POPULOUS PRIOR TO ANY RV HAPPENING? ...I told you this was not from my OPINION but it came directly from my CBI contact. I am excited as to what may come this December. Are they going to move forward with a possible January 2018 RV target? If so they will have to do the re-education process very soon. I do still think this may be a target but let’s not rush to hype. If they do not re-educate in December then we can forget an EARLY 2018 RV. [post 3 of 3]
11-29-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat 4) I quote: “lead to the adoption of consideration of this project and STUDY THE POSSIBILITY OF ITS APPLICATION DURING THE YEAR 2018 as one of the basics of monetary and banking reform” So we know this is part of the monetary and banking reforms still to be completed. Here we go again. Will they do it in 2018? So we now know 2017 is out. The RV is NOT going to happen in 2017... 5) I quote: “reducing the exchange rate of the dollar gradually after the challenge of security will devote convictions and accept the deletion of zeros” So they are saying to reduce the program rate gradually. Probably come out around 1:1 - IQD:USD. 6) I quote: “to reduce from 200 thousand to 100 dollars to 120 thousand dinars and the goal to reach 100 thousand Dinars but circumstances prevented timely completion of the gradual reduction.” I have been telling everyone all along the CBI has told us they first need to reduce the money supply of the older 3 zero notes in circulation by 2/3. So this article now confirms that statement. They are not quite there yet but close. [post 2 of 3....stay tuned]
11-29-2017 Newshound Guru Breitling There’s never been an “In country revaluation”. That’s the most retarded thing I’ve ever heard in my life. You can’t have a currency where it’s one price in one country and another price in another country. And all the rest of the world is a different price. How does that work? If that’s true then I’ll just take my dinar and go to Iraq and exchange my currency. If i’m going to exchange for millions and millions of dollars that’s not going to be a threat to me is it? So that’s stupid and doesn’t make any sense.
11-29-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "RETURN OF THE SUBJECT DELETE THE ZEROS TO THE FOREFRONT" ...this article is not the CBI talking but one of the leading Iraqi economic analysts talking to us. 1) It is saying we are now about to begin to enter 2018 so where is the project to delete the zeros? ...They know it was held up due to “security reasons” so now that those security reasons no longer exist or are winding down, how about resurrecting this effort? 2) It says Iraq is now at a crossroads and about to begin a new era of economic growth. Can it be done without also bringing back the dinar to its past glory? 3) It says it is difficult to keep using the US dollar for outside trading (as we know is only mandated due to Chapter VII financial sanctions put on Iraq). Is it time now to get our real dinar back? [post 1 of 3....stay tuned]
11-29-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Tigris channel reveal details of the World Bank negotiations with Iraq on the corruption of the currency auction" My take on this...the IMF is warning Iraq that if you continue to let the reserves erode you will risk the collapse of the economy. More importantly it once again confirms the plan to float the dinar. ...we don’t want a managed float or a peg...we want the global financial system to set the rate. And that only happens with a free float. Iraq needs to create momentum, then they can let it go and watch it rise.
11-29-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana There is some positive news to be discussed regarding the Dinar...I'm confident that I've done all I can do to prepare for a huge increase in the dinar, I'm very excited for it to happen...There is still a great opportunity for massive gains on the IQD...I know, it's crazy to think that the Dinar could ever go from it's current level to .10, $1, or higher... but...We need HCL news. Period.
11-29-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 Abadi said he is ready to stop the auctions.
11-29-2017 Intel Guru Bruce What else has happened with Iraqi’s CBI? They have put in their new Swift Codes. The Swift System was sort of integrated into the Cips System. The bankers call it the new Swift System...that makes all these transfers of funds, wire transfers happen so quickly now. ...they have been testing it for months now and have been sending tranches of funds daily. We heard 2 to 3 more tranches of funds have been sent to the banks to be there for our exchanges. ...Iraq’s new Swift Codes are in place and they are ready to do wires in CBI starting tonight [Tuesday]. That is super positive. If you can do a wire transfer from CBI, that is about as international as you can get. You have a new rate, CBI rate, and the ability to send and receive bank wires transfers through the CBI new as of midnight Iraqi time today. There you have it. I would say Iraq is ready to go. I know it didn’t happen before Thanksgiving and cyber Monday. All I can say we are at a defining moment... and we are understanding it is a go very shortly. [post 2 of 2]
11-29-2017 Intel Guru Bruce This is why I am very excited. We are looking very, very good... You guys remember we talked about 4 days of celebration that suppose to go from Saturday to Tuesday? They actually started Friday evening with fireworks. As far as I know they are complete now. They may extend those beyond the 4 days and have every reason to do that. They call it Iraq’s victory week. Why they call it a victory? It is because they are done. Prime Minister Abadi made his speech last Wednesday before Thanksgiving about the liberation of Iraq, etc. He made another live speech yesterday [Monday]. I understand the speech will be posted in Iraq’s official publication, the Gazette, tomorrow. The new rate for the Iraqi dinar, which I understand what it is now, maybe they will put that in tomorrow. I don’t know that. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
11-29-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru sandyf There is no Global Currency reset as currencies reset daily thru currency trading. - That is not strictly true. 50 years ago this month the UK government devalued the GBP by 14% and initiated a partial global reset. At that point in time the GBP was still the primary reserve currency and all countries with GBP reserves had to reset their exchange rates. If the US today devalued the $ by 14% there would be virtually a full global reset. Any significant change in a reserve currency has a widespread knock on effect.
11-29-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat 7) I quote – “The bottom line is that it is necessary to adopt the Central Bank of Iraq for the project to delete the zeros and work on its implementation from now in order to achieve the objectives of reducing the size of the monetary mass” So we know they MUST do this project to delete the zeros now and continue on it until it is completed. 8) I quote... – “AND REQUIRED A MEDIA PROGRAM TO DEVOTE CONVICTIONS TO THE IMPORTANCE OF THIS PROJECT”. NO re-education yet thus NO RV! ...the CBI MUST RE-EDUCATE THE GENERAL POPULOUS PRIOR TO ANY RV HAPPENING? ...I told you this was not from my OPINION but it came directly from my CBI contact. I am excited as to what may come this December. Are they going to move forward with a possible January 2018 RV target? If so they will have to do the re-education process very soon. I do still think this may be a target but let’s not rush to hype. If they do not re-educate in December then we can forget an EARLY 2018 RV. [post 3 of 3]
11-29-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat 4) I quote: “lead to the adoption of consideration of this project and STUDY THE POSSIBILITY OF ITS APPLICATION DURING THE YEAR 2018 as one of the basics of monetary and banking reform” So we know this is part of the monetary and banking reforms still to be completed. Here we go again. Will they do it in 2018? So we now know 2017 is out. The RV is NOT going to happen in 2017... 5) I quote: “reducing the exchange rate of the dollar gradually after the challenge of security will devote convictions and accept the deletion of zeros” So they are saying to reduce the program rate gradually. Probably come out around 1:1 - IQD:USD. 6) I quote: “to reduce from 200 thousand to 100 dollars to 120 thousand dinars and the goal to reach 100 thousand Dinars but circumstances prevented timely completion of the gradual reduction.” I have been telling everyone all along the CBI has told us they first need to reduce the money supply of the older 3 zero notes in circulation by 2/3. So this article now confirms that statement. They are not quite there yet but close. [post 2 of 3....stay tuned]
11-29-2017 Newshound Guru Breitling There’s never been an “In country revaluation”. That’s the most retarded thing I’ve ever heard in my life. You can’t have a currency where it’s one price in one country and another price in another country. And all the rest of the world is a different price. How does that work? If that’s true then I’ll just take my dinar and go to Iraq and exchange my currency. If i’m going to exchange for millions and millions of dollars that’s not going to be a threat to me is it? So that’s stupid and doesn’t make any sense.
11-29-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "RETURN OF THE SUBJECT DELETE THE ZEROS TO THE FOREFRONT" ...this article is not the CBI talking but one of the leading Iraqi economic analysts talking to us. 1) It is saying we are now about to begin to enter 2018 so where is the project to delete the zeros? ...They know it was held up due to “security reasons” so now that those security reasons no longer exist or are winding down, how about resurrecting this effort? 2) It says Iraq is now at a crossroads and about to begin a new era of economic growth. Can it be done without also bringing back the dinar to its past glory? 3) It says it is difficult to keep using the US dollar for outside trading (as we know is only mandated due to Chapter VII financial sanctions put on Iraq). Is it time now to get our real dinar back? [post 1 of 3....stay tuned]
11-29-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Tigris channel reveal details of the World Bank negotiations with Iraq on the corruption of the currency auction" My take on this...the IMF is warning Iraq that if you continue to let the reserves erode you will risk the collapse of the economy. More importantly it once again confirms the plan to float the dinar. ...we don’t want a managed float or a peg...we want the global financial system to set the rate. And that only happens with a free float. Iraq needs to create momentum, then they can let it go and watch it rise.
11-28-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 IMO Abadi said two months ago that he would declare independence at the end of November and he counted it down to days, and then to hours, then to Saturday.
11-28-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Finally, they are now considering once again moving ahead with the project. We know that when they do this they will quickly move to the last phase and this includes a significant rate increase over the program rate. We also know this will be preceded, if not coincided with the launching of the rest of the set of the lower denominations. So these are events to watch for. Remember, they already launched some of these notes in earlier years in anticipation of the RV back then and had real targets that could not come to fortition. [post 3 of 3]
11-28-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat The reason why I feeling excited now is NOT that I expect an RV any day /every day as imminent (simply not true) but is because they had projected in the past when they would conclude the project many times already and in April they finally had to come out give us a realistic timeframe – which was “THEY DON’T KNOW”. Can’t be any more honest than that? However, they also said (and this is the important part), that they postponed it due to SECURITY reasons as to why they did not do it in EARLY 2017 as they announced they would. The security issue revolved around fighting of the ISIS and Daesh terrorist organizations in Iraq. [post 2 of 3....stay tuned]
11-28-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat ...today I have some very exciting news to share with everyone. It is about the “PROJECT TO DELETE THE ZEROS”. We know that the RV will come as a result of this project to delete the zeros. This last phase of the project is the conclusion of the long-awaited revaluation of the Iraqi dinar. Yes – this is the part we have been waiting for and will get us the RV thus go to the bank. But still not yet. Why? ...the last time we heard from the CBI on this project to delete the zeros, was last April 2017, when they finally came out and told us they were “postponing” the continuation of the project “indefinitely” meaning until further notice. We all know they MUST do this project sometime to completion. Remember we all thought that it would come in EARLY 2017 as they told us it would? I too was supporting this idea since the CBI TOLD US. [post 1 of 3....stay tuned]
11-28-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 IMO The fact that two CBI banks have opened in the last two days and apparently another one in Jordan is impossible without a released currency. IMO These other countries wouldn't want this, or even let them do it, if their currency was restricted.
11-28-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 [On a scale of 1 to 10, how much "more" confidence does the "unrevealed" Intel give you that the RI/RV will happen by this coming weekend?] Confidence is at an all-time high, and 95% of what my sources have said has come to pass, over time. As for whether the RV happens by this weekend, everyone has that impression right now. I might get more intel today to confirm that or to clarify the timing. It’s never been an exact science… We seem to be on schedule with the plan outlined by Iraq; that indicated late November, early December and here we are.
11-28-2017 Newshound Guru Breitling The Iraqi Dinar value doesn’t get lowered for no reason at all. There is very smart math and policies behind it. That’s why I support this investment so much. There is math and policy and very good reasons why the value is going to go up…So it’s a very very cool thing…Iraq is primed to revalue their currency. Their back is against the wall. I don’t want to say it’s a desperate thing, they want to revalue their currency.
11-28-2017 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: "Rafidain calls on ministries and departments of the state to settle their salaries electronically" The article is reinforcing internationalism. Just like opening the ITB in the UAE and apparently one in Saudi Arabia. Not to mention the laundry list of completed items set out in the Iraq Marshal Plan. No need to go over all that now... But, please note that the UNSC released the oil for food escrow back in June 2017, the last time the executive order 13303 was updated was in May 22, 2017 that to the best of my knowledge was not signed yet or again since and it needs to be within a 90 day period, and then we see the IMF has stated Mission Accomplished in Iraq...This all leads us to where we are and that is watching for the cbi to change their website to reflect their accomplishments either before at or just after the recognition of what has been done, is told to the world in a past tense manner... imo.
11-28-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Finally, they are now considering once again moving ahead with the project. We know that when they do this they will quickly move to the last phase and this includes a significant rate increase over the program rate. We also know this will be preceded, if not coincided with the launching of the rest of the set of the lower denominations. So these are events to watch for. Remember, they already launched some of these notes in earlier years in anticipation of the RV back then and had real targets that could not come to fortition. [post 3 of 3]
11-28-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat The reason why I feeling excited now is NOT that I expect an RV any day /every day as imminent (simply not true) but is because they had projected in the past when they would conclude the project many times already and in April they finally had to come out give us a realistic timeframe – which was “THEY DON’T KNOW”. Can’t be any more honest than that? However, they also said (and this is the important part), that they postponed it due to SECURITY reasons as to why they did not do it in EARLY 2017 as they announced they would. The security issue revolved around fighting of the ISIS and Daesh terrorist organizations in Iraq. [post 2 of 3....stay tuned]
11-28-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat ...today I have some very exciting news to share with everyone. It is about the “PROJECT TO DELETE THE ZEROS”. We know that the RV will come as a result of this project to delete the zeros. This last phase of the project is the conclusion of the long-awaited revaluation of the Iraqi dinar. Yes – this is the part we have been waiting for and will get us the RV thus go to the bank. But still not yet. Why? ...the last time we heard from the CBI on this project to delete the zeros, was last April 2017, when they finally came out and told us they were “postponing” the continuation of the project “indefinitely” meaning until further notice. We all know they MUST do this project sometime to completion. Remember we all thought that it would come in EARLY 2017 as they told us it would? I too was supporting this idea since the CBI TOLD US. [post 1 of 3....stay tuned]
11-28-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 IMO The fact that two CBI banks have opened in the last two days and apparently another one in Jordan is impossible without a released currency. IMO These other countries wouldn't want this, or even let them do it, if their currency was restricted.
11-28-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 [On a scale of 1 to 10, how much "more" confidence does the "unrevealed" Intel give you that the RI/RV will happen by this coming weekend?] Confidence is at an all-time high, and 95% of what my sources have said has come to pass, over time. As for whether the RV happens by this weekend, everyone has that impression right now. I might get more intel today to confirm that or to clarify the timing. It’s never been an exact science… We seem to be on schedule with the plan outlined by Iraq; that indicated late November, early December and here we are.
11-28-2017 Newshound Guru Breitling The Iraqi Dinar value doesn’t get lowered for no reason at all. There is very smart math and policies behind it. That’s why I support this investment so much. There is math and policy and very good reasons why the value is going to go up…So it’s a very very cool thing…Iraq is primed to revalue their currency. Their back is against the wall. I don’t want to say it’s a desperate thing, they want to revalue their currency.
11-28-2017 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: "Rafidain calls on ministries and departments of the state to settle their salaries electronically" The article is reinforcing internationalism. Just like opening the ITB in the UAE and apparently one in Saudi Arabia. Not to mention the laundry list of completed items set out in the Iraq Marshal Plan. No need to go over all that now... But, please note that the UNSC released the oil for food escrow back in June 2017, the last time the executive order 13303 was updated was in May 22, 2017 that to the best of my knowledge was not signed yet or again since and it needs to be within a 90 day period, and then we see the IMF has stated Mission Accomplished in Iraq...This all leads us to where we are and that is watching for the cbi to change their website to reflect their accomplishments either before at or just after the recognition of what has been done, is told to the world in a past tense manner... imo.
11-27-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 [IYO, do you think the foreign attendees of the Foreign Bank and Investment conf., held on Dec 2-3, will be told the date of the RI, to close deals/contracts?] IMO...YES.
11-27-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Conscious / Nassif emphasizes the central bank to stop the auction sale of foreign currencies" Quote: "There are measures to be implemented quickly, including stopping the foreign currency auction, which has become mine influential and the closure of all corruption monitor border crossings ports" ...you cannot just stop the auctions. It must be replaced with the float.
11-27-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 It was an exciting weekend; everyone was on pins and needles. The banking community...here was excited: they went in and out of being on standby. We heard of another bank openly dealing with dinar, and memos are circulating in banks that are onboard with dinar. I’m sure this is not the only bank that is coming aboard. Some bank employees are now being told that their banks would be handling dinar... We are still at ‘any moment’ [post 2 of 2]
11-27-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 We closed out the weekend looking for some things to happen over the weekend, such as celebrations and announcements, and some of you were led to believe you’d be in the banks this morning. What really did take place? The PM made two speeches on Saturday, one in the morning, and the other in the evening, but neither one was made public, so we don’t know what was said or resolved. We could not find any records or articles, although those will probably surface later (when it’s no longer important). We may see something on that later today. It has been reported that celebrations did occur, but not the major ones we were waiting for. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
11-27-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 [You and teams are expecting an RI prior to the ME Summit on 2nd—but have to ask being this is Iraq—what would be “the consequences” if Iraq doesn’t RI before the opening of this conference…] WE HOPE YES...ANGER OF LL (long line)...DIS-TRUST IN THE FUTURE IN ALL THINGS...LEAVE...INVEST ELSEWHERE. DO U THINK THESE R THE GOALS OF A [ABADI] AND T? NO. A HAS MADE IT VERY CLEAR THAT IRAQ IS ABOUT TO INVITE THE INTERNATIONAL WORLD INTO IRAQ. IMO A WILL NOT EMBARRASS HIMSELF...HE WILL NOT DEGRADE HIS TRUST THAT TOOK SO MUCH TO ESTABLISH...
11-27-2017 Newshound Guru Enorrste Article: "Delete the zeros priority" This article confirms what we have seen...primarily from KAP [Guru Kaperoni], over the years: gradual rise in the value of the dinar as the money supply is reduced, with a goal of reaching parity with the dollar (1 dinar = $1). Furthermore, this economist says that the timing is finally right, with the security issue now having been essentially resolved. Finally, he states clearly at the beginning of the article that the time for discussion has gone on long enough (years) and that it is now time for the CBI to act. All in all this is a great article. We now just have to learn whether the author has the ear of the CBI, is parroting the CBI's stated goals, or is just expressing his own opinion, as has been the case for so many years now.
11-27-2017 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke HOWEVER, we want to stick around, just for the satisfaction of telling you, “We Told You So!”, soon after January 1st, 2018. THINK ABOUT IT...Iraq’s 1st Fiscal Day, of a Brand New Fiscal Year, as a Brand New Fully Liberated Country... Completely FREE to do BIG Business with the WORLD. THINK ABOUT IT. MAKE NO MISTAKE. We have brought you ALL this way...HAPPY HAPPY HOLIDAYS! ...Like Never Before, over the Next/Last 30+ Days. MAKE NO MISTAKE! ...No Matter what it may now look like right now... “SEE”...that MOMENT, and like a bull dog, NEVER Let Go. That’s our Opinion. That’s our Belief. That’s our Knowing... [post 2 of 2]
11-27-2017 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke To all those who are Weary, Frustrated, Tired, Angry, DOUBTFUL & Critical - HAPPY HOLIDAYS & HAPPY NEW YEAR! January 1, 2018 marks the Very Beginning, of a Brand New Year, like NO OTHER, in the past history of Iraq, that you know of...as well as, some other countries. NEVER BEFORE. The Very End of December 2017 will END, like NO OTHER, in the Past History of Iraq, that you’ve EVER seen previously. MAKE NO MISTAKE. We could just as well have faded away a long time ago, and never posted another word for Anyone. Poof! Gone, no problem, for there’s really no Logical Reason, we’re even here...and we still could. No Problem. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
11-27-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Conscious / Nassif emphasizes the central bank to stop the auction sale of foreign currencies" Quote: "There are measures to be implemented quickly, including stopping the foreign currency auction, which has become mine influential and the closure of all corruption monitor border crossings ports" ...you cannot just stop the auctions. It must be replaced with the float.
11-27-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 It was an exciting weekend; everyone was on pins and needles. The banking community...here was excited: they went in and out of being on standby. We heard of another bank openly dealing with dinar, and memos are circulating in banks that are onboard with dinar. I’m sure this is not the only bank that is coming aboard. Some bank employees are now being told that their banks would be handling dinar... We are still at ‘any moment’ [post 2 of 2]
11-27-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 We closed out the weekend looking for some things to happen over the weekend, such as celebrations and announcements, and some of you were led to believe you’d be in the banks this morning. What really did take place? The PM made two speeches on Saturday, one in the morning, and the other in the evening, but neither one was made public, so we don’t know what was said or resolved. We could not find any records or articles, although those will probably surface later (when it’s no longer important). We may see something on that later today. It has been reported that celebrations did occur, but not the major ones we were waiting for. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
11-27-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 [You and teams are expecting an RI prior to the ME Summit on 2nd—but have to ask being this is Iraq—what would be “the consequences” if Iraq doesn’t RI before the opening of this conference…] WE HOPE YES...ANGER OF LL (long line)...DIS-TRUST IN THE FUTURE IN ALL THINGS...LEAVE...INVEST ELSEWHERE. DO U THINK THESE R THE GOALS OF A [ABADI] AND T? NO. A HAS MADE IT VERY CLEAR THAT IRAQ IS ABOUT TO INVITE THE INTERNATIONAL WORLD INTO IRAQ. IMO A WILL NOT EMBARRASS HIMSELF...HE WILL NOT DEGRADE HIS TRUST THAT TOOK SO MUCH TO ESTABLISH...
11-27-2017 Newshound Guru Enorrste Article: "Delete the zeros priority" This article confirms what we have seen...primarily from KAP [Guru Kaperoni], over the years: gradual rise in the value of the dinar as the money supply is reduced, with a goal of reaching parity with the dollar (1 dinar = $1). Furthermore, this economist says that the timing is finally right, with the security issue now having been essentially resolved. Finally, he states clearly at the beginning of the article that the time for discussion has gone on long enough (years) and that it is now time for the CBI to act. All in all this is a great article. We now just have to learn whether the author has the ear of the CBI, is parroting the CBI's stated goals, or is just expressing his own opinion, as has been the case for so many years now.
11-27-2017 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke HOWEVER, we want to stick around, just for the satisfaction of telling you, “We Told You So!”, soon after January 1st, 2018. THINK ABOUT IT...Iraq’s 1st Fiscal Day, of a Brand New Fiscal Year, as a Brand New Fully Liberated Country... Completely FREE to do BIG Business with the WORLD. THINK ABOUT IT. MAKE NO MISTAKE. We have brought you ALL this way...HAPPY HAPPY HOLIDAYS! ...Like Never Before, over the Next/Last 30+ Days. MAKE NO MISTAKE! ...No Matter what it may now look like right now... “SEE”...that MOMENT, and like a bull dog, NEVER Let Go. That’s our Opinion. That’s our Belief. That’s our Knowing... [post 2 of 2]
11-27-2017 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke To all those who are Weary, Frustrated, Tired, Angry, DOUBTFUL & Critical - HAPPY HOLIDAYS & HAPPY NEW YEAR! January 1, 2018 marks the Very Beginning, of a Brand New Year, like NO OTHER, in the past history of Iraq, that you know of...as well as, some other countries. NEVER BEFORE. The Very End of December 2017 will END, like NO OTHER, in the Past History of Iraq, that you’ve EVER seen previously. MAKE NO MISTAKE. We could just as well have faded away a long time ago, and never posted another word for Anyone. Poof! Gone, no problem, for there’s really no Logical Reason, we’re even here...and we still could. No Problem. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
11-26-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 [An article was posted...about the dropping of the 000’s. Haven’t seen them talk about this in a long while. Any reason why this article was released at this time?] FRUSTRATION. U R NOT THE ONLY ONE THAT DOES NOT KNOW THE DAY OF THE MR [Monetary Reform]...THE TIMING OF A [ABADI] IS CONFUSING TO THE INNOCENT...IT IS NOT FROM THE CBI...IT IS TO THE CBI...FROM WITHIN IRAQ! WHY...CAUSE THEY KNOW AS MUCH AS U DO...THAT AN RI IS COMING...JUST DONT KNOW WHEN...EQUALS FRUSTRATION.
11-26-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru sandyf I have always seen this as a new year event and for the last 10 years been cautiously optimistic at that time of year. With only a few weeks to go, optimism is starting to rise once again. I say the new year but in reality I would see the optimum window being the ISX annual closure, normally about 10 days from around Christmas into the new year.
11-26-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 [is it true there is an Iraqi bank opening in Abu Dhabi tomorrow and if so what are the ramifications can they open at a program rate?] THIS OPENING IS JUST TOO OBVIOUS THAT A MR [MONETARY REFORM] IS OCCURRING AT THE CBI IMO. IT IS A DEFINITION OF ART 8. CAN THEY DO IT AT A PR [PROGRAM RATE]? IMO NO...BUT, THEY CAN AT A LOW RATE.
11-26-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Delete the zeros priority" Author: Yasser mutawalli. [So who is Yasser Mutawalli and is he credible?] Appears to be an economist that is on top of the gov's reforms. Love this..."principle of reducing the exchange rate gradually to the extent that it can be equivalent to the dinar against the dollar," ...it is an absolute necessity that they have currency reform and activate the banking sector if they want private investment. No alternative. So yes, it is urgent..
11-26-2017 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: "Delete zeros priority" Quote: "...a real vision to restore the real value of the Iraqi dinar to remain master of currencies at the level of local trading without rushing on the acquisition of the dollar to invest outside the country, and perhaps the advantages of the dinar equivalent with The dollar in terms of value..." A Priority is a priority and this is one that I approve of.. Hope the ITB has that in mind at the Ceremony tomorrow!!
11-26-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru sandyf I have always seen this as a new year event and for the last 10 years been cautiously optimistic at that time of year. With only a few weeks to go, optimism is starting to rise once again. I say the new year but in reality I would see the optimum window being the ISX annual closure, normally about 10 days from around Christmas into the new year.
11-26-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 [is it true there is an Iraqi bank opening in Abu Dhabi tomorrow and if so what are the ramifications can they open at a program rate?] THIS OPENING IS JUST TOO OBVIOUS THAT A MR [MONETARY REFORM] IS OCCURRING AT THE CBI IMO. IT IS A DEFINITION OF ART 8. CAN THEY DO IT AT A PR [PROGRAM RATE]? IMO NO...BUT, THEY CAN AT A LOW RATE.
11-26-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Delete the zeros priority" Author: Yasser mutawalli. [So who is Yasser Mutawalli and is he credible?] Appears to be an economist that is on top of the gov's reforms. Love this..."principle of reducing the exchange rate gradually to the extent that it can be equivalent to the dinar against the dollar," ...it is an absolute necessity that they have currency reform and activate the banking sector if they want private investment. No alternative. So yes, it is urgent..
11-26-2017 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: "Delete zeros priority" Quote: "...a real vision to restore the real value of the Iraqi dinar to remain master of currencies at the level of local trading without rushing on the acquisition of the dollar to invest outside the country, and perhaps the advantages of the dinar equivalent with The dollar in terms of value..." A Priority is a priority and this is one that I approve of.. Hope the ITB has that in mind at the Ceremony tomorrow!!
11-25-2017 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article quote: "Trade Bank Of Iraq: The Iraqi Trade Bank will receive the license to open the representative office in the Abu Dhabi International Financial Market. The opening ceremony will take place on Sunday 26/11/2017 at 11:00 am in the presence of the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq Dr. Ali Alalak and the Head of the Abu Dhabi International Financial Market Mr. Ahmed Sayegh..." This is telling me they are on schedule and the opening ceremony is telling the world we are now officially Global. Thus, fully Article 8 compliant, last remaining issue in regard to Chapter 7 "sanction free" (currency) and fully liberated with security and stability. The Iraq Trade Bank is an extension of the CBI.. Keep in mind today was the start of the celebrations in Iraq and apparently they got started 10:00 am Iraq time. We see this afternoon articles out showing all borders are secure through the western region of the country.. banks re align tonight.. powerful timing folks!!!
11-25-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 Articles...told You on Thursday and Friday that today Iraq would Celebrate their LIBERATION from Terrorism. Then there was the shift in almost ALL the...GURUS ALSO saying..."MY SOURCES SAY THIS SATURDAY A [Abadi] WILL MAKE A SPEECH... So [Gurus] FRANK26 ...DELTA...WS [Walkingstick] WHAT WENT WRONG? Nothing. Because YOU...did NOT Know that the celebration would last...FOUR DAYS... BTW...Has the Celebrations started...IMO...YES. Has the SPEECH been made...IMO...NO. Why? Because it is A's [Abadi's] TIMING. Because WHEN it is done... [Guru] WALKINGSTICK will bring it to us...Stay deep in Your FOXHOLE as we await A's TIMING on many things. Stay as Smart as...A Fox. Stay STRONG!!!
11-25-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article quote: "The Central Bank of Iraq, on Tuesday, that 89% of adults do not have bank accounts, noting that the reluctance of many individuals to deal with banks because of religious rulings, one of these reasons." First this means the project to delete the zeros is not working out in a timely manner as planned...they need people to have bank accounts. Second, it is more than just lack of liquidity in the banks. Third, the CBI is still paying way too many salaries in cash. They need to collect these dinars and permanently get them out of circulation. They can not do this when they keep circulating them back into the economy each payday. Fourth, the CBI already has locked down some of the govt payouts and told the recipients that if they don’t have a bank account they can get paid. So this is how it works. You need a bank account to get electronic deposits…right...get it? Do you now see the reasoning for this article from the CBI?
11-25-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 Most are focusing on 10am Saturday morning Iraqi time, which is 2am EST – that’s when celebrations are supposed to start. Many have reason to believe this will serve another purpose, as well as the full liberation of Iraq: economic reforms underway, and corruption being deal with. It should be an exciting weekend for information. Banks are ready, on alert, and we will see if this is finally IT – opening the curtains, revealing everything, and getting the celebrations started. This is not a guarantee, but it is very much expected that this will be part of the Baghdad Day celebrations.
11-25-2017 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke ADJUSTMENT to our 11-10-17 Post: DECEMBER 15 - JANUARY 1, 2018...Anytime During this span, to PUBLICLY & OFFICIALLY Start the 2018 Fiscal Year. WHY? MIDDLE EAST REGION (ME) & FAR EAST REGION (FE) Simultaneous Final Cleanup Time, AFTER Public Declaration of Iraq’s Full Liberation, over the next few days. No Worries. “Enjoy the Shooooow”...per Ed Sullivan (RIP) P.S. This is Very Very Good & to your Advantage. OIL rising. More $$$$$$$$. Everything else in our 11-10-17 post, still goes. SANTA says, “Think BIGGER, Go SLOWLY, and Choose WISELY”.
11-25-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 Articles...told You on Thursday and Friday that today Iraq would Celebrate their LIBERATION from Terrorism. Then there was the shift in almost ALL the...GURUS ALSO saying..."MY SOURCES SAY THIS SATURDAY A [Abadi] WILL MAKE A SPEECH... So [Gurus] FRANK26 ...DELTA...WS [Walkingstick] WHAT WENT WRONG? Nothing. Because YOU...did NOT Know that the celebration would last...FOUR DAYS... BTW...Has the Celebrations started...IMO...YES. Has the SPEECH been made...IMO...NO. Why? Because it is A's [Abadi's] TIMING. Because WHEN it is done... [Guru] WALKINGSTICK will bring it to us...Stay deep in Your FOXHOLE as we await A's TIMING on many things. Stay as Smart as...A Fox. Stay STRONG!!!
11-25-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article quote: "The Central Bank of Iraq, on Tuesday, that 89% of adults do not have bank accounts, noting that the reluctance of many individuals to deal with banks because of religious rulings, one of these reasons." First this means the project to delete the zeros is not working out in a timely manner as planned...they need people to have bank accounts. Second, it is more than just lack of liquidity in the banks. Third, the CBI is still paying way too many salaries in cash. They need to collect these dinars and permanently get them out of circulation. They can not do this when they keep circulating them back into the economy each payday. Fourth, the CBI already has locked down some of the govt payouts and told the recipients that if they don’t have a bank account they can get paid. So this is how it works. You need a bank account to get electronic deposits…right...get it? Do you now see the reasoning for this article from the CBI?
11-25-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 Most are focusing on 10am Saturday morning Iraqi time, which is 2am EST – that’s when celebrations are supposed to start. Many have reason to believe this will serve another purpose, as well as the full liberation of Iraq: economic reforms underway, and corruption being deal with. It should be an exciting weekend for information. Banks are ready, on alert, and we will see if this is finally IT – opening the curtains, revealing everything, and getting the celebrations started. This is not a guarantee, but it is very much expected that this will be part of the Baghdad Day celebrations.
11-25-2017 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke ADJUSTMENT to our 11-10-17 Post: DECEMBER 15 - JANUARY 1, 2018...Anytime During this span, to PUBLICLY & OFFICIALLY Start the 2018 Fiscal Year. WHY? MIDDLE EAST REGION (ME) & FAR EAST REGION (FE) Simultaneous Final Cleanup Time, AFTER Public Declaration of Iraq’s Full Liberation, over the next few days. No Worries. “Enjoy the Shooooow”...per Ed Sullivan (RIP) P.S. This is Very Very Good & to your Advantage. OIL rising. More $$$$$$$$. Everything else in our 11-10-17 post, still goes. SANTA says, “Think BIGGER, Go SLOWLY, and Choose WISELY”.
11-24-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: "Abadi: The more we eliminate corrupt, the stronger we will be" The issue is NO longer on S and S (security and stability) but...CORRUPTION!!! SHARED A [Abadi ?] would go Strong with it...POST RI. IMO...Such a Time Frame...is...Approaching.
11-24-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 Iraqi television is scrolling “we are within two days of total liberation of Iraq”; that was yesterday, so… This celebration is supposed to go on for a week, and next week is being called Victory Week. Remember some while back I said that plan was for full liberation in the last week of November, with exchange activity from 1. December, so this could be the plan unfolding according to design. They are saying that the finals stages in the desert are happening, and several people have been arrested. There may be an announcement at 10am (Iraqi time) on the 25th (tomorrow). Some believe things will change before the announcement is made, and some think afterwards, but either way it’s fair to anticipate something major happening during Victory Week, this last week in November.
11-24-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: "Al-Sari: Two days separate us from the announcement of the liberation of Iraq from a full-fledged" We...know this and...Are prepared.
11-24-2017 Intel Guru Bruce I can tell you the rates are being traded high. We are in really good shape on the currencies as far as that goes. It is a very positive thing happening. I think this release is what we are looking for and I don’t think we have to wait forever to happen. It is happening. We just have to wait for our portion to come thru. That is really the jest of it right there.
11-24-2017 Newshound Guru mike Article: "Expectations of obtaining Iraq's rating Advanced credit " Quote: "specialists confirmed the possibility of economic affairs raise the rating to A or -A through the activation of the private sector and provide employment opportunities that will pay gross domestic product to rise." A lot of really good things will happen for Iraq and its people if the GOI can create the environment necessary for an open market economy.
11-24-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 Iraqi television is scrolling “we are within two days of total liberation of Iraq”; that was yesterday, so… This celebration is supposed to go on for a week, and next week is being called Victory Week. Remember some while back I said that plan was for full liberation in the last week of November, with exchange activity from 1. December, so this could be the plan unfolding according to design. They are saying that the finals stages in the desert are happening, and several people have been arrested. There may be an announcement at 10am (Iraqi time) on the 25th (tomorrow). Some believe things will change before the announcement is made, and some think afterwards, but either way it’s fair to anticipate something major happening during Victory Week, this last week in November.
11-24-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: "Al-Sari: Two days separate us from the announcement of the liberation of Iraq from a full-fledged" We...know this and...Are prepared.
11-24-2017 Intel Guru Bruce I can tell you the rates are being traded high. We are in really good shape on the currencies as far as that goes. It is a very positive thing happening. I think this release is what we are looking for and I don’t think we have to wait forever to happen. It is happening. We just have to wait for our portion to come thru. That is really the jest of it right there.
11-24-2017 Newshound Guru mike Article: "Expectations of obtaining Iraq's rating Advanced credit " Quote: "specialists confirmed the possibility of economic affairs raise the rating to A or -A through the activation of the private sector and provide employment opportunities that will pay gross domestic product to rise." A lot of really good things will happen for Iraq and its people if the GOI can create the environment necessary for an open market economy.
11-23-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Yes – better days are ahead but you must put it all in perspective too. All you need to do it go back to the last 8 years of Nori al-Maliki administration and compare to all the progress Iraq has made since. They may not yet be ready for the re-instatement of the currency (when we want it), but they are making great strides with their new capitalistic democracy and I totally believe “blue skies are ahead and there will a nice big rainbow soon”.
11-23-2017 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77 Article: "Central banks contribute to economic balance" Quotes: "government with the involvement of the central bank in determining the exchange rate policy will lead to the occurrence of the difference or contradiction between the purposes of the exchange rate, and between the other monetary purposes , which both the bank and the government seeks to achieve." "an attempt to link the independence of the central bank and exchange rate policy found a place in economic studies, especially in light of the free exchange arrangements or floating..." WOW...the "attempt to link" is alluring...but what really caught my eye is the last part of that statement..."in light of the free exchange arrangements or floating"...that to me speaks VOLUMES...all IMO...oh is it Saturday yet...the BEST is coming.
11-23-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 On the 17th the WTO got together with Iraq...an informal meeting...to submit to the WTO the final pkgs...they are a commitment to the WTO...They have more than 2/3 of the two majority votes to get seats into the WTO...All the dominoes are lined up... Abadi said Iraq is going to have a National Liberation Day...The big day in Baghdad is Saturday - "BAGHDAD DAY"... IMO On the 25th Abadi will give a speech that will be shown all around the world...hes going to tell that Iraq is liberated from terrorism...he will talk to the international world that we are open for international business to come in...he’s going to talk about chapter 7...he’s going to talk about security and stability...Abadi has worked with the US hand in hand...he has a reason for all the things he is doing...reason why we have not heard the speech yet...wait for a speech that will change world history... He could change that rate right after that speech...Prepare yourself for Saturday...
11-23-2017 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: "Central banks contribute to economic balance" Quotes: "government with the involvement of the central bank in determining the exchange rate policy will lead to the occurrence of the difference or contradiction between the purposes of the exchange rate, and between the other monetary purposes , which both the bank and the government seeks to achieve." "an attempt to link the independence of the central bank and exchange rate policy found a place in economic studies, especially in light of the free exchange arrangements or floating..." This is some serious data on exchange rate change and float. The Banks and GOI working as a team is oh so huge! ~ Imo.
11-23-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana The dinar is moving forward. We're waiting for a few key things, which you ALL should know about, and they aren't far off. We're looking at an RV at some point! It's not coming today [Wednesday]. It might come tomorrow, or later this week, but I'm not going to speculate on that right now.
11-23-2017 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77 Article: "Central banks contribute to economic balance" Quotes: "government with the involvement of the central bank in determining the exchange rate policy will lead to the occurrence of the difference or contradiction between the purposes of the exchange rate, and between the other monetary purposes , which both the bank and the government seeks to achieve." "an attempt to link the independence of the central bank and exchange rate policy found a place in economic studies, especially in light of the free exchange arrangements or floating..." WOW...the "attempt to link" is alluring...but what really caught my eye is the last part of that statement..."in light of the free exchange arrangements or floating"...that to me speaks VOLUMES...all IMO...oh is it Saturday yet...the BEST is coming.
11-23-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 On the 17th the WTO got together with Iraq...an informal meeting...to submit to the WTO the final pkgs...they are a commitment to the WTO...They have more than 2/3 of the two majority votes to get seats into the WTO...All the dominoes are lined up... Abadi said Iraq is going to have a National Liberation Day...The big day in Baghdad is Saturday - "BAGHDAD DAY"... IMO On the 25th Abadi will give a speech that will be shown all around the world...hes going to tell that Iraq is liberated from terrorism...he will talk to the international world that we are open for international business to come in...he’s going to talk about chapter 7...he’s going to talk about security and stability...Abadi has worked with the US hand in hand...he has a reason for all the things he is doing...reason why we have not heard the speech yet...wait for a speech that will change world history... He could change that rate right after that speech...Prepare yourself for Saturday...
11-23-2017 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: "Central banks contribute to economic balance" Quotes: "government with the involvement of the central bank in determining the exchange rate policy will lead to the occurrence of the difference or contradiction between the purposes of the exchange rate, and between the other monetary purposes , which both the bank and the government seeks to achieve." "an attempt to link the independence of the central bank and exchange rate policy found a place in economic studies, especially in light of the free exchange arrangements or floating..." This is some serious data on exchange rate change and float. The Banks and GOI working as a team is oh so huge! ~ Imo.
11-23-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana The dinar is moving forward. We're waiting for a few key things, which you ALL should know about, and they aren't far off. We're looking at an RV at some point! It's not coming today [Wednesday]. It might come tomorrow, or later this week, but I'm not going to speculate on that right now.
11-22-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 All my sources say that [it] is mysteriously quiet; could that be part of the plan? There were some expectations of this going last Thursday, and then I was told “between Thursday and next Wednesday”, meaning today. There has been no RV yet, but I’m hearing of efforts to push this out by the end of today. The big celebration in Iraq starts on Saturday with fireworks, etc. We still expect the final announcement of the liberation of Iraq... We are hoping it will be a celebration of something that has taken place, rather than something that will take place. We are all on the edge of our seats, hoping this announcement will come forth prior to the initiation of this celebration.That being said, various people are making reference to rates possibly being low and floating up, rather than coming out at the full rate. It’s going to be one or the other; those of us who have been listening and preparing will be ready to move in either direction, on a moment’s notice.
11-22-2017 Intel Guru Delta IMO I think the CBI may make a move before Abadi does speech and they will celebrate everything this week.
11-22-2017 Intel Guru Bruce When it comes to Iraq, we have heard Iraq’s announcement about their sovereignty and the liberation of Iraq has taken place at least twice and maybe more to the point where we are not looking for another announcement out of Iraq. Iraq is now in position for their preparations of their celebrations to get started on Saturday and go Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. I do know this...that Iraq has had a rate that we don’t see quite now, but they do have a rate that is usable for trading since last Thursday. It is out and they are using it. Iraq is trading their currency... We are at a point of a 2nd release or final push in process. It is hard to say what to call it exactly, but that is happening I believe...The intention is for us to have a very happy Thanksgiving. Let see if that happens. [post 2 of 2]
11-22-2017 Intel Guru Bruce I just want you to know we have had Intel that has come in this afternoon and even this evening to tell us kind of what is going on and where we are. Even this morning we used the term “release”, “getting it started”, and “it's going”, that terminology. We believe we are essentially underway in the point of view of the release getting this thing to go thru the system which takes a while for it to happen. It does take a while. It is not just a push of a button. There is a lot to it. It is much more complicated than we thought. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
11-22-2017 Newshound Guru Walkingstick IMO Everything hinges on this speech that is coming from Abadi.
11-22-2017 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77 ...from all the news today I am sensing an excitement in the air...something about Abadi and all the news surrounding him...you think he wants to talk...wants to convey his true and honest feelings to his people and the world...the BEST is coming...any day now.
11-22-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Organization of an international financial conference next month in Baghdad" Quote: "The conference will discuss a range of important themes organized in the agenda and the most important plans and strategies of the Central Bank of the next stage, and the mechanisms of the development of relations between foreign banks and Iraqi banks, as well as financial reforms that the government is trying to implement to attract and attract foreign investment." Sounds like this conference will spell out the plan. I can't see them having an international investment conference if you don't have plans to reform the currency and open the banking system to attract foreign capital.
11-22-2017 Intel Guru Delta IMO: They have to have an International Currency BEFORE this international fair on Dec. 2nd, 2017.
11-22-2017 Intel Guru Delta IMO I think the CBI may make a move before Abadi does speech and they will celebrate everything this week.
11-22-2017 Intel Guru Bruce When it comes to Iraq, we have heard Iraq’s announcement about their sovereignty and the liberation of Iraq has taken place at least twice and maybe more to the point where we are not looking for another announcement out of Iraq. Iraq is now in position for their preparations of their celebrations to get started on Saturday and go Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. I do know this...that Iraq has had a rate that we don’t see quite now, but they do have a rate that is usable for trading since last Thursday. It is out and they are using it. Iraq is trading their currency... We are at a point of a 2nd release or final push in process. It is hard to say what to call it exactly, but that is happening I believe...The intention is for us to have a very happy Thanksgiving. Let see if that happens. [post 2 of 2]
11-22-2017 Intel Guru Bruce I just want you to know we have had Intel that has come in this afternoon and even this evening to tell us kind of what is going on and where we are. Even this morning we used the term “release”, “getting it started”, and “it's going”, that terminology. We believe we are essentially underway in the point of view of the release getting this thing to go thru the system which takes a while for it to happen. It does take a while. It is not just a push of a button. There is a lot to it. It is much more complicated than we thought. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
11-22-2017 Newshound Guru Walkingstick IMO Everything hinges on this speech that is coming from Abadi.
11-22-2017 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77 ...from all the news today I am sensing an excitement in the air...something about Abadi and all the news surrounding him...you think he wants to talk...wants to convey his true and honest feelings to his people and the world...the BEST is coming...any day now.
11-22-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Organization of an international financial conference next month in Baghdad" Quote: "The conference will discuss a range of important themes organized in the agenda and the most important plans and strategies of the Central Bank of the next stage, and the mechanisms of the development of relations between foreign banks and Iraqi banks, as well as financial reforms that the government is trying to implement to attract and attract foreign investment." Sounds like this conference will spell out the plan. I can't see them having an international investment conference if you don't have plans to reform the currency and open the banking system to attract foreign capital.
11-22-2017 Intel Guru Delta IMO: They have to have an International Currency BEFORE this international fair on Dec. 2nd, 2017.
11-21-2017 Newshound Guru Apmcrx Chapter VII Done!!!...IMO.
11-21-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 IMO The final deal with Kuwait is in play right now with the gas deal, which is the final part of Chapter 7. IMO The WTO deal on Friday caused the budget to have a revision made from trillions to billions. IMO: The display of the budget is timed with the speech from Abadi. IMO: There will be an aggressive push for removal of corruption AFTER the RI. IMO The International Fair on Dec 2 will show them with a new rate. IMO We will see the speech from Abadi this week. IMO: EVERY possible thing that could be in their way has been removed and even Hezbollah is leaving because they know IS is over with. IMO The Banking classes are over. There is a very large celebration planned for "Baghdad Day" this Saturday, and IMO I expect that celebration to include everything we have been waiting on. Some of my high level sources are saying something is going down now.
11-21-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 [Do you feel this will happen before the end of this year?] Based on the information I have, yes. [In your update on 14. November, you said something about knowing a date that the RV might be released…] ...that date was extended, and we have not yet reached the extended date. We are still in that window, and I do believe we will see this before Thanksgiving.
11-21-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 [I notice that when Iraq does any rate changes, it’s always been either in April or September. Do you think they will get off that schedule?] Most definitely. They promised their citizens that they would revalue their currency for great purchasing power ‘in the coming days’, not April or September.
11-21-2017 Newshound Guru Apmcrx "Summary of the Annual Meetings Report of the International Monetary Fund and the Talks of the Credit Union (Third Round) and the visit of the Governor of the Central Bank to the UN Security Council" Quote: "De La Rue’s two main rivals, Munich-based Giesecke & Devrient (G&D), and Oberthur Fiduciaire, a French firm, date back to the mid-19th century." IMO is really interesting that CBI mentions the banknote printers De La Rue and Oberthure...
11-21-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 IMO The final deal with Kuwait is in play right now with the gas deal, which is the final part of Chapter 7. IMO The WTO deal on Friday caused the budget to have a revision made from trillions to billions. IMO: The display of the budget is timed with the speech from Abadi. IMO: There will be an aggressive push for removal of corruption AFTER the RI. IMO The International Fair on Dec 2 will show them with a new rate. IMO We will see the speech from Abadi this week. IMO: EVERY possible thing that could be in their way has been removed and even Hezbollah is leaving because they know IS is over with. IMO The Banking classes are over. There is a very large celebration planned for "Baghdad Day" this Saturday, and IMO I expect that celebration to include everything we have been waiting on. Some of my high level sources are saying something is going down now.
11-21-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 [Do you feel this will happen before the end of this year?] Based on the information I have, yes. [In your update on 14. November, you said something about knowing a date that the RV might be released…] ...that date was extended, and we have not yet reached the extended date. We are still in that window, and I do believe we will see this before Thanksgiving.
11-21-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 [I notice that when Iraq does any rate changes, it’s always been either in April or September. Do you think they will get off that schedule?] Most definitely. They promised their citizens that they would revalue their currency for great purchasing power ‘in the coming days’, not April or September.
11-21-2017 Newshound Guru Apmcrx "Summary of the Annual Meetings Report of the International Monetary Fund and the Talks of the Credit Union (Third Round) and the visit of the Governor of the Central Bank to the UN Security Council" Quote: "De La Rue’s two main rivals, Munich-based Giesecke & Devrient (G&D), and Oberthur Fiduciaire, a French firm, date back to the mid-19th century." IMO is really interesting that CBI mentions the banknote printers De La Rue and Oberthure...
11-20-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 There may be lingering issues around Kirkuk and Rawa for which they may require resolution; I don’t know of any other problems that would hold up this release. I don’t think the 2018 Budget will hold this up any further. I think everything has been done that needs to be done, at least from Iraq: announcement of the liberation and revaluation of the currency. People being owed money will be paid in monthly chunks, and celebrations are still planned. Everything is set up for the biggest celebration ever to take place in Iraq. There were alerts coming into the weekend, and now we are having those again in some of our US banks. They are ready for anything to happen between now and Thanksgiving. However, when this pops, we may have to wait for better rates, and/or until January. [post 2 of 2]
11-20-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 The most current information...there was some stuff over the weekend that was not verifiable. The proof is in the pudding and there is no pudding yet! We did send out this update on Sunday: [reference RayRen98 post 11-19-2017] This is a big thing, because the PM was waiting for full unity in Iraq before economic reforms would be complete. The referendum was cancelled, which indeed the Kurds was not viable according to the constitution. There is possibly an issue at Kirkuk and who has what now compared to what was arranged beforehand. We do know that the territorial boundaries have been secured to/by the government of Iraq. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
11-20-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni There are several articles going back a year or two that clearly state that the WTO wants to see dependence on oil drop to about 80% or so before it is viable for accession. So in other words, Iraq needs to get the private sector started and creating some exports before they will get into the WTO. That being said, we know the requirements so it motivates the CBI to get currency reform done.
11-20-2017 Newshound Guru Apmcrx Last week abadi announced the war against corruption will start January 1st 2018 and same 2018 will be the year of Iraq economic recovery. Now Abadi announced the fight against corruption started Yesterday... Abadi is in a hurry!!! Maybe he wants to start 2018 with no corruption IMO.
11-20-2017 Newshound Guru chattels [do you really feel this is going to happen...?] I believe that there will be an increase in value which will inure to our benefit, but when or how long is the problem. I try not to anticipate a date so much and view it as a long shot in my lifetime. Treat it as "found" or "futuremoney" if you will. I would be very upset if I got out now and it happened, so...I watch, wait and hope.
11-20-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 The most current information...there was some stuff over the weekend that was not verifiable. The proof is in the pudding and there is no pudding yet! We did send out this update on Sunday: [reference RayRen98 post 11-19-2017] This is a big thing, because the PM was waiting for full unity in Iraq before economic reforms would be complete. The referendum was cancelled, which indeed the Kurds was not viable according to the constitution. There is possibly an issue at Kirkuk and who has what now compared to what was arranged beforehand. We do know that the territorial boundaries have been secured to/by the government of Iraq. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
11-20-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni There are several articles going back a year or two that clearly state that the WTO wants to see dependence on oil drop to about 80% or so before it is viable for accession. So in other words, Iraq needs to get the private sector started and creating some exports before they will get into the WTO. That being said, we know the requirements so it motivates the CBI to get currency reform done.
11-20-2017 Newshound Guru Apmcrx Last week abadi announced the war against corruption will start January 1st 2018 and same 2018 will be the year of Iraq economic recovery. Now Abadi announced the fight against corruption started Yesterday... Abadi is in a hurry!!! Maybe he wants to start 2018 with no corruption IMO.
11-20-2017 Newshound Guru chattels [do you really feel this is going to happen...?] I believe that there will be an increase in value which will inure to our benefit, but when or how long is the problem. I try not to anticipate a date so much and view it as a long shot in my lifetime. Treat it as "found" or "futuremoney" if you will. I would be very upset if I got out now and it happened, so...I watch, wait and hope.
11-19-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 It has been reported that earlier today Iraqi TV interviewed President Masum announcing that the referendum has been officially canceled. Now the celebrations can take place, I believe this is what PM Abadi has been awaiting! Contractors are expecting back pay distributed over a few 30-day segments. It is being cautiously expected for these back pays to be at the new rate! Time Will Tell! IRAQ'S BIGGEST CELEBRATION ON RECORD MAY COMMENCE THIS VERY WEEK - TIME WILL TELL!!
11-19-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "ELECTRONIC BANKING DEPOSITS WILL REDUCE COST OF PRINTING CURRENCY" ...the electronic banking is also allowing the CBI not to recycle the 3 zero notes back into circulation each pay day. They are getting very close to the needed 2/3 of the needed collection of currency out of circulation in Iraq.
11-19-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni WTO may be several years away because they have little to export, but that has little to do with when the CBI acts on monetary reform. In fact, it is critical to the success of investment in Iraq. I am hopeful we will read something soon about early 2018. (fingers crossed) [reference Kaperoni post 11-18-2017]
11-19-2017 Newshound Guru Don961 Article quote: "An Iraqi parliamentarian said on Saturday that the 2018 budget assumes the export of about 3.8 million barrels per day of oil, based on an average price of about $ 43 a barrel, well below the global price of more than $ 50." This is what Iraq's oil in the budget of 2018.
11-19-2017 Newshound Guru chattels There are several countries in the world that use the U.S. dollar as it's " default " currency. Iraq will use the dinar as it best serves them. We may get lucky at some point.
11-19-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "AMENDMENTS TO THE LAW OF THE CENTRAL BANK OF IRAQ ISSUED ORDER NO. (56) POSTED IN GAZETTE" ...now that Iraq is moving to another chapter in is monetary policy the old policies of the CBI needed to be updated to fit (coincide with) the new monetary direction. This is all this amendment is doing and was a necessity. Is is very significant as we can see them lining up once again for the new monetary reforms, which will eventually lead to the reinstatement of the currency.
11-19-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "ELECTRONIC BANKING DEPOSITS WILL REDUCE COST OF PRINTING CURRENCY" ...the electronic banking is also allowing the CBI not to recycle the 3 zero notes back into circulation each pay day. They are getting very close to the needed 2/3 of the needed collection of currency out of circulation in Iraq.
11-19-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni WTO may be several years away because they have little to export, but that has little to do with when the CBI acts on monetary reform. In fact, it is critical to the success of investment in Iraq. I am hopeful we will read something soon about early 2018. (fingers crossed) [reference Kaperoni post 11-18-2017]
11-19-2017 Newshound Guru Don961 Article quote: "An Iraqi parliamentarian said on Saturday that the 2018 budget assumes the export of about 3.8 million barrels per day of oil, based on an average price of about $ 43 a barrel, well below the global price of more than $ 50." This is what Iraq's oil in the budget of 2018.
11-19-2017 Newshound Guru chattels There are several countries in the world that use the U.S. dollar as it's " default " currency. Iraq will use the dinar as it best serves them. We may get lucky at some point.
11-19-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "AMENDMENTS TO THE LAW OF THE CENTRAL BANK OF IRAQ ISSUED ORDER NO. (56) POSTED IN GAZETTE" ...now that Iraq is moving to another chapter in is monetary policy the old policies of the CBI needed to be updated to fit (coincide with) the new monetary direction. This is all this amendment is doing and was a necessity. Is is very significant as we can see them lining up once again for the new monetary reforms, which will eventually lead to the reinstatement of the currency.
11-18-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "The National Committee for Iraq's accession to the WTO organization conducts consultative meetings in Geneva on accession" The good news is it pushes currency reform forward. [...does the WTO allow members who have dual currency practice...?] I think your referring to multiple currency practice which is not what you think it is (that refers to the spread of more than 2%.... Iraq is working on reducing the MCP, and Iraq will always have both dinar and dollars. Two different things. They would have to move to Article VIII and reduce the difference between the dinar and dollar for accession into the WTO...but they are years away from that since they have nothing to export.
11-18-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "(IBAN) IN BANKING TRANSACTIONS" Quote: "IBAN is a mandatory requirement to send and receive money domestically and internationally safely, accurately and quickly in accordance with international banking regulations" A few weeks ago they implemented SWIFT and it is mandated by the end of 2017 for all banks in Iraq. So now we see IBAN also in use as it is also a worldwide banking standard. Both of these banking requirements are mandatory if you are going to do international banking. Does anyone remember way back to 2012? The minister of Finance then told us then that IBAN was coming that year, but due to corruption they delayed the banking reforms until later. Now we see it.
11-18-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Amendments to the Central Bank gives him the freedom to work on a wider area of law" I believe the added ability to develop the financial market (securities) is important to the plan to float the dinar. [Is there more Banking laws needed...?] Not waiting on any banking laws, just IMF compliance.
11-18-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "(IBAN) IN BANKING TRANSACTIONS" Quote: "IBAN is a mandatory requirement to send and receive money domestically and internationally safely, accurately and quickly in accordance with international banking regulations" A few weeks ago they implemented SWIFT and it is mandated by the end of 2017 for all banks in Iraq. So now we see IBAN also in use as it is also a worldwide banking standard. Both of these banking requirements are mandatory if you are going to do international banking. Does anyone remember way back to 2012? The minister of Finance then told us then that IBAN was coming that year, but due to corruption they delayed the banking reforms until later. Now we see it.
11-18-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Amendments to the Central Bank gives him the freedom to work on a wider area of law" I believe the added ability to develop the financial market (securities) is important to the plan to float the dinar. [Is there more Banking laws needed...?] Not waiting on any banking laws, just IMF compliance.
11-17-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat ...we have seen some amazing events happen just in these last couple weeks towards monetary reforms: 1. SWIFT implementation mandated for all banks (private and state run) by end of year, which allows inter-banking transfers of money internationally. 2. IBAN implementation announcement this week which specifies standardized banking account # formats. So now SWIFT can work account to account 3. Much needed amendments to law #(56) which implements provisions of item (I) of Article (61) and Article (III) of Article (73) of the Constitution. This broadens the powers of the CBI and coincides with a more broader/wider outreach (global) to the monetary policy of Iraq. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
11-17-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat 4. More departments of ministries come online with electronic payments as Rafidain Bank announced Friday the payment of salaries of employees of some universities and departments of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the departments of the Ministry of Industry and Minerals and Ministry of Water Resources departments are now getting paid electronically. 5. The CBI recently announced to its citizens that they need to circulate their cash dinars (3 zero notes) into the economy and not hoard them. Why did they do this announcement? We know the CBI needs to reduce the money supply by 2/3 prior to the RV. They have told us this many times already. So we know prior to launching a new rate they need to flush out the last of the hoarded dinars. [post 2 of 2]
11-17-2017 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77 Article quotes: "The Speaker of the House of Representatives Dr. Salim Al-Jubouri met with Mr. Mirza Hassan, Executive Director of Iraq at the World Bank." "The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Dr. Salim Al-Jubouri, Executive Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF)..."...here is Jubouri meeting with high level entities of both the World Bank and the IMF while he is here in the US.....If you stop and consider...the orchestration that Iraq is going through right now as they prepare to tell the world they are free from terrorists and ready to get on with their lives...and remember the LL...the Long Line that wants in...they IMO are salivating wanting to step up to the plate with Iraq and move their lives back into or towards a productive mode once again...We just await Abadi to light the fuse...a short fuse IMO that will create a world-wide wildfire that will create kingdom building as maybe it has never been known before...
11-17-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 Iraq's prime minister is congratulating his forces on retaking the last Iraqi town that was held by the Islamic State group. Article "Haider al-Abadi says in a statement released on Friday afternoon that Iraqi forces liberated Rawah in record time and are continuing operations to retake control of Iraq's western desert and the border area with Syria. The announcement came just moments after Iraq's Defense Ministry announced that Rawah — located 175 miles (275 kilometers) northwest of Baghdad — had been retaken from ISIS. The ministry said the assault on the town began at dawn and was complete within hours." Here we go!!!!!!!
11-17-2017 Newshound Guru Mnt Goat Well...it took a few more days (more like years) to get these reforms accomplished than we and the CBI anticipated. The problem in delay was of course the Nori al-Maliki years where nothing got done... Also we witnessed the raid on the CBI in late 2012 by Maliki and his goons, so this was also a major setback. Iraq is now moving ahead very quickly under the leadership of Abadi and Jubouri and just this week we witnessed an amazing feat of legislation get pushed through parliament for the amendments to the CBI law (56). [post 2 of 2]
11-17-2017 Newshound Guru Mnt Goat ...what is still to be done in order reinstate the Iraqi currency and move out of the program rate. This is a very good question and I don’t have all the answers for you…sorry! But I do remember the articles from the Finance Ministry in 2011 and 2012 and everything we are now witnessing for banking and financial reforms efforts were right in their plan as they then told us would be instituted in the “coming days”. [post 1 of 2...stay tuned]
11-17-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article quote: "The Iraqi parliament voted in today's session on the draft amendment of the second law of the Central Bank of Iraq for the purpose of increasing the capital and grant powers" This law is what the CBI needed and wanted for a very long time, especially since the raid on the CBI in late 2012. Remember that? It will ensure the independence of the organization and the banking industry from the government. Once ratified by the president it will then be law.
11-17-2017 Intel Guru Bruce I can tell you the rates are continuing to be traded and go up slightly. All good for our benefit. There are things happening behind the scenes that need to complete, that need to take place. Possibly take place before we go. It is all happening. I am looking forward for this to happen and looking forward for this to go down hopefully by the weekend. From what I can see out there, we are right there at the precipice, and we should be able to get exchanged here hopefully before Thanksgiving which is only a week away. Let’s see where that goes. [post 2 of 2]
11-17-2017 Intel Guru Bruce We know the intention was for Iraq to start a new series of celebrations today. I understand today they are still in prep mode for those celebrations. I do not think they started today [Thursday]. We know that it makes sense they start tomorrow instead of today because you know Iraq has been waiting for entry into or induction into the World Trade Organization, WTO...to show they are really ready to become a true international trading partner again. To do that of course they have to have a recognizable currency which is the Dinar, the Iraqi Dinar, and they have to have a rate people can see to know which the value of that Dinar is is in doing business with Iraq. My understanding is the induction into the WTO is supposed to come tomorrow [Friday]. It could be the celebration could start in conjunction with that. It could be that we start with what we are waiting for that is to be notified in conjunction with that. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
11-17-2017 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke ...we believe that Iraq and Vietnam, are further along, and closer to, substantially increasing the value of their currency, than ever before. So close, in fact, that we Believe and Expect Iraq, to Substantially increase the value of their Dinar, Publicly & Officially, sometime between November 17th and December 1, 2017. We particularly like the dates of Nov. 18, 19, 20, 21, 25th, 29th. We also believe and expect, that the most beneficial dates of Exchange, will be within the First 21 days of December. [reference Guru Dr. Clarke post 11-10-2017]
11-17-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat 4. More departments of ministries come online with electronic payments as Rafidain Bank announced Friday the payment of salaries of employees of some universities and departments of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the departments of the Ministry of Industry and Minerals and Ministry of Water Resources departments are now getting paid electronically. 5. The CBI recently announced to its citizens that they need to circulate their cash dinars (3 zero notes) into the economy and not hoard them. Why did they do this announcement? We know the CBI needs to reduce the money supply by 2/3 prior to the RV. They have told us this many times already. So we know prior to launching a new rate they need to flush out the last of the hoarded dinars. [post 2 of 2]
11-17-2017 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77 Article quotes: "The Speaker of the House of Representatives Dr. Salim Al-Jubouri met with Mr. Mirza Hassan, Executive Director of Iraq at the World Bank." "The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Dr. Salim Al-Jubouri, Executive Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF)..."...here is Jubouri meeting with high level entities of both the World Bank and the IMF while he is here in the US.....If you stop and consider...the orchestration that Iraq is going through right now as they prepare to tell the world they are free from terrorists and ready to get on with their lives...and remember the LL...the Long Line that wants in...they IMO are salivating wanting to step up to the plate with Iraq and move their lives back into or towards a productive mode once again...We just await Abadi to light the fuse...a short fuse IMO that will create a world-wide wildfire that will create kingdom building as maybe it has never been known before...
11-17-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 Iraq's prime minister is congratulating his forces on retaking the last Iraqi town that was held by the Islamic State group. Article "Haider al-Abadi says in a statement released on Friday afternoon that Iraqi forces liberated Rawah in record time and are continuing operations to retake control of Iraq's western desert and the border area with Syria. The announcement came just moments after Iraq's Defense Ministry announced that Rawah — located 175 miles (275 kilometers) northwest of Baghdad — had been retaken from ISIS. The ministry said the assault on the town began at dawn and was complete within hours." Here we go!!!!!!!
11-17-2017 Newshound Guru Mnt Goat Well...it took a few more days (more like years) to get these reforms accomplished than we and the CBI anticipated. The problem in delay was of course the Nori al-Maliki years where nothing got done... Also we witnessed the raid on the CBI in late 2012 by Maliki and his goons, so this was also a major setback. Iraq is now moving ahead very quickly under the leadership of Abadi and Jubouri and just this week we witnessed an amazing feat of legislation get pushed through parliament for the amendments to the CBI law (56). [post 2 of 2]
11-17-2017 Newshound Guru Mnt Goat ...what is still to be done in order reinstate the Iraqi currency and move out of the program rate. This is a very good question and I don’t have all the answers for you…sorry! But I do remember the articles from the Finance Ministry in 2011 and 2012 and everything we are now witnessing for banking and financial reforms efforts were right in their plan as they then told us would be instituted in the “coming days”. [post 1 of 2...stay tuned]
11-17-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article quote: "The Iraqi parliament voted in today's session on the draft amendment of the second law of the Central Bank of Iraq for the purpose of increasing the capital and grant powers" This law is what the CBI needed and wanted for a very long time, especially since the raid on the CBI in late 2012. Remember that? It will ensure the independence of the organization and the banking industry from the government. Once ratified by the president it will then be law.
11-17-2017 Intel Guru Bruce I can tell you the rates are continuing to be traded and go up slightly. All good for our benefit. There are things happening behind the scenes that need to complete, that need to take place. Possibly take place before we go. It is all happening. I am looking forward for this to happen and looking forward for this to go down hopefully by the weekend. From what I can see out there, we are right there at the precipice, and we should be able to get exchanged here hopefully before Thanksgiving which is only a week away. Let’s see where that goes. [post 2 of 2]
11-17-2017 Intel Guru Bruce We know the intention was for Iraq to start a new series of celebrations today. I understand today they are still in prep mode for those celebrations. I do not think they started today [Thursday]. We know that it makes sense they start tomorrow instead of today because you know Iraq has been waiting for entry into or induction into the World Trade Organization, WTO...to show they are really ready to become a true international trading partner again. To do that of course they have to have a recognizable currency which is the Dinar, the Iraqi Dinar, and they have to have a rate people can see to know which the value of that Dinar is is in doing business with Iraq. My understanding is the induction into the WTO is supposed to come tomorrow [Friday]. It could be the celebration could start in conjunction with that. It could be that we start with what we are waiting for that is to be notified in conjunction with that. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
11-17-2017 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke ...we believe that Iraq and Vietnam, are further along, and closer to, substantially increasing the value of their currency, than ever before. So close, in fact, that we Believe and Expect Iraq, to Substantially increase the value of their Dinar, Publicly & Officially, sometime between November 17th and December 1, 2017. We particularly like the dates of Nov. 18, 19, 20, 21, 25th, 29th. We also believe and expect, that the most beneficial dates of Exchange, will be within the First 21 days of December. [reference Guru Dr. Clarke post 11-10-2017]
11-16-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 and Delta Banks that have been buying and selling dinar are only selling and the rate for the buyback is listed at 0.0. This is a big deal.
11-16-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat we have been told that the CBI will re-educate their citizens prior to the re-instatement and issuance of the new bills and coins. No – this is not the education of just the banks but it also includes the education of the general populous of Iraq. I have been explicitly told to watch for this as a sign of the coming RV... I have not heard a peep from the CBI on this matter in a very long time.
11-16-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 IMO The speech from Abadi is coming NEXT week and not this week as I had originally thought... IMO this is required BEFORE anything really starts. IMO The third phase (the CBI and private banks) will be over in a couple of days. IMO This period will be shortened because they don't want the private banks leaking out the info. IMO They will open the rate at 1:1 but will float during a short period, however IMO it will float up faster then I originally thought...instead of months...IMO I believes the international companies are sitting there watching and waiting for it to RI and then they are going to jump on it and drive it up quickly. I am bound by what I can say without violating orders from [Guru] Walkingstick ...I cannot say a fraction of what I know right now but it’s all good.
11-16-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "OIL PRICES TOUCH $ 64 A BARREL" ...this is wonderful news since we know that oil prices must be high to RV. Why is this important? 1) It will boost the USD reserves in the CBI. Being that the program rate of the dinar is pegged to the USD; 2) It will allow the west (and China) to use their oil credits once the exchanges take place and dinar is turned in to the US Treasury. This is also why they need these other 36 oil wells in Kurkirk region to meet the needed pumping capacity to satisfy both the 2018 budget economy of Iraq and the use of the oil credits over the next 20 years; 3) It will present yet more economic stability for Iraq, something we have been told they need to continue with the next phase of the project to delete the zeros.
11-16-2017 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article from 04/11/2016: “Keywords: The adoption of electronic payment tools creates competition between banks” Quote: "The central bank governor Ali al-Alaq said on Wednesday that the localization of salaries is a government project aimed at transforming from a purely monetary society to the adoption of electronic payment tools." It is my opinion that what they are doing, is exactly what they told they were doing, and now it is about timing the implementation of the PROJECT!
11-16-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 No hot new intel to share, although there are things going on – news rather than intel. There was one article that seemed of interest. It referred to ‘the battle of liberation’ at Rawa in the next two days. The article said that on Friday Rawa will be liberated, ‘resolved within the next 48 hours’, through military action. That came out today, and on Monday Iraqi television spoke of full liberation of Rawas ‘in the coming hours’. There have been articles about the WTO possibly accepting Iraq as a full member on Friday; if so, that would indicate a release for the RV, but we don’t have any hard data on that, and we have had notifications like that before leading to a false conclusion. But everything still looks good for this week, leading into Thanksgiving. I feel very good about where we are and what’s about to take place.
11-16-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat we have been told that the CBI will re-educate their citizens prior to the re-instatement and issuance of the new bills and coins. No – this is not the education of just the banks but it also includes the education of the general populous of Iraq. I have been explicitly told to watch for this as a sign of the coming RV... I have not heard a peep from the CBI on this matter in a very long time.
11-16-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 IMO The speech from Abadi is coming NEXT week and not this week as I had originally thought... IMO this is required BEFORE anything really starts. IMO The third phase (the CBI and private banks) will be over in a couple of days. IMO This period will be shortened because they don't want the private banks leaking out the info. IMO They will open the rate at 1:1 but will float during a short period, however IMO it will float up faster then I originally thought...instead of months...IMO I believes the international companies are sitting there watching and waiting for it to RI and then they are going to jump on it and drive it up quickly. I am bound by what I can say without violating orders from [Guru] Walkingstick ...I cannot say a fraction of what I know right now but it’s all good.
11-16-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "OIL PRICES TOUCH $ 64 A BARREL" ...this is wonderful news since we know that oil prices must be high to RV. Why is this important? 1) It will boost the USD reserves in the CBI. Being that the program rate of the dinar is pegged to the USD; 2) It will allow the west (and China) to use their oil credits once the exchanges take place and dinar is turned in to the US Treasury. This is also why they need these other 36 oil wells in Kurkirk region to meet the needed pumping capacity to satisfy both the 2018 budget economy of Iraq and the use of the oil credits over the next 20 years; 3) It will present yet more economic stability for Iraq, something we have been told they need to continue with the next phase of the project to delete the zeros.
11-16-2017 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article from 04/11/2016: “Keywords: The adoption of electronic payment tools creates competition between banks” Quote: "The central bank governor Ali al-Alaq said on Wednesday that the localization of salaries is a government project aimed at transforming from a purely monetary society to the adoption of electronic payment tools." It is my opinion that what they are doing, is exactly what they told they were doing, and now it is about timing the implementation of the PROJECT!
11-16-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 No hot new intel to share, although there are things going on – news rather than intel. There was one article that seemed of interest. It referred to ‘the battle of liberation’ at Rawa in the next two days. The article said that on Friday Rawa will be liberated, ‘resolved within the next 48 hours’, through military action. That came out today, and on Monday Iraqi television spoke of full liberation of Rawas ‘in the coming hours’. There have been articles about the WTO possibly accepting Iraq as a full member on Friday; if so, that would indicate a release for the RV, but we don’t have any hard data on that, and we have had notifications like that before leading to a false conclusion. But everything still looks good for this week, leading into Thanksgiving. I feel very good about where we are and what’s about to take place.
11-15-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana The dinar is looking good. I’m VERY excited about the current prospects! We might be on the verge of RV right now, which many of you are keenly aware of. Today is a great day to hold Dinar, and that’s awesome for all of us (except you lopsters, you can all go find a pot to boil in.)
11-15-2017 Intel Gurus Frank26 and Delta ...the big party is going to be on Thursday and that Iraq will announce it is liberated and...this will allow the CBI to raise the rate.
[NOTE: The below should NOT be considered tax or investment advice. It is purely informational and the views of this guru. Speak to your own tax and investment professional at the appropriate time.]
11-15-2017 Guest Guru BobTheTaxMan …The key thing you have to take a look at is “what am I going to do if it comes out at this value or that value.” So when you put your strategies together realize how much dinar you have, how much you intend to have, how much you want to put into a Roth-which means you can’t have access to it for five years, but that when it comes to fruition is tax free. Here’s what I share with you just as a thought to play with…if you have 2 million dinar sitting in a Roth and it does come out at $1.17 that’s 2 million plus dollars tax free. If you can’t live on that something’s wrong. At the same time I tell you not to put all of the 2 million dinar you may have into the Roth because you can’t touch it for 5 years. And you may want to do something else. So never put all of them into one basket. But be aware you have to do several things you have to take a look at when you’re looking at the fluidity of your plan…your age, what you have already for retirement plan, what’s your diagnosis for if it comes out at 10 cents or it comes out at 50 cents or if it comes out at $1 how’s it going to work...
[NOTE: The above should NOT be considered tax or investment advice. It is purely informational and the views of this guru. Speak to your own tax and investment professional at the appropriate time.]
11-15-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article XII of the WTO Agreement process states that accession to the WTO will be “on terms to be agreed” between the acceding government and the WTO. Accession to the WTO is essentially a process of negotiation — quite different from the process of accession to other international entities, like the IMF, which is largely an automatic process. ...there is no formal requirement that any nation need an international currency to be a member of the WTO. Would having an international tradable currency help? Yes- and having one would only bring great wealth to the nation. So we now know that Iraq can RV without being ascending to a full member of the WTO. This does not mean they can’t still trade with neighboring middle eastern countries, they will have to do it with the USD since the currency is still sanctioned under Chapter VII from the war. ...There is absolutely NO REQUIREMENT to have a tradable currency (or currency that can be used in trade).
11-15-2017 Intel Guru Bruce The quote unquote the announcement from Iraq that has been made. The celebration is going to follow to celebrate they are sovereign, fully liberated from ISIS and back on the world stage as an international trading partner. That celebration...my understanding is that was to begin tomorrow [Wednesday]. I haven’t been able to confirm that tonight to know that for sure but that was my understanding yesterday. I am excited where we are to the process because every day I hear more and more what is coming together for us, and roughly how close we are and the fact we are right there. [post 2 of 2]
11-15-2017 Intel Guru Bruce Right now we are in a situation where Iraq is looking to put out their actual rate for their dinar here if they haven’t done it already... I think we are looking to that possibly any moment. My understanding is their induction to the WTO, World Trade Organization, they need to have that international rate up and actively live beforehand. I don’t know how much before hand, I thought 3 days... ...the control situation for Iraq has migrated over to the Central bank of Iraq, CBI, where they have the control on releasing that rate and showing that rate. That is a real positive step Iraq has done to do what they needed to do to be inducted into the WTO on Friday. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
11-15-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 I believe the final segment of training with the private banks are done. I believe they are signaling that this Friday will be the finality of all this. I think there will be a statement from Abadi coming along with a national celebration by, if not on, Friday. Iraq is meeting with the WTO on Friday and I think they will be declaring that they are international before then. IMO Iraq could join the WTO with a low rate, just not a program rate because of the restrictions. However, I think the probability of this is about zero. I believe IMO that they are at least 1:1 or near it now.
11-15-2017 Intel Guru Delta Article 8 requires Iraq to have a rate that is fair for their neighbors and what will be called the "true" value.
11-15-2017 Intel Gurus Frank26 and Delta ...the big party is going to be on Thursday and that Iraq will announce it is liberated and...this will allow the CBI to raise the rate.
[NOTE: The below should NOT be considered tax or investment advice. It is purely informational and the views of this guru. Speak to your own tax and investment professional at the appropriate time.]
11-15-2017 Guest Guru BobTheTaxMan …The key thing you have to take a look at is “what am I going to do if it comes out at this value or that value.” So when you put your strategies together realize how much dinar you have, how much you intend to have, how much you want to put into a Roth-which means you can’t have access to it for five years, but that when it comes to fruition is tax free. Here’s what I share with you just as a thought to play with…if you have 2 million dinar sitting in a Roth and it does come out at $1.17 that’s 2 million plus dollars tax free. If you can’t live on that something’s wrong. At the same time I tell you not to put all of the 2 million dinar you may have into the Roth because you can’t touch it for 5 years. And you may want to do something else. So never put all of them into one basket. But be aware you have to do several things you have to take a look at when you’re looking at the fluidity of your plan…your age, what you have already for retirement plan, what’s your diagnosis for if it comes out at 10 cents or it comes out at 50 cents or if it comes out at $1 how’s it going to work...
[NOTE: The above should NOT be considered tax or investment advice. It is purely informational and the views of this guru. Speak to your own tax and investment professional at the appropriate time.]
11-15-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article XII of the WTO Agreement process states that accession to the WTO will be “on terms to be agreed” between the acceding government and the WTO. Accession to the WTO is essentially a process of negotiation — quite different from the process of accession to other international entities, like the IMF, which is largely an automatic process. ...there is no formal requirement that any nation need an international currency to be a member of the WTO. Would having an international tradable currency help? Yes- and having one would only bring great wealth to the nation. So we now know that Iraq can RV without being ascending to a full member of the WTO. This does not mean they can’t still trade with neighboring middle eastern countries, they will have to do it with the USD since the currency is still sanctioned under Chapter VII from the war. ...There is absolutely NO REQUIREMENT to have a tradable currency (or currency that can be used in trade).
11-15-2017 Intel Guru Bruce The quote unquote the announcement from Iraq that has been made. The celebration is going to follow to celebrate they are sovereign, fully liberated from ISIS and back on the world stage as an international trading partner. That celebration...my understanding is that was to begin tomorrow [Wednesday]. I haven’t been able to confirm that tonight to know that for sure but that was my understanding yesterday. I am excited where we are to the process because every day I hear more and more what is coming together for us, and roughly how close we are and the fact we are right there. [post 2 of 2]
11-15-2017 Intel Guru Bruce Right now we are in a situation where Iraq is looking to put out their actual rate for their dinar here if they haven’t done it already... I think we are looking to that possibly any moment. My understanding is their induction to the WTO, World Trade Organization, they need to have that international rate up and actively live beforehand. I don’t know how much before hand, I thought 3 days... ...the control situation for Iraq has migrated over to the Central bank of Iraq, CBI, where they have the control on releasing that rate and showing that rate. That is a real positive step Iraq has done to do what they needed to do to be inducted into the WTO on Friday. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
11-15-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 I believe the final segment of training with the private banks are done. I believe they are signaling that this Friday will be the finality of all this. I think there will be a statement from Abadi coming along with a national celebration by, if not on, Friday. Iraq is meeting with the WTO on Friday and I think they will be declaring that they are international before then. IMO Iraq could join the WTO with a low rate, just not a program rate because of the restrictions. However, I think the probability of this is about zero. I believe IMO that they are at least 1:1 or near it now.
11-15-2017 Intel Guru Delta Article 8 requires Iraq to have a rate that is fair for their neighbors and what will be called the "true" value.
11-14-2017 Newshound Guru Stryker Second Amendments to the 2004 CBI Law is Done...Iraqi Parliament voted on the second amendment to the 2004 CBI Law this morning...
11-17-2017 Newshound Guru Don961 With Speaker Jubouri in America ... it seems Parliament got some work done ...finally voting on that CBI law to "keep pace with global economic development " ... reading laws related to transparency in investing arbitration ,.... promoting tourism and Iraq's rich history and antiquities as additional income streams...imo.
11-14-2017 Newshound Guru sandyf Of course Iraq can revalue at any time, done it several times over the years. A significant change can only be done at certain points in time. There is no precedent for anything other than percentage points on an overnight basis. [What are those "points in time?"...for any "significant" change...] It would need to be coincidental with an accounting period. Normally the smallest period would be a month... It should be fairly obvious that you cannot change wages an invoicing arrangements during a financial period. Also the structure of public companies would have to be altered. To understand the implications of a 'significant' change, people should look to what actually takes place during a redenomination. Zambia published online a set of technical guidelines for theirs which is well worth reading. A significant revaluation would be the equivalent of a redenomination without a change in currency code.
11-14-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "The House of Representatives votes on two laws and ends reading five laws" Quote: "The Council completed the vote on the second draft law of the Central Bank of Iraq Law No. (56) of 2004 on the Coalition Provisional Authority (dissolved) submitted by the financial committees and the economy and investment for the purpose of increasing the capital of the Central Bank of Iraq..." Parliament voted on CBI law.
11-14-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 On Monday, Parliament passed 4 laws, and voted to give the CBI the ability to increase its capital and granting powers. Abadi's speech did not pinpoint the exact date of the "largest celebration ever in Iraq" however...I have just learned of that designated day but am awaiting further detail before disclosing it. Well, it's Terrific Tuesday and we're not even halfway yet! Time Will Tell!!
11-14-2017 Newshound Guru G-Lin Article: "The House of Representatives votes on two laws and ends reading five laws" Quote: "The Council completed the vote on the second draft law of the Central Bank of Iraq Law No. (56) of 2004 on the Coalition Provisional Authority (dissolved) and submitted by the financial committees and the economy and investment for the purpose of increasing the capital of the Central Bank of Iraq and keep abreast of global economic development..."] [...great to see a vote finally on the cbi law ,this is one of the laws the IMF has asked for ,does it have to go into the gazette or is it now law...] I believe it needs to be entered into the Gazette or signed by the Pres. It usually happens rather quickly.
11-14-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article quote: "A member of the Committee on oil and energy parliamentary Razak Muhaibis, on Sunday, the government to send a draft law of oil and gas to the House of Representatives in order to vote on him, saying that the draft law "has been" since two parliamentary sessions because of "objection" the outgoing Kurdistan Region President Massoud Barzani and his party." ...now we know the truth 1) the oil and gas law is not yet completed; 2) it has been blocked by Kurdistan; 3) it is ABSOLUTELY needed prior to any RV.
11-14-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 [...what are your most recent thoughts on the dong?] Nothing’s changed with the dong; rates have been 47 cents for a long time, with some chance of being $2+. We’ll have to wait on that, but I expect it to revalue with the dinar or shortly thereafter.
11-14-2017 Guest Newshound Guru Apmcrx Finalising Basel III reforms: Press release: "The Group of Central Bank Governors and Heads of Supervision (GHOS), the oversight body of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, welcomes the progress made towards completing the Basel Committee’s post-crisis regulatory reforms." “The Committee will keep working to finalise its reforms aimed at fixing shortcomings highlighted by the financial crisis to make banks safer and more resilient,” Upcoming meetings: 12-13 December 2017 (Basel, Switzerland)
11-17-2017 Newshound Guru Don961 With Speaker Jubouri in America ... it seems Parliament got some work done ...finally voting on that CBI law to "keep pace with global economic development " ... reading laws related to transparency in investing arbitration ,.... promoting tourism and Iraq's rich history and antiquities as additional income streams...imo.
11-14-2017 Newshound Guru sandyf Of course Iraq can revalue at any time, done it several times over the years. A significant change can only be done at certain points in time. There is no precedent for anything other than percentage points on an overnight basis. [What are those "points in time?"...for any "significant" change...] It would need to be coincidental with an accounting period. Normally the smallest period would be a month... It should be fairly obvious that you cannot change wages an invoicing arrangements during a financial period. Also the structure of public companies would have to be altered. To understand the implications of a 'significant' change, people should look to what actually takes place during a redenomination. Zambia published online a set of technical guidelines for theirs which is well worth reading. A significant revaluation would be the equivalent of a redenomination without a change in currency code.
11-14-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "The House of Representatives votes on two laws and ends reading five laws" Quote: "The Council completed the vote on the second draft law of the Central Bank of Iraq Law No. (56) of 2004 on the Coalition Provisional Authority (dissolved) submitted by the financial committees and the economy and investment for the purpose of increasing the capital of the Central Bank of Iraq..." Parliament voted on CBI law.
11-14-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 On Monday, Parliament passed 4 laws, and voted to give the CBI the ability to increase its capital and granting powers. Abadi's speech did not pinpoint the exact date of the "largest celebration ever in Iraq" however...I have just learned of that designated day but am awaiting further detail before disclosing it. Well, it's Terrific Tuesday and we're not even halfway yet! Time Will Tell!!
11-14-2017 Newshound Guru G-Lin Article: "The House of Representatives votes on two laws and ends reading five laws" Quote: "The Council completed the vote on the second draft law of the Central Bank of Iraq Law No. (56) of 2004 on the Coalition Provisional Authority (dissolved) and submitted by the financial committees and the economy and investment for the purpose of increasing the capital of the Central Bank of Iraq and keep abreast of global economic development..."] [...great to see a vote finally on the cbi law ,this is one of the laws the IMF has asked for ,does it have to go into the gazette or is it now law...] I believe it needs to be entered into the Gazette or signed by the Pres. It usually happens rather quickly.
11-14-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article quote: "A member of the Committee on oil and energy parliamentary Razak Muhaibis, on Sunday, the government to send a draft law of oil and gas to the House of Representatives in order to vote on him, saying that the draft law "has been" since two parliamentary sessions because of "objection" the outgoing Kurdistan Region President Massoud Barzani and his party." ...now we know the truth 1) the oil and gas law is not yet completed; 2) it has been blocked by Kurdistan; 3) it is ABSOLUTELY needed prior to any RV.
11-14-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 [...what are your most recent thoughts on the dong?] Nothing’s changed with the dong; rates have been 47 cents for a long time, with some chance of being $2+. We’ll have to wait on that, but I expect it to revalue with the dinar or shortly thereafter.
11-14-2017 Guest Newshound Guru Apmcrx Finalising Basel III reforms: Press release: "The Group of Central Bank Governors and Heads of Supervision (GHOS), the oversight body of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, welcomes the progress made towards completing the Basel Committee’s post-crisis regulatory reforms." “The Committee will keep working to finalise its reforms aimed at fixing shortcomings highlighted by the financial crisis to make banks safer and more resilient,” Upcoming meetings: 12-13 December 2017 (Basel, Switzerland)
11-13-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni [what are we all waiting on now and what is the holdup/status?] Same as before...laws, stability, corruption, investment. This is a process that takes time. They are inching closer each day.
11-13-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 Some currency people are planning to go into the bank on Tuesday/Wednesday to exchange their currencies and especially the dinar. Anything could possibly roll out. As for today, Rawa was supposed to be liberated over the weekend, or so it was said on the television in Iraq...with preparations complete for the celebration, although that might be affected by the earthquake yesterday. Parliament is meeting tomorrow “for an historic day”. We don’t know if that the cause or the result. US banks are on alert for between now and Friday. Expectations are good for this week, with sources saying everything from half-done to completely done. These are expectations, not guarantees, but they are all good. [post 2 of 2]
11-13-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 The HCL payments were supposed to start over the weekend at the new rates...and we are still waiting for that information, if it has started or not. There was also the anticipation of PM Abadi making an announcement over the weekend that would leave no doubt as to where we would be standing. We have been told that they are setting up for the biggest celebration ever in Iraq, with bleachers and platforms being set up. Some military people have announced that it’s all over...bar the shouting, and the shouting is that big celebration. The bank folks were/are all on high expectation for something happening this week. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
11-13-2017 Newshound Guru Breitling …In other words we’re safe all the way up to $1.17…But if a war actually breaks out…So what’s Iraq’s plan? Iraq wants to get to $1.17 and then they actually put on the table a different economic plan which get’s them to $3.25. So that plan is going to be completely put to the wayside until the civil war is over with…IF it comes. So that’s the threat if they have an Islamic civil war in the Middle East…the $3.25 rate which Iraq wants to get to. But up to $1.17 you’re fine…I’m not saying they’re going to come out there. They’ll probably come out way lower and build their way up. So the turmoil in the middle east is only a threat from $1.17 on up. Up to $1.17 it is not. Nothing may come of it but that’s the way you have to plan for it…Here are a couple scenarios that can happen. And I have a game plan for each and everyone of them. Some people can stay in and risk because they have a lot more dinar. Some people, when it revalues at whatever rate, they need to get out. However it works out but that’s the way it is. So remember it’s [Islamic Civil War] a threat to the higher rate not the lower rate… [Post 2 of 2]
11-13-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article quote: "The economic adviser to the Prime Minister, the appearance of Mohammed Saleh, Thursday, November 9, 2017 that the territory of northern Iraq will receive his share of the draft federal budget of the country for the year 2018..." We see Baghdad being tough on the KRG. Saleh is trying to account for all the oil revenues from that region. Too much past corruption in the KRG. Why does Iraq have to borrow money to meet its deficit each year? They are a very rich country. I will tell you why – RAMPID CORRUPTION from the top political elite. The GOI has to clean this up. They are trying to balance the 2018 budget. These are all reasons why they are holding back on the final vote of the budget... I can assure you they are not holding back the budget due to the RV…
11-13-2017 Guest Newshound Guru Apmcrx Article from April 26 2017: "Iraqi banks .... and the road map to Basel 3" Quotes: "Based on the results of this experiment, the final modifications and treatments will be made on the components of this ratio in the first half of 2017, and will be applied definitively and effectively from the beginning of 2018." "Due to the limited time available to the Iraqi banks or the Central Bank of Iraq, we suggest that the time is invested properly and the 2017 allocation for intensive training with the pilot application of all the axes and requirements of Basel 3, with practical application starting from the beginning of 2018" By the way In CBI you can find plenty articles talking about basel 3 in 2017. If Basel 3 is international banking compliance then....(fireworks).
11-13-2017 Newshound Guru Breitling …The best strategy you can have is to be able to put different situations in front of you and have a game plan for each and every one of them that comes down. The top leaders in our country actually put together a strategy, they don’t just pick an A to Z strategy process. That would mean they know everything, that they would know exactly what’s coming down the road. And that’s not the case. That’s never the case. You have to know the different variables coming down the road and the different possibilities…I want to talk about the rate, there are articles coming out that we have Saudi Arabia pointing their fingers at Iran saying…these missiles coming from Yemen that’s a declaration of war…If there’s going to be an Islamic civil war that’s going to affect Iraq right? Absolutely it is…remember the Iraqi dinar is completely manipulated..If…IF…there is an Islamic civil war…It’s not a threat to $1.17... [Post 1 of 2 Stay tuned for the rest of the story]
11-13-2017 Newshound Guru Don961 Article: "6 tons of gold intervened monthly through the airports of Baghdad and Najaf" trusted by many in Iraq, gold imports beginning to pick up steam ... whenever Iraq begins mining their own gold resources, ... they will not just be bringing in gold from other countries, collecting tariffs and fees ... but they could possibly become the gold hub of the ME ... imo.
11-13-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 Some currency people are planning to go into the bank on Tuesday/Wednesday to exchange their currencies and especially the dinar. Anything could possibly roll out. As for today, Rawa was supposed to be liberated over the weekend, or so it was said on the television in Iraq...with preparations complete for the celebration, although that might be affected by the earthquake yesterday. Parliament is meeting tomorrow “for an historic day”. We don’t know if that the cause or the result. US banks are on alert for between now and Friday. Expectations are good for this week, with sources saying everything from half-done to completely done. These are expectations, not guarantees, but they are all good. [post 2 of 2]
11-13-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 The HCL payments were supposed to start over the weekend at the new rates...and we are still waiting for that information, if it has started or not. There was also the anticipation of PM Abadi making an announcement over the weekend that would leave no doubt as to where we would be standing. We have been told that they are setting up for the biggest celebration ever in Iraq, with bleachers and platforms being set up. Some military people have announced that it’s all over...bar the shouting, and the shouting is that big celebration. The bank folks were/are all on high expectation for something happening this week. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
11-13-2017 Newshound Guru Breitling …In other words we’re safe all the way up to $1.17…But if a war actually breaks out…So what’s Iraq’s plan? Iraq wants to get to $1.17 and then they actually put on the table a different economic plan which get’s them to $3.25. So that plan is going to be completely put to the wayside until the civil war is over with…IF it comes. So that’s the threat if they have an Islamic civil war in the Middle East…the $3.25 rate which Iraq wants to get to. But up to $1.17 you’re fine…I’m not saying they’re going to come out there. They’ll probably come out way lower and build their way up. So the turmoil in the middle east is only a threat from $1.17 on up. Up to $1.17 it is not. Nothing may come of it but that’s the way you have to plan for it…Here are a couple scenarios that can happen. And I have a game plan for each and everyone of them. Some people can stay in and risk because they have a lot more dinar. Some people, when it revalues at whatever rate, they need to get out. However it works out but that’s the way it is. So remember it’s [Islamic Civil War] a threat to the higher rate not the lower rate… [Post 2 of 2]
11-13-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article quote: "The economic adviser to the Prime Minister, the appearance of Mohammed Saleh, Thursday, November 9, 2017 that the territory of northern Iraq will receive his share of the draft federal budget of the country for the year 2018..." We see Baghdad being tough on the KRG. Saleh is trying to account for all the oil revenues from that region. Too much past corruption in the KRG. Why does Iraq have to borrow money to meet its deficit each year? They are a very rich country. I will tell you why – RAMPID CORRUPTION from the top political elite. The GOI has to clean this up. They are trying to balance the 2018 budget. These are all reasons why they are holding back on the final vote of the budget... I can assure you they are not holding back the budget due to the RV…
11-13-2017 Guest Newshound Guru Apmcrx Article from April 26 2017: "Iraqi banks .... and the road map to Basel 3" Quotes: "Based on the results of this experiment, the final modifications and treatments will be made on the components of this ratio in the first half of 2017, and will be applied definitively and effectively from the beginning of 2018." "Due to the limited time available to the Iraqi banks or the Central Bank of Iraq, we suggest that the time is invested properly and the 2017 allocation for intensive training with the pilot application of all the axes and requirements of Basel 3, with practical application starting from the beginning of 2018" By the way In CBI you can find plenty articles talking about basel 3 in 2017. If Basel 3 is international banking compliance then....(fireworks).
11-13-2017 Newshound Guru Breitling …The best strategy you can have is to be able to put different situations in front of you and have a game plan for each and every one of them that comes down. The top leaders in our country actually put together a strategy, they don’t just pick an A to Z strategy process. That would mean they know everything, that they would know exactly what’s coming down the road. And that’s not the case. That’s never the case. You have to know the different variables coming down the road and the different possibilities…I want to talk about the rate, there are articles coming out that we have Saudi Arabia pointing their fingers at Iran saying…these missiles coming from Yemen that’s a declaration of war…If there’s going to be an Islamic civil war that’s going to affect Iraq right? Absolutely it is…remember the Iraqi dinar is completely manipulated..If…IF…there is an Islamic civil war…It’s not a threat to $1.17... [Post 1 of 2 Stay tuned for the rest of the story]
11-13-2017 Newshound Guru Don961 Article: "6 tons of gold intervened monthly through the airports of Baghdad and Najaf" trusted by many in Iraq, gold imports beginning to pick up steam ... whenever Iraq begins mining their own gold resources, ... they will not just be bringing in gold from other countries, collecting tariffs and fees ... but they could possibly become the gold hub of the ME ... imo.
11-12-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 Iraqi TV is reportedly informing its viewers that within hours the town of Rawa will be liberated. Baghdad is preparing itself for the largest celebration of TOTAL liberation of ISIS from the country of Iraq. Platforms are again being created with music and fireworks in the plans making this the most significant event on record. Time Will Tell!!!
11-12-2017 Newshound Guru Don961 Article: "Float Egyptian Pound led to control the black market" Quote: "...floating the pound...has achieved many positive and desired goals, the most important of which is the decline of the role and control of the black market and the stability of currency rates..." Floating that pound hurt for sure ... but...they got the black market corruption under control and stabilized the currency ... it also appears that Egypt had a problem with China sending them sub-par quality goods for precious USDs ... just like Iraq has reported receiving poor quality goods from their "brotherly" neighbor Iran for the CBI's precious USDs ... imo...we'll have to see how Iraq's proposed float will turn out ...
11-12-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru sandyf "The Tariff Law - "The new tariff, which went into effect on January 19, imposes a 30 percent customs duty on imported goods coming through Iraq's crossing points, exempting the autonomous region of Kurdistan." When the Tariff Law was introduced Iraq needed Kurdistan to help clear ISIS so they exempted them from the law, but in doing so stopped any further dealings with the WTO. Things have changed, Iraq can now take control and recommence the process, starting this Friday.
11-12-2017 Newshound Guru Don961 Article: "Float Egyptian Pound led to control the black market" Quote: "...floating the pound...has achieved many positive and desired goals, the most important of which is the decline of the role and control of the black market and the stability of currency rates..." Floating that pound hurt for sure ... but...they got the black market corruption under control and stabilized the currency ... it also appears that Egypt had a problem with China sending them sub-par quality goods for precious USDs ... just like Iraq has reported receiving poor quality goods from their "brotherly" neighbor Iran for the CBI's precious USDs ... imo...we'll have to see how Iraq's proposed float will turn out ...
11-12-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru sandyf "The Tariff Law - "The new tariff, which went into effect on January 19, imposes a 30 percent customs duty on imported goods coming through Iraq's crossing points, exempting the autonomous region of Kurdistan." When the Tariff Law was introduced Iraq needed Kurdistan to help clear ISIS so they exempted them from the law, but in doing so stopped any further dealings with the WTO. Things have changed, Iraq can now take control and recommence the process, starting this Friday.
11-11-2017 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke DONG RATES. We believe & expect the Vietnamese Dong rates to substantially move within 24 hours of the Dinar rate offering. We have reason to believe that the optimum exchange rate window of the Dong, could see the same 10 day opportunity. HOWEVER, there is a real strong chance, that the DONG rates will not move much, if at all, until more than 30 days after the Dinar, simply because they are on a different schedule in Vietnam, concerning their REGIONAL CONCERNS, and the fact that it is a completely separate economy, with separate dynamics. While the door is open to raise the rate at or close to when the Dinar moves, there is also strong indications, that they may choose to wait a few weeks, to move it up, and WE ALSO BELIEVE they will progressively, and slowly move it up, over a period of MONTHS, to slowly integrate and control inflation in Vietnam. We believe Vietnam will come out with an initial, substantial rate increase in the $1.00 range, similar to Iraq, making the $1.00 - 1 Dong, a common sense move. [post 3 of 3]
11-11-2017 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke In the U.S., we expect an exchange rate of close to $4.00, within the first 10 days of Iraq’s new offering. We do however, believe & expect that Iraq will move their Dinar rate up a little more, sometime after the first 90 days of the new introduction, depending on how things look from an inflationary standpoint, as well as, lower denominations integration, bank flow of new customers and level of security reached and managed. In any event, we believe the optimum time of exchange of the Dinar, will be within the 1st 10 days, after the initial, substantial increase, Publicly & Officially. WHEN THE RATE MOVES UP SUBSTANTIALLY, THEN EVERYTHING & EVERYONE, WILL THEN GET THE OPPORTUNITY TO EXCHANGE. [post 2 of 3....stay tuned]
11-11-2017 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke We believe the 1st substantial, public Rate increase that Iraq will come out with, will be in the $1.40 range, within Iraq. Common sense would seem to indicate a $1.00 - 1 dinar equivalent... our hunch is around $1.40, give or take a few cents. WHY? Because the Price of OIL, is the baseline foundation to the wealth of Iraq, and now, according to PLAN, the OIL prices are going UP...this will continue... According to history, and the way things work, that $1.40 range rate, will be picked up by world markets instantly, and traded on exchanges. The exchange rates within every country will be different. [post 1 of 3....stay tuned]
11-11-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "LEAKS OF SECRET MEETING OF SECURITY LEADERS .. PESHMERGA EITHER POLICE FORCES OR PART OF THE IRAQI ARMY" ...this article is yet more evidence...that the GOI is breaking up the “Kurdistan Region” autonomy and moving them to a provincial kind of separate states, much like the rest of Iraq. They have to do this because they no longer want to continue with this threat of them becoming a separated state from Iraq, as the vote for independence (referendum) showed could happen.
11-11-2017 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan [According to an email...showing the World Trade Organization (WTO) schedule for the upcoming week:] "Informal Working Party on the ACCESSION OF IRAQ to the WTO is scheduled for 10 a.m., Friday, Nov. 17, 2017" Now how cool it that. WTO accession on 11/17/2017... Who said next year into 2018 today? lol WE all know the indicators Iraq has given us, have this on target for completion and this is a reality...
11-11-2017 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke DONG RATES. We believe & expect the Vietnamese Dong rates to substantially move within 24 hours of the Dinar rate offering. We have reason to believe that the optimum exchange rate window of the Dong, could see the same 10 day opportunity. HOWEVER, there is a real strong chance, that the DONG rates will not move much, if at all, until more than 30 days after the Dinar, simply because they are on a different schedule in Vietnam, concerning their REGIONAL CONCERNS, and the fact that it is a completely separate economy, with separate dynamics. While the door is open to raise the rate at or close to when the Dinar moves, there is also strong indications, that they may choose to wait a few weeks, to move it up, and WE ALSO BELIEVE they will progressively, and slowly move it up, over a period of MONTHS, to slowly integrate and control inflation in Vietnam. We believe Vietnam will come out with an initial, substantial rate increase in the $1.00 range, similar to Iraq, making the $1.00 - 1 Dong, a common sense move. [post 3 of 3]
11-11-2017 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke In the U.S., we expect an exchange rate of close to $4.00, within the first 10 days of Iraq’s new offering. We do however, believe & expect that Iraq will move their Dinar rate up a little more, sometime after the first 90 days of the new introduction, depending on how things look from an inflationary standpoint, as well as, lower denominations integration, bank flow of new customers and level of security reached and managed. In any event, we believe the optimum time of exchange of the Dinar, will be within the 1st 10 days, after the initial, substantial increase, Publicly & Officially. WHEN THE RATE MOVES UP SUBSTANTIALLY, THEN EVERYTHING & EVERYONE, WILL THEN GET THE OPPORTUNITY TO EXCHANGE. [post 2 of 3....stay tuned]
11-11-2017 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke We believe the 1st substantial, public Rate increase that Iraq will come out with, will be in the $1.40 range, within Iraq. Common sense would seem to indicate a $1.00 - 1 dinar equivalent... our hunch is around $1.40, give or take a few cents. WHY? Because the Price of OIL, is the baseline foundation to the wealth of Iraq, and now, according to PLAN, the OIL prices are going UP...this will continue... According to history, and the way things work, that $1.40 range rate, will be picked up by world markets instantly, and traded on exchanges. The exchange rates within every country will be different. [post 1 of 3....stay tuned]
11-11-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "LEAKS OF SECRET MEETING OF SECURITY LEADERS .. PESHMERGA EITHER POLICE FORCES OR PART OF THE IRAQI ARMY" ...this article is yet more evidence...that the GOI is breaking up the “Kurdistan Region” autonomy and moving them to a provincial kind of separate states, much like the rest of Iraq. They have to do this because they no longer want to continue with this threat of them becoming a separated state from Iraq, as the vote for independence (referendum) showed could happen.
11-11-2017 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan [According to an email...showing the World Trade Organization (WTO) schedule for the upcoming week:] "Informal Working Party on the ACCESSION OF IRAQ to the WTO is scheduled for 10 a.m., Friday, Nov. 17, 2017" Now how cool it that. WTO accession on 11/17/2017... Who said next year into 2018 today? lol WE all know the indicators Iraq has given us, have this on target for completion and this is a reality...
11-10-2017 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke ...we knew that the hammer was coming down on Kurdistan & Barzani...and this was BIG BIG BIG! ...WHY? It was EVERYTHING! Because...YOUR INVESTMENT IN IRAQ, IS AN INVESTMENT IN O - I - L. Without OIL, you have NO INVESTMENT, folks! NO MONEY! This is where your MONEY is coming from. ALL OF IT! PERIOD! Folks, KURDISTAN = OIL = BIG MONEY...It’s Iraq’s BIG JACKPOT...IRAQ is now Complete...so to Speak...we believe that Iraq and Vietnam, are further along, and closer to, substantially increasing the value of their currency, than ever before. So close, in fact, that we Believe and Expect Iraq, to Substantially increase the value of their Dinar, Publicly & Officially, sometime between November 17th and December 1, 2017. We particularly like the dates of Nov. 18, 19, 20, 21, 25th, 29th. We also believe and expect, that the most beneficial dates of Exchange, will be within the First 21 days of December. [post 3 of 3]
11-10-2017 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke ...but we will say, that over the past 22 months and 10 days that we’ve been here, that exact “Time”, has changed at the last minute...just 3 different times...and you see, the Dong is just riding along on the coat-tails of the Iraqi Dinar, meaning that at some point AFTER the Dinar moves, the Dong will move. What’s kept these 2 currencies from substantially increasing over the past, nearly 2 years? REGIONAL SAFETY & STABILITY…But ONE significant fact that you should know, is that OIL prices were dropped in 2014-15 so low, to intentionally bankrupt ISIS, for it was their #1 source of Income...and all MAJOR NATIONS agreed to it - to take the hit for as long as it took, to choke them off financially, thus allowing a collapse. Now, that’s why you see OIL coming back, and it will continue to raise...this is a BIG FACTOR...NOW, they see the opportunity to finally begin making that money back, which they lost over the past 3 years...in Many different ways. [post 2 of 3....stay tuned]
11-10-2017 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke Over the years, there has been more than 1 Plan, to substantially increase the value of Iraq’s currency, as well as Vietnam’s currency. We only talk about the Dinar & the Dong, because these are the only 2 currencies, we have interest in. We believe that all other currencies for now, are simply “Not a good investment”, too speculative, not timed right, and fraught with too many disqualifying factors, for substantial increase, anytime soon, if EVER. We have NO strong evidence to the contrary. However, the Iraq Dinar and the Vietnam Dong is different. We believe that BOTH of these, are a VERY GOOD Gamble, and we don’t see that changing. All of you that say, “Nobody knows the timing”, would be Wrong. There ARE those that know EXACTLY when these 2 currencies will increase substantially. They know the Day and the Rates. Make No Mistake... [post 1 of 3....stay tuned]
11-10-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat We have heard many times from the IMF their recommendation that Iraq peg their new currency to a basket of 5 currencies, when they reinstate it to the global markets. They also told us they recommend at this time that the IQD can withstand an initial reinstatement rate of around 1 IQD to $1.15 USD. If I were you I would not expect much more that in the range of around $1.00+ for an initial rate.
11-10-2017 Newshound Guru mike Article: "Despite the crisis .. Kurdistan paid about $ 100 million for oil producers" The Kurd's are on the ropes, Baghdad has stopped the dollar auctions and will freeze banking activity within the week, essentially cutting off Kurdish revenue and economic activity. With Iraq's PMU and other militia's controlling the borders it's going to be tougher for the Kurd's to get oil out of the region, I'm betting the pipeline to Ceyhan has been compromised and now the fleets of oil trucks will also be stopped. The last thing the Kurd's need is for the oil companies to abandon them. By now, we all know that Baghdad's GOI is riddled with corruption and directly influenced by Iran, this wasn't the horse to pick in the race. The Iraqi constitution has become a tool for those in power to gain advantages and stall progress. Article 140 and other portions are completely ignored at the expense of the minority Kurd's, Turkmen, Christians and Yazidi's. Barzani overstepped, Hero Talabani sold out to Soleimani and the Kurd's will pay the price for the failure of their leadership. IMO.
11-10-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 IMO...There are NO...Issues with the HCL and the KURDS and The GOI and the Budget and A!!! Finally...A Retro Active Action by the GOI will allow any day of 2017 to be...THE MOOKLA. [In The Still Of The Night...] Indeed ...It will arrive in this manner.
11-10-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "The Central Bank of Iraq, all banks not to sell the dollar to its branches in the Kurdistan region." I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt this action has nothing to do with the RV. This action is all about Kurdistan and their corruption. They were pumping billions of dollars out of Iraq into private accounts by their political leaders. They were also selling dollars thru private venders, charging enormous spreads. This was causing the rate of the USD vs IQD to be high. This lowers the rate of the IQD. These auctions are the only way you can get US dollars in Iraq, legally and so an opportunity to re-sell them in the black market. This was one of the reasons for the downturn in the CBI reserves too and MCP problems. Once this was discovered they stopped them from participating in the currency auctions windows until this is resolved.
11-10-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Article: "A simulation of the dinar exchange rate linked to a basket of currencies" It does not mean that a basket of currencies are going to be revalued at the same time...that's not what they are talking about. It's referring to International reintegration...bringing Iraq back into the fold.
11-10-2017 Intel Guru Bruce The exchange locations and Redemption Centers are.. including the banks are connected to all the banks around the world and the central banks around the world. Everyone is interconnected as of 1:15 pm this afternoon EST [Thursday]. All these banking institutions and banking centers are hooked up to the new Swift System... all set up through satellite, all hooked up and all ready to go. They have been staffed, on high alert, and ready to go. The Central Banks around the world are all interconnected also on a separate system called the RTGS or Real Time Global System, keeping them in communication with each other. That has been done the last couple of days... I have heard we are in a kind of another window now to be notified. There has been more things that have been accomplished the last couple of days even today that we didn’t know was needed. I think we are looking for everything to proceed here in the next few days. That is what I am hearing. ...we hear rates have been traded up and continue to be traded up. We will be pleased with them.
11-10-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 [A few months back, my bank gave me rates for selling and buying, and now they say they will never deal with dinar.] Maybe YOUR bank is doing that, but there is no doubt in my mind that we are moving forward, whether your bank is participating or not. ...we still have 60+ banks that do exchange dinar already – we’re just waiting for the rate to change. ...We are looking for the US rate to be $3.71 or higher. If there is an RV, and the rate is $2, then you already know the rate’s being suppressed. So how long will they hold the rate at $2, knowing that eventually it will be $3.71? You know it’s going to get there in the end, because it’s the country’s currency.
11-10-2017 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke ...but we will say, that over the past 22 months and 10 days that we’ve been here, that exact “Time”, has changed at the last minute...just 3 different times...and you see, the Dong is just riding along on the coat-tails of the Iraqi Dinar, meaning that at some point AFTER the Dinar moves, the Dong will move. What’s kept these 2 currencies from substantially increasing over the past, nearly 2 years? REGIONAL SAFETY & STABILITY…But ONE significant fact that you should know, is that OIL prices were dropped in 2014-15 so low, to intentionally bankrupt ISIS, for it was their #1 source of Income...and all MAJOR NATIONS agreed to it - to take the hit for as long as it took, to choke them off financially, thus allowing a collapse. Now, that’s why you see OIL coming back, and it will continue to raise...this is a BIG FACTOR...NOW, they see the opportunity to finally begin making that money back, which they lost over the past 3 years...in Many different ways. [post 2 of 3....stay tuned]
11-10-2017 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke Over the years, there has been more than 1 Plan, to substantially increase the value of Iraq’s currency, as well as Vietnam’s currency. We only talk about the Dinar & the Dong, because these are the only 2 currencies, we have interest in. We believe that all other currencies for now, are simply “Not a good investment”, too speculative, not timed right, and fraught with too many disqualifying factors, for substantial increase, anytime soon, if EVER. We have NO strong evidence to the contrary. However, the Iraq Dinar and the Vietnam Dong is different. We believe that BOTH of these, are a VERY GOOD Gamble, and we don’t see that changing. All of you that say, “Nobody knows the timing”, would be Wrong. There ARE those that know EXACTLY when these 2 currencies will increase substantially. They know the Day and the Rates. Make No Mistake... [post 1 of 3....stay tuned]
11-10-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat We have heard many times from the IMF their recommendation that Iraq peg their new currency to a basket of 5 currencies, when they reinstate it to the global markets. They also told us they recommend at this time that the IQD can withstand an initial reinstatement rate of around 1 IQD to $1.15 USD. If I were you I would not expect much more that in the range of around $1.00+ for an initial rate.
11-10-2017 Newshound Guru mike Article: "Despite the crisis .. Kurdistan paid about $ 100 million for oil producers" The Kurd's are on the ropes, Baghdad has stopped the dollar auctions and will freeze banking activity within the week, essentially cutting off Kurdish revenue and economic activity. With Iraq's PMU and other militia's controlling the borders it's going to be tougher for the Kurd's to get oil out of the region, I'm betting the pipeline to Ceyhan has been compromised and now the fleets of oil trucks will also be stopped. The last thing the Kurd's need is for the oil companies to abandon them. By now, we all know that Baghdad's GOI is riddled with corruption and directly influenced by Iran, this wasn't the horse to pick in the race. The Iraqi constitution has become a tool for those in power to gain advantages and stall progress. Article 140 and other portions are completely ignored at the expense of the minority Kurd's, Turkmen, Christians and Yazidi's. Barzani overstepped, Hero Talabani sold out to Soleimani and the Kurd's will pay the price for the failure of their leadership. IMO.
11-10-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 IMO...There are NO...Issues with the HCL and the KURDS and The GOI and the Budget and A!!! Finally...A Retro Active Action by the GOI will allow any day of 2017 to be...THE MOOKLA. [In The Still Of The Night...] Indeed ...It will arrive in this manner.
11-10-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "The Central Bank of Iraq, all banks not to sell the dollar to its branches in the Kurdistan region." I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt this action has nothing to do with the RV. This action is all about Kurdistan and their corruption. They were pumping billions of dollars out of Iraq into private accounts by their political leaders. They were also selling dollars thru private venders, charging enormous spreads. This was causing the rate of the USD vs IQD to be high. This lowers the rate of the IQD. These auctions are the only way you can get US dollars in Iraq, legally and so an opportunity to re-sell them in the black market. This was one of the reasons for the downturn in the CBI reserves too and MCP problems. Once this was discovered they stopped them from participating in the currency auctions windows until this is resolved.
11-10-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Article: "A simulation of the dinar exchange rate linked to a basket of currencies" It does not mean that a basket of currencies are going to be revalued at the same time...that's not what they are talking about. It's referring to International reintegration...bringing Iraq back into the fold.
11-10-2017 Intel Guru Bruce The exchange locations and Redemption Centers are.. including the banks are connected to all the banks around the world and the central banks around the world. Everyone is interconnected as of 1:15 pm this afternoon EST [Thursday]. All these banking institutions and banking centers are hooked up to the new Swift System... all set up through satellite, all hooked up and all ready to go. They have been staffed, on high alert, and ready to go. The Central Banks around the world are all interconnected also on a separate system called the RTGS or Real Time Global System, keeping them in communication with each other. That has been done the last couple of days... I have heard we are in a kind of another window now to be notified. There has been more things that have been accomplished the last couple of days even today that we didn’t know was needed. I think we are looking for everything to proceed here in the next few days. That is what I am hearing. ...we hear rates have been traded up and continue to be traded up. We will be pleased with them.
11-10-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 [A few months back, my bank gave me rates for selling and buying, and now they say they will never deal with dinar.] Maybe YOUR bank is doing that, but there is no doubt in my mind that we are moving forward, whether your bank is participating or not. ...we still have 60+ banks that do exchange dinar already – we’re just waiting for the rate to change. ...We are looking for the US rate to be $3.71 or higher. If there is an RV, and the rate is $2, then you already know the rate’s being suppressed. So how long will they hold the rate at $2, knowing that eventually it will be $3.71? You know it’s going to get there in the end, because it’s the country’s currency.
11-9-2017 Newshound Guru Don961 Article: "Baghdad cut the hard currency from Kurdistan" Quote: "The Central Bank of Iraq decided on Wednesday, to stop the sale of foreign currency to banks operating in the northern region of all the country." no more sneaking usd CBI reserves out of the country thru a bogus bank account for a bogus company importing bogus goods and services thru use of the currency auction ... enough ... imo.
11-9-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 UPDATE...THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2017... An Iraqi military commander is interviewed on Iraqi TV stating that Iraq is "clear" of ISIS and that the last stronghold was eliminated. However, PM Abadi has YET to make any declarations or announcements. Time Will Tell!
11-9-2017 Newshound Guru Enorrste Article: "A simulation of the dinar exchange rate linked to a basket of currencies" We do not want the dinar tied to a basket of currencies. We want a freely floating currency. Let's hope no one pays any attention to this guy.
11-9-2017 Newshound Guru Don961 Article: "This is the number of remaining elements in the judiciary" Quote: "The head of the district of Rao, west of Anbar Hussein al-Aqidi, on Thursday, that the preparation of elements of the organization calling the remaining in the judiciary does not exceed 20 people." not much left to do ... wonder if Abadi already has that liberation speech prepared and copyrighted ... ready to be published ... YUUUUUUPP! ...imo.
11-9-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 [One person is saying that three zero notes have to be recalled, and the earliest this could happen would be January, 2018. That might be better for tax purposes. Does Iraq have an income tax system like ours?] There’s never been any mention of income tax from Iraqi sources, so I don’t think that is an issue. It might serve us best to wait until January anyway, because we are keeping an eye on the rates, and if they don’t come out at the ‘true’ value, then many of us will sit and let them appreciate. If the other rates are suppressed, the way gold and silver have been in the past in the US and in China, then the same thing could happen with the public release of the RV. It might be that several currencies we’re interested in could be suppressed for 90 days. So we might be waiting until January or February anyway. Also, I don’t think we’ll only have two to three weeks to exchange; it’s the country’s currency, so how can they limit the use of it once it’s gone international.
11-9-2017 Newshound Guru chattels Article: "Abadi: The military will soon end soon and the security challenge remains" ".....the security challenge remains" A question is and remains what level of security is "necessary" to facilitate our event, IMO. Obviously, I think, there has been a deterioration of political stability at least in the short term. [they will never be totally secure...no country is...I think once the borders are sealed /protected then we might see something.] Agreed.
11-9-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "IRAQI MILITIA CROSSED THE SYRIAN BORDER TO JOIN THE BATTLE FOR THE LAST ISIS STRONGHOLD OF ABU KAMAL" ...I would not anticipate this is the LAST of the LAST areas to clear ISIS, as we were told 3 times already this was the LAST and them yet more. So, we don’t know what is the last as they are not telling us. ...The translation is telling us the LAST but only the last of that area they just moved into or out of. Then they move on to yet another area to liberate. To me it sounds like the Iraqi army is chasing ISIS into Syria.
11-9-2017 Newshound Guru Walkingstick [Saturday is the 11th; Frank [Guru Frank26] likes Saturday, going into Sunday; Sunday, the 12th, is 3 days before the U.N. Operational rates are posted ...] A country... may change, their operational rate/s of exchange at any time...The UN publication of dates is not a reflection of when a country may or may not adjust their operational exchange rate/s, accordingly...
11-9-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 [In one of your updates, you wrote that "Currency exchangers are being required to report their Dinar inventory effective for Tuesday". Who do the US currency dealers get their currency from – the CBI / UST?] They have their own suppliers. [If the dealers in Iraq can no longer sell dinar does that mean that US dealers can only sell what they have left in inventory?] That is my belief, that they continue to sell the inventory they have on hand, or that their suppliers have, but cannot get any more.
11-9-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 UPDATE...THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2017... An Iraqi military commander is interviewed on Iraqi TV stating that Iraq is "clear" of ISIS and that the last stronghold was eliminated. However, PM Abadi has YET to make any declarations or announcements. Time Will Tell!
11-9-2017 Newshound Guru Enorrste Article: "A simulation of the dinar exchange rate linked to a basket of currencies" We do not want the dinar tied to a basket of currencies. We want a freely floating currency. Let's hope no one pays any attention to this guy.
11-9-2017 Newshound Guru Don961 Article: "This is the number of remaining elements in the judiciary" Quote: "The head of the district of Rao, west of Anbar Hussein al-Aqidi, on Thursday, that the preparation of elements of the organization calling the remaining in the judiciary does not exceed 20 people." not much left to do ... wonder if Abadi already has that liberation speech prepared and copyrighted ... ready to be published ... YUUUUUUPP! ...imo.
11-9-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 [One person is saying that three zero notes have to be recalled, and the earliest this could happen would be January, 2018. That might be better for tax purposes. Does Iraq have an income tax system like ours?] There’s never been any mention of income tax from Iraqi sources, so I don’t think that is an issue. It might serve us best to wait until January anyway, because we are keeping an eye on the rates, and if they don’t come out at the ‘true’ value, then many of us will sit and let them appreciate. If the other rates are suppressed, the way gold and silver have been in the past in the US and in China, then the same thing could happen with the public release of the RV. It might be that several currencies we’re interested in could be suppressed for 90 days. So we might be waiting until January or February anyway. Also, I don’t think we’ll only have two to three weeks to exchange; it’s the country’s currency, so how can they limit the use of it once it’s gone international.
11-9-2017 Newshound Guru chattels Article: "Abadi: The military will soon end soon and the security challenge remains" ".....the security challenge remains" A question is and remains what level of security is "necessary" to facilitate our event, IMO. Obviously, I think, there has been a deterioration of political stability at least in the short term. [they will never be totally secure...no country is...I think once the borders are sealed /protected then we might see something.] Agreed.
11-9-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "IRAQI MILITIA CROSSED THE SYRIAN BORDER TO JOIN THE BATTLE FOR THE LAST ISIS STRONGHOLD OF ABU KAMAL" ...I would not anticipate this is the LAST of the LAST areas to clear ISIS, as we were told 3 times already this was the LAST and them yet more. So, we don’t know what is the last as they are not telling us. ...The translation is telling us the LAST but only the last of that area they just moved into or out of. Then they move on to yet another area to liberate. To me it sounds like the Iraqi army is chasing ISIS into Syria.
11-9-2017 Newshound Guru Walkingstick [Saturday is the 11th; Frank [Guru Frank26] likes Saturday, going into Sunday; Sunday, the 12th, is 3 days before the U.N. Operational rates are posted ...] A country... may change, their operational rate/s of exchange at any time...The UN publication of dates is not a reflection of when a country may or may not adjust their operational exchange rate/s, accordingly...
11-9-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 [In one of your updates, you wrote that "Currency exchangers are being required to report their Dinar inventory effective for Tuesday". Who do the US currency dealers get their currency from – the CBI / UST?] They have their own suppliers. [If the dealers in Iraq can no longer sell dinar does that mean that US dealers can only sell what they have left in inventory?] That is my belief, that they continue to sell the inventory they have on hand, or that their suppliers have, but cannot get any more.
11-8-2017 Newshound Guru mike Article: "Baghdad clamping down on the banks of Iraqi Kurdistan" [What does it mean the the cbi has stopped the dollar sales to Kurdistan?] It's another exchange restriction prohibiting the Kurd's from having access to the dollar. Now they'll go through the money exchangers instead of the banks. We'll watch and see how this effects the spread...
11-8-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 Kurdistan has been blocked from the banking system, with bans on international flights. These are sanctions on Kurdistan, and we can possibly tie this in with dealers being told not to sell any more dinar. The banks are being told NOT to send dollars to Kurdistan. If dealers are being told not to sell dinar, there are no US dollars coming in to them, to be floating around. If no more US dollars go to Kurdistan, whether through the banks or dealers… hmm. Could it be that Baghdad is about to stop the flow of US dollars as well? If so, that implies no more US dollars in Iraq, only using the dinar, and that meets the IMF requirements, and a revalue could be immediate. These are just my thoughts… We are looking for this thing to be wrapped up before the end of the month, preferably before Thanksgiving. That gives us a little wiggle room. [post 2 of 2]
11-8-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 ...today we heard from Abadi that the 12% for the Kurds ‘is not final’, that they CAN get back to the 17% that they were seeking and agreed to earlier in the year, providing they relinquish the territory they had taken from Iraq. Barzani’s nephew (who is now the leader of Kurdistan) is saying that they will comply. Rawa is more an afterthought, but 2,500 people are being held hostage there, and being used as targets. This makes it difficult for the military to go in and clean up the area. Will this make a difference for what we are looking for? That’s a good question. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
11-8-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "WELCOME TO THE IRAQ BANKING & INVESTMENT SUMMIT" Quote: "THE COUNTRY IS READY TO DEVELOP ITS ECONOMY AND ONCE AGAIN SHOWCASE ALL IT HAS TO OFFER." Moving to a sustainable economy is not really the choice of Iraq. Oh – okay so they do have choices – either be ready for the future or crumble as a society. These are their choices.
11-8-2017 Newshound Guru sandyf The term "International currency" does not mean anything. There are 3 types of currency - Fully convertible, Partially convertible and Non convertible. Article 14 currencies by virtue of their status with the IMF are Non convertible. Article 8 currencies are normally able to be exchanged worldwide but at the discretion of the exchanger. When a currency becomes volatile an exchanger may well refuse to exchange as happened with the Russian Rouble not that long ago.
11-8-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat I have been told from the CBI that the project to delete the zeros is at its very last stages of the process and now awaits that final movement of the currency. ...I believe the CBI is targeting more like EARLY 2018 and more specifically early January.
11-8-2017 Newshound Guru Walkingstick [...what else is there to study/say? were done imo.] Not much, we await... articles, to catch up... Well ahead, of what you read...For, the most part... nothing, but fillers... It's all, in... the timing, of release..
11-8-2017 Intel Guru Bruce Some of the people that we hear from in the way of Intel are having to be very quiet. Iraq is basically, I think, complete. My thinking is that liberation announcement was repeated and emphasized again by Prime Minister Abadi. I believe that basically took care of what Iraq needed to do. I also heard the rate of the dinar came out, but I haven’t seen that. It is not ready to be revealed to us here. The rates for couple of the currencies have been traded up higher in the last couple of days quite a bit. I think we are looking good as far as that goes. We understand at 2 am this morning [Tuesday] Iraq was put on the real time global system, the new banking system...that would allow them to be truly international. We can’t predict this thing exactly when, but we are in the final few days...We feel this is our week. We just have to see what transpires...
11-8-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 Kurdistan has been blocked from the banking system, with bans on international flights. These are sanctions on Kurdistan, and we can possibly tie this in with dealers being told not to sell any more dinar. The banks are being told NOT to send dollars to Kurdistan. If dealers are being told not to sell dinar, there are no US dollars coming in to them, to be floating around. If no more US dollars go to Kurdistan, whether through the banks or dealers… hmm. Could it be that Baghdad is about to stop the flow of US dollars as well? If so, that implies no more US dollars in Iraq, only using the dinar, and that meets the IMF requirements, and a revalue could be immediate. These are just my thoughts… We are looking for this thing to be wrapped up before the end of the month, preferably before Thanksgiving. That gives us a little wiggle room. [post 2 of 2]
11-8-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 ...today we heard from Abadi that the 12% for the Kurds ‘is not final’, that they CAN get back to the 17% that they were seeking and agreed to earlier in the year, providing they relinquish the territory they had taken from Iraq. Barzani’s nephew (who is now the leader of Kurdistan) is saying that they will comply. Rawa is more an afterthought, but 2,500 people are being held hostage there, and being used as targets. This makes it difficult for the military to go in and clean up the area. Will this make a difference for what we are looking for? That’s a good question. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
11-8-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "WELCOME TO THE IRAQ BANKING & INVESTMENT SUMMIT" Quote: "THE COUNTRY IS READY TO DEVELOP ITS ECONOMY AND ONCE AGAIN SHOWCASE ALL IT HAS TO OFFER." Moving to a sustainable economy is not really the choice of Iraq. Oh – okay so they do have choices – either be ready for the future or crumble as a society. These are their choices.
11-8-2017 Newshound Guru sandyf The term "International currency" does not mean anything. There are 3 types of currency - Fully convertible, Partially convertible and Non convertible. Article 14 currencies by virtue of their status with the IMF are Non convertible. Article 8 currencies are normally able to be exchanged worldwide but at the discretion of the exchanger. When a currency becomes volatile an exchanger may well refuse to exchange as happened with the Russian Rouble not that long ago.
11-8-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat I have been told from the CBI that the project to delete the zeros is at its very last stages of the process and now awaits that final movement of the currency. ...I believe the CBI is targeting more like EARLY 2018 and more specifically early January.
11-8-2017 Newshound Guru Walkingstick [...what else is there to study/say? were done imo.] Not much, we await... articles, to catch up... Well ahead, of what you read...For, the most part... nothing, but fillers... It's all, in... the timing, of release..
11-8-2017 Intel Guru Bruce Some of the people that we hear from in the way of Intel are having to be very quiet. Iraq is basically, I think, complete. My thinking is that liberation announcement was repeated and emphasized again by Prime Minister Abadi. I believe that basically took care of what Iraq needed to do. I also heard the rate of the dinar came out, but I haven’t seen that. It is not ready to be revealed to us here. The rates for couple of the currencies have been traded up higher in the last couple of days quite a bit. I think we are looking good as far as that goes. We understand at 2 am this morning [Tuesday] Iraq was put on the real time global system, the new banking system...that would allow them to be truly international. We can’t predict this thing exactly when, but we are in the final few days...We feel this is our week. We just have to see what transpires...
11-7-2017 Newshound Guru sandyf ...from a well known guru... "The CBI has said something about a rate of $1.15 in-country to go into effect in 72 hours;" " Yes, but they will probably have a different rate in-country, just like the Iraqi dinar has a different rate structure in Iraq as opposed to overseas. " If the person concerned had done their homework they would be aware of a factual situation of different exchange rates in and out of the country. Introducing new currency codes is not an overnight event as accounting software companies must amend the software to accept the new code. In the case of redenominations it has normally been done about four months before introduction. If Iraq, or any other country, is to have a different rate inside to outside the country then it is not going to happen any time soon.
11-7-2017 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77 Article: "Baghdad looks to take control of KRG oil" Quote: “The government’s control of oil wealth does not mean a certain national party will monopolize the sector. All oil resources will be fairly distributed among the people.” They speak of controlling the KRG oil, all of it from the sound of it...and quite honestly this could very well be the most intelligent move that Baghdad/Abadi has made to date...this will IMO insure the HCL is given equally to all the people of Iraq if it is given to one...The oil within the nation of Iraq belongs to all citizens and they should all share accordingly...IMO....the BEST is coming..
11-7-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 The following has been reported from our best Iraqi sources: Rawa is awaiting liberation, efforts are underway. PM Abadi on Iraqi TV stating the 2018 budget will reflect 12% allocation to the Kurds without negotiation. The referendum was the major culprit/cause for this action. PM Abadi pledges to use force if Peshmerga does not concede. The CBI has informed Iraqi money exchangers to discontinue sales of Dinar. No sales of Dinar in the country leaves the citizens excited and anticipating an upcoming rate change. Currency exchangers are being required to report their Dinar inventory effective for Tuesday. Unification efforts are underway for "one country, one Iraq." Dinar is becoming the only currency being used for commerce in Iraq. "The train is slowly approaching the station" ...be ye ready!! Time Will Tell...
11-7-2017 Newshound Guru Don961 ...Stable currency reflects the stability of the economic system ... and on safety and the stability of the country itself .. and its future prospects .... There is so much potential wealth and so much money to be made!! ..... since most of it is physically in the ground .... what's needed is a safe and stable environment , in all aspects , to harvest that wealth ... get that momentum going ... then the prosperity will follow ... imo.
11-7-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "The Central Bank of Iraq, the currency outside the banks amounted to more than 40 trillion dinars." This is our good news for today...this article is telling us...that the CBI reduced the amount of dinars in circulation from 40.18 trillion (March 2016) to 37.5 trillion (March 2017). This is part of the project to delete the zeros. This reduction was due to the electronic banking applied to that point in March of this year when the reports are made each year. I suspect the dinar count will be almost cut in half by next March 2018 due to Kurdistan coming on board with electronic banking as well as Mosul post ISIS. This may get the CBI to their goals of cutting the money supply in circulation by 2/3 as part of the project to delete the zeros?
11-7-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 [...is there any reasonable expectation for a time frame...?] I’m good for this week, right now. Let’s see what this 72-hour deal with the hidden rate on the CBI comes to. [Reference: Guru RayRen98 11-6-2017 below]
11-7-2017 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77 Article: "Baghdad looks to take control of KRG oil" Quote: “The government’s control of oil wealth does not mean a certain national party will monopolize the sector. All oil resources will be fairly distributed among the people.” They speak of controlling the KRG oil, all of it from the sound of it...and quite honestly this could very well be the most intelligent move that Baghdad/Abadi has made to date...this will IMO insure the HCL is given equally to all the people of Iraq if it is given to one...The oil within the nation of Iraq belongs to all citizens and they should all share accordingly...IMO....the BEST is coming..
11-7-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 The following has been reported from our best Iraqi sources: Rawa is awaiting liberation, efforts are underway. PM Abadi on Iraqi TV stating the 2018 budget will reflect 12% allocation to the Kurds without negotiation. The referendum was the major culprit/cause for this action. PM Abadi pledges to use force if Peshmerga does not concede. The CBI has informed Iraqi money exchangers to discontinue sales of Dinar. No sales of Dinar in the country leaves the citizens excited and anticipating an upcoming rate change. Currency exchangers are being required to report their Dinar inventory effective for Tuesday. Unification efforts are underway for "one country, one Iraq." Dinar is becoming the only currency being used for commerce in Iraq. "The train is slowly approaching the station" ...be ye ready!! Time Will Tell...
11-7-2017 Newshound Guru Don961 ...Stable currency reflects the stability of the economic system ... and on safety and the stability of the country itself .. and its future prospects .... There is so much potential wealth and so much money to be made!! ..... since most of it is physically in the ground .... what's needed is a safe and stable environment , in all aspects , to harvest that wealth ... get that momentum going ... then the prosperity will follow ... imo.
11-7-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "The Central Bank of Iraq, the currency outside the banks amounted to more than 40 trillion dinars." This is our good news for today...this article is telling us...that the CBI reduced the amount of dinars in circulation from 40.18 trillion (March 2016) to 37.5 trillion (March 2017). This is part of the project to delete the zeros. This reduction was due to the electronic banking applied to that point in March of this year when the reports are made each year. I suspect the dinar count will be almost cut in half by next March 2018 due to Kurdistan coming on board with electronic banking as well as Mosul post ISIS. This may get the CBI to their goals of cutting the money supply in circulation by 2/3 as part of the project to delete the zeros?
11-7-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 [...is there any reasonable expectation for a time frame...?] I’m good for this week, right now. Let’s see what this 72-hour deal with the hidden rate on the CBI comes to. [Reference: Guru RayRen98 11-6-2017 below]
11-6-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Quote: "...there are other factors that play a role: 1. in the rise and fall of political and security stability, and 2. the rule of law, 3. the strength or weakness of the relevant State institutions." So once again this interview confirms that the project to delete the zeros is to lift the value of the dinar. The CBI told us they “need to ensure the success of the process before starting out”. To me it means they do not want to start and stop again. Next time they begin it will be for real, because they have ALL their ducks in a line. Get it now why it is taking so long? We are now certain as to what is holding up the continuance and the final steps of this “project to delete the zeros”. It can not get any clearer. It will not be much longer. [post 2 of 2]
11-6-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat "PART OF AN INTERVIEW WITH THE CBI GOVERNOR JUNE 2016" Quote: "MAKING THE DOLLAR EQUAL TO THE DINAR in current situation means encouraging more imports and miss opportunities to promote local production." Did they just give us a hint as to the initial rate? I quote...“making the dollar equal to the dinar” which means a 1:1 par with the dollar. Oh! – but how do they plan to do this? They are also telling us this too. I quote from the article again – “in current situation means encouraging more imports and miss opportunities to promote local production”. It means they MUST first grow the economy and to do this means moving it over to the private sector. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
11-6-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 Parliament did not vote on the budget as was expected this weekend. Abadi has yet to make an official announcement about the liberation, although apparently he was on Iraqi television today saying that the Kurds will receive 12% rather than 17% of the oil revenues. The Kurds are not happy about that, of course. The budget has been postponed until next week, and troops are on the way to Rawa. The CBI has said something about a rate of $1.15 in-country to go into effect in 72 hours; this was first seen on Saturday, on the CBI site, so we don’t know when the 72 hours started, but it should come to fruition today, tomorrow or Wednesday. If I get any more information, I'll send it out. [post 2 of 2]
11-6-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 From Friday’s information we anticipated an announcement. The CBI was urging people to bring in their cash and use electronic systems. Also we heard that there might be a cap of 75,000 dinar for Iraqis to exchange as individuals. That is...more for Iraqis living overseas and sending money home to their families. The announcement did happen, saying that town/district al-Qain has been liberated. Rawa was also being contested, but that is a relatively deserted area. So we are hearing that the liberation is done, with even US radio stations announcing the full liberation of Iraq over the weekend. We do hear they will liberate Rawa today. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
11-6-2017 Newshound Guru mike Article: "Central Bank: currency outside banks amounted to more than 40 trillion dinars" Iraq has roughly 56 trillion in M0 money supply with 40 trillion outside the banks. It's time for a change, pass the deposit law and the folks might begin coming back. For now, they trust and prefer their own security over the banks.
11-6-2017 Guest Newshound Guru Apmcrx Article: "A simulation of the dinar exchange rate linked to the basket of currencies" ...article directly from the CBI webpage...THIS IS STRAIGHT FROM CBI AND THEY ARE TELLING YOU THE EXCHANGE RATE!!! ...PDF document...is telling you the dinar exchange rate compared to the currency basket...from .90 to $1.15 IQD/USD... Now, why the CBI is "simulating?" Because they want to go international and know the real IQD/USD exchange rate IMO. Who suggested or proposed the peg to a basket of currencies? IMF, World Bank, USA as we have seen the articles demanding this agencies to Iraq implementation of reforms IMO by the end of this year.
11-6-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat "PART OF AN INTERVIEW WITH THE CBI GOVERNOR JUNE 2016" Quote: "MAKING THE DOLLAR EQUAL TO THE DINAR in current situation means encouraging more imports and miss opportunities to promote local production." Did they just give us a hint as to the initial rate? I quote...“making the dollar equal to the dinar” which means a 1:1 par with the dollar. Oh! – but how do they plan to do this? They are also telling us this too. I quote from the article again – “in current situation means encouraging more imports and miss opportunities to promote local production”. It means they MUST first grow the economy and to do this means moving it over to the private sector. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
11-6-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 Parliament did not vote on the budget as was expected this weekend. Abadi has yet to make an official announcement about the liberation, although apparently he was on Iraqi television today saying that the Kurds will receive 12% rather than 17% of the oil revenues. The Kurds are not happy about that, of course. The budget has been postponed until next week, and troops are on the way to Rawa. The CBI has said something about a rate of $1.15 in-country to go into effect in 72 hours; this was first seen on Saturday, on the CBI site, so we don’t know when the 72 hours started, but it should come to fruition today, tomorrow or Wednesday. If I get any more information, I'll send it out. [post 2 of 2]
11-6-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 From Friday’s information we anticipated an announcement. The CBI was urging people to bring in their cash and use electronic systems. Also we heard that there might be a cap of 75,000 dinar for Iraqis to exchange as individuals. That is...more for Iraqis living overseas and sending money home to their families. The announcement did happen, saying that town/district al-Qain has been liberated. Rawa was also being contested, but that is a relatively deserted area. So we are hearing that the liberation is done, with even US radio stations announcing the full liberation of Iraq over the weekend. We do hear they will liberate Rawa today. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
11-6-2017 Newshound Guru mike Article: "Central Bank: currency outside banks amounted to more than 40 trillion dinars" Iraq has roughly 56 trillion in M0 money supply with 40 trillion outside the banks. It's time for a change, pass the deposit law and the folks might begin coming back. For now, they trust and prefer their own security over the banks.
11-6-2017 Guest Newshound Guru Apmcrx Article: "A simulation of the dinar exchange rate linked to the basket of currencies" ...article directly from the CBI webpage...THIS IS STRAIGHT FROM CBI AND THEY ARE TELLING YOU THE EXCHANGE RATE!!! ...PDF document...is telling you the dinar exchange rate compared to the currency basket...from .90 to $1.15 IQD/USD... Now, why the CBI is "simulating?" Because they want to go international and know the real IQD/USD exchange rate IMO. Who suggested or proposed the peg to a basket of currencies? IMF, World Bank, USA as we have seen the articles demanding this agencies to Iraq implementation of reforms IMO by the end of this year.
11-5-2017 Newshound Guru Don961 Article: "A simulation of the dinar exchange rate linked to a basket of currencies" Just a simulation study...should the dinar get pegged to a basket of world reserve currencies ... as opposed to staying 'binary" (linked/pegged only to the USD)...shows how the exchange rate of the iqd would be affected should it be put into this world currency basket... Just doing such a study kinda shows the belief that the iqd perhaps is being considered/projected to join such a strong basket of world currencies ... sounds good to me ... % allocated to iqd in this basket would depend on how strong the currency will be compared to the others ... at a given point in time...will it bypass the pound or the euro? ... sure ... why not ...that would be cool wouldn't it...imo.
11-5-2017 Newshound Guru mike Article: "Iraq still under the category of bankrupt countries?" Gee whiz, this guy sounds so negative: "He added that "the budget reveals beyond doubt the inability of any realistic treatments to find development, even if it is a formality to open future prospects to reduce dependence on oil revenues and stop domestic and external borrowing, which has no horizon to stop it and the payment of accumulated it puts the Iraqi economy in the near future on the verge of bankruptcy." We have waited, literally, for years in hopes that Iraq would change and embrace the open market economy and allow the dinar to grow in value. And all we're getting is the same old budget where expenditures exceed revenue. The existing political class is failing the Iraqi people. Like Mark Twain said, "Politicians and diapers must be changed often, and for the same reason.”
11-5-2017 Newshound Guru G-Lin ...7 years ago I never imagined this would be a long term investment. I think most of us thought it was going to be a get rich quick thrill. After I toughened up a bit I realized the reward will be worth the wait. I still see this investment with a glass half full attitude. And that will not change unless something drastic were to happen to Iraq, and the economic powers of the world will not let that occur imo. Iraq is too valuable. It is the diamond in the rough for U.S., Russia, Europe, China, and all of Asia and the M.E. Follow the money. Maybe just a wee bit longer.
11-5-2017 Newshound Guru mike Article: "Iraq still under the category of bankrupt countries?" Gee whiz, this guy sounds so negative: "He added that "the budget reveals beyond doubt the inability of any realistic treatments to find development, even if it is a formality to open future prospects to reduce dependence on oil revenues and stop domestic and external borrowing, which has no horizon to stop it and the payment of accumulated it puts the Iraqi economy in the near future on the verge of bankruptcy." We have waited, literally, for years in hopes that Iraq would change and embrace the open market economy and allow the dinar to grow in value. And all we're getting is the same old budget where expenditures exceed revenue. The existing political class is failing the Iraqi people. Like Mark Twain said, "Politicians and diapers must be changed often, and for the same reason.”
11-5-2017 Newshound Guru G-Lin ...7 years ago I never imagined this would be a long term investment. I think most of us thought it was going to be a get rich quick thrill. After I toughened up a bit I realized the reward will be worth the wait. I still see this investment with a glass half full attitude. And that will not change unless something drastic were to happen to Iraq, and the economic powers of the world will not let that occur imo. Iraq is too valuable. It is the diamond in the rough for U.S., Russia, Europe, China, and all of Asia and the M.E. Follow the money. Maybe just a wee bit longer.
11-4-2017 Intel Gurus Frank26 and Delta Article: "A simulation of the dinar exchange rate linked to a basket of currencies" "Dr. Ahmed Abrehi Ali...:" Quote: "It is proposed that the dinar be pegged to a basket of major currencies, international reserve currencies, dominant in foreign trade and capital markets, United States Dollars." Dr. Ahmed Ibraihi Ali...Member of the Board!!! Family you do not realize a few days ago the CBI gave you what you wanted...some of you saw it..most of you missed it..you have no idea the ground that you are standing on right now...
11-4-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article quotes: "As prime minister, Nechirvan Barzani has been central to brokering the semi-autonomous region’s oil dealings, now in jeopardy following Iraq’s recapture of disputed territories on Oct. 16, including the oil-rich city of Kirkuk." "KURDISTAN CONSIDERED AS THE MOST CORRUPTED PART OF IRAQ. ACCORDING TO KURDISH LAWMAKERS BILLIONS OF DOLLARS ARE MISSING FROM IRAQI KURDISTAN’S OIL REVENUES" Mandatory meters on the oil pipelines make it hard to steal oil with it someday being accounted for. We now see the loss of these revenues. ...folks this is the money that belongs to all the citizens of Iraq. This is why they need the HCL and Article 140 law.
11-4-2017 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77 ...So how close are we...as close as your breath is to your lungs...IMO.
11-4-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 As far as Abadi is concerned, the Kurdish issue has been handled. They have surrendered the territories, and they now fall under a unified Iraq. I don’t think that will prevent [or delay] anything, especially with an announcement expected today. We are all waiting patiently for whatever scenario comes to light.
11-4-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article quotes: "As prime minister, Nechirvan Barzani has been central to brokering the semi-autonomous region’s oil dealings, now in jeopardy following Iraq’s recapture of disputed territories on Oct. 16, including the oil-rich city of Kirkuk." "KURDISTAN CONSIDERED AS THE MOST CORRUPTED PART OF IRAQ. ACCORDING TO KURDISH LAWMAKERS BILLIONS OF DOLLARS ARE MISSING FROM IRAQI KURDISTAN’S OIL REVENUES" Mandatory meters on the oil pipelines make it hard to steal oil with it someday being accounted for. We now see the loss of these revenues. ...folks this is the money that belongs to all the citizens of Iraq. This is why they need the HCL and Article 140 law.
11-4-2017 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77 ...So how close are we...as close as your breath is to your lungs...IMO.
11-4-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 As far as Abadi is concerned, the Kurdish issue has been handled. They have surrendered the territories, and they now fall under a unified Iraq. I don’t think that will prevent [or delay] anything, especially with an announcement expected today. We are all waiting patiently for whatever scenario comes to light.
11-3-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 ON Thursday, Abadi said that he would soon declare liberation. I did send out on update on Thursday about a possible rate adjustment for Iraqis. Then there was information about people having money loaded on their Qi cards because people have been hoarding their cash, waiting for the increase of purchasing power. So when they put out messages about a different exchange rate, I ask myself “who would put that information out 30 days in advance?” It gives the impression that the rate would change any second, and therefore people are holding onto their cash… and now there is a problem in Iraqi cashflow. Then today, on Iraqi television, they said that the announcement of the full liberation is in ‘a few hours’, meaning TODAY. Some of us have been looking forward to full liberation = economic reforms = HCL = ReValuation, which is what we have been waiting for. Sounds exciting, doesn’t it? We’re almost there, folks.
11-3-2017 Newshound Guru G-Lin Article: "CBI A simulation of the dinar exchange rate linked to a basket of currencies " ...couple this simulation report with the WTO art... "{WTO} Trade looks at ways to cooperate with ITC" Quote: "ITC is one of the most important international organizations supporting and supporting trade facilitation and development of small and medium enterprises and export development." Interesting timing and at least they are headed in the right direction. Some smart people throughout the years have stated they felt like Iraq should have a currency change before full membership accession into WTO. We shall see.
11-3-2017 Newshound Guru sandyf I...try and keep an eye on the more plausible indicators. For the last 4 years at this time of year there has always been a fairly significant appreciation of the dinar on forex. This was particularly noticeable in 2015 when the rate went to 1085, then suddenly after new year back down to 1175. In 2016 the appreciation was a bit later and short lived, came to an abrupt end late November, wonder why? This year there has been next to no movement which for some reason, inverted logic?, I find a bit encouraging. I accept that the markets are based on speculation...
11-3-2017 Newshond/Intel Guru Mnt Goat But these are the SECURITY issues and can be resolved in short time. The real problems they are having is a cultural one. Remember they are going to have to move from a state run economy to the private sector economy. They do not know how to do this. They must seek help from the experts and economists of the western world and then (drum roll please...) most importantly...LISTEN TO THE ADVICE! ...they must...drive up the DEMAND for the dinar, which in turn drives up the value. Then apply a new rate. It is hard to say when they will hit this triggering point, but at some point they will have to change the rate to coincide with the new value. [post 2 of 2]
11-3-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat ...we can expect an announcement next week from pm Abadi that Iraq is “fully” liberated from ISIS. I can assure everyone that this announcement WILL NOT trigger some RV. Nor will it trigger a series of events that will lead to the RV...The earliest we can expect any real movement in the direction of the rate of the currency is when Iraq gets out of Chapter VII sanctions. Then the CBI will begin its re-education process to the banks and citizens as they ready for the reinstatement move. This may take longer than expected...they are having some major issues attracting investors. One of which is the war with ISIS still lingers, the lack of proper security due to Iranian militias still around and the sectarianism too. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
11-3-2017 Intel Guru Bruce [via Judy Byington] Announcements are coming from both Iraq and the US. The process was well underway. We were in the midst of it right now. Over the last three days in Iraq hundreds of delivery trucks have been sent to disperse the lower denominations to their banks and ATM machines. Those would be available by tomorrow evening Nov. 3. Rates on the Qi cards were fluctuating, telling us that the Dinar rate would change soon.
11-3-2017 Newshound Guru G-Lin Quote: "A short search to experience the simulator about linking the Iraqi dinar to a basket of currencies with weights varying between 50% and 65% of the dollar and other currencies remaining price (Dr. Ahmed Ali Abrihi)..." What this looks like to me is simulations or experiments in comparisons of the dinar as a floating rate {basketball} I think that is what that means, versus fixed rate in a currency basket. These simulations were done beginning Jan. 1st 2017 to present. They paired the dinar against all of the currencies that are used in Iraq. They experimented with the figures as floating and fixed. And all of the data has been presented to the decision makers in CBI. That's my take. I'm excited that this was posted on the CBI site and they seem to be giving those two choices. I personally would take either one.
11-3-2017 Newshound Guru sandyf Nobody...Repeat Nobody knows whether the Dinar will float or not...Nobody....[Guru] Kaperoni could turn out to be right.... - Not impossible, but nearly. Probably more chance of winning the lottery than a non convertible currency moving to fully convertible on a floating exchange regime in one sudden move.
11-3-2017 Newshound Guru G-Lin Article: "CBI A simulation of the dinar exchange rate linked to a basket of currencies " ...couple this simulation report with the WTO art... "{WTO} Trade looks at ways to cooperate with ITC" Quote: "ITC is one of the most important international organizations supporting and supporting trade facilitation and development of small and medium enterprises and export development." Interesting timing and at least they are headed in the right direction. Some smart people throughout the years have stated they felt like Iraq should have a currency change before full membership accession into WTO. We shall see.
11-3-2017 Newshound Guru sandyf I...try and keep an eye on the more plausible indicators. For the last 4 years at this time of year there has always been a fairly significant appreciation of the dinar on forex. This was particularly noticeable in 2015 when the rate went to 1085, then suddenly after new year back down to 1175. In 2016 the appreciation was a bit later and short lived, came to an abrupt end late November, wonder why? This year there has been next to no movement which for some reason, inverted logic?, I find a bit encouraging. I accept that the markets are based on speculation...
11-3-2017 Newshond/Intel Guru Mnt Goat But these are the SECURITY issues and can be resolved in short time. The real problems they are having is a cultural one. Remember they are going to have to move from a state run economy to the private sector economy. They do not know how to do this. They must seek help from the experts and economists of the western world and then (drum roll please...) most importantly...LISTEN TO THE ADVICE! ...they must...drive up the DEMAND for the dinar, which in turn drives up the value. Then apply a new rate. It is hard to say when they will hit this triggering point, but at some point they will have to change the rate to coincide with the new value. [post 2 of 2]
11-3-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat ...we can expect an announcement next week from pm Abadi that Iraq is “fully” liberated from ISIS. I can assure everyone that this announcement WILL NOT trigger some RV. Nor will it trigger a series of events that will lead to the RV...The earliest we can expect any real movement in the direction of the rate of the currency is when Iraq gets out of Chapter VII sanctions. Then the CBI will begin its re-education process to the banks and citizens as they ready for the reinstatement move. This may take longer than expected...they are having some major issues attracting investors. One of which is the war with ISIS still lingers, the lack of proper security due to Iranian militias still around and the sectarianism too. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
11-3-2017 Intel Guru Bruce [via Judy Byington] Announcements are coming from both Iraq and the US. The process was well underway. We were in the midst of it right now. Over the last three days in Iraq hundreds of delivery trucks have been sent to disperse the lower denominations to their banks and ATM machines. Those would be available by tomorrow evening Nov. 3. Rates on the Qi cards were fluctuating, telling us that the Dinar rate would change soon.
11-3-2017 Newshound Guru G-Lin Quote: "A short search to experience the simulator about linking the Iraqi dinar to a basket of currencies with weights varying between 50% and 65% of the dollar and other currencies remaining price (Dr. Ahmed Ali Abrihi)..." What this looks like to me is simulations or experiments in comparisons of the dinar as a floating rate {basketball} I think that is what that means, versus fixed rate in a currency basket. These simulations were done beginning Jan. 1st 2017 to present. They paired the dinar against all of the currencies that are used in Iraq. They experimented with the figures as floating and fixed. And all of the data has been presented to the decision makers in CBI. That's my take. I'm excited that this was posted on the CBI site and they seem to be giving those two choices. I personally would take either one.
11-3-2017 Newshound Guru sandyf Nobody...Repeat Nobody knows whether the Dinar will float or not...Nobody....[Guru] Kaperoni could turn out to be right.... - Not impossible, but nearly. Probably more chance of winning the lottery than a non convertible currency moving to fully convertible on a floating exchange regime in one sudden move.
11-2-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "SETTING A HIGHER CEILING FOR REMITTANCES OUT OF IRAQ" ...you have no idea of how good this news really is. When they refer to exchanges and remittances they mean converting of dinars to US dollars for payment for goods and services outside of Iraq. So now they limited the exchange of dinar to 10k of debt in the currency auctions. They are doing this because they have an issue that will NEVER go away. This issue is money laundering the US dollar. So how can they stop this? They can’t for now since this will only stop when the demand for the dollar stops and this will occur only when sanctions are lifted and merchants no longer have to go to the currency auctions and are forced to convert dinars to dollars.
11-2-2017 Newshound Guru G-Lin Article: "UN calls on Iraq to join ICC " Quote: "The United Nations today called on Iraq to join the International Criminal Court or search for other ways to punish calling for atrocities during the battle of Mosul." I hope and pray Abadi has the guts to do this. This would mean goodbye Maliki and Co.
11-2-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 Reports say that on yesterday Iraqi TV indicated Abadi informing the Kurds that their "cut" would now be 12% instead of the 17% already addressed and acknowledged. (Oh boy, more political drama). On today, unconfirmed reports are coming in of a limit of 75,000 dinar exchanges in-country due to a "possible" rate change? Still seeking more information on this one, don't get too excited too soon, TIME WILL TELL!!.
11-2-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article quote: "THE LAW OF OIL AND GAS HAS BEEN DISABLED SINCE THE PREVIOUS TWO SESSIONS," EXPLAINING THAT THE ADOPTION OF SUFFICIENT TO END THE CRISIS IN NORTHERN IRAQ." I hope every can see the light and finally know that this HCL issue was the very reason for the entire Kurdistan referendum. Will they now get it done or just talk about it again?
11-2-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana [I read...that Barzani is retiring, how will this effect our investment?] He said he would be stepping down as of...(1 November 2017), and the reason was basically disappointment in the failed referendum. This may end up weakening the Kurdish resistance to full cooperation with Baghdad, which might just be the leverage needed to pry open the HCL floodgates. Let's hope for some good news in the coming days!
11-2-2017 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: "IBBC completes successful Trade Mission to Baghdad" Quote: "The delegation met with a number of ministers and high ranking officials to discuss future policies and opportunities for growth as well as focusing on business opportunities for IBBC member companies." I don't know about everyone else...but, if this article...doesn't give you the feel goods, not much will. lol Just think about some of the names in the list of attendees... Kuwait Energy, Rolls Royce, Restrata, etc.. That is all about big money and security... The reconstruction of Iraq is going have then both!
11-2-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Who's going to pay the tab for the RV...not Iraq. It's going to be the world. Who's going to buy their currency at a much higher rate...not Iraq...everybody else. You can RV your currency at whatever number you want, but if there is no one to buy it, you don't have an RV. Responding to the IMF, WB, and UN...they have to get their expenditures under control and...they are working on that now.
11-2-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat We know that the CBI must remove from the general public at least two thirds of the large 3 zero notes and get them out of circulation prior to launching the newer notes. We also know there are other reasons too as they do not want to see a massive amount of millionaires in Iraq as this could cause hyper-inflation too. We know also of a precaution that as the value increases, these older 3 zero notes could be exported to terrorist groups to fund their operations. So it is important to get as much of these large 3 zero notes out of circulation. Every note collected by the CBI is scanned and accounted for. They know exactly how much money is still in circulation. [post 3 of 3]
11-2-2017 Newshound Guru G-Lin Article: "UN calls on Iraq to join ICC " Quote: "The United Nations today called on Iraq to join the International Criminal Court or search for other ways to punish calling for atrocities during the battle of Mosul." I hope and pray Abadi has the guts to do this. This would mean goodbye Maliki and Co.
11-2-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 Reports say that on yesterday Iraqi TV indicated Abadi informing the Kurds that their "cut" would now be 12% instead of the 17% already addressed and acknowledged. (Oh boy, more political drama). On today, unconfirmed reports are coming in of a limit of 75,000 dinar exchanges in-country due to a "possible" rate change? Still seeking more information on this one, don't get too excited too soon, TIME WILL TELL!!.
11-2-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article quote: "THE LAW OF OIL AND GAS HAS BEEN DISABLED SINCE THE PREVIOUS TWO SESSIONS," EXPLAINING THAT THE ADOPTION OF SUFFICIENT TO END THE CRISIS IN NORTHERN IRAQ." I hope every can see the light and finally know that this HCL issue was the very reason for the entire Kurdistan referendum. Will they now get it done or just talk about it again?
11-2-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana [I read...that Barzani is retiring, how will this effect our investment?] He said he would be stepping down as of...(1 November 2017), and the reason was basically disappointment in the failed referendum. This may end up weakening the Kurdish resistance to full cooperation with Baghdad, which might just be the leverage needed to pry open the HCL floodgates. Let's hope for some good news in the coming days!
11-2-2017 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: "IBBC completes successful Trade Mission to Baghdad" Quote: "The delegation met with a number of ministers and high ranking officials to discuss future policies and opportunities for growth as well as focusing on business opportunities for IBBC member companies." I don't know about everyone else...but, if this article...doesn't give you the feel goods, not much will. lol Just think about some of the names in the list of attendees... Kuwait Energy, Rolls Royce, Restrata, etc.. That is all about big money and security... The reconstruction of Iraq is going have then both!
11-2-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Who's going to pay the tab for the RV...not Iraq. It's going to be the world. Who's going to buy their currency at a much higher rate...not Iraq...everybody else. You can RV your currency at whatever number you want, but if there is no one to buy it, you don't have an RV. Responding to the IMF, WB, and UN...they have to get their expenditures under control and...they are working on that now.
11-2-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat We know that the CBI must remove from the general public at least two thirds of the large 3 zero notes and get them out of circulation prior to launching the newer notes. We also know there are other reasons too as they do not want to see a massive amount of millionaires in Iraq as this could cause hyper-inflation too. We know also of a precaution that as the value increases, these older 3 zero notes could be exported to terrorist groups to fund their operations. So it is important to get as much of these large 3 zero notes out of circulation. Every note collected by the CBI is scanned and accounted for. They know exactly how much money is still in circulation. [post 3 of 3]
11-1-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Some banks are still not compliant with the implementation of the ability to receive electronic payrolls from the federal government. They still have to load and test out software tools to get this up and running. Then there are the connections between the global banks that also are still not secure and in some case not yet hooked up. Many global banks still have a reluctant attitude to even do business with Iraqi banks. So this too is still an obstacle. We know the CBI came out last week and told all the banks they wanted the SWIFT safe money transfer system implemented by the end of the year. Kurdistan region was also one of the culprits and resisted much of the effort to get electronic systems and delayed many of these banking reforms. As part of the leverage over this referendum stuff, the federal government now has over Kurdistan, they are moving forward now with this effort and will comply. [post 2 of 3....stay tuned]
11-1-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Still no reinstatement or revaluation in-country or out of county. Still no global exchanges taking place. Sorry! I do not see any progress in this direction to at least EARLY 2018. We cannot predict when the RV will happen by we can sense very close and accurately as to when it cannot happen. We are in the funky window right now where we see some promising signs but we know there is still much work to be done by the CBI. ...we know the target is the end of this month but we all know realistically it will probably be more like end of the year. So an announcement that this SECURITY problem is taken care of would be our first concrete sign and the RV clock RV will begin to tick at that time. But we are not yet there. [post 1 of 3....stay tuned]
11-1-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 The purpose...today...was to inform you about Abadi’s announcement that they may be speeding up the timetable, plus we are looking for the end of this week to send us to the bank, or tell us when we might be going. Just because the RV is released, that doesn’t mean we have to run down to the banks that minute. We can wait to decide when to go to the banks. They may be giving us permission to go, but we make the decision when to go. If anything comes in, we will update you. ...We are seeking confirmation on some intel right now...
11-1-2017 Newshound Guru chattels [I wonder if Article 140 will not be needed because it looks like Adadi is saying that whole area is under government control an the kurds will get 12 plus % of oil revenues, if that the case why have an article 140?] I would think because the land is still disputed by the Kurds and the Constitution mandates a process for resolution of the disputes. Unless Abadi is going to abandon the Constitution, but he avers/swears NOT! The Kurds say that all they have ever gotten from the budget was about 11-12%, despite argument to the contrary.
11-1-2017 Intel Guru Jester [...what are your thoughts on this happening before the new year...?] THEY SAY IT WILL BUT I HAVE HEARD IT BEFORE...AND SO HAVE YOU...
11-1-2017 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: "Rashid calls on military retirees to receive their salaries Wednesday" Quote: "The salaries of military retirees will be launched for November this year through manual exchange and smart card on Wednesday," the bank's press office said in a press release. "Civil retirees can receive their salaries through bank branches or smart card outlets." They got paid... Nice...Now lets see if they tell us at what international rate if any, yet? I suspect if the 2017 budget gets released we'll know...imo.
11-1-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana We still have a November 7 OPEC meeting coming up. There are pretty telling indicators floating around right now regarding the current OIL situation. What I see as important right now is oil at $60ppb, the recognition that Iraq ignored the Kurdish referendum, and the references to HCL related items... What I really want to see in the next week is simple: 1. Nothing significant at the OPEC meeting. Just a smile and nod type of event where they agree to extend the current plan and keep oil around $60. 2. The meeting will mostly ignore Iraq. I don’t care if they talk about Iraq, include Iraq, reference Iraq in any minor way…as long as they primarily ignore Iraq, and don’t make any specific requests for commitments from Iraq, I’ll be happy. 3. Anything HCL related.
11-1-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 [Seems like A is giving a variety of speeches and interviews.. with an ALL important 1 hidden amongst the rest he's giving at this time?] IMO...These Speeches today from the Father of Iraq Abadi are the per-curses of a Mother of all Speeches to soon come to the Citizens of Iraq and the International World.
11-1-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 [Any Parliament laws this week?] Yes, the HCL, and possibly that independence law for the CBI – we’ll have to wait and see.
11-1-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat ...November already and Iraq is still fighting ISIS and still struggling with some important issues involved in the process to delete the zeros. But they will overcome all these issues and will move forward. I am told the CBI is ready now to move to the next phase of the project to delete the zeros and needs the “green light” from the GOI. So let’s look for this sign. I am also hearing this re-education process of the new currency must take place first in the privately owned banks and then to the civilian population.
11-1-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 [Is the Kurdistan region experiencing a new rate there with salaries being paid through/from Baghdad recently?] Yes, they are being paid but my impression it was at the old rate. There are hints of a new rate yesterday evening, but that is not confirmed.
11-1-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 There is an A [Abadi?] Speech coming...That contains much and art8 with ch7 in it's core...Where IMO an RI will be concurrent with or the Fact after if. These IMO are the Steps that will trigger off a Chain Reaction of Explosive Info/Advancement of the IQD's MR...Very Quickly.
11-1-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Still no reinstatement or revaluation in-country or out of county. Still no global exchanges taking place. Sorry! I do not see any progress in this direction to at least EARLY 2018. We cannot predict when the RV will happen by we can sense very close and accurately as to when it cannot happen. We are in the funky window right now where we see some promising signs but we know there is still much work to be done by the CBI. ...we know the target is the end of this month but we all know realistically it will probably be more like end of the year. So an announcement that this SECURITY problem is taken care of would be our first concrete sign and the RV clock RV will begin to tick at that time. But we are not yet there. [post 1 of 3....stay tuned]
11-1-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 The purpose...today...was to inform you about Abadi’s announcement that they may be speeding up the timetable, plus we are looking for the end of this week to send us to the bank, or tell us when we might be going. Just because the RV is released, that doesn’t mean we have to run down to the banks that minute. We can wait to decide when to go to the banks. They may be giving us permission to go, but we make the decision when to go. If anything comes in, we will update you. ...We are seeking confirmation on some intel right now...
11-1-2017 Newshound Guru chattels [I wonder if Article 140 will not be needed because it looks like Adadi is saying that whole area is under government control an the kurds will get 12 plus % of oil revenues, if that the case why have an article 140?] I would think because the land is still disputed by the Kurds and the Constitution mandates a process for resolution of the disputes. Unless Abadi is going to abandon the Constitution, but he avers/swears NOT! The Kurds say that all they have ever gotten from the budget was about 11-12%, despite argument to the contrary.
11-1-2017 Intel Guru Jester [...what are your thoughts on this happening before the new year...?] THEY SAY IT WILL BUT I HAVE HEARD IT BEFORE...AND SO HAVE YOU...
11-1-2017 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: "Rashid calls on military retirees to receive their salaries Wednesday" Quote: "The salaries of military retirees will be launched for November this year through manual exchange and smart card on Wednesday," the bank's press office said in a press release. "Civil retirees can receive their salaries through bank branches or smart card outlets." They got paid... Nice...Now lets see if they tell us at what international rate if any, yet? I suspect if the 2017 budget gets released we'll know...imo.
11-1-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana We still have a November 7 OPEC meeting coming up. There are pretty telling indicators floating around right now regarding the current OIL situation. What I see as important right now is oil at $60ppb, the recognition that Iraq ignored the Kurdish referendum, and the references to HCL related items... What I really want to see in the next week is simple: 1. Nothing significant at the OPEC meeting. Just a smile and nod type of event where they agree to extend the current plan and keep oil around $60. 2. The meeting will mostly ignore Iraq. I don’t care if they talk about Iraq, include Iraq, reference Iraq in any minor way…as long as they primarily ignore Iraq, and don’t make any specific requests for commitments from Iraq, I’ll be happy. 3. Anything HCL related.
11-1-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 [Seems like A is giving a variety of speeches and interviews.. with an ALL important 1 hidden amongst the rest he's giving at this time?] IMO...These Speeches today from the Father of Iraq Abadi are the per-curses of a Mother of all Speeches to soon come to the Citizens of Iraq and the International World.
11-1-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 [Any Parliament laws this week?] Yes, the HCL, and possibly that independence law for the CBI – we’ll have to wait and see.
11-1-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat ...November already and Iraq is still fighting ISIS and still struggling with some important issues involved in the process to delete the zeros. But they will overcome all these issues and will move forward. I am told the CBI is ready now to move to the next phase of the project to delete the zeros and needs the “green light” from the GOI. So let’s look for this sign. I am also hearing this re-education process of the new currency must take place first in the privately owned banks and then to the civilian population.
11-1-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 [Is the Kurdistan region experiencing a new rate there with salaries being paid through/from Baghdad recently?] Yes, they are being paid but my impression it was at the old rate. There are hints of a new rate yesterday evening, but that is not confirmed.
11-1-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 There is an A [Abadi?] Speech coming...That contains much and art8 with ch7 in it's core...Where IMO an RI will be concurrent with or the Fact after if. These IMO are the Steps that will trigger off a Chain Reaction of Explosive Info/Advancement of the IQD's MR...Very Quickly.
10-31-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "IRAQS ECONOMIC RECOVERY" Quote: "...WILL BRING IRAQ BACK TO THE RANKS OF THE DEVELOPED COUNTRIES, WHICH BRINGS US BACK TO THE GLOBAL EXPECTATIONS THAT IRAQ WILL BE THE EIGHTH TIGER AMONG THE SEVEN TIGERS after his salvation from the challenges he faced." What do they mean that Iraq will become the “eighth tiger”? ...the term “TIGER” economy is actually a known term used by economists. A “tiger economy” is the economy of a country which undergoes rapid economic growth, usually accompanied by an increase in the standard of living. Collectively this term refers to the economies of Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand, the four dominant countries in Southeast Asia. ...Iraq will outpace #8 place from 2017 rankings and move into this ranking in 2018. I am not sure where the other tigers will end up ranked but we do know Iraq will take its place in the rankings as a TIGER. Folks do you know just how amazing this news is? No middle eastern country has EVER ranked in this category of TIGER economies, NEVER, EVER! Can they do this without a currency being internationally traded? I don’t think so…
10-31-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru sandyf One thing you can take to the bank is that if the Iraqi currency is ever redeemed following a significant rise in value, the exchange will not be 'normal'.
10-31-2017 Intel Guru Bluwolf Main Source informed all personnel to be ready to start the exchange process. Let us pray that this be it finally.
10-31-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 [What makes this week substantially different than any other week?] The news – just go back and compare last week’s news with the week before, and all those items of what was protected [projected ?] to happen and what actually has happened: provinces being liberated “in the coming days” – that is a stumbling block that is being removed, plus the HCL agreement that is now being settled.
10-31-2017 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke OCTOBER. VICTORY! For Sure. For Sure. For Sure. ROCKtober! The “Necessary” game changer. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! Allaq. CBI. IMF. UN. Kurdistan. Barzani. Iraq. OIL. Money. OIL. President Trump. Saudi Arabia. Iran. Turkey. Syria. N. Korea. Russia-Uranium. Budgets. Taxes. OIL. Far East Region 10 Day Trip. OIL. Vietnam. Abadi’s ANNOUNCED Promises. China. Currency. Liberation. OIL. Freedom.
10-31-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Here is an interview with prime minister Abadi of Iraq. Abadi covers some very interesting topics, all of which we are concerned about the re-building their economy, POLITICAL STABILITY and SECURITY. He comes right out and tells us what are the issues still pending. He talks about the impact of ISIS and Daesh and the Kurdish referendum. He talks about the current problems and direction of Iraq. Remember I said that when we are trying to figure out a timeframe for the RV, it is not the rate of the dinar that we should be so concerned about...But rather the VALUE of the currency based on the economics and status of the region. The new rate (whatever it will be) will be a direct result of this increase in VALUE. So just remember there is still work to be done... [reference Mnt Goat post 10-30-2017]
10-31-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru sandyf One thing you can take to the bank is that if the Iraqi currency is ever redeemed following a significant rise in value, the exchange will not be 'normal'.
10-31-2017 Intel Guru Bluwolf Main Source informed all personnel to be ready to start the exchange process. Let us pray that this be it finally.
10-31-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 [What makes this week substantially different than any other week?] The news – just go back and compare last week’s news with the week before, and all those items of what was protected [projected ?] to happen and what actually has happened: provinces being liberated “in the coming days” – that is a stumbling block that is being removed, plus the HCL agreement that is now being settled.
10-31-2017 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke OCTOBER. VICTORY! For Sure. For Sure. For Sure. ROCKtober! The “Necessary” game changer. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! Allaq. CBI. IMF. UN. Kurdistan. Barzani. Iraq. OIL. Money. OIL. President Trump. Saudi Arabia. Iran. Turkey. Syria. N. Korea. Russia-Uranium. Budgets. Taxes. OIL. Far East Region 10 Day Trip. OIL. Vietnam. Abadi’s ANNOUNCED Promises. China. Currency. Liberation. OIL. Freedom.
10-31-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Here is an interview with prime minister Abadi of Iraq. Abadi covers some very interesting topics, all of which we are concerned about the re-building their economy, POLITICAL STABILITY and SECURITY. He comes right out and tells us what are the issues still pending. He talks about the impact of ISIS and Daesh and the Kurdish referendum. He talks about the current problems and direction of Iraq. Remember I said that when we are trying to figure out a timeframe for the RV, it is not the rate of the dinar that we should be so concerned about...But rather the VALUE of the currency based on the economics and status of the region. The new rate (whatever it will be) will be a direct result of this increase in VALUE. So just remember there is still work to be done... [reference Mnt Goat post 10-30-2017]
10-31-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 [Dinar rate...was the $3.71 in your update. It’s been hovering around that number in your previous updates – do you think that’s what it will be, or close?] Yes, although recent hints speak of it being a little higher, possibly.
10-30-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "The Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) has directed all Iraqi banks to adopt user protection standards approved by SWIFT before the end of 2017." This article is great but does everyone truly understand the impact of this news. To understand you must know what SWIFT is. The Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) provides a network that enables financial institutions worldwide to send and receive information about financial transactions in a secure, standardized and reliable environment. ...Business Identifier Codes (BICs, previously Bank Identifier Codes) are popularly known as "SWIFT codes". The majority of international interbank messages use the SWIFT network. The key to SWIFT is and I quote – “The majority of international interbank messages use the SWIFT network”.
10-30-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 There was so much information coming out over the weekend! On late Sunday night, there were reports on the Erbil crisis, and that supposedly ended yesterday (29. October) due to civil agreements. That is from military sources, and it’s not official yet. The Law of Oil and Gas will end the Kurdish crisis when they finally come to agreement with it – and supposedly they have agreed. Those are the updates, and the progress they may have with what we are looking for. As I understand it, the HCL stuff and full liberation are the only things remaining, so we’ll see how they go.
10-30-2017 Intel Guru Delta Article: "Rafidain calls its branches to encourage citizens to deposit their money with the bank" CITIZENS URGES RAFIDIAN BANK TO INCREASE THE VALUE OF IRAQI DINAR FIRST!!! lol
10-30-2017 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: "During his chairing a meeting of the Committee of Diwani Order No. (54) for the year 2017" Quote: "The Administrative Agent stresses the importance of completing the work of the Reform Committee and addressing the indicators of the assessment of Iraq in the annual report 2017..." This is valuation, assessment, it is in ones best interest to be paying attention to it..
10-30-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat There is no GCR! ...There is only ONE (1) one...currency we know for certainty that will increase substantially in value shortly. This is the Iraqi dinar. I base this on the FACTS and I believe they are building up yet more evidence today that they are heading for a window timeframe of EARLY January 2018. I can assure you there are still items to correct and fix (work to be done) prior an RV. So relax. It is coming shortly, but just not today or this week. [post 2 of 2]
10-30-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat ...they can’t significantly increase the value of the dinar until there is a positive demand for it, thus the “value” of it must increase. The rate will just change accordingly. Remember the dinar RATE and VALUE and two different entities. ...many will tell you the VALUE is the assets in the ground and they would be partially correct. Yes – these assets do matter but they are not the sole determining factor to the VALUE of a currency. Much of the VALUE comes from a level of speculation, perception and tradability. Remember what currency really is. It is a piece of paper that is a placeholder for the goods and services rendered. Instead of paying the like valued goods and services or gold, you pay in currency, which must be as VALUED as the goods and services rendered. So does the Iraqi dinar now fit this definition of currency? No- and that is why they must change the perception first. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
10-30-2017 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: "A member of the German ruling party Mustafa al-Ammar nominated Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi for the Nobel Peace Prize" After watching Abadi yesterday in the WSJ, New York and LA Times interview one can not argue this man deserves it and rightfully so too!! The man is all about unity, integrity and above all the Iraqi citizens!
10-30-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 There was so much information coming out over the weekend! On late Sunday night, there were reports on the Erbil crisis, and that supposedly ended yesterday (29. October) due to civil agreements. That is from military sources, and it’s not official yet. The Law of Oil and Gas will end the Kurdish crisis when they finally come to agreement with it – and supposedly they have agreed. Those are the updates, and the progress they may have with what we are looking for. As I understand it, the HCL stuff and full liberation are the only things remaining, so we’ll see how they go.
10-30-2017 Intel Guru Delta Article: "Rafidain calls its branches to encourage citizens to deposit their money with the bank" CITIZENS URGES RAFIDIAN BANK TO INCREASE THE VALUE OF IRAQI DINAR FIRST!!! lol
10-30-2017 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: "During his chairing a meeting of the Committee of Diwani Order No. (54) for the year 2017" Quote: "The Administrative Agent stresses the importance of completing the work of the Reform Committee and addressing the indicators of the assessment of Iraq in the annual report 2017..." This is valuation, assessment, it is in ones best interest to be paying attention to it..
10-30-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat There is no GCR! ...There is only ONE (1) one...currency we know for certainty that will increase substantially in value shortly. This is the Iraqi dinar. I base this on the FACTS and I believe they are building up yet more evidence today that they are heading for a window timeframe of EARLY January 2018. I can assure you there are still items to correct and fix (work to be done) prior an RV. So relax. It is coming shortly, but just not today or this week. [post 2 of 2]
10-30-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat ...they can’t significantly increase the value of the dinar until there is a positive demand for it, thus the “value” of it must increase. The rate will just change accordingly. Remember the dinar RATE and VALUE and two different entities. ...many will tell you the VALUE is the assets in the ground and they would be partially correct. Yes – these assets do matter but they are not the sole determining factor to the VALUE of a currency. Much of the VALUE comes from a level of speculation, perception and tradability. Remember what currency really is. It is a piece of paper that is a placeholder for the goods and services rendered. Instead of paying the like valued goods and services or gold, you pay in currency, which must be as VALUED as the goods and services rendered. So does the Iraqi dinar now fit this definition of currency? No- and that is why they must change the perception first. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
10-30-2017 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: "A member of the German ruling party Mustafa al-Ammar nominated Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi for the Nobel Peace Prize" After watching Abadi yesterday in the WSJ, New York and LA Times interview one can not argue this man deserves it and rightfully so too!! The man is all about unity, integrity and above all the Iraqi citizens!
10-29-2017 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: "Parliament is voting on a number of bills today" This is going to be a good week!! Imo!
10-29-2017 Newshound Guru Walkingstick [Do you think it is at all feasible that we would see sometime, in the future, after the RI/RV occurred, any Iraqi banks opening branches anywhere in the US?] Yes..
29-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 Saturday reportings: Iraqi TV reported that the Kurds were given 4 hours to concede and stand down or fighting would resume...US officials are not happy about that decision...With liberation efforts starting on Thursday, a military spokesman has stated that in the coming hours the total liberation of Rawa and Al-Qaim. (That was fast! ...or was it?) Hours later - The Kurds have agreed to concede and stand down without further incident within the 4-hour ultimatum. (End of any civil war) Barzani is "supposed" to be stepping down by November 1, 2017. [post 2 of 2]
10-29-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 From Friday's reporting: PM Abadi sends in troops to take territory held by Kurds after refusing to accept any offers other than the cancellation of Kurd action and full respect of the Iraqi constitution. This civil war resulted in some bloodshed and loss of life. An Iraqi bank source shared that once Iraq is fully liberated, the new rate of $3.71 (or possibly higher) will be self-evident everywhere and that it is already "in place" waiting for public release. Abadi is steadfastly targeting mid-November or later for full liberation announcement however the military is accomplishing objectives ahead of projected schedules. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
10-29-2017 Newshound Guru Walkingstick [Do you think it is at all feasible that we would see sometime, in the future, after the RI/RV occurred, any Iraqi banks opening branches anywhere in the US?] Yes..
29-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 Saturday reportings: Iraqi TV reported that the Kurds were given 4 hours to concede and stand down or fighting would resume...US officials are not happy about that decision...With liberation efforts starting on Thursday, a military spokesman has stated that in the coming hours the total liberation of Rawa and Al-Qaim. (That was fast! ...or was it?) Hours later - The Kurds have agreed to concede and stand down without further incident within the 4-hour ultimatum. (End of any civil war) Barzani is "supposed" to be stepping down by November 1, 2017. [post 2 of 2]
10-29-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 From Friday's reporting: PM Abadi sends in troops to take territory held by Kurds after refusing to accept any offers other than the cancellation of Kurd action and full respect of the Iraqi constitution. This civil war resulted in some bloodshed and loss of life. An Iraqi bank source shared that once Iraq is fully liberated, the new rate of $3.71 (or possibly higher) will be self-evident everywhere and that it is already "in place" waiting for public release. Abadi is steadfastly targeting mid-November or later for full liberation announcement however the military is accomplishing objectives ahead of projected schedules. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
10-28-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 This is a good situation to be in, even if we have a little bit more of a wait. It could be to our advantage to wait until the first of the year to do our major exchanges, based on the tax implications It might be a silver lining, a blessing in disguise. We don’t know that yet.
10-28-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Barzani has not yet resigned as of ...Oct 27th.
10-28-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru sandyf I have no doubt that most will have heard at some point the gurus refer to the MCP or Multi Currency Practice. ...It has absolutely nothing to do with currency auctions or using USD in Iraq. The MCP that the IMF have listed as as an exchange restriction on Iraq is to do with the settlement of international invoices. Suppliers are submitting invoices to Iraq in their own currency and the Iraqi importers are paying the invoices at an exchange rate that deviates by more than 2% from the governments fixed exchange rate. The IMF have requested that Iraq put some mechanism in place to prevent this happening. Companies that are having to pay over the odds to obtain foreign currency are trying to pass the loss on to the suppliers. Although allowed under Art 14 this would be in breach of the requirements of IMF Article 8.
10-28-2017 Newshound Guru G-Lin Article: "Banking relations between Iraq and Saudi Arabia strengthen the role of the private sector in the economic decision" ...what is interesting is that this goes against Maliki and Iran. Maybe the U.S. has told Abadi that M's days are numbered. ...it seems Abadi has stepped up to plate on economic activities that would open Iraq up to the world and let the people reap the wealth of their country. Something M and Iran have never allowed.
10-28-2017 Intel Guru Delta Article: "CBI directs Banks to implement SWIFT Standards" Quote: "The Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) has directed all Iraqi banks to adopt user protection standards approved by SWIFT before the end of 2017." THE TRICKY KEY WORD...(wink) BEFORE THE END OF 2017...NOT AT THE END OF 2017!!!
10-28-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "ABADI - THE GOVERNMENT IS DETERMINED TO IMPLEMENT THE LAW AND THE CONSTITUTION IN ALL REGIONS" ...they must complete the constitution and it must be implemented in all regions. No constitution, No RV. If implementing the constitution was not important then why all this fuss? I stand my ground and are telling you the PTB want that constitution “fully” implemented. This article just more proof. What is the basis of the new democracy set up in Iraq? It’s their constitution.
10-28-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru sandyf They are working towards Article 8 and each year they get a bit closer. Recent comments regarding exchange restrictions are quite encouraging. It is entirely up to Iraq, they must implement what is required and notify the IMF that they are prepared to accept the obligations of Article 8. Many seem to think it is the other way round.
10-28-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Barzani has not yet resigned as of ...Oct 27th.
10-28-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru sandyf I have no doubt that most will have heard at some point the gurus refer to the MCP or Multi Currency Practice. ...It has absolutely nothing to do with currency auctions or using USD in Iraq. The MCP that the IMF have listed as as an exchange restriction on Iraq is to do with the settlement of international invoices. Suppliers are submitting invoices to Iraq in their own currency and the Iraqi importers are paying the invoices at an exchange rate that deviates by more than 2% from the governments fixed exchange rate. The IMF have requested that Iraq put some mechanism in place to prevent this happening. Companies that are having to pay over the odds to obtain foreign currency are trying to pass the loss on to the suppliers. Although allowed under Art 14 this would be in breach of the requirements of IMF Article 8.
10-28-2017 Newshound Guru G-Lin Article: "Banking relations between Iraq and Saudi Arabia strengthen the role of the private sector in the economic decision" ...what is interesting is that this goes against Maliki and Iran. Maybe the U.S. has told Abadi that M's days are numbered. ...it seems Abadi has stepped up to plate on economic activities that would open Iraq up to the world and let the people reap the wealth of their country. Something M and Iran have never allowed.
10-28-2017 Intel Guru Delta Article: "CBI directs Banks to implement SWIFT Standards" Quote: "The Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) has directed all Iraqi banks to adopt user protection standards approved by SWIFT before the end of 2017." THE TRICKY KEY WORD...(wink) BEFORE THE END OF 2017...NOT AT THE END OF 2017!!!
10-28-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "ABADI - THE GOVERNMENT IS DETERMINED TO IMPLEMENT THE LAW AND THE CONSTITUTION IN ALL REGIONS" ...they must complete the constitution and it must be implemented in all regions. No constitution, No RV. If implementing the constitution was not important then why all this fuss? I stand my ground and are telling you the PTB want that constitution “fully” implemented. This article just more proof. What is the basis of the new democracy set up in Iraq? It’s their constitution.
10-28-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru sandyf They are working towards Article 8 and each year they get a bit closer. Recent comments regarding exchange restrictions are quite encouraging. It is entirely up to Iraq, they must implement what is required and notify the IMF that they are prepared to accept the obligations of Article 8. Many seem to think it is the other way round.
10-27-2017 Newshound Guru G-Lin Article quote: "...the Investment Law No. 13 of 2006 and its amendments have been legislated, but this law needs to stand at some of its joints to establish a successful investment process in the country." It looks as though the Investment Law 13 of 2006 along with the added amendments, {amendments being key} may be sufficient to open up the investment process. They have been legislated. Just need to apply.
10-27-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 Look at where we are this year compared to earlier years at this time: we have more info in print, from the banks in the US and Iraq, people being paid in Iraq, the cards being used here and in other countries. Heck, Iraq is telling their citizens openly that they are changing the value of the currency and they will have more purchasing power. It’s possible this will linger into the end of the year – anything’s possible – although it doesn’t look like it from the information I’m seeing. We just have to hold on.
10-27-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat So are there yet more areas to be cleared in Iraq? Surely it will not take 2 months to clear Takfiri alone. Just so there is not misunderstanding, from the Mnt Goat, there will be NO reinstatement of the Iraqi dinar until ISIS and any terrorists group is gone from Iraq. This is not my “opinion” as the FACTS are adding up that we are getting more and more confirmation they may be planning to move forward with the reinstatement sometime in EARLY January of 2018. All we can do is keep watching it unfold and gather our FACTS build up a case that is leading us down the path of making this analysis and conclusion. [post 2 of 2]
10-27-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat UPDATE FIGHTING ISIS: The Iraqi army has launched a three-pronged offensive aimed at liberating the final Daesh-held areas in the country’s western Anbar province. The army announced early on Thursday morning that the offensive to liberate the towns of Rawa and Qa'im, located close to the Syrian border, WILL BE THE FINAL OPERATION IN THE COUNTRY AGAINST THE TAKFIRI TERRORIST GROUP. On Wednesday, the Iraqi air force dropped leaflets on the two towns warning civilians about the upcoming operation. Earlier this month, Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said Daesh will be totally defeated in the country by the end of the year. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
10-27-2017 Intel Guru Bruce When it comes to Iraq...we can’t really start until Iraq is ready to go. Everything is very positive in Iraq. The in-country rate is way above what you have heard. Remember I talked about Dr. Shabbi in the past and what he said at a conference in 2012 that the dinar could support a certain rate back then. That is where we are right now in-country. That is not here, but in Iraq. Very good news. Everything has been done in Iraq. The only thing they haven’t done is put the rate out. We should see some really interesting things come through for us the next 2 to 3 days. “What makes today any different?” It is different because more things have happened, have preceded, stuff behind the scenes. You are at the end of the ride. I heard from sources we won’t go all the way into the weekend before this happens.
10-27-2017 Newshound Guru Enorrste To sum up: I find this to be a very positive event overall, even though it consists merely of statements of intent rather than lists of actual accomplishments. It clearly shows that a lot of progress has been made over the last 3 or 4 years. Therefore, it is my view that once this last hurdle is overcome (getting people to actually use the banks), that foreign investors, who are begging to get into Iraq due to the huge potential, will jump on board as soon as it is economically feasible to do so. [post 3 of 3]
10-27-2017 Guest Guru BobTheTaxMan …my invitation to you is to look for easy. What is the reputation of the person you’re dealing with? Have you had references from other people so they’re good people to work with? Lastly, how to you feel when you talk to them? Do they listen to you? Do they spend more time listening than talking? Are they trying to sell you something? Or are they honestly interested in what you wish to accomplish? Use these common sense things when you have a conversation with these professionals. It’s important that you do. Trust yourself…and then follow their advice…and stick to the plans. That’s what’s going to keep you safe. [Post 2 of 2]
10-27-2017 Newshound Guru Enorrste It is a positive sign to me that all of the representatives on this panel recognize the liquidity problem and understand that getting the money out of the mattresses is the solution. I would venture to guess that the CBI has a plan to push this process along, even to the point of forcing people to use their mattress money if necessary. As with my other comments above I believe that this snowball affect will be the most important, once it begins. The statement by one of the Iraqi bankers...was quite revealing, namely that he appealed to the CBI to just given the banks a checklist of things that need to be done to bring them into full compliance. I would wager that this proposal will be acted upon quickly by the CBI, once it is presented to them, and that full compliance across the board will occur shortly thereafter. One thing is clear: all of the Iraqi bank representatives expressed a deep desire to be fully compliant. The statement was simple: "Just tell us what to do and we will do it!" [post 2 of 3....stay tuned]
10-27-2017 Newshound Guru Enorrste "Achieving Growth in Contexts of Great Challenge: The Iraqi Private Banking Sector" The very fact that this conference exists is a good sign. It shows that all parties are aware of the problem and are attempting to work out a solution. The issue of whether any bank coming into a correspondent relationship will find it likely that they will make money is a serious concern. ...At the same time there was a clear understanding by one of the members of the "wild west" theory that KAP [Guru Kaperoni] and I have talked about for years. She said almost the same thing we have been saying all along, namely that once the movement begins it will snowball and lead to very rapid economic growth in Iraq. It is the beginning of the snowball that is the current problem. Several members indicated that the laws and regulations are now in place, but that implementation is what is lacking. This, to me, is a positive step. I think that this is a lot like the snowball affect that I just mentioned: it just needs to get started. Once it does the confidence level will rise in bank usage. Once that happens foreign banks will want to get involved as well. [post 1 of 3....stay tuned]
10-27-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 Look at where we are this year compared to earlier years at this time: we have more info in print, from the banks in the US and Iraq, people being paid in Iraq, the cards being used here and in other countries. Heck, Iraq is telling their citizens openly that they are changing the value of the currency and they will have more purchasing power. It’s possible this will linger into the end of the year – anything’s possible – although it doesn’t look like it from the information I’m seeing. We just have to hold on.
10-27-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat So are there yet more areas to be cleared in Iraq? Surely it will not take 2 months to clear Takfiri alone. Just so there is not misunderstanding, from the Mnt Goat, there will be NO reinstatement of the Iraqi dinar until ISIS and any terrorists group is gone from Iraq. This is not my “opinion” as the FACTS are adding up that we are getting more and more confirmation they may be planning to move forward with the reinstatement sometime in EARLY January of 2018. All we can do is keep watching it unfold and gather our FACTS build up a case that is leading us down the path of making this analysis and conclusion. [post 2 of 2]
10-27-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat UPDATE FIGHTING ISIS: The Iraqi army has launched a three-pronged offensive aimed at liberating the final Daesh-held areas in the country’s western Anbar province. The army announced early on Thursday morning that the offensive to liberate the towns of Rawa and Qa'im, located close to the Syrian border, WILL BE THE FINAL OPERATION IN THE COUNTRY AGAINST THE TAKFIRI TERRORIST GROUP. On Wednesday, the Iraqi air force dropped leaflets on the two towns warning civilians about the upcoming operation. Earlier this month, Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said Daesh will be totally defeated in the country by the end of the year. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
10-27-2017 Intel Guru Bruce When it comes to Iraq...we can’t really start until Iraq is ready to go. Everything is very positive in Iraq. The in-country rate is way above what you have heard. Remember I talked about Dr. Shabbi in the past and what he said at a conference in 2012 that the dinar could support a certain rate back then. That is where we are right now in-country. That is not here, but in Iraq. Very good news. Everything has been done in Iraq. The only thing they haven’t done is put the rate out. We should see some really interesting things come through for us the next 2 to 3 days. “What makes today any different?” It is different because more things have happened, have preceded, stuff behind the scenes. You are at the end of the ride. I heard from sources we won’t go all the way into the weekend before this happens.
10-27-2017 Newshound Guru Enorrste To sum up: I find this to be a very positive event overall, even though it consists merely of statements of intent rather than lists of actual accomplishments. It clearly shows that a lot of progress has been made over the last 3 or 4 years. Therefore, it is my view that once this last hurdle is overcome (getting people to actually use the banks), that foreign investors, who are begging to get into Iraq due to the huge potential, will jump on board as soon as it is economically feasible to do so. [post 3 of 3]
10-27-2017 Guest Guru BobTheTaxMan …my invitation to you is to look for easy. What is the reputation of the person you’re dealing with? Have you had references from other people so they’re good people to work with? Lastly, how to you feel when you talk to them? Do they listen to you? Do they spend more time listening than talking? Are they trying to sell you something? Or are they honestly interested in what you wish to accomplish? Use these common sense things when you have a conversation with these professionals. It’s important that you do. Trust yourself…and then follow their advice…and stick to the plans. That’s what’s going to keep you safe. [Post 2 of 2]
10-27-2017 Newshound Guru Enorrste It is a positive sign to me that all of the representatives on this panel recognize the liquidity problem and understand that getting the money out of the mattresses is the solution. I would venture to guess that the CBI has a plan to push this process along, even to the point of forcing people to use their mattress money if necessary. As with my other comments above I believe that this snowball affect will be the most important, once it begins. The statement by one of the Iraqi bankers...was quite revealing, namely that he appealed to the CBI to just given the banks a checklist of things that need to be done to bring them into full compliance. I would wager that this proposal will be acted upon quickly by the CBI, once it is presented to them, and that full compliance across the board will occur shortly thereafter. One thing is clear: all of the Iraqi bank representatives expressed a deep desire to be fully compliant. The statement was simple: "Just tell us what to do and we will do it!" [post 2 of 3....stay tuned]
10-27-2017 Newshound Guru Enorrste "Achieving Growth in Contexts of Great Challenge: The Iraqi Private Banking Sector" The very fact that this conference exists is a good sign. It shows that all parties are aware of the problem and are attempting to work out a solution. The issue of whether any bank coming into a correspondent relationship will find it likely that they will make money is a serious concern. ...At the same time there was a clear understanding by one of the members of the "wild west" theory that KAP [Guru Kaperoni] and I have talked about for years. She said almost the same thing we have been saying all along, namely that once the movement begins it will snowball and lead to very rapid economic growth in Iraq. It is the beginning of the snowball that is the current problem. Several members indicated that the laws and regulations are now in place, but that implementation is what is lacking. This, to me, is a positive step. I think that this is a lot like the snowball affect that I just mentioned: it just needs to get started. Once it does the confidence level will rise in bank usage. Once that happens foreign banks will want to get involved as well. [post 1 of 3....stay tuned]
10-26-2017 Intel Guru Rayren98 [Looking like we are there...this week to the best of your knowledge?] Yes, to the best of my knowledge. [Has the HCL taken place yet and do you think it is necessary to progress to the RV?] A lot of you think X or Y is necessary to have the RV, and if we are moving ahead of schedule, or moving too fast, they will find things to compensate for the time lag. Something like 3% of Iraq needs to be liberated, and the troops are being told to stand down, when they could have dealt with those areas two weeks ago. Maybe that is just a distraction while they follow their time frame instead of an expedited time frame.
10-26-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru sandyf "If Kuiwat can revalue when they did so can Iraq now" Another fundamental misconception. When Iraq invaded Kuwait they made the IQD the national currency of Kuwait. The KWD lost value because it was no longer a national currency and could not be exchanged. It was never devalued. When the occupation came to an end the KWD was reinstated as the national currency of Kuwait at the same value as it was prior to the occupation, no revaluation.
10-26-2017 Guest Guru BobTheTaxMan Get other professionals advice. You’re going to have conversations with SIX tax attorneys. SIX CPAs or accounting firms. SIX financial planners. You might be saying, “Yeah, but Bob that’s so much time.” Yeah it is, but what you’re going to find is that everyone is going to have a different idea…I’d go to them and say, “This is what I have. This is what I want. This is what I ultimately want to accomplish. Show me your ideas.” So the things you’re going to listen for is…Do they make sense?…[Post 1 of 2]
10-26-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat We are still looking at a very good window between now and early January 2018. Currently there is no indication this is imminent... Yes, there has been some very good news that the process to delete the zeros is moving forward and the financial ministry is working with the CBI to prepare to go international. ...we are still waiting for the re-educational process to begin. By this process I mean to roll out the education of the newer notes and the transition process and how it will all play out.
10-26-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 [...although Abadi’s speech was not what we were loking for... What are you specifically looking for Abadi to say?...] I’m looking for him to say that the liberation has been achieved, and that economic reforms are completed, with national reconciliation and removal of restrictions of the currencies and the multi-currency process. It’s a daisy chain: the country being unified and liberated, economic reform, people being paid, etc.
10-26-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru sandyf [new Guru] "Iraq cannot become a member of the WTO without an international currency" This is another huge misconception. Myanmar, Cambodia and Laos are all members of the WTO with an Article 14 currency the same as Iraq. Myanmar has had more years of UN sanctions than I care to remember. Iraq has not had a meeting with the WTO since 2008, Laos became a member of the WTO in 2013 and had 6 meetings with the WTO between 2008 and 2012. To become a WTO member each country must have a credible trade profile. This has been a major stumbling block for Iraq with Iraq and Kurdistan unable to come to some agreement. They each have their own view on the implementation of tariffs and until that is resolved the WTO is dead in the water. Absolutely nothing to do with the currency.
10-26-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat ...Iran, Jordan, Kuwait and the Saudi’s want to trade using their own currencies and not have to convert to the US dollar each time they want to do business with Iraq. ...these other countries are already trading in this manner and hoped that Iraq would soon join them as trading partners “in this manner”. This is all very good news and puts lots of pressure for Iraq to use this own dinar. But how does Iraq do this? It is much more than just “pushing a button” or as some say “triggering the RV”. It is a very complicated process to change over a hyper-inflationary purposed currency without either stagnating the economy or causing hyper- inflationary situation. Remember they are not lopping the 3 zeros and so it makes it even more tender of a situation to manage. So they move cautiously and slowly. Even Dr. Shabibi told us this process “would take years to implement” and it has taken years. We are about to see the end result. [post 2 of 2]
10-26-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Abadi made a speech on Tuesday oct 24th saying that Iraq is ready to take its leading role in the region and the world. ...this does not mean they are about to RV. This is not some speech we have been waiting for to trigger the RV. You must not take an event and just look at the event. Instead you must consider everything going on around the event and what leads up to it. This will give you the entire picture. ...When the RV does happens it will be a re-instatement of the currency to the international community and it will coincide nicely with all the international efforts the CBI and Finance ministry has been doing over these last years. Abadi said...the goal was to bring the war torn nation “back to its former glory”. They need their currency back online with the rest of the world...this re-instatement is the end result not the goal. It is a necessity not a goal. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
10-26-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 What substance does my information have behind it? Bankers are saying quite possibly this week, added together with the information coming out of Iraq, plus people with cards with dinar loaded on them (in the US and other countries), with a rate of $3+. It’s a waiting process, and we still don’t know for how long.
10-26-2017 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: "Official reception of the Prime Minister Dr. Haider Abadi at the Turkish Government Palace in Ankara" ...it's timing, it's placement. ...One more stop for Abadi with Tehran with an olive branch in offering from Iraq, Saudi Arabia, the region in reconciliation to move forward in harmony, in friendship and not to mention, profits for all...
10-26-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru sandyf "If Kuiwat can revalue when they did so can Iraq now" Another fundamental misconception. When Iraq invaded Kuwait they made the IQD the national currency of Kuwait. The KWD lost value because it was no longer a national currency and could not be exchanged. It was never devalued. When the occupation came to an end the KWD was reinstated as the national currency of Kuwait at the same value as it was prior to the occupation, no revaluation.
10-26-2017 Guest Guru BobTheTaxMan Get other professionals advice. You’re going to have conversations with SIX tax attorneys. SIX CPAs or accounting firms. SIX financial planners. You might be saying, “Yeah, but Bob that’s so much time.” Yeah it is, but what you’re going to find is that everyone is going to have a different idea…I’d go to them and say, “This is what I have. This is what I want. This is what I ultimately want to accomplish. Show me your ideas.” So the things you’re going to listen for is…Do they make sense?…[Post 1 of 2]
10-26-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat We are still looking at a very good window between now and early January 2018. Currently there is no indication this is imminent... Yes, there has been some very good news that the process to delete the zeros is moving forward and the financial ministry is working with the CBI to prepare to go international. ...we are still waiting for the re-educational process to begin. By this process I mean to roll out the education of the newer notes and the transition process and how it will all play out.
10-26-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 [...although Abadi’s speech was not what we were loking for... What are you specifically looking for Abadi to say?...] I’m looking for him to say that the liberation has been achieved, and that economic reforms are completed, with national reconciliation and removal of restrictions of the currencies and the multi-currency process. It’s a daisy chain: the country being unified and liberated, economic reform, people being paid, etc.
10-26-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru sandyf [new Guru] "Iraq cannot become a member of the WTO without an international currency" This is another huge misconception. Myanmar, Cambodia and Laos are all members of the WTO with an Article 14 currency the same as Iraq. Myanmar has had more years of UN sanctions than I care to remember. Iraq has not had a meeting with the WTO since 2008, Laos became a member of the WTO in 2013 and had 6 meetings with the WTO between 2008 and 2012. To become a WTO member each country must have a credible trade profile. This has been a major stumbling block for Iraq with Iraq and Kurdistan unable to come to some agreement. They each have their own view on the implementation of tariffs and until that is resolved the WTO is dead in the water. Absolutely nothing to do with the currency.
10-26-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat ...Iran, Jordan, Kuwait and the Saudi’s want to trade using their own currencies and not have to convert to the US dollar each time they want to do business with Iraq. ...these other countries are already trading in this manner and hoped that Iraq would soon join them as trading partners “in this manner”. This is all very good news and puts lots of pressure for Iraq to use this own dinar. But how does Iraq do this? It is much more than just “pushing a button” or as some say “triggering the RV”. It is a very complicated process to change over a hyper-inflationary purposed currency without either stagnating the economy or causing hyper- inflationary situation. Remember they are not lopping the 3 zeros and so it makes it even more tender of a situation to manage. So they move cautiously and slowly. Even Dr. Shabibi told us this process “would take years to implement” and it has taken years. We are about to see the end result. [post 2 of 2]
10-26-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Abadi made a speech on Tuesday oct 24th saying that Iraq is ready to take its leading role in the region and the world. ...this does not mean they are about to RV. This is not some speech we have been waiting for to trigger the RV. You must not take an event and just look at the event. Instead you must consider everything going on around the event and what leads up to it. This will give you the entire picture. ...When the RV does happens it will be a re-instatement of the currency to the international community and it will coincide nicely with all the international efforts the CBI and Finance ministry has been doing over these last years. Abadi said...the goal was to bring the war torn nation “back to its former glory”. They need their currency back online with the rest of the world...this re-instatement is the end result not the goal. It is a necessity not a goal. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
10-26-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 What substance does my information have behind it? Bankers are saying quite possibly this week, added together with the information coming out of Iraq, plus people with cards with dinar loaded on them (in the US and other countries), with a rate of $3+. It’s a waiting process, and we still don’t know for how long.
10-26-2017 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: "Official reception of the Prime Minister Dr. Haider Abadi at the Turkish Government Palace in Ankara" ...it's timing, it's placement. ...One more stop for Abadi with Tehran with an olive branch in offering from Iraq, Saudi Arabia, the region in reconciliation to move forward in harmony, in friendship and not to mention, profits for all...
10-25-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana Regarding Iraq's influx of eager business countries/people/companies... of COURSE there are suitors lining up! Iraq is on the way up. It may take a little longer, or it may happen today or tomorrow, but it doesn't take a genius to see that they ARE on the way up.
10-25-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 IMO...OUR DAYS TOGETHER IN THE MR [Monetary Reform] STUDY ARE BUT FEW. HOW DOES ONE INTRODUCE A CESSATION? [...in Hawaii... to introduce a Cessation...would one not say..."Aloha"?] In this Cessation...We say all three of Aloha's meanings...I Love You and...Greetings as we say...Goodbye.
10-25-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 Who would have thought we would still be on this side of the public release of the RV? We are in it to win it, however long it takes. In terms of expectations, there seem to be a few issues with the banks that are being resolved, and they now expect some things to pop out later this week. In Iraq, the Kurds are standing down on the referendum issue, conceding and looking back at Article 140. More than likely that will be acceptable to them. As for Abadi, he made a statement that Iraq is ready to take a leading role in the region and in the world. For most, that implies a change in the currency. Economists are also talking about an upcoming change in the value. In the US, the banks are now saying, “Dinar? We’ll deal with it”, rather than the previous position of not touching it with a ten-foot pole. We’re halfway through the week, and we still patiently await what happens.
10-25-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana Important note regarding OPEC: This organization doesn't have any direct say in where the CBI sets their auction/trading prices, nor do they have any direct impact on the HCL. HOWEVER... there are already OPEC members looking to wrap up the oil production limits, while others are posturing as if they want to extend it to the end of 2018 or longer. As you might suspect, the wealthier and more financially stable countries are in favor of extending and the little guys are hoping for a quick end to it. Iraq is basically the silent little person in the corner, watching and biding their comments. If they do something before November 7, it will change the "World Oil Outlook". If they don't, then I think the outcome of the upcoming OPEC meeting will give us some serious clues as to what will happen next. Hopefully the OPEC thoughts are some good food for thought, and with any other (better) luck, hopefully we won't even have time to ponder it too long before an HCL sneaks up on us. [post 2 of 2]
10-25-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana There is a current agreement amongst a majority of OPEC participating countries designed to control the oil market in the supposed interest of keeping the global economy. I'm not presenting a specific conspiracy theory on that thought, I'm just saying "supposed" because there's always some kind of backdoor deal or subterfuge going on with anything related to politicians! That's also not to say that the current OPEC agreement is a bad thing. I feel like it was a good move on many levels, but let's move on. The current OPEC agreement - and keep in mind, this is a sort of informal, kind of semi-official, non-binding-to-Iraq, completely-beneficial-to-Iraq - yes, that OPEC agreement continues to run a course very attractive to Iraq's interests. Bottom line - Iraq's still sitting pretty in it's ability to potentially skirt the current production limitations and they wouldn't even feel the need to apologize for getting a nice break. Important date regarding the OPEC agreement: November 7, Vienna Austria. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
10-25-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: "A new project to provide electronic payment services to local banks" Quote: "...while confirming the company portal of Iraq Electronic Financial Services, it is certified according to international standards and instructions of the Central Bank of Iraq, and sets the best global financial practices" ...logic says that the banks of Iraq are not just connected to the American banks but they are now connected to every bank on this planet earth!!! AMAZING!!!...LOL...guess what's next!!!
10-25-2017 Intel Guru Bruce In Iraq Prime Minister Abadi had made an announcement on Sunday or Saturday...The language in it was very positive about economic reforms moving forward....The idea of the restoration of Iraq. The belief was that it was what was needed to be said by Prime Minister Abadi to move Iraq forward and release everything in terms of the blessing. Everything we have heard is very positive where we are right now with all the currencies coming together, and with all countries coming to together in agreement. With the timing of this coming very close... I can just tell you we really thought we were there even last night. Things happened that didn’t allow it. Those things have been handled and it is moving forward. We are in a great place...
10-25-2017 Guest Guru BobTheTaxMan Cash in up front only what you need. Remember, when you cash in your dinar you’ve created a taxable event. So only cash in what you need. So what do you need? Well you have debts you’re going to want to pay off…you’re going to have certain expenses…Legal and accounting expenses that are going to be coming up in the future. Some plans that are going to require some money…so all of those things need to be taken care of. Only cash in enough to take care of that to meet your immediate needs. Next, get your house taken care of. Pay off your mortgage…your cars. All the debts you have hanging on your shoulders, pay them off. Is there going to be a taxable event? Of course there is obviously and you’re going to calculate whatever your taxes are…this is where you also have a conversation with your tax professional. Because when it comes to fruition they ARE going to listen to you. Because money always talks…so take care of those things first.
[NOTE: The above should NOT be considered tax or investment advice. It is purely informational and the views of this guru. Speak to your own tax and investment professional at the appropriate time.]
10-25-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray Article Quote: "Iraq and Saudi Arabia are two major economic powers in the world to acquire the wealth of the two sides, which require a large volume of work that requires the efforts of the private sector in both countries and the region, as well as the evolving global effort to invest in wealth in a way that changes the shape of the economies of the region for the better." In other words they are saying, "There is money to be made guys... Lets get to it."...
10-25-2017 Newshound Guru mike Article: "Abadi defends role of Iranian-backed paramiltaries at meeting with Tillerson" Quote: "In his opening remarks at the meeting with Tillerson, Abadi said Popular Mobilisation "is part of the Iraqi institutions," rejecting accusations that it is acting as an Iranian proxy." These articles are the reality of Iraq right now, it ain't pretty but it's the facts. Abadi's reluctance to remove the Iranians from Iraq is a huge indicator for who's really in control of Iraq. Tillerson told them to go and Abadi told him to go pound sand. This article is an illustration for why we're still sitting here waiting for Iraq to move towards an open market economy, it's because they do what Iran tells them to do, not the US or EU. Hopefully Iran will allow the Iraqi people to move towards an open market economy and things will change for the dinar, but in the meantime, articles like this help answer the question; "What the hell are these guys waiting for?"
10-25-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 IMO...OUR DAYS TOGETHER IN THE MR [Monetary Reform] STUDY ARE BUT FEW. HOW DOES ONE INTRODUCE A CESSATION? [...in Hawaii... to introduce a Cessation...would one not say..."Aloha"?] In this Cessation...We say all three of Aloha's meanings...I Love You and...Greetings as we say...Goodbye.
10-25-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 Who would have thought we would still be on this side of the public release of the RV? We are in it to win it, however long it takes. In terms of expectations, there seem to be a few issues with the banks that are being resolved, and they now expect some things to pop out later this week. In Iraq, the Kurds are standing down on the referendum issue, conceding and looking back at Article 140. More than likely that will be acceptable to them. As for Abadi, he made a statement that Iraq is ready to take a leading role in the region and in the world. For most, that implies a change in the currency. Economists are also talking about an upcoming change in the value. In the US, the banks are now saying, “Dinar? We’ll deal with it”, rather than the previous position of not touching it with a ten-foot pole. We’re halfway through the week, and we still patiently await what happens.
10-25-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana Important note regarding OPEC: This organization doesn't have any direct say in where the CBI sets their auction/trading prices, nor do they have any direct impact on the HCL. HOWEVER... there are already OPEC members looking to wrap up the oil production limits, while others are posturing as if they want to extend it to the end of 2018 or longer. As you might suspect, the wealthier and more financially stable countries are in favor of extending and the little guys are hoping for a quick end to it. Iraq is basically the silent little person in the corner, watching and biding their comments. If they do something before November 7, it will change the "World Oil Outlook". If they don't, then I think the outcome of the upcoming OPEC meeting will give us some serious clues as to what will happen next. Hopefully the OPEC thoughts are some good food for thought, and with any other (better) luck, hopefully we won't even have time to ponder it too long before an HCL sneaks up on us. [post 2 of 2]
10-25-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana There is a current agreement amongst a majority of OPEC participating countries designed to control the oil market in the supposed interest of keeping the global economy. I'm not presenting a specific conspiracy theory on that thought, I'm just saying "supposed" because there's always some kind of backdoor deal or subterfuge going on with anything related to politicians! That's also not to say that the current OPEC agreement is a bad thing. I feel like it was a good move on many levels, but let's move on. The current OPEC agreement - and keep in mind, this is a sort of informal, kind of semi-official, non-binding-to-Iraq, completely-beneficial-to-Iraq - yes, that OPEC agreement continues to run a course very attractive to Iraq's interests. Bottom line - Iraq's still sitting pretty in it's ability to potentially skirt the current production limitations and they wouldn't even feel the need to apologize for getting a nice break. Important date regarding the OPEC agreement: November 7, Vienna Austria. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
10-25-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: "A new project to provide electronic payment services to local banks" Quote: "...while confirming the company portal of Iraq Electronic Financial Services, it is certified according to international standards and instructions of the Central Bank of Iraq, and sets the best global financial practices" ...logic says that the banks of Iraq are not just connected to the American banks but they are now connected to every bank on this planet earth!!! AMAZING!!!...LOL...guess what's next!!!
10-25-2017 Intel Guru Bruce In Iraq Prime Minister Abadi had made an announcement on Sunday or Saturday...The language in it was very positive about economic reforms moving forward....The idea of the restoration of Iraq. The belief was that it was what was needed to be said by Prime Minister Abadi to move Iraq forward and release everything in terms of the blessing. Everything we have heard is very positive where we are right now with all the currencies coming together, and with all countries coming to together in agreement. With the timing of this coming very close... I can just tell you we really thought we were there even last night. Things happened that didn’t allow it. Those things have been handled and it is moving forward. We are in a great place...
10-25-2017 Guest Guru BobTheTaxMan Cash in up front only what you need. Remember, when you cash in your dinar you’ve created a taxable event. So only cash in what you need. So what do you need? Well you have debts you’re going to want to pay off…you’re going to have certain expenses…Legal and accounting expenses that are going to be coming up in the future. Some plans that are going to require some money…so all of those things need to be taken care of. Only cash in enough to take care of that to meet your immediate needs. Next, get your house taken care of. Pay off your mortgage…your cars. All the debts you have hanging on your shoulders, pay them off. Is there going to be a taxable event? Of course there is obviously and you’re going to calculate whatever your taxes are…this is where you also have a conversation with your tax professional. Because when it comes to fruition they ARE going to listen to you. Because money always talks…so take care of those things first.
[NOTE: The above should NOT be considered tax or investment advice. It is purely informational and the views of this guru. Speak to your own tax and investment professional at the appropriate time.]
10-25-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray Article Quote: "Iraq and Saudi Arabia are two major economic powers in the world to acquire the wealth of the two sides, which require a large volume of work that requires the efforts of the private sector in both countries and the region, as well as the evolving global effort to invest in wealth in a way that changes the shape of the economies of the region for the better." In other words they are saying, "There is money to be made guys... Lets get to it."...
10-25-2017 Newshound Guru mike Article: "Abadi defends role of Iranian-backed paramiltaries at meeting with Tillerson" Quote: "In his opening remarks at the meeting with Tillerson, Abadi said Popular Mobilisation "is part of the Iraqi institutions," rejecting accusations that it is acting as an Iranian proxy." These articles are the reality of Iraq right now, it ain't pretty but it's the facts. Abadi's reluctance to remove the Iranians from Iraq is a huge indicator for who's really in control of Iraq. Tillerson told them to go and Abadi told him to go pound sand. This article is an illustration for why we're still sitting here waiting for Iraq to move towards an open market economy, it's because they do what Iran tells them to do, not the US or EU. Hopefully Iran will allow the Iraqi people to move towards an open market economy and things will change for the dinar, but in the meantime, articles like this help answer the question; "What the hell are these guys waiting for?"
10-24-2017 Newshound Guru G-Lin Article: "A new project to provide electronic payment services to local banks" "Coordinating Council" Quotes: "while confirming the company portal of Iraq Electronic Financial Services, it is certified according to international standards and instructions of the Central Bank of Iraq, and sets the best global financial practices between De Iraqi citizen to facilitate his life and work for the benefit of financial institutions and bodies of the national economy." "Iraq and Saudi Arabia are two major economic powers in the world to acquire the wealth of the two sides..." These are exciting arts. This is occuring now not in the future.
10-24-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 [Do you think Abadi is waiting a bit to help his chances with the election in April? I wonder if the RV will come in then just before the election to help him?] ...if Abadi wants to influence the voters, he should be doing the RV right now so that the citizens can be enjoying the benefits.
10-24-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray Article: "The largest US banks .. Praises the performance of Iraqi banks" [Corresponding banks are the key to this moving forward. The USA banks have linked themselves with Iraqi banks so when the time comes for a reality rate EVERYONE is on the same page.] BINGO!...And this process continues to move forward, and closer to that time...
10-24-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "MP NIAZI MIRAMAR OGLU CALLED ON FRIDAY TO PASS THE LEGISLATION OF THE OIL AND GAS LAW" ...we get yet more confirmation that HCL and Article 140 is not completed and was actually the reason for the Kurdistan referendum in the first place. Iraq will not have peace and not have justice in distribution of their wealth until this issue is resolved and the proper legislation is passed in parliament. As Mnt Goat told everyone the referendum will soon cause the final draft of HCL to be brought before parliament for passage. Is this technically needed prior to the RV? NO - of course not, but we are not talking technically. Instead we are talking about political stability and this last round of nonsense over Kirkuk oil should convince everyone of this. Do we need this for the RV for STABILITY reasons? I am told a BIG Fat YES!
10-24-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 No matter what the dinar rate comes out at, there is more to come, whether for a few hours, days or weeks. Whatever it comes out at, it may go up but certainly won’t go down. This is a country’s currency, and the rate will stay at that level at least for a while.
10-24-2017 Guest Guru BobTheTaxMan …Don’t tell anybody you have it [the dinar]. I don’t know about you but I’ve read all these horror stories of these people who have won these lotteries and what happens? They have family and dear friends come out of the woodwork with all these wonderful ideas or pleading for help or whatever and they ended up losing this money. The other thing is most of those who receive it have no idea what to do with it. Which is why I’ve been encouraging you to once it does come to fruition to go get help. Go to attorneys. Go to CPAs. These are the people who can give you professional guidance in what to do. They’ll keep you out of trouble. But you don’t have to tell everyone that you’ve got it. Don’t tell your neighbors. Don’t brag…cause wow, you’re just opening the door for termites to come in and destroy your home. Don’t do it. Just hang onto it and do what you are going to do with it.
10-24-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray Article: "Saudi airlines to resume flights to Iraq on Monday" This is exciting stuff... And again, Saudi Arabia have better things to do than to waste time investing in an unstable nation... Which is why they are all in with Iraq as far as economic cooperation between the two nations... Iraq is stable, and they are willing to fly their jets into this country to prove it...
10-24-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat I will tell you again the Iraqi dinar is the ONLY sure currency to have any real potential for a very soon SIGNIFICANT revaluation of any kind. The kind of value change that could make you a millionaire.
10-24-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 [Do you think Abadi is waiting a bit to help his chances with the election in April? I wonder if the RV will come in then just before the election to help him?] ...if Abadi wants to influence the voters, he should be doing the RV right now so that the citizens can be enjoying the benefits.
10-24-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray Article: "The largest US banks .. Praises the performance of Iraqi banks" [Corresponding banks are the key to this moving forward. The USA banks have linked themselves with Iraqi banks so when the time comes for a reality rate EVERYONE is on the same page.] BINGO!...And this process continues to move forward, and closer to that time...
10-24-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "MP NIAZI MIRAMAR OGLU CALLED ON FRIDAY TO PASS THE LEGISLATION OF THE OIL AND GAS LAW" ...we get yet more confirmation that HCL and Article 140 is not completed and was actually the reason for the Kurdistan referendum in the first place. Iraq will not have peace and not have justice in distribution of their wealth until this issue is resolved and the proper legislation is passed in parliament. As Mnt Goat told everyone the referendum will soon cause the final draft of HCL to be brought before parliament for passage. Is this technically needed prior to the RV? NO - of course not, but we are not talking technically. Instead we are talking about political stability and this last round of nonsense over Kirkuk oil should convince everyone of this. Do we need this for the RV for STABILITY reasons? I am told a BIG Fat YES!
10-24-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 No matter what the dinar rate comes out at, there is more to come, whether for a few hours, days or weeks. Whatever it comes out at, it may go up but certainly won’t go down. This is a country’s currency, and the rate will stay at that level at least for a while.
10-24-2017 Guest Guru BobTheTaxMan …Don’t tell anybody you have it [the dinar]. I don’t know about you but I’ve read all these horror stories of these people who have won these lotteries and what happens? They have family and dear friends come out of the woodwork with all these wonderful ideas or pleading for help or whatever and they ended up losing this money. The other thing is most of those who receive it have no idea what to do with it. Which is why I’ve been encouraging you to once it does come to fruition to go get help. Go to attorneys. Go to CPAs. These are the people who can give you professional guidance in what to do. They’ll keep you out of trouble. But you don’t have to tell everyone that you’ve got it. Don’t tell your neighbors. Don’t brag…cause wow, you’re just opening the door for termites to come in and destroy your home. Don’t do it. Just hang onto it and do what you are going to do with it.
10-24-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray Article: "Saudi airlines to resume flights to Iraq on Monday" This is exciting stuff... And again, Saudi Arabia have better things to do than to waste time investing in an unstable nation... Which is why they are all in with Iraq as far as economic cooperation between the two nations... Iraq is stable, and they are willing to fly their jets into this country to prove it...
10-24-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat I will tell you again the Iraqi dinar is the ONLY sure currency to have any real potential for a very soon SIGNIFICANT revaluation of any kind. The kind of value change that could make you a millionaire.
10-23-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: "US Secretary of State arrives in Baghdad to meet infallible and devout" Quote: "US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson arrived in Baghdad and will meet in Baghdad with Iraqi President Fuad Masum and Prime Minister Haider Abadi..." SOMETHINGS UP!!!...OF COURSE...IMO...
10-23-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 Iraqi citizens were asked to come in to the banks to confirm their data, but we don’t really know if that has any bearing… but I would think it does, as it has to do with being paid. Abadi was also on television talking about the 140, which is a political priority. We don’t really know what will have an effect on the public release. Now they are saying the processes are complete to advance the system, but no one has made an announcement yet. Secretary of State Tillerson has just touched down in Iraq for an unscheduled visit… wonder what that is for. Based on where we should be with the information – it could happen this evening, this week, this month, or even a couple of months. It seems very likely to happen this week, if not this evening. [post 2 of 2]
10-23-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 They did do the celebration in Iraq on Saturday, and PM Abadi did make a speech before he left town, but it was not the speech we anticipated. We are still wondering what comes next. Let’s look at information for this week. CBI Governor al-Allak was on Iraqi television on Sunday asking other countries to link their banks with the CBI. I think I reported some-thing like that in the past, and maybe they are now playing catch-up. Also, it is reported that troops are on standby, ready to knock out those last two provinces. They did say that they are looking for full liberation in the coming days. There could be some strategy involved if they don’t want to wrap this up too soon. I can see that if they are using this as a tool to line these events up with other changes I anticipate. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
10-23-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat ...we will probably not even see the rate on the global exchanges at this time. This DOES NOT mean an in-country only RV has happened. What it does mean is the rate is not yet showing up on the exchanges. Some side trading will be occurring. We will not yet be able to exchange our currency and the rates will not yet be live. Now having said all this let me tell you why they are rolling it out this way. Once this initial 2-3 week period is over, they will roll the rate out to the global exchanges world-wide and away it goes...and the market now drives the rate. Now they can’t stop the process. The important part now is to remember since they did a reinstatement they can also now do a re-valuation. This re-valuation is based only on what they feel the market can absorb which is determined by what happens during this initial couple weeks. So they can now set the rate to $3.41 or $3.71 or $4.00+ or whatever. [post 3 of 3]
10-23-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat What will be this initial rate? I have given you many reports on this throughout the years...and solid evidence of why I believe the rate will come out at just under or around 1:1 with the US dollar. ...I believe with almost certainty now this will be very close to the initial rate. ...years ago, I reviewed the entire process...how this is set to be rolled out. I want to review this again since we are getting very close to the event. The CBI with the IMF permission will roll out the initial rate. Then they must wait and adjust for inflation. Basically, these first few weeks they are going to strictly monitor the economic and financial impacts. They are looking for certain trends during this time period. They could literally stop the process at any time during this period. [post 2 of 3....stay tuned]
10-23-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat I have to tell everyone that twice a month the treasury department runs some software that regenerates rates across the board for all global currencies. They do this to monitor the rates and to ensure there is equity and proper valuations. The IMF is mostly responsible for monitoring the results and their analyst get the reports. So how reliable are these rates on the bank screens? For our sake and this RV the rates have steadied over the last couple years since the inception of the new valuation system in 2013. Yes – the Iraqi dinar rate has been seen as high as $4.25 over this period but that only tells us a projected rate base on certain factors, then in motion. So what we can expect will be driven by the market place once the initial launch of a re-instatement rate is applied. [post 1 of 3....stay tuned]
10-23-2017 Newshound Guru Don961 Article: "Parliamentary Finance intends to activate the amendment of the scale of salaries of employees and equal in all ministries" Quote: "the salary after the adjustment will be calculated wages of housing allowances and wages of electricity and water and inflation in the markets and the exchange rate of dinar and purchasing power to ensure a salary is sufficient to ensure all the requirements of middle life." Calculating the new wage scale...taking into consideration...the exchange rate of the dinar...and its purchasing power...calculating...what could that elusive rate be?
10-23-2017 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article quote: "Awaji Press learned from her sources that Prime Minister Dr. Haider Abadi is leaving Amman to Baghdad now" Nothing like putting the final touches on to an Iraq Marshal Plan..
10-23-2017 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke OCTOBER. P.S. OCTOBER.
10-23-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 Iraqi citizens were asked to come in to the banks to confirm their data, but we don’t really know if that has any bearing… but I would think it does, as it has to do with being paid. Abadi was also on television talking about the 140, which is a political priority. We don’t really know what will have an effect on the public release. Now they are saying the processes are complete to advance the system, but no one has made an announcement yet. Secretary of State Tillerson has just touched down in Iraq for an unscheduled visit… wonder what that is for. Based on where we should be with the information – it could happen this evening, this week, this month, or even a couple of months. It seems very likely to happen this week, if not this evening. [post 2 of 2]
10-23-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 They did do the celebration in Iraq on Saturday, and PM Abadi did make a speech before he left town, but it was not the speech we anticipated. We are still wondering what comes next. Let’s look at information for this week. CBI Governor al-Allak was on Iraqi television on Sunday asking other countries to link their banks with the CBI. I think I reported some-thing like that in the past, and maybe they are now playing catch-up. Also, it is reported that troops are on standby, ready to knock out those last two provinces. They did say that they are looking for full liberation in the coming days. There could be some strategy involved if they don’t want to wrap this up too soon. I can see that if they are using this as a tool to line these events up with other changes I anticipate. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
10-23-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat ...we will probably not even see the rate on the global exchanges at this time. This DOES NOT mean an in-country only RV has happened. What it does mean is the rate is not yet showing up on the exchanges. Some side trading will be occurring. We will not yet be able to exchange our currency and the rates will not yet be live. Now having said all this let me tell you why they are rolling it out this way. Once this initial 2-3 week period is over, they will roll the rate out to the global exchanges world-wide and away it goes...and the market now drives the rate. Now they can’t stop the process. The important part now is to remember since they did a reinstatement they can also now do a re-valuation. This re-valuation is based only on what they feel the market can absorb which is determined by what happens during this initial couple weeks. So they can now set the rate to $3.41 or $3.71 or $4.00+ or whatever. [post 3 of 3]
10-23-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat What will be this initial rate? I have given you many reports on this throughout the years...and solid evidence of why I believe the rate will come out at just under or around 1:1 with the US dollar. ...I believe with almost certainty now this will be very close to the initial rate. ...years ago, I reviewed the entire process...how this is set to be rolled out. I want to review this again since we are getting very close to the event. The CBI with the IMF permission will roll out the initial rate. Then they must wait and adjust for inflation. Basically, these first few weeks they are going to strictly monitor the economic and financial impacts. They are looking for certain trends during this time period. They could literally stop the process at any time during this period. [post 2 of 3....stay tuned]
10-23-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat I have to tell everyone that twice a month the treasury department runs some software that regenerates rates across the board for all global currencies. They do this to monitor the rates and to ensure there is equity and proper valuations. The IMF is mostly responsible for monitoring the results and their analyst get the reports. So how reliable are these rates on the bank screens? For our sake and this RV the rates have steadied over the last couple years since the inception of the new valuation system in 2013. Yes – the Iraqi dinar rate has been seen as high as $4.25 over this period but that only tells us a projected rate base on certain factors, then in motion. So what we can expect will be driven by the market place once the initial launch of a re-instatement rate is applied. [post 1 of 3....stay tuned]
10-23-2017 Newshound Guru Don961 Article: "Parliamentary Finance intends to activate the amendment of the scale of salaries of employees and equal in all ministries" Quote: "the salary after the adjustment will be calculated wages of housing allowances and wages of electricity and water and inflation in the markets and the exchange rate of dinar and purchasing power to ensure a salary is sufficient to ensure all the requirements of middle life." Calculating the new wage scale...taking into consideration...the exchange rate of the dinar...and its purchasing power...calculating...what could that elusive rate be?
10-23-2017 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article quote: "Awaji Press learned from her sources that Prime Minister Dr. Haider Abadi is leaving Amman to Baghdad now" Nothing like putting the final touches on to an Iraq Marshal Plan..
10-23-2017 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke OCTOBER. P.S. OCTOBER.
10-22-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray [...when is the next national election due? Surely Abadi will want to RV well before then because it will swing in his favour for re-election if the country has had its economic power cranked up? It just makes sense to me that he wants to do it during his tenure.] Next April I believe... You bet he does...
10-22-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray ...Some forget that Abadi was a part of Maliki's government.. I believe he was the finance minister... Think he may have had his hand in the cookie jar a few times, and knew about others who did as well?... More than likely one of the main reasons why Maliki has not been arrested is due to the fact that he has the good's on many who are within the government now.... The Iraqi's are being watched like hawks this time... There will be no more do overs... This is it, and the time is now...
10-22-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat ...Iraq is very quickly heading to financial freedom and the launching of the lower denominations. Some heard from Allag, that the currencies restrictions have been taken off the dinar. This is not true as Allaq did say in the coming period this would be done. So we wait in anticipation for more progress in this direction. We know we must see a new rate close to 1:1 with the US dollar and together or very close the launching of these new notes. We have witnessed just alone in the past year extensive efforts to the remaining 3 zero notes off out of circulation. It was not until they implemented the electronic banking practices and the POS hardware in the marketplace, that this is now possible. Will they RV tomorrow? Who knows! - However, I fully believe we are in a very good window of time between the coming days and the beginning of January 2018.
10-22-2017 Newshound Guru Don961 [New Guru] Article: "Names of government delegation accompanying Abadi to Saudi Arabia" Quote: "Prime Minister Haider al-Abbadi visited the head of a large government delegation to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and during the meeting it was agreed to form a joint council between the two countries concerned with security and economic affairs." ...seems like Abadi took his whole Cabinet with him! ... and some high-level advisers ... people who actually get things done in the GOI ... as compared to Parliament ... US-SOS Tillerson as well ...thinking there is far more involved here than just a feel-good visit to the neighbor ... imo.
10-22-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat ...there is no reason to compare the Iraqi dinar to the Kuwait dinar experience. The is no reason why the Iraqi dinar may not rise very quickly once they unplug it from the financial sanctions and restrictions and place it back on the open market. If it gets out of hand, the IMF will simply step in and regulate it. But when they do, this it will be with the old 3 zero notes combined with the newer lower denominations. Both will coincide for up to 10 years, as the CBI has told us. The dinar is planned to be pegged at his time to an SDR basket (five leading global currencies). ...the value is not now artificially low, as it...went into hyper-inflation due to the sanctions and embargo of 1991. The dinar has been valued at exactly the rate it deserves. But having said all this - there are the recent Abadi reforms, the growing of the economy and the political stability and the security that has changed Iraq for the good and so it is time to change the value and progress to a new rate. [post 3 of 3]
10-22-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Next, once the newer 3 zero notes replaced the old Saddam notes, they had to slow down and stabilize the economy somehow. How did they do this? They did this by issuing the news notes along with instituting the a “de facto” peg of these notes to the US dollar. This was pegged to the US dollar only and not the British pound. The CBI and IMF have told us this countless times already in articles and news. Next, this “de facto” peg is not a float and is not even close to a float the IMF has talked about putting the Iraqi dinar on, once they move the currency out of sanction restrictions (which I believe they are now doing) and back to “full” international status. I don’t care to get fussy in what specifically they will call the float they will use but it will be a “fixed float” in that the market will determine the value based on supply and demand for the currency. In other words, they will fix an initial value and let the market drive it. [post 2 of 3....stay tuned]
10-22-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray ...Some forget that Abadi was a part of Maliki's government.. I believe he was the finance minister... Think he may have had his hand in the cookie jar a few times, and knew about others who did as well?... More than likely one of the main reasons why Maliki has not been arrested is due to the fact that he has the good's on many who are within the government now.... The Iraqi's are being watched like hawks this time... There will be no more do overs... This is it, and the time is now...
10-22-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat ...Iraq is very quickly heading to financial freedom and the launching of the lower denominations. Some heard from Allag, that the currencies restrictions have been taken off the dinar. This is not true as Allaq did say in the coming period this would be done. So we wait in anticipation for more progress in this direction. We know we must see a new rate close to 1:1 with the US dollar and together or very close the launching of these new notes. We have witnessed just alone in the past year extensive efforts to the remaining 3 zero notes off out of circulation. It was not until they implemented the electronic banking practices and the POS hardware in the marketplace, that this is now possible. Will they RV tomorrow? Who knows! - However, I fully believe we are in a very good window of time between the coming days and the beginning of January 2018.
10-22-2017 Newshound Guru Don961 [New Guru] Article: "Names of government delegation accompanying Abadi to Saudi Arabia" Quote: "Prime Minister Haider al-Abbadi visited the head of a large government delegation to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and during the meeting it was agreed to form a joint council between the two countries concerned with security and economic affairs." ...seems like Abadi took his whole Cabinet with him! ... and some high-level advisers ... people who actually get things done in the GOI ... as compared to Parliament ... US-SOS Tillerson as well ...thinking there is far more involved here than just a feel-good visit to the neighbor ... imo.
10-22-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat ...there is no reason to compare the Iraqi dinar to the Kuwait dinar experience. The is no reason why the Iraqi dinar may not rise very quickly once they unplug it from the financial sanctions and restrictions and place it back on the open market. If it gets out of hand, the IMF will simply step in and regulate it. But when they do, this it will be with the old 3 zero notes combined with the newer lower denominations. Both will coincide for up to 10 years, as the CBI has told us. The dinar is planned to be pegged at his time to an SDR basket (five leading global currencies). ...the value is not now artificially low, as it...went into hyper-inflation due to the sanctions and embargo of 1991. The dinar has been valued at exactly the rate it deserves. But having said all this - there are the recent Abadi reforms, the growing of the economy and the political stability and the security that has changed Iraq for the good and so it is time to change the value and progress to a new rate. [post 3 of 3]
10-22-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Next, once the newer 3 zero notes replaced the old Saddam notes, they had to slow down and stabilize the economy somehow. How did they do this? They did this by issuing the news notes along with instituting the a “de facto” peg of these notes to the US dollar. This was pegged to the US dollar only and not the British pound. The CBI and IMF have told us this countless times already in articles and news. Next, this “de facto” peg is not a float and is not even close to a float the IMF has talked about putting the Iraqi dinar on, once they move the currency out of sanction restrictions (which I believe they are now doing) and back to “full” international status. I don’t care to get fussy in what specifically they will call the float they will use but it will be a “fixed float” in that the market will determine the value based on supply and demand for the currency. In other words, they will fix an initial value and let the market drive it. [post 2 of 3....stay tuned]
10-21-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat ...let me clarify yet more misunderstandings being passed around. Within the 10 years of the Iraqi embargo prior to the 2003 war with Iraq, the Saddam Hussein currency went into hyper- inflation. This was an intentional stifling of the economy, while pressure was exerted while complying with UN resolutions for the inspection program for weapons of mass destruction. Essentially the economy of Iraq fell apart. Remember the oil for food program. Why in hell do you think they had that program? Contrary to many of the beliefs by the dinar investment community, the rate as this time was not even close to the infamous $3.22 rate, everyone talks about and uses to justify this investment. So let me dispel this rumor. [post 1 of 3....stay tuned]
10-21-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 Tell me ...What is Faster than The Speed of Light? IMO, The Iraqi RI ...(smile) [...I'm smiling... and I'm patient... it's coming soon to a bank near U.S.] IMO... In my Soul...Yes...For they have no choice. This MR path is not of their making...It was Instructed to them to Follow and Accomplish. Their once Baby Steps are now well Balanced in the Direction they are...Running to.
10-21-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray Article: "KOGAZ invests $ 372 million in Iraqi oil fields" All of the turmoil, and upheaval going on in Iraq is certainly affecting investors decisions to do business with them... NOT...
10-21-2017 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: "US Treasury: We pay attention to the development of the private banking sector in Iraq" Quote: "The US Treasury announced on Friday that it is paying great attention to the development of the private banking sector in Iraq, indicating that it is optimistic about the opening of relations between Iraqi banks and US banks." ...this is a grand slam! Connectivity to the UST.. "on set 1" Already started...
10-21-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 Celebrations are anticipated for Iraq on Saturday, platforms and bleachers have been constructed and strategically placed and an extremely large Iraqi flag has been mounted. The Prime Minister's speech is accordingly scheduled as preparations are being completed. Iraqi TV is showing military mobilization to retake the last two provinces held by Daesh along with officials speaking of being congratulated for their efforts of economic reforms. They talked of many countries and /or businesses getting involved to help them rebuild the country. Some US banks are anticipating exchanging everyone starting next week...they are seeing a higher Dinar rate on the screen. Time Will Tell!
10-21-2017 Guest Guru BobTheTaxMan There are all kinds of places to go to see if there has been a change in the value of the dinar. Don’t listen to people who are saying, “It’s happened! It’s happened! And they’re exchanging it overseas. And we’re only allowed so many people to do it!” No. That’s all a lie…The CBI is not going to give preferential treatment to anybody. They can’t. They simply can’t…Check the CBI. Check x currency. That’s how you’re going to know that it’s come to fruition. Don’t listen to the rumor, check it out for yourself. [See the official CBI dinar rate in the Dinar Guru Resource Bar on the left of this page...]
10-21-2017 Newshound Guru G-Lin Article: "Saudi diplomat: The next stage will witness huge work with Iraq" Quote: "The Saudi Royal Airplane arrived yesterday evening in Baghdad with a large Saudi delegation, the largest after a 27-year break between the two countries, to participate more actively in the Baghdad International Fair in its 44th session, which begins on Saturday." This is really a big deal. It shows how much more progressive Abadi is versus Maliki. Saudi is about 85-95% Sunni. Maliki hates Saudi. It wouldn't surprise me to see an invitation to the GCC extended to Iraq in the near future.
10-21-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana [According to news outlets, Kurdish forces didn't put up a fight for Kirkuk. It's reasonable to assume that the Kurds didn't put up a fight because Kirkuk is not within Kurdish Region of Iraq and also because, in the past, Abadi said that the Iraqi government would eventually come back for Kirkuk.] I believe the issue of "Kurdish Independence" has been successfully put to rest for the time being. The Kurds are certainly not in a position to successfully separate from Iraq, so they may as well open the doors to resolving Article 140 and the HCL, which is exactly what we are seeing.
10-21-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 Tell me ...What is Faster than The Speed of Light? IMO, The Iraqi RI ...(smile) [...I'm smiling... and I'm patient... it's coming soon to a bank near U.S.] IMO... In my Soul...Yes...For they have no choice. This MR path is not of their making...It was Instructed to them to Follow and Accomplish. Their once Baby Steps are now well Balanced in the Direction they are...Running to.
10-21-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray Article: "KOGAZ invests $ 372 million in Iraqi oil fields" All of the turmoil, and upheaval going on in Iraq is certainly affecting investors decisions to do business with them... NOT...
10-21-2017 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: "US Treasury: We pay attention to the development of the private banking sector in Iraq" Quote: "The US Treasury announced on Friday that it is paying great attention to the development of the private banking sector in Iraq, indicating that it is optimistic about the opening of relations between Iraqi banks and US banks." ...this is a grand slam! Connectivity to the UST.. "on set 1" Already started...
10-21-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 Celebrations are anticipated for Iraq on Saturday, platforms and bleachers have been constructed and strategically placed and an extremely large Iraqi flag has been mounted. The Prime Minister's speech is accordingly scheduled as preparations are being completed. Iraqi TV is showing military mobilization to retake the last two provinces held by Daesh along with officials speaking of being congratulated for their efforts of economic reforms. They talked of many countries and /or businesses getting involved to help them rebuild the country. Some US banks are anticipating exchanging everyone starting next week...they are seeing a higher Dinar rate on the screen. Time Will Tell!
10-21-2017 Guest Guru BobTheTaxMan There are all kinds of places to go to see if there has been a change in the value of the dinar. Don’t listen to people who are saying, “It’s happened! It’s happened! And they’re exchanging it overseas. And we’re only allowed so many people to do it!” No. That’s all a lie…The CBI is not going to give preferential treatment to anybody. They can’t. They simply can’t…Check the CBI. Check x currency. That’s how you’re going to know that it’s come to fruition. Don’t listen to the rumor, check it out for yourself. [See the official CBI dinar rate in the Dinar Guru Resource Bar on the left of this page...]
10-21-2017 Newshound Guru G-Lin Article: "Saudi diplomat: The next stage will witness huge work with Iraq" Quote: "The Saudi Royal Airplane arrived yesterday evening in Baghdad with a large Saudi delegation, the largest after a 27-year break between the two countries, to participate more actively in the Baghdad International Fair in its 44th session, which begins on Saturday." This is really a big deal. It shows how much more progressive Abadi is versus Maliki. Saudi is about 85-95% Sunni. Maliki hates Saudi. It wouldn't surprise me to see an invitation to the GCC extended to Iraq in the near future.
10-21-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana [According to news outlets, Kurdish forces didn't put up a fight for Kirkuk. It's reasonable to assume that the Kurds didn't put up a fight because Kirkuk is not within Kurdish Region of Iraq and also because, in the past, Abadi said that the Iraqi government would eventually come back for Kirkuk.] I believe the issue of "Kurdish Independence" has been successfully put to rest for the time being. The Kurds are certainly not in a position to successfully separate from Iraq, so they may as well open the doors to resolving Article 140 and the HCL, which is exactly what we are seeing.
10-20-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: "Tillerson to Attend First Meeting Between Saudi Arabia, Iraq" About a week ago...We said TILLERSON would arrive in Iraq. His role is crucial right now IMO.
10-20-2017 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: "Trump's envoy welcomes the constitutional dialogue between Baghdad and Erbil" This is as good as it gets and the timing is huge. Dotting the I's and crossing the T's, imo.. All the while they activate MRs internationally. On going meetings with Global think tanks, an massive delegation arriving in Iraq from Saudi, the King of Saudi calling Abadi, etc.. Gloves are off it is time for the next round and it won't be 1184, imo..
10-20-2017 Newshound Guru G-Lin Article quote: "The hosting of the UN Security Council by the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Professor Ali Mohsen Al-Alak, can be described in a special session as an important and unprecedented step in the history of the international organization" "The governor's explanation played a major role in drawing a clear picture of the role of the central bank in maintaining the value of the Iraqi dinar against foreign currencies and maintaining a reserve of hard currency, estimated at 48 billion dollars..." That is a very important art. IMO. First it tells us a true reserve amount. And it is going to preserve the value of the national currency. ...this is the first meeting of this kind in it's history. You think something is up?
10-20-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "GOVERNOR OF THE CENTRAL BANK OF IRAQ, ALI AL-ALAQ, MET WITH MEMBERS OF THE UN SECURITY COUNCIL" ...they invited him for a talk while he was in the USA. Seems he is tying up a lot of loose ends while in the USA. Why all these meetings? Why is he so active all of a sudden? Is he trying to get the UN convinced that “SECURITY” is not longer an issue for Iraq? Can he be hoping they go along with a plan to reinstate the currency soon now that the security issue is resolved?
10-20-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray Article: "Baghdad International Fair: Iraq Further Integrates Into the Global Economy" Enthusiasm abounds about the potential that lies with investing in Iraq... Now all we need is to integrate their currency into the world's system with a true value, and we will have a recipe for success...
10-20-2017 Intel Guru Bruce The CBI was congratulated by the IMF and by our US Treasury about implementing their new economic reforms which would include their new rate. When would that happen and activate that? I am hearing tomorrow [Friday] night in Iraqi time or...sometime Saturday morning in Iraq. We need for that announcement in Iraq to take place and the new rate for the Iraqi dinar to be out, essentially announced and implemented. Also we need that economic reform package to be activated. I wish I could give you a date and time. I am not able to do that. I would just tell you that we are coming down to it...it is positively rolling in the right direction. I hope we have a great weekend. [post 2 of 2]
10-20-2017 Intel Guru Bruce We had meetings that ended...both in Washington and New York. The results of the meetings were that...the IMF and the US Treasury both congratulated Iraq on the fact that they are getting ready to implement their new economic reforms. Implement and activate are two different things. Implement means we congratulate them in putting themselves in the position to activate. We had the new Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq...that was here in New York yesterday, and had some meetings at the United Nations. We were waiting for an announcement to be made from Prime Minister Abadi in Iraq...if it hasn’t already been made and would be made in the next day or so. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
10-20-2017 Newshound Guru G-Lin Article: "An Iraqi banking delegation discusses in the United States opportunities for cooperation between the two parties" ...it has been a good news week. The meetings in N.Y and Ali sitting down with the U.N. was historic. A first. Iraq is a very important country to the entire world. That tells us a lot.
10-20-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Iraq announces the electronic gate near the completion of the infrastructure and the launch of commercial services building" Quote: "The scope of its work, issuing prepaid cards through the global payment companies, owning and deployment of payment points and ATM network as well as providing various services to banks and facilitate the payment of bills and collection process." I hate to say it but this seems like a work a round (using prepaid cards) from the goal of opening the banking system to the worlds financial system. Time will tell.
10-20-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana Article: "Oil stabilizes with support from supply contraction and expectations of an OPEC extension" Quote: "Oil prices held steady on Thursday, supported by continued OPEC-led output cuts and tensions in the Middle East, as well as a drop in US production due to hurricane closures." Semantics are everything sometimes... such as here. "supported" - not demanded or mandated. "OPEC-led" - This is HUGE. OPEC is leading this initiative, this agreement, this voluntary agreement. Iraq is still free to break the mold, RV and sell a gazillion barrels tomorrow to fill their coffers and support the increase in exchange. It's going to cause a little disturbance in the world, but 2 days later Iraq (or the PTB in Iraq) simply pretends to apologize (that's how it works!) and 5 days later the world adjusts and we move on.
10-20-2017 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: "Trump's envoy welcomes the constitutional dialogue between Baghdad and Erbil" This is as good as it gets and the timing is huge. Dotting the I's and crossing the T's, imo.. All the while they activate MRs internationally. On going meetings with Global think tanks, an massive delegation arriving in Iraq from Saudi, the King of Saudi calling Abadi, etc.. Gloves are off it is time for the next round and it won't be 1184, imo..
10-20-2017 Newshound Guru G-Lin Article quote: "The hosting of the UN Security Council by the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Professor Ali Mohsen Al-Alak, can be described in a special session as an important and unprecedented step in the history of the international organization" "The governor's explanation played a major role in drawing a clear picture of the role of the central bank in maintaining the value of the Iraqi dinar against foreign currencies and maintaining a reserve of hard currency, estimated at 48 billion dollars..." That is a very important art. IMO. First it tells us a true reserve amount. And it is going to preserve the value of the national currency. ...this is the first meeting of this kind in it's history. You think something is up?
10-20-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "GOVERNOR OF THE CENTRAL BANK OF IRAQ, ALI AL-ALAQ, MET WITH MEMBERS OF THE UN SECURITY COUNCIL" ...they invited him for a talk while he was in the USA. Seems he is tying up a lot of loose ends while in the USA. Why all these meetings? Why is he so active all of a sudden? Is he trying to get the UN convinced that “SECURITY” is not longer an issue for Iraq? Can he be hoping they go along with a plan to reinstate the currency soon now that the security issue is resolved?
10-20-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray Article: "Baghdad International Fair: Iraq Further Integrates Into the Global Economy" Enthusiasm abounds about the potential that lies with investing in Iraq... Now all we need is to integrate their currency into the world's system with a true value, and we will have a recipe for success...
10-20-2017 Intel Guru Bruce The CBI was congratulated by the IMF and by our US Treasury about implementing their new economic reforms which would include their new rate. When would that happen and activate that? I am hearing tomorrow [Friday] night in Iraqi time or...sometime Saturday morning in Iraq. We need for that announcement in Iraq to take place and the new rate for the Iraqi dinar to be out, essentially announced and implemented. Also we need that economic reform package to be activated. I wish I could give you a date and time. I am not able to do that. I would just tell you that we are coming down to it...it is positively rolling in the right direction. I hope we have a great weekend. [post 2 of 2]
10-20-2017 Intel Guru Bruce We had meetings that ended...both in Washington and New York. The results of the meetings were that...the IMF and the US Treasury both congratulated Iraq on the fact that they are getting ready to implement their new economic reforms. Implement and activate are two different things. Implement means we congratulate them in putting themselves in the position to activate. We had the new Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq...that was here in New York yesterday, and had some meetings at the United Nations. We were waiting for an announcement to be made from Prime Minister Abadi in Iraq...if it hasn’t already been made and would be made in the next day or so. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
10-20-2017 Newshound Guru G-Lin Article: "An Iraqi banking delegation discusses in the United States opportunities for cooperation between the two parties" ...it has been a good news week. The meetings in N.Y and Ali sitting down with the U.N. was historic. A first. Iraq is a very important country to the entire world. That tells us a lot.
10-20-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Iraq announces the electronic gate near the completion of the infrastructure and the launch of commercial services building" Quote: "The scope of its work, issuing prepaid cards through the global payment companies, owning and deployment of payment points and ATM network as well as providing various services to banks and facilitate the payment of bills and collection process." I hate to say it but this seems like a work a round (using prepaid cards) from the goal of opening the banking system to the worlds financial system. Time will tell.
10-20-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana Article: "Oil stabilizes with support from supply contraction and expectations of an OPEC extension" Quote: "Oil prices held steady on Thursday, supported by continued OPEC-led output cuts and tensions in the Middle East, as well as a drop in US production due to hurricane closures." Semantics are everything sometimes... such as here. "supported" - not demanded or mandated. "OPEC-led" - This is HUGE. OPEC is leading this initiative, this agreement, this voluntary agreement. Iraq is still free to break the mold, RV and sell a gazillion barrels tomorrow to fill their coffers and support the increase in exchange. It's going to cause a little disturbance in the world, but 2 days later Iraq (or the PTB in Iraq) simply pretends to apologize (that's how it works!) and 5 days later the world adjusts and we move on.
10-19-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray Article: "Nusseiri: The UN Security Council praises the actions of the Central Bank in supporting and implementing the program of economic and financial reform" BOOM... BOOM...BOOM... BOOM...BOOM...The drumbeat is getting louder, and louder... We are almost there folks...
10-19-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat 2. Once we are seeing the prime minister telling us that ISIS fighting will be done and out of Iraq by the end of the year. I believe they are syncing up a timeframe once again for the end of the year; 3. We wait for the re-education articles from the CBI and the Financial Ministry to come to us. I believe these may begin very soon, if in fact I am correct in my new timeframe. This will be our confirmation of this theory. Again nobody knows for sure and nobody will know. [post 2 of 2]
10-19-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article quote: "The Iraqi government’s expectation is that by the end of this year the Islamic State will be defeated and all Iraqi territory will be back under government control." So once again we are beginning to see a target arise that is showing us maybe EARLY 2018 for a reinstatement of the IQD. I have showed you other evidence too...so I am not just giving you my arbitrary “opinion” but showing you proof along the way as to why I am saying this. 1. In the other 4 targeted attempts to RV they targeted EARLY in the year to do it. In fact afterwards they told us it was for January of that year. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
10-19-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 [Trump said he thinks they have the votes for the tax reform now. Isn't that ironic with the timing of everything that has happened with Iraq in the last 5 days?] ...IMO the Stock Surge witnessed yesterday can only continue IF T's TAX CODE is passed...Cause politicians have dinars IMO...!!!
10-19-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Articles: "US banks, is considering working with Iraqi banks mechanism" "Iraqi bank delegation discusses cooperation opportunities in America" I can’t state this enough, there is no overnight RV or any kind of cash out through banks. If these articles show us anything, it shows us that banks by nature take a conservative approach to dealing with Iraq. If and when Iraq is in compliance with the IMF and meets Article VIII, then I would expect a few US banks to begin to participate with Iraq for investment purposes. As that grows and the CBI demonstrates it can meet the needs and requirements, investment will increase opening the flood gates to investors. But this does not happen fast. As for us as investors, I have stated before, I believe we are just "watchers". We will see the dinar begin to rise via float when appropriate. As for of cash out or exchanges would probably be through some type of currency broker/ ECN, market maker or investment firm. The problem is this all falls on Iraq to get moving. Without the new CBI law, deposit insurance law, Article VIII, etc. nothing happens.
10-19-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat The good...news in Allaq’s speech was totally overlooked and that is news of a plan for resolving all differences with Kuwait and we know he meant the final resolution of the $4 billion owed in war reparations. This will get them totally out of Chapter VII and this is needed prior to any RV.
10-19-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Article: "Iraq Will Remain United By HAIDER al-ABADI OCT. 18, 2017" Quote: "In June 2014, the cover of Time magazine echoed a sentiment common among pundits and outsiders: “The End of Iraq,” it read. I am proud to say that three years later, thanks to the Iraqi armed forces and the Iraqi people, these predictions were wrong…" What is Abadi up to?? Why submit this to the NYT today?? Of all the times to be concerned with what the world thinks. It appears there may be much more riding on this than we can imagine.
10-19-2017 Guest Guru BobTheTaxMan My invitation to you is relax, ok…you bought your ticket, relax. It’s going to come to fruition at some time. You have your investment, so relax…When this thing comes to fruition you will know cause the whole world is going to know. It had huge amount of exposure several years ago. I mean even on national news everyone was buying their dinar, ok. You’ll hear it. It will go through the communities like crazy. Another part of it is, when you tie yourself in to these groups that are saying, “With our 800 number you’ll be able to…”, You don’t need those. those are not necessary. They are not important. I wouldn’t even bother with them. So don’t worry about attaching yourself to anything like that. So just relax. You have an investment. It has a great potential and it’s a minimal amount of investment. Relax.
10-19-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 [...we are hearing it has happened, or is about to happen… not that we can believe anything from Maliki’s news sources.] Yes, they have been claiming that ‘fake news’ is being put out in Iraq. But Abadi did speak... They said, “In the coming days it will be done”, and here is Abadi saying the same thing. And I don’t know exactly when the RV will pop, but it’s clearly getting done based on what’s being done. Of course it’s frustrating to wait, but if this had come out a year or two ago, we all might have made some major mistakes.
10-19-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Allaq was in the USA at a World Banking Conference in Washington DC last week... If you truly listen to the speech ...you would see that he was introduced as the governor of the CBI, as has been done many times already in many other past meetings with the IMF, UN, World Bank, etc... So why was he not then the “official“ governor since his introduction was exactly the same? Saturday’s introduction does not mean he is now “officially” appointed the governor the CBI. We have absolutely no other confirmation that this has officially been done, and when he is appointed, if he gets appointed, you will not have to guess at it, since it will be international news and widely known. I rechecked with my CBI contact in Iraq and Allaq is still a proxy governor.
10-19-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana Article: "Haider al-Abadi Is Succeeding At The World’s Hardest Job!" I said it in 2013, and I will continue to say it: Abadi is the best man we could possibly hope for to lead Iraq forward. Elections will be coming up in 1Q 2018, which is not too far away... but if the election process will have any impact on an RV-push, we have to be prepared to ride this out a little longer. If Abadi does have a secret weapon in his stash to tip the Iraqi Dinar into a revalue situation, he could certainly use it at any time between now and April. I don't see a significant benefit to waiting TOO long, in fact it would be better to use that tool sooner rather than later. There will be some major changes across the board after the currency jumps, and it might be in Abadi's favor to have a month or two to settle everything down before he begins campaigning for re-election based on an incredibly successful 4 years.
10-19-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray Article: "The participation of a huge Saudi Arabia in Baghdad International Fair" Quote: "...during the period from 21 to 30 current month of October by 60 companies from various industrial and service sectors." The Saudi's are certainly chomping at the bit to benefit from Iraq's potential... The need for the Iraqi economy to have a currency that is international in order to ensure that the Saudi's exports will be afforded, and bought within Iraq is essential... Certainly would be nice if that added value would occur before the beginning of this 9 day fair...
10-19-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat 2. Once we are seeing the prime minister telling us that ISIS fighting will be done and out of Iraq by the end of the year. I believe they are syncing up a timeframe once again for the end of the year; 3. We wait for the re-education articles from the CBI and the Financial Ministry to come to us. I believe these may begin very soon, if in fact I am correct in my new timeframe. This will be our confirmation of this theory. Again nobody knows for sure and nobody will know. [post 2 of 2]
10-19-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article quote: "The Iraqi government’s expectation is that by the end of this year the Islamic State will be defeated and all Iraqi territory will be back under government control." So once again we are beginning to see a target arise that is showing us maybe EARLY 2018 for a reinstatement of the IQD. I have showed you other evidence too...so I am not just giving you my arbitrary “opinion” but showing you proof along the way as to why I am saying this. 1. In the other 4 targeted attempts to RV they targeted EARLY in the year to do it. In fact afterwards they told us it was for January of that year. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
10-19-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 [Trump said he thinks they have the votes for the tax reform now. Isn't that ironic with the timing of everything that has happened with Iraq in the last 5 days?] ...IMO the Stock Surge witnessed yesterday can only continue IF T's TAX CODE is passed...Cause politicians have dinars IMO...!!!
10-19-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Articles: "US banks, is considering working with Iraqi banks mechanism" "Iraqi bank delegation discusses cooperation opportunities in America" I can’t state this enough, there is no overnight RV or any kind of cash out through banks. If these articles show us anything, it shows us that banks by nature take a conservative approach to dealing with Iraq. If and when Iraq is in compliance with the IMF and meets Article VIII, then I would expect a few US banks to begin to participate with Iraq for investment purposes. As that grows and the CBI demonstrates it can meet the needs and requirements, investment will increase opening the flood gates to investors. But this does not happen fast. As for us as investors, I have stated before, I believe we are just "watchers". We will see the dinar begin to rise via float when appropriate. As for of cash out or exchanges would probably be through some type of currency broker/ ECN, market maker or investment firm. The problem is this all falls on Iraq to get moving. Without the new CBI law, deposit insurance law, Article VIII, etc. nothing happens.
10-19-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat The good...news in Allaq’s speech was totally overlooked and that is news of a plan for resolving all differences with Kuwait and we know he meant the final resolution of the $4 billion owed in war reparations. This will get them totally out of Chapter VII and this is needed prior to any RV.
10-19-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Article: "Iraq Will Remain United By HAIDER al-ABADI OCT. 18, 2017" Quote: "In June 2014, the cover of Time magazine echoed a sentiment common among pundits and outsiders: “The End of Iraq,” it read. I am proud to say that three years later, thanks to the Iraqi armed forces and the Iraqi people, these predictions were wrong…" What is Abadi up to?? Why submit this to the NYT today?? Of all the times to be concerned with what the world thinks. It appears there may be much more riding on this than we can imagine.
10-19-2017 Guest Guru BobTheTaxMan My invitation to you is relax, ok…you bought your ticket, relax. It’s going to come to fruition at some time. You have your investment, so relax…When this thing comes to fruition you will know cause the whole world is going to know. It had huge amount of exposure several years ago. I mean even on national news everyone was buying their dinar, ok. You’ll hear it. It will go through the communities like crazy. Another part of it is, when you tie yourself in to these groups that are saying, “With our 800 number you’ll be able to…”, You don’t need those. those are not necessary. They are not important. I wouldn’t even bother with them. So don’t worry about attaching yourself to anything like that. So just relax. You have an investment. It has a great potential and it’s a minimal amount of investment. Relax.
10-19-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 [...we are hearing it has happened, or is about to happen… not that we can believe anything from Maliki’s news sources.] Yes, they have been claiming that ‘fake news’ is being put out in Iraq. But Abadi did speak... They said, “In the coming days it will be done”, and here is Abadi saying the same thing. And I don’t know exactly when the RV will pop, but it’s clearly getting done based on what’s being done. Of course it’s frustrating to wait, but if this had come out a year or two ago, we all might have made some major mistakes.
10-19-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Allaq was in the USA at a World Banking Conference in Washington DC last week... If you truly listen to the speech ...you would see that he was introduced as the governor of the CBI, as has been done many times already in many other past meetings with the IMF, UN, World Bank, etc... So why was he not then the “official“ governor since his introduction was exactly the same? Saturday’s introduction does not mean he is now “officially” appointed the governor the CBI. We have absolutely no other confirmation that this has officially been done, and when he is appointed, if he gets appointed, you will not have to guess at it, since it will be international news and widely known. I rechecked with my CBI contact in Iraq and Allaq is still a proxy governor.
10-19-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana Article: "Haider al-Abadi Is Succeeding At The World’s Hardest Job!" I said it in 2013, and I will continue to say it: Abadi is the best man we could possibly hope for to lead Iraq forward. Elections will be coming up in 1Q 2018, which is not too far away... but if the election process will have any impact on an RV-push, we have to be prepared to ride this out a little longer. If Abadi does have a secret weapon in his stash to tip the Iraqi Dinar into a revalue situation, he could certainly use it at any time between now and April. I don't see a significant benefit to waiting TOO long, in fact it would be better to use that tool sooner rather than later. There will be some major changes across the board after the currency jumps, and it might be in Abadi's favor to have a month or two to settle everything down before he begins campaigning for re-election based on an incredibly successful 4 years.
10-19-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray Article: "The participation of a huge Saudi Arabia in Baghdad International Fair" Quote: "...during the period from 21 to 30 current month of October by 60 companies from various industrial and service sectors." The Saudi's are certainly chomping at the bit to benefit from Iraq's potential... The need for the Iraqi economy to have a currency that is international in order to ensure that the Saudi's exports will be afforded, and bought within Iraq is essential... Certainly would be nice if that added value would occur before the beginning of this 9 day fair...
10-18-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 Now we are anticipating a speech and possibly a big announcement from Abadi this Saturday. They are talking about the full liberation of Iraq, and the Kurdish Parliament is calling on Barzani to resign! In the US banking community they seem to be anticipating weekend activity, with something substantial taking place for the bulk of us. Not looking for any explosive activity or information until maybe the wee hours of Friday night. We may hear something that can let us know how to be excited about the weekend or the early part of next week. Anything comes out or happens before then it will be a nice surprise. [post 2 of 2]
10-18-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 Things are looking good even in the midst of controversy. On Saturday or Sunday, a video from the CBI Governor al-Allak saying they have eliminated the restrictions, and the next message said they are going to do so, so people were wondering “what’s the deal?” Did you or ARE you? I’m still investigating that. Based in information from the auctions, it indicates they have not done that yet, but then on Iraqi television, there was Abadi saying ‘death to Kurdish referendum’, which we already knew. He also spoke about Kirkuk and Article 40, plus reference to the back pay which has already taken place. Then Abadi said that all restrictions on currency are being removed. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
10-18-2017 Intel Guru Bruce Where is the dinar now? It is on preloaded debit card. One is a global debit card for duo citizens, and the other one is issued inside Iraq. Both cards are through Chase bank. We know people who have these cards. We had a solid rate that they have seen on their cards. Then today the cards went blank. There was no rate showing that lasted one hour and 13 minutes. Then a new rate popped up. The new rate was a solid rate, no flashing, no dashes and that rate was almost $4.00 higher than the previous rate that was there the last 6 days.
10-18-2017 Newshound Guru G-Lin Article: "Deputy publishes the text of the agreement of Hadi al-Amiri and Pavel Talabani on the disputed areas" Quote: "...the text of the agreement between the leader of the Popular Rally Hadi al-Amiri and leader of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan Pavel Talabani on the disputed areas and the elimination of the idea of independence..." I really don't know what all was promised by Iraq to Kurdistan but what a drastic change in the last 72 hours or so. It seems Kirkuk issues are worked out and Iraq is flying their flag and Kurds are o.k. with it. Heck last week the Kurds had about 10,000 troops in Kirkuk ready to fight to the death. Today they are all holding hands singing Kumbaya in a flower filled valley. Sure makes me think 140 and HCL may have been settled. I have never seen so many arts. talking about unity for Iraq. That equates to security and stability IMO. Now they need to...open their country up to the wealth and prestige the people so desperately deserve. Oh and us too.
10-18-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana Article: "ISIS SURRENDERS IN IRAQ" ...you'll get the impression that Syria is kicking some ISIS butt. And that impression is correct! I still feel like ISIS is no longer a critical matter for the progression of Iraq's economy and global standing...
10-18-2017 Newshound Guru Enorrste ...KAP [Guru Kaperoni] has found the actual reference that clears up this matter. ...in some odd way, Allak was telling the truth. ...however...this appears to be duplicitous and gives a false impression. KAP is right: Iraq is not yet ready. Much needs to be done. I would be surprised under the current circumstances if they began the float on January 1, 2018. However, strange things come from this country, so I will hold a glimmer of hope. Saleh has said numerous times that the change to a float should take place at the beginning of a new year. [reference Guru Kaperoni post, part 1 and 2, 10-18-2017]
10-18-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana Parliament is active right now. They are addressing a myriad of topics, passing and approving items, getting stuff done... but we are all wondering "What about HCL and Article 140?", right? This is to be expected, in my opinion. Those two subjects are "catalyst items", and once they go through, there's no putting that toothpaste back in the tube! In fact, once they are even brought up in a serious manner, that is the start of an avalanche that won't be stopped. As we all know, avalanches start with something as small as a single pebble... so don't let the waiting get you down. Once this baby starts sliding, it's going to happen fast.
10-18-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: "Media leaks: Barzani will resign in a speech today" Quote: "According to media leaks, Barzani will resign from office and will transfer all his powers to the Prime Minister." B will resign ...(Wednesday)...He pushed it too hard...
10-18-2017 Intel Guru Bruce On Saturday Alak became officially the new Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, the CBI. It was at that time Saturday that he did do an announcement to talk about the Iraqi dinar being an international currency again and the fact his words were there are no longer any restrictions to the Iraqi dinar for exchange internationally. That is so huge. There is one more announcement we expect...made by Abadi in Iraq, and it suppose to happen after morning prayer. That is usually around 7am local time in Baghdad...That is close to when Abadi final announcement which I am understanding will be the final nail in the coffin supposed to be made. We are right where we need to be. ...we are pretty much at the end of the ride.
10-18-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Quote: "Iraq continues to avail itself of the transitional arrangements under Article XIV, Section 2 but no longer maintains any exchange restrictions or multiple currency practices subject to Article XIV, Section 2, and currently maintains one exchange restriction and one multiple currency practice (MCP) subject to Fund approval under Article VIII, Sections 2(a) and 3." They need to payoff Jordan and get the spread within 2%. The problem is the spread is going in the wrong direction. Today, it is about 9%. The gurus are jumping all over this as if to say Iraq is in compliance and currency reform could begin anytime. Wrong! They may not disclose the time they begin currency reform, but if they want international banking (freedom of movement of capital) to perpetuate the influx of investment capital they have lots of work to do. And we can chart that progress. [post 2 of 2]
10-18-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Governor of the Central Bank heads to America to attend meetings of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank" This visit with Allaq is nothing more than a "duckies and bunnies" show. Those listening to him at the event might believe what he is saying, but those of us who follow and read all the news, reports, etc know the CBI has a lot of work to do if they want international banking (CBI law, deposit insurance, IMF Article VIII compliance, etc.) Technically, Allaq is correct that he has no restrictions...but that is under Article XIV... [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
10-18-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray [...it looks like we are in another prime window for RV time, shall we say until the end of the month at least?] If not this week, or within the week... There is a reason why all of this has come together as it has in such a short period of time... It was a part of the plan... As dramatic as it has been...
10-18-2017 Newshound Guru Walkingstick [I am also happy with the announcement that recently came directly from Alak about restrictions being removed...] I can, say this...it was not a message to all, as...a whole...But, a message to particular entities...Delivered, in a calculated time frame...months, after the fact...For, very good reason/s...If, events continue as they have...we will, hear...much more from the CBI Gov...shortly.
10-18-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 Things are looking good even in the midst of controversy. On Saturday or Sunday, a video from the CBI Governor al-Allak saying they have eliminated the restrictions, and the next message said they are going to do so, so people were wondering “what’s the deal?” Did you or ARE you? I’m still investigating that. Based in information from the auctions, it indicates they have not done that yet, but then on Iraqi television, there was Abadi saying ‘death to Kurdish referendum’, which we already knew. He also spoke about Kirkuk and Article 40, plus reference to the back pay which has already taken place. Then Abadi said that all restrictions on currency are being removed. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
10-18-2017 Intel Guru Bruce Where is the dinar now? It is on preloaded debit card. One is a global debit card for duo citizens, and the other one is issued inside Iraq. Both cards are through Chase bank. We know people who have these cards. We had a solid rate that they have seen on their cards. Then today the cards went blank. There was no rate showing that lasted one hour and 13 minutes. Then a new rate popped up. The new rate was a solid rate, no flashing, no dashes and that rate was almost $4.00 higher than the previous rate that was there the last 6 days.
10-18-2017 Newshound Guru G-Lin Article: "Deputy publishes the text of the agreement of Hadi al-Amiri and Pavel Talabani on the disputed areas" Quote: "...the text of the agreement between the leader of the Popular Rally Hadi al-Amiri and leader of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan Pavel Talabani on the disputed areas and the elimination of the idea of independence..." I really don't know what all was promised by Iraq to Kurdistan but what a drastic change in the last 72 hours or so. It seems Kirkuk issues are worked out and Iraq is flying their flag and Kurds are o.k. with it. Heck last week the Kurds had about 10,000 troops in Kirkuk ready to fight to the death. Today they are all holding hands singing Kumbaya in a flower filled valley. Sure makes me think 140 and HCL may have been settled. I have never seen so many arts. talking about unity for Iraq. That equates to security and stability IMO. Now they need to...open their country up to the wealth and prestige the people so desperately deserve. Oh and us too.
10-18-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana Article: "ISIS SURRENDERS IN IRAQ" ...you'll get the impression that Syria is kicking some ISIS butt. And that impression is correct! I still feel like ISIS is no longer a critical matter for the progression of Iraq's economy and global standing...
10-18-2017 Newshound Guru Enorrste ...KAP [Guru Kaperoni] has found the actual reference that clears up this matter. ...in some odd way, Allak was telling the truth. ...however...this appears to be duplicitous and gives a false impression. KAP is right: Iraq is not yet ready. Much needs to be done. I would be surprised under the current circumstances if they began the float on January 1, 2018. However, strange things come from this country, so I will hold a glimmer of hope. Saleh has said numerous times that the change to a float should take place at the beginning of a new year. [reference Guru Kaperoni post, part 1 and 2, 10-18-2017]
10-18-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana Parliament is active right now. They are addressing a myriad of topics, passing and approving items, getting stuff done... but we are all wondering "What about HCL and Article 140?", right? This is to be expected, in my opinion. Those two subjects are "catalyst items", and once they go through, there's no putting that toothpaste back in the tube! In fact, once they are even brought up in a serious manner, that is the start of an avalanche that won't be stopped. As we all know, avalanches start with something as small as a single pebble... so don't let the waiting get you down. Once this baby starts sliding, it's going to happen fast.
10-18-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: "Media leaks: Barzani will resign in a speech today" Quote: "According to media leaks, Barzani will resign from office and will transfer all his powers to the Prime Minister." B will resign ...(Wednesday)...He pushed it too hard...
10-18-2017 Intel Guru Bruce On Saturday Alak became officially the new Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, the CBI. It was at that time Saturday that he did do an announcement to talk about the Iraqi dinar being an international currency again and the fact his words were there are no longer any restrictions to the Iraqi dinar for exchange internationally. That is so huge. There is one more announcement we expect...made by Abadi in Iraq, and it suppose to happen after morning prayer. That is usually around 7am local time in Baghdad...That is close to when Abadi final announcement which I am understanding will be the final nail in the coffin supposed to be made. We are right where we need to be. ...we are pretty much at the end of the ride.
10-18-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Quote: "Iraq continues to avail itself of the transitional arrangements under Article XIV, Section 2 but no longer maintains any exchange restrictions or multiple currency practices subject to Article XIV, Section 2, and currently maintains one exchange restriction and one multiple currency practice (MCP) subject to Fund approval under Article VIII, Sections 2(a) and 3." They need to payoff Jordan and get the spread within 2%. The problem is the spread is going in the wrong direction. Today, it is about 9%. The gurus are jumping all over this as if to say Iraq is in compliance and currency reform could begin anytime. Wrong! They may not disclose the time they begin currency reform, but if they want international banking (freedom of movement of capital) to perpetuate the influx of investment capital they have lots of work to do. And we can chart that progress. [post 2 of 2]
10-18-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Governor of the Central Bank heads to America to attend meetings of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank" This visit with Allaq is nothing more than a "duckies and bunnies" show. Those listening to him at the event might believe what he is saying, but those of us who follow and read all the news, reports, etc know the CBI has a lot of work to do if they want international banking (CBI law, deposit insurance, IMF Article VIII compliance, etc.) Technically, Allaq is correct that he has no restrictions...but that is under Article XIV... [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
10-18-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray [...it looks like we are in another prime window for RV time, shall we say until the end of the month at least?] If not this week, or within the week... There is a reason why all of this has come together as it has in such a short period of time... It was a part of the plan... As dramatic as it has been...
10-18-2017 Newshound Guru Walkingstick [I am also happy with the announcement that recently came directly from Alak about restrictions being removed...] I can, say this...it was not a message to all, as...a whole...But, a message to particular entities...Delivered, in a calculated time frame...months, after the fact...For, very good reason/s...If, events continue as they have...we will, hear...much more from the CBI Gov...shortly.
10-17-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 [If you can explain the difference between a program rate? As like Iraq in comparison to the the VND?] VND IS NOT A PR...VND IS GROWING...THEY HAVE MORE THAN ONE RESOURCE...THEY HAVE INVESTORS THEY HAVE A SOLID GOV AND CENTRAL BANK...IRAQ DOES NOT...ALTHOUGH GETTING THERE FAST!... HENCE A PR. [Why does the Dinar have to revalue? The dong hasn't revalued and the economy in Vietnam is much better than Iraq's...] BECAUSE THE DONG IS NOT AT A PR ( program rate)...LET IRAQ GO FROM A PR VIA ART 8 AND WATCH THE IQD RUN PAST THE DONG LIKE THE WIND.
10-17-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 Iraqi news is reporting an interview with...the CBI Governer, Alaq referencing the meetings he attended indicating the intention to eliminate the restrictions on the exchange rate and the use of multi currencies resulting in Dinar use only. Woo Hoo!!!! This is said to be happening in the coming days. Mr. Alaq was publicly announced as the Governor of the CBI this past weekend, in print and on CNN. Peshmerga forces are retreating when Iraqi forces arrive, I see no signs of an actual civil war taking place. It is reported that all pays are now electronic and completed, the system is now ready to GO!!
10-17-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 [If the multiple currency practices and exchange restrictions have been removed, then why haven't we seen a rate change?? I thought that's what we were waiting for. What am I missing here?] Patience...To allow the lite fuse to hit the powder... [One question...do we still look for the speech from A?] YES.
10-17-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray Article quote: "the CBI has removed all exchange restrictions and multiple currency practices" [THIS IS MY NEW FAVORITE ARTICLE FOR THIS YEAR!] It is definitely up there in importance to what we desire to occur in the very near future... It has been a long journey for many of us... But a rewarding one in so many ways...
10-17-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 [Do you think this will go into 2018?] I don’t think they can stretch it out that long. Now some people are saying Abadi will announce the full liberation of Iraq at the end of November, but there is no civil war or resistance, and on the other hand people in Iraq are being told to expect changes in their accounts pretty much now. I cannot see January unless something else crops up, so I am looking at this week or next. I think we’re pretty much there.
10-17-2017 Intel Guru Delta GOV OF THE CBI ...IS SAYING THAT CBI HAS REMOVED ALL EXCHANGE RESTRICTION AND MCP...WOW THAT'S IS HUGE!!! FROM IMF: FINAL ARTICLES "The Iraqi government will also remove restrictions on currency exchange. This will be an important part of encouraging investment in the country as it will signal that currency can be freely exchanged without government restrictions"
10-17-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray "H.E. Prime Minister Dr. Haider Al-Abadi statement to the Iraqi People" [I like the fact that he makes reference to the "National Wealth "...and it "belonging to the citizens", could he be referring to the Dinar they're hiding under their mattresses?] What else could it be... This increase in the dinar's value is going to set off an economic shock heard around the world, and all the way into our pocketbooks...
10-17-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 IMO...THE RI IS COMING...AND INTROS A FREE FLOAT...THEN FOR ABOUT 70 TO 80 DAYS LATER THEY WILL CAP WITH A CONTROLLED FLOAT OF THE RV... [RI to a free float, then to a cap where it will be managed. Once they reach the cap rate, do you think it will stay in that range or drop back down?] FIRST OF ALL...RI IS THE FREE FLOAT... NOT TO IT...TIME IS NOT REQUIRED FOR THAT PHASE...SECOND ...ONCE CAPPED AT PEAK OF RV IS BECAUSE THE IQD WILL...NEVER NEVER NEVER EVER GO DOWN ONCE AT RI / RV. [Is the RV the same as an international rate?] WELL...I SUPPOSE...FOR AN RV INTRODUCES THE IQD TO THE INTERN MARKETS THAT WANT TO GET THEIR HANDS ON IT TO USE IT IN TRADE ...BUYING AND SELLING WHICH WILL ROCKET THE VALUE OF THE IQD INTERNATIONALLY. [This is not meant to be a rate...What opinion do you...have that will be the high vs low for Iraq’s currency at his peak rate post RV?] IMO...RI 1 RV 4...
10-17-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 Iraqi news is reporting an interview with...the CBI Governer, Alaq referencing the meetings he attended indicating the intention to eliminate the restrictions on the exchange rate and the use of multi currencies resulting in Dinar use only. Woo Hoo!!!! This is said to be happening in the coming days. Mr. Alaq was publicly announced as the Governor of the CBI this past weekend, in print and on CNN. Peshmerga forces are retreating when Iraqi forces arrive, I see no signs of an actual civil war taking place. It is reported that all pays are now electronic and completed, the system is now ready to GO!!
10-17-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 [If the multiple currency practices and exchange restrictions have been removed, then why haven't we seen a rate change?? I thought that's what we were waiting for. What am I missing here?] Patience...To allow the lite fuse to hit the powder... [One question...do we still look for the speech from A?] YES.
10-17-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray Article quote: "the CBI has removed all exchange restrictions and multiple currency practices" [THIS IS MY NEW FAVORITE ARTICLE FOR THIS YEAR!] It is definitely up there in importance to what we desire to occur in the very near future... It has been a long journey for many of us... But a rewarding one in so many ways...
10-17-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 [Do you think this will go into 2018?] I don’t think they can stretch it out that long. Now some people are saying Abadi will announce the full liberation of Iraq at the end of November, but there is no civil war or resistance, and on the other hand people in Iraq are being told to expect changes in their accounts pretty much now. I cannot see January unless something else crops up, so I am looking at this week or next. I think we’re pretty much there.
10-17-2017 Intel Guru Delta GOV OF THE CBI ...IS SAYING THAT CBI HAS REMOVED ALL EXCHANGE RESTRICTION AND MCP...WOW THAT'S IS HUGE!!! FROM IMF: FINAL ARTICLES "The Iraqi government will also remove restrictions on currency exchange. This will be an important part of encouraging investment in the country as it will signal that currency can be freely exchanged without government restrictions"
10-17-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray "H.E. Prime Minister Dr. Haider Al-Abadi statement to the Iraqi People" [I like the fact that he makes reference to the "National Wealth "...and it "belonging to the citizens", could he be referring to the Dinar they're hiding under their mattresses?] What else could it be... This increase in the dinar's value is going to set off an economic shock heard around the world, and all the way into our pocketbooks...
10-17-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 IMO...THE RI IS COMING...AND INTROS A FREE FLOAT...THEN FOR ABOUT 70 TO 80 DAYS LATER THEY WILL CAP WITH A CONTROLLED FLOAT OF THE RV... [RI to a free float, then to a cap where it will be managed. Once they reach the cap rate, do you think it will stay in that range or drop back down?] FIRST OF ALL...RI IS THE FREE FLOAT... NOT TO IT...TIME IS NOT REQUIRED FOR THAT PHASE...SECOND ...ONCE CAPPED AT PEAK OF RV IS BECAUSE THE IQD WILL...NEVER NEVER NEVER EVER GO DOWN ONCE AT RI / RV. [Is the RV the same as an international rate?] WELL...I SUPPOSE...FOR AN RV INTRODUCES THE IQD TO THE INTERN MARKETS THAT WANT TO GET THEIR HANDS ON IT TO USE IT IN TRADE ...BUYING AND SELLING WHICH WILL ROCKET THE VALUE OF THE IQD INTERNATIONALLY. [This is not meant to be a rate...What opinion do you...have that will be the high vs low for Iraq’s currency at his peak rate post RV?] IMO...RI 1 RV 4...
10-16-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Randy Koonce So learning from the mistake that Kuwait made, the CBI said the 'Float' will be 'Managed'... What does Managed mean?... if you look at the currency now and realize it has been this price for at least 10 years - that's a Managed Float! ... They control the rate.... they peg it off of the Dollar and the British Pound so that it will not move unless they want it to. Which is the reason they will need to RV the currency to get the rate they need...Are there any Laws that need to be passed before they let this go? NO! Everything is just waiting on Iraq to do this 'Thing'! Do not get discouraged! Just put on your big girl panties (or big boy, as the case may be) and let this happen. Be happy about the timing... We are close. Every large bank will exchange.. RELAX the RV is coming... Breathe,,, Check www.cbi.iq every day to see if it has changed. [You can also see the official CBI dinar rate to the left in the Dinar Guru resource bar.] [post 3 of 3]
10-16-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Randy Koonce If someone tells you that it is a pipe dream, just remember: Iraq's Currency was 2.75 even with Sadam Hussien in charge. Also, it is a fact that the US promised to let them restore their currency, once the fighting was finished. And now, You say: "Ok! They quit fighting and US pulled out... leaving a void...and everything went to hell in a hand basket." Yes, you are correct. Obama did not want this to take place until Hillary lost the election... The only reason he did not pull the trigger on it sooner, was because Iraq wanted and needed a higher rate, and he didn't want to give it. Bottom line - It's all been politics!... Speaking of Rate: We understand that Iraq has been given option to choose their Rate with Trump. So, the Range is 2.00 to 3.71. The only way to know what it will be, is wait until it comes out... Some say .10 cents and float it up.... Well, Kuwait did that and for that very reason, this will not happen. Kuwait had a government that operated better than Iraq does even today... And when Kuwait floated their currency, it hurt the progress economically of Kuwait. It went too high too quickly, and then on the way down, it nearly crippled the country until it finally stabilized around 3.60. [post 2 of 3....stay tuned]
10-16-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Randy Koonce ...Iraq needs a currency. That is a fact. But, before they could address the needed currency, they first needed to get their country to a position of feeling safe. Stability and Security. So, the US agreed, and has assisted Iraq on clearing ISIS out of Iraq... Did that mean they had to do that in order to RV? NO! This was the preference of what IRAQ wanted to do, prior to establishing an international, valuable currency. So, the US also wanted the defeat of ISIS to be complete. For that reason, the next 'Window' for watching for a change in their rate will start on Tuesday, October 17, of this week and go to the end of the month.. The greatest pressure for this to happen will be this week... Please understand: There is NO back door on the time frame for the RV to occur. The pressure is coming from the Void of any money in Iraq. They need to get commerce moving, and increasing the value of their money will make that happen. ...The RV will assist in furthering the whole Security and Stability issue. So the pressure is on. Why do I give a 'window' verses an exact time? Because i do not control this thing. If I did, it would have happened a LONG time ago!... [post 1 of 3....stay tuned]
10-16-2017 Guest Guru BobTheTaxMan Let’s say it comes out at 10 cents. I’m not saying it’s going to…I’m not predicting this. If it came out at 10 cents what would you do? Give yourself the gift of writing that out…'My dinar would be worth this number amount of money if it came out at 10 cents'. What if it came out at 20 cents? What if it came out at 50 cents? What if it came out at $1.12? 'What would I do?' Always the unknown factor is, because it is the middle east and you never know what’s going to go on over there, how long do I hang on to it trusting that it’s going to increase in value? My invitation to you is to take a common sense approach to this… [Post 2 of 2]
10-16-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 We sent out a weekend update about Allak and other dignitaries including the PM talking about full liberation of Iraq, with Da’esh surrendering in the two remaining provinces. Also Rafi Bank is focused on their international credit cards. Also, the Kurds seem to be making a new agreement that should be made clear on Wednesday. That was the weekend’s information, and today...“we are going at a steady pace, but getting there”. For all intents and purposes, Iraq is once more in control in the disagreement with Kurds. There was no fighting at Kirkuk, and the Iraqi government is back in charge of the country, borders, transport, etc. So nothing there will delay the release of the RV. Those in Kirkuk are celebrating the presence of Iraqi forces. The IMF meeting should conclude today, although members tell me yesterday was the last day of actual meetings on the schedule. There may be meetings that were not scheduled, and the outcome of those meetings will tell us whether to be very, very excited this week or next week.
10-16-2017 Guest Guru BobTheTaxMan Questions: “When do I know when to exchange? Where’s the rate going to be when I feel ok to do it?” Now we do know from all of our previous investigations that the CBI plans on/love to get back up to the $3 plus range somewhere in the near future. We don’t know when that is going to be or how that’s going to look. We don’t even know when it’s going to start. My invitation to you is, take a step back. Be realistic. You need to consider your age. You need to consider how much you have. You need to consider your planning for taxes. You need to consider your legacy. What is it you want to accomplish with this windfall when it comes your direction. You need to consider how’s that going to affect your family…[Post 1 of 2 Stay tuned]
10-16-2017 Newshound Guru chattels "Iraqi PM appoints an ARab governor for Kirkuk Haider al-Abadi, prime minister of Iraq has appointed an Arab politician named Rakan Saeed to replace Najmaldin Karim as the governor of Kirkuk." Abadi is doing what he has to do politically to survive by acting upon the pressure upon him from hardline Shia political actors in Baghdad... ...and we have a conflict and controversy over the right of a state to secede from a union. There has been controversy over the Kurdistani flag being flown in Kirkuk for some time. Flying the Iraqi flag by Abadi is symbolic of the will of Baghdad being enforced. Abadi flying the Iraqi flag has nothing to do with a truce. It is his way of declaring dominion and control. Mission accomplished according to him.
10-16-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray Article: "Iraqi Airways signs MoU with Saudi counterpart" Quote: "The Iraqi Civil Aviation Authority announced on Monday the signing of a memorandum of understanding with the Saudi side in the framework of joint cooperation between Iraq and the General Authority for Civil Aviation in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia." And why bother doing this is Iraq is a wreck, and not worth investing time, and money in?...
10-16-2017 Newshound Guru chattels Article: "Iraqi Vice President Ayad Allawi warned on Monday there could be a “civil war” over the Kurdish-administered city of Kirkuk if talks over Kurdish independence are left unresolved." The US has no control and minimal influence upon the Shia Parliament in Baghdad. Which is why Barzani wanted ironclad commitments from Baghdad with international support and not more promises only from the US diplomatic corp. Barzani may be wrong, but he is not insane. He is not going to do the same thing and expect a different result. [I cannot help but feel the whole thing is orchestrated!] There is some belief that it is orchestrated, but...I do not believe that Iraq is risking civil war to orchestrate a liquidity event for us or disguise a revalue of their currency.
10-16-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray There is so much going on behind the scenes... The puppeteers are pulling the right strings in order to bring out a desired outcome... Watch, and see... Most who are involved in the orchestration do not know they are being used... Only the major players, and of course those behind the scenes... Everything is fine folks... Are they still having meetings, and Alak is going to Washington as THE Governor of the CBI... That is substantial IMHO... NO longer the "fill in", or intermediate... [post 2 of 2]
10-16-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Randy Koonce If someone tells you that it is a pipe dream, just remember: Iraq's Currency was 2.75 even with Sadam Hussien in charge. Also, it is a fact that the US promised to let them restore their currency, once the fighting was finished. And now, You say: "Ok! They quit fighting and US pulled out... leaving a void...and everything went to hell in a hand basket." Yes, you are correct. Obama did not want this to take place until Hillary lost the election... The only reason he did not pull the trigger on it sooner, was because Iraq wanted and needed a higher rate, and he didn't want to give it. Bottom line - It's all been politics!... Speaking of Rate: We understand that Iraq has been given option to choose their Rate with Trump. So, the Range is 2.00 to 3.71. The only way to know what it will be, is wait until it comes out... Some say .10 cents and float it up.... Well, Kuwait did that and for that very reason, this will not happen. Kuwait had a government that operated better than Iraq does even today... And when Kuwait floated their currency, it hurt the progress economically of Kuwait. It went too high too quickly, and then on the way down, it nearly crippled the country until it finally stabilized around 3.60. [post 2 of 3....stay tuned]
10-16-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Randy Koonce ...Iraq needs a currency. That is a fact. But, before they could address the needed currency, they first needed to get their country to a position of feeling safe. Stability and Security. So, the US agreed, and has assisted Iraq on clearing ISIS out of Iraq... Did that mean they had to do that in order to RV? NO! This was the preference of what IRAQ wanted to do, prior to establishing an international, valuable currency. So, the US also wanted the defeat of ISIS to be complete. For that reason, the next 'Window' for watching for a change in their rate will start on Tuesday, October 17, of this week and go to the end of the month.. The greatest pressure for this to happen will be this week... Please understand: There is NO back door on the time frame for the RV to occur. The pressure is coming from the Void of any money in Iraq. They need to get commerce moving, and increasing the value of their money will make that happen. ...The RV will assist in furthering the whole Security and Stability issue. So the pressure is on. Why do I give a 'window' verses an exact time? Because i do not control this thing. If I did, it would have happened a LONG time ago!... [post 1 of 3....stay tuned]
10-16-2017 Guest Guru BobTheTaxMan Let’s say it comes out at 10 cents. I’m not saying it’s going to…I’m not predicting this. If it came out at 10 cents what would you do? Give yourself the gift of writing that out…'My dinar would be worth this number amount of money if it came out at 10 cents'. What if it came out at 20 cents? What if it came out at 50 cents? What if it came out at $1.12? 'What would I do?' Always the unknown factor is, because it is the middle east and you never know what’s going to go on over there, how long do I hang on to it trusting that it’s going to increase in value? My invitation to you is to take a common sense approach to this… [Post 2 of 2]
10-16-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 We sent out a weekend update about Allak and other dignitaries including the PM talking about full liberation of Iraq, with Da’esh surrendering in the two remaining provinces. Also Rafi Bank is focused on their international credit cards. Also, the Kurds seem to be making a new agreement that should be made clear on Wednesday. That was the weekend’s information, and today...“we are going at a steady pace, but getting there”. For all intents and purposes, Iraq is once more in control in the disagreement with Kurds. There was no fighting at Kirkuk, and the Iraqi government is back in charge of the country, borders, transport, etc. So nothing there will delay the release of the RV. Those in Kirkuk are celebrating the presence of Iraqi forces. The IMF meeting should conclude today, although members tell me yesterday was the last day of actual meetings on the schedule. There may be meetings that were not scheduled, and the outcome of those meetings will tell us whether to be very, very excited this week or next week.
10-16-2017 Guest Guru BobTheTaxMan Questions: “When do I know when to exchange? Where’s the rate going to be when I feel ok to do it?” Now we do know from all of our previous investigations that the CBI plans on/love to get back up to the $3 plus range somewhere in the near future. We don’t know when that is going to be or how that’s going to look. We don’t even know when it’s going to start. My invitation to you is, take a step back. Be realistic. You need to consider your age. You need to consider how much you have. You need to consider your planning for taxes. You need to consider your legacy. What is it you want to accomplish with this windfall when it comes your direction. You need to consider how’s that going to affect your family…[Post 1 of 2 Stay tuned]
10-16-2017 Newshound Guru chattels "Iraqi PM appoints an ARab governor for Kirkuk Haider al-Abadi, prime minister of Iraq has appointed an Arab politician named Rakan Saeed to replace Najmaldin Karim as the governor of Kirkuk." Abadi is doing what he has to do politically to survive by acting upon the pressure upon him from hardline Shia political actors in Baghdad... ...and we have a conflict and controversy over the right of a state to secede from a union. There has been controversy over the Kurdistani flag being flown in Kirkuk for some time. Flying the Iraqi flag by Abadi is symbolic of the will of Baghdad being enforced. Abadi flying the Iraqi flag has nothing to do with a truce. It is his way of declaring dominion and control. Mission accomplished according to him.
10-16-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray Article: "Iraqi Airways signs MoU with Saudi counterpart" Quote: "The Iraqi Civil Aviation Authority announced on Monday the signing of a memorandum of understanding with the Saudi side in the framework of joint cooperation between Iraq and the General Authority for Civil Aviation in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia." And why bother doing this is Iraq is a wreck, and not worth investing time, and money in?...
10-16-2017 Newshound Guru chattels Article: "Iraqi Vice President Ayad Allawi warned on Monday there could be a “civil war” over the Kurdish-administered city of Kirkuk if talks over Kurdish independence are left unresolved." The US has no control and minimal influence upon the Shia Parliament in Baghdad. Which is why Barzani wanted ironclad commitments from Baghdad with international support and not more promises only from the US diplomatic corp. Barzani may be wrong, but he is not insane. He is not going to do the same thing and expect a different result. [I cannot help but feel the whole thing is orchestrated!] There is some belief that it is orchestrated, but...I do not believe that Iraq is risking civil war to orchestrate a liquidity event for us or disguise a revalue of their currency.
10-16-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray There is so much going on behind the scenes... The puppeteers are pulling the right strings in order to bring out a desired outcome... Watch, and see... Most who are involved in the orchestration do not know they are being used... Only the major players, and of course those behind the scenes... Everything is fine folks... Are they still having meetings, and Alak is going to Washington as THE Governor of the CBI... That is substantial IMHO... NO longer the "fill in", or intermediate... [post 2 of 2]
10-15-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray Article: "URGENT: Tomorrow is a prospective meeting of infallible leaders of political blocs to resolve the crisis in Baghdad and Erbil" This is orchestrated drama... For effect, and the unity of Iraq... This investment with the currency reform is going to payoff as it has always meant to be... ...as we come to a conclusion to this, through all of this adversity, it a strange sort of way, it will bring the 3 factions within Iraq a little closer together... Add value to their currency, and thus enhancing their buying power, and it will most certainly help as it concerns the unification of Iraq... [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
10-15-2017 Guest Guru BobTheTaxMan …When You Cash In Your Dinar It Is A Taxable Event. Whether you choose to hold and spread out or chasing out over time, which isn’t a bad philosophy at all particularly when looking at people who have social security and are dependent upon that. If you don’t have a lot of dinar, let’s say you have less than a million, take your time, spread it out. That way you won’t interfere with your social security. You don’t have it taxed again and you can still have enough money to be ok. So that’s a possibility. That’s an easy one, particularly for those who have a minimal amount of dinar. Choose easy. Just take time. Spread it out... [More to come stay tuned]
[NOTE: The above should NOT be considered tax or investment advice. It is purely informational and the views of this guru. Speak to your own tax and investment professional at the appropriate time.]
10-15-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 This weekend on Iraqi TV, CBI's Alaq and others, along with PM Abadi, are referencing a full Iraq liberation coming soon. Daesh is surrendering at record volumes in the two remaining provinces. Al-Rafidain (Rafi) bank continues to promote the use of their international MasterCard. The Kurds supposedly have a new arrangement that should be presented on Wednesday. At the conclusion of Monday's meeting, things should become more transparent.
10-15-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: "The Governor of the CBI participates in the meetings of the Higher Committee for Reconstruction and Investment" Quote: "The meeting dealt with the issues related to the advancement of reconstruction and investment projects in Iraq." Article: "Governor of the Central Bank heads to the United States to attend meetings of the IMF and the World Bank" Quote: "The central bank announced on Sunday that the central bank governor has gone to the United States to participate in meetings of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank." Excellent ...Many Meetings right now.
10-15-2017 Intel Guru Delta BLAST FROM THE PAST!!! Article: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 "Rafidain Bank in Dhi Qar confirms that the introduction of ATM depends on delete zeros of the currency." "The introduction of ATM in the markets and banks is dependent on the implementation of the decision to delete zeros from the Iraqi currency, pointing out that the Iraqi currency suffers from large inflation in time Present."
10-15-2017 Guest Guru BobTheTaxMan …When You Cash In Your Dinar It Is A Taxable Event. Whether you choose to hold and spread out or chasing out over time, which isn’t a bad philosophy at all particularly when looking at people who have social security and are dependent upon that. If you don’t have a lot of dinar, let’s say you have less than a million, take your time, spread it out. That way you won’t interfere with your social security. You don’t have it taxed again and you can still have enough money to be ok. So that’s a possibility. That’s an easy one, particularly for those who have a minimal amount of dinar. Choose easy. Just take time. Spread it out... [More to come stay tuned]
[NOTE: The above should NOT be considered tax or investment advice. It is purely informational and the views of this guru. Speak to your own tax and investment professional at the appropriate time.]
10-15-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 This weekend on Iraqi TV, CBI's Alaq and others, along with PM Abadi, are referencing a full Iraq liberation coming soon. Daesh is surrendering at record volumes in the two remaining provinces. Al-Rafidain (Rafi) bank continues to promote the use of their international MasterCard. The Kurds supposedly have a new arrangement that should be presented on Wednesday. At the conclusion of Monday's meeting, things should become more transparent.
10-15-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: "The Governor of the CBI participates in the meetings of the Higher Committee for Reconstruction and Investment" Quote: "The meeting dealt with the issues related to the advancement of reconstruction and investment projects in Iraq." Article: "Governor of the Central Bank heads to the United States to attend meetings of the IMF and the World Bank" Quote: "The central bank announced on Sunday that the central bank governor has gone to the United States to participate in meetings of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank." Excellent ...Many Meetings right now.
10-15-2017 Intel Guru Delta BLAST FROM THE PAST!!! Article: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 "Rafidain Bank in Dhi Qar confirms that the introduction of ATM depends on delete zeros of the currency." "The introduction of ATM in the markets and banks is dependent on the implementation of the decision to delete zeros from the Iraqi currency, pointing out that the Iraqi currency suffers from large inflation in time Present."
10-14-2017 Newshound Guru chattels [appear barzani maybe changing mind imho] I opined a few days ago that he may need to alter his position. Abadi is between a rock and a hard place. Barzani is just in a hard place.
10-14-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Article: "Reveal the contents of Tilerson’s message to Barzani ahead of the referendum" When you really dig into what Tillerson and the US offered Barzani to step off this “vote” and quit stirring everyone up...it becomes quite clear NONE OF THIS was about what is best for the Kurdish people, but what is best for BARZANI. OMG!! They gave him the keys to the KINGDOM!! They pretty much offered him the WHOLE PACKAGE. UN, IMF, World support, independence (of sorts), revenue – JUST UNREAL!!
10-14-2017 Guest Guru BobTheTaxMan …#2 they are going to see this as an opportunity to make money off of you. #3 there is no reason to create that [trusts and other structures] and have the continued ongoing cost when we don’t have actual proof and evidence or the actual event come to fruition yet. Don’t do it. You’re going to be throwing good money after bad. don’t do it…Some people want to hate me for this but that’s ok. I’m not here to garner your love… I’m here to tell you practical steps. Things you need to be aware of when it comes to dealing with the dinar because it is such an oddity. Is it a true event that will come to fruition? Yeah, I think it will come to fruition!…you just can’t beat this opportunity. It’s wonderful. It’s such a low investment for the potential for a high reward…no body knows when it’s going to come to fruition…Right now don’t put the money and expense and effort into trying to create some colluded deluded idea in order to negate or avoid those taxations. [Post 2 of 2]
[NOTE: The above should NOT be considered tax or investment advice. It is purely informational and the views of this guru. Speak to your own tax and investment professional at the appropriate time.]
10-14-2017 Guest Guru BobTheTaxMan A warning: If you attempt to avoid Federal or State income taxes, you’re setting yourself up. Don’t do it. I know a three way win…a win for you. A win for your tax professional and a win for the IRS is how you live life without having to look over your shoulder. So don’t do it…Finding an attorney/CPA who’s willing to listen to you…good luck because people in the professional world have already been told many times it’s a scam and also have been bombarded with people seeking free advice…Am I saying don’t trust attorneys with ideas later on after the dinar comes to fruition? No I’m not saying that at all. What I’m saying is right now don’t even go to an attorney…right now because for the most part they don’t believe you. [Post 1 of 2 Stay tuned for the rest of the story...]
[NOTE: The above should NOT be considered tax or investment advice. It is purely informational and the views of this guru. Speak to your own tax and investment professional at the appropriate time.]
10-14-2017 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: "Al-Rafidain: MasterCard International allows granting advances and loans of all types" Loans equate to interest rates. That is huge.. imo
10-14-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 ...we are...still awaiting the official announcement of Ali al-Allaq as the Governor of the CBI. Iraqi and US banks met in DC about international interests in the financial sector, so those things are in the works. Supposedly the plan is for Abadi to announce the full liberation of Iraq in late November, with the international rate surfacing in January. But you know that a plan is just some desired results according to a certain time line. However, one of the military leaders is saying on television that 97% of Iraq has already been liberated – that could b 100% within a week! We remain optimistic this ride is coming to an end ‘in the coming days’. We’ll see what happens over the weekend or setting us up for next week, with the liberation of Iraq or whatever the plan turns out to be. I definitely believe we are seeing this ride come to an end. It’s on the way!
10-14-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Article: "Reveal the contents of Tilerson’s message to Barzani ahead of the referendum" When you really dig into what Tillerson and the US offered Barzani to step off this “vote” and quit stirring everyone up...it becomes quite clear NONE OF THIS was about what is best for the Kurdish people, but what is best for BARZANI. OMG!! They gave him the keys to the KINGDOM!! They pretty much offered him the WHOLE PACKAGE. UN, IMF, World support, independence (of sorts), revenue – JUST UNREAL!!
10-14-2017 Guest Guru BobTheTaxMan …#2 they are going to see this as an opportunity to make money off of you. #3 there is no reason to create that [trusts and other structures] and have the continued ongoing cost when we don’t have actual proof and evidence or the actual event come to fruition yet. Don’t do it. You’re going to be throwing good money after bad. don’t do it…Some people want to hate me for this but that’s ok. I’m not here to garner your love… I’m here to tell you practical steps. Things you need to be aware of when it comes to dealing with the dinar because it is such an oddity. Is it a true event that will come to fruition? Yeah, I think it will come to fruition!…you just can’t beat this opportunity. It’s wonderful. It’s such a low investment for the potential for a high reward…no body knows when it’s going to come to fruition…Right now don’t put the money and expense and effort into trying to create some colluded deluded idea in order to negate or avoid those taxations. [Post 2 of 2]
[NOTE: The above should NOT be considered tax or investment advice. It is purely informational and the views of this guru. Speak to your own tax and investment professional at the appropriate time.]
10-14-2017 Guest Guru BobTheTaxMan A warning: If you attempt to avoid Federal or State income taxes, you’re setting yourself up. Don’t do it. I know a three way win…a win for you. A win for your tax professional and a win for the IRS is how you live life without having to look over your shoulder. So don’t do it…Finding an attorney/CPA who’s willing to listen to you…good luck because people in the professional world have already been told many times it’s a scam and also have been bombarded with people seeking free advice…Am I saying don’t trust attorneys with ideas later on after the dinar comes to fruition? No I’m not saying that at all. What I’m saying is right now don’t even go to an attorney…right now because for the most part they don’t believe you. [Post 1 of 2 Stay tuned for the rest of the story...]
[NOTE: The above should NOT be considered tax or investment advice. It is purely informational and the views of this guru. Speak to your own tax and investment professional at the appropriate time.]
10-14-2017 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: "Al-Rafidain: MasterCard International allows granting advances and loans of all types" Loans equate to interest rates. That is huge.. imo
10-14-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 ...we are...still awaiting the official announcement of Ali al-Allaq as the Governor of the CBI. Iraqi and US banks met in DC about international interests in the financial sector, so those things are in the works. Supposedly the plan is for Abadi to announce the full liberation of Iraq in late November, with the international rate surfacing in January. But you know that a plan is just some desired results according to a certain time line. However, one of the military leaders is saying on television that 97% of Iraq has already been liberated – that could b 100% within a week! We remain optimistic this ride is coming to an end ‘in the coming days’. We’ll see what happens over the weekend or setting us up for next week, with the liberation of Iraq or whatever the plan turns out to be. I definitely believe we are seeing this ride come to an end. It’s on the way!
10-13-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray Article: "Kurdish Referendum may see Iraqi Elections Postponed" An opinion piece... I still believe that the referendum was purposely carried out as a diversion tactic... It has certainly been the focal point these last few weeks as the writer points out... As far as their local, and national elections?... Does it really matter that much?... The continued drive towards economic prosperity continues in Iraq despite all of this... Which leads me to believe that Iraq is being lead by those not necessarily within Iraq... But if it is getting the job done, in the end, those who hold high office within this country will get the credit...
10-13-2017 Intel Guru Rayren98 [...there have been numerous reports of a potential military conflict between the Kurds and the Iraqi forces. There reportedly have been a build up of military forces from the Kurds and the Iraqi Army in Kirkuk. I have to imagine that if a conflict does break out that will put an indefinite delay in the RV. What have you been hearing?] “Any day now, the RV is happening”, so whatever conflict is being reported, that is not an issue according to my sources.
10-13-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "IRAQIS DEMAND TRIAL, EXECUTION OF MALIKI OVER MOSUL FALL TO ISIS" Many keep asking me why this guy Maliki is still around. ...Listen up! - NORI Al-MALIKI HAS IMMUNITY UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF HIS VP POSITION AND CURRENCY CAN NOT BE TOUCHED. This trial, of course, can not take place until after the 2018 elections when Maliki loses his immunity under his VP position. However the most important point to remember in this saga is this: 1) if this is the case he will do anything to either try to stay in some govt position that allows for immunity again or 2) he will create a crisis…again. This is the scary part and the part that could hold up the RV, if they don’t get it done prior to the election timeframe in 2018. This is why he is still a liability and will continue to be a liability until they final get him….
10-13-2017 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke Are your “Affairs in Order”? You have a few “DAYS” left, in ROCKtober. It’s written in the “SKY”.
10-13-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray Article: "The Central Bank calls on ministries to lift the seizure of the funds of the Bank of Economics" Great news... Can you hear it folks... The economic engine is revving up in Iraq... In preparation to take off at full speed... Hitting the ground running so to speak... And to think we have been brought to this point in order to partake of this part in history...
10-13-2017 Guest Guru BobTheTaxMan …Because what it’s based on is whatever the taxable income is in that particular calendar year…let’s say for example you decided to just cash in part of it the first year. Part of it the next year and part of it the next year. Great strategy if you could do that, that’s wonderful. But remember you’re still gambling on solidity of the government and the currency and the solidity of the region. So keep that in mind as you prepare and think about your strategies for cashing in your dinar. But if you do take the time to spread those out over time…you’re still going to be caught up in whatever tax brackets applicable to you. So don’t think that just because one year you got slammed the next year it’s going to go back to where the old one was…no that’s not how it works. [Post 2 of 2]
[NOTE: This should NOT be considered tax or investment advice. It is purely informational and the views of this guru. Speak to your own tax and investment professional at the appropriate time.]
10-13-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray Article: "Interest in tourism and the promotion of production The most prominent means of financial reform" Diversifying their economy, and making sure they get more bang for their buck, or dinar in Iraq's case... In a nut shell... They do not want to be so dependent on oil, and the fluctuation of it pricing within the open market... But in order to get to that point, this is going to require more liquidity... Which means they are going to have to "you know what!".... Value, Value, Value, and a little over a half to their currency... They are certainly prepping Iraq to become a MAJOR economic hub of the Middle East...
10-13-2013 Newshound Guru Mnt Goat Article: "A HOSTLE SITUATION IS DEVELOPING WITH THE KURDS" ...this could be the beginning of a civil war, if not handled correctly! Do you think they are going to RV if this happens? They will use the excuse that they do not want to allow the dinar to rise in value so the Kurds can not have funds to support and resupply their forces against the federal forces. Do you see the picture here? YES – this could hold up the RV and I don’t care what any rating agency like FITCH or others have to say. FITCH is not the IMF and certainly not the CBI. This could have significance reprocussions... [post 2 of 2]
Dinar Guru WARNING: The below post should NOT be considered tax or investment advice. It is purely informational and the views of this guru. Speak to your own tax and investment professional at the appropriate time ***
10-13-2017 Guest Guru BobTheTaxMan There are 4 taxes we need to be aware of when dealing with the dinar. And planning for those 4 taxes are going to pretty much take care of everything for the future. #1. Federal Taxes…you can find the tax brackets out on the internet anywhere and with the current idea’s being presented by Trump you’re going to see some changes on what those brackets are from 7 down to 3 once/if that passes everything. I’m hoping it does cause it’s going to make it a lot easier for everybody. When you take a look at the tax brackets [federal] I have people asking me “Well if it’s only 15% that I’m paying right now is that going to change when I cash in the dinar?” Well obviously it’s going to change!… [Post 1 of 2]
[NOTE: This should NOT be considered tax or investment advice. It is purely informational and the views of this guru. Speak to your own tax and investment professional at the appropriate time.]
10-13-2017 Newshound Guru Mnt Goat Article quote: "Iraqi Vice President Ayad Allawi says there could be a "civil war" over the Kurdish-administered city of Kirkuk if talks over Kurdish independence are left unresolved." ...I am telling everyone that this referendum vote was leverage to get Article 140 law passed in parliament and settle the disputes over the oil rich providence of Kirkuk once and for all...this referendum was important and will have some impact somehow. The recent Kurdish referendum was not so much about Kurdistan succeeded as it was more to get leverage to get the constitution “fully” implemented. It was all about “stirring the pot” or “shaking the hive”. It has been about 12 years already since the constitution of Iraq was ratified, and still it is not “fully” implemented. This is the Kurds beef with the GOI and parliament. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
10-13-2017 Intel Guru Bruce I have been told not to go into certain areas tonight. This is what we can talk about. What has gone on in Iraq is the IMF has asked Iraq to do (2) things. Remember the law that was against about anti money laundering law in conjunction with counterfeiting? That law was passed long time ago. They want to see this enacted. The other thing the IMF wants is to see Iraq’s rate enacted. Iraq has about 9 Dignitaries that have been invited to come to the United States for the final day of the IMF meeting in Washington DC. Sunday would be the last day of the meeting. It makes sense they would comply the final things the IMF has requested before coming over to that meeting which they will be there with other people on Sunday. That is a positive thing for us. We should have the best weekend of our lives.
10-13-2017 Intel Guru Rayren98 [...there have been numerous reports of a potential military conflict between the Kurds and the Iraqi forces. There reportedly have been a build up of military forces from the Kurds and the Iraqi Army in Kirkuk. I have to imagine that if a conflict does break out that will put an indefinite delay in the RV. What have you been hearing?] “Any day now, the RV is happening”, so whatever conflict is being reported, that is not an issue according to my sources.
10-13-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "IRAQIS DEMAND TRIAL, EXECUTION OF MALIKI OVER MOSUL FALL TO ISIS" Many keep asking me why this guy Maliki is still around. ...Listen up! - NORI Al-MALIKI HAS IMMUNITY UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF HIS VP POSITION AND CURRENCY CAN NOT BE TOUCHED. This trial, of course, can not take place until after the 2018 elections when Maliki loses his immunity under his VP position. However the most important point to remember in this saga is this: 1) if this is the case he will do anything to either try to stay in some govt position that allows for immunity again or 2) he will create a crisis…again. This is the scary part and the part that could hold up the RV, if they don’t get it done prior to the election timeframe in 2018. This is why he is still a liability and will continue to be a liability until they final get him….
10-13-2017 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke Are your “Affairs in Order”? You have a few “DAYS” left, in ROCKtober. It’s written in the “SKY”.
10-13-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray Article: "The Central Bank calls on ministries to lift the seizure of the funds of the Bank of Economics" Great news... Can you hear it folks... The economic engine is revving up in Iraq... In preparation to take off at full speed... Hitting the ground running so to speak... And to think we have been brought to this point in order to partake of this part in history...
10-13-2017 Guest Guru BobTheTaxMan …Because what it’s based on is whatever the taxable income is in that particular calendar year…let’s say for example you decided to just cash in part of it the first year. Part of it the next year and part of it the next year. Great strategy if you could do that, that’s wonderful. But remember you’re still gambling on solidity of the government and the currency and the solidity of the region. So keep that in mind as you prepare and think about your strategies for cashing in your dinar. But if you do take the time to spread those out over time…you’re still going to be caught up in whatever tax brackets applicable to you. So don’t think that just because one year you got slammed the next year it’s going to go back to where the old one was…no that’s not how it works. [Post 2 of 2]
[NOTE: This should NOT be considered tax or investment advice. It is purely informational and the views of this guru. Speak to your own tax and investment professional at the appropriate time.]
10-13-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray Article: "Interest in tourism and the promotion of production The most prominent means of financial reform" Diversifying their economy, and making sure they get more bang for their buck, or dinar in Iraq's case... In a nut shell... They do not want to be so dependent on oil, and the fluctuation of it pricing within the open market... But in order to get to that point, this is going to require more liquidity... Which means they are going to have to "you know what!".... Value, Value, Value, and a little over a half to their currency... They are certainly prepping Iraq to become a MAJOR economic hub of the Middle East...
10-13-2013 Newshound Guru Mnt Goat Article: "A HOSTLE SITUATION IS DEVELOPING WITH THE KURDS" ...this could be the beginning of a civil war, if not handled correctly! Do you think they are going to RV if this happens? They will use the excuse that they do not want to allow the dinar to rise in value so the Kurds can not have funds to support and resupply their forces against the federal forces. Do you see the picture here? YES – this could hold up the RV and I don’t care what any rating agency like FITCH or others have to say. FITCH is not the IMF and certainly not the CBI. This could have significance reprocussions... [post 2 of 2]
Dinar Guru WARNING: The below post should NOT be considered tax or investment advice. It is purely informational and the views of this guru. Speak to your own tax and investment professional at the appropriate time ***
10-13-2017 Guest Guru BobTheTaxMan There are 4 taxes we need to be aware of when dealing with the dinar. And planning for those 4 taxes are going to pretty much take care of everything for the future. #1. Federal Taxes…you can find the tax brackets out on the internet anywhere and with the current idea’s being presented by Trump you’re going to see some changes on what those brackets are from 7 down to 3 once/if that passes everything. I’m hoping it does cause it’s going to make it a lot easier for everybody. When you take a look at the tax brackets [federal] I have people asking me “Well if it’s only 15% that I’m paying right now is that going to change when I cash in the dinar?” Well obviously it’s going to change!… [Post 1 of 2]
[NOTE: This should NOT be considered tax or investment advice. It is purely informational and the views of this guru. Speak to your own tax and investment professional at the appropriate time.]
10-13-2017 Newshound Guru Mnt Goat Article quote: "Iraqi Vice President Ayad Allawi says there could be a "civil war" over the Kurdish-administered city of Kirkuk if talks over Kurdish independence are left unresolved." ...I am telling everyone that this referendum vote was leverage to get Article 140 law passed in parliament and settle the disputes over the oil rich providence of Kirkuk once and for all...this referendum was important and will have some impact somehow. The recent Kurdish referendum was not so much about Kurdistan succeeded as it was more to get leverage to get the constitution “fully” implemented. It was all about “stirring the pot” or “shaking the hive”. It has been about 12 years already since the constitution of Iraq was ratified, and still it is not “fully” implemented. This is the Kurds beef with the GOI and parliament. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
10-13-2017 Intel Guru Bruce I have been told not to go into certain areas tonight. This is what we can talk about. What has gone on in Iraq is the IMF has asked Iraq to do (2) things. Remember the law that was against about anti money laundering law in conjunction with counterfeiting? That law was passed long time ago. They want to see this enacted. The other thing the IMF wants is to see Iraq’s rate enacted. Iraq has about 9 Dignitaries that have been invited to come to the United States for the final day of the IMF meeting in Washington DC. Sunday would be the last day of the meeting. It makes sense they would comply the final things the IMF has requested before coming over to that meeting which they will be there with other people on Sunday. That is a positive thing for us. We should have the best weekend of our lives.
10-12-2017 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Quote: "The general orientation of the central bank is working to restore the Iraqi dinar exchange rate against the dollar to its former glory in collaboration with government banks, indicating that the bank seeks to make way for government banks to carry out sale the dollar put pressure on speculators in the markets." Well this is obviously a word to get attention.. Glory be it! What other glory is there than bring back your currency to it's real value and away from a program rate? We all know the banks are meeting with the UST and have been for some time now. Are the final touches in place? I'll bet so. Even Abadi today is just about ready to tell the world the final inches of Iraq are liberated from ISIS. Security and stability, is at hand. Therefore, imo the remaining touches if you will are being done and in a very timely manner. 9-15/2017 IMF, 10/16/2017 Private Banks and the UST and then 10/18/2017 Iraq and US represented by the Institute of Strategic Studies. Go figure.. A global think TANK! wink then ka boom lol that fast..
10-12-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 [Before Iraq revalues the dinar, do you know what new Iraqi denomination note(s) we are looking for release and use, in the ATMs, retail business, etc.] The lower denominations are ones, fives, tens, twenties, maybe a new 50 dinar now, I’m not sure.
10-12-2017 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77 Article: “Economic partnerships between Iraq and Egypt” ...this is IMO the kind of working relationships that Iraq needs...one where they can each provide the other with needed commodities and help...IMO a part of the LL (long line) that we see growing that will benefit Iraq and eventually be a HUGE benefit for the world over as they help to rebuild this nation...so many opportunities here for the ones who can afford the process...IMO.
10-12-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray Article: "The challenges of Iraq's budget .. The search for 20 billion dollars for the reconstruction of liberated cities" Quote: "Saleh explained that electricity alone consumes 14 trillion Iraqi dinars (JD = 1180 dinars) from the general budget..." [is this mean the rate for 2018 budget at 1180...?] They will make the adjustment when the new rate occurs... Their speaking in terms of what the rate is now of course... Not really knowing when the new rate will come... But here is the thing!... When it does occur, the income flow from taxes due to consumerism within the private sector will help them to repay loans, increase the funding for reconstruction, and allow for any budget shortfalls to be bridged... The ability to bring about an increase in spending for the population of the nation of Iraq is the goal now... The only way for all of these financial obligations to be met within Iraq is the value of their currency to increase substantially... That is the endgame as we near the completion of monetary reform within Iraq...
10-12-2017 Newshound Guru G-Lin Article: "Iraqi and US banks meet in Washington" Quote: "He pointed out that" The Iraqi delegation will be formed by Iraqi banks to meet with the US Treasury and major banks and the Foreign Ministry there and representatives of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. Bridges of cooperation" This is a great art. And an Iraqi-US meeting on October 18.
10-12-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 I think the rates are going to be between $3.50 and $3.80 for the dinar... The wonderfully quiet dong is being reported at 47 cents, or $0.47. That’s the most consistent rate we’ve seen, but if it went as high as two dollars, I would not be surprised.
Dinar Guru WARNING: The below post should NOT be considered tax or investment advice. It is purely informational and the views of this guru. Speak to your own tax and investment professional at the appropriate time ***
10-12-2017 Guest Guru BobTheTaxMan It’s not going to be taxed as capital gains despite what anyone else may have told you…it’s not. This is going to be an ordinary tax event. The reason why is because you did not buy this under contract with a specific date for return therefore you don’t qualify for the blessings of being a true forex trader and the IRS already said…no. So don’t even consider someone else’s idea on this cause quite frankly guys you’re only setting yourself up for problems. And if you were to file a tax return showing it as capital gains but identifying what it is, I can assure you you’re going to get snagged. So don’t do it.
[NOTE: This should NOT be considered tax or investment advice. It is purely informational and the views of this guru. Speak to your own tax and investment professional at the appropriate time.]
10-12-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray Articles: "Experts: We demand a greater role for industrial and banking sectors in Iraq" "Iraqi banks are looking with the US Treasury to open relations with foreign banks" Quote: “the Arab-American banking conference will be held in New York on the sixteenth of October next and Iraq will participate with a large banking delegation,” noting that “there is great confidence between the Association of Iraqi private banks and the US Treasury.” Good stuff...These are the articles that should have us kicking our heels together... These are the articles that supersede all of the negative ones in value as it concerns our investment... The potential for the RV is anytime, and has been for a while... There just seems to be a particular date, and time frame for all of this... This weekend could prove to be very interesting... Many things are lining up...
10-12-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 [Before Iraq revalues the dinar, do you know what new Iraqi denomination note(s) we are looking for release and use, in the ATMs, retail business, etc.] The lower denominations are ones, fives, tens, twenties, maybe a new 50 dinar now, I’m not sure.
10-12-2017 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77 Article: “Economic partnerships between Iraq and Egypt” ...this is IMO the kind of working relationships that Iraq needs...one where they can each provide the other with needed commodities and help...IMO a part of the LL (long line) that we see growing that will benefit Iraq and eventually be a HUGE benefit for the world over as they help to rebuild this nation...so many opportunities here for the ones who can afford the process...IMO.
10-12-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray Article: "The challenges of Iraq's budget .. The search for 20 billion dollars for the reconstruction of liberated cities" Quote: "Saleh explained that electricity alone consumes 14 trillion Iraqi dinars (JD = 1180 dinars) from the general budget..." [is this mean the rate for 2018 budget at 1180...?] They will make the adjustment when the new rate occurs... Their speaking in terms of what the rate is now of course... Not really knowing when the new rate will come... But here is the thing!... When it does occur, the income flow from taxes due to consumerism within the private sector will help them to repay loans, increase the funding for reconstruction, and allow for any budget shortfalls to be bridged... The ability to bring about an increase in spending for the population of the nation of Iraq is the goal now... The only way for all of these financial obligations to be met within Iraq is the value of their currency to increase substantially... That is the endgame as we near the completion of monetary reform within Iraq...
10-12-2017 Newshound Guru G-Lin Article: "Iraqi and US banks meet in Washington" Quote: "He pointed out that" The Iraqi delegation will be formed by Iraqi banks to meet with the US Treasury and major banks and the Foreign Ministry there and representatives of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. Bridges of cooperation" This is a great art. And an Iraqi-US meeting on October 18.
10-12-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 I think the rates are going to be between $3.50 and $3.80 for the dinar... The wonderfully quiet dong is being reported at 47 cents, or $0.47. That’s the most consistent rate we’ve seen, but if it went as high as two dollars, I would not be surprised.
Dinar Guru WARNING: The below post should NOT be considered tax or investment advice. It is purely informational and the views of this guru. Speak to your own tax and investment professional at the appropriate time ***
10-12-2017 Guest Guru BobTheTaxMan It’s not going to be taxed as capital gains despite what anyone else may have told you…it’s not. This is going to be an ordinary tax event. The reason why is because you did not buy this under contract with a specific date for return therefore you don’t qualify for the blessings of being a true forex trader and the IRS already said…no. So don’t even consider someone else’s idea on this cause quite frankly guys you’re only setting yourself up for problems. And if you were to file a tax return showing it as capital gains but identifying what it is, I can assure you you’re going to get snagged. So don’t do it.
[NOTE: This should NOT be considered tax or investment advice. It is purely informational and the views of this guru. Speak to your own tax and investment professional at the appropriate time.]
10-12-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray Articles: "Experts: We demand a greater role for industrial and banking sectors in Iraq" "Iraqi banks are looking with the US Treasury to open relations with foreign banks" Quote: “the Arab-American banking conference will be held in New York on the sixteenth of October next and Iraq will participate with a large banking delegation,” noting that “there is great confidence between the Association of Iraqi private banks and the US Treasury.” Good stuff...These are the articles that should have us kicking our heels together... These are the articles that supersede all of the negative ones in value as it concerns our investment... The potential for the RV is anytime, and has been for a while... There just seems to be a particular date, and time frame for all of this... This weekend could prove to be very interesting... Many things are lining up...
10-11-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 Rafi Bank has announced international payment systems with the MasterCard; I have heard that everyone has been paid as of today. Now would be a great time to do a rate change, because everyone who expects to get paid has been paid at the rate they were anticipating. Turn on the green light; afterwards we can easily adjust the purchasing power. It makes sense to get everyone caught up and then switch the track. WE have announcements coming from the CBI, and the main one is that the current proxy Governor is now the official Governor of the CBI. Things look good in terms of information, so put the pieces together with the political issues that has subsided. There are some very good signs for this weekend.
10-11-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray Article: "The financial crisis is gripping Iraq's economic capital" Quote: "Journal News Basra province suffers from a major financial crisis...despite the fact that the province is considered the economic capital of Iraq because of its wealth of large resources supporting the state budget, most notably oil." Basra has Iraq's greatest port I believe.. This area will most certainly be a major cog within Iraq's economy.. The need to end the artificial rate is coming, as the natural rate of Iraq is reintroduced to the world... This is all coming to a head, and will in the end benefit all of Iraq, and those who have invested in their currency..
10-11-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana When Abadi vs Maliki was happening, that was another major step for Iraq. Again, it wasn’t a promise of immediate RV, but let’s face it - a major change in value of the Dinar was never going to happen with Maliki at the helm. Maliki simply had no reason to act in Iraq’s best interest when he had such a huge ability to pilfer the system under his power. I firmly believe that Abadi is not like Maliki, and when he won that battle, our landscape changed for the better...but even that was not enough. There was still the issue of the HCL, which MUST be resolved before (or simultaneously with) an RV. Now let’s look at today...this immediate point in time, where once again the rumor mills are churning and people are getting excited. I’m going to make two specific statements right now, and I hope they stick: 1. None of the gurus can call the Date. 2. Despite #1 above, the current level of activity is not to be ignored. Things ARE happening. [post 2 of 2]
10-11-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana Lots going on right now. I’ll say one thing for all the rumors… they may not seem to get the “dates” right, but when there’s buzz on all the rumor sites...it is usually right in front of a big event. ...Before Chapter 7, there was a crazy amount of hype. You all know I temper my posts, in an effort to keep people grounded, but even I got pretty excited about that event. It was a major milestone, and a significant key to Iraq’s progress. The rumor sites all promised an RV at that time, and it was certainly a possibility, but we all know it wasn’t a certainty. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
10-11-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Article: "Issuing arrest warrants against the president and members of the commission supervising the referendum" Quote: "Al-Rusafa Investigation Court on Wednesday issued arrest warrants for the president and members of the Kurdistan Regional Commission (KRG), which oversees the referendum, in violation of the decision of the Federal Supreme Court." ...note how it refers to the KRC as the (KRG)… implying this is Barzani they have issued an arrest warrant against. (and probably Karim – not good for him to have been snuggling up to the current KRG)
10-11-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray Article: "Cabinet allocates three billion dinars for electricity projects" And the building, and upgrading continues... Loans being used to ensure their success... LOANS... These countries expect their investment to have a return... They know it will be... And so should we... There is only one way this will occur... And we know, and they know what this will be as well...
10-11-2017 Newshound Guru Breitling …People are investing in the dinar just like me but they are pretending and going about their business as if it’s going to happen tomorrow. So what if it happens tomorrow? I’m not saying it’s not. But they’re betting on it. In fact it’s part of their budget. You guys…No. No. That’s the worst thing you could do…until you have that money it is not real…So just have your game plan in front of you and your head in the game correctly. What an opportunity. I love the dinar. It’s a great opportunity. I love being in it…I made a killing off the ISX and I think I’m going to make a killing of the dinar also…
10-11-2017 Intel Guru Bruce We know the dinar was at $3.22 for quite awhile as a lead up to the Gulf war. We know that the reinstated rate that we heard about was at $3.71. Iraq has been operating in country on their Qi cards, pre-paid debit cards, at that rate or higher for many months now. This rate from my understanding I think will be additional amount for the CBI rate. I don’t think it will stay at that rate. I think it will be higher. I don’t know when that rate will be known to us exactly. We do not know that, but we don’t think it will be very much longer before that will show. From a prospective of Iraq, they have been approved by the IMF for this new rate. This afternoon [Tuesday] I got confirmation of that. In terms from where we are, we are almost there. I think we are in a great place. [post 1 of 2]
10-11-2017 Intel Guru Bruce We were rolling right along, going along fine expecting this to go, and we had an interruption...in effect it was a slight delay. There were (3) distinct meetings yesterday [Monday] in this country, but in Iraq there was another meeting going on with the Iraqi Parliament and the IMF was in attendance, and Alak, the new CBI director of the Central Bank of Iraq. It was good. They may have passed legislatively what the Parliament needed to do. They met with some agreements that needed to be sign at the closest IMF office which was at Jordan. The IMF and Alak came to Jordon to handle those documents to get those done. My understanding was the net result of that meeting yesterday, those two meetings, today is...the IMF has approved Iraq’s reinstated rate for the dinar. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
10-11-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article Quote: "The government is currently preparing to launch its plan for sustainable development for the years (2018-2030), a vision refers to giving a clear and essential role of the private sector in all fields, and certainly the funding area is the foundation." I've said it before, until they open up the banking system to the world, there is no private sector. Looks like they might be moving towards that soon...
10-11-2017 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77 Article: “Improving the business environment in Iraq” Coming to an Iraq we all know and love...IMO the BEST is coming get ready for it...oh BUDDY get ready for a change in our lives like none we have ever imagined......excited doesn't even begin to touch.
10-11-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray Article: "The financial crisis is gripping Iraq's economic capital" Quote: "Journal News Basra province suffers from a major financial crisis...despite the fact that the province is considered the economic capital of Iraq because of its wealth of large resources supporting the state budget, most notably oil." Basra has Iraq's greatest port I believe.. This area will most certainly be a major cog within Iraq's economy.. The need to end the artificial rate is coming, as the natural rate of Iraq is reintroduced to the world... This is all coming to a head, and will in the end benefit all of Iraq, and those who have invested in their currency..
10-11-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana When Abadi vs Maliki was happening, that was another major step for Iraq. Again, it wasn’t a promise of immediate RV, but let’s face it - a major change in value of the Dinar was never going to happen with Maliki at the helm. Maliki simply had no reason to act in Iraq’s best interest when he had such a huge ability to pilfer the system under his power. I firmly believe that Abadi is not like Maliki, and when he won that battle, our landscape changed for the better...but even that was not enough. There was still the issue of the HCL, which MUST be resolved before (or simultaneously with) an RV. Now let’s look at today...this immediate point in time, where once again the rumor mills are churning and people are getting excited. I’m going to make two specific statements right now, and I hope they stick: 1. None of the gurus can call the Date. 2. Despite #1 above, the current level of activity is not to be ignored. Things ARE happening. [post 2 of 2]
10-11-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana Lots going on right now. I’ll say one thing for all the rumors… they may not seem to get the “dates” right, but when there’s buzz on all the rumor sites...it is usually right in front of a big event. ...Before Chapter 7, there was a crazy amount of hype. You all know I temper my posts, in an effort to keep people grounded, but even I got pretty excited about that event. It was a major milestone, and a significant key to Iraq’s progress. The rumor sites all promised an RV at that time, and it was certainly a possibility, but we all know it wasn’t a certainty. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
10-11-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Article: "Issuing arrest warrants against the president and members of the commission supervising the referendum" Quote: "Al-Rusafa Investigation Court on Wednesday issued arrest warrants for the president and members of the Kurdistan Regional Commission (KRG), which oversees the referendum, in violation of the decision of the Federal Supreme Court." ...note how it refers to the KRC as the (KRG)… implying this is Barzani they have issued an arrest warrant against. (and probably Karim – not good for him to have been snuggling up to the current KRG)
10-11-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray Article: "Cabinet allocates three billion dinars for electricity projects" And the building, and upgrading continues... Loans being used to ensure their success... LOANS... These countries expect their investment to have a return... They know it will be... And so should we... There is only one way this will occur... And we know, and they know what this will be as well...
10-11-2017 Newshound Guru Breitling …People are investing in the dinar just like me but they are pretending and going about their business as if it’s going to happen tomorrow. So what if it happens tomorrow? I’m not saying it’s not. But they’re betting on it. In fact it’s part of their budget. You guys…No. No. That’s the worst thing you could do…until you have that money it is not real…So just have your game plan in front of you and your head in the game correctly. What an opportunity. I love the dinar. It’s a great opportunity. I love being in it…I made a killing off the ISX and I think I’m going to make a killing of the dinar also…
10-11-2017 Intel Guru Bruce We know the dinar was at $3.22 for quite awhile as a lead up to the Gulf war. We know that the reinstated rate that we heard about was at $3.71. Iraq has been operating in country on their Qi cards, pre-paid debit cards, at that rate or higher for many months now. This rate from my understanding I think will be additional amount for the CBI rate. I don’t think it will stay at that rate. I think it will be higher. I don’t know when that rate will be known to us exactly. We do not know that, but we don’t think it will be very much longer before that will show. From a prospective of Iraq, they have been approved by the IMF for this new rate. This afternoon [Tuesday] I got confirmation of that. In terms from where we are, we are almost there. I think we are in a great place. [post 1 of 2]
10-11-2017 Intel Guru Bruce We were rolling right along, going along fine expecting this to go, and we had an interruption...in effect it was a slight delay. There were (3) distinct meetings yesterday [Monday] in this country, but in Iraq there was another meeting going on with the Iraqi Parliament and the IMF was in attendance, and Alak, the new CBI director of the Central Bank of Iraq. It was good. They may have passed legislatively what the Parliament needed to do. They met with some agreements that needed to be sign at the closest IMF office which was at Jordan. The IMF and Alak came to Jordon to handle those documents to get those done. My understanding was the net result of that meeting yesterday, those two meetings, today is...the IMF has approved Iraq’s reinstated rate for the dinar. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
10-11-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article Quote: "The government is currently preparing to launch its plan for sustainable development for the years (2018-2030), a vision refers to giving a clear and essential role of the private sector in all fields, and certainly the funding area is the foundation." I've said it before, until they open up the banking system to the world, there is no private sector. Looks like they might be moving towards that soon...
10-11-2017 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77 Article: “Improving the business environment in Iraq” Coming to an Iraq we all know and love...IMO the BEST is coming get ready for it...oh BUDDY get ready for a change in our lives like none we have ever imagined......excited doesn't even begin to touch.
10-10-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray Article: "Soon .. Rafidain Bank starts launch of a predecessor to pensioners" Quote: "Rafidain Bank announced on Monday the imminent launch of advances for retirees, indicating that the amount of the advance swallow three million and interest 7%..." Why would they even think about loaning these people advances if they do not know they means with which to repay it would be available... Again one of those little nuggets of proof that something is going down... Or up as it concerns the dinar's values..
10-10-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Economic partnerships between Iraq and Egypt" Quote: "In light of the growing relations between Iraq and Egypt, the government is moving to open the doors of cooperation in the commercial, industrial and investment fields between the two countries, which could pave to reach common agreements contribute to the formation of an effective economic force in the region." I find this interesting since Egypt is now floating the pound.
10-10-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray Article: "Central Bank: foreign currency reserves rose 3 billion dollars this year" ...They are very confident that the launching of foreign bonds will more than likely occur in 2018... Does that not require a internationally excepted currency?... Foreign reserves have risen 3 billion?... That is important to the stability of their economy... 48 billion in reserves is still a very respectable number in any country... I believe it was mentioned in the past that they did not want it to go below 43 billion... So we wait for the MOVE that will open up the floodgates of economic prosperity... All their ducks are lined up folks despite all of the disputes...
10-10-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 CURRENT WINDOW: I don't expect it today [Monday]. At the earliest Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday of this week. ...sources saying it could happen any time now...you can forget about that November stuff...It looks really good for us.
10-10-2017 Newshound Guru mike ...these guys haven't received any support from Baghdad; government salaries, infrastructure, displaced persons and military hardware for the fight with ISIL since March 2014. They had to do something profound to get everyone's attention, why hasn't anyone jumped in during that time to support and demand Baghdad's negotiations with Erbil? Well, they got the worlds attention now, hopefully they'll use this to win concessions and support that's designed to unite the country, no divide. Baghdad's response to the referendum is nothing but punitive, maybe they should try more carrot and less stick. [post 2 of 2]
10-10-2017 Newshound Guru mike Article: "Saudi newspaper: Washington threatens Iraqi forces to bomb if Baghdad resorted to the military option against Kurdistan" [Really, this is good news for us. The day the US abandons a united Iraq is the day our investment is worthless. This tells me the plan is still in place...] I will say that the Kurd's only produce roughly 500,000 bpd while Basra and the rest pump roughly 3.5-40 million bpd, the Kurd's financial contribution to the overall state is probably closer to a push than a win. I'd definitely agree that Barzani and the Kurd's are using this for global leverage for recognition and support from Baghdad. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
10-10-2017 Newshound Guru chattels The next phase of operations against Da'ash is western Anbar and securing the Syrian border with Iraq. I have opined that the completion of such may be a red letter date for many things in Iraq.
10-10-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray Article: "Kubic denies Maliki the issuance of the United Nations initiative to resolve the crisis in Kurdistan" ...While all of this deliberation is going on, do not be surprised if we see the increase... Diversion... This subject of referendum's, and independence will continue on... In the mean time, it will not serve as a deterrent to the continual process of ensuring Iraq's economy is given a huge boost via the increase of their currencies value...
10-10-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Economic partnerships between Iraq and Egypt" Quote: "In light of the growing relations between Iraq and Egypt, the government is moving to open the doors of cooperation in the commercial, industrial and investment fields between the two countries, which could pave to reach common agreements contribute to the formation of an effective economic force in the region." I find this interesting since Egypt is now floating the pound.
10-10-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray Article: "Central Bank: foreign currency reserves rose 3 billion dollars this year" ...They are very confident that the launching of foreign bonds will more than likely occur in 2018... Does that not require a internationally excepted currency?... Foreign reserves have risen 3 billion?... That is important to the stability of their economy... 48 billion in reserves is still a very respectable number in any country... I believe it was mentioned in the past that they did not want it to go below 43 billion... So we wait for the MOVE that will open up the floodgates of economic prosperity... All their ducks are lined up folks despite all of the disputes...
10-10-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 CURRENT WINDOW: I don't expect it today [Monday]. At the earliest Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday of this week. ...sources saying it could happen any time now...you can forget about that November stuff...It looks really good for us.
10-10-2017 Newshound Guru mike ...these guys haven't received any support from Baghdad; government salaries, infrastructure, displaced persons and military hardware for the fight with ISIL since March 2014. They had to do something profound to get everyone's attention, why hasn't anyone jumped in during that time to support and demand Baghdad's negotiations with Erbil? Well, they got the worlds attention now, hopefully they'll use this to win concessions and support that's designed to unite the country, no divide. Baghdad's response to the referendum is nothing but punitive, maybe they should try more carrot and less stick. [post 2 of 2]
10-10-2017 Newshound Guru mike Article: "Saudi newspaper: Washington threatens Iraqi forces to bomb if Baghdad resorted to the military option against Kurdistan" [Really, this is good news for us. The day the US abandons a united Iraq is the day our investment is worthless. This tells me the plan is still in place...] I will say that the Kurd's only produce roughly 500,000 bpd while Basra and the rest pump roughly 3.5-40 million bpd, the Kurd's financial contribution to the overall state is probably closer to a push than a win. I'd definitely agree that Barzani and the Kurd's are using this for global leverage for recognition and support from Baghdad. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
10-10-2017 Newshound Guru chattels The next phase of operations against Da'ash is western Anbar and securing the Syrian border with Iraq. I have opined that the completion of such may be a red letter date for many things in Iraq.
10-10-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray Article: "Kubic denies Maliki the issuance of the United Nations initiative to resolve the crisis in Kurdistan" ...While all of this deliberation is going on, do not be surprised if we see the increase... Diversion... This subject of referendum's, and independence will continue on... In the mean time, it will not serve as a deterrent to the continual process of ensuring Iraq's economy is given a huge boost via the increase of their currencies value...
10-9-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 In the midst of Sadr, protests, and all of those things going on over there, Parliament is in a closed session today, which I'm...assuming to address a lot of the things they are concerned with corruption, etc. which will help accelerate the National Reconciliation. That's what everyone is looking forward to. Full liberation, National Reconciliation, things of that nature. So...we wait. [post 2 of 2]
10-9-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 ...last week I referenced Abadi had put out something to the citizens indicating November. Now this turn of events...would probably change that. ...The last two provinces, that needed to be liberated are reporting record number of surrenders...Of DASH and ISIS surrendering. Which means those two provinces could pretty much be liberated within a matter of hours or days. Definitely not weeks, so you can forget about that November stuff. ...Alak was on TV about the trip coming up over here in the US and IMF. More particularly about needing to develop the currency to it's true face value and to have it's International acceptance they deserve. So that lets you know that the wheels are still turning and everyone's pretty much in that direction of getting this thing born. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
10-9-2017 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “The Association of Private Banks holds a risk management training course“ [Yes...fits perfectly with the CBI stating that it can't start in the middle of a year, has to be at beginning...IMO] I doubt this is the beginning as we have already had first classes publicly months ago. There is data that suggests classes were complete imo back in late September... So, imo if that data is representing the classes we have learned about here, the likely hood that the classes are over already just not full publicly announced yet, is highly probable imo. Thus, it would not support the beginning of the year just because that was a time frame mentioned in past. The notion that may be out there they will broadcast specific Monetary reform projects that are currency speculation sensitive are not going to be taken lightly, thus, the data would not be deseminsted in real time publicly. We have all witnessed imo a lag time in news and if that news is even further behind than thought in some forms... Imo, this is as good a time as any to just go boom...imo
10-9-2017 Newshound Guru Breitling …What if the value of the markets, the price per barrel goes down? What would Iraq have to do to counter that? They’d have to add value to their currency. You guys getting the trend here? That’s what’s going on. That’s what’s happening. That’s what’s part of the process here…There is nothing outside of that with the Kurds. So it’s not a threat. Does Iraq want that to happen? No. Is it optimal for the middle east? Could it put the middle east in a civil war? Sure. The middle east will be busy for a while. [Post 3 of 3]
10-9-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "KUWAIT: TALKS WITH IRAQ TO IMPORT GAS INSTEAD OF THE REMAINING COMPENSATION" So they are saying in this article and I quote – “WE WILL SOON SIGN THE AGREEMENT”. As investors we have been waiting for some kind of agreement for months now to eliminate this debt as far as relieving Chapter VII sanctions go. Any agreement must also meet the criteria of the IMF and be acceptable by all parties. Let’s see how this plays out. This may be the end to Chapter VII sanctions very soon. WOW ! We all know what this means…
10-9-2017 Newshound Guru G-Lin Source: Parliament lifted its meeting to Tuesday of next week...they will meet next week hopefully. The Parl. seems to be in disarray. No doubt. You can trust what is posted on the Parl. website but on another reliable website they said they did not hold their meeting today due to lack of quorum. News seems to be more confusing than ever.
10-9-2017 Newshound Guru Breitling …What would allow Iraq to do that? They can’t do it at a tenth of a penny. They can’t give up all their dollars…then they take away the backing of the dinar in the first place. This is what’s so phenomenal about this investment. It’s such a great opportunity. Huge opportunity. That’s the worst case scenario I can see with going on with the Kurds and if they pull out. How would Iraq be able to counter that? Add value to their currency… [Post 2 of 3 Stay tuned for the rest of the story...]
10-9-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray Article quote: "The Iraqi Stock Exchange declined during last week by 78.89 % because it did not hold one session after the announcement of a public holiday from the government." [Could it...be they have made room for us to buy e-dinar and that's why everyone stopped trading in preparation for an RV?] Very good possibility... With all of this "on the edge" news, I truly believe our ship is about to dock... And it is about time...
10-9-2017 Newshound Guru Breitling You have the kurds, what they are going through…but it’s not going to render what Iraq does with its currency…Let’s say they do separate and they do take some of that oil profits away from the rest of Iraq. What would Iraq do? You guys know the answer. They would add value to their currency. They’d have to make up for that. How would that make up for the oil loss…? Because they can take that money and invest it in the interior of other countries…The overall key is their economy is being attacked…what to they [countries] do? They invest in foreign entities, foreign bonds, foreign currencies…and what do they [countries] need to do to do that? They need to raise the value of their currencies a little bit…So what can Iraq do? [Post 1 of 3 Stay tuned for the rest of the story...]
10-9-2017 Newshound Guru chattels [reference Guru chattels post 10-8-2017] The value is 1258 per the news. I was simply giving a perspective as to the " lowest " in recent months. [SO DOES THAT MEAN THE VALUE OF THE DINAR HAS CHANGED, I WAS ALWAYS TOLD,(IF) THE VALUE CHANGED, YOU WOULD SEE IT ON THE (CBI) SITE. SO FAR IT HAS NOT CHANGED ON THE (CBI) SITE.] The market rate changes, not the official or program rate. There is a spread or variance between the official / supported rate. Street value if you like. It is what the dollar exchanges for real value / dinar in the marketplace of Iraq. [ I GUESS FOR TRADING PURPOSES.] Yes, generally speaking. The CBI quit posting the market rate some months ago. The market rate is now reported by the Stock exchange(s). Even that varies in areas of Iraq. It is the rate that Kap [Guru Kaperoni] says must be within 2% of the official rate. Or approximately 1203...
10-9-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 ...last week I referenced Abadi had put out something to the citizens indicating November. Now this turn of events...would probably change that. ...The last two provinces, that needed to be liberated are reporting record number of surrenders...Of DASH and ISIS surrendering. Which means those two provinces could pretty much be liberated within a matter of hours or days. Definitely not weeks, so you can forget about that November stuff. ...Alak was on TV about the trip coming up over here in the US and IMF. More particularly about needing to develop the currency to it's true face value and to have it's International acceptance they deserve. So that lets you know that the wheels are still turning and everyone's pretty much in that direction of getting this thing born. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
10-9-2017 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “The Association of Private Banks holds a risk management training course“ [Yes...fits perfectly with the CBI stating that it can't start in the middle of a year, has to be at beginning...IMO] I doubt this is the beginning as we have already had first classes publicly months ago. There is data that suggests classes were complete imo back in late September... So, imo if that data is representing the classes we have learned about here, the likely hood that the classes are over already just not full publicly announced yet, is highly probable imo. Thus, it would not support the beginning of the year just because that was a time frame mentioned in past. The notion that may be out there they will broadcast specific Monetary reform projects that are currency speculation sensitive are not going to be taken lightly, thus, the data would not be deseminsted in real time publicly. We have all witnessed imo a lag time in news and if that news is even further behind than thought in some forms... Imo, this is as good a time as any to just go boom...imo
10-9-2017 Newshound Guru Breitling …What if the value of the markets, the price per barrel goes down? What would Iraq have to do to counter that? They’d have to add value to their currency. You guys getting the trend here? That’s what’s going on. That’s what’s happening. That’s what’s part of the process here…There is nothing outside of that with the Kurds. So it’s not a threat. Does Iraq want that to happen? No. Is it optimal for the middle east? Could it put the middle east in a civil war? Sure. The middle east will be busy for a while. [Post 3 of 3]
10-9-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "KUWAIT: TALKS WITH IRAQ TO IMPORT GAS INSTEAD OF THE REMAINING COMPENSATION" So they are saying in this article and I quote – “WE WILL SOON SIGN THE AGREEMENT”. As investors we have been waiting for some kind of agreement for months now to eliminate this debt as far as relieving Chapter VII sanctions go. Any agreement must also meet the criteria of the IMF and be acceptable by all parties. Let’s see how this plays out. This may be the end to Chapter VII sanctions very soon. WOW ! We all know what this means…
10-9-2017 Newshound Guru G-Lin Source: Parliament lifted its meeting to Tuesday of next week...they will meet next week hopefully. The Parl. seems to be in disarray. No doubt. You can trust what is posted on the Parl. website but on another reliable website they said they did not hold their meeting today due to lack of quorum. News seems to be more confusing than ever.
10-9-2017 Newshound Guru Breitling …What would allow Iraq to do that? They can’t do it at a tenth of a penny. They can’t give up all their dollars…then they take away the backing of the dinar in the first place. This is what’s so phenomenal about this investment. It’s such a great opportunity. Huge opportunity. That’s the worst case scenario I can see with going on with the Kurds and if they pull out. How would Iraq be able to counter that? Add value to their currency… [Post 2 of 3 Stay tuned for the rest of the story...]
10-9-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray Article quote: "The Iraqi Stock Exchange declined during last week by 78.89 % because it did not hold one session after the announcement of a public holiday from the government." [Could it...be they have made room for us to buy e-dinar and that's why everyone stopped trading in preparation for an RV?] Very good possibility... With all of this "on the edge" news, I truly believe our ship is about to dock... And it is about time...
10-9-2017 Newshound Guru Breitling You have the kurds, what they are going through…but it’s not going to render what Iraq does with its currency…Let’s say they do separate and they do take some of that oil profits away from the rest of Iraq. What would Iraq do? You guys know the answer. They would add value to their currency. They’d have to make up for that. How would that make up for the oil loss…? Because they can take that money and invest it in the interior of other countries…The overall key is their economy is being attacked…what to they [countries] do? They invest in foreign entities, foreign bonds, foreign currencies…and what do they [countries] need to do to do that? They need to raise the value of their currencies a little bit…So what can Iraq do? [Post 1 of 3 Stay tuned for the rest of the story...]
10-9-2017 Newshound Guru chattels [reference Guru chattels post 10-8-2017] The value is 1258 per the news. I was simply giving a perspective as to the " lowest " in recent months. [SO DOES THAT MEAN THE VALUE OF THE DINAR HAS CHANGED, I WAS ALWAYS TOLD,(IF) THE VALUE CHANGED, YOU WOULD SEE IT ON THE (CBI) SITE. SO FAR IT HAS NOT CHANGED ON THE (CBI) SITE.] The market rate changes, not the official or program rate. There is a spread or variance between the official / supported rate. Street value if you like. It is what the dollar exchanges for real value / dinar in the marketplace of Iraq. [ I GUESS FOR TRADING PURPOSES.] Yes, generally speaking. The CBI quit posting the market rate some months ago. The market rate is now reported by the Stock exchange(s). Even that varies in areas of Iraq. It is the rate that Kap [Guru Kaperoni] says must be within 2% of the official rate. Or approximately 1203...
10-8-2017 Newshound Guru mike Article: "Parliamentary Finance discussed with the Central Bank to suspend financial transactions with the decisions of Kurdistan" The CBI is between a rock and a hard place right now. The IMF/WB have insisted on the removal of exchange restrictions and cutting off the Kurd's goes against the stipulations for future loans. This is a definitive moment to demonstrate independence of the CBI. If they resume exchange restrictions it will only reinforce the perception of corruption and GOI interference. IMO.
10-8-2017 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77 Article: "Involve the private sector to prepare development plans...And the transition to an open market economy" STRONGLY IMO...they are laying out a plan of action here not just for now, but the next 10 years...doing it in TWO stages and going to get the private sector to be a big part of the plan... Why...because this is exactly how a country who is an international leader would do things...they know it is a TEAM effort and everyone needs to be involved... An open market economy...screams of internationalism...a free economy...does the same thing...the game plan lays here in front of you... Abadi needs to light the fireworks with his speech IMO...and we will see a display of colors like no other as things progress at a rate that will blur the mind...all IMO.
10-8-2017 Newshound Guru Stryker Only Two Main Benchmarks Remain...Will they get there and will it help hold Iraq together?
10-8-2017 Newshound Guru chattels Article: "A slight rise in the dollar against the dinar on the Iraqi stock exchanges 07/10/2017" Quote: "The Iraqi National News Agency (NINA) / The dollar exchange rate today rose slightly against the dinar exchange rate in foreign currency markets in Iraq." 1248 is the lowest exchange rate of the dollar against the dinar in some time now.
10-8-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray Article: “US Policy Toward Iraq” Quote: “... as a result of corrupt currency exchange policies, Iraq is suffering from a crisis of liquidity.” This article seems to contradict what we have been hearing from entities outside of Iraq that are pleased with the progress being made within this country as it concerns their economic policy... The CBI was taken over in order to ensure that success was achieved several years ago... Are they planning to replace Alak with another governor?... I have always been of the opinion that Iraq does not control its destiny as it concerns when the icing is placed on the cake... There is significance to the timing of this it seems.. Otherwise, it would have been accomplished already... They know what needs to be done, and have even indicated not too long ago it is a go... They will continue to hint at what needs to be done, until it is complete, and a new rate appears... The fact that they talk about monetary reform, or allude to it is a positive... It is only a matter of when, not if... The very reason why we have nations eager to invest, loan, and open up their borders to Iraq is they know what is coming...
10-8-2017 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77 Article: "Involve the private sector to prepare development plans...And the transition to an open market economy" STRONGLY IMO...they are laying out a plan of action here not just for now, but the next 10 years...doing it in TWO stages and going to get the private sector to be a big part of the plan... Why...because this is exactly how a country who is an international leader would do things...they know it is a TEAM effort and everyone needs to be involved... An open market economy...screams of internationalism...a free economy...does the same thing...the game plan lays here in front of you... Abadi needs to light the fireworks with his speech IMO...and we will see a display of colors like no other as things progress at a rate that will blur the mind...all IMO.
10-8-2017 Newshound Guru Stryker Only Two Main Benchmarks Remain...Will they get there and will it help hold Iraq together?
10-8-2017 Newshound Guru chattels Article: "A slight rise in the dollar against the dinar on the Iraqi stock exchanges 07/10/2017" Quote: "The Iraqi National News Agency (NINA) / The dollar exchange rate today rose slightly against the dinar exchange rate in foreign currency markets in Iraq." 1248 is the lowest exchange rate of the dollar against the dinar in some time now.
10-8-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray Article: “US Policy Toward Iraq” Quote: “... as a result of corrupt currency exchange policies, Iraq is suffering from a crisis of liquidity.” This article seems to contradict what we have been hearing from entities outside of Iraq that are pleased with the progress being made within this country as it concerns their economic policy... The CBI was taken over in order to ensure that success was achieved several years ago... Are they planning to replace Alak with another governor?... I have always been of the opinion that Iraq does not control its destiny as it concerns when the icing is placed on the cake... There is significance to the timing of this it seems.. Otherwise, it would have been accomplished already... They know what needs to be done, and have even indicated not too long ago it is a go... They will continue to hint at what needs to be done, until it is complete, and a new rate appears... The fact that they talk about monetary reform, or allude to it is a positive... It is only a matter of when, not if... The very reason why we have nations eager to invest, loan, and open up their borders to Iraq is they know what is coming...
10-7-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Article: "Economic consultant: More than 172 factories have been suspended since 2003 – until now" Quote: “The trend towards a market economy to be a strategic partner with the private sector is taking place for the first time in Iraq, which is a correct step to restore the movement of Iraqi industry again,” This is a “catch phrase” some have interpreted as some kind of precursor “dog whistle” to a soon coming RV... I’m not so sure about all that – but it is really nice to see this lingo starting to surface again. Also, this is the primary economic adviser to the Prime Minister speaking… BTW.
10-7-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "ECONOMIC RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE INTEGRATION OF IRAQ TO THE UNION OF THE GULF COOPERATION COUNCIL" Quote: "The forum, ...sought to boost the Jordanian-Gulf economic development by opening new partnerships between business owners, reflecting the economies of both sides and activating the trade exchange movement." Can you see how Iraq joining the GCC all ties together with wanting to trade using the dinar...(currencies of their own countries).
10-7-2017 Newshound mike It's pretty clear that Kuwait isn't going to forgive the $4.5 billion Iraq owes them in lieu of investment opportunity. If Baghdad continues to drag it's heals I'd re-implement Chapter 7, it's not the "best" thing for us but it would remove the Kuwaiti compensation from the list of impediments to montetary reform and economic growth in Iraq. Iraq still pumps roughly $60 billion in oil annually, skim Kuwait's compensation off the top like they did with the oil for food program and get these guys paid.
10-7-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "ECONOMIST: IRAQ CANNOT TRADE IN LOCAL CURRENCY" Quote: "IRAQ'S AGREEMENT WITH OTHER COUNTRIES TO TRADE THROUGH THE LOCAL CURRENCY AND ABANDON THE DOLLAR WOULD BE POSITIVE PAYOFFS ON THE ECONOMIC SITUATION, explained that Iraq could not take such steps at the moment because of the weak economy and the lack of a national industry." What they are saying is they would luv to trade in dinars but can’t due to the economic sanctions still imposed upon their country of Iraq. These sanctions remain until they get the economy stable. But this is amazing news since it tells us future plans and desire to use the dinar.
10-7-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Even though they are saying they can’t do it right now...doesn’t mean they won’t – or this person has the final say in such matters. If they want to re-engage with other world economies, this will happen. All of these items appear on a collision course. However, they won’t be able to lay off the dollar or fully engage internationally at the current value...it is too much of imbalance. It is going to be interesting to see the outcome of these next meetings with the IMF starting on the 13th here in Washington D.C. [post 2 of 2]
10-7-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Article: "Economic expert: Iraq cannot trade in its local currency" Quote: “Iraq’s agreement with other countries for commercial exchange through the local currency and abandonment of the dollar will have a positive return on the economy,”...“noting that” trade in local currency will reduce the inflation rate significantly because of the lack of the need to buy Dollar or reduce the proportion of purchase.“ You do realize what they are talking about here – right? This is a fairly direct reference to the “deleting of the zeros” project in a veiled sort of way. Fact. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
10-7-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat ...how much longer can Iraq stay isolated? Did you read about Abadi’s recent trip to France? Why would France come into Iraq and want to deal with this under-valued currency?
10-7-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray Article: "Lagarde calls on states to "seize the opportunity" of global recovery" Quote: "The global economic recovery is taking hold, calling on nations to adopt reforms aimed at lasting prosperity on a larger scale, IMF director Christine Lagarde said on Thursday." ...I would like to point out how she is forecasting 7 years of economic prosperity after being in the deep freeze... She declares that the horizon looks promising... The 7 year period of prosperity has not occurred for the world economy as of yet... Which is why I cannot help to believe that the monetary reform in Iraq has something to do with the beginning of this 7 year period of economic abundance...
10-7-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "ECONOMIC RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE INTEGRATION OF IRAQ TO THE UNION OF THE GULF COOPERATION COUNCIL" Quote: "The forum, ...sought to boost the Jordanian-Gulf economic development by opening new partnerships between business owners, reflecting the economies of both sides and activating the trade exchange movement." Can you see how Iraq joining the GCC all ties together with wanting to trade using the dinar...(currencies of their own countries).
10-7-2017 Newshound mike It's pretty clear that Kuwait isn't going to forgive the $4.5 billion Iraq owes them in lieu of investment opportunity. If Baghdad continues to drag it's heals I'd re-implement Chapter 7, it's not the "best" thing for us but it would remove the Kuwaiti compensation from the list of impediments to montetary reform and economic growth in Iraq. Iraq still pumps roughly $60 billion in oil annually, skim Kuwait's compensation off the top like they did with the oil for food program and get these guys paid.
10-7-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "ECONOMIST: IRAQ CANNOT TRADE IN LOCAL CURRENCY" Quote: "IRAQ'S AGREEMENT WITH OTHER COUNTRIES TO TRADE THROUGH THE LOCAL CURRENCY AND ABANDON THE DOLLAR WOULD BE POSITIVE PAYOFFS ON THE ECONOMIC SITUATION, explained that Iraq could not take such steps at the moment because of the weak economy and the lack of a national industry." What they are saying is they would luv to trade in dinars but can’t due to the economic sanctions still imposed upon their country of Iraq. These sanctions remain until they get the economy stable. But this is amazing news since it tells us future plans and desire to use the dinar.
10-7-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Even though they are saying they can’t do it right now...doesn’t mean they won’t – or this person has the final say in such matters. If they want to re-engage with other world economies, this will happen. All of these items appear on a collision course. However, they won’t be able to lay off the dollar or fully engage internationally at the current value...it is too much of imbalance. It is going to be interesting to see the outcome of these next meetings with the IMF starting on the 13th here in Washington D.C. [post 2 of 2]
10-7-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Article: "Economic expert: Iraq cannot trade in its local currency" Quote: “Iraq’s agreement with other countries for commercial exchange through the local currency and abandonment of the dollar will have a positive return on the economy,”...“noting that” trade in local currency will reduce the inflation rate significantly because of the lack of the need to buy Dollar or reduce the proportion of purchase.“ You do realize what they are talking about here – right? This is a fairly direct reference to the “deleting of the zeros” project in a veiled sort of way. Fact. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
10-7-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat ...how much longer can Iraq stay isolated? Did you read about Abadi’s recent trip to France? Why would France come into Iraq and want to deal with this under-valued currency?
10-7-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray Article: "Lagarde calls on states to "seize the opportunity" of global recovery" Quote: "The global economic recovery is taking hold, calling on nations to adopt reforms aimed at lasting prosperity on a larger scale, IMF director Christine Lagarde said on Thursday." ...I would like to point out how she is forecasting 7 years of economic prosperity after being in the deep freeze... She declares that the horizon looks promising... The 7 year period of prosperity has not occurred for the world economy as of yet... Which is why I cannot help to believe that the monetary reform in Iraq has something to do with the beginning of this 7 year period of economic abundance...
10-6-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray Article: "House of Representatives, stressing the need to cancel the deduction of salaries of employees and stop borrowing" These loans received by Iraq is a means of control by those outside of their governance, as well as preparation for something very significant occurring... There will be an adjustment period once the increase takes place.... Prices within Iraq will no go down over night... So the need to ensure that they will be prepared from a liquidity standpoint is key into making sure this transition goes smoothly, as the people of Iraq will begin to enjoy their increase in buying power...
10-6-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "ECONOMIST: IRAQ CANNOT TRADE IN LOCAL CURRENCY" Quote: "IRAQ'S AGREEMENT WITH OTHER COUNTRIES TO TRADE THROUGH THE LOCAL CURRENCY AND ABANDON THE DOLLAR WOULD BE POSITIVE ECONOMIC PAYOFFS..." WOW! ... “positive economic payoffs” if they abandon the dollar. We know that currently they are forced to use the US dollar due to sanctions which peg the dinar to dollar to stabilize it. We all know inflation in Iraq is caused now mainly because of the dual currency exchange rates from the buy vs sell rate of the dinar (CBI vs Banks vs street venders) when they are forced to convert to US dollars to pay importers. So in this article they are saying there are advantages to abandoning these sanctions and to stop this practice of converting dinars to dollars for trade and just use dinars. When they do this we go to the bank…This is when we go to the bank and ONLY when we go to the bank!
10-6-2017 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: "Economic expert: Iraq can not trade in its local currency" ...they speak of ditching the dollar to reduce inflation to bring a positive outlook on the economics of Iraq through commercial exchange to trade through local currency. That is getting rid of MCPs. A requirement of the IMF. Think about timing, think about large business "Total" for oil, reconstruction, medical facilities, schools, roads, bridges, etc.. All will trade with a local convertible currency with an international rate not a program rate. We know there is a meeting with the IMF (An extension if you will from the SBA meetings in Amman, as of recent.) coming within the next week real close. That meeting based on the news that I see is expected to be on time and about completion of what has been done. The timing of Liberation and the mention among many other things, even about de dollarizing to use local currencies speaks of the end game for the MR to change from in process to being done with the old (000s) and in with the new. imo
10-6-2017 Newshound Guru mike Article "Float the dinar .. or VAT Kodaf oaths" Quote: "Alternative or solution essential is to float the dinar without hesitation to get rid of the waste of millions of dollars a day, where the Central Bank of Iraq helps wasting hard currency at a rate ranging between 10 to 15 million dollars a day from a corrupt process politically likes to talk about, where everyone seems to be a partner or is unaware the risks." ...this puts the kibosh on the whole $1-$3 dollar RV. Floating the dinar outside of Article VIII seems nuts, even under Article VIII Egypt and Yemen lost purchasing power in their respective currencies, what will it do to the dinar?
10-6-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "CBI EASED FINANCIAL RESTRICTIONS IMPOSED ON THE KURDISTAN REGION OVER ITS INDEPENDENCE VOTE" Quote: "Iraq’s central bank on Wednesday eased financial restrictions imposed on the Kurdistan region over its independence vote AFTER RECEIVING A PLEDGE OF COOPERATION FROM KURDISH BANKS..." I believe the CBI is exploiting the kickback from the referendum fiasco to get the banking industry in Kurdistan under the reforms (i.e. electronic banking) and to finds way of getting those 3 zero notes (under peoples mattresses) back to the CBI. This is actually turning out all good for us and the RV.
10-6-2017 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan So if we look at the timing of events and the knowledge we have from the plethora of information we have been freely given by many people to use for to find a foundation in our investment that imo is not speculative at all. It is in fact, based on hard data that supports the Iraqi Dinar is by far under valued. We can look at not only natural resources, taxes and tariffs, agriculture, claw back of stolen goods and monies, and to soon be a booming in tourism industry, etc., that supports the value of an international convertible currency at a market rate. The above should give security to those investors even more now. Their money and persons will be safe to move freely! The expectation of Abadi to speak now about full liberation of Iraq is greater than ever before, imo.
10-6-2017 Intel Guru Bruce I am thrilled to say you are in a very good place for this even though we thought we were going to receive this last night [Wednesday]. It didn’t happen. What I understand is late last night countries all around the world all synched in, banks, countries, currencies, all that synched with the computer system...It was something that needed to be done. Now I heard we are in position to go forward. We got a time window, couple of them and highly expected for things to go forward for us. ...Abadi...made a speech...in France where he said that they had reclaim two coastal or border cities on the border with Syria. In terms of what is going on with rates...They keep trading higher. Are they at a point right now that everybody is happy with them? Is the IMF happy with everything? I don’t know. They are quite good. I would say probably they are where they needed to be. We are looking very good to get started. I do believe we are in the right place to get going now.
10-6-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Float the dinar .. or VAT Kodaf oaths" The IMF can only lead them to water. The Iraqi's have to follow the plan and do it right or they will lose it all. So far, it's not been working out, the next few months will be interesting.
10-6-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "ECONOMIST: IRAQ CANNOT TRADE IN LOCAL CURRENCY" Quote: "IRAQ'S AGREEMENT WITH OTHER COUNTRIES TO TRADE THROUGH THE LOCAL CURRENCY AND ABANDON THE DOLLAR WOULD BE POSITIVE ECONOMIC PAYOFFS..." WOW! ... “positive economic payoffs” if they abandon the dollar. We know that currently they are forced to use the US dollar due to sanctions which peg the dinar to dollar to stabilize it. We all know inflation in Iraq is caused now mainly because of the dual currency exchange rates from the buy vs sell rate of the dinar (CBI vs Banks vs street venders) when they are forced to convert to US dollars to pay importers. So in this article they are saying there are advantages to abandoning these sanctions and to stop this practice of converting dinars to dollars for trade and just use dinars. When they do this we go to the bank…This is when we go to the bank and ONLY when we go to the bank!
10-6-2017 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: "Economic expert: Iraq can not trade in its local currency" ...they speak of ditching the dollar to reduce inflation to bring a positive outlook on the economics of Iraq through commercial exchange to trade through local currency. That is getting rid of MCPs. A requirement of the IMF. Think about timing, think about large business "Total" for oil, reconstruction, medical facilities, schools, roads, bridges, etc.. All will trade with a local convertible currency with an international rate not a program rate. We know there is a meeting with the IMF (An extension if you will from the SBA meetings in Amman, as of recent.) coming within the next week real close. That meeting based on the news that I see is expected to be on time and about completion of what has been done. The timing of Liberation and the mention among many other things, even about de dollarizing to use local currencies speaks of the end game for the MR to change from in process to being done with the old (000s) and in with the new. imo
10-6-2017 Newshound Guru mike Article "Float the dinar .. or VAT Kodaf oaths" Quote: "Alternative or solution essential is to float the dinar without hesitation to get rid of the waste of millions of dollars a day, where the Central Bank of Iraq helps wasting hard currency at a rate ranging between 10 to 15 million dollars a day from a corrupt process politically likes to talk about, where everyone seems to be a partner or is unaware the risks." ...this puts the kibosh on the whole $1-$3 dollar RV. Floating the dinar outside of Article VIII seems nuts, even under Article VIII Egypt and Yemen lost purchasing power in their respective currencies, what will it do to the dinar?
10-6-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "CBI EASED FINANCIAL RESTRICTIONS IMPOSED ON THE KURDISTAN REGION OVER ITS INDEPENDENCE VOTE" Quote: "Iraq’s central bank on Wednesday eased financial restrictions imposed on the Kurdistan region over its independence vote AFTER RECEIVING A PLEDGE OF COOPERATION FROM KURDISH BANKS..." I believe the CBI is exploiting the kickback from the referendum fiasco to get the banking industry in Kurdistan under the reforms (i.e. electronic banking) and to finds way of getting those 3 zero notes (under peoples mattresses) back to the CBI. This is actually turning out all good for us and the RV.
10-6-2017 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan So if we look at the timing of events and the knowledge we have from the plethora of information we have been freely given by many people to use for to find a foundation in our investment that imo is not speculative at all. It is in fact, based on hard data that supports the Iraqi Dinar is by far under valued. We can look at not only natural resources, taxes and tariffs, agriculture, claw back of stolen goods and monies, and to soon be a booming in tourism industry, etc., that supports the value of an international convertible currency at a market rate. The above should give security to those investors even more now. Their money and persons will be safe to move freely! The expectation of Abadi to speak now about full liberation of Iraq is greater than ever before, imo.
10-6-2017 Intel Guru Bruce I am thrilled to say you are in a very good place for this even though we thought we were going to receive this last night [Wednesday]. It didn’t happen. What I understand is late last night countries all around the world all synched in, banks, countries, currencies, all that synched with the computer system...It was something that needed to be done. Now I heard we are in position to go forward. We got a time window, couple of them and highly expected for things to go forward for us. ...Abadi...made a speech...in France where he said that they had reclaim two coastal or border cities on the border with Syria. In terms of what is going on with rates...They keep trading higher. Are they at a point right now that everybody is happy with them? Is the IMF happy with everything? I don’t know. They are quite good. I would say probably they are where they needed to be. We are looking very good to get started. I do believe we are in the right place to get going now.
10-6-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Float the dinar .. or VAT Kodaf oaths" The IMF can only lead them to water. The Iraqi's have to follow the plan and do it right or they will lose it all. So far, it's not been working out, the next few months will be interesting.
10-5-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana [In the past you have mentioned you thought Iraq would stand united. I realize the recent referendum on the Kurd's independence was just that...and nothing can happen with that right away...Long term however, do you see Iraq becoming 3 States?] Long term.... I don't know. I see the RV happening before any split, though...For now, I'm not concerned about them splitting or not... I just want to see this HCL get done.
10-5-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Fifth – So did they start the project to delete the zeros in EARLY 2017, as they said they would? OF course they did. Just look at all the work they have done. Why in hell do you think the CBI has published so much news about collecting these older notes and getting them back in circulation. The CBI needs these notes and will quickly take them from the merchants when they come to the currency auctions to by US dollars (so they can pay their foreign remittances to importers). Because of “electronic banking and the ATM cards (SMART cards), these notes “WILL NEVER” go back into circulation. So this 5th point I make is part of the 4th point as they are all interconnected. I quote from the article again - ” this period (meaning the 10 years they referred to) WILL ENABLE THE CENTRAL BANK TO WITHDRAW THE OLD CURRENCY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DYNAMICS AND MECHANICS IN ORDER TO PRESERVE LIQUIDITY IN THE MARKET.” Is this not exactly what they are now doing? [post 3 of 3]
10-5-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana [Wondering if there is any chance that we could get burned and our current dinars be worthless?] There is always a "chance", but it's a very slim one at this point. I can't say "absolutely not", but it's the furthest possibility we have, in my opinion.
10-5-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana [If the Dinar is on par to King Dollar why do we look at Brent crude prices instead of WTI? While King Dollar was @ 1.03 - 1.05 for a few months can that be considered the 2% spread for 90 days.] I think it's simplest to summarize that WTI is a localized (to the US) designation, and Brent is more of a global term. Although the Dinar is currently "pegged" to the dollar, it is a separate currency that is not tied to US oil production. They could easily leave the USD peg and fix their currency to anything they want, but there will always be a calculation to determine how many dollars an IQD is, regardless of if we're looking at Brent, WTI, or the price of tea in china.
10-5-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Third – Just recently I heard a very discouraged person...asked what made us so sure they would not play a game with us investors and do a lop...This is of course...wrong. This article is proof of this FACT. I quote from the article –“ THE NEW CURRENCY ENTRY DOES NOT MEAN THE DESTRUCTION OF ANCIENT COINS, BUT WILL CONTINUE TO TRADE FOR ABOUT TEN YEARS”. Remember these article are not so much for us investors outside of Iraq, as they are for citizens in country. Fourth – My 4th point is backed up by my 3rd point in that they need to launch a “new currency” and it is what will coincide with the older 3 zero notes and I quote again “FOR ABOUT TEN YEARS”. So the newer notes are real and will be launched prior to the rate change. Remember too in 2015 we have proof they were going to RV since they began launching the $50 dinar notes. Why would they launch something that is worth less than a nickle (5 cents). ...I assure you they have a plan and are executing it. [post 2 of 3....stay tuned]
10-5-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat A blast from the past: Article: November 7, 2016..."CENTRAL BANK: DELETE ZEROS IN EARLY 2017" Quote: "The governor of the Iraqi Central Bank on the Keywords that project to delete the zeros will be implemented in early 2017, indicating that the bank began to develop the first steps of the project." First...they did not tell us they were going to Revalue or Reinstate their currency in EARLY 2017...So everyone is anticipating something that never really was even supposed to occur. Second-They are telling us the purpose of the project to delete the zeros. I quote – “THE PURPOSE OF DELETING THREE ZEROS FROM THE IRAQI CURRENCY IS TO SUPPORT THE IRAQI DINAR AND MAKE IT A COMPETITOR OF FOREIGN CURRENCY”. So when they get to a certain point in this project they will be international. How can they go international with the rate they now have? How would this 1182 rate be “competitive? [post 1 of 3....stay tuned]
10-5-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana ...guess which country is popping up in the headlines more and more over the last 7 days? If you said Kuwait, *ding ding!* I've got a cookie for you! ...although Kuwait isn't directly saying "let's get ready for the New Iraq", they are certainly on board. Kuwait is a major influence in the Middle East, and a higher IQD won't hurt them one bit. In fact, their support through that transition will only serve to make Iraq a strong ally, so it's in their interest to support Iraq through an RV. I like what I'm seeing from Kuwait right now.
10-5-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana Former Iraqi President Talabani has passed away, and a week of mourning has been called. I don't see anything major on the HCL for this next week, BUT... the so called "Referendum for Independence" seems to have come and gone, and is no longer an issue, which is exactly how I figured it would go. In fact, it seems things are moving even more smoothly than I anticipated! Abadi and Crew are making very positive moves towards resolving Article 140 in an amicable way, while at the same time giving the Kurds very strong reason to believe they are going to be treated fairly. This is great incentive to move on the HCL, and of course, RV! I am VERY encouraged! With that all said, I really think we're at a point where things are moving solidly in the right direction. The question of "when?" is still on the table, as always... but it's pretty undeniable that we're moving!
10-5-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "Project to reform the payroll payment mechanism employees of institutions and State departments" Quote: "The project aims to pay salaries to state employees through cards issued by banks operating in Iraq and aims to reduce the total cost of the process of paying salaries AND KEEPING CASH IN THE BANKING SYSTEM." Folks this is not new news... But it is still wonderful and WOW news. This is the project to delete the zeros in the making and ya gotta luv it. It is exactly what we want to hear.
10-5-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Fifth – So did they start the project to delete the zeros in EARLY 2017, as they said they would? OF course they did. Just look at all the work they have done. Why in hell do you think the CBI has published so much news about collecting these older notes and getting them back in circulation. The CBI needs these notes and will quickly take them from the merchants when they come to the currency auctions to by US dollars (so they can pay their foreign remittances to importers). Because of “electronic banking and the ATM cards (SMART cards), these notes “WILL NEVER” go back into circulation. So this 5th point I make is part of the 4th point as they are all interconnected. I quote from the article again - ” this period (meaning the 10 years they referred to) WILL ENABLE THE CENTRAL BANK TO WITHDRAW THE OLD CURRENCY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DYNAMICS AND MECHANICS IN ORDER TO PRESERVE LIQUIDITY IN THE MARKET.” Is this not exactly what they are now doing? [post 3 of 3]
10-5-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana [Wondering if there is any chance that we could get burned and our current dinars be worthless?] There is always a "chance", but it's a very slim one at this point. I can't say "absolutely not", but it's the furthest possibility we have, in my opinion.
10-5-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana [If the Dinar is on par to King Dollar why do we look at Brent crude prices instead of WTI? While King Dollar was @ 1.03 - 1.05 for a few months can that be considered the 2% spread for 90 days.] I think it's simplest to summarize that WTI is a localized (to the US) designation, and Brent is more of a global term. Although the Dinar is currently "pegged" to the dollar, it is a separate currency that is not tied to US oil production. They could easily leave the USD peg and fix their currency to anything they want, but there will always be a calculation to determine how many dollars an IQD is, regardless of if we're looking at Brent, WTI, or the price of tea in china.
10-5-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Third – Just recently I heard a very discouraged person...asked what made us so sure they would not play a game with us investors and do a lop...This is of course...wrong. This article is proof of this FACT. I quote from the article –“ THE NEW CURRENCY ENTRY DOES NOT MEAN THE DESTRUCTION OF ANCIENT COINS, BUT WILL CONTINUE TO TRADE FOR ABOUT TEN YEARS”. Remember these article are not so much for us investors outside of Iraq, as they are for citizens in country. Fourth – My 4th point is backed up by my 3rd point in that they need to launch a “new currency” and it is what will coincide with the older 3 zero notes and I quote again “FOR ABOUT TEN YEARS”. So the newer notes are real and will be launched prior to the rate change. Remember too in 2015 we have proof they were going to RV since they began launching the $50 dinar notes. Why would they launch something that is worth less than a nickle (5 cents). ...I assure you they have a plan and are executing it. [post 2 of 3....stay tuned]
10-5-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat A blast from the past: Article: November 7, 2016..."CENTRAL BANK: DELETE ZEROS IN EARLY 2017" Quote: "The governor of the Iraqi Central Bank on the Keywords that project to delete the zeros will be implemented in early 2017, indicating that the bank began to develop the first steps of the project." First...they did not tell us they were going to Revalue or Reinstate their currency in EARLY 2017...So everyone is anticipating something that never really was even supposed to occur. Second-They are telling us the purpose of the project to delete the zeros. I quote – “THE PURPOSE OF DELETING THREE ZEROS FROM THE IRAQI CURRENCY IS TO SUPPORT THE IRAQI DINAR AND MAKE IT A COMPETITOR OF FOREIGN CURRENCY”. So when they get to a certain point in this project they will be international. How can they go international with the rate they now have? How would this 1182 rate be “competitive? [post 1 of 3....stay tuned]
10-5-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana ...guess which country is popping up in the headlines more and more over the last 7 days? If you said Kuwait, *ding ding!* I've got a cookie for you! ...although Kuwait isn't directly saying "let's get ready for the New Iraq", they are certainly on board. Kuwait is a major influence in the Middle East, and a higher IQD won't hurt them one bit. In fact, their support through that transition will only serve to make Iraq a strong ally, so it's in their interest to support Iraq through an RV. I like what I'm seeing from Kuwait right now.
10-5-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana Former Iraqi President Talabani has passed away, and a week of mourning has been called. I don't see anything major on the HCL for this next week, BUT... the so called "Referendum for Independence" seems to have come and gone, and is no longer an issue, which is exactly how I figured it would go. In fact, it seems things are moving even more smoothly than I anticipated! Abadi and Crew are making very positive moves towards resolving Article 140 in an amicable way, while at the same time giving the Kurds very strong reason to believe they are going to be treated fairly. This is great incentive to move on the HCL, and of course, RV! I am VERY encouraged! With that all said, I really think we're at a point where things are moving solidly in the right direction. The question of "when?" is still on the table, as always... but it's pretty undeniable that we're moving!
10-5-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "Project to reform the payroll payment mechanism employees of institutions and State departments" Quote: "The project aims to pay salaries to state employees through cards issued by banks operating in Iraq and aims to reduce the total cost of the process of paying salaries AND KEEPING CASH IN THE BANKING SYSTEM." Folks this is not new news... But it is still wonderful and WOW news. This is the project to delete the zeros in the making and ya gotta luv it. It is exactly what we want to hear.
10-4-2017 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke We have only ONE thing left to say: OCTOBER, OCTOBER, OCTOBER, OCTOBER, OCTOBER. That's It.
10-4-17 Intel Guru RayRen98 If you are following the politics of Iraq, you’re probably saying, “This isn’t going to happen, it’s going to take forever…” Even PM Abadi said yesterday that the full economic reform will be completed at the end of November along with national reconciliation. Don’t believe everything you hear! All that glitters is not gold; the flip side is that not all news is bad news. Rate changes are in effect and moving ever upwards...rates being seen on the screen – live although we cannot do transactions yet, at $3.40 to $3.70, as expected... In at least two states there are visible rates on the screen, or so it has been reported to me. The banking industry...are on standby – on call – to be available at a moment’s notice. All we are waiting for the green light, for the banks to say “come on down”.
10-4-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG President Talabani has passed away...it's official this time. For all of those upset about the Kurdish referendum... Fitch came out and said it's not going to impact their credit or their economy or their functionality...the referendum doesn't matter that much. Fitch's exact words: "Iraq's economy or classification will not be affected by the referendum." I'm still very bullish on the currency as an investment...don't see anything that points in any other direction other than that.
10-4-2017 Newshound Guru chattels INcreasingly my sense is that Kurdistan must make some face saving retreat from the Referendum. It may give Abadi a "victory" that he needs to prevail in the elections in 2018 and put off Maliki's influence. We shall see. Tune in later for another episode of "Days of Our Lives in Iraq"...
10-4-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray As was mentioned in an earlier article, some very important people are confident that this referendum situation will not hinder the progress being made...Business as usual is the call... In fact...this situation with the Kurds is an opportunity for Abadi to show that he can be trusted... In that despite the Kurd's voting for independence, Baghdad wants unity, and in fact is going to pay the Kurd's their fair share.... Their salaries are still going to be paid in a few days as was declared in an article yesterday... No reason to be discouraged folks... But encouraged by what is going on... [post 2 of 2]
10-4-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray Article: "What’s stopping development?" Quote: "The country has large potential for further oil field development and as such more proven reserves may not have yet been discovered, but Iraq is hampered by high levels of corruption keeping it from moving forward with robust economic aganda." ...There has been much progress made in that area, and the IMF does seem to be pleased with what has been accomplished so far as well... Other countries are pleased with their progress as well, and have invested quite a bit of money into this country... They are not doing it out of the goodness of their own hearts either... There is certainly something they are expecting in return for their loans, grants, and overall investments in Iraq... [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
10-4-2017 Newshound Guru G-Lin Article: "Iraqi parliament reveals new sanctions for the Kurdistan region" Quote: "...in addition to a package of resolutions, notably the suspension of the sale of the dollar to the region, government and private banks, as well as a lawsuit against four companies." [...why suspend the sale of dollars to Kurdistan?] I'm not real sure about their thinking on this...In an art. posted a few days ago it stated that Kurdistan has 30% of the hard currency in their banks. Also the CBI said they will not stop selling the dollar in Kurdistan. So who has the final word? Independent CBI or Minister of Finance in Parl.? It seems that this move would cut Iraq's nose off to spite it's face. It will affect them too. Economist say this is a bad idea. As usual, we shall see how this plays out.
10-4-17 Intel Guru RayRen98 If you are following the politics of Iraq, you’re probably saying, “This isn’t going to happen, it’s going to take forever…” Even PM Abadi said yesterday that the full economic reform will be completed at the end of November along with national reconciliation. Don’t believe everything you hear! All that glitters is not gold; the flip side is that not all news is bad news. Rate changes are in effect and moving ever upwards...rates being seen on the screen – live although we cannot do transactions yet, at $3.40 to $3.70, as expected... In at least two states there are visible rates on the screen, or so it has been reported to me. The banking industry...are on standby – on call – to be available at a moment’s notice. All we are waiting for the green light, for the banks to say “come on down”.
10-4-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG President Talabani has passed away...it's official this time. For all of those upset about the Kurdish referendum... Fitch came out and said it's not going to impact their credit or their economy or their functionality...the referendum doesn't matter that much. Fitch's exact words: "Iraq's economy or classification will not be affected by the referendum." I'm still very bullish on the currency as an investment...don't see anything that points in any other direction other than that.
10-4-2017 Newshound Guru chattels INcreasingly my sense is that Kurdistan must make some face saving retreat from the Referendum. It may give Abadi a "victory" that he needs to prevail in the elections in 2018 and put off Maliki's influence. We shall see. Tune in later for another episode of "Days of Our Lives in Iraq"...
10-4-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray As was mentioned in an earlier article, some very important people are confident that this referendum situation will not hinder the progress being made...Business as usual is the call... In fact...this situation with the Kurds is an opportunity for Abadi to show that he can be trusted... In that despite the Kurd's voting for independence, Baghdad wants unity, and in fact is going to pay the Kurd's their fair share.... Their salaries are still going to be paid in a few days as was declared in an article yesterday... No reason to be discouraged folks... But encouraged by what is going on... [post 2 of 2]
10-4-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray Article: "What’s stopping development?" Quote: "The country has large potential for further oil field development and as such more proven reserves may not have yet been discovered, but Iraq is hampered by high levels of corruption keeping it from moving forward with robust economic aganda." ...There has been much progress made in that area, and the IMF does seem to be pleased with what has been accomplished so far as well... Other countries are pleased with their progress as well, and have invested quite a bit of money into this country... They are not doing it out of the goodness of their own hearts either... There is certainly something they are expecting in return for their loans, grants, and overall investments in Iraq... [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
10-4-2017 Newshound Guru G-Lin Article: "Iraqi parliament reveals new sanctions for the Kurdistan region" Quote: "...in addition to a package of resolutions, notably the suspension of the sale of the dollar to the region, government and private banks, as well as a lawsuit against four companies." [...why suspend the sale of dollars to Kurdistan?] I'm not real sure about their thinking on this...In an art. posted a few days ago it stated that Kurdistan has 30% of the hard currency in their banks. Also the CBI said they will not stop selling the dollar in Kurdistan. So who has the final word? Independent CBI or Minister of Finance in Parl.? It seems that this move would cut Iraq's nose off to spite it's face. It will affect them too. Economist say this is a bad idea. As usual, we shall see how this plays out.
10-3-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray Article: "Three transactions in the stock market achieved ten billion dinars" I am not into the stock market, but this is certainly a positive article.. Despite the referendum, and Isis crisis, investors outside of Iraq are showing confidence in Iraq... Good stuff...
10-3-2017 Newshound Guru chattels [...i have been hearing these rumors for awhile, about how basically the RV button is ready and waiting for specifically US to push the button, and that it doesnt matter if GOI is ready or not. Is it true that other nations or governments are the ones behind when there will be a RV on the dinar?] No one knows for certain. My belief is that any rate must be accepted / valued by the world economic community. So, the valuation of the IQD is not a unilateral act by Iraq. What will any country exchange their currency for " equivalent " dinar ? The US being the world's reserve country, it may be very important what value the US places upon the dinar, but as to any "button"?
10-3-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Then we know the last SBA review by the IMF is in December, then we know they need to get the remaining of the 2/3 of the older 3 zero notes out of circulation and we watch for how they are going to do this. Then we know the “full” electronic banking goes into force on January 1st. So no more large sums of notes getting recycled back into the economy once taken in by the CBI (via currency auctions). So there will be NO every day / any day RV scenario now. We will know when they are ready because they will tell us. We have also not seen the level of re-education the CBI promised had to happen prior. No guessing.) The CBI still needs to switch Kurdistan salaries over to electronic banking. This will probably be a part of the Article 140 negotiations too (or slipped in there somehow). So what does this all tell you for a possible next attempt at an RV? [post 2 of 2]
10-3-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "RAFIDAIN ANNOUNCES THE PAYMENT OF SALARIES OF EMPLOYEES OF TWO UNIVERSITIES AND SEVERAL DEPARTMENTS ELECTRONIC PAYMENT" Everyone needs to look at this article as if the Iraqi finance committee and the CBI are beating their breast and boasting about the progress they have made in the direction of getting 100% complete electronic payments to “all” government payouts by December 2017 – pensions, salaries, retirements, etc. To me this is yet another sign that I would not even expect anything for an RV until at least very EARLY 2018 and probably in January timeframe. Am I telling you a date – NO! but based on what they are doing and time lines for other events along with the past times when we know they did tell us they tried to RV and it was postponed, we know January was their timeframe for each of these 4 past attempts. They...told us they do not expect ISIS to be completed until November (I believe ISIS will be done in a week or two at most). [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
10-3-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 [via JesusLovesBaseball & Gigi813] 4 THINGS ARE COMING TO A GALVANIZING COLLISION IN THIS MONTH BECAUSE IMO... ALL 4 HAVE A GREEN LIGHT! THE 4 THINGS OUTSIDE THE ROADS HAVE ALREADY BEEN ACCOMPLISHED IMO: LIFTING OF THE 3 ZEROS; E-SALARIES; ATM'S; ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE LIBERATION OF MOSUL. ...those events that are still in motion are traveling along their designated paths ... due to collide at any moment!
10-3-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray They continue with business as usual despite the crisis, as well as it concerns the completion of the enormous economic project in Iraq.... And I agree with the fact that this is not just going to come out at 1 to 1... But seems to be being set up to come out at a rate that will put a big smile on everyone's face... They can afford to do it as they have touted the wealth that their country has during this past year... Show us through the increase in the currency that will come to be international in the near future... [post 2 of 2]
10-3-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray I have had no doubts about this occurring... In fact the events of last week only heightened my excitement of it occurring in the near future.. Orchestrated for what could be a number of reasons... To bring down Barzani possibly... Could he have been a hindrance to the monetary reform transpiring, and thought that this would play into his hands as the world would come to the Kurds aid with a sympathetic tone... While the Kurds want independence at some point, I believe many also want to make sure it will be done in a peaceful fashion without having to go to war... They have seen the progress being made within Iraq, and how Abadi could very well be the one who actually fulfills the agreements made between all 3 factions within Iraq... This being the Kurdish people, the Sunni's, and Shia's... [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
10-3-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 [What confidence, if any, do you have that we will be exchanging in October...? With Kurdistan populace so overwhelmingly in favor of becoming independent from GOI, is there any chance for a united Iraq?] Sure, there is a chance for a united Iraq, and more than likely that is what will happen once they settle their little issues. If the rest of the world tells them to settle those issues, they’ll have no choice. As for the rest of the October, if the banks do what they are saying, then there is a very good chance of this going in October. According to what agencies are saying, the Iraqi-Kurdish issues don’t necessary affect the revaluation of their currencies. [Do you believe This could finally be our Week...?] The information indicates this could be our week. [Any key October back wall dates?] No. It can go any day.
10-3-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat ...it appears Vice president Nori al-Maliki is going to make every attempt to exploit the Kurdish referendum to use it to his advantage to get back into a more powerful position in the GOI. We have already witnessed false news media reports exaggerating the impacts of the referendum. He loves chaos and thrives on it to create disorder. ...We know from history this guy is ruthless and will do anything for power. We also heard last week he instigated movement to replace president Masum (a Kurdish position) with himself as president of Iraq.
10-3-2017 Newshound Guru chattels [...i have been hearing these rumors for awhile, about how basically the RV button is ready and waiting for specifically US to push the button, and that it doesnt matter if GOI is ready or not. Is it true that other nations or governments are the ones behind when there will be a RV on the dinar?] No one knows for certain. My belief is that any rate must be accepted / valued by the world economic community. So, the valuation of the IQD is not a unilateral act by Iraq. What will any country exchange their currency for " equivalent " dinar ? The US being the world's reserve country, it may be very important what value the US places upon the dinar, but as to any "button"?
10-3-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Then we know the last SBA review by the IMF is in December, then we know they need to get the remaining of the 2/3 of the older 3 zero notes out of circulation and we watch for how they are going to do this. Then we know the “full” electronic banking goes into force on January 1st. So no more large sums of notes getting recycled back into the economy once taken in by the CBI (via currency auctions). So there will be NO every day / any day RV scenario now. We will know when they are ready because they will tell us. We have also not seen the level of re-education the CBI promised had to happen prior. No guessing.) The CBI still needs to switch Kurdistan salaries over to electronic banking. This will probably be a part of the Article 140 negotiations too (or slipped in there somehow). So what does this all tell you for a possible next attempt at an RV? [post 2 of 2]
10-3-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "RAFIDAIN ANNOUNCES THE PAYMENT OF SALARIES OF EMPLOYEES OF TWO UNIVERSITIES AND SEVERAL DEPARTMENTS ELECTRONIC PAYMENT" Everyone needs to look at this article as if the Iraqi finance committee and the CBI are beating their breast and boasting about the progress they have made in the direction of getting 100% complete electronic payments to “all” government payouts by December 2017 – pensions, salaries, retirements, etc. To me this is yet another sign that I would not even expect anything for an RV until at least very EARLY 2018 and probably in January timeframe. Am I telling you a date – NO! but based on what they are doing and time lines for other events along with the past times when we know they did tell us they tried to RV and it was postponed, we know January was their timeframe for each of these 4 past attempts. They...told us they do not expect ISIS to be completed until November (I believe ISIS will be done in a week or two at most). [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
10-3-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 [via JesusLovesBaseball & Gigi813] 4 THINGS ARE COMING TO A GALVANIZING COLLISION IN THIS MONTH BECAUSE IMO... ALL 4 HAVE A GREEN LIGHT! THE 4 THINGS OUTSIDE THE ROADS HAVE ALREADY BEEN ACCOMPLISHED IMO: LIFTING OF THE 3 ZEROS; E-SALARIES; ATM'S; ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE LIBERATION OF MOSUL. ...those events that are still in motion are traveling along their designated paths ... due to collide at any moment!
10-3-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray They continue with business as usual despite the crisis, as well as it concerns the completion of the enormous economic project in Iraq.... And I agree with the fact that this is not just going to come out at 1 to 1... But seems to be being set up to come out at a rate that will put a big smile on everyone's face... They can afford to do it as they have touted the wealth that their country has during this past year... Show us through the increase in the currency that will come to be international in the near future... [post 2 of 2]
10-3-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray I have had no doubts about this occurring... In fact the events of last week only heightened my excitement of it occurring in the near future.. Orchestrated for what could be a number of reasons... To bring down Barzani possibly... Could he have been a hindrance to the monetary reform transpiring, and thought that this would play into his hands as the world would come to the Kurds aid with a sympathetic tone... While the Kurds want independence at some point, I believe many also want to make sure it will be done in a peaceful fashion without having to go to war... They have seen the progress being made within Iraq, and how Abadi could very well be the one who actually fulfills the agreements made between all 3 factions within Iraq... This being the Kurdish people, the Sunni's, and Shia's... [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
10-3-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 [What confidence, if any, do you have that we will be exchanging in October...? With Kurdistan populace so overwhelmingly in favor of becoming independent from GOI, is there any chance for a united Iraq?] Sure, there is a chance for a united Iraq, and more than likely that is what will happen once they settle their little issues. If the rest of the world tells them to settle those issues, they’ll have no choice. As for the rest of the October, if the banks do what they are saying, then there is a very good chance of this going in October. According to what agencies are saying, the Iraqi-Kurdish issues don’t necessary affect the revaluation of their currencies. [Do you believe This could finally be our Week...?] The information indicates this could be our week. [Any key October back wall dates?] No. It can go any day.
10-3-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat ...it appears Vice president Nori al-Maliki is going to make every attempt to exploit the Kurdish referendum to use it to his advantage to get back into a more powerful position in the GOI. We have already witnessed false news media reports exaggerating the impacts of the referendum. He loves chaos and thrives on it to create disorder. ...We know from history this guy is ruthless and will do anything for power. We also heard last week he instigated movement to replace president Masum (a Kurdish position) with himself as president of Iraq.
10-2-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG This is a key phrase: “…will serve the country’s economy if it will be inclusion of the Iraqi dinar in the global basket of currencies in the vital world exchanges." This was published in early Nov, 2016. Obviously, it is easy to see why there was so much excitement over the “first part” of 2017. BECAUSE THEY SAID SO…However, there now seems to be have been more to the story... Another reason to repost and reflect on this, they have said nothing contradictory since. They are obviously not “on schedule” but they are not denying it either. [post 2 of 2]
10-2-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Article: "CENTRAL BANK: DELETE ZEROS IN EARLY 2017" "November 7, 2016" Quote: "The governor of the Iraqi Central Bank on the Keywords that project to delete the zeros will be implemented in early 2017, indicating that the bank began to develop the first steps of the project." This says they have already began to develop the first steps – indicating they are into the process (in late 2016). This would imply they are further along today… and likely many of the AML, electronic banking and international banking interactions are leading up to the implementation of this project. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
10-2-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat UPDATE ON THE FIGHT AGAINST ISIS IN HAWIJA: I am being told that the territory of Hawija is 50% cleared of ISIS and Friday morning Iraqi security forces launched the second stage of operations to liberate Hawija and surrounding areas. If they continue this progress even since last Sunday, it is my “opinion” it may not take more than a week or two longer to clean it all up. Again this is just my observation. Let’s see how it all plays out. We must wait for this removal of ISIS prior to any progress or advancement in the “project to delete the zeros”. This will be our earliest chance of any RV. We all should know by now this project is what is going to get us the RV. So hang in there...its coming...
10-2-2017 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: "Re-opening of Rafidain Bank in Fallujah for the first time in three years" Looks like things are falling in place in a timely manner.
10-2-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 ...If you’ve been keeping up with the news, you probably know about the political unrest between Baghdad and Kurdistan. ON the plus side, the Rafi Bank says that thousands have been paid on the Smart Cards, and more will be paid today. That was not at the new rates, but using the news system. Maybe when they have paid everyone, then they will change the rates. An awareness campaign has been taken place over there letting them know about the rate change, so maybe it’s appropriate time to do this rate change, i.e., after the pay session. Then they will know well in advance that their next pay will be considerably lower (but higher value).
10-2-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article quote: "The Iraqi authorities and IMF staff started discussions on the third review of the SBA and made good progress towards reaching agreement on a draft 2018 budget in line with the SBA. These discussions will continue during the upcoming IMF and World Bank Annual Meetings from October 13–15, 2017 in Washington, DC." We are seeing that as far as the IMF is concerned Al-Allaq is still an “acting” or proxy governor of the CBI. So Iraq has not yet have a permanent governor in that position. We also know there is only one review remaining from the IMF on the current SBA. They are telling us they will take their findings from this 3rd review back to Washington DC and continue discussions on the progress of the country. I am being told these discussions will include dialogue on currency reform. So this is all excellent news. Are they getting ready to “pull the trigger” or at least seriously going to reconsider a target date once again?
10-2-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray Article: "State of Kurdistan" will be the seventh richest oil and gas country in the world" Sometimes it is best not to disclose your assets to the outside world... Especially when you are surrounded by enemies... Even more importantly, since you have a crisis... I believe this whole situation was handled irresponsibly by Barzani simply because of the progress that was being made within Iraq as it concerned reconciliation with their fellow Iraqi's... This does not make any sense in so many ways... Which again leads me to believe something else is going on... Barzani is smarter than this... Why now, and why would he do this at the very time when when economic conditions were about to vastly improve for all of Iraq with the completion of monetary reform... Unless?......
10-2-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru tman23 ...Iraq is at a crossroad and they must choose one... International reconstruction set to begin start of 2018... nobody is coming with these problems and Iraq needs an economy boost or they are doomed... Either way, your emotional ride will be over soon... we will know by Oct 8th when money moves...
10-2-2017 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke [What is the reality of a real public exchange? Might they actually only do this in a private setting, such as a by appointment, exchange center, or private group?] NO! Totally Public, Big Time. [...you mentioned the "beginning" will we be able to see any change? Or will it be behind the scenes. Do you think it will be at the end of October , you mention the first three weeks?] Hang On...you won't miss this one! ...we do LOVE October. You will too.
10-2-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Article: "CENTRAL BANK: DELETE ZEROS IN EARLY 2017" "November 7, 2016" Quote: "The governor of the Iraqi Central Bank on the Keywords that project to delete the zeros will be implemented in early 2017, indicating that the bank began to develop the first steps of the project." This says they have already began to develop the first steps – indicating they are into the process (in late 2016). This would imply they are further along today… and likely many of the AML, electronic banking and international banking interactions are leading up to the implementation of this project. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
10-2-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat UPDATE ON THE FIGHT AGAINST ISIS IN HAWIJA: I am being told that the territory of Hawija is 50% cleared of ISIS and Friday morning Iraqi security forces launched the second stage of operations to liberate Hawija and surrounding areas. If they continue this progress even since last Sunday, it is my “opinion” it may not take more than a week or two longer to clean it all up. Again this is just my observation. Let’s see how it all plays out. We must wait for this removal of ISIS prior to any progress or advancement in the “project to delete the zeros”. This will be our earliest chance of any RV. We all should know by now this project is what is going to get us the RV. So hang in there...its coming...
10-2-2017 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: "Re-opening of Rafidain Bank in Fallujah for the first time in three years" Looks like things are falling in place in a timely manner.
10-2-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 ...If you’ve been keeping up with the news, you probably know about the political unrest between Baghdad and Kurdistan. ON the plus side, the Rafi Bank says that thousands have been paid on the Smart Cards, and more will be paid today. That was not at the new rates, but using the news system. Maybe when they have paid everyone, then they will change the rates. An awareness campaign has been taken place over there letting them know about the rate change, so maybe it’s appropriate time to do this rate change, i.e., after the pay session. Then they will know well in advance that their next pay will be considerably lower (but higher value).
10-2-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article quote: "The Iraqi authorities and IMF staff started discussions on the third review of the SBA and made good progress towards reaching agreement on a draft 2018 budget in line with the SBA. These discussions will continue during the upcoming IMF and World Bank Annual Meetings from October 13–15, 2017 in Washington, DC." We are seeing that as far as the IMF is concerned Al-Allaq is still an “acting” or proxy governor of the CBI. So Iraq has not yet have a permanent governor in that position. We also know there is only one review remaining from the IMF on the current SBA. They are telling us they will take their findings from this 3rd review back to Washington DC and continue discussions on the progress of the country. I am being told these discussions will include dialogue on currency reform. So this is all excellent news. Are they getting ready to “pull the trigger” or at least seriously going to reconsider a target date once again?
10-2-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray Article: "State of Kurdistan" will be the seventh richest oil and gas country in the world" Sometimes it is best not to disclose your assets to the outside world... Especially when you are surrounded by enemies... Even more importantly, since you have a crisis... I believe this whole situation was handled irresponsibly by Barzani simply because of the progress that was being made within Iraq as it concerned reconciliation with their fellow Iraqi's... This does not make any sense in so many ways... Which again leads me to believe something else is going on... Barzani is smarter than this... Why now, and why would he do this at the very time when when economic conditions were about to vastly improve for all of Iraq with the completion of monetary reform... Unless?......
10-2-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru tman23 ...Iraq is at a crossroad and they must choose one... International reconstruction set to begin start of 2018... nobody is coming with these problems and Iraq needs an economy boost or they are doomed... Either way, your emotional ride will be over soon... we will know by Oct 8th when money moves...
10-2-2017 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke [What is the reality of a real public exchange? Might they actually only do this in a private setting, such as a by appointment, exchange center, or private group?] NO! Totally Public, Big Time. [...you mentioned the "beginning" will we be able to see any change? Or will it be behind the scenes. Do you think it will be at the end of October , you mention the first three weeks?] Hang On...you won't miss this one! ...we do LOVE October. You will too.
10-1-2017 Newshound Guru Stryker It is worth noting that the CBI has not posted a daily auction for tomorrow (Monday October 2, 2017) and was performed today, as they have been doing but it's also worth noting that today was a holiday in Iraq (Ashoura Day). In the past few months the CBI has held earlier auctions to cover any future holiday but not this time. Just in case I will be up late tonight to see if there is any changes in the IQD from an exotic currency to a hard currency status. [post 2 of 2]
10-1-2017 Newshound Guru Stryker There has been a lack of news this weekend pointing to any possible revaluation of the Iraq dinar for today (October 1, 2017). So for those that are looking for a new rate to be announced today or tomorrow I'm afraid it's just not going to take place until we see that the CBI Law amendments are passed. Our newshounds are watching for Tuesday's parliament agenda publication to confirm that the vote is going to take place then. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
10-1-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray Article: "Deficit is estimated at 37 trillion dinars ..moisnh 2018 is moving to maximize revenue expectations by delaying approval" [...Why aren't they revalueing their currency so they can get out of this financial madness?...] ...looking at this situation leads me to believe that we are in for a rather large increase in the dinar's value.. IMHO... The timing of this is apparently very significant to those who are controlling this seemingly out of control process... Remember that Franklin D. Roosevelt was quoted as saying: "In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way." The timing of all of this has been by design... That is why there have been what seems to be delays, and very unwise decisions that have been conveniently made at key times throughout all of this... 14 years in the making...I personally believe we are very close...
10-1-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray But whatever is transpiring behind the scenes is not going to stop the monetary reform from its completion... Whether events have been orchestrated or not, we see that preparations have been made for this to happen at any point in time... Inflation is still in check despite the deficit that has been run up by the Iraqi government... Considering what need to be done construction wise within Iraq, and the loans that have to repaid, I am personally looking at a very good rate increase for the dinar... Time will tell... [post 2 of 2]
10-1-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray Article: "Baghdad economy continues to escalate: we want oil revenues of Kurdistan" I think it would be pretty safe to say that the Barzani families strangle hold on the government of Kurdistan is coming to a conclusion... At least for the time being... I believe that Abadi wants a unified Iraq... President Barzani has been in office longer than he should have, and I would not be surprised if he was in league with Maliki behind the scenes as they both pilfered the budgets of their respective economies... I do not know this for sure, but it is certainly a possibility considering the timing of this referendum... Which was at a time when all has been going well, and frankly the relationship between the Kurds, and the Baghdad looking pretty good.. Well, at least on the surface... [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
10-1-2017 Guest Guru BobTheTaxMan …When you get impulsive about doing these things and you end up buying these entities being offered out of Las Vegas or buying into some sort of strategy that actually looks convoluted and has supposed great tax benefits to it you’re stepping into an arena…and you’re setting yourself up and it’s just not worth it. It’s not worth the money. It’s not worth the effort…There are different schemes out there to take your dinar away from you. I’m telling you there are schemes out there set up to take your money now. So don’t buy into any of those. It’s just not worth it… [Post 2 of 2]
10-1-2017 Guest Guru BobTheTaxMan …People in the dinar world have a tendency to wrap themselves up in two energies of emotion that has to do with investments. That’s fear and greed…when the moment comes go ahead and cash in the amount you’re going to need to take care of your immediate needs…give yourself time. A lot of times when that fear and greed come into play you got to hurry hurry hurry hurry don’t do that. Give yourself time. Because as things move forward we’re going to get more information coming from the IRS and other government institutions about this particular event that’s coming our way. So step back and take a breath. Relax ok. Don’t jump. And you’ll be able to put these things [tax strategies] into play and they’ll function the very best for you... [Post 1 of 2]
{The above post should not be considered professional advice and is for informational and entertainment purposes only. Speak with a reputable tax specialist at the appropriate time.}
10-1-2017 Newshound Guru Breitling ...What's the number 1 thing that could delay it [The RV]? It's oil prices going up...If the price per barrel goes up then Iraq can delay the RV coming down the road...what are the windows? It changes. ...I have absolute confidence in the value of the Iraqi dinar. Let's say oil prices go up and it delays it...You have confidence? Yeah, absolutely! 100%. Nothing is going to change that. It's the timing that might deflect it here or there but that's not going to change it. It's simply not going to change it....
10-1-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru tman23 Don't know if October is our month but do know that foreigners are out of Kurdistan in masses...and observers to be placed at the airports...and the travel ban is on until Dec 29th (before the new year)... So the ban is 90 days (I don't know why 90 days and not until further notice unless 90 days is max regarding some law such as Trumps ban goes 90 days and 120 days...) Back in 2004 they released the new currency mid October (15th)...One of the biggest statements put out IMO... "The new currency must come first as a prelude to lifting the 3 zeros from the currency"... For this to take place, Kurdistan was always the biggest question of HOW when the federal government needs to be in control... The CBI has control of the banks now, AND Kurdistan is going on lock down ... SO IMO...you couldn't have a better time if you needed the 3 zeros lifted before the first of the year when RECONSTRUCTION is set to begin... They said...The only time to lift the 3 zeros is at the start of the new year, this is when all the banks fiscal year accounting begins...it cannot be done in the middle of a quarter or the middle of a year...NOT MY WORDS....THEIR WORDS...AND ALSO THE EXACT WORDS OF DR. SHABIBI...
10-1-2017 Newshound Guru Stryker There has been a lack of news this weekend pointing to any possible revaluation of the Iraq dinar for today (October 1, 2017). So for those that are looking for a new rate to be announced today or tomorrow I'm afraid it's just not going to take place until we see that the CBI Law amendments are passed. Our newshounds are watching for Tuesday's parliament agenda publication to confirm that the vote is going to take place then. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
10-1-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray Article: "Deficit is estimated at 37 trillion dinars ..moisnh 2018 is moving to maximize revenue expectations by delaying approval" [...Why aren't they revalueing their currency so they can get out of this financial madness?...] ...looking at this situation leads me to believe that we are in for a rather large increase in the dinar's value.. IMHO... The timing of this is apparently very significant to those who are controlling this seemingly out of control process... Remember that Franklin D. Roosevelt was quoted as saying: "In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way." The timing of all of this has been by design... That is why there have been what seems to be delays, and very unwise decisions that have been conveniently made at key times throughout all of this... 14 years in the making...I personally believe we are very close...
10-1-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray But whatever is transpiring behind the scenes is not going to stop the monetary reform from its completion... Whether events have been orchestrated or not, we see that preparations have been made for this to happen at any point in time... Inflation is still in check despite the deficit that has been run up by the Iraqi government... Considering what need to be done construction wise within Iraq, and the loans that have to repaid, I am personally looking at a very good rate increase for the dinar... Time will tell... [post 2 of 2]
10-1-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray Article: "Baghdad economy continues to escalate: we want oil revenues of Kurdistan" I think it would be pretty safe to say that the Barzani families strangle hold on the government of Kurdistan is coming to a conclusion... At least for the time being... I believe that Abadi wants a unified Iraq... President Barzani has been in office longer than he should have, and I would not be surprised if he was in league with Maliki behind the scenes as they both pilfered the budgets of their respective economies... I do not know this for sure, but it is certainly a possibility considering the timing of this referendum... Which was at a time when all has been going well, and frankly the relationship between the Kurds, and the Baghdad looking pretty good.. Well, at least on the surface... [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
10-1-2017 Guest Guru BobTheTaxMan …When you get impulsive about doing these things and you end up buying these entities being offered out of Las Vegas or buying into some sort of strategy that actually looks convoluted and has supposed great tax benefits to it you’re stepping into an arena…and you’re setting yourself up and it’s just not worth it. It’s not worth the money. It’s not worth the effort…There are different schemes out there to take your dinar away from you. I’m telling you there are schemes out there set up to take your money now. So don’t buy into any of those. It’s just not worth it… [Post 2 of 2]
10-1-2017 Guest Guru BobTheTaxMan …People in the dinar world have a tendency to wrap themselves up in two energies of emotion that has to do with investments. That’s fear and greed…when the moment comes go ahead and cash in the amount you’re going to need to take care of your immediate needs…give yourself time. A lot of times when that fear and greed come into play you got to hurry hurry hurry hurry don’t do that. Give yourself time. Because as things move forward we’re going to get more information coming from the IRS and other government institutions about this particular event that’s coming our way. So step back and take a breath. Relax ok. Don’t jump. And you’ll be able to put these things [tax strategies] into play and they’ll function the very best for you... [Post 1 of 2]
{The above post should not be considered professional advice and is for informational and entertainment purposes only. Speak with a reputable tax specialist at the appropriate time.}
10-1-2017 Newshound Guru Breitling ...What's the number 1 thing that could delay it [The RV]? It's oil prices going up...If the price per barrel goes up then Iraq can delay the RV coming down the road...what are the windows? It changes. ...I have absolute confidence in the value of the Iraqi dinar. Let's say oil prices go up and it delays it...You have confidence? Yeah, absolutely! 100%. Nothing is going to change that. It's the timing that might deflect it here or there but that's not going to change it. It's simply not going to change it....
10-1-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru tman23 Don't know if October is our month but do know that foreigners are out of Kurdistan in masses...and observers to be placed at the airports...and the travel ban is on until Dec 29th (before the new year)... So the ban is 90 days (I don't know why 90 days and not until further notice unless 90 days is max regarding some law such as Trumps ban goes 90 days and 120 days...) Back in 2004 they released the new currency mid October (15th)...One of the biggest statements put out IMO... "The new currency must come first as a prelude to lifting the 3 zeros from the currency"... For this to take place, Kurdistan was always the biggest question of HOW when the federal government needs to be in control... The CBI has control of the banks now, AND Kurdistan is going on lock down ... SO IMO...you couldn't have a better time if you needed the 3 zeros lifted before the first of the year when RECONSTRUCTION is set to begin... They said...The only time to lift the 3 zeros is at the start of the new year, this is when all the banks fiscal year accounting begins...it cannot be done in the middle of a quarter or the middle of a year...NOT MY WORDS....THEIR WORDS...AND ALSO THE EXACT WORDS OF DR. SHABIBI...
9-30-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana [...can GOI pass laws without the Kurds? Say like the HCL?] That's a complex question, but the summary is this: Yes.
9-30-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat So the vote by the Kurds to break of from Baghdad was overwhelming in favor of this action. But remember this was just a vote to poll the citizens. There is not yet any break off and we have been told this could take as much as year or more to complete. I believe this is now a huge bargaining chip the Kurds can use with Baghdad. What do they want? They want a law to implement Article 140 and HCL (finalized) for their constitution as well as other laws that need to be passed that effect their region.
9-30-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Article: "Barzani is isolated and lives in a psychological crisis after the referendum" Quote: "A Kurdish source said that the head of the Kurdistan region (outgoing) Massoud Barzani is currently living in a Kurdish internal crisis and international condemnation of the referendum, despite warnings and international rejection." Though this is a pretty serious indictment on his situation, I am skeptical his “ship is sunk”. I agree in this regard though, I don’t think this was exactly the response he had hoped for “post-referendum”…
9-30-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru tman23 [Is there something "magical" contemplated by your date of October 8th or thereabouts?] Yes...very much so...but as to if it involves us being involved is unknown and only I hope...so I remain optimistic with what was heard regarding certain things...but of course I am applying those things into my novel of possibilities...which I try and not embellish upon and keep nuetral ...but certain pieces fit exactly...
9-30-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 [It appears to me that the Kurd Issue is ending up being a Major Issue...Stoping the RI in its tracks.] Nope.
9-30-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG I...remain bullish, in spite of what seems to be a never-ending Gerbil wheel we are on. I feel this way because of several reasons but I have one “bottom line” reason which concerns both the CBI and Iraq.
1) The Central Bank continues to keep this financial boat trim with auctions and such but it comes at a cost. This cost is reducing their reserves.
A) Each day as Iraq spends to rebuild and spends to cover debt it gets worse.
B) I feel there is drop dead “time-frame” for this country. It might be weeks or months. There is no way to know. Further, there is a point at which they will face daily – the choice of bankruptcy or getting off the program rate.
C) Trying to make their play dough work is sapping reserves.
As such, I remain bullish...
9-30-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray This Kurdish referendum situation is just too convenient for a variety of reasons... And at this juncture, when so much has been achieved, makes no sense at all to have been done... Barzani is smarter than that... But regardless Abadi knows the referendum does not change a single thing... Poll voting at best... Why bother doing it when the outcome was quite obvious?... Of course the majority of the Kurdish people want independence...Did we need a referendum to determine that?... REALLY?!... It was meaningless in the overall scheme of things...Reading abut Abadi's response, one would think that the Kurd's are in full revolt mode... And nothing could be further from the truth... ...The news is just too darn good from an economic standpoint... No one is pulling out of agreements...Jordan, and Iraq have agreed to share a wide open border which will save time when products are being shipped...We are in standby mode.. Waiting for liftoff...
9-30-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat ...this Kurdish issue on wanting to succeed is all about Article 140 and them wanting legal legislation to govern this territory over to them, as stated in the new Iraqi constitution. Don’t you find it funny how the GOI still refers to Kirkuk as “disputed” area. The Iraqi constitution clearly states these regions belong o Kurdistan. Its all about oil and the oil in Kirkuk region. Kurdistan wants Article 140 in law and passed in parliament. Will this pressure from the referendum help get this done? [post 2 of 2]
9-30-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Seems Iraq goes through one crisis after the other. So now we have to deal with this ongoing saga of the Kurdish referendum...this referendum for Kurdistan to break off from the Republic of Iraq IS A VERY SERIOUS MATTER....I can assure everyone that this is not a “smoke screen” for the RV...Folks it is not about Kurdistan separating that you should be worried about...It is the ramifications and consequences for Kurdistan in trying to separate. All you can do is listen to the FACTS and we all watch just how this plays out in the coming weeks. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
9-30-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat So the vote by the Kurds to break of from Baghdad was overwhelming in favor of this action. But remember this was just a vote to poll the citizens. There is not yet any break off and we have been told this could take as much as year or more to complete. I believe this is now a huge bargaining chip the Kurds can use with Baghdad. What do they want? They want a law to implement Article 140 and HCL (finalized) for their constitution as well as other laws that need to be passed that effect their region.
9-30-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Article: "Barzani is isolated and lives in a psychological crisis after the referendum" Quote: "A Kurdish source said that the head of the Kurdistan region (outgoing) Massoud Barzani is currently living in a Kurdish internal crisis and international condemnation of the referendum, despite warnings and international rejection." Though this is a pretty serious indictment on his situation, I am skeptical his “ship is sunk”. I agree in this regard though, I don’t think this was exactly the response he had hoped for “post-referendum”…
9-30-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru tman23 [Is there something "magical" contemplated by your date of October 8th or thereabouts?] Yes...very much so...but as to if it involves us being involved is unknown and only I hope...so I remain optimistic with what was heard regarding certain things...but of course I am applying those things into my novel of possibilities...which I try and not embellish upon and keep nuetral ...but certain pieces fit exactly...
9-30-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 [It appears to me that the Kurd Issue is ending up being a Major Issue...Stoping the RI in its tracks.] Nope.
9-30-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG I...remain bullish, in spite of what seems to be a never-ending Gerbil wheel we are on. I feel this way because of several reasons but I have one “bottom line” reason which concerns both the CBI and Iraq.
1) The Central Bank continues to keep this financial boat trim with auctions and such but it comes at a cost. This cost is reducing their reserves.
A) Each day as Iraq spends to rebuild and spends to cover debt it gets worse.
B) I feel there is drop dead “time-frame” for this country. It might be weeks or months. There is no way to know. Further, there is a point at which they will face daily – the choice of bankruptcy or getting off the program rate.
C) Trying to make their play dough work is sapping reserves.
As such, I remain bullish...
9-30-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray This Kurdish referendum situation is just too convenient for a variety of reasons... And at this juncture, when so much has been achieved, makes no sense at all to have been done... Barzani is smarter than that... But regardless Abadi knows the referendum does not change a single thing... Poll voting at best... Why bother doing it when the outcome was quite obvious?... Of course the majority of the Kurdish people want independence...Did we need a referendum to determine that?... REALLY?!... It was meaningless in the overall scheme of things...Reading abut Abadi's response, one would think that the Kurd's are in full revolt mode... And nothing could be further from the truth... ...The news is just too darn good from an economic standpoint... No one is pulling out of agreements...Jordan, and Iraq have agreed to share a wide open border which will save time when products are being shipped...We are in standby mode.. Waiting for liftoff...
9-30-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat ...this Kurdish issue on wanting to succeed is all about Article 140 and them wanting legal legislation to govern this territory over to them, as stated in the new Iraqi constitution. Don’t you find it funny how the GOI still refers to Kirkuk as “disputed” area. The Iraqi constitution clearly states these regions belong o Kurdistan. Its all about oil and the oil in Kirkuk region. Kurdistan wants Article 140 in law and passed in parliament. Will this pressure from the referendum help get this done? [post 2 of 2]
9-30-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Seems Iraq goes through one crisis after the other. So now we have to deal with this ongoing saga of the Kurdish referendum...this referendum for Kurdistan to break off from the Republic of Iraq IS A VERY SERIOUS MATTER....I can assure everyone that this is not a “smoke screen” for the RV...Folks it is not about Kurdistan separating that you should be worried about...It is the ramifications and consequences for Kurdistan in trying to separate. All you can do is listen to the FACTS and we all watch just how this plays out in the coming weeks. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
9-29-2017 Newshound Guru mike Article "Parliamentary Finance Committee stopped banking and financial dealings with the Kurdistan Region" Well, on the good side the rate was already 1257-1, it's only raised 18 pips. The infighting is similar to what Yemen is going through and the government decided to float the riyal... No one wants the dinar to float without Article VIII but this rift may be the catalyst to a tough decision due to shrinking reserves. It's the little people who take it on the chin with this move. But, there's only so much time left on the clock for these guys and they have get the ball moving now, not later. Hopefully the IMF/WB can negotiate some middle ground on exchange restrictions and if they float like Yemen, they'll have addressed many of the terms related to Article VIII acceptance...As always, it's just an opinion.
9-29-2017 Newshound Guru chattels I have opined for some time now that my sense about the Kurdish Referendum drama is that it is / will prove to be largely rhetorical and of little import other than to add uncertainty to uncertainty in Iraq.
9-29-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat The CBI will be responsible for trigging this reinstatement so we pay attention to what they are doing. ...However the IMF and other agencies are to first approve the CBI actions in this regard, so we also listen to them.
9-29-2017 Intel Guru Bruce Has Iraq put out their new rate so the world can see it yet? No. Question, when will they do it? My understanding is it will happen sometime Sunday. ...When I was told this, I was also told Sunday is the first day of their business week. Also, that it will be talked about with another announcement and put on their Jumbotron TV monitors in at least 9 provinces. That is going to be big time. We have the UN Operational rates in place, new Forex for the rates, and new rates for the public. Intel wise rates are high. I think we are in great shape. I am excited for you and for us and our community.
9-29-2017 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke THIS TIME...OCTOBER is your month...to "Party on the Patio"... FOR SURE. FOR SURE. FOR SURE. You'll "SEE" during the first 3 weeks, what We ALREADY "SEE" Right Now...as the "MOVE" begins Saturday. (keyword "begins") WE DON'T GIVE A RIP, WHAT THE NEWS MEDIA PRINTS & REPORTS "OUT THERE"...OR what anyone else says! It's what goes on "Under the Covers", that gets you pregnant. IF it weren't for Pure, Blatant, Plain & Easy to See "LOGIC"...we'd ALL be Geniuses! # Our HAPPY HALLOWEEN Costume: Brother-Sister Family Combo called... “Lower Dong” & “Lower Denom”... This "Process" will BE OVER... OCTOBER: “PARTY ON THE PATIO”. AMEN!...without a Doubt...All in our Opinion...
9-29-2017 Newshound Guru G-Lin Article quote: "A coalition of state law to collect signatures to dismiss President Fuad Masum for the leadership of the leader of the coalition for the presidency of the Republic. Maliki is currently the first deputy of Masoom." This is exactly what Maliki has been trying to accomplish for 2 years. ...since Maliki controls the Supreme court through Mahmoud, it will be interesting to see how this is dealt with. It also states in the constitution that occurrence of death or impeachment, the Pres. position goes to the first deputy which is Malik.
9-29-2017 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: "Foreign Minister receives the representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations in Iraq" Quote: "...the Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations in Iraq, Mr. Jan Kubic...said that...Iraq has returned to the international scene, and there is more cooperation and work required for the reconstruction of Iraq." Well well! ...This is a doozy...this is on Thursday the 28th of September 2017. Today is payday. Tomorrow is closed through Sunday. Oh wait is that a holiday again that was recently imposed? If not, it is the new beginning of the fiscal year and the beginning of reconstruction post expulsion.. A fancy way of not saying LIBERATION is in effect! Imo if the stage for Abadi to address it openly on his turf is not set, shut the frkn door! Imo wow.
9-29-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana [...For something that was in the strike zone nearly 7 months ago, what zone is the HCL in now?] Actually, I think this is a good thing! The referendum is meaningless - sure, they voted...All this does is put pressure on everyone to come together. As far as a "strike zone", there have been plenty and there will continue to be more. When they decide to act on it, we win a bowl of RV soup.
9-29-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni If Iraq is going to bring investment into Iraq, they need to meet compliance, and move to Article VIII so the dinar is more recognized globally. Freedom of movement of capital in and out of Iraq is a requirement for investors to participate in the rebuilding of Iraq. The economy will stall if the CBI cannot find a way to meet compliance and take the next step for the banking system. It clearly will have an effect on not only the economy, the banking system, monetary policy, employment and the citizens. There is nothing we can do except watch how this plays out with the hope a resolution comes sooner than later so the CBI can get back to what it needs to do. I am not abandoning the dinar, this is not a "sky is falling" prediction, this is a factual explanation to the events of the Kurdish referendum that will need to be addressed by the IMF and the CBI. It will cause delays..which may be a few weeks or several months or longer. Time will tell. [post 2 of 2]
9-29-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni ...As a result of the Kurdistan referendum, the Parliamentary Finance Committee has asked the CBI to suspend Kurdish banks from the daily currency auctions. It appears the CBI has confirmed they are in fact doing so with the documentation about. What does this mean to us? It means that the decision to do this is counter productive to the goals set forth by the recent IMF Stand by Agreement and efforts from the UST and IMF to help Iraq meet the conditions to move to Article VIII. ...the sole remaining obstacle was to demonstrate the CBI could manage the dinar within Iraq and maintain a spread between the Official Rate and the Market Rate (street rate) of 2% or less...the IMF requires this to he held for 90 days before compliance would be met. The goal is 1200 to $1 or about. The decision now to prevent the Kurdistan region has had an effect on this spread as reported today it is now 1275 to $1 in the region. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
9-29-2017 Newshound Guru chattels I have opined for some time now that my sense about the Kurdish Referendum drama is that it is / will prove to be largely rhetorical and of little import other than to add uncertainty to uncertainty in Iraq.
9-29-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat The CBI will be responsible for trigging this reinstatement so we pay attention to what they are doing. ...However the IMF and other agencies are to first approve the CBI actions in this regard, so we also listen to them.
9-29-2017 Intel Guru Bruce Has Iraq put out their new rate so the world can see it yet? No. Question, when will they do it? My understanding is it will happen sometime Sunday. ...When I was told this, I was also told Sunday is the first day of their business week. Also, that it will be talked about with another announcement and put on their Jumbotron TV monitors in at least 9 provinces. That is going to be big time. We have the UN Operational rates in place, new Forex for the rates, and new rates for the public. Intel wise rates are high. I think we are in great shape. I am excited for you and for us and our community.
9-29-2017 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke THIS TIME...OCTOBER is your month...to "Party on the Patio"... FOR SURE. FOR SURE. FOR SURE. You'll "SEE" during the first 3 weeks, what We ALREADY "SEE" Right Now...as the "MOVE" begins Saturday. (keyword "begins") WE DON'T GIVE A RIP, WHAT THE NEWS MEDIA PRINTS & REPORTS "OUT THERE"...OR what anyone else says! It's what goes on "Under the Covers", that gets you pregnant. IF it weren't for Pure, Blatant, Plain & Easy to See "LOGIC"...we'd ALL be Geniuses! # Our HAPPY HALLOWEEN Costume: Brother-Sister Family Combo called... “Lower Dong” & “Lower Denom”... This "Process" will BE OVER... OCTOBER: “PARTY ON THE PATIO”. AMEN!...without a Doubt...All in our Opinion...
9-29-2017 Newshound Guru G-Lin Article quote: "A coalition of state law to collect signatures to dismiss President Fuad Masum for the leadership of the leader of the coalition for the presidency of the Republic. Maliki is currently the first deputy of Masoom." This is exactly what Maliki has been trying to accomplish for 2 years. ...since Maliki controls the Supreme court through Mahmoud, it will be interesting to see how this is dealt with. It also states in the constitution that occurrence of death or impeachment, the Pres. position goes to the first deputy which is Malik.
9-29-2017 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: "Foreign Minister receives the representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations in Iraq" Quote: "...the Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations in Iraq, Mr. Jan Kubic...said that...Iraq has returned to the international scene, and there is more cooperation and work required for the reconstruction of Iraq." Well well! ...This is a doozy...this is on Thursday the 28th of September 2017. Today is payday. Tomorrow is closed through Sunday. Oh wait is that a holiday again that was recently imposed? If not, it is the new beginning of the fiscal year and the beginning of reconstruction post expulsion.. A fancy way of not saying LIBERATION is in effect! Imo if the stage for Abadi to address it openly on his turf is not set, shut the frkn door! Imo wow.
9-29-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana [...For something that was in the strike zone nearly 7 months ago, what zone is the HCL in now?] Actually, I think this is a good thing! The referendum is meaningless - sure, they voted...All this does is put pressure on everyone to come together. As far as a "strike zone", there have been plenty and there will continue to be more. When they decide to act on it, we win a bowl of RV soup.
9-29-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni If Iraq is going to bring investment into Iraq, they need to meet compliance, and move to Article VIII so the dinar is more recognized globally. Freedom of movement of capital in and out of Iraq is a requirement for investors to participate in the rebuilding of Iraq. The economy will stall if the CBI cannot find a way to meet compliance and take the next step for the banking system. It clearly will have an effect on not only the economy, the banking system, monetary policy, employment and the citizens. There is nothing we can do except watch how this plays out with the hope a resolution comes sooner than later so the CBI can get back to what it needs to do. I am not abandoning the dinar, this is not a "sky is falling" prediction, this is a factual explanation to the events of the Kurdish referendum that will need to be addressed by the IMF and the CBI. It will cause delays..which may be a few weeks or several months or longer. Time will tell. [post 2 of 2]
9-29-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni ...As a result of the Kurdistan referendum, the Parliamentary Finance Committee has asked the CBI to suspend Kurdish banks from the daily currency auctions. It appears the CBI has confirmed they are in fact doing so with the documentation about. What does this mean to us? It means that the decision to do this is counter productive to the goals set forth by the recent IMF Stand by Agreement and efforts from the UST and IMF to help Iraq meet the conditions to move to Article VIII. ...the sole remaining obstacle was to demonstrate the CBI could manage the dinar within Iraq and maintain a spread between the Official Rate and the Market Rate (street rate) of 2% or less...the IMF requires this to he held for 90 days before compliance would be met. The goal is 1200 to $1 or about. The decision now to prevent the Kurdistan region has had an effect on this spread as reported today it is now 1275 to $1 in the region. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
9-28-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat ...Iraq is already half way into Article 8. They have been working hard for almost a decade to get there. Yes – they need to immerse fully in Article 8 to be an international player and this is coming shortly.
9-28-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru tman23 ..."Global Currency Reset" ... There is NO GLOBAL CURRENCY RESET... I won't go into all the reasons why such is an impossible endeavor... We can't get 2 countries to agree on the simplest of things.
9-28-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray Which begs the question... With all of this deficit, and need to rebuild, how much of an increase will their have to be in order to fulfill all of these glaring obligations?... Has it been the plan to place so much of a burdensome debt upon Iraq so as to justify the need to have a higher rate? With all of the talk of the wealth within Iraq as well... Are they preparing for a high rate vs. the dollar?... Just an observation, and I do not know the outcome of all of this obviously... But when you begin to see what is transpiring, you cannot help but wonder... [post 2 of 2]
9-28-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray Article: "The dangers of the depletion of the Iraqi Central Bank its reserves in financing the budget deficit" The continued use of the US dollar to carry out the financial affairs of Iraq is depleting their reserves due to increased spending within government, and the conversion of the dinar to the dollar as well... The CBI is declaring that they need to remain independent of the Iraqi government, but had to intervene when the financial situation had worsened... This screams of the need to raise the rate of the Iraqi dinar folks... They know it, and yet only harp on the same subject over, and over again... When they do finally go international with the dinar, and raise the rate, it will alleviate so many problems as it concerns deficits... Which is why it is odd as to why they have done this sooner?... [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
9-28-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 Jabouri had over 30 secret meetings while in NYC with other nations...All under the direction of Abadi. Nothing has been released about these meetings. They wouldn't meet with Iraq if there is still a program rate. Abadi ready to give his speech.
9-28-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Politically Iraq could in-fact fall apart and end up with an internal civil war with Kurdistan. Remember the Kurds hold 1/3 of all political positions within the GOI. I am hopeful that the new democracy is strong enough and they will not resort to forceful civil unrest or war. But there is still way too much POLITICAL and SECURITY instability to even think they would push out a reinstatement of their currency at this time. Do they need a higher rate to their currency? This is a loaded question and is hard to define. Yes – many economists believe the currency SHOULD be valued much higher than it is (and I agree)... Are they ready to RV as far as the reforms and what the CBI has done to set them up? Yes – they are fully ready, but it is these factors now that plan a major role in triggering the final part of the process of the “project to delete the zeros”. This final process is what we watch and wait for. [post 2 of 2]
9-28-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Trust me this is not my “opinion” either...The Kurds are not just being rebellious and this is not just some “smoke” screen for the RV. Barzani fully intends to separate Kurdistan from the Iraqi Republic but remember this is not an overnight deal. It will take years to accomplish. Meanwhile what will be the GOI response? How about the response of its neighbors? There will be many impacts all around. We are told it will not be pleasant...the Kurds will not be allowed to leave peacefully. The Kurds overwhelmingly voted for the referendum and got over 60% turnout for the vote and the voting process was a huge success. Iraq is now experiencing major crises and this is disappointing as we really don’t know how this is all going to turn out. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
9-28-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana [Not real sure about the numbers, but I think I've seen that the Kurd province produces 12 percent of all Iraqi oil and represent 17 percent of the Iraqi population. Wouldn't be better for Iraq (and us) if the Kurds cecede?] If the Kurdish region went Independent, Baghdad (Iraq) would lose their northern border with friendly Turkey and gain a new border with less agreeable tenants (the KRG)... so no, I don't think that is something they want. They also have to address Article140, which neither side wants to cave on. And even if it is "just 12%" of their production/revenue... That is a pretty significant number. So overall, I don't think Baghdad will want to let this happen. Would it be better for us? I don't think it would further the HCL agenda, it might even hurt it. The Kurds would create their own new currency, and we'd still have IQD with less chance of an RV. So in my opinion, nope. Not good for us if they secede.
9-28-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray Article: "Association of Private Banks organizes a workshop on safety requirements for financial transfer systems" Quote: "...the presence of the Central Bank for most workshops held by the Association of Private Banks A significant indication of its importance because it is part of its strategy to be implemented during the next five years" [What does this mean?] It means we are preparing for Iraq to go international... [Implemented during the next five years" Gooodness, I could be here awhile.] Nah... Once they go international, it will be a process... But once they do go international, a new rate will be imposed... They will be forever learning, and changing international standards...
9-28-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru tman23 [So if the kurds go independent then we have wallpaper and not currency anymore...] You will find out in a few more days...Abadi ordered Kurds to turn over all land...Airports will shut down Friday at 1800 hrs...Borders will be secured...And Iraq military will take over... Barzani was very respectful of Abadi...and they want to support him as PM in the upcoming elections... I know of this from inside...SO... My excitement which makes no sense to many...makes sense to me...Abadi may be playing actor among a bunch of snakes surrounding him and high pressure...But what I know or thought to be true...this is not making sense ...ZERO! We will see in 3 days...AND we have up to 10/8...Sticking by it...
9-28-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru tman23 ..."Global Currency Reset" ... There is NO GLOBAL CURRENCY RESET... I won't go into all the reasons why such is an impossible endeavor... We can't get 2 countries to agree on the simplest of things.
9-28-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray Which begs the question... With all of this deficit, and need to rebuild, how much of an increase will their have to be in order to fulfill all of these glaring obligations?... Has it been the plan to place so much of a burdensome debt upon Iraq so as to justify the need to have a higher rate? With all of the talk of the wealth within Iraq as well... Are they preparing for a high rate vs. the dollar?... Just an observation, and I do not know the outcome of all of this obviously... But when you begin to see what is transpiring, you cannot help but wonder... [post 2 of 2]
9-28-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray Article: "The dangers of the depletion of the Iraqi Central Bank its reserves in financing the budget deficit" The continued use of the US dollar to carry out the financial affairs of Iraq is depleting their reserves due to increased spending within government, and the conversion of the dinar to the dollar as well... The CBI is declaring that they need to remain independent of the Iraqi government, but had to intervene when the financial situation had worsened... This screams of the need to raise the rate of the Iraqi dinar folks... They know it, and yet only harp on the same subject over, and over again... When they do finally go international with the dinar, and raise the rate, it will alleviate so many problems as it concerns deficits... Which is why it is odd as to why they have done this sooner?... [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
9-28-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 Jabouri had over 30 secret meetings while in NYC with other nations...All under the direction of Abadi. Nothing has been released about these meetings. They wouldn't meet with Iraq if there is still a program rate. Abadi ready to give his speech.
9-28-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Politically Iraq could in-fact fall apart and end up with an internal civil war with Kurdistan. Remember the Kurds hold 1/3 of all political positions within the GOI. I am hopeful that the new democracy is strong enough and they will not resort to forceful civil unrest or war. But there is still way too much POLITICAL and SECURITY instability to even think they would push out a reinstatement of their currency at this time. Do they need a higher rate to their currency? This is a loaded question and is hard to define. Yes – many economists believe the currency SHOULD be valued much higher than it is (and I agree)... Are they ready to RV as far as the reforms and what the CBI has done to set them up? Yes – they are fully ready, but it is these factors now that plan a major role in triggering the final part of the process of the “project to delete the zeros”. This final process is what we watch and wait for. [post 2 of 2]
9-28-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Trust me this is not my “opinion” either...The Kurds are not just being rebellious and this is not just some “smoke” screen for the RV. Barzani fully intends to separate Kurdistan from the Iraqi Republic but remember this is not an overnight deal. It will take years to accomplish. Meanwhile what will be the GOI response? How about the response of its neighbors? There will be many impacts all around. We are told it will not be pleasant...the Kurds will not be allowed to leave peacefully. The Kurds overwhelmingly voted for the referendum and got over 60% turnout for the vote and the voting process was a huge success. Iraq is now experiencing major crises and this is disappointing as we really don’t know how this is all going to turn out. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
9-28-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana [Not real sure about the numbers, but I think I've seen that the Kurd province produces 12 percent of all Iraqi oil and represent 17 percent of the Iraqi population. Wouldn't be better for Iraq (and us) if the Kurds cecede?] If the Kurdish region went Independent, Baghdad (Iraq) would lose their northern border with friendly Turkey and gain a new border with less agreeable tenants (the KRG)... so no, I don't think that is something they want. They also have to address Article140, which neither side wants to cave on. And even if it is "just 12%" of their production/revenue... That is a pretty significant number. So overall, I don't think Baghdad will want to let this happen. Would it be better for us? I don't think it would further the HCL agenda, it might even hurt it. The Kurds would create their own new currency, and we'd still have IQD with less chance of an RV. So in my opinion, nope. Not good for us if they secede.
9-28-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray Article: "Association of Private Banks organizes a workshop on safety requirements for financial transfer systems" Quote: "...the presence of the Central Bank for most workshops held by the Association of Private Banks A significant indication of its importance because it is part of its strategy to be implemented during the next five years" [What does this mean?] It means we are preparing for Iraq to go international... [Implemented during the next five years" Gooodness, I could be here awhile.] Nah... Once they go international, it will be a process... But once they do go international, a new rate will be imposed... They will be forever learning, and changing international standards...
9-28-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru tman23 [So if the kurds go independent then we have wallpaper and not currency anymore...] You will find out in a few more days...Abadi ordered Kurds to turn over all land...Airports will shut down Friday at 1800 hrs...Borders will be secured...And Iraq military will take over... Barzani was very respectful of Abadi...and they want to support him as PM in the upcoming elections... I know of this from inside...SO... My excitement which makes no sense to many...makes sense to me...Abadi may be playing actor among a bunch of snakes surrounding him and high pressure...But what I know or thought to be true...this is not making sense ...ZERO! We will see in 3 days...AND we have up to 10/8...Sticking by it...
9-27-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 Abadi said to Parliament today that he’s targeting the end of November for these issues to be resolved, and some automatically assume that he means the final economic reforms. Either way, we cannot influence the process. Most are still focusing on the end of this month into the beginning of October. When you look at the mechanics of things including fiscal reconciliation, it does seem like the 1. October is appropriate. We’ll see. Banks over here have initiated training on how to handle us on the appropriate procedures – does that sound like there is ‘no RV ever, ever, ever’? Yes, it’s happening later than we would have liked to see it. Right now, October is the most obvious time frame. End of November – I think that is just talk. It won’t take that long to liberate those last two provinces. Take in the news you see, discard what you can’t use, and stay calm while we wait for this to pop. [post 2 of 2]
9-27-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 Man, oh, man...what an interesting week and turn of events. Just when you thought nothing else could possibly slow down the wheels of progress, who would have thought an internal issue would be the issue. They are still reporting on the television that the internal bankers have completed training. If there is never, ever going to be a revaluation, why would they be training private bankers in Iraq? So you have heard about the internal turmoil in Iraq, with tension between Kurdistan and Baghdad, and reports are flying out here with 72 hours to released the borders, now pinned as 6pm on Friday (local time), with force if necessary...we get to sit back and see what happens until it’s time to make our move. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
9-27-2017 Newshound Guru G-Lin Article: "The House of Representatives votes on a parliamentary resolution on the referendum of the Kurdistan region and hosts the Prime Minister" [It does not appear that any laws that was proposed for today was voted on...] ...they will be back in Parl. next Tues. This referendum situation took priority. And with good reason. This easily could turn into another Israel Palestinian conflict. Kirkuk is Kurdistan's Palestine. It is all about the oil and disputed territories. It always has been. Thus no 140. Maybe this will force them into an agreement but when you throw Maliki and Iran in the mix, it's scary. Syria and Israel seem to be ok with the Kurds forming an independent state, but the rest of the M.E. and the U.S. and Europe are not happy with the Kurds. Now will this mess effect the economics? Who knows?
9-27-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG This daily flow of news speaks directly to the economic and market progress Iraq is making… by LEAPS AND BOUNDS. This re-engagement, with the support of the IMF, UN and WB is critical. Iraq can price their currency and whatever they want. If no one will buy it, what does it matter? Who cares if there were a $14 RV – if no one will buy your currency? This re-engagement and international acceptance is a HUGE step towards economic, investment and currency reform in Iraq. I have plainly said they are CLOSE. Period. End of story. [post 2 of 2]
9-27-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Let me be perfectly clear…I am not saying, nor have I said, they will enact some version of currency reform this year – as in: 2017. They may – they may not… it would be very difficult to know this. Nor am I saying this HAS TO go into 2018. Nowhere has any official source said this. Nor have there been ANY DIRECT indications of this. NONE. In fact, there have been NUMEROUS indications DAILY they are moving closer and closer to a full re-engagement with the world markets and economies. Just today there is news of direct negotiations between Iraq and the Saudis to share an export pipeline again. Article quote: "Iraq asks Saudi Arabia to reinstate the oil export agreement through the joint pipeline”… [Post 1 of 2]
9-27-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana But are they really going to be able to achieve that, with Article 140 still unresolved? The only way to move forward with an actual secession would be to relinquish any claims they have on the disputed territories, and there’s no way that will happen. This is not rocket surgery, my friends! I’ll tell you why I like how this is playing out. They know they are stuck between a rock and a hard place right now with Turkey. Add to that the proposed extension by OPEC, Iraq’s general exemption from said OPEC agreement, the price of oil rising, and everything else on the table… you know, I look outside right now and I see leaves falling alongside the temperature. It makes me think of warm foods like soup and chili… and looking at the situation in Iraq, it looks to me like a recipe for “HCL soup”! Serve it up, I say! The table is set, and we’re hungry. [post 2 of 2]
9-27-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana ...the Kurdish referendum...They did hold their “vote” on Monday, but the result of the actual vote isn’t what I’m focusing on right now. What I AM looking at is the aftermath. Turkey is leaning HARD on the KRG after the referendum. 85% of Kurdish oil exports leave via Turkey, and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdrogan stated point blank that they will close that border if that’s what it takes to get the KRG back in line. This is some serious strong arming! OIL is at a high right now. We’ve all been waiting for the price to go up, and the $60 mark is in sight! Kurdish Regional President Barzani issued a statement regarding the vote, which apparently revealed exactly what we thought would happen - the people voted for Independence. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
9-27-2017 Newshound Guru tman23 IMO...we have 3 to 3 1/2 days and we will know exactly where this is headed and the direction of the currency...
9-27-2017 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke ...the "MOVE" begins Saturday. In our Opinion.
9-27-2017 Newshound Guru chattels The Iraqi government has some hard decisions to make. Perhaps out of this turmoil they will do the things that need to be done for real stability.
9-27-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray Article: "What will happen in the session of the House of Representatives tomorrow?" "The Office of Prime Minister Haider Abadi, on Tuesday, the federal government imposed "administrative" sanctions against Kurdish officials against the backdrop of the referendum, noting that Baghdad will deal with the Kurdistan region as part of Iraq regardless of the referendum." Important meeting tomorrow... Abadi is supposed to be attending this meeting... Again, with the situation that has been ongoing, this is his time to show his ability to lead the country, while being able to establish trust with the whole of Iraq... Good stuff.
9-27-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni [Currently dinar is a dead currency it's not expected anywhere, maybe in Iraq but that doesn't help the investors.] That is not true. It is the currency of Iraq and is used throughout Iraq everyday. It's value will not RV...but rise via...a float to combat inflationary pressure created by investment through the CBI 's Capital Account. That is how it works...The dinar will appreciate in value, just not yet.
9-27-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 Man, oh, man...what an interesting week and turn of events. Just when you thought nothing else could possibly slow down the wheels of progress, who would have thought an internal issue would be the issue. They are still reporting on the television that the internal bankers have completed training. If there is never, ever going to be a revaluation, why would they be training private bankers in Iraq? So you have heard about the internal turmoil in Iraq, with tension between Kurdistan and Baghdad, and reports are flying out here with 72 hours to released the borders, now pinned as 6pm on Friday (local time), with force if necessary...we get to sit back and see what happens until it’s time to make our move. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
9-27-2017 Newshound Guru G-Lin Article: "The House of Representatives votes on a parliamentary resolution on the referendum of the Kurdistan region and hosts the Prime Minister" [It does not appear that any laws that was proposed for today was voted on...] ...they will be back in Parl. next Tues. This referendum situation took priority. And with good reason. This easily could turn into another Israel Palestinian conflict. Kirkuk is Kurdistan's Palestine. It is all about the oil and disputed territories. It always has been. Thus no 140. Maybe this will force them into an agreement but when you throw Maliki and Iran in the mix, it's scary. Syria and Israel seem to be ok with the Kurds forming an independent state, but the rest of the M.E. and the U.S. and Europe are not happy with the Kurds. Now will this mess effect the economics? Who knows?
9-27-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG This daily flow of news speaks directly to the economic and market progress Iraq is making… by LEAPS AND BOUNDS. This re-engagement, with the support of the IMF, UN and WB is critical. Iraq can price their currency and whatever they want. If no one will buy it, what does it matter? Who cares if there were a $14 RV – if no one will buy your currency? This re-engagement and international acceptance is a HUGE step towards economic, investment and currency reform in Iraq. I have plainly said they are CLOSE. Period. End of story. [post 2 of 2]
9-27-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Let me be perfectly clear…I am not saying, nor have I said, they will enact some version of currency reform this year – as in: 2017. They may – they may not… it would be very difficult to know this. Nor am I saying this HAS TO go into 2018. Nowhere has any official source said this. Nor have there been ANY DIRECT indications of this. NONE. In fact, there have been NUMEROUS indications DAILY they are moving closer and closer to a full re-engagement with the world markets and economies. Just today there is news of direct negotiations between Iraq and the Saudis to share an export pipeline again. Article quote: "Iraq asks Saudi Arabia to reinstate the oil export agreement through the joint pipeline”… [Post 1 of 2]
9-27-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana But are they really going to be able to achieve that, with Article 140 still unresolved? The only way to move forward with an actual secession would be to relinquish any claims they have on the disputed territories, and there’s no way that will happen. This is not rocket surgery, my friends! I’ll tell you why I like how this is playing out. They know they are stuck between a rock and a hard place right now with Turkey. Add to that the proposed extension by OPEC, Iraq’s general exemption from said OPEC agreement, the price of oil rising, and everything else on the table… you know, I look outside right now and I see leaves falling alongside the temperature. It makes me think of warm foods like soup and chili… and looking at the situation in Iraq, it looks to me like a recipe for “HCL soup”! Serve it up, I say! The table is set, and we’re hungry. [post 2 of 2]
9-27-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana ...the Kurdish referendum...They did hold their “vote” on Monday, but the result of the actual vote isn’t what I’m focusing on right now. What I AM looking at is the aftermath. Turkey is leaning HARD on the KRG after the referendum. 85% of Kurdish oil exports leave via Turkey, and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdrogan stated point blank that they will close that border if that’s what it takes to get the KRG back in line. This is some serious strong arming! OIL is at a high right now. We’ve all been waiting for the price to go up, and the $60 mark is in sight! Kurdish Regional President Barzani issued a statement regarding the vote, which apparently revealed exactly what we thought would happen - the people voted for Independence. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
9-27-2017 Newshound Guru tman23 IMO...we have 3 to 3 1/2 days and we will know exactly where this is headed and the direction of the currency...
9-27-2017 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke ...the "MOVE" begins Saturday. In our Opinion.
9-27-2017 Newshound Guru chattels The Iraqi government has some hard decisions to make. Perhaps out of this turmoil they will do the things that need to be done for real stability.
9-27-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray Article: "What will happen in the session of the House of Representatives tomorrow?" "The Office of Prime Minister Haider Abadi, on Tuesday, the federal government imposed "administrative" sanctions against Kurdish officials against the backdrop of the referendum, noting that Baghdad will deal with the Kurdistan region as part of Iraq regardless of the referendum." Important meeting tomorrow... Abadi is supposed to be attending this meeting... Again, with the situation that has been ongoing, this is his time to show his ability to lead the country, while being able to establish trust with the whole of Iraq... Good stuff.
9-27-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni [Currently dinar is a dead currency it's not expected anywhere, maybe in Iraq but that doesn't help the investors.] That is not true. It is the currency of Iraq and is used throughout Iraq everyday. It's value will not RV...but rise via...a float to combat inflationary pressure created by investment through the CBI 's Capital Account. That is how it works...The dinar will appreciate in value, just not yet.
9-26-2017 Guest Guru BobTheTaxMan …What are they going to charge? Now that’s an interesting question because I don’t know and quite frankly they probably don’t know either…The amount that they are going to pad onto their exchange rate is going to have some considerations involved into it. How much other stuff are you doing with that bank. Are you going to let their wealth department handle and manage your money? Those are some of the considerations to take a look at…Do like I tell everybody to do when it comes to finding a good tax account or tax attorney, talk to six of them. Go see what they have to offer…There are also going to be some private exchanges [online/offline brokers] available that can exchange that for you as well…they may offer a better deal for doing your exchange than you can ever get out of the banks. [Post 2 of 2]
[NOTE: This should NOT be considered tax or investment advice. It is purely informational and the views of this guru. Speak to your own tax and investment professional at the appropriate time.]
9-26-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru tman23 The results of the vote will be released 72 hours after polls closed (Wednesday).... so far the count shows 93% approval (Yes vote)...In the meantime , Turkey, Iran and Baghdad are freaking out and threatening Kurdistan with cutting of food, clothing, and banking system and even military action... Kurds have remained silent and peaceful...
9-26-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 Abadi has been hard at work while the UN waited, all planned. Re: Referendum vote: What the Kurds are doing is just a rebellion - the UN said no, and no means no. The Kurds were caught stuffing their ballot boxes and the referendum failed, that is why months ago we said pay no attention to the Kurds - this was all planned. The 48 hrs are up - and Abadi is just about ready to make his speech/ or made it! Abadi knew about the 25th months ago - he now needs to make a public speech that the whole of Iraq is now FREE, Welcome International world. Then they go directly into article 8. The big screens are up and right where they need to be. We are watching the next 5 days for Abadi's big speech. Abadi has a date and month, but he can't say it... Next 5 days Abadi can now do what he wants as they are a completely liberated nation. He will make his speech in country.
9-26-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru tman23 The Kurds are a major factor in the monetary reform scheme of things...Baghdad must have their cooperation and commitment otherwise the CBI will never move with such a risk factor at large... Baghdad ...only good at threats and promises not delivered... They are at a real crossroads now... And either your Dinar is going to have value or nobody will want it... Stayed tuned for the end... What a long movie this has been...Don't care to watch the sequel...
9-26-2017 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan The accolades come from with not only red carpet but from the likes of Kings, Princes, Presidents, Emirs, the highest in the Regions! Saudi Arabia and others have the keys for the future and that is support, that is given to Iraq through Abadi's leadership and ability to unit where sectarianism is now lost. They have successfully negotiated investment, industry, agriculture and importantly political and security files. They have retired the sectarianism! They have found deep corruption in so deep and over $300 billion. Yes, this is going to stun the world, and I'll bet in short order in more ways than most will ever imagine! Abadi has said he will keep digging.. I suspect the power house he is, it will to stun the world even more! [post 2 of 2]
9-26-2017 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: "Abadi .. From the fronts of fighting to the diplomacy of the victor" Quotes: "Saudi Arabia expressed its desire for a strategic partnership with the victorious Iraq, promising to enter the Iraqi market..." "...the Amir of Kuwait all members After a successful round of negotiations, investment, industry and agriculture files were discussed..." "...The game was not easy...especially the next on the same plane from an important and successful visit to Saudi Arabia's arch-enemy of Iran...but Abadi could convince the makers of Persian carpets quickly..." "...Al-Abbadi returned to Baghdad and in his bag promises of good Iranian and Gulf restoration of Iraq for its regional role and cultural and cultural status." ..."Iraq has also announced its retirement from the game of sectarianism and concentration in any of its trenches..." This is the most powerful post I have ever seen to date...what a piece it is! If this is not National Reconciliation, I am not sure there is any to be found. Abadi has been to see all three in one flight. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
Dinar Guru WARNING: The below post should NOT be considered tax or investment advice. It is purely informational and the views of this guru. Speak to your own tax and investment professional at the appropriate time ***
9-26-2017 Guest Guru BobTheTaxMan Question: “Which bank should I go to to do the exchange?” First of all why aren’t the banks doing it now? Well there are some that are but the majority are washing their hands of it at the moment. Why? Even though the dinar is already internationally accepted as a currency, it’s still begin treated as an oddity. Mostly because of the fervor and the fever pitch of all the scams and sales that have gone along with it. The banks don’t want to deal with it yet. There’s not enough money in it for them to mess with it. But when that time comes when we do have a change value the banks are obviously going to want want to get their piece of it as well. So you can expect all of the major banks…are going to have their doors open to do an exchange…What are they going to charge? [Post 1 of 2]
[NOTE: This should NOT be considered tax or investment advice. It is purely informational and the views of this guru. Speak to your own tax and investment professional at the appropriate time.]
9-26-2017 Newshound Guru tman23 [So, you thinking that there is value in the dinar in all of this in the near term?] I believe they have to begin reconstruction ASAP...YESTERDAY!!! ... And cannot afford not to have a quick reconciliation of sorts with Erbil... I think we are in the best position ever to get an answer...on where the currency is going.
9-26-2017 Newshound Guru chattels [Are there any results from the referendum?] Nothing official until later in the week I expect. Rudaw reporting high turnouts. One report says 93% + " Yes ". History in the making.
9-26-2017 Newshound Guru payray From a stability standpoint it would not bode well for the Kurds to force the issue of independence... It would definitely have a negative reaction, if not the possibility of war upon this nation if this were to occur at this time... This referendum is nothing more than an opinion vote... It would be best if it remained that way for the time being... Especially as it concerns our investment... I believe most Kurd's would be willing to wait, and see if the current leadership in Baghdad will actually pay their bills, and want harmony with them... In the mean time, there are many nations in the Middle East who have invested a lot of money into Iraq, and right now they see dollar signs...9-25-2017 Guest Guru BobTheTaxMan …What are they going to charge? Now that’s an interesting question because I don’t know and quite frankly they probably don’t know either…The amount that they are going to pad onto their exchange rate is going to have some considerations involved into it. How much other stuff are you doing with that bank. Are you going to let their wealth department handle and manage your money? Those are some of the considerations to take a look at…Do like I tell everybody to do when it comes to finding a good tax account or tax attorney, talk to six of them. Go see what they have to offer…There are also going to be some private exchanges [online/offline brokers] available that can exchange that for you as well…they may offer a better deal for doing your exchange than you can ever get out of the banks. [Post 2 of 2]
[NOTE: This should NOT be considered tax or investment advice. It is purely informational and the views of this guru. Speak to your own tax and investment professional at the appropriate time.]
9-26-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru tman23 The results of the vote will be released 72 hours after polls closed (Wednesday).... so far the count shows 93% approval (Yes vote)...In the meantime , Turkey, Iran and Baghdad are freaking out and threatening Kurdistan with cutting of food, clothing, and banking system and even military action... Kurds have remained silent and peaceful...
9-26-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 Abadi has been hard at work while the UN waited, all planned. Re: Referendum vote: What the Kurds are doing is just a rebellion - the UN said no, and no means no. The Kurds were caught stuffing their ballot boxes and the referendum failed, that is why months ago we said pay no attention to the Kurds - this was all planned. The 48 hrs are up - and Abadi is just about ready to make his speech/ or made it! Abadi knew about the 25th months ago - he now needs to make a public speech that the whole of Iraq is now FREE, Welcome International world. Then they go directly into article 8. The big screens are up and right where they need to be. We are watching the next 5 days for Abadi's big speech. Abadi has a date and month, but he can't say it... Next 5 days Abadi can now do what he wants as they are a completely liberated nation. He will make his speech in country.
9-26-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru tman23 The Kurds are a major factor in the monetary reform scheme of things...Baghdad must have their cooperation and commitment otherwise the CBI will never move with such a risk factor at large... Baghdad ...only good at threats and promises not delivered... They are at a real crossroads now... And either your Dinar is going to have value or nobody will want it... Stayed tuned for the end... What a long movie this has been...Don't care to watch the sequel...
9-26-2017 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan The accolades come from with not only red carpet but from the likes of Kings, Princes, Presidents, Emirs, the highest in the Regions! Saudi Arabia and others have the keys for the future and that is support, that is given to Iraq through Abadi's leadership and ability to unit where sectarianism is now lost. They have successfully negotiated investment, industry, agriculture and importantly political and security files. They have retired the sectarianism! They have found deep corruption in so deep and over $300 billion. Yes, this is going to stun the world, and I'll bet in short order in more ways than most will ever imagine! Abadi has said he will keep digging.. I suspect the power house he is, it will to stun the world even more! [post 2 of 2]
9-26-2017 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: "Abadi .. From the fronts of fighting to the diplomacy of the victor" Quotes: "Saudi Arabia expressed its desire for a strategic partnership with the victorious Iraq, promising to enter the Iraqi market..." "...the Amir of Kuwait all members After a successful round of negotiations, investment, industry and agriculture files were discussed..." "...The game was not easy...especially the next on the same plane from an important and successful visit to Saudi Arabia's arch-enemy of Iran...but Abadi could convince the makers of Persian carpets quickly..." "...Al-Abbadi returned to Baghdad and in his bag promises of good Iranian and Gulf restoration of Iraq for its regional role and cultural and cultural status." ..."Iraq has also announced its retirement from the game of sectarianism and concentration in any of its trenches..." This is the most powerful post I have ever seen to date...what a piece it is! If this is not National Reconciliation, I am not sure there is any to be found. Abadi has been to see all three in one flight. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
Dinar Guru WARNING: The below post should NOT be considered tax or investment advice. It is purely informational and the views of this guru. Speak to your own tax and investment professional at the appropriate time ***
9-26-2017 Guest Guru BobTheTaxMan Question: “Which bank should I go to to do the exchange?” First of all why aren’t the banks doing it now? Well there are some that are but the majority are washing their hands of it at the moment. Why? Even though the dinar is already internationally accepted as a currency, it’s still begin treated as an oddity. Mostly because of the fervor and the fever pitch of all the scams and sales that have gone along with it. The banks don’t want to deal with it yet. There’s not enough money in it for them to mess with it. But when that time comes when we do have a change value the banks are obviously going to want want to get their piece of it as well. So you can expect all of the major banks…are going to have their doors open to do an exchange…What are they going to charge? [Post 1 of 2]
[NOTE: This should NOT be considered tax or investment advice. It is purely informational and the views of this guru. Speak to your own tax and investment professional at the appropriate time.]
9-26-2017 Newshound Guru tman23 [So, you thinking that there is value in the dinar in all of this in the near term?] I believe they have to begin reconstruction ASAP...YESTERDAY!!! ... And cannot afford not to have a quick reconciliation of sorts with Erbil... I think we are in the best position ever to get an answer...on where the currency is going.
9-26-2017 Newshound Guru chattels [Are there any results from the referendum?] Nothing official until later in the week I expect. Rudaw reporting high turnouts. One report says 93% + " Yes ". History in the making.
9-26-2017 Newshound Guru payray From a stability standpoint it would not bode well for the Kurds to force the issue of independence... It would definitely have a negative reaction, if not the possibility of war upon this nation if this were to occur at this time... This referendum is nothing more than an opinion vote... It would be best if it remained that way for the time being... Especially as it concerns our investment... I believe most Kurd's would be willing to wait, and see if the current leadership in Baghdad will actually pay their bills, and want harmony with them... In the mean time, there are many nations in the Middle East who have invested a lot of money into Iraq, and right now they see dollar signs...9-25-2017 Guest Guru BobTheTaxMan …What are they going to charge? Now that’s an interesting question because I don’t know and quite frankly they probably don’t know either…The amount that they are going to pad onto their exchange rate is going to have some considerations involved into it. How much other stuff are you doing with that bank. Are you going to let their wealth department handle and manage your money? Those are some of the considerations to take a look at…Do like I tell everybody to do when it comes to finding a good tax account or tax attorney, talk to six of them. Go see what they have to offer…There are also going to be some private exchanges [online/offline brokers] available that can exchange that for you as well…they may offer a better deal for doing your exchange than you can ever get out of the banks. [Post 2 of 2]
9-25-2017 *** Dinar Guru News Flash *** News outlets from around the globe are reporting that the Kurdish independence vote was NOT postponed...happened earlier today. It's reported as many as 78% of registered voters in the region voted. They'll release the official results later this week. Stay tuned as the gurus chime in with their different perspectives on how this could impact the future of Iraq and the dinar itself. The latest guru posts will continue below...
9-25-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray The people of Kurdistan want peace, and prosperity... The situation is set up for this to occur... Regardless of the referendum's outcome, there will be a united Iraq... Barzani understands this... The relationship with Abadi is good, and with all of the entities holding Baghdad accountable, IMHO, this is all smoke, and mirrors... Investment has continued within this country, and confidence is high... Except how it is portrayed within the media... I believe that at some point in the future the Kurds will be independent... But at this point in time, it will not be... There are valid reasons for this... The plan is for economic prosperity not only for Iraq, but for the world at large as well...
9-25-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 [If they want to have their own country, how does that affect Iraq?] I don’t think that is something we have to worry about. Our banking contacts are still on high expectancy, looking extremely good for this week, from that angle. Sure we could go into October – we just don’t have enough data to determine that, one way or another. We just have to wait and see how it plays out; as for dates, we are in limbo, but we still feel good about the revaluation itself. [post 2 of 2]
*** Dinar Guru WARNING: The below post should NOT be considered tax or investment advice. It is purely informational and the views of this guru. Speak to your own tax and investment professional at the appropriate time ***
9-25-2017 Guest Guru BobTheTaxMan …This [dinar exchange] is NOT going to be treated as capital gains despite what other people may say. It’s not. It’s going to be treated as ordinary income. We don’t qualify for it to be treated as Forex…we’re not actively trading it, we’re holding it as an investment…One one who tells you it’s going to fall in the capital gains arena is incorrect. It’s not going to be that. It’s going to be ordinary income. So we have the two income taxes to deal with…We have the Federal…and the State income tax…[NOTE: This should NOT be considered tax or investment advice. It is purely informational and the views of this guru. Speak to your own tax and investment professional at the appropriate time.]
9-25-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 Citizens were upset because they were hearing that their pay would not be at the new rate as they had expected. Sure enough, someone called me and said they had been paid in Iraq, but not at the new rate. You already know about the politics of Iraq. They are voting on the Kurdish independence referendum, and it will be hours before we have information on that. We did see an IMF report saying that whatever the Kurds do, it won’t affect the finances of the country. I believe that the Kurds are serious about wanting their independence; this is just bad timing. But they are not after what we are after...They want freedom from oppression and a voice in their own future. That’s different from what we are looking for. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
9-25-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru tman23 My belief lies in the lifting of the 3 zeros for international trade...from the point of lifting the 3 zeros the question is how will the 3 zero notes be treated at exchange... Not to debate lops, revaulations, redenominations, lifting 3 zeros, reinstatements... NOBODY KNOWS... Statements by the CBI are in line with redenomination ...and since they are not going to say...WE are increasing the rate...we wait!
9-25-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray Dr. Haider al - Abadi Speech.....Great speech...there is every reason to be positive... The negative news is to be expected... In the end, the success of what has been a lengthy wait for a great many will be rewarded... Remember the news of the past month, and how they have spoken of accomplishing this goal of adding value to the dinar... The Kurds know the deal, and this will look as though that it was their pressure of utilizing the threat of the referendum that will have gotten them what they wanted... PM Abadi's speech is one of unity, and justice for all Iraqi's... It would NOT bode well for the Kurd's if they went ahead with this referendum... Both economically, and as it concerns peace... I believe that Barzani's countrymen want peace, and for this union to succeed... Amidst all of this chaos, and confusion, the plan that has been worked on for so many years, and just waiting for the time to implement, will come to pass...
9-25-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: "The economic situation is bad, and the repetition of the past is not going to work" Quote: "...changes towards the liberalization of the economy from the concept of foreign exchange and provide a currency for the budget, to launch the real sectors that make their currency..." And provide a currency for the budget...now what could that be?
9-25-2017 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77 No we didn't exactly hear what we thought we wanted from Abadi today...or did we...that question remains to be clarified IMO... A wise student though should be keeping a sharp eye on where Abadi is...who he is talking to...and what he is saying...IMO all three are vitally important...both today and even out to the next 24 to 48 hours again IMO... Am I excited...yes I am...I'm looking forward to Iraq making a big move...when...soon... what kind of move... well just watch closely for Abadi...he's the key to their success at the moment I believe... And I want to believe that FM Jaafari has garnered some good support from the UN and a whole pocket full of member countries as well... IMO...the BEST is coming... we are so close... [post 2 of 2]
9-25-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 [If they want to have their own country, how does that affect Iraq?] I don’t think that is something we have to worry about. Our banking contacts are still on high expectancy, looking extremely good for this week, from that angle. Sure we could go into October – we just don’t have enough data to determine that, one way or another. We just have to wait and see how it plays out; as for dates, we are in limbo, but we still feel good about the revaluation itself. [post 2 of 2]
*** Dinar Guru WARNING: The below post should NOT be considered tax or investment advice. It is purely informational and the views of this guru. Speak to your own tax and investment professional at the appropriate time ***
9-25-2017 Guest Guru BobTheTaxMan …This [dinar exchange] is NOT going to be treated as capital gains despite what other people may say. It’s not. It’s going to be treated as ordinary income. We don’t qualify for it to be treated as Forex…we’re not actively trading it, we’re holding it as an investment…One one who tells you it’s going to fall in the capital gains arena is incorrect. It’s not going to be that. It’s going to be ordinary income. So we have the two income taxes to deal with…We have the Federal…and the State income tax…[NOTE: This should NOT be considered tax or investment advice. It is purely informational and the views of this guru. Speak to your own tax and investment professional at the appropriate time.]
9-25-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 Citizens were upset because they were hearing that their pay would not be at the new rate as they had expected. Sure enough, someone called me and said they had been paid in Iraq, but not at the new rate. You already know about the politics of Iraq. They are voting on the Kurdish independence referendum, and it will be hours before we have information on that. We did see an IMF report saying that whatever the Kurds do, it won’t affect the finances of the country. I believe that the Kurds are serious about wanting their independence; this is just bad timing. But they are not after what we are after...They want freedom from oppression and a voice in their own future. That’s different from what we are looking for. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
9-25-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru tman23 My belief lies in the lifting of the 3 zeros for international trade...from the point of lifting the 3 zeros the question is how will the 3 zero notes be treated at exchange... Not to debate lops, revaulations, redenominations, lifting 3 zeros, reinstatements... NOBODY KNOWS... Statements by the CBI are in line with redenomination ...and since they are not going to say...WE are increasing the rate...we wait!
9-25-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray Dr. Haider al - Abadi Speech.....Great speech...there is every reason to be positive... The negative news is to be expected... In the end, the success of what has been a lengthy wait for a great many will be rewarded... Remember the news of the past month, and how they have spoken of accomplishing this goal of adding value to the dinar... The Kurds know the deal, and this will look as though that it was their pressure of utilizing the threat of the referendum that will have gotten them what they wanted... PM Abadi's speech is one of unity, and justice for all Iraqi's... It would NOT bode well for the Kurd's if they went ahead with this referendum... Both economically, and as it concerns peace... I believe that Barzani's countrymen want peace, and for this union to succeed... Amidst all of this chaos, and confusion, the plan that has been worked on for so many years, and just waiting for the time to implement, will come to pass...
9-25-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: "The economic situation is bad, and the repetition of the past is not going to work" Quote: "...changes towards the liberalization of the economy from the concept of foreign exchange and provide a currency for the budget, to launch the real sectors that make their currency..." And provide a currency for the budget...now what could that be?
9-25-2017 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77 No we didn't exactly hear what we thought we wanted from Abadi today...or did we...that question remains to be clarified IMO... A wise student though should be keeping a sharp eye on where Abadi is...who he is talking to...and what he is saying...IMO all three are vitally important...both today and even out to the next 24 to 48 hours again IMO... Am I excited...yes I am...I'm looking forward to Iraq making a big move...when...soon... what kind of move... well just watch closely for Abadi...he's the key to their success at the moment I believe... And I want to believe that FM Jaafari has garnered some good support from the UN and a whole pocket full of member countries as well... IMO...the BEST is coming... we are so close... [post 2 of 2]
9-19-2017 *** Dinar Guru News Update *** Early this morning we received the sad news that longtime Guru SteveI lost his battle with cancer and passed away. He was steadfast in his convictions but long time dinar followers will remember SteveI as instrumental in expanding the reach of dinar information. He will be greatly missed by the community. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his friends, family and loved ones.
(The latest guru updates will continue below...)
(The latest guru updates will continue below...)
9-24-2017 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77 ...may I point to a few things... good things IMO...in fact very good...has anyone been keeping a scorecard on FM Jaafari and who he had "side" meetings with in NYC...those are of the utmost importance IMO...IMO it is those types of meetings where so much can be and often is accomplished...Jaafari as a former Prime Minister of Iraq knows how to be a mover and shaker... IMO Abadi chose this man very wisely to take his place in NYC at the UNGA (United Nations General Assembly) meetings ...he knew Jaafari's experience would be helpful...no he's not Abadi but he still can speak with authority...he had serious meetings with many serious players... And what always seems to happen after a significant entourage comes to the US and then returns to Iraq...MAJOR things seem to magically happen, almost as if a favored hand helps them to move mountains... [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
9-24-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG [reference tman23 post 9-24-2017] This is – best case, a leverage play by Barzani. There is significant unrest in most of the surrounding regions over this situation. Turkey doesn’t like it. Iran doesn’t like it. Iraq doesn’t like it. The IMF doesn’t like it. The UN doesn’t like it. The US doesn’t like it. Explain to me again the “excitement”? It’s not good. However, it may not be anything more than a short-term distraction to currency reform in Iraq.
9-24-2017 Newshound Guru mike Article: "The unemployment rate exceeds the red lines .. graduates and largest victims" Quote: "Unemployment turn out to be endemic and chronic disease in Iraq, including the consequent implications and consequences of social serious in the forefront of poverty , which exceeds the proportion of the "30% of the Iraqi people, with the extreme poverty rate of 10% according to an economist..." Iraq has reached the tipping point, which way will they go?
9-24-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Article: "Barzani: The time has come to demand the postponement of the referendum will not take my people" Quote: "The president of the Kurdistan region, Massoud Barzani, said the claims and calls to postpone the referendum on independence “is over." The title is a little deceiving. However, it also points out Barzani clearly intends to “negotiate” with Baghdad afterwards. The whole thing has the feel of a “squeeze play”. Barzani may well know he has no chance of a true independence play. On the other hand, while this is an “extra-Constitutional” vote, Abadi and the GOI ignore their Constitution when it suits them as well.
9-24-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray Article: "Foreign Minister: Qatar is ready to support Iraq to regain its regional and international role" [With so many countries cheering for them and supporting them we know that our investment will eventually pay some dividends...so many countries have not given up hope on Iraq. IT WILL HAPPEN!] Thats right!... It has been set up to succeed... By those who truly control what goes on within governments... The nations are just mere pawns... Whether all of this bombing is going on on the Kurdish border is actually occurring remains to be seen... Frankly, I am skeptical... All of this confusing news is normally used as a diversionary tactic before something good occurs...
9-24-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru tman23 [You do know that if the ref, gos through we can kiss the rv good by for at the very least another 3 years because all the laws that have been past since Abadi has been in and I'm talking about the good laws that we are all waiting to be implimped include the kurds with out them all the laws have to be rewritten and voted on and implimped, all their judicial laws include the Kurds.] ...I disagree...This is planned...This is something I have been calling for 2 years...Quite frankly I feel very good about the current situation...Allow me to retract very good...and replace it with...GREAT and EXCITED...We shall see...oh shall we see! Southern Iraq is about to crack... Baghdad cannot manage it all... They need the Kurds to handle the North... Abadi knows this... Kurdistan will be the beacon of light for all Iraq... And others in the region will want what Kurdistan has..
9-24-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "The unemployment rate exceeds the red lines .. graduates and largest victimsz" Quote: "...unemployment has become a chronic disease in Iraq , what engenders other consequences in the forefront of poverty , which exceeds the proportion of the" "30% of the Iraqi people who are below the poverty line..." They better activate the market economy (tourism, manufacturing, agriculture, etc.)...or else all hell is going to brake lose.
9-24-2017 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77 Article: "Oil calls for the removal of the oil sector from political conflicts" Quote: "The Oil Ministry confirmed on Saturday that oil is a sovereign wealth and a property of the Iraqi people in all its sectors, including the Kurdistan region..." This appears to spell HCL IMO...oh BUDDY...OH BUDDY...
9-24-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG [reference tman23 post 9-24-2017] This is – best case, a leverage play by Barzani. There is significant unrest in most of the surrounding regions over this situation. Turkey doesn’t like it. Iran doesn’t like it. Iraq doesn’t like it. The IMF doesn’t like it. The UN doesn’t like it. The US doesn’t like it. Explain to me again the “excitement”? It’s not good. However, it may not be anything more than a short-term distraction to currency reform in Iraq.
9-24-2017 Newshound Guru mike Article: "The unemployment rate exceeds the red lines .. graduates and largest victims" Quote: "Unemployment turn out to be endemic and chronic disease in Iraq, including the consequent implications and consequences of social serious in the forefront of poverty , which exceeds the proportion of the "30% of the Iraqi people, with the extreme poverty rate of 10% according to an economist..." Iraq has reached the tipping point, which way will they go?
9-24-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Article: "Barzani: The time has come to demand the postponement of the referendum will not take my people" Quote: "The president of the Kurdistan region, Massoud Barzani, said the claims and calls to postpone the referendum on independence “is over." The title is a little deceiving. However, it also points out Barzani clearly intends to “negotiate” with Baghdad afterwards. The whole thing has the feel of a “squeeze play”. Barzani may well know he has no chance of a true independence play. On the other hand, while this is an “extra-Constitutional” vote, Abadi and the GOI ignore their Constitution when it suits them as well.
9-24-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray Article: "Foreign Minister: Qatar is ready to support Iraq to regain its regional and international role" [With so many countries cheering for them and supporting them we know that our investment will eventually pay some dividends...so many countries have not given up hope on Iraq. IT WILL HAPPEN!] Thats right!... It has been set up to succeed... By those who truly control what goes on within governments... The nations are just mere pawns... Whether all of this bombing is going on on the Kurdish border is actually occurring remains to be seen... Frankly, I am skeptical... All of this confusing news is normally used as a diversionary tactic before something good occurs...
9-24-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru tman23 [You do know that if the ref, gos through we can kiss the rv good by for at the very least another 3 years because all the laws that have been past since Abadi has been in and I'm talking about the good laws that we are all waiting to be implimped include the kurds with out them all the laws have to be rewritten and voted on and implimped, all their judicial laws include the Kurds.] ...I disagree...This is planned...This is something I have been calling for 2 years...Quite frankly I feel very good about the current situation...Allow me to retract very good...and replace it with...GREAT and EXCITED...We shall see...oh shall we see! Southern Iraq is about to crack... Baghdad cannot manage it all... They need the Kurds to handle the North... Abadi knows this... Kurdistan will be the beacon of light for all Iraq... And others in the region will want what Kurdistan has..
9-24-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "The unemployment rate exceeds the red lines .. graduates and largest victimsz" Quote: "...unemployment has become a chronic disease in Iraq , what engenders other consequences in the forefront of poverty , which exceeds the proportion of the" "30% of the Iraqi people who are below the poverty line..." They better activate the market economy (tourism, manufacturing, agriculture, etc.)...or else all hell is going to brake lose.
9-24-2017 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77 Article: "Oil calls for the removal of the oil sector from political conflicts" Quote: "The Oil Ministry confirmed on Saturday that oil is a sovereign wealth and a property of the Iraqi people in all its sectors, including the Kurdistan region..." This appears to spell HCL IMO...oh BUDDY...OH BUDDY...
9-23-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Talabani's son announced acceptance of the US proposal to postpone the referendum" Quote: "The leader of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan Jalal Talabani, Pavel Talabani, announced on Saturday that the Patriotic Union and the Kurdistan Democratic Party decided to accept the American and international proposal to postpone the referendum." ...just because the PUK and Talabani agrees, does not mean Barzani will. In fact, outstate voting has already begun. We will see on Monday what happens inside Iraq.
9-23-2017 Newshound Guru G-Lin Article: "The World Bank is asking the Iraqi government to provide jobs to restore confidence with citizens" ...art. last week from IMF was very emphatic with their instructions. Increase your value and eliminate MCP. I think they are waiting for the security issue they have talked about for 2 years now. And they are very close to accomplishing their fight against ISIS. That may be it. If the Parl. manages to vote that 2nd amendment for CBI through, it could be a timing issue after that. They don't tell us everything. If the debt to Jordan and to Kuwait has been addressed, that would lift them entire from Chap. 7 I believe. The banks have been and continue to be brought up to International standards. Money laundering and corruption are being addressed. Some new currency would go a long way in that corruption fight. Let Abadi take the credit for winning the war and if he gives the peeps some purchasing power, his spot for P.M. next year would seem solid IMO. We are getting there...One thing is for sure, with all of Iraq's wealth, this increase in value will happen...JMO.
9-23-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat "RESTRUCTURING THE IRAQI CURRENCY – PROJECT DELETE THREE ZEROS AND THOUSANDS OF CASH TRANSACTIONS" Quote: "ONE OF THESE SOLUTIONS IS THE REFORM OF THE MONETARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM THROUGH ITS STRUCTURE AND DELETION THE ZEROS of them to control flow and manage the cost of the cash mass optimally." All I can say is WOW, WOW and WOW again. Folks we are witnessing the first steps towards the restarting the “project to delete the zeros”, at least the piece that will lead to what we want...that will bring us to the revaluation.
9-23-2017 Newshound Guru tlm724 Article: "Iran: Kurdistan referendum rejected" Quote: "The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ali Akbar Velayati, said on Saturday that the Islamic Republic of Iran rejects a referendum on Iraq's Kurdistan region and supports what the Iraqi government wants." Iran has made it's objections loud and clear, it's powerful stuff. We will see what happens as Sept 25th nears ... as investers we don't want this referendum to go forward. It will set things back in Iraq! We need them to concentrate on economic reform and policy not all this BS...
9-23-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana [Is this as good as it sounds?] I see a LOT of things that are pointing to major change! Abadi is a positive force in this matter...
9-23-2017 Newshound Guru G-Lin Article: "The World Bank is asking the Iraqi government to provide jobs to restore confidence with citizens" ...art. last week from IMF was very emphatic with their instructions. Increase your value and eliminate MCP. I think they are waiting for the security issue they have talked about for 2 years now. And they are very close to accomplishing their fight against ISIS. That may be it. If the Parl. manages to vote that 2nd amendment for CBI through, it could be a timing issue after that. They don't tell us everything. If the debt to Jordan and to Kuwait has been addressed, that would lift them entire from Chap. 7 I believe. The banks have been and continue to be brought up to International standards. Money laundering and corruption are being addressed. Some new currency would go a long way in that corruption fight. Let Abadi take the credit for winning the war and if he gives the peeps some purchasing power, his spot for P.M. next year would seem solid IMO. We are getting there...One thing is for sure, with all of Iraq's wealth, this increase in value will happen...JMO.
9-23-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat "RESTRUCTURING THE IRAQI CURRENCY – PROJECT DELETE THREE ZEROS AND THOUSANDS OF CASH TRANSACTIONS" Quote: "ONE OF THESE SOLUTIONS IS THE REFORM OF THE MONETARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM THROUGH ITS STRUCTURE AND DELETION THE ZEROS of them to control flow and manage the cost of the cash mass optimally." All I can say is WOW, WOW and WOW again. Folks we are witnessing the first steps towards the restarting the “project to delete the zeros”, at least the piece that will lead to what we want...that will bring us to the revaluation.
9-23-2017 Newshound Guru tlm724 Article: "Iran: Kurdistan referendum rejected" Quote: "The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ali Akbar Velayati, said on Saturday that the Islamic Republic of Iran rejects a referendum on Iraq's Kurdistan region and supports what the Iraqi government wants." Iran has made it's objections loud and clear, it's powerful stuff. We will see what happens as Sept 25th nears ... as investers we don't want this referendum to go forward. It will set things back in Iraq! We need them to concentrate on economic reform and policy not all this BS...
9-23-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana [Is this as good as it sounds?] I see a LOT of things that are pointing to major change! Abadi is a positive force in this matter...
9-22-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 Yesterday we expected PM Abadi to address the UN, and that didn’t happen but he is on the schedule for tomorrow, September 23rd. It’s just a temporary delay and we don’t know exactly what he’s going to say. He did speak to the Iraqi people yesterday, but didn’t make a statement about the revaluation, just that the country is rich and oil, and the citizens will be rich as well. Then he spoke about the armed forces needed to liberate the provinces. So it didn’t have any impact on me, so to speak, because it didn’t talk about the change in pay rates the citizens are expecting on Sunday. However he may have said things that will release that on Sunday; we shall see. Banks are still on high alert, waiting for everything to come down the pike. ...we hope to be looking at this next week if the rates change on Sunday as the citizens expect them to, then the green light will be on at our banks...
9-22-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat The CBI has spoken again on the project to delete the zeros. Quote: “presence of a large mass of zeros that were of little value and disproportionate to developments coming in the present and future of the Iraqi economy” This is exactly what we wanted to hear. It does not get any better than this...other than the RV itself... Folks this means they know they must change the currency and delete these zeros in for the future of the Iraqi economy. Everything I am seeing is pointing towards a January 2018 reinstatement of the currency. There is not one single event as a stitch of evidence but rather a weaved yarn of evidence pointing in this direction. Each time they had to postpone the event due to either Political Instability or Security reasons. I have been told this will not happen again and they are lining this up so they will go this time. But remember they told us the CBI or GOI will not “officially” announce a new timeframe again until the CBI is darn sure they can meet it. [post 2 of 2]
9-22-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat I can...assure you without a shadow of doubt that there will NOT be an RV this weekend... In fact I do not even see a window for next week either... This of course could change but there is nothing to indicate it so far. ...rumors began to fly around ...and ...said Abadi was going to the UN in NYC on Thursday to give his speech to the UN. When he did not show up in NYC on Thursday...everyone is perplexed and don’t know where Abadi is. Folks who care where Abadi is? He is not going to announce the RV or make any speech relating to it or to trigger it. He has told everyone the economic reforms are completed but this does not mean much other than these reforms are in place but now need to be implemented fully. The currency revaluation is a result of these reforms and not the reforms themselves. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
9-22-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana [Do you smell that good ol' HCL coming around the corner...?] I sure do!
9-22-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray Article: "Iraqi oil: the completion of important steps to implement the agreement to export gas to Kuwait" Quote: "Al-Luaibi described the Kuwaiti side's endorsement of "the great achievement achieved after decades, which puts things in perspective and contributes to the settlement of all outstanding issues between the two countries and works to strengthen bilateral relations and expand investment opportunities and prospects for joint cooperation." This is exactly why I believe that Iraq's currency will be on par with Kuwait's... If not more rated higher per dollar... Don't think that the currency value of Iraq is not important to this nation's people when compared to their Kuwaiti neighbors... With far more resources, and the wealth they have been touting about, look for a dramatic increase in the Iraqi dinar...In my humble opinion of course...
9-22-2017 Newshound Guru G-Lin Article quote: "Iraq is close to exporting crude gas to Kuwait as part of an agreement between the two sides, Oil Minister Jabbar al-Luaibi said on Thursday." He said this is a great achievement achieved after decades, which puts things in perspective and contributes to the settlement of all outstanding issues between the two brotherly countries. Maybe the remaining debt to Kuwait is part of this deal.
9-22-2017 Intel Guru Bruce ...also...the ATMS were not live everywhere throughout Iraq. My understanding was 6 hours after that speech tonight [Thursday] ...which we do not know what happened to it, the ATMS would be put into play all over the country... In terms of where we are, I believe we are at the point things got very quiet starting at about 7:15pm tonight EST [Thursday] because we really don’t know where the announcement went from Abadi and whether it has been rescheduled yet. We are waiting again what shouldn’t be too much longer... It is still in a great place. [post 2 of 2]
9-22-2017 Intel Guru Bruce Many of us were looking for a speech by Abadi tonight [Thursday]. He did make a speech...in Iraq on these Jumbotron TV screens...in 9 providences. ...I do not have the content on it, but my understanding is it was a message for the Iraqi people about the RV of the Dinar. It wasn’t broadcasted so we could see it. What we were looking for was an announcement made to the world from the UN that Abadi was suppose to do. My understanding so far at this time he did not make that announcement tonight [Thursday]. We don’t know exactly why it didn’t go or if it was rescheduled to go for another time... It could be that speech was actually given and not aired and would be aired at a later or at an appropriate time. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
9-22-2017 Newshound Guru Militiaman Article: "Kuwait 's economy allocates most of its word in New York about Iraq..." Quote: "The Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah said his country plans to host an international conference next year for donors to support Iraq, in cooperation and coordination with Baghdad and the international community" "This would contribute to strengthening the efforts of national reconciliation among the various components of the Iraqi people and would restore security and stability and preserve the unity, independence and sovereignty of Iraq and create conditions for the start of reconstruction and reconstruction efforts. To their areas." The National Reconciliation may be at their finger tips, within hours and not months or weeks now. A full liberation may just do the trick! It has been said yesterday if I read that right, as in 48 hours.. Time has flown by since..
9-22-2017 Newshound Guru Walkingstick Article: "Confusion over the Iraq speech at the UN that never was" Quotes: "Iraq's prime minister Haider Al-Abadi pulled out of trip to New York amid political crisis at home" "Confusion reigned Thursday afternoon as Iraq’s allotted time to deliver its address to the UN General Assembly came and went – without a word from the Iraqi delegation." Regardless, keep in mind...Whether Abadi or an alternate address the UN, or not... If, they keep up the accelerated pace, as they did in liberating west of Anbar... Claiming, a nearing complete liberation of Iraq (possibly within 48 hours), per articles ... I believe, his addressing the Iraqis and the world.. From, within Iraq... Announcing a complete liberation, secure borders...will have a much greater impact on the Iraqis themselves, and world bodies...then, a speech at the podium of the UN.. It appears, in reading .. he intends to do just that.... We wait, to see...
9-22-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray And we have the fact that Iraq has been boasting this past year about the wealth they have within their country...They are going to need some buying power ASAP... So that this reconstruction, and rebuilding of their economy process can hit the ground running...Lots of orchestration leading up to a moment that will be soon upon us... It has be a dramatic change in value... I am more of the opinion of them coming out at the least the high 2's, and close to 4 dollar range... This country is loaded... One that will instill confidence not only within the ordinary Iraqi citizen... But the world at large as well that Iraq is back in a huge way... [post 2 of 2]
9-22-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat The CBI has spoken again on the project to delete the zeros. Quote: “presence of a large mass of zeros that were of little value and disproportionate to developments coming in the present and future of the Iraqi economy” This is exactly what we wanted to hear. It does not get any better than this...other than the RV itself... Folks this means they know they must change the currency and delete these zeros in for the future of the Iraqi economy. Everything I am seeing is pointing towards a January 2018 reinstatement of the currency. There is not one single event as a stitch of evidence but rather a weaved yarn of evidence pointing in this direction. Each time they had to postpone the event due to either Political Instability or Security reasons. I have been told this will not happen again and they are lining this up so they will go this time. But remember they told us the CBI or GOI will not “officially” announce a new timeframe again until the CBI is darn sure they can meet it. [post 2 of 2]
9-22-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat I can...assure you without a shadow of doubt that there will NOT be an RV this weekend... In fact I do not even see a window for next week either... This of course could change but there is nothing to indicate it so far. ...rumors began to fly around ...and ...said Abadi was going to the UN in NYC on Thursday to give his speech to the UN. When he did not show up in NYC on Thursday...everyone is perplexed and don’t know where Abadi is. Folks who care where Abadi is? He is not going to announce the RV or make any speech relating to it or to trigger it. He has told everyone the economic reforms are completed but this does not mean much other than these reforms are in place but now need to be implemented fully. The currency revaluation is a result of these reforms and not the reforms themselves. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
9-22-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana [Do you smell that good ol' HCL coming around the corner...?] I sure do!
9-22-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray Article: "Iraqi oil: the completion of important steps to implement the agreement to export gas to Kuwait" Quote: "Al-Luaibi described the Kuwaiti side's endorsement of "the great achievement achieved after decades, which puts things in perspective and contributes to the settlement of all outstanding issues between the two countries and works to strengthen bilateral relations and expand investment opportunities and prospects for joint cooperation." This is exactly why I believe that Iraq's currency will be on par with Kuwait's... If not more rated higher per dollar... Don't think that the currency value of Iraq is not important to this nation's people when compared to their Kuwaiti neighbors... With far more resources, and the wealth they have been touting about, look for a dramatic increase in the Iraqi dinar...In my humble opinion of course...
9-22-2017 Newshound Guru G-Lin Article quote: "Iraq is close to exporting crude gas to Kuwait as part of an agreement between the two sides, Oil Minister Jabbar al-Luaibi said on Thursday." He said this is a great achievement achieved after decades, which puts things in perspective and contributes to the settlement of all outstanding issues between the two brotherly countries. Maybe the remaining debt to Kuwait is part of this deal.
9-22-2017 Intel Guru Bruce ...also...the ATMS were not live everywhere throughout Iraq. My understanding was 6 hours after that speech tonight [Thursday] ...which we do not know what happened to it, the ATMS would be put into play all over the country... In terms of where we are, I believe we are at the point things got very quiet starting at about 7:15pm tonight EST [Thursday] because we really don’t know where the announcement went from Abadi and whether it has been rescheduled yet. We are waiting again what shouldn’t be too much longer... It is still in a great place. [post 2 of 2]
9-22-2017 Intel Guru Bruce Many of us were looking for a speech by Abadi tonight [Thursday]. He did make a speech...in Iraq on these Jumbotron TV screens...in 9 providences. ...I do not have the content on it, but my understanding is it was a message for the Iraqi people about the RV of the Dinar. It wasn’t broadcasted so we could see it. What we were looking for was an announcement made to the world from the UN that Abadi was suppose to do. My understanding so far at this time he did not make that announcement tonight [Thursday]. We don’t know exactly why it didn’t go or if it was rescheduled to go for another time... It could be that speech was actually given and not aired and would be aired at a later or at an appropriate time. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
9-22-2017 Newshound Guru Militiaman Article: "Kuwait 's economy allocates most of its word in New York about Iraq..." Quote: "The Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah said his country plans to host an international conference next year for donors to support Iraq, in cooperation and coordination with Baghdad and the international community" "This would contribute to strengthening the efforts of national reconciliation among the various components of the Iraqi people and would restore security and stability and preserve the unity, independence and sovereignty of Iraq and create conditions for the start of reconstruction and reconstruction efforts. To their areas." The National Reconciliation may be at their finger tips, within hours and not months or weeks now. A full liberation may just do the trick! It has been said yesterday if I read that right, as in 48 hours.. Time has flown by since..
9-22-2017 Newshound Guru Walkingstick Article: "Confusion over the Iraq speech at the UN that never was" Quotes: "Iraq's prime minister Haider Al-Abadi pulled out of trip to New York amid political crisis at home" "Confusion reigned Thursday afternoon as Iraq’s allotted time to deliver its address to the UN General Assembly came and went – without a word from the Iraqi delegation." Regardless, keep in mind...Whether Abadi or an alternate address the UN, or not... If, they keep up the accelerated pace, as they did in liberating west of Anbar... Claiming, a nearing complete liberation of Iraq (possibly within 48 hours), per articles ... I believe, his addressing the Iraqis and the world.. From, within Iraq... Announcing a complete liberation, secure borders...will have a much greater impact on the Iraqis themselves, and world bodies...then, a speech at the podium of the UN.. It appears, in reading .. he intends to do just that.... We wait, to see...
9-22-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray And we have the fact that Iraq has been boasting this past year about the wealth they have within their country...They are going to need some buying power ASAP... So that this reconstruction, and rebuilding of their economy process can hit the ground running...Lots of orchestration leading up to a moment that will be soon upon us... It has be a dramatic change in value... I am more of the opinion of them coming out at the least the high 2's, and close to 4 dollar range... This country is loaded... One that will instill confidence not only within the ordinary Iraqi citizen... But the world at large as well that Iraq is back in a huge way... [post 2 of 2]
9-21-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray I believe it will come out at a higher rate simply because of the bills that have to be paid... Iraqi's will not be happy with a lower rate... When I say higher rate I am talking about a rate that will be more that just 1 to 1.... 1.30 dollars to 1 dinar ect for example... This is how they are going to get the higher notes off of the streets... Something they have been writing about as of late quite frequently... The Iraqi people will not be very happy with a .05 cent to 1 dinar rate in any way shape, or form... They have been waiting patiently for far too long... Especially when you have Jordan at 1.40 dollars to 1, and of course Kuwait at 3 plus dollars to 1 dinar... [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
9-21-2017 Newshound Guru Enorrste Article: "Private Banks Association organizes a workshop on safety requirements for financial systems conversion" Quote: "This workshop comes at a very important time is determinedly Iraqi banks open up to the regional and international banks and boost confidence between them to reflect positively on the banking sector." It seems to me that this movement that we are seeing on several different fronts at this time is being driven quietly from the IMF in the background. They stated last year that it was their intention to bring Iraq into the world market in the first half of 2017. They did not make that goal, obviously, but we continue to see progress (at the Iraqi rate, unfortunately) toward that goal. This symposium/training is clearly geared, as KAP [Guru Kaperoni] has rightly stated, to something that is "on the horizon" rather than down the road a way. I would not be surprised to see Iraq move into Article 8 late this year and start the float either at that time or at the beginning of next year. Saleh seemed to indicate some time ago that changes like these must take place at the beginning of a year. [reference Guru Kaperoni post 9-21-2017]
9-21-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Private Banks Association organizes a workshop on safety requirements for financial systems conversion" Quote: "This workshop comes at a very important time is determinedly Iraqi banks open up to the regional and international banks and boost confidence between them to reflect positively on the banking sector." I have said this before, you don't train people for a task they will be doing a year from now. This to me clearly implies they expect to engage with the worlds banking system within a few months or less. We can hope.
9-21-2017 Newshound Guru G-Lin It's a little slow on news. Today is a holiday in Iraq. Islamic New Year...A lot of good stuff going on currently. Maybe the calm before the storm.
9-21-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: "Kuwait to help Iraq fulfill UNSC commitments" Quote: "Kuwait said Wednesday it would cooperate with Iraq to fulfill commitments towards Kuwait as listed in UN Security Council resolutions..." Today we have KW [Kuwait] backing A [Abadi ?] and Iraq ...Nice (big smile).
9-21-2017 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan I am glad to see that Iraq is openly speaking about full liberation of their country if I read that right today. They have made immense progress under the leadership of Abadi. They deserve a leader like him to bring peace, unity and reconciliation. They now deserve to have what that brings too. A fully convertible currency that is not restricted and is back to her former glory! Let's see if that holds true, they are the ones who said that it will be... Today is the 21st of the month. We have read where that is the day business owners submit if you will the data for the remittance's to be paid on the 28th of the month. I wonder if that holds true today?
9-21-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 [Did they say $3.71 at the national rate for Iraq?] You will see 3.71 is the international rate, so far as I am being told. However, that is the sell rate, not the buy rate. That is the rate the bank will SELL the dinar to you, and the BUY rate is what the bank will offer to you in exchange for your dinar. The $3.71 will be the rate you see on the screen, and the bank will tell you what rate they will buy your dinar at – they will be upfront with that. There are always two rates for any currency. Those are the rates we were told two years ago...
9-21-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana ...after the initial 3-6 months, resume normal auctions and let the market determine the future rate. This is the "Float" period, where the market can easily drive up the value to $1 and beyond. That initial 3-6 months allows the CBI to directly manipulate the currency supply, possibly introduce an entirely new printed currency, and control their expenditures while simultaneously profiting from the exchanges. [post 2 of 2]
9-21-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana [...assuming the CBI elects to "Float" the Dinar from it's current value and removing zero's maybe one at a time...do you see this process taking up to a year...to have a value close to 1 to 1 with the us dollar? ...how long from the time they start the "Float" until (you believe) they start removing the large denomination bills (those bills larger than 100 IQD).] yes, the float process could certainly take up to a year, maybe more or less. I believe we'll be looking at a hybrid situation between peg/float - a likely scenario is this: First, revalue to around 10 cents per USD. (It is almost certain to remain pegged to the USD at this time, regardless of how they revalue.) That rate could be "fixed" for a period of 3 months, up to 6 months, while the larger denominations are collected and removed. This is the "Pegged" period. Next... [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
9-21-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray [Big Screen TV erected , “The screen will be for the purpose of announcing the results of the upcoming elections and placed at the entrance of the House of Representatives..." Other articles had said that Abadi will be in NEW YORK to give a speech to the UN on Thursday the 21. ] The local elections were cancelled...unto further notice... They were supposed to be on the 16th of Sept... They informed the public via the media on the 17th... I wonder who showed up only to find out no voting... It would not surprise me if there is a smoke screen of sorts going on here... Abadi is playing the rope a dope as to whether or not he is going to New York, or sticking around in his native country... Interesting time, and this has the potential of being a very eventful week for the Iraqi people, as well as us dinar investors... I am a bit stoked about it frankly...
9-21-2017 Newshound Guru chattels Kurdistan and the world need to be prepared for any eventuality. The only thing I am reasonably sure of is that there will be a referendum and the Kurds will vote for independence. What follows is unknown. Iraq is unpredictable. Period.
9-21-2017 Newshound Guru Enorrste Article: "Private Banks Association organizes a workshop on safety requirements for financial systems conversion" Quote: "This workshop comes at a very important time is determinedly Iraqi banks open up to the regional and international banks and boost confidence between them to reflect positively on the banking sector." It seems to me that this movement that we are seeing on several different fronts at this time is being driven quietly from the IMF in the background. They stated last year that it was their intention to bring Iraq into the world market in the first half of 2017. They did not make that goal, obviously, but we continue to see progress (at the Iraqi rate, unfortunately) toward that goal. This symposium/training is clearly geared, as KAP [Guru Kaperoni] has rightly stated, to something that is "on the horizon" rather than down the road a way. I would not be surprised to see Iraq move into Article 8 late this year and start the float either at that time or at the beginning of next year. Saleh seemed to indicate some time ago that changes like these must take place at the beginning of a year. [reference Guru Kaperoni post 9-21-2017]
9-21-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Private Banks Association organizes a workshop on safety requirements for financial systems conversion" Quote: "This workshop comes at a very important time is determinedly Iraqi banks open up to the regional and international banks and boost confidence between them to reflect positively on the banking sector." I have said this before, you don't train people for a task they will be doing a year from now. This to me clearly implies they expect to engage with the worlds banking system within a few months or less. We can hope.
9-21-2017 Newshound Guru G-Lin It's a little slow on news. Today is a holiday in Iraq. Islamic New Year...A lot of good stuff going on currently. Maybe the calm before the storm.
9-21-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: "Kuwait to help Iraq fulfill UNSC commitments" Quote: "Kuwait said Wednesday it would cooperate with Iraq to fulfill commitments towards Kuwait as listed in UN Security Council resolutions..." Today we have KW [Kuwait] backing A [Abadi ?] and Iraq ...Nice (big smile).
9-21-2017 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan I am glad to see that Iraq is openly speaking about full liberation of their country if I read that right today. They have made immense progress under the leadership of Abadi. They deserve a leader like him to bring peace, unity and reconciliation. They now deserve to have what that brings too. A fully convertible currency that is not restricted and is back to her former glory! Let's see if that holds true, they are the ones who said that it will be... Today is the 21st of the month. We have read where that is the day business owners submit if you will the data for the remittance's to be paid on the 28th of the month. I wonder if that holds true today?
9-21-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 [Did they say $3.71 at the national rate for Iraq?] You will see 3.71 is the international rate, so far as I am being told. However, that is the sell rate, not the buy rate. That is the rate the bank will SELL the dinar to you, and the BUY rate is what the bank will offer to you in exchange for your dinar. The $3.71 will be the rate you see on the screen, and the bank will tell you what rate they will buy your dinar at – they will be upfront with that. There are always two rates for any currency. Those are the rates we were told two years ago...
9-21-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana ...after the initial 3-6 months, resume normal auctions and let the market determine the future rate. This is the "Float" period, where the market can easily drive up the value to $1 and beyond. That initial 3-6 months allows the CBI to directly manipulate the currency supply, possibly introduce an entirely new printed currency, and control their expenditures while simultaneously profiting from the exchanges. [post 2 of 2]
9-21-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana [...assuming the CBI elects to "Float" the Dinar from it's current value and removing zero's maybe one at a time...do you see this process taking up to a year...to have a value close to 1 to 1 with the us dollar? ...how long from the time they start the "Float" until (you believe) they start removing the large denomination bills (those bills larger than 100 IQD).] yes, the float process could certainly take up to a year, maybe more or less. I believe we'll be looking at a hybrid situation between peg/float - a likely scenario is this: First, revalue to around 10 cents per USD. (It is almost certain to remain pegged to the USD at this time, regardless of how they revalue.) That rate could be "fixed" for a period of 3 months, up to 6 months, while the larger denominations are collected and removed. This is the "Pegged" period. Next... [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
9-21-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray [Big Screen TV erected , “The screen will be for the purpose of announcing the results of the upcoming elections and placed at the entrance of the House of Representatives..." Other articles had said that Abadi will be in NEW YORK to give a speech to the UN on Thursday the 21. ] The local elections were cancelled...unto further notice... They were supposed to be on the 16th of Sept... They informed the public via the media on the 17th... I wonder who showed up only to find out no voting... It would not surprise me if there is a smoke screen of sorts going on here... Abadi is playing the rope a dope as to whether or not he is going to New York, or sticking around in his native country... Interesting time, and this has the potential of being a very eventful week for the Iraqi people, as well as us dinar investors... I am a bit stoked about it frankly...
9-21-2017 Newshound Guru chattels Kurdistan and the world need to be prepared for any eventuality. The only thing I am reasonably sure of is that there will be a referendum and the Kurds will vote for independence. What follows is unknown. Iraq is unpredictable. Period.
9-20-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 Thursday is a holiday, and banks are closed on Friday anyway, but Sunday the banks are open in Iraq, and that is the day they expect to receive their pay, and they expect it at the new rate – and that is probably what Abadi will announce on Thursday, with the rate being released on Sunday the 24th. The Kurds have already put out the message that their citizens will be paid on Thursday under the new rate... There’s also a possibility that from late tonight the ATMs will start dispensing the new lower denominations. We shall see. We also have screen rates being reported to us from various sources: dinar @ $3.71, and dong @ 47 cents. That’s nothing new, but it is coming from more sources, and that says something. We are expecting a lot in the next few days. I think it is time for the chips to start falling. [post 2 of 2]
9-20-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 ...the information coming from the CBI and the Iraqi television continues to tell the citizens over there that their currency will gain in value in the month of September. In addition to that, the television is urging people to do their banking, and what to do when the lower denominations come into play. The campaign is letting them know something is happening... All eyes are now on Thursday, when Abadi is making a speech to the UN. Info has already come out that he will be making a presentation on ‘internationalism’...it will be broadcast in all the provinces at 6.30 Iraqi time. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
9-20-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana Other tidbits - the current OPEC agreement contains a limit on production, which Iraq is essentially exempt from. Yet Iraq and the rest of the members of OPEC seem to be glossing over that small fact...in fact, the Iraqi Oil Minister just this week said they are in agreement to extend that contract, speaking as if Iraq was actually taking part in it. I laughed out loud when I read that! They are playing their cards well. There are representatives from Baghdad visiting Erbil, I believe tomorrow (Thursday). I’m very interested to see what this brings, and I’m crossing my fingers that we see some HCL news. That is what this all comes down to, after all. HCL = RV = $$$ for Iraqis (Kurds are included in that group!) and this whole referendum gets set aside for a couple years. Maybe they will pick it back up in the future, and maybe they will actually secede and become their own country...but at that point, I’m not sure if I’ll even care, because the RV will be done and we will all have moved on.
9-20-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana The HCL has been dragging on for too long at this point. ISIS was a factor. That’s done. After Saddam was removed, they had a lot of cleaning up to do. Iraq is looking pretty darn tidy! Yes, they have issues...so does Turkey, Kuwait, the United States and every other country with a higher valued currency. The Turkish Lira is 30 cents to the dollar. One USD will only get you a third of a Kuwaiti Dinar. It has not been so long since the Iraqi Dinar was also within that range, or higher, and you can bet that they remember and know that fact much more than any of us. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
9-20-2017 Intel Guru Bruce When it comes to the rates, I just going to say the rates have been traded. We know there is some movement up again. I think we all are going to be very pleased. I am hearing some really very positive things about things that should be going down...tomorrow thru Friday. I am not trying to call it. This is not calling it. I am just telling you the timing is right. Everything is ready. Speeches are meaningful. They mean something especially Abadi speech. Then following Abadi on Thursday morning EST, I believe the new head of CBI is going to give speech also from the CBI in Iraq. I believe that speech will be carried on throughout Iraq as well. I think that is when they will get information about their currency rate so on. That is only my opinion what might happen. [post 2 of 2]
9-20-2017 Intel Guru Bruce Iraq has erected 7 huge screen monitors, something you see at a huge football arena to give you replays... sent by China to Iraq in 7 different provinces in Iraq. For what purpose? Why would they be there in 7 provinces in Iraq? They are there so the Iraqis can see firsthand Abadi making the speech in the UN on Thursday morning, New York time. That is big, and so big that Iraq is calling Thursday, September 22, sort of a holiday. What else? What would be announced? You can only guess how deep will it go? They were supposed to be paid at the new rates all over the country. I am talking about salary pensions, profit sharing, everything you can think of at the new rate on Thursday, but because of this holiday they pushed all of that to Sunday... All of those new payments will go out at the new rate on Sunday. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
9-20-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana The distinction between the Kurdish Regional Government and actual Iraqi government is a big deal. The Kurds actually signed and helped write at least the portion of the Iraqi constitution that makes such a referendum illegal. This simply clarifies that the Kurds are not an autonomous people - they are technically (politically speaking) Iraqis. That means Baghdad trumps Erbil. The United States, Turkey, and other countries have voiced disapproval of the separation, but here is the end-of-the-road... ...I don’t think a separation will happen.... Let’s look back at the last 2, 3, 5, heck...TEN years...how long have we been hearing about the Kurds threatening to secede? It’s always been a topic, but only recently it is in the news daily. Why would that be, one might ask...the answer is simple. We are on the cusp of some major happenings. [post 2 of 2]
9-20-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana It’s been a while getting here, and nobody knows where exactly “here” is quite yet, but what I DO know is we have a LOT going on right now! There is an upcoming referendum in just a few days where the KRG (Kurdistan Regional Government) is attempting to “vote” on “Independence”. While the “vote” isn’t something I’m personally putting a lot of weight on, the statements and actions surrounding and connected to it are certainly worth paying attention to. Abadi had previously spoken out against the referendum (scheduled for Sept 25th), but now the Supreme Court (Iraq) has actually issued a ruling ordering them to completely suspend any preparations for such a vote, based on it being “unconstitutional”. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
9-20-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray The Media Office the PM- Twitter... "Dr. Haider Abadi: Oil for all Iraqis, land for all Iraqis, and wealth for all Iraqis." If that does not get the Iraqi citizens just a little excited!... All I can say is that I hope they deliver simply because there seems to be a buildup of sorts... A huge party on Thursday evening, putting up giant screens at the parliament building, the CBI governor sponsoring this huge event along with bank representatives, and last but not least, all of this talk of increasing the dinar's value during this last year... The CBI governor is even going to be at this gathering during this World Peace gathering... Why I ask?... Not trying to give anyone false hope, but if we are not just a little excited about this coming week... Being a little enlivened is not such a bad thing is it?...
9-20-2017 Newshound Guru chattels Article: "Abadi renews his rejection of the referendum and calls for adherence to the unity of iraq" My sense is that this crisis over the referendum will prove to be largely rhetorical. I believe that Abadi would have preferred to not have commented so strongly against the KUrds, but there are pressures on him from the National Alliance in Baghdad to do something.
9-20-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "The CBI confirmed the possibility of expanding electronic payment activities" Quote: "The Central Bank called on mobile phone companies to adopt the new regulations issued by them to work in accordance with the developments of the work of the retail payment system" More expansion of electronic payment systems. This time payment through cell phones. ...this is all good. No need to issue paper notes anymore back into circulation. This is all good as part of the project to delete the zeros.
9-20-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 ...the information coming from the CBI and the Iraqi television continues to tell the citizens over there that their currency will gain in value in the month of September. In addition to that, the television is urging people to do their banking, and what to do when the lower denominations come into play. The campaign is letting them know something is happening... All eyes are now on Thursday, when Abadi is making a speech to the UN. Info has already come out that he will be making a presentation on ‘internationalism’...it will be broadcast in all the provinces at 6.30 Iraqi time. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
9-20-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana Other tidbits - the current OPEC agreement contains a limit on production, which Iraq is essentially exempt from. Yet Iraq and the rest of the members of OPEC seem to be glossing over that small fact...in fact, the Iraqi Oil Minister just this week said they are in agreement to extend that contract, speaking as if Iraq was actually taking part in it. I laughed out loud when I read that! They are playing their cards well. There are representatives from Baghdad visiting Erbil, I believe tomorrow (Thursday). I’m very interested to see what this brings, and I’m crossing my fingers that we see some HCL news. That is what this all comes down to, after all. HCL = RV = $$$ for Iraqis (Kurds are included in that group!) and this whole referendum gets set aside for a couple years. Maybe they will pick it back up in the future, and maybe they will actually secede and become their own country...but at that point, I’m not sure if I’ll even care, because the RV will be done and we will all have moved on.
9-20-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana The HCL has been dragging on for too long at this point. ISIS was a factor. That’s done. After Saddam was removed, they had a lot of cleaning up to do. Iraq is looking pretty darn tidy! Yes, they have issues...so does Turkey, Kuwait, the United States and every other country with a higher valued currency. The Turkish Lira is 30 cents to the dollar. One USD will only get you a third of a Kuwaiti Dinar. It has not been so long since the Iraqi Dinar was also within that range, or higher, and you can bet that they remember and know that fact much more than any of us. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
9-20-2017 Intel Guru Bruce When it comes to the rates, I just going to say the rates have been traded. We know there is some movement up again. I think we all are going to be very pleased. I am hearing some really very positive things about things that should be going down...tomorrow thru Friday. I am not trying to call it. This is not calling it. I am just telling you the timing is right. Everything is ready. Speeches are meaningful. They mean something especially Abadi speech. Then following Abadi on Thursday morning EST, I believe the new head of CBI is going to give speech also from the CBI in Iraq. I believe that speech will be carried on throughout Iraq as well. I think that is when they will get information about their currency rate so on. That is only my opinion what might happen. [post 2 of 2]
9-20-2017 Intel Guru Bruce Iraq has erected 7 huge screen monitors, something you see at a huge football arena to give you replays... sent by China to Iraq in 7 different provinces in Iraq. For what purpose? Why would they be there in 7 provinces in Iraq? They are there so the Iraqis can see firsthand Abadi making the speech in the UN on Thursday morning, New York time. That is big, and so big that Iraq is calling Thursday, September 22, sort of a holiday. What else? What would be announced? You can only guess how deep will it go? They were supposed to be paid at the new rates all over the country. I am talking about salary pensions, profit sharing, everything you can think of at the new rate on Thursday, but because of this holiday they pushed all of that to Sunday... All of those new payments will go out at the new rate on Sunday. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
9-20-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana The distinction between the Kurdish Regional Government and actual Iraqi government is a big deal. The Kurds actually signed and helped write at least the portion of the Iraqi constitution that makes such a referendum illegal. This simply clarifies that the Kurds are not an autonomous people - they are technically (politically speaking) Iraqis. That means Baghdad trumps Erbil. The United States, Turkey, and other countries have voiced disapproval of the separation, but here is the end-of-the-road... ...I don’t think a separation will happen.... Let’s look back at the last 2, 3, 5, heck...TEN years...how long have we been hearing about the Kurds threatening to secede? It’s always been a topic, but only recently it is in the news daily. Why would that be, one might ask...the answer is simple. We are on the cusp of some major happenings. [post 2 of 2]
9-20-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana It’s been a while getting here, and nobody knows where exactly “here” is quite yet, but what I DO know is we have a LOT going on right now! There is an upcoming referendum in just a few days where the KRG (Kurdistan Regional Government) is attempting to “vote” on “Independence”. While the “vote” isn’t something I’m personally putting a lot of weight on, the statements and actions surrounding and connected to it are certainly worth paying attention to. Abadi had previously spoken out against the referendum (scheduled for Sept 25th), but now the Supreme Court (Iraq) has actually issued a ruling ordering them to completely suspend any preparations for such a vote, based on it being “unconstitutional”. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
9-20-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru payray The Media Office the PM- Twitter... "Dr. Haider Abadi: Oil for all Iraqis, land for all Iraqis, and wealth for all Iraqis." If that does not get the Iraqi citizens just a little excited!... All I can say is that I hope they deliver simply because there seems to be a buildup of sorts... A huge party on Thursday evening, putting up giant screens at the parliament building, the CBI governor sponsoring this huge event along with bank representatives, and last but not least, all of this talk of increasing the dinar's value during this last year... The CBI governor is even going to be at this gathering during this World Peace gathering... Why I ask?... Not trying to give anyone false hope, but if we are not just a little excited about this coming week... Being a little enlivened is not such a bad thing is it?...
9-20-2017 Newshound Guru chattels Article: "Abadi renews his rejection of the referendum and calls for adherence to the unity of iraq" My sense is that this crisis over the referendum will prove to be largely rhetorical. I believe that Abadi would have preferred to not have commented so strongly against the KUrds, but there are pressures on him from the National Alliance in Baghdad to do something.
9-20-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "The CBI confirmed the possibility of expanding electronic payment activities" Quote: "The Central Bank called on mobile phone companies to adopt the new regulations issued by them to work in accordance with the developments of the work of the retail payment system" More expansion of electronic payment systems. This time payment through cell phones. ...this is all good. No need to issue paper notes anymore back into circulation. This is all good as part of the project to delete the zeros.
9-19-2017 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke THE NEXT 5 DAYS are...BIG...but it’s NOT the End. YET. the Foggy Path really clears up this week, finally after over 12 years. We’re NOT calling an RV DATE or an RV RATE...There’s a Proverbial Record Setting HURRICANE COMING!...and the Winds are picking up Speed Rapidly...Find the “EYE”...wait for it. MOVE on the 4th DAY. “GET YOUR AFFAIRS IN ORDER” NOW.
9-19-2017 Newshound Guru Shredd Article: "IMF calls for the restructuring of the rati
9-19-2017 Newshound Guru Shredd Article: "IMF calls for the restructuring of the rati